Moonstone and its magical properties. How to distinguish a real moonstone from a fake? The magical properties of different colors

In many countries, the moonstone has long been considered foresighted or simply sacred.
For example, in India it was believed that the stone brings good luck, in Mesopotamia, the Chaldeans, who lived in the 1st millennium BC, appreciated the supposedly magical properties in it, especially on the full moon, in the Middle Ages in Europe the stone was called the stone of lovers, and expected him to bring happiness to the family.

Moonstone or adularia is a type of feldspar. Feldspars are widespread in the earth's crust, which is probably why their numerous types and varieties of minerals are called "feldspars", that is, found in every field. All of them, beautifully colored, belong to ornamental and collectible minerals. Feldspars are divided into two groups: potassium and lime-sodium. It is in the group of potassium feldspars that the moonstone is found, but it is not often found.

Moonstone properties

Moonstone or adularia. This is a mother-of-pearl spar. It iridescent in blue and bluish-gray tones. Its name comes from the name of the city where it was first met - the city of Adula in the Swiss Alps. Sometimes there are moonstones with asterism in the form of a four-pointed star or the effect of a "cat's eye".

In the moonstone, one can observe the overflow of color over the surface and light figures. Many precious and semi-precious stones are characterized by the appearance of such light figures in the form of stripes or other superficial overflows. This phenomenon is not associated with its own color or pollution, and is not associated with the chemical composition. It is caused by reflections, interference, diffraction in thin layers, voids or some other structural elements. So, the phenomenon that is called adularization reveals a bluish-white shimmer on the surface of the moonstone cabochon, which slides over the surface when the stone moves. This shimmer is like moonlight. Let us repeat once again the reason for this phenomenon - the interference associated with the lamellar structure of the stone.

Moonstone. It has a hardness on the Mohs scale - 6 - 6.5, density - 2.56 - 2.59, cleavage - perfect, crystals - prismatic. The chemical composition of the moonstone is K. Pleochroism is absent. Fluorescence is weak, bluish and orange.

Color shades of stone

Moonstone can be blue, gray, white, yellow and even black. A beautiful moonstone with shades of peach. A deposit of greenish-gold moonstones has been discovered in South India. In accordance with the shades, moonstones also have names: blue, gray and white - adularia, blue or greenish with black shades - labrador, yellow - selenite.

Place of Birth

The main deposit is located in India, as well as in Sri Lanka, Brazil, Madagascar, Myanmar, USA. Moonstone jewelry is often in the form of cabochons.

The magical and healing properties of moonstone

The ancient wise men and astrologers claimed that the stone heals the nervous system, helps to cope with epilepsy, melancholy and depression, relieves the feeling of fear. Some of them recommended wearing moonstone products for those who need to survive situations that agitated the soul.

The properties of the moonstone, like the night star itself, according to magicians, change. With the growth of the moon, a white spot also grows on the surface of the stone, and its magical powers are intensified at this time. That is why sorcerers and sorcerers monitored the state of the moon, trying to attract not only good luck and love, but also many adverse consequences. Even people ignorant of magic, on the advice of a "grandmother" from a neighboring village, confidently recommended wearing a moonstone brooch, thereby attracting love to oneself.

One way or another, the moon and the moonstone itself were considered a mineral that affects the fate of people.

Astrologers assure that those born under the constellations Leo and Sagittarius should be wary of jewelry with a moonstone. But if a stone attracts you, stops your gaze, you admire it, feel free to purchase jewelry. Perhaps your subconsciousness and hidden abilities will open up, or maybe he will simply make a stunning image with your outfit.

Continuing the conversation about the healing and magical properties of the stone, we note that astrologers and magicians promise special benefits of the stone to people of creative professions. However, here it should be hinted that hard work will bring benefits in the first place, and the mysterious stone is simply very beautiful in itself. The mysterious moonlight attracts and beckons lovers and poets.

“For many years I have pondered over earthly life.
There is no incomprehensible thing for me under the moon.
I know I don't know anything! -
This is the last truth I discovered. " Omar Khayyam

Moonstone in jewelry

As already mentioned, most moonstones are cut in the form of a cabochon. Rene Lalique often used it in his products, because it goes well with crystal elements and silver. It is adularia, with its color shades, so close to the moonlight, that is stunningly beautiful in silver. And moonstone, which has a greenish-blue hue, looks luxurious in gold.

Moonstone price

The price is primarily determined by the intensity of the color, transparency and size, as well as the depth, which differs when the stone is rotated. Moonstone is highly prized, especially blue. Moonstones, rarely seen, are valued higher, such as adularia with the "cat's eye" effect and "star" stones.
The most beautiful and high quality stones are mined in India and Sri Lanka. However, unfortunately, these deposits have already exhausted themselves. Therefore, the cost of the moonstone rises every year.

Moonstone is difficult to confuse with any other. The hazy glow of the moon is visible only in a real moonstone. The most advantageous among all the varieties of moon stones is possessed by adularia. There is even a belief that its brilliance grows with the growth of the moon. A beautiful and showy stone looks good in silver.

And finally, I would like to recall the words of the famous Antoine de Saint-Exupery:

“Never ignore the person who cares about you the most. Because one day, you may wake up and realize that you have lost the moon by counting the stars. "

The article will tell you about the magical properties of the moonstone and how it affects each zodiac sign.

Moonstone: value, magical and healing properties for humans: how to wear it correctly

Many people call the moonstone "adularia". Adularia is a fairly rare mineral and belongs to potassium orthoclases, low-temperature (scientific interpretation). The mineral got its romantic name "moonstone" due to its pleasant blue overflow.

INTERESTING: For the first time, the "moonstone" was discovered on the mountain "Adula", which is located in Switzerland.

How is it different from other stones?

Distinctive features of the moonstone

Differences of adularia as a mineral:

  • The stone is fragile enough
  • Sensitive to shocks and even tight squeezes
  • Most often, the pebble is in the form of a prism.
  • According to its external characteristics, the stone is similar to chalcedony.
  • The stone is considered semi-precious

INTERESTING: In ancient mythology, you can find scriptures that say that this crystal comes from solidified moonlight. It is also believed that the brightness of the stone increases, depending on the phase of the moon - the crystal shimmers more strongly into the full moon.

Moonstone is most often mined in pegmatites and alpine-type veins. Crystals in nature do not grow larger than 10 centimeters in diameter. It is also mined in the western part of Russia, in the Urals, in the Irkutsk area, in the Khabarovsk region. Another famous volcanic deposits are Sri Lanka, Myanmar.

What is the difference between a stone?

Moonstone magical properties

The moonstone is credited with powerful magic, and indeed, every witch and wizard had such a crystal. It was believed that this pebble can both endow with abilities and take them away. If an ordinary person owned the crystal, he could count on good luck in love and personal relationships.

INTERESTING: Adular was a must-have adornment for young girls from time immemorial, since it was believed that it was he who attracted the opposite sex to her and helped to find a groom.

Another property of the crystal is to protect a person from evil and warn him against any negative:

  • Annoying people
  • Disputes
  • Nagovorov
  • Envy
  • Evil eye
  • Evil spell
  • Electric shock and lightning

Adular ("moonstone") is one of the best amulets for humans. He is able to harmonize with any sign of the zodiac and will especially organically fit into the life of a creative person, allowing him to reveal in himself the unknown facets of talent.

The crystal will easily inspire its owner, promote the awakening of creativity in a good and bad mood. Interestingly, the most famous swindlers and gamblers had the moonstone with them, as they believed that it was the reason for their luck. Adularia was endowed with special power on the days of the full moon and carried only a positive character, taking with it all human aggression and awakening tenderness.

Magical properties

Moonstone healing properties

It is believed that the pebble exhibits its healing properties through direct contact with the human body. The interesting thing is that it doesn't matter where you wear the stone - it will still have an impact on you, whether it be a ring, bracelet, necklace or earrings.

It is noticed that adularia, touching the human skin, first of all examines the human nervous system. It relieves unnecessary irritation and tries to calm down its owner. In addition, the moonstone instills in a person self-confidence and removes fear and simply "disconnect" his owner from worries that drive him into depression.

It is also known that the moonstone helps people suffering from epilepsy and all kinds of sleep disorders (insomnia, restless sleep, short sleep, not a rash, nightmares).

Astrologers confidently assert that the moonstone "belongs" to water (the element of water). It is this factor that helps a person to eliminate urolithiasis. Another property is to "flush" salt deposits from the joints.

Women in labor often take a moonstone amulet with them in order to easily cope with childbirth and complete this process safely. In addition, the peculiarity of adularia is to positively influence the hormonal background of a person, to improve the quality of blood.

Healing possibilities

How to choose and wear a moonstone?

The cost of adularia can vary, depending on its transparency and "purity". The most beautiful crystals are considered to be blue and blue pebbles, tearing off deep shades when transfused. The stone is very valuable in collector circles.

Real moonstone is not cheap, but there are minerals that imitate it, which are much cheaper, for example, the Indian moonstone. It is multi-colored and fairly frequent in nature. A moonstone weighing 1 carat costs up to $ 30. Some copies cost up to $ 80-100 (up to 3, 4-5 carats).

Moonstone is often used to make:

  • Rings
  • Earrings
  • Bracelets
  • Necklace
  • Brooches
  • Key rings
  • Pins with stone inserts
  • Amulets

IMPORTANT: To eliminate the excessive fragility of the stone, it is covered with a special substance - a cabochon. It not only makes the stone stronger, but also makes it shimmer more strongly.

Most often, the stone is framed with silver or white gold, since the cold shade of these metals does not dominate the crystal, but only emphasizes its beauty, highlighting its blue shades.

Of course, wearing a moonstone should be correct:

  • The moonstone should not be lost against the background of other decorations. It should take its dominant place and be combined with other elements: accessories, clothing, and so on.
  • Do not combine moonstone with other stones so that it does not lose its properties and can positively influence you.
  • Silver enhances the effect of the moonstone; choose jewelry where the crystal is framed in silver.
  • The crystal should not be worn by an aggressive and overly angry person, since increased and frequent outbursts of anger can only aggravate his situation, in the presence of a moonstone.
  • Wear the stone on your body but not on your clothes

How to wear it correctly?

Types of moonstone - agate, amethyst adularia, labradorite, belomorite: what it looks like, where it is mined, color, photo

This crystal attracts many and many want to have a pebble at home, as an amulet. The very name "moon" stone has a great influence and, unfortunately, this "name" is attributed to many minerals that have nothing to do with the original.

"Moonstone" is often referred to as minerals such as:

  • Quartz
  • Amazonite
  • Belomorite
  • Selenite
  • Labrador

A characteristic feature of adularia is white tint, but blue is more valuable. The listed minerals have some similarities with adularia, but they can hardly convey all the depth and beauty of the original.

Photos of minerals:

Quartz is often passed off as a moonstone

Amazonite is often passed off as moonstone

Belomorite is often passed off as a moonstone

Gypsum is often passed off as a moonstone Selenite is often passed off as a moonstone

Spar is often passed off as moonstone

Agate is often passed off as moonstone

Amethyst is often passed off as a moonstone

Labrador is often passed off as moonstone

Moonstone: magical properties according to the horoscope for the Aries man and woman

Aries (both women and men), such a crystal as a moonstone is suitable and can act as a reliable talisman. He will calm down a little, active and self-confident Aries., making it possible to adequately assess controversial situations and not enter into conflicts.

It is good for Aries men to wear a moonstone on their little finger, like an insert in a ring. In this way, the mineral can touch the body and have a positive effect on mental and physical health. Aries women are better off wearing a moonstone on their left hand (bracelet, ring). This will warn the ladies from irascibility and aggression, that they are often not painted.

Some Aries (both women and men) have frequent mood swings and depression. It is the moonstone that can save Aries from a similar problem and change a bad mood with a good one. Adular is a good gift for Aries at any age. If a person does not like to wear jewelry or it is simply difficult for him to please with a choice, present him with a moonstone figurine for a house.

Aries men adularia will help develop such a unique feeling as intuition. In addition, those who wear adularia are always good fathers to their children. Aries women adularia will help to find "cold" logic and understanding, sympathy. He will reveal all the good qualities of the Aries lady, hiding the flaws.

Influence on Aries

Moonstone: magical properties according to the horoscope for a Taurus man and woman

For Taurus, adularia is a panacea for mental "wounds"... The stone will not only soothe the natural aggression of Taurus, both men and women, but also give him inspiration. A balanced Taurus, in harmony with feelings and body, will be able to feel love, peace, happiness.

Taurus men this stone will allow you to gain confidence in yourself and your strengths, as well as the ability and ability to understand yourself: feelings, thoughts, emotions, actions and conclusions. The moonstone will be able to favorably influence the health of the Taurus man, who often plays sports and leads an active lifestyle.

A charge of positive energy from adularia will help Taurus cope with any mental and physical work. Too "loving" Taurus men, prone to "one-off" relationships, the moonstone will help settle down and find their true love.

For a Taurus woman adularia will be very useful - it will help to reveal not only your natural beauty, but also femininity, will strengthen the feeling of motherhood and tenderness. Such a crystal will “calm down” a hot-tempered Taurus woman, allowing her to make calm and correct decisions.

Influence on Taurus

Moonstone: magical properties according to the horoscope for the Gemini man and woman

The moonstone will be an excellent talisman for Gemini. Just as this stone shimmers with colors, Gemini is multifaceted and mysterious. Adularia jewelry is not only suitable for Gemini, but also in harmony with their state of mind.

This crystal will inspire endlessly Gemini man, which will serve as the beginning for many talented works. In addition, the stone will help in work: give perseverance, self-confidence, positive mood and love of life in general.

If the Gemini man is modest or shy, adularia will help him to loosen up and make himself more "open" to others. In Gemini men, adularia instills "prudence and wisdom", while simultaneously allowing more romance and sensuality to develop within the soul.

Gemini women this pebble makes life a lot easier by helping to connect with others, developing speech and creative talents. Adularia will allow ladies to be more confident in themselves and achieve their goals.

Influence on Gemini

Moonstone: magical properties according to the horoscope for men and women of Cancer

It is good to wear a moonstone and Cancers, prone to depression and mental disorders. This amulet will allow you to hide all the negative and negative character traits, both men and women of Cancer. In addition, the crystal will positively influence mood and promote creativity.

Cancer Men it is good to wear the stone as a body amulet, hidden from view. Such a talisman will allow him to easily find communication, both with the women he likes and with higher ranks. In addition, adularia will save you from rash words, actions and emotional "outbursts" that do not paint men.

Cancer woman adularia will help to cope with insecurity and constant dissatisfaction with oneself. Women should wear a moonstone close to their body, for example, a necklace or bracelet, amulet. You can wear such an adornment either to important meetings and events (to calm down and eliminate anxiety), or every day.

Influence on Cancer

Moonstone: magical properties according to the horoscope for a man and a woman Leo

Everyone knows that Leo is an eccentric and emotional person. Often Leos themselves suffer from their excessive aggressiveness and anger. That is why they should acquire such a talisman as a moonstone. This crystal will help Leo women and men to direct their strong energy in the "right direction."

Leos are advised to wear any moonstone jewelry and amulets that can be placed in the chest (heart) area. So the crystal can have a positive impact on non-Leo, give him poise and tranquility, the ability to make deliberate decisions. What can you choose:

  • Pendant
  • Brooch
  • Safety pin
  • Suspension

Men Leo adularia will give health to soul and body, comfort and harmony inside. He will be able to teach Leo to forgive offenders and will not allow a man to commit too rash acts. Domineering and dominant women Leo adularia will return natural tenderness and love for others. The moonstone will make the lady calm and affectionate, take away excessive pride. As a talisman for the home, the moonstone will bring peace and happiness, understanding and true love to the Leo family.

Influence on Lviv

Moonstone: magical properties according to the horoscope for the Virgo man and woman

Overconfident and hardworking Virgos also need a talisman. The moonstone is perfect for them, which can not only develop its best qualities, but also emphasize the already present mind, conscientiousness, decency.

Virgos are strongly recommended to wear adularia, as an insert in the ring and only on the left hand. Only in this way will the amulet be able to attract the magic of happiness and success. What will the moonstone give to a woman and a man to Virgo? - Self-confidence, calmness, patience, empathy and compassion for others.

For Virgins who are often depressed, the stone will help improve their mood. If the Virgins also keep figurines from adularia in the house, this will bring harmony and happiness, peace and harmony to the house. Virgo men adularia will be able to get rid of the stinginess of compliments and pleasant words to others. In addition, he will give them self-confidence and determination.

Dame adular will help to reveal femininity and natural tenderness in oneself and at the same time get rid of shyness. And for some ladies who are distinguished by selfishness, the crystal will help "hide" the flaws of the soul, making Virgo more friendly, sociable and communicative. The moonstone will help Virgo easily get involved in relationships and find happiness in life.

Influence on Dev

Moonstone: magical properties according to the horoscope for men and women Libra

Libra adularia can not only help to find harmony, but also relieve this sign, vulnerable to the Moon, from its negative influence. Moonstone gives Libra peace of mind and serenity. In order to do only good deeds and achieve success, Libra should wear a stone as an insert in a ring, and on the index finger.

Libra men Moonstone jewelry and amulets should be worn every day. In addition, you should constantly talk to him in order to regularly teach a charge of positive energy. Adularia will relieve a man of impulsiveness and explosive nature, allowing him to make correct and reasonable decisions.

For a woman, this crystal- more than a "find". It will help to reveal all the beauties of the soul: tenderness, spiritual beauty, care for loved ones, motherhood. Having such an amulet, Libra ladies can easily find a way out of any difficult situation, always treat their loved ones with kindness, are sociable, confident and not shy. Lonely Libra adularia will help to find and build strong relationships.

Influence on Libra

Moonstone: magical properties according to the horoscope for the Scorpio man and woman

Moonstone for Scorpio is an excellent talisman. This crystal helps to "hide" the natural aggression of the sign, revealing only its positive qualities. Adularia gives Scorpios calmness, pacification, tenderness, a desire to take care of others.

Scorpions need to wear a moonstone closer to their heart and head. Therefore, earrings, pendants or beads, brooches, pins will be ideal jewelry. Try to make the stone touch the skin for it to have an impact.

Scorpio men adularia will help to gain prudence and calmness, the ability to restrain oneself, not to get excited and not to make sudden decisions. Scorpio women moonstone is necessary in order to be gentle, loyal and devoted spouses to their husbands.

Influence on Scorpions

Moonstone: magical properties according to the horoscope for the Sagittarius man and woman

Sagittarius are often susceptible to doubtfulness, depression, and the ability to experience a breakdown due to their own insecurity. Such a stone as adularia will help to restore vitality and zest for life. It has a special power that can give Sagittarius inspiration, the desire to be creative.

Men Sagittarius adularia is needed in order to reveal eloquence in oneself and to interest a woman. The moonstone will completely absorb all the negative qualities of Sagittarius: fear, self-doubt, will give emancipation, the desire to create romance. Women Sagittarius a crystal is needed in order to find a loved one, the desire to create a cozy family hearth.

Influence on Sagittarius

Moonstone: magical properties according to the horoscope for the Capricorn man and woman

The moonstone is the perfect talisman for Capricorn. He will be able to “live” with this zodiac sign in harmony, revealing positive qualities and hiding flaws (shyness, fear, aggression). Capricorn is always a creative personality and adularia, like nothing better, will help to reveal creative abilities.

Adularia will become a Capricorn man not only a helper, but also a talisman that instills confidence. Equipped with a moonstone, Capricorn can easily complete any task and achieve the desired goals. In addition, he will allow this sign of the zodiac to boldly express their thoughts, have a good mood, and use intuition.

For impulsive and hot-tempered Capricorns, adularia will help to cope with temperament, eliminate "outbursts" of anger and add softness. The moonstone will not allow vulnerable men Capricorns to absorb negativity from the environment, and for Capricorn women attract love. Adularia to cope with any mental disorders. In love with Capricorn, the crystal will "give" the desire to remain faithful to your partner.

Influence on Capricorn

Moonstone: magical properties according to the horoscope for the man and woman of Aquarius

The Moonstone will reveal the very best character traits of Aquarius. It will reliably protect its owner from any evil and give self-confidence. If the Aquarius man is quick-tempered, the stone will give him peace and tranquility. For family Aquarius, the stone will help strengthen relationships, and single ones to start a family.

The moonstone belongs to the water element, because it can give Aquarius harmony, not only with the surrounding world and people, but also within the soul.

Influence on Aquarius

Moonstone: magical properties according to the horoscope for the Pisces man and woman

For Pisces Men moonstone is a very good talisman. He will reveal their creative abilities, allow them to communicate eloquently and clearly express their thoughts, endow them with wisdom and confidence.

Pisces women adularia will be able to warn against emotional breakdowns and depression, reveal feminine features: tenderness, sensitivity, desire to take care. Moonstone will help insecure Pisces gain a spiritual core and influence.

Influence on Pisces

How to distinguish a real moonstone from a fake?

The moonstone is very beautiful, but, unfortunately, its deposits around the world are starting to dry up and therefore the crystal is becoming more expensive. In turn, manufacturers are trying in every possible way to replace an expensive crystal by selling a fake.

How to distinguish a moonstone:

  • A real adularia shimmers with a deep blue-blue color.
  • The blue tint disappears from the stone when viewed from a right angle.
  • The original adularia does not heat up in the hands, it does it for a very long time.

How to charge a moonstone for love?

Reading the conspiracy over adularia will help you achieve greater success in love affairs. This should be done on a growing moon or on a full moon. You should read the conspiracy alone, it is good if the sky is clear and moonlight can fall on your amulet.



A bracelet

Video: "Moonstone: magical properties"

The mineral, similar in color to the Earth's satellite shining in the night sky, was named "moonstone". This is a special kind of feldspar. The characteristic color overflows appear due to the special internal structure of the mineral: a multitude of compressed thinnest plates.

Characteristic differences

The moonstone mineral has absolutely nothing to do with rigolite - samples of lunar soil delivered to Earth. He, like other feldspars, is of terrestrial origin.

Sometimes lunar stones are called various other stones that have a similar luster and characteristic overflows of color. In the famous work of the writer Wilkie Collins, the stone was called lunar because it resembled the glow of a night luminary. But the mineral described in the novel was in fact a rare precious diamond with a peculiar yellowish tint.

Moonstone is potassium aluminum silicate, a type of orthoclase. Differs in a variety of shades: there is milky white, bluish, gray, sometimes lilac with a shimmering inner golden overflow.

Very rare are amazingly beautiful specimens with an internal pattern of small stars or having.

Sometimes the mineral is called adularia, but adularia is a colorless orthoclase, and moonstone is a composition of orthoclase and inclusions of another crystal - albite. It is albite that provides the moonstone with its characteristic flickering - iridescence. The thinner the albite layers embedded in the orthoclase mass, the brighter the irisation effect. But according to the well-established tradition, these color overflows under the rays of light are called adularization.

Moonstone is credited with magical properties

The name "adularia" came to the mineral due to its geographical origin: for the first time its crystals were found in the mountains of Adula (Switzerland). Another version associates the name with the Mons Adularia mountains - that is how Saint Gotthard was called earlier. The local deposit is considered classic.

The color shimmer is revealed when the processed mineral takes the form of a cabochon.

This shape is characterized by the absence of faceting: a spherical or oval polished adularia has a flat mirror base. The crystal itself is translucent and has a characteristic glassy luster. Fragile and sensitive to changes in temperature and weather.

The hardness of the mineral is 6.0 - 6.6 on the Mohs scale. It is softer than quartz and topaz, various mechanical influences are dangerous to it - impacts and squeezing. For detailed properties of the mineral, see this informative video:

Natural moonstone is easy to distinguish from synthetic: due to its internal layered structure, when a beam of light falls on it at an angle of 15 °, it gives a blue flare.

Synthetic, no matter how angle it is turned, gives the same shine with a complete absence of the characteristic blue flare.

Over time, the natural mineral loses its luster, which cannot be restored in any other way, except by re-grinding and polishing.

Mineral varieties

The Finnish Labrador and Madagascar moonstone varieties are famous for their particular beauty.

Moonstones include opaque feldspars. This is the black moonstone. Despite its opacity, it is very beautiful with its characteristic tints of blue.

This type of mineral has got its own name - labrador.

The stone labrador was discovered by German missionaries of the Canadian island of the same name. This happened presumably in 1776.

The popularity of labradorite is due to its original coloration.

The mineral quickly gained widespread popularity, first as a gem, which was used by jewelers in jewelry for the high nobility. Later, such a mineral was found in Russia, where it was called tausin - from the Persian name for a peacock. The description of the find found compared the mineral's radiance to an iridescent peacock's tail.

When rich Ukrainian deposits were discovered, black labrador devalued until it became a facing material - it was used to trim the walls of the subway.

Green moonstone is the amazonite mineral, which is a type of microcline.

Feldspar, called the sun stone, has a sparkling golden tint. It was found in different places of the planet: in America, on the Scandinavian Peninsula, in the east of Russia.

A specifically Russian variety - belomorite - is a white translucent mineral with a bluish tint. However, experts on Belomorite disagree: some unconditionally rank it among moon stones, others categorically object to this.

Russian gem Belomorite named after the White Sea

Real moonstones - adularia and sanidin - are very rare, their main abundant deposits are found in India and Sri Lanka.

Mineral cost

The moonstone is popular with jewelers. The price for it can be different. This, of course, is not about speculative scams or forgeries. The cost depends on the color intensity, size and transparency of the mineral.

The highest price is for blue stones, which have a three-dimensional color depth visible when rotated.

The high cost is explained not only by the special beauty, but also by the extreme rarity of such specimens. The lowest price for multicolor specimens from Indian deposits. For the popularity of adularia as a stone for jewelry, see this video:

The internal structure and color play are the determining factors of how much a moonstone costs.

There are jewelry in which small pieces are inserted that are not of high quality.

The price of a stone in such products starts at $ 1 per 1 carat. Larger ones (3 - 5 carats) with high purity and ideal color are much more expensive. Their average price is about $ 70 per carat.

Moonstone properties

Ancient healers knew about the healing effects of natural and whole stones on the human body. They considered the strength of the impact proportional to the age of the mineral: the older it is, the more powerful it is.

The artificially created mineral, even ideally similar to the real one, does not have the properties characteristic of the natural original.

The Hindus revered the moonstone as a symbol of family well-being and love. It was believed that products made from it should be suitable for single girls who had not yet met their love and for those who were already lucky enough to find their beloved, who seek to preserve the depth of feelings in a happy marriage.

Moonstone helps lonely find love

Chaldeans who lived in southern Mesopotamia in the 1st millennium BC. e., it was believed that the mineral discloses the unused reserves of the body. They used it in magical rites performed at the time of the onset of the full moon.

Medicinal use

According to lithotherapists, people whose nervous system is weakened will certainly benefit from the help of the mineral. Amulet made of it:

  • fights violent expressions of anger;
  • expels hidden fears;
  • neutralizes various negative emotions;
  • reduces the frequency and intensity of epileptic seizures;
  • helps to normalize sleep, effectively combats insomnia;
  • helps to fight stress and depression.

Traditional healers often use a moonstone in their practice, the properties of which make it possible to normalize the work of the cardiovascular, genitourinary systems and the gastrointestinal tract.

The mineral helps against heat, resists inflammation and various kinds of infections.

For women in labor, an amulet can bring relief in childbirth. It also has the ability to calm hyperactive children.

Moonstone helps restore calmness to hyperactive kids

Lithotherapists see the main advantage of the mineral in the fact that it can reduce the negative influence of the moon on a person.

The mineral is energetically connected by sign with the water element, has a unique property to rid the human body of stones, tumors, and promotes the elimination of toxins.

Magical properties

The name itself speaks of a close connection with the moon. On adularia, you can periodically find a small white spot that increases in size as the moon grows and decreases after the full moon. At the moment of the onset of the full moon, when touching the mineral, it seems very cold. This state is most suitable for magical actions.

Adularia is sensitive to lunar cycles

The magical properties of the moonstone were used primarily to attract love. To get rid of loneliness, the amulet was recommended to be worn on the left side of the chest - closer to the heart.

Moreover, the mineral is not only able to attract love, but also to engender this feeling in the soul of its owner.

It matters how the amulet is worn:

  • wearing a ring with a moonstone on the left hand helps to avoid conflicts, relieves stress, makes a person more tolerant and cordial;
  • on the right hand, the ring ensures the achievement of complete relaxation, provokes a person to creative impulses;
  • the mineral corrects and corrects feelings and emotions, is able to reduce the general level of the owner's aggression;
  • adularia can suggest the right way out in solving the problem, if you hold the amulet in your hands and concentrate on the essence of the situation;
  • when a person takes a moonstone for meditation, his magical abilities open the way for the work of the subconscious, help to find and manifest hidden abilities. For more information on the properties of adularia, see this video:

It is believed that the mineral has a unique ability to fulfill desires, and wearing it at the time of any new beginnings promises them successful development and success.

Moonstone and zodiac signs

When choosing a piece of jewelry as a gift to a specific person, it is important to know who the moonstone is suitable for, and to whom it is contraindicated. What does the horoscope say about this?

The mineral will be an effective assistant to everyone who was born on the full moon and on the day of the moon - Monday.

Astrologers, answering the question of what signs of the zodiac the moonstone is suitable for, do not recommend it to the fire signs.

The mineral can and should be worn by people whose character is characterized by hardness and even rigidity. The amulet for them will attract good luck in the business field and make them a little softer.

If the mineral begins to be worn by a person susceptible to suspiciousness and prone to whims, the amulet, instead of benefit, can aggravate the situation, bringing these character traits of the owner to the extreme.

Moonstone, the sign of the zodiac under which a person was born - how do they combine? Here are a summary of the potential impact:

  1. He gives Taurus a feeling of self-confidence, heals heart wounds, gives strength and creates a suitable mood for further successful movement.
  2. is a magical amulet. Helps to cope with mood swings, choose the right life orientation and focus on the main goal.
  3. The mineral is especially suitable for Cancer, for this sign it should come first as an amulet. Helps to quickly restore vitality, serves as a kind of "magnet" that attracts success in financial affairs.
  4. The stone for Leo assists in self-realization, sharpens the mind and gives the ability to recognize if a familiar person has a hidden intent.
  5. Virgo helps in finding true love and finding family happiness.
  6. The stone contributes to the Libra in achieving inner harmony and self-knowledge.
  7. Scorpio from the mineral can get help in growing creativity and making dreams come true.
  8. He promotes Sagittarius in the search for life goals, the development of creative potential.
  9. The stone brings success to Pisces in love and business, helps to overcome negative emotions.
  10. Aries and Capricorn from the influence of the moonstone become lazy, lose the ability to concentrate. But for Capricorn, born from December 22 to January 2, the mineral can help to achieve success in business, relieve melancholy and melancholy, and give an impetus to the development of intuition and the gift of foresight. For interesting facts about the moonstone, see this video:

Astrologers advise not to forget that you need to wear a real moonstone when the moon is growing, at this time the magic of the stone is gaining strength and reaches its peak at the full moon. When the moon is waning, the mineral must be removed and set aside so as not to have contact with it, since at this time it feeds on the energy of the owner.

Moonstone is a fairly rare mineral. The main deposits were discovered and developed before our era.

In ancient times, people endowed him with mystical properties and sought to get their copy by any means. Now this crystal also leaves no one indifferent.

Moonstone history

The moonstone was first discovered in Persia. It was mined in the Swiss mountains (which is the reason for the name "adularia").

Due to its external attractiveness and unusual refraction of light, there were many legends about its origin:

  1. Moonstone creation by Satan for Eve. Admiring nature caused the Devil's desire to create something material and beautiful for the manifestation of greed.
  2. Grinding an ordinary stone with the light of the full moon. The legend dates back to the days of widespread use of alchemical sciences.
  3. The appearance of adular among the Chaldean magicians. They used the stone for their rituals.
  4. Receiving a crystal as a gift from the Moon itself by the gods Lakshmi and Vishnu according to the Indian people.

The moonstone has always been prescribed a mystical origin. During the development of physics, chemistry and geology, it became known for certain that adularia is of completely terrestrial origin.

It is mentioned in many historical facts:

  • Alexander the Great had a ring with a moonstone;
  • Adularia received special reverence from Aristotle;
  • sacred qualities endowed him in ancient India;
  • in the Ancient East, moonstone was used in medicine, used to preserve youth.

In Russia, the moonstone had the name "tausin" for some time. Translated from the Persian language, this means "peacock", which was associated with the overflow of the crystal.

Types and colors

The moonstone is varied.

The term itself is applied to different types of minerals:

  • feldspar (adularia);
  • plagioclase (belomorite);
  • selenite;
  • albite (rewrite);
  • sanidin (a type of feldspar).

It is often accepted to call adularia all crystals with a smooth, silky surface. This is due to the huge color palette of the moonstone.

It is found in the following shades:

  • White;
  • blue;
  • purple;
  • blue;
  • lilac;
  • black;
  • milky yellow.

The most common adularia of the latest color. The rarest is a blue translucent crystal. The most valuable specimens are the "cat's eye" and "hex star".

The moonstone has characteristic features, thanks to which it can be distinguished from a fake:

  1. Shimmering colors when changing the angle of refraction of the light beam. There should be a flare.
  2. Visually has a silk surface.
  3. Defects (grooves and gaps) are mandatory. No natural stone is perfect.
  4. A true adularia is transparent or translucent. The shade contains purple or blue overflows.
  5. When heated in the hands, the moonstone hardly warms up.
  6. If you put a crystal in water, it will become brighter.

Important! Natural moonstone does not have a rich color and shine.

How and where is moonstone mined?

Moonstone is mined in ore, quartz and alpine veins. It also forms in cracks in rocks. Found in magmatic depths.

Main deposits:

  • Australia;
  • Burma;
  • India;
  • Madagascar;
  • Tanzania;
  • North and New Zealand.

The richest area in the Adularia is Sri Lanka. The highest quality crystals are mined there.

Moonstone is also found in Russia:

  • Ural (Makrusha city);
  • Siberia (Inaglinsky mountain range);
  • Chukotka (Mnogovershinnoye field and Karamken);
  • Baikal region (Naryn-Kunta);
  • Irkutsk region (Slyudyansky and Olkhonsky districts);
  • coast of the White Sea.

The process of mining adularia is not much different from the search for other stones.

It is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. First, mines are built. In many countries, this is still done manually.
  2. The rock rises from the depths.
  3. It is washed in a reservoir or under pressure.
  4. Specialists distinguish precious stones from the identified stones.
  5. Then they are sent for grinding and cutting.

Once verified, the stones are used to create jewelry and talismans.

Medicinal properties

The properties of the moonstone have been used for a very long time in folk medicine.

For a person, Tibetan healers distinguish the following range of diseases in which adularia helps:

  • mental illness;
  • epilepsy;
  • nervous exhaustion;
  • diseases of the kidneys, liver;
  • disorders of the genitourinary and urinary system;
  • paralysis;
  • insomnia;
  • arthritis;
  • sepsis;
  • respiratory tract diseases;
  • fractures.

Tip: you should wear the moonstone around your neck, as close to your naked body as possible. It is believed that this crystal is able to balance the psycho-emotional state. Can be used during childbirth to relieve stress.

Magical properties

Adularia is usually endowed with mystical properties because of its visual appeal and the large number of legends associated with it.

In different countries, the moonstone has its own meaning:

  1. In India, it is used by moon worshipers as a lucky charm. Apply it in accordance with the lunar phases.
  2. In the West, love is attracted with the help of adularia. It is believed that if a lonely person carries it near his heart, he will definitely meet his soul mate.
  3. Some magicians place the crystal under their tongues at night to make their divination more powerful.
  4. In Hinduism, the moonstone is used to influence the chakras: Manipura, Anahata, Ajna, Sahasrara.

Adularia is prescribed a number of miraculous properties:

  • helps relieve stress;
  • develop intuition;
  • lose weight;
  • perfectly master the art of public speaking;
  • facilitate childbirth;
  • protect yourself from any negative energy;
  • speed up the process of falling asleep.

The crystal is charged with energy during the full moon and gives it to the rest of the phases.

Moonstone application

Adularia is used in various fields of activity.

It is applied:

  • magicians to remove the evil eye and damage;
  • healers in traditional medicine;
  • to create protection in the form of amulets and charms;
  • sculptors when creating statuettes;
  • for aesthetic purposes for jewelry decoration;
  • in feng shui, northwest direction.

Bracelets, rings, earrings, necklaces are made with moonstone. It is customary to use silver as a cut. In combination with gold, the crystal takes on extravagance. The mineral is very fragile, so it is cut with a cabochon. Thanks to this method, the stone becomes smooth and shiny.

Tip: it is better to store products with moonstone in a hotel place so that there are no scratches on the surface. If the crystal has darkened, it is enough to wipe it with a velvety cloth to add shine.


The value of the moonstone is determined by:

  • variety;
  • transparency;
  • color saturation;
  • the rarity of the specimen;
  • cut.

The cost of a mineral can vary greatly.

  1. The price of an ordinary stone varies about t 1 to 20 $ per carat ... The average copy of the cabochon will cost about 5 $ .
  2. a little more expensive - about $ 15 per carat .
  3. "Rainbow" moonstone (transparent with a rare play of glare) is not so common, so it costs more $ 100 per carat.
  4. Blue stones, especially from the deposits of Sri Lanka, are very expensive (above $ 500 / carat ).
  5. Common Metal Adularia Ornament can be purchased for RUB 500-600

In jewelry, the stone itself, the way it is cut, the precious metal and the variation in the reproduction of the jewelry are evaluated.

Who is it suitable for?

First of all, the moonstone controls the yin energy. Accordingly, suitable for women.

In addition, it is advisable to have it with you:

  • those born on the full moon and on Monday;
  • people with the names Gleb, Avdotya, Gregory, Evdokia;
  • those who suffer from the above diseases.

Adularia has a beneficial effect on almost all people. Everyone will find a use for it, depending on their situation.

Moonstone and zodiac signs

Like other stones, adularia has its place in astrology. True, opinions differ. Someone claims that it is categorically contraindicated for some signs. Others, on the contrary, consider the moonstone to be suitable for absolutely all signs of the zodiac.

So, the compatibility of the moonstone with the signs of the zodiac:

  1. Aries. To the question: "Is the moon suitable?" it is difficult to give a definite answer. As mentioned above, some astrologers believe that adularia is not recommended for this representative of the zodiacal circle. It makes them lazy and consumes energy. And someone is inclined to think that this crystal tames the obstinacy of the rams.
  2. moonstone will bring peace, clarity of mind. Relieves stress and allows you to enjoy life.
  3. Twins. Adularia lowers the duality of nature. Provides an opportunity for judicious consideration of decision-making.
  4. Cancer. The properties of the lunar are due to the fact that adularia is "native" for this zodiac sign. It is useful in all areas of activity, brings harmony and good luck in all endeavors.
  5. A lion. In this case, the crystal sharpens all the qualities inherent in the sign. Allows you to navigate faster, adds intelligence and wisdom.
  6. Virgo. The moonstone influences mainly the love sphere. Designed to improve relationships, bring romance, harmony and happiness to them. The crystal is especially suitable for the beautiful representatives of this sign.
  7. Libra adularia will help to make out in itself. Choose the right path in life and never turn off it.
  8. Scorpio he will give stamina, reveal the potential. It will help to find and develop talent.
  9. Sagittarius the moonstone helps to pacify the temper of nature, "cooling" the representatives of this sign. It also helps to solve many problems and find a way out of confusing situations.
  10. Capricorn, like Aries, from one point of view, adularia is not recommended. On the other hand, the stone will help reduce obstinacy and make Capricorns more loyal. TO What talismans can be, read here.
  11. Aquarius, as a representative of the air element, the crystal will help to find stability in life and protect you from envious people.
  12. Fishes. Moonstone properties for Pisces are extremely varied. The crystal will help both in business and in love. It is the fish that are recommended to use adularia as an amulet or amulet.

Astrologers advise to include a moonstone in your image, depending on the phase of the cycle of the night star. This is best done on a full moon. But you should not wear it during the descending period, because you can lose strength.


And finally, a few facts about the moonstone:

  • it is better to wear it on the body in a specially sewn bag;
  • to stabilize the psycho-emotional state, it is customary to wear a crystal in a ring on the left hand, and to develop creative abilities - on the right;
  • according to one of the legends, tears are emitted on the stone on a full moon, which can heal from diseases;
  • adularia is used to calm very active children;
  • it is believed that if you look through a crystal during a full moon, everything will regain its original appearance.

Be that as it may, moonstone is very popular among magicians and connoisseurs of beauty. To believe in its miraculous properties or not is everyone's business. But its uniqueness and awesomeness are an indisputable fact.

Or adularia is a translucent mineral, the color range of which ranges from light gray to blue. The nugget was known to the ancient Romans, who gave it the appropriate name, believing that it was formed from the cold light of the month. Women who wore jewelry were more desirable, and men could develop intuition, became soft and kind. Nowadays, astrologers also convince: of course, the moonstone has magical properties. The price of the mineral, depending on various factors, is different, the most budgetary option will cost about 1000 rubles. Having paid such a price, you will not regret, because with the help of a nugget you can not only establish personal relationships, but also improve your health and climb the career ladder.

Caution: fake!

Adularia is the leader in the number of fakes. First, its value is rapidly increasing: the magical properties of the moonstone are known all over the world today. Secondly, planetary reserves are gradually being depleted. The richest nugget deposit in Sri Lanka is practically depleted. The same fate awaits other deposits: in America, Australia, Switzerland, India. Therefore, when buying, you need to be as careful and careful as possible so as not to throw money down the drain for a low-quality product.

Be aware that the appearance of linden moonstone is much more spectacular: the natural material has small voids and air bubbles inside. Plus, a real nugget is always cold. It will take a long time to warm it in your hands, which cannot be said about a fake. If you look at the crystal from a right angle, it will not shine, but it will sparkle with colors, if you just turn it a little to the side. A fake will sparkle from any angle. A nugget immersed in water becomes much brighter and more expressive in color, while a fake stone will not change its properties.

Adular's strength

You need to use it competently and purposefully, paying attention to the cycles of the moon, on which the magic of stones directly depends. The properties of the moonstone begin to activate as soon as a young month appears in the sky. With each subsequent night, his strength increases. And on the full moon, the influence of adularia on your life reaches its climax. It is on such a night that the crystal must be charged by placing it in the middle of the lunar path. Interestingly, a nugget only helps if you personally ask for it. Therefore, on a moonlit night, take the mineral in your left hand and make a wish - soon it will come true.

Adularia will be able to reduce the aggression of the owner. He skillfully corrects emotions and feelings, directing them in the right direction. Facilitates the resolution of complex tasks, controversial issues and problems. Having bought a nugget, you will learn to reach a compromise, forget about irritability and anger, and also surprise the environment with the ability to find a way out even from critical situations.

Extrasensory perception

What are the magical properties of the moonstone? It is known that a nugget is a faithful friend of sorcerers and sorcerers, because with its help you can find out the future. To do this, you need to put the crystal in your mouth on one of the moonlit nights: it is in this position that it will show the greatest strength. Meditate, closing your eyes, ask mentally what awaits you on the path of life - and the veil of secrecy will open. If you put the mineral under the feather pillow, you will see prophetic dreams, especially during the period when the influence of your zodiac sign will be at its peak.

Adularia not only enhances the owner's energy, but also purifies it, improves karma. He protects from bad influence, protects from evil spirits. There is a belief that a crystal helps to make the right decision. To do this, you need to put it on the windowsill so that the moonlight completely illuminates the decoration. Looking at the mineral, think about the problem - in a few minutes you will understand how profitable and quick to get around the trouble, without wasting mental and physical strength.

Personal relationships

The moonstone will help to fix them. The magical and healing properties of the moonstone are aimed at improving the life of the owner, and the love part of it is no exception. To lure passion and feelings, wear a crystal brooch at heart level. The talisman will fill every date with romance. Its owner will never know what it is like to be rejected. The nugget revives sincere high feelings, destroying the carnal low motives.

For people in love, adularia helps to enjoy the emotions, the wealth of the partner's inner world. If the love of the second half has died out, then the mineral will warn about this: it will become dull or cloudy. According to astrologers, the magical properties of the moonstone work at full capacity if you store it at home, after putting it on a photograph of a loved one. This ensures that feelings are eternal and relationships are indestructible. Placing a pendant with your zodiac sign next to it will enhance your own sexuality and inner charisma.


In addition to personal life, adularia will help solve business issues and advance in the service. Possessing a soft, soothing and unobtrusive energy, it has a beneficial effect on its owner, making him attractive and pleasant in the eyes of business partners. Colleagues begin to reach out to the owner of the moonstone, believe him, considering his intentions pure. But he only helps really honest people. Those who want to use the talisman for selfish purposes will face collapse or bankruptcy in the business sphere.

Any negotiations and discussions will turn the moonstone in your favor. The magical properties controlled by the Moon make it indispensable in those cases when you do not see a way out and run into a dead end. To always know how to resolve a disputable or conflict situation, carry an adularia with you. With its help, you will receive financial profit, you will successfully develop logic, improve your potential and open up new opportunities in the professional field.


It is recommended that artists, writers, sculptors, designers and other professionals, whose work is closely related to inspiration and imagination, wear a nugget in a ring on their right hand. Such a talisman has a beneficial effect on the imagination, attracts a muse, revives inspiration. Moonstone and its magical properties enhance the sense of beauty and the ability to express your thoughts and ideas about the world on canvas or paper.

The owner of adularia begins to look at the world in a new way. His poetic talent and musical ability are awakening. Staying in harmony with higher forces and his own "I", he sees the real essence and true nature of things. The stone opens the subconscious during meditation, helps to find balance. Having presented an amulet with a crystal to even the most rational and pragmatic person, you can revive in him lofty feelings, love for art, craving for creativity. He will begin to show talents that he did not even know about before.


Adularia also has medicinal properties. The magical properties of the moonstone affect the spiritual world of a person. Instead, its healing powers confer physical health and beauty. Products with crystal are recommended to be worn closer to the body, for example, in the form of a pendant. Then the stone will be able to stabilize the mental state of the owner, strengthen his memory and improve the quality of sleep. Pregnant women are advised to take a nugget to the maternity ward: it helps to easily and painlessly release from the burden, contributes to the birth of a healthy and strong baby.

The mineral is used to treat infectious diseases, pathologies of the liver, kidneys, and biliary tract. It protects epileptics from seizures, improves the state of the central nervous system. It helps hyperactive children to find peace of mind, increases their school performance by developing the abilities for perseverance and concentration. To do this, the nugget must be put in the secret pocket of the knapsack, with which the kid regularly attends the educational institution.

Zodiac signs

The magical properties of the moonstone affect the representatives of the constellations in different ways. So, it is categorically contraindicated for Capricorns and Aries. The nugget negatively affects their physical well-being and inner peace. But for Taurus, it will help relieve stress, increase optimism and give peace. Gemini wearing the crystal will suffer less from mood swings, and Cancers will get rid of anxiety and unnecessary anxiety.

Lions will be able to improve their mental abilities. The mineral sharpens their intelligence, awakens wisdom and clarifies thoughts. With the help of a talisman, Virgos will find personal happiness, experience harmony of feelings, and Libra will finally understand their own purpose in this world. Scorpios who own a moonstone will be able to reveal their inner potential, become stronger and more focused, Sagittarius will solve any problem, Aquarius will get rid of envious people and pacify their own stubbornness. Pisces who bought the stone are doomed to professional success and financial profit.