Quartz Hair is a stone unique beauty. Rutile (hair) quartz. Magic and Medical Properties

Hairstyle- Quartz (rhinestone) with the finest hair-like or needle inclusions of rutile crystals, actinolite, gothitis or (rarely) black tourmaline (Sherla). Rutile, in large crystals having a black or brown color, in thin needle crystalsgolden-yellow different shades, sometimes orange, and with a strong diamond glitter. Therefore, such inclusions resemble gold, and rutile hairstyle is unusually beautiful, used in jewelry in the form of cabochons and is very appreciated. Mineral Rutile provides charming golden inclusions and forms the most expensive stone from a quartz family (rutile, located star, also increases the value of ruby).

Legend of the origin of the stone.

The easiest of the origin of hairstyle was explained by the ancient Romans. The Goddess of Love Venus, bathes in the mountain source, lost strand of their wonderful gold hair. Having discovered the loss, they returned them to pick them up, but since the time on Olympus flows much slower than the earthly (there were a few moments, and on earth), winter came, and the water froze together with her hair. Initially, Venus was very upset. But the hair in frozen water looked so beautiful that the goddess decided not to take a strand, and so that no one could bring to the divine curls, turned the ice into a transparent stone. And since then, people find a womb crystal storing Venus's hair. Another name of their - "Arrow Amur".

Direct needle inclusions regardless of the color are called the Amur archers, and the curved and intertwined inclusions - the hair of Venus. On another interpretation, the arrows of the Amur are black inclusions, and the hair of Venus is golden. There is one more opinion that the arrows of Amur are thick, and the hair of Venus is thin crystals.

"Mokhovaya Crystal" (green hair) is a crystal with the inclusions of green actinolithic and epidote. Creates the impression that in the ice flooded her grass. Very similar appearance on Mokhovaya Agat. Mascot of sincere rest and health.

"Phantom" - when other minerals grow up on the grains of crystals that existed earlier, it creates the impression of a castle closed in ice.
Crystals-phantom mining crystal - stones with creative vibration. They have the ability to combine people together: set up the healer and the patient together on each other, connect together those who have to part if each stores one crystal, increase the ability to telepathy.

It is curious that in the east, Chrysotriks gave completely different properties. Here he was called "the philosophical stone of the East" and considered the most precious of all gemstones. Muslims called quartz hairs with black straight crystalline inclusions of the mugomete beard.

Synonyms: Venus's hair, herish stone, needle stone, arrows of Amur, Chrysotriks.

Sometimes these "hair" and "arrows" are so thick that the mineral, from which they consist, stains the crystal containing their color. So, for example, rutile needles give crystal a reddish tint, fibers and threads of asbestos - white or silver, actinolite crystals and epidota - green, and horny bells and black tourmaline - dark.

In European countries, he was considered - and such an opinion is still a loving talisman. It is said that he helps his owner to gain long-awaited mutual feelings and protects lovers. About his origin even folded the legend.
In Russia, Chrysotriks had a great success in Catherine II. Believers about his love strength was so common that the stone was used not only for jewelry, but even inserted into buttons as a love mascot. We wore it and just like a decoration, admiring the wonders of nature.

In Russia, habies were especially valued in the second half of the 18th century and were famous stones of the modern and old capital. Jewelry fashion for crystal appeared in Russia to the reign of Catherine II, but it was not valued for crystal purity, but for foreign inclusions. The more bizarre was the stone, the higher its price. Of these, the various insertions in jewelry are mainly manufactured. In those days, it was believed that the number and the amount of hairs exposed to the patent is evidence of the formation of their owners. One of the favorite accessories in the Epoch of Catherine II is a product with a "phantom".
By the beginning of the XIX century, figurines, figurines, clamping from crystal were included. And at the turn of the nineteenth century, Karl Faberge glorified him.

Magic properties

Rutile Quartz It was already known to people for many millennia ago. The stone is considered the most powerful informative. Rutile Quartz enhances beauty, attractiveness, sexual energy. He wakes up fantasy and inspiration from creative people helps in personal affairs, wealth and success with him are always accompanied. Protects from magic. Stimulates a carnal passion and sublime spiritual love. It is believed that rings and pendants with rutile quartz slow down the aging process. Rutile Quartz Movediates longing, sadness of loneliness, gives his owner the gift of foresight and allows you to predict the future. Muslims consider quartz hairs with black straight crystalline inclusions of sacred stones, calling their mugomete beard. In the east rutile Quartz (the precious stone) was called the philosophical stone of the East.

Rutile Quartz Used Egyptian magicians to commit magical action. Yes, and in European countries, rutile quartz is often used for predictions. It is believed that this crystal develops supernatural abilities in man. Modern Magic practitioners suggest that the strong magical properties of Rutile Quartz acquired thanks to the entrances of rutile, significantly increased the properties of quartz. The charm of this crystal protects its owner from the intervention of someone else's magic, the evil eye and envious thoughts of ill-wishers. Rutile Quartz patronate people born under the signs of Taurus and twins. It helps to find the inner harmony. Gemini - reveal the hidden talents.

Medical properties
In some countries of the world, ancient times was believed that products from rutile Quartz Protect longevity. Lithotherapeuts suggest that this mineral increases immunity, facilitates colds, as well as diseases of the throat and respiratory tract. Representatives of traditional medicine believe that rutile Quartz Helps to remove the negative effects of radiation. It is the opinion that greenish-gray minerals contribute to strengthening the nervous system, normalize sleep and cure from insomnia.

Rutile Quartz affects the chakra of solar plexus.

Talismans and amulets
Rutile Quartz - The mascot of people engaged in art, as well as magicians and clairvoyant. Talisman can be rings and rings. His owner Talisman is able to bring happiness in personal life, increase the power of talent, protect against longing and depression. As an amulet use pendants and pendants from rutile quartz. Such an amulet is able to attract love.

The hairstyle contains a very favorable combination of Neptune and Venus, it is recommended to all who are allocated or well accentuated in the personal horoscope these planets. Especially good for the calves, it helps to find the inner harmony, and find a happy love, and weights that hidden talents helps, and realize themselves. There are no special contraindications for hair, it is not suitable, perhaps, only Aries who do not extract any benefit from his wearing.
It is believed that rings and pendants with rutile quartz slow down the aging process. The charm of this stone protects its owner from the intervention of someone else's magic, the evil eye and envious thoughts of ill-wishers. For love purposes, it is recommended to wear it in the form of a coup or suspension together with a tiny mirror (hair is magically associated with reflection in the mirrors), better closer to the heart. For magical purposes and as a chart, more suites are suitable or rings with a large crystal or a crystal without a rim.
The only warning - any hairs should not wear all the time, you need to shoot from time to time. It is said that he helps his owner to gain long-awaited mutual feelings and protects lovers.
As a talisman, quartz should be sent to silver - in combination with this metal, it attracts good luck, success, material well-being, gives faithful love.

Well, a little beauty)))

It is impossible to not pay attention to the hairstyle. It is so beautiful how interesting the legends about his appearance and the creation of the Goddess of Love Venus. The beauty of creation is comparable only with its luxury curls.

History and origin

To create a natural gem of legends and legends put one of the most beautiful goddesses. That is why the names of crystals are like compared:

  • arrows Amur;
  • cupid arrow;
  • aphrodite hair;
  • locks of Venus.

There are more understandable and simple names - the hedgehog or needle mineral.

The legend of the appearance of a stone is so beautiful that it reached today. The goddess of love wanted to swim in one of the crystal clear mountain lakes of the Earth. She descended from heaven to the ground and stepped into the lake. The goddess could not see that during swimming, one of the gold curls was lost. When the loss was discovered, the time passed that there was much faster on Earth than that of celestials. The goddess returned and found his curl. But the ice fed the cool lake, the hair was squeezed and turned into crystals of extraordinary beauty and grace. Venus with admiration examined the creation of ice and cold. She wanted to give an extraordinary creation of people. The goddess turned the ice to the fossil. Another version changes fairy tale.

The goddess left the crest on the shore of the lake, where she had bathed. Nymphs began to argue because of Venus's hair. So that the curls lack the fucking girls, the goddess hid her hair into a stone. Thus there was a stone hairstyle, gem with a glow inside of gold threads and curls. In Eastern countries, black samples are considered valuable. Their name is the beard of Mohammed.

Physical properties

The mineral description can be considered in the photo of the breed, among the decorations of hair. The physical properties of the stone studied by scientists from mineralogy. According to the composition of petrified hair, the goddess is quartz, one of the types of beautiful rocks - a mountain crystal. Locks of the goddess that became minerals, scientists were also able to explain. According to research - this is an intersection in the breed formation of rutila. In addition to them, other intersions can be detected in samples:

  • ribicit;
  • getate;
  • actinolitolitis;
  • lepidocit.

The color of "hair" in nature may not only be gold. The stone is endowed with numerous shades and flowers.

Place of Birth

The weight of the extracted aggregates is quite large. The largest treated stone reached 100 kg weighing. Developed areas of formation of crystals are found in different countries.

  1. Brazil - jewelry samples;
  2. Ural - Rutile quartz;
  3. Kazakhstan - Gems with Getytite;
  4. Pakistan, Brazil, Ural - Tourmaline Gems.

Therapeutic abilities of quartz hair

The healing stone found its use in antiquity. The abilities of the mineral were transferred to generations:

  • treatment after snake bites;
  • hair restoration.

Stone attracted lithotherapists and kneaders. They strengthened the immune system, eliminated the possibility of infection. Reduced the risk of viral pathologies.

Golden and red samples help in treatment:

  1. Diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  2. Colds;
  3. Pathology of the respiratory system.

Hair is advised to women, it is believed that it improves the state in the period of hormonal changes. Healing capabilities of Kola Gem Others. Black and green inclusions are healing the lesions of the CNS: the disorders, nightmares. The Kola view is able to eliminate and reduce complications after irradiating the body with radiation equipment.

Magic possibilities quartz hair

The magicians of ancient Egypt preferred to use natural crystals in ritual communication sessions with the gods. In the Middle Ages, the sorcerers conducted sessions of penetration into the past and the future of man. Daily and predictors believed that hairstyle gives the ability to clasp. But in order to enjoy a stone and use it with magical abilities, you need to merge with gems in a single whole. Hair must love his owner, trust him. The priests received protection from the dark forces, bad people and other magic spells.

Rutile quartz capabilities are the strongest. Golden and red threads make the owner of a wizard and a magician. Special rituals demanded a mandatory presence of a nearby hairstyle. Rutile Quartz is advised for people engaged in creativity. He will help reveal his talents in full force, besides this, the stone will send a person to the region of creativity, where he will gain recognition.

Interesting video: Stone hairstyle - Transparent quartz

Mineral-love witch forces. For this make products in the form of hearts. The mascot will give the host double power and protection, if small mirror glasses will add to the gem. The connection of the mirror and hair found its description in fairy tales. It is believed that the goddess loved to consider his reflection in the mirrors, admiring and admiring his appearance. So individual stones prefer to see their reflection in the mirrors. Love charm for family pairs is an untreated gem, without a rim. Keep the amulet nearly dangerous. It will lead to the development of egoistic inclinations. The owner will refuse to love the other, will become a self-abnormal, cruel and unhappy.

Jewelry with tourmaline quartz hairstyle

Noble ladies of past centuries sought to have jewelry from hair in their use. The beauty of the surface fascinates, the ookolds. Popular Employ Employ Objects:

  • medallion;
  • buttons;
  • ring;
  • pendant;
  • beads;
  • bracelet.

The trend of modern masters has practically not changed. Mineral with gold threads can be found in all listed products. Beautifully looking earrings with quartz. Hair is sent to precious metals, combine in one product with other valuable and expensive gems. You can buy hairstyle in silver and in gold.

Jewelry with black crystals are perfectly combined with white gold. Venus's hair is limited to gold, reinforcing hair pattern with an orntered metal thread pattern. The Kola species goes only for the manufacture of items to decorate the premises. Figurines, vases, caskets, frames for paintings, works from beads are cut out of it. Kola hair prefer to use as a diverse stone, it makes out the rooms, take for the interior decoration of walls and furniture items.

Varieties and groups quartz hair

Among the many varieties of mountain crystal, Mineral Hair is considered the most expensive and valuable. The cost of samples increases from impurity impurities changing the main color of crystals. Special value is not the color of the breed, but the shade of "hair of Venus" located inside. The greatest value from stones, where internal overflows have a golden tone and black. This is a rutile quartz hairstyle, the second version of the shade - hairstyle with the tourmaline. Such colors are considered classic jewelry.

Other types of hair:

  1. Sagenit. Inside the mineral, you can consider geometric shapes - triangles. Jewelers make unique decorations from such aggregates, followed by fashionista. Products are made volumetric and massive. You can consider triangles with a naked eye, and they will change their location when rotating.
  2. Kola view. The cheapest material. The stone has no transparency of the rest of the groups. The surface is closed with white or gray spots. Inside, as in any hair, threads. Their color is black and green. Such education is required to have among the impurities of Egina. Some geologists consider not to quartz. They remove it into a separate low-value, common rock formation.

All needle education in quartz are different. Considering the appearance, many call mineral with colored stone. Hair is initially transparent, the color creates the cluster of the threads. Optical deception arises precisely due to overflows of inner plates. Venus's hair is also an optical effect. The accumulation of rutila in quartz creation in one place. In addition to the gold shade, there is in nature and a silver stone. Color of silver on the structure of asbestos quartz. The thick clusters of asbestos give a silver tone.

The most unique and unusually beautiful is the green gem. In it, the needles inside the crystals form patterns and drawings. Fantasy man can find his comparison, fiction is individual. You can arrange the game "What inside?", Everyone will see their own: Grass, Moss, Bird, Flower. The drawing can be confusing and fantastic.

Quartz Hair and Zodiac Signs

Astrology created a compatibility table of a gem with born under the signs of zodiac constellations. Hair is suitable for a horoscope:

  • Taurians;
  • Cancer;
  • Lions.

Lonely Mineral will create the opportunity to find a pair. Personal life gets quickly, as a magic wand. You should know what hand wearing decorations. For marriage - on the middle finger of the right hand. To gain love - on the nameless finger of the right hand. For the feelings fortress and loyalty, the spouse - on any finger of the left hand. In any case, the gift of Venus is able to reveal any soul, the person will be sensitive himself and will give the power of love partner. Tenderness and care will be the basis of a pair that owns decorations. The force of itself depends on the inner pattern, the more needles, the stronger its influence on the person.

Libra will be able to reveal all talents and abilities. Aquarius will find peace and pacification. Only Avy remains without much attention on the part of hairstyle. It is completely indifferent to them, for this sign, the gem of nothing except the jewelry.

Hair - the properties of the stone, the meaning and to whom it is suitable for the sign of the zodiac

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The mineral of natural origin under the amazing name of hairstyle (Rutil Quartz) will attract the attention of anyone who accidentally sees this unusual stone or jewelry made with his insert.

The mysterious name speaks for itself - the stone is distinguished by an unusual structure, so it is often called needle mineral. It is famous for the variety of shades of both the surface itself and crapters that are easily viewed inside the gems with the naked eye.

For hours, you can consider hairs on the sunlight, looks at the uncomplication of the internal patterns. The variety of lines of different shade honestly amazes. Lines and broken rays are also refracted, intersect in peculiar patterns, create different geometric shapes - polygons, stars, triangles.

Deploying the stone can be observed as patterns change dramatically, curving and transformation bizarre inner sprouts. A lot of legends are connected with the origin of such a natural miracle, the main mass of which has reached our days and fully justifies such an unusual type of mineral.

The story of Ston Hairatik

If you believe legends, the stone created the goddess of love - Venus itself. Spladder of golden hair fell out of her head into the lake and after a while, the lake water due to the frost turned into small pieces of ice, which sowed strands. Seeing such a beautiful mixture of ice and their own hair, the goddess decided to give such beauty to people, waking all this in a single stone.

According to other legends, Venus bathes in the lake, left on his stone coast several hair tangled in the ridge, which she broke after bathing their silky gold curls. Nymphs seeing such beautiful hair began to share them with each other. The goddess is not wanting someone to become the owner of her hair, turned them into a natural mineral, forever sharpening into a stone crowd and hiding under the ground.

Eastern peoples are generally called black hair "beard Mohammad" than explain the specific shade of the black crystal. Gem is often compared with Arrow of Amur, strands of Aphrodites, curls of Venus, scientists characterize the mineral simply - hedgehog needle gem.

Peering into the body of the stone, it is easy to see that gold curls are "hidden" the gold curls of graceful torn threads. The view is just an incredible miracle giving us the gods. The legends on the creation of the mineral hairstyle actually a lot, and the bulk is certainly connected with the Venus and its wonderful curls.

Colors and varieties of rutile quartz

Scientists of mineralists studying the properties of hairstyle revealed that the so-called fossil "cases" with golden strands of the goddess are quartz formations. The appearance of "golden threads" is also scientifically explained - it rutile, representing small spraces.

In addition to Rutil, Ribicit, tourmaline, lepydochat, actinolitis, or gheetite and other breeds may also be present. Depending on the breed of inclusions, the stone may contain a thread not only a gold shade, but also other no less beautiful, enchanting tones. The mineral is counted for the varieties of a mountain crystal, which is distinguished by the variety of shades.

The most valuable is the stones of black color, golden overflow impurities. Inside the seganite, you can see clear images of small triangles. The easiest kind of quartz - Kola, it is characterized by a spotted surface of the shade of which changes from light white to dirty gray. The threads are dark green, almost black, such a shade of internal crags give the impurities of egina.

The stone can have red, silver shades (asbestos clusters), yellow, light brown, dairy tone. Gently green gems are considered to be the most rare. Regardless of the shade of the gem, they are all incredibly beautiful and unusual in their structure, when they study, it is simply impossible to tear the gaze!

Deposit and mining

In nature, the Rutile Quartz meets often, in sufficiently large layers. The extracted aggregates have large sizes. So the biggest stone can reach a hundred kilograms.

Today, the production of rutile quartz is engaged in many countries, depending on the composition of additional mess, mining a jewelry stone in Brazil, Rutil, tourmaline quartzs in the Urals, gems with impurities of Gheetita are found in Kazakhstan.

Also large mineral mining are conducted in Pakistan, Madagascar. To date, Brazil is considered the largest quartz supplier. Mining are conducted in Minas Gerais. Of course, in other countries, such deposits of mineral are also available, but not in such a scale and its production is not industrial.

physical characteristics

On the MOBLE scale, the hardness of the stone is measured by 7 units. The density fluctuates in the range of 2.6-2.65 g / cm³. The refractive index reaches 1,544 units. The surface of gems is characterized by a strong bold gloss, as if glass. Color features white. Silhow of the stone washing, the pliability of imperfect, singing of the middle category - trigonal.

Medical properties

Already in ancient times, people noticed that the stone hairstyle has therapeutic effects on the human body. Miscellaneous with mineral various decorations, people wore products with themselves on their own body, believing that the stone:

  • has a beneficial effect on the work of the heart, blood vessels, respiratory organs;
  • promotes hair strengthening;
  • activates the work of the immune system;
  • protects with infection with viral, colds.

Ancient characteristics even applied the mineral on snake bites, believing that the physical properties of the mineral were able to neutralize the impact of a terrible poison.

It is believed that quartz having red, golden impurities can normalize the hormonal background in women in the period of age-related changes in the body. At the time when gems with green, black impurities are able to calm the nervous system. A man who, for example, on his left hand carries a ring with such beauty, will forever forget about nightmares, insomnia. And some quartz are able to absorb radiation that affects the body after certain physiotherapy.

Magic properties having hair

Suverval people along with therapeutic properties attributed quartz and magical features. Unusual mineral was used when conducting rites, allowing to communicate with the gods. Legends go that Egypt's sorcerers using this stone could move into the past and learn the future.

People endowed with unusual supernatural abilities, possessing such a pebble become stronger, they open the talent of clairvoyance, they begin to treat people.

Hair is able to fulfill the desires of its owner, girls are recommended for a quick marriage to wear earrings or a bracelet with such a mineral. However, mineralists and astrologers assure that the hairstyle is capricious and will help their owner only if "will love him." It turns out that even on the right hand is wondering, although on his left hand, even in a pocket or bag, it will not be a sense if a person with a stone is not solved into a single whole!

Meaning of zodiac signs

Modern astrologers, making up horoscopes to many signs of the zodiac advise to always have such a defender and assistant with them. It is believed that the magical forces of the mineral reveal the creative potential of their owner.

Speaking about the compatibility of hairstyle with the signs of the zodiac, astrologists note that almost all such a talisman and the charm will become useful. It is especially recommended to have such a luxury cancer, lion, calm, weights, aquarian. It is believed that the Magic and therapeutic and therapeutic forces of habitant affects the Aries, however, the pebbles are also not harmful.

Decoration and mineral products

Based on personal needs, each wishes can purchase a rutile quartz in the form of conventional jewelry or simple jewelry. In the market of relevant products there are earrings, necklaces, medallions, buttons, pendants, bracelets, rings, amulets, beads, talismans, charms made with the inserts of the Hair Stone. Gold and silver are often used as a rim.

All items actually look luxuriously, elegant, look expensive. Such decorations become the perfect addition to the festive outfits and everyday image. However, if the stone is needed for witchcraft purposes, carrying out rituals, in this case it is best to purchase a non-ordinary ring and wear it on your finger or earrings, but a real stone right from the field, or the mineral has passed initial processing.

You can also find in the sale of figurines, boxes, vases, photo frames made from a certain type of habitat. A, Kola Stone is even used in the finishing works of the inside of the premises, furniture.

Making expensive jewelry hairstyle is often used in combination with pearls, chrysolite, amethyst. Together, these natural materials are a real miracle of natural beauty!

The cost of quartz products begins to vary from 300 rubles. Changing the rates is associated with the rarity of a certain type of stone, its uniqueness of the secret patterns. So green gems are considered the most expensive, but the Kola stone is the cheapest and affordable. Nevertheless, golden, reddish gems, stones with black straight crystals, so-called arrows of Amur remained the most demanded.


Not like that, unique, truly unusual mineral, washed by legends and myths. Rutile Quartz begins its history since ancient Greece and Egypt. This stone over time was called different, sometimes unusual names. Today, quartz-hairstyle love not only collectors. Mages, along with lithotherapists, highly appreciate the unusual properties of this gem.

History and origin

Rutile quartz differs from other quartz a peculiar pattern resembling human hair. The inclusions of the rutile, which gives the stone a special kind, served as the emergence of the name of the mineral - quartz-hairstyle. Historically, the mineral once ordered Venus (or Aphrodites). The ancient Romans and the Greeks existed a legend about the origin of this gem.

According to legends, a long time ago, the Goddess of Love decided to swim in the mountain lake. Hooking hair for something, she suffered a golden strand for himself. Six months, Venus decided to return to the place in search of lost treasures.

Winter frost has already managed to put the lake water ice, in which the goddess's hair was frozen. At the same time fascinated by the beauty of the abandoned curls, Venus turned the ice in a transparent mineral, leaving for people a part of herself. Since then, her gift has become a symbol of love for humans.

Over time, this myth has lost significance, up to the XVII century. At the same time, the aristocrats of Russia and Europe were again absorbed by a beautiful legend, thanks to which Quartz-Hair was in fashion among the highest estates. Mineral symbolized not love, as a clean and bright feeling, and a carnal passion, love joy without obligations. The stone became the rebellious attribute of a woman who seeks to independently choose a partner in a patriarchal society.

Quartz-Hair called many names, but they all, one way or another, were associated with sensuality. In addition to Lokon Aphrodite, there was also the name of the "Arrows of Love", sometimes "arrows of Amur". Muslim poets called Rutile Quartz with the black engines of the "beard of the Prophet Magomet." Gem also called the Sagenit.

Today, only 1/5 part of the mined stones is suitable for jewelry. Of these, the masters are manufactured by real masterpieces. The remaining gems are "split" between collectors.

Place of Birth

This variety is prevalent pretty wide. At each deposit, various subspecies of the stone are mined. For example, the "arrows of Amur", that is, quartz with black turmaline inclusions is mined in Brazil and in the north of the Urals, sometimes in Pakistan.

The main supplier of jewelry is Brazil and the Supilar Urals. And the quartz-hairstyle is found in Australia, Norway and the USA. On the territory of Kazakhstan, a stone is mined with gothitis impurities.

Physical properties

The main material for the formation of habitat is as for any other quartz - silicon dioxide (or silica). Needle education, creating the effect of human hair, are formed due to titanium dioxide (or rutile). Sometimes inclusions resemble not hair, but accumulation of triangles or multipath stars.

Moos hardness7
Density2.6-2.65 g / cm³
ShineGlass sometimes fat.
ColorColorless or with splashes of different colors.

The main color of rutile inclusions is golden-yellow, orange or black. Such "curls" are endowed with diamond glitter. When quartz is permeated with green, red, brown or gray hairs, it means that there is an admixture of actinolite or gothitis.

Varieties and colors

There is no clear classification of quartz-hairstyle, since there are no two identical crystals in nature. Each instance is united and unique, the stone pattern is always unique.

Nevertheless, some, especially noticeable varieties of the stone raise their own names, in order to distinguish them from the total mass of other hairstyle:

All varieties of hair (except Kola) are ideally transparent. Due to this, multi-colored inclusions look contrast and unusual.

Medical properties

Modern lithotherapy far advanced in the study of minerals and their influence on the human body. If the millennia ago quartz-hairstyle was famous for the antidote from the serpenty bite and the hair growth agent, today the stampered specialists opened a number of other beneficial properties of this gem.

The most important destination "Lokon Aphrodite" is to strengthen the immune system. As a result, a person feels a healing effect, life expectancy increases.

It is interesting! Many characteristics argue that hairstyle restores the body after radioactive exposure of a weak degree. A person suffering from a straightforward form of radiation sickness is needed by such an amulet.

Hindu healers associate a mineral with a solar plexus zone. Therefore, hairstyle is responsible for the health of all organs under the influence of this chakra - liver, spleen, stomach, pancreas.

Nugget is useful for the emotional state of a person, as it is capable of:

  • streamline thoughts;
  • get rid of insomnia;
  • cope with depression;
  • eliminate chronic fatigue.

The mineral is especially useful for women, as it normalizes the hormonal background, eliminating the associated female problems (menstrual failures, PMS).

Those who suffer from hair loss, the stone will also be an assistant preventing baldness. Rutile Quartz helps solve problems with heart and vessels. And hairstyle with red inclusions leaves with some diseases of the respiratory organs.

Magic Mineral

Quartz-Hair is a favorite attribute of antiquity sorcerers. Egyptians and Greeks have legends that describe the strong magical capabilities of the gem. First of all, hairstyle - the talisman of prophecies, which opened in man a gift of clairvoyance. The stone will help the providen to see not only his future, but also the events for all mankind.

And you know that the priests of Kemet (Ancient Egypt) looked into the future with the help of "Venus's hair". The stone showed the magicians, whether the health will be back to seriously ill-friendly Pharaoh, will the people won the war and whether the coming year will be a yield.

Nowadays, people with paranormal abilities are no less than the ancients believe in virtue of habitat and use it to enhance their intensive abilities. In addition, Rutile Quartz - Love Talisman. Women of the revival era wore a gem in order to marry. At the same time, the main requirement was that the girl had the right to choose her husband - according to love, and not by imposing.

Quartz-hairstyle helps the owner to become more attractive, sexier in the eyes of the opposite sex. Women advise to choose gems with light, golden splashes located chaotically. Men should be able to stop the choice of mineral with straight, well-spaced hairs. The perfect talisman is an unmanned crystal. Often, the magic strengths of the stone use magicians for love spells or for making love amulets.

It is interesting! Ancient Greeks identified the hairs inside quartz with fate threads. According to mythology, the fate of each person is hiding Moyry - Spinners of the Fate. Such threads denote the path from the past to the future, while showing that life has a clearly defined start and end.

His strong magical abilities of hairstyle owes Rutil. It is believed that it is this element that enhances the magic of any mineral.

Rutic quartz will help a person to develop intuitive thinking, reveal the creative potential. Thanks to the amulet, a person will finally be able to do the work to which a long time could not find an approach or inspiration. In addition, the mineral will serve the service of a slightly accuracy man, protecting against foreign influence. The owner of the stone will learn to live by his mind, becoming a full-fledged independent person.

Compatibility with other stones

Quartz Hair - Air Mineral. In addition to his element, the stone is favorable to fire. Earth gems is not a couple, as well as water. A combination with water, at best, will be neutral. With a bad situation, such a union is fraught with a deterioration of well-being, the emergence of unexpected problems.

Best friends for "Lokon Venus" is:

  • Großer;
  • Golden;

Neutral hairstyle behaves with:

  • Heliotrop

Decoration with mineral

By and large, hairstyle is a collection of collectibles. Stones jewelry fitness not so much. Bracelets and beads are manufactured from such copies. The most beautiful samples are bangible in silver frame or in gold (yellow or white). In platinum Hair is not inserted. The price of jewelry is different:

  • Beads are estimated by about 10 thousand rubles on average.
  • Bracelet - 8-10 thousand.
  • Ring - from 13 thousand rubles.
  • Suspension - from 9 thousand.
  • Earrings start with 10 thousand.

Gold products are somewhat higher.

Cabochon hair limit. And also use cut with wedges or stepped. Samples with golden, red, yellow or orange hairs bang in yellow gold. White metals are used for other nuggets.

The wear resistance and strength of quartz allows you to create souvenirs from stone, as well as magical items.

How to distinguish fake

Hair is valued high, especially collectors. However, this mineral does not apply to the number of precious or semi-precious stones. "Arrow Amur" - an amicing stone. Nevertheless, it is possible to meet a glass imitation with artificial splashes.

The only nuance that can alert when buying is ideal, smoothly located hairs. The natural stone is decorated with splashes more chaotically.

The guarantee that in front of you is not a fake, can only give a quality certificate and purchase in a proven store. Evaluating the hardness of the gem is useless - quartz in this indicator equates to the glass.

How to wear and care

Quartz-hairstyle is a very special mineral. Buying such a stone is better not through the lunar calendar, but at the time of the year. Winter period is not the most successful time to purchase. It will be more useful to buy a purchase by a sunny summer day, and it is also an early autumn or in the late spring.

"Lokon Aphrodite", above all, magic talisman. Left-sided wearing products (rings, bracelets on the left hand) will help save already existing love bonds, give the gift of prophecies. Decorations on the right hand will attract change, including new love. However, it is worth remembering that the stone will destroy the existing relationship for this.

With any scenario, it is impossible to wear long or constantly. Mineral need rest. Otherwise, the benefits of amulet turn into harm.

Gem needs regular recharge so as not to lose the ability to magic. To this end, the amulet is placed in melting water for a period of 6 hours, after drying and put on the sun for another 2 hours.

In care, such a mineral is unpretentious. There is enough separate storage bag, soap solution with a tough sponge for cleaning. It is permissible to use gentle household chemicals without alkali. During wearing, it is desirable to protect the stone from mechanical damage.

Zodiac compatibility and names

Such an unusual gem could not be without the attention of astrologers and esoterics. Regarding the signs of the zodiac circle, hairstyle is ideal for.

("+++" - the stone fits perfectly, "+" - you can wear, "-" - categorically contraindicated):

Zodiac signCompatibility
a lion+++