Love at a distance like the worst relationship option. Is there a chance of relationships at a distance

November 29, 2017, at 09:52

If the girl lives in another city - not in the one you live, such a relationship is called love at a distance. This type of relationship has its own characteristics. Relationships at a distance need to be maintained carefully and carefully.

If the girl lives in another city, what dangers are in this case

Relationships generally - this is when you with your loved one, take care of each other, show each other attention, hugging, kissing and, of course, communicate personally.

If you live in different cities, much of the above becomes impossible, because every day you simply will not have all this opportunities.

You can present your relationship in the campfire, which needs constant adding firewood so as not to go out. How to throw these most firewood when you are living in different cities with a girl?

These firewood - and there are your mutual relationships (kisses, affection, joint time). Because if you live in different cities all the time, this fire will come out.

The duration of the relationship until the moment of fading will be determined by your love and those firewood that you have thrown into the fire before the girl went to his city, and how much water will be rushed into your fire.

It is necessary to realize that people tend to want love right now and here, so the feelings will inevitably fade, and new relationships will be gradually flared, because guys also live in other cities, some of which can like your girlfriend, so they will take care of her, adding water In the fire, which will lead to gradual fading.

How to be if the girl lives in another city

The first condition that needs to be performed in this case is to achieve any way so that you soon began to live together, that is, in one city. It should strive for this.

At the same time, you need to protect your love, not allowing the fire to fade. To perform this task, you must most often meet with your sweetheart and visit it. You need to talk on the phone, give gifts - in general, to care for her, as you can and know how.

The most important condition: if the girl lives in another city, it follows during each meeting to make a maximum of the efforts so that it remains entirely satisfied in sexual terms, otherwise the instincts prevail and your chosen will be changed to you.

To save relationships, it is necessary to build joint plans for the future, otherwise, instead of you, this will make another guy with your girlfriend. For example, it is necessary to plan as quickly as possible to move one of you to another, the birth of children, etc.

You need to constantly thangive her photos and communicate with the help of a video link so that each of you remembered the face of another. It will give the opportunity to save your relationship if they last at a distance.

Life in the XXI century is very dynamic. People move between cities and countries and sometimes have for a long time to be in separation with their loved ones. Someone leaves for work, and someone finds a soul mate on the Internet, but it turns out that she lives on another edge of the earth.

We decided to find out if there is a chance of relationships at a distance. And for the beginning, they asked the staff of the Lifehaker's editorial board who had experience in such relations to speak out on this.

We met with my wife in Samara at the festival "404". She was from Izhevsk, I am from Ulyanovsk. Once in two weeks we rushed to each other in Kazan for the weekend, the rest of the time - chats, calls. We have sustained about six months in this mode, after which it became obvious that you need to go straight or part. To tolerate the physical absence of a loved one is a big test that does not wish anyone.

Alexey Ponomar

I have a five-year experience of relationships at a distance. And, honestly, I made a big lesson from it - there is no relationship at a distance. This is a myth who often invented the young lady and plays him. In relations at a distance, the girl is tied to the guy stronger, it becomes emotionally dependent on communicating with him.

One of the largest minuses of such relationships is the lack of your half at the most right moment, be it your birthday, sudden hospitalization or just a walk around the city in beautiful weather.

You can select the pluses of relationships at a distance (they are taught patience, confidence, planning), but all these are excuses and excuses, covering the inconsistency of this pair.

Maria Verkhovtsheva

You can rush at least with loud phrases, which truly loving people will always find a way to be together here and now. But life is a difficult thing and sometimes the circumstances are really stronger than us.

My four-year experience of relationships made me stronger. The biggest minus for me was that during the separation time I died to "be in a pair." Every time, at a meeting, I needed a couple of days to adapt to the feeling that a man, he can help, not necessarily do everything.

Nastya Rainbow

I am sure that the relationship is impossible at a distance. That's why.

For a couple, the daily physical interaction is important: hugs, unexpected slap on the pope, kiss before leaving for work and in the evening and many more little things that give relationships warmly, confidence, make them specially with this person.

With the relationship at a distance of each partner, their life, its own habitat and communication, which changes the person. Over time, everyone changes so much that it ceases to understand and feel the experiences and joy of a partner.

When communicating, a partner from a real person turns into a projection created by our brain. When you meet, you will suddenly find that your perfect beloved loudly wives tea, for example, or scatters the most notorious socks. The essence of the relationship is that for a long time spent by side, we learn to accept the shortcomings of others and even begin to appreciate them.

Maria Sherstneva

As you can see, the majority believes that relationships are impossible at a distance. This position is reinforced by at least four weight arguments.

4 reasons why relationships are not the best idea

Couple experiencing strong social pressure

If the second half is far away, you have to constantly answer stupid questions: "When will your girl arrive?", "Are you sure that he does not walk there?" Circumstances are already pressing psychologically, and such attempts to climb into the soul in general are knocked out from the rut.

Close friends and relatives usually understand the situation, but they will not kill curious colleagues and acquaintances. All because relations at a distance in the mass consciousness go beyond the boundaries of normality. To preserve them, you need to be able to abstract from the opinions of others.

People feel lonely in important moments of life

On the one hand, you can go where you want, do what you like. But on the other, at all events (birthdays, weddings, family holidays, and so on) you will be alone.

And if at a party in a circle of friends somehow you can cope with a sense of loneliness, then in critical moments (the disease, the death of loved ones and so on) it simply wants.

And if it is impossible to break and come, poorly both parties. You want a favorite person to be near and holding hands, and your half can find the "right" word of consolation and hates themselves for nothing.

Not enough sex

This is normal. Sometimes it is not enough not so much sex as elementary tactile contact, caress.

Everyone copes with this problem in their own way. But usually the pair tries to see as often as possible, and in the intervals between meetings, loved the energy in the work or sport.

Have to adapt to the schedule of a partner

When in Moscow is noon, in New York deep night. Param living in different time zones, for the sake of communication with your loved one, you have to be inacked. Even the difference in a couple of hours can create inconvenience if you work or learn.

To adapt to each other also for meetings. For example, take a vacation at one time to spend it together. From here, by the way, another disadvantage of relations is followed: permanent flights and moving, as well as a long-distance communication need money.

But it is not all that bad. Relations at a distance are indisputable advantages.

What distinguishes couples building relationships at a distance

They communicate more

It sounds paradoxically, but it is so. If a man and a woman live for a long time together, then gradually conversations between them are reduced to the exchange of news for dinner. This is happening, because over time, close people begin to understand each other without words or with a half-word. Why say something, if you see that your second half, for example, is something upset, and can you just approach and hug?

Couples separated by kilometers and time zones are forced almost all their feelings and experiences to climb into words. After all, no one can read thoughts at a distance, and without non-verbal means of communication sometimes it is difficult to achieve mutual understanding. Therefore, in relationships at a distance, lovers send dozens of messages and poured the soul on the phone and in Skype.

They value freedom

His and Freedom of the Partner.

In the novel "Atlant dealt shoulders" John Golt and Dagney Taggert promised to each other:

I swear to my life and love for her, I will never live for the sake of another person and never ask and do not make another person to live for me.

The relations of Heroes Ayn Rand are built on healthy egoism and respect for personal freedom of individual. If your second half is far and wants, for example, sign up for tango courses, you are not entitled to hinder. When the partner is physically noted near, everyone is doing what he wants.

There is no use quarrels between them

When the couple begins to live together, reproaches like "you are forever spread all!" or "You are going too long!" Inevitable. One over time is reconciled with each other's habits, and the other love boat is so bad about the rocks of life, that feelings go to no.

Lovely living in different cities or even countries do not need to argue about who is washing the dishes today or first goes to the shower. Of course, someday and they will have to go through everyday lapping. But they have enough time to learn each other's habits and discuss the conditions for coaching.

They keep jealousy under control

Relationships at a distance are primarily confidence. Without it, nothing will happen. Jealousy, of course, is present, but should come down to Flirt: "And that guy next to you in a photo knows that he does not shine anything?", "Be clever at a party - do not let you glue to you!" Simple demonstration of how you love a partner.

If there is no confidence and between you are constant reproaches and suspicions, relationships are doomed. Therefore, the pairs separated by the distance necessarily keep their jealousy under control.

They value the time spent together

"What we have, do not store, lose - cry" - this truth is old as the world and absolutely true. In relations at a meeting distance, it is usually rare and short, so in love with the triumph of each minute spent together.

They prepare each other surprises and pay a favorite person to maximize attention. At such moments, work, friends, life, in general everything goes to the background and there is no place to quarrels on trifles.

Talk to

Of course, a variety of messengers are much more convenient than Skype - with them you can be in touch all day. But still try to talk more often with each other - and preferably in Skype, and not write messages. In the correspondence it is impossible to accurately transfer the intonation, even if you have long been together and perfectly know each other. In the telephone conversation you do not see the facial expressions of each other - and also lose a lot.

Speak about the little things

If it seems to you that you are absolutely nothing to talk about every day, stop inventing topics for conversation. It is precisely this that prevents you from keeping in touch - attempts to come up with a topic for conversation. People who are near, it is not needed, and your task is to create the illusion that you are at a distance of an elongated hand. Therefore, talk about the trifles that a couple who live together: about homemade troubles, about work, about the fact that the cat again hunted the vacuum cleaner. It gets closer you more than talk about joint dreams and plans for the future.

Do not talk about what shares you

If your cute went to another country, of course, you will, of course, will be very interested to know how life is arranged. But the less you ask about it - the better (if, of course, you are not going to move towards him). Because the feeling of a completely alien world sooner or later will begin to associate with a loved one. And he will also become a stranger.

Feel free to express your feelings

How to save relationships at a distance? Writing lovely messages in the second week, sucking with the handset is somehow stupid, video call also does not have a special tenderness. But it is important to understand that you need it. You and so lost a huge reservoir in a relationship - most of the feelings lovers express non-verbally: holding hands, hugging and kissing. As long as you are deprived of this opportunity, you will have to fill out tenderness with words.

Meet regularly

It is clear that the frequency of your meetings depends on many factors: from distance, schedule of study or work, from finance. But you must set the schedule of meetings on the principle "no less often than." Will it get only in six months? Let it, but you need to know exactly that this meeting will take place. Agree in advance - this is an important advice for relationships at a distance. The option "how it turns out" does not work. Will not work.

Meet the neutral territory

If you have to part for a long time, select a point on the map to which you both will be convenient to get, and meet there. Do not allow the situations in which you, for example, are sitting and waiting for when he deigns you to visit. He will also be alone, because you are on our territory, you are the mistress, and he is just a guest. At neutral territory you are in equal terms, and it removes a lot of problems.

Do something together

Fortunately, modern means of communication allow you in real time to choose together products for dinner: for example, turn on Skype and go to the store. This incredibly brings it closer, because, firstly, creates the illusion of the presence, and secondly, it removes the problem "We have become nothing to talk about."

Don't lie to each other

Lies in relationships at a distance are unusually convenient, because the partner never recognizes that he was deceived. The problem is that you get used to lies. When you again be near, it will be difficult to learn from habit to lie and unfurry, hiding any uncomfortable moments. Of course, you can't check if you do not lie your cute. But at least not LGI itself. It will help your further relationship.

Do not jealous

Is love possible at a distance without jealousy? With jealousy, it is generally difficult to fight, and in relationships at a distance - almost impossible. Therefore, it is not necessary to start - such a council give psychologists about relationships at a distance. All you can do is to trust your partner, there are no other options. This must be taken as proper. If you are not ready - it is better to part. If he is not ready - it is simply necessary to part: it will still happen a little later, but before that he will have time to thoroughly spoil your life, forcing you constantly justify.

Do not suffer

And one more important advice about love at a distance. Do not turn your life in the waiting room. It is important to understand that there are only two options: or you live a full life - yes, while every one own, but only for now, or you part. People are poorly adapted to suffering, our psyche seeks to turn away everything related to negative sensations. So, the more you are worried about the fact that your beloved is far from you, the sooner you will understand that this is someone else, in essence, the person is wildly annoying you. And, perhaps, stop answering his calls. If this result does not suit you, try to worry as much as possible about the fact that your cute is not near. This is temporary, it is not forever.

Love at a distance is the worst view of the relationship. This is a psychological axiom. I myself personally had the experience of 4 relationships at a distance (which I treated very differently), but most importantly, in my subsequent psychological practice, I disassembled more than 200 relationships at a distance.

My empirical experience of the parsing of these situations unequivocally says one thing: a distance relationship is the most problematic relations of all possible. Love in the distance there is its own strict patterns, that is, psychological laws for which they develop, regardless of whether we want it or not.

Since this article is written immediately for both women and for men, then the person you love, I will be called further for the brief "relationship partner."

Have a good, happy relationship there are several key components: biological compliance (first 3 biological compatibility markers, you should like it from the very beginning in this person: 1) Voice 2) Calm Smell 3) Laughter, like this person laughs); Very good attitude personally to you from the very beginning; general worldview; sexual compatibility; General geography, that is, it is extremely desirable that you live in one city; Psychological complimentaryness.

Love, speaking by our psychological jargon, there are always two components - Wishlist and binding. Wishlist is a sexy instinct, and the binding is a deep emotional and mental connection between a man and a woman, which is metaphorically, we can imagine in the form of an invisible string or sea rope, imagine the image in which this "thread" as if it stretches from a man to Woman through time and space. It is from these two components and there is love.

Wishlist (sexual desire) can flare up fairly quickly (especially in our male case), but it can also make it easier and quickly cool to some woman. Emotional and mental attachment, in contrast, from sexual desire, is formed in the soul of a person in relation to a partner (partner in relationships) for a very long time - months, even for years. But even also for a long time, this emotional and mental connection holds after, even if the relationship is now in a deep crisis. The most powerful binding very often remains even if the relationship stopped (the binding is when you think, you miss this person).

Love in the distance - what do statistic digits say?

I disassembled cases in which the relationships were at very large distances (hundreds and thousands of kilometers), for example - a man in Vladivostok, his wife moved to live in Moscow (seen once in three or four months). This distance may be small, up to hundreds of kilometers between cities, such as a man lives in a major city, and a woman in one of his suburbs or in the city nearby. And in all of these 200 cases (I will remind you that I provided psychological assistance to people in the restoration of the destroyed relationship and disassembled with them in consultations their relationship at a distance) I found the following key pattern.

The first rule of relationships at a distance: if a man and woman do not begin to live together on one territory (the guy goes to the girl in her city or on the contrary, the girl goes to live to the guy in his city - it doesn't matter who to whom), the relationship is guaranteed to fall apart In 90-95% of cases within 2-3 years.

These are non-random figures, this is what I have done about this, which I am doing psychological assistance in these cases. That is, even if you are doing everything now in a relationship, but you do not settle down together and will not start living together, then I guarantee you a serious crisis in a relationship for a year or two years, but most likely a complete break of relationships (disappointment in them) . Yes, there are pairs that make up an exception, couples that are in relationships and 3 years after the start of the relationship, although a man and a woman live in different cities (see once or twice a month or less frequently), but I will remind you on my statistics. around 5%. And then these couples are all the time "in the risk zone", that is, such relationships may once collapse.

If your relationship is currently undergoing the crisis now, then the matter here is not only in the notorious "your and other mistakes" the fact is that relations are developing in their laws and trajectories. You can be very psychologically literate in relationships or completely illiterate, but in any case, the psychological laws of relations at a distance will dominate your feelings.

Conclusion: To make your relationship and come out of the crisis, you need to live together, on one territory (in the "her" city, in the "his" city, at some neutral territory - it doesn't matter, the main thing is to appear together to appear in common life and Common Future). After all, who is a loved one? It is always a category of time, a loved one is the future time. When you think constantly about some kind of person and put it next to your future, it says that this is a completely special person for you, a loved one. That is, you have a concept of a joint future.

Relations at a distance can one of the partners in relations this concept of a joint future so weaken or even completely reduce that the joint future disappears, weakens and is replaced by other "images of the future".

Want to save the relationship at a distance - you need to go to another city, where this person lives and start living there, on one territory.

How does love development develop? 4 stages of love at a distance.

1st stage "Love at a distance".

This is "spring" relationship, a period of love. Perhaps one of the best times in life (remember all your love!). You are covered with a wave emotional euphoria and a feeling of lightness in the body, all thoughts and feelings are directed only to this person. The feeling of delight and the deepest acceptance of the entire personality of this person and thanks for a special, exclusive attitude towards you. You call the maximum of your free time and write this person, communicate with him, there is a feeling, as if this amazing person reads all your thoughts, feels the slightest movements of your soul. This is the time of the mental holiday, Euphoria, recognition of each other, deepest interest in everything that happens in the world of another person.

What are the dangers at this stage? You may not fall in love with a real person, but in the image you created, especially if I never seen it before your dating (for example, the acquaintance happened over the Internet). And the image and real person may differ at times. You yourself came up with a fairy tale, and then you do not like reality, so from the very beginning the relationship was necessary to build realistic. There may be a gap between your supersaturated expectations and a real person.

You can actually fall in love only after you have repeatedly had sex and you lived together for a while (there was a common life, you worked together), then you will not be mistaken - you actually make sure that come to each other A friend as a lover and a mistress that in sex you can have 100% well, that partnerships are reliable and durable - that's where you can lose your head and the heart of losing, figuratively speaking.

The 2nd stage of love at a distance.

Checking mutual expectations. The foundation of the future relationship is laid here and the trigger of characters is underway (we live not with appearance, but with character), you go to each other and you have mutually launched on each other as the Wishlist (your sexual instinct) and binding (deepest emotional and mental connection). You have sex like rabbits or do not do at all (have a mischief, reasons for this - dozens). You spend the maximum time together. You will learn each other in real, and not on the basis of some invented images. Here or laid the image, the concept of a joint happy future, or it is not laid at all. It turns out intentions for the future.

What difficulties may occur at this stage of relationships? 1) 70-80% of the information loving people get non-verbally, that is, reading this information from the "body language", and not on the basis of words. In terms of distance, it turns out that you lose up to 80% of the information about each other and "know" each other only by 20% and the information deficit can grow everything; 2) the unrecognizing each other due to the emotional closedness, the spiritual burn was brought from the past (unsuccessful) relations, incorrect projections (see not a real person, and its projections at its address, or this person sees you, but sees your image, which can be rather distorted); 3) excessive expectations or inconsistency of expectations (for example, in order to immediately made a proposal, without really understanding in its feelings); 4) Fear of uncertainty (now everything is fine, but what will happen next when we run away?)

If the relationship at a distance or has developed and fixed in this form, fixed in the position (for example, a man rides a woman once a month in her city, sometimes once in half a year). Or, the relationship did not immediately arise (due to the psychological illiteracy of both partners in relations, sexual, emotional, cultural or psychological incompatibility) and has already begun a crisis in relations.

At this stage, the pair can even get married. The concept of a joint future arises (we will ever live together) and at first everything is really good, there is absolute loyalty, there are deep trust, there is an understanding of the emotional needs of each other, love, care, tenderness and attention. But the couple continues to live in two cities and their meetings occur not every day, and once a week, month, or even half a year. During the first year of relations at a distance, love supports psychological inertia and the relationship is still very strong, but after the past year, internal conflict begins to grow in a pair.

3rd stage in relationships at a distance.

Growing internal conflict. Relationships at a distance breaks from the inside the nature of these relationships. With a geographical factor, people do nothing and eventually, the problematic of their relationship is growing and intensifies, the discontent and internal conflict begins to accumulate, which begins to be projected on another person. That here very often happens:

1) The concept of a joint future begins to gradually fend into time, weakening and collapse.

2) All problems in the pair are correct to decide how? That's right, having sex. With the relationship at a distance it is simply impossible, so all mutual conflicts do not receive emotional discharge through the bed, and gradually accumulate. The internal problem of these relations is growing

3) Relations have two pillars on which they cost are value and community. Gradually begins to emit the value of this person (after all, there are many others around you), your once has a huge psychological community (ie, "general reality") also begins to gradually weaken.

4) There is a loss of confidence. Very often, instead of trust, such destructive appearance of the phenomenon is launched as control and surveillance (what does this man do now? Where did he go in the evening? With whom?, Etc.)

4th stage of love at a distance.

Cooling and crisis. The crisis in the relationship could come and in the second and in the third stage of relations at a distance, but at the fourth crisis is almost inevitable (95% of the pairs). The crisis accumulates and comes to such relations at different speeds, from year to three years. A lot depends on the psychological literacy of a man and a woman, from the number of perfect psychological mistakes (for errors in relations, both, by definition) and on the degree of erotic stress (there is a spark of erotic tension or not - and why) in a pair.

Someone comes an understanding of the wrongness of such relations, but instead of a positive agenda (listen, we have problems, let's think about how we can solve them in the best possible way to be happy again?) Includes the fierce criticism of the personality of another person. There is no genuine understanding that in this situation you are not guilty personally and not another person, but the logic of the development of relationships by distances, which leads most of the couples to such a scenario.

The pushing person begins. Not individual acts (misconduct), but all your personality is completely (the classic phrases of this stage sound: "You're (bad, terrible, etc.) have always been, there are and you will!" Or "You are always like this (monstrous , evil, etc.) was, there will be "). Sinkingly absurd, delusional charges. And both at your address and from the outgoing you. Sexual treason or already occur or is about to begin to occur, in any case, some of the partners on relationships can already be actively flirting, it's known to get acquainted and change.

People in a pair do not hear each other and do not understand, although they speak in the same language. "Body language" is completely changing - at a meeting, people feel not the desire to hug each other, but an unnatural feeling of stiffness (so-called "muscular shell"), muscular clamps appear, uncongenant behavior, emotional instability, body language becomes cold, then There are strange, closed poses ("defensive").

I repeat, the absolute majority of relationships at a distance, if a man and a woman do not go out and do not begin to live together for 2-3 years, is doomed to the collapse and disintegration. This is what happens, the relationship is beginning to collapse, divorces and discrepancies occur.

Thanks to the rapid development of Internet technologies, communication has acquired a new format, now he has practically no borders. A hundred years ago it was difficult to imagine, and now we can send a message in Zimbabwe to one click and get a response just a few seconds. People of different nationalities, races, mentality sit down to their computers, and communicate with representatives of other cities, countries, continents - and, of course, floors. It is not surprising that the number of so-called "relationships at a distance" is rapidly increasing when lovers live in different cities, or even countries.

Lovers of comfort in terms of personal life are not so little. That's what the one familiar from Moscow speaks about this: "I am very convenient to communicate with my girlfriend on ICQ or Skype. We see each other twice a month. It absolutely fits into my schedule: I can easily devote myself a career device, making money; It remains time for self-development, study and a joint holiday with friends. No need to perform her eternal whims and whims. Career is built up to 30, we must have time. "

Indeed, living in different cities, you do not have to sacrifice our professional growth in the name of love, you can kill two hares at once. A fairly modern approach to relationships.

Caution! Such relationships will arrange far from everyone! It should be previously understood what he is waiting for you / she. Among the adherents of this type of relationship, we will find much more men than women. After all, the weak half of humanity as much as he needs constant attention, and the execution of "small whims". So try to immediately place the points over "I".

Idealization of love. Love at a distance can be viewed as an attempt to avoid everyday routine. Here, perhaps, it is not necessary for example: with the concept of "otovovuha" there were all, and not one love boat crashed precisely about her. Living in different cities, you do not see how your love is playing, sneezes, puts the toothbrush not in place; You are not annoyed by his / her tincture cat, which is running about new black pants or just purchased coats. In general, you can avoid many unpleasant little things capable of bringing you and the object of your attention to indignation. In addition, your relationship is permeated with trembling romance: you rarely see, you miss and look forward to the next meeting. In such feelings, the term of freshness does not expire lon longer than that of standard. And this is an indisputable, very weighty plus.

Caution! You risk trying pink glasses. One thing to see each other every two months, but always in a good mood and with open arms and completely different - to wake up with a person every day, live together and put up with his shortcomings (and believe me, they will definitely have it). The image formed in your head, and the true position of things may not come together.

Work / study. Business trips or sessions turn your love, in feelings, separated by a large number of kilometers. Among my friends there are several girlfriends (and even wives !!!), which found themselves in such a situation. Everyone is already serious, but it's hard not to feel the warmth of your loved one for weeks. It helps the understanding that it is just a period of life to endure. Love allows you to take your half not only with their shortcomings, but also with inconvenient schedules of work and study. But when business trips and sessions end, any other can envy these couples! They instantly unfolds a stormy joint program, because they need so much so much!

You will need the abyss of trust, and, if possible, constant communication with each other. Hysteria can play out due to weekly messages in the tube: "The subscriber is not available." Try to communicate more and come to a general understanding.

Love statistics at a distance shows that due to mutual confidence required for such relations, the percentage of such pairs for as much as 20% is lower than that of ordinary. True, high and percentage of parting - especially after the first six months of love. Entering such relationships, you both should understand that you have to work a lot on them and on yourself. It all depends on your patience, desire and ability to find compromises. So if you love each other at a distance, do not throw everything at the first difficulties, and you will be happy!

Natalia Zhigalova

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