Can there be an early miscarriage? Subjective causes of early miscarriage. severe pain in the back and abdomen

Spontaneous abortion or miscarriage is a common occurrence in a woman's life. Most often, a miscarriage occurs in the first 10-12 weeks of pregnancy. Children born after 22 weeks of pregnancy, that is, ahead of time, the possibilities of modern medicine can be saved.

Sometimes a woman loses a baby without even knowing that she is pregnant. Knowing the first signs of a miscarriage, and promptly contacting a doctor for help, you can avoid the death of the fetus.

Miscarriage symptoms

The characteristic signs of a miscarriage in the early stages are:

  • a sharp deterioration in the general condition;
  • pain of a pulling nature in the lower abdomen;
  • brown bloody discharge.

However, in some clinical situations, a miscarriage does not show itself in any way and its onset is hidden.

What factors can contribute to abortion?

The chance of miscarriage increases if the mother has:

  • causeless weight loss with the same regimen and diet;
  • "breaking" in the lumbar region;
  • spasms in the lower abdomen;
  • problems with stool (diarrhea);
  • mucous discharge from the vagina of an unexplained nature.

Bloody discharge almost always indicates that the pregnancy is complicated and the risk of miscarriage is high. If you add strong cramps in the lower abdomen to them, then an ambulance call is inevitable: only specialists can save the baby.

Excessive bleeding is a symptom that irreversible pathological changes have occurred in the female body, and the fetus is already dead.

In a miscarriage, the embryo is rejected either entirely or in parts. Sometimes it happens that the body of a born child leaves the mother's womb a few days after he died.

Stages and symptoms of miscarriage

It is customary for doctors to distinguish 4 stages of fetal rejection, each of which has its own specific symptoms.

  1. The first stage of the pathological process is characterized by an acute threat of miscarriage. A woman begins to be disturbed by aching pains in the groin area, lower back. Then she notices spotting on her underwear. These manifestations are a direct indication for visiting a gynecologist or calling an ambulance. A patient with the above symptoms can be put "in storage" for the entire duration of pregnancy.
  2. The second stage is directly the beginning of the rejection of the embryo. Pain intensifies, becomes cramping. In the patient, increased vaginal discharge occurs while walking. She begins to complain of dizziness, weakness. During this period, the chances of saving the baby remain if medical assistance is provided on time, and the woman is hospitalized.
  3. The death of the embryo is noted in the third stage, which is the miscarriage itself. The patient suffers from unbearable pain in the abdomen, lower back. The bleeding is very strong.
  4. The fourth stage is the expulsion of the fetus, its membranes from the uterine cavity. Abortion is accompanied by contraction of the uterus, after which the bleeding disappears. Sometimes not all parts of the embryo leave the mother's body, then this condition is called an incomplete miscarriage. In this case, resort to surgical intervention to remove the remnants of the fetus.

In any case, the diagnosis of "complete miscarriage" must be confirmed by ultrasound data.

During pregnancy, a woman can experience what is known as a missed pregnancy. The patient will be disturbed by such minor signs as dizziness and "flies" before the eyes.

The usual manifestations of pregnancy (toxicosis, soreness of the mammary glands) disappear. At this time, against the background of "hidden" symptoms, the embryo dies. This condition is extremely dangerous for the health and life of a woman. Therefore, there is a need for surgical intervention: a dead fetus is scraped with its membranes from the uterus.

Etiology of miscarriage

Embryo rejection can occur for one reason or a combination of them.

Miscarriage mainly happens for the following reasons:

  • Rhesus is a conflict. It occurs when the father and mother of the unborn child have different Rh factors. Therefore, in the body of a pregnant woman there is a "rebellion" at the immune level and rejection of the fetus.
  • Hormone problems in a pregnant woman. A lack or excess of certain hormones can lead to recurrent miscarriages. Most often this concerns progesterone (its small amount) and androgen (increased amount).
  • Previously artificial termination of pregnancy.
  • Playing sports or doing a lot of physical work. Pregnant women are contraindicated in intensive training, as well as weight lifting (over 5 kg).
  • Anomalies of the fetus at the chromosomal level. The mother's body "weeds out" the fetus, which has developmental anomalies.
  • Poor health of the expectant mother. Chronic diseases and an inappropriate lifestyle (cigarettes and alcohol) do not allow you to fully bear a child due to increased stress during pregnancy.
  • external intoxication. The danger to the fetus is represented by certain categories of drugs that can pass through the placenta and adversely affect its condition.
  • Infections. Rubella, influenza, as well as foci of chronic infection in the mother's body can provoke a miscarriage.
  • Frequent stress.

Whatever the cause of the miscarriage, this condition requires medical intervention and prompt hospitalization. Only such a tactic gives a chance for the continuation of pregnancy and the birth of a healthy child.

Miscarriage is a spontaneous termination of pregnancy, which is accompanied by premature birth of the fetus. This phenomenon most often occurs before 20 weeks.

Classification of miscarriages

Pregnancy is a quivering and full of pleasant expectations time. But sometimes it happens that this state is interrupted. How to determine an early miscarriage? What are its causes and how to prevent it? These questions are asked by many expectant mothers. To prevent complications and unpleasant consequences, you need to know the answer to them.

There are the following types of miscarriages:

  • threat characterized by bloody discharge and uterine contractions. Such spontaneous abortion in most cases can be stopped, and the pregnancy is maintained;
  • an abortion that has begun is characterized by profuse bleeding and cramping pain. It is not possible to save pregnancy in this condition;
  • incomplete abortion occurs in cases of partial rejection of the fetus;
  • complete abortion is carried out with complete rejection of the fetus, in which the uterus contracts and the bleeding stops completely;
  • An ordinary miscarriage is a situation in which a woman has an arbitrary termination of pregnancy for the third time in a row with rejection of the fetus.

Septic miscarriage

This type of spontaneous abortion occurs as a result of infection of the contents of the uterus.

How to determine a miscarriage of a septic nature? The symptoms of this condition cannot be confused with anything. Vaginal discharge acquires an unpleasant odor, bleeding appears, the woman experiences a feverish condition and pain in the lower abdomen. It is impossible to delay calling an ambulance for a septic miscarriage.

What causes a miscarriage?

A miscarriage occurs in 1 out of 6 pregnant women, and most often in the early stages. Experts identify the following most common causes of spontaneous abortion:

  1. Anomalies in the development of the fetus.
  2. Diseases of the immune, cardiovascular, endocrine, excretory system of the mother.
  3. Bad habits.
  4. Rough intercourse.
  5. Wrong way of life.
  6. Viral or bacterial infection. It penetrates the fetal membrane and infects the fetus.
  7. Nervous disorders and quarrels;
  8. Maternal overweight or underweight.
  9. Excessive physical activity and too active sports.
  10. Hormonal disorder.
  11. abortion. Previous abortions can lead to both miscarriage and infertility.
  12. Polycystic ovary syndrome.
  13. Toxic effects on the body (harmful production, poor ecology);
  14. Rhesus conflict, as a result of a mismatch between the Rh factor of the child and the mother.
  15. An accident in which the body primarily fights for the life of a woman.
  16. Age over 35 years (the optimal age for bearing a child is considered to be 20-35 years old) or a recent IVF procedure.
  17. Eating herbs with abortive properties (tansy, thyme, parsley).
  18. Anomalies of the uterus.
  19. Some medicines.

For the most part, spontaneous abortion occurs in the early stages, when a woman is not even aware of the pregnancy that has begun. In this case, the fetal egg is excreted from the body along with menstruation.

Future parents should responsibly approach the process of preparing for childbirth, change their lifestyle and treat all existing diseases.

Symptoms of a miscarriage

If symptoms of spontaneous abortion are detected, a woman should immediately seek medical help. Spontaneous abortion can be evidenced by:

  • unexplained and sudden weight loss;
  • disappearance of pregnancy symptoms (breast swelling, toxicosis, drowsiness);
  • false contractions;
  • real contractions, accompanied by severe pain and periodicity;
  • violations of the digestive tract;
  • red, brownish or dark brown discharge;
  • bleeding of increased intensity with clots, cramps and pain in the lower abdomen or in the lumbar region;
  • any unusual vaginal discharge.

The most basic signs that help determine the onset of a miscarriage are pain and bleeding. Threat discharge may not be red, but brown. But this factor should not embarrass the expectant mother and force her to seek help from a doctor.

An increase in the tone of the uterus is also a sign of an imminent abortion, but only in cases where it is accompanied by severe pain in the lower abdomen. To avoid such a combination of circumstances, you can refuse to lift weights and exercise.

With a frozen or ectopic pregnancy, a complete miscarriage does not always occur, so a visit to the doctor with the symptoms described is mandatory.

Early miscarriage

How to identify an early miscarriage and not confuse its symptoms with the usual pregnancy companions? Very simple: you need to try to know the exact symptoms.

Rejection of the fetal egg can occur in the early stages of pregnancy without any, at first glance, reasons. However, it often happens that the rejection of the fetus occurs already after a few weeks from the moment the development of the embryo stops. The reasons for this may be:

  • incorrect implantation of the embryo to the wall of the uterus;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • chromosomal mutations;
  • pathology of the uterus;
  • intrauterine infection;
  • mechanical damage to the fetal bladder under impact;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • previous spontaneous abortions.

It is possible to determine unequivocally a miscarriage in the early stages by the occurrence of convulsions, bleeding and blood clots in the discharge. If a piece of tissue is observed in the discharge, similar to a burst bubble, then it can be argued that the miscarriage has already occurred.

When does a miscarriage occur?

Most often, miscarriage occurs in the early stages of pregnancy (2-3 weeks). The woman does not even suspect that it happened. It is almost impossible to determine an early miscarriage on your own, it resembles normal menstruation and is accompanied by the same symptoms (pain in the lower abdomen and bleeding).

Much less often, a miscarriage occurs from 3 to 20 weeks of pregnancy. And if spontaneous rejection of the fetus occurred after 20 weeks, then this phenomenon is called stillbirth.

How to determine a miscarriage?

In order not to get confused during a spontaneous abortion and thereby not cause complications, you need to remember that:

  • miscarriage does not occur instantly, but lasts for several hours or days;
  • at the stage of a threatened miscarriage, a woman should consult a doctor with bloody discharge or pain in the lower abdomen, then the pregnancy can still be saved;
  • the inevitable abortion can no longer be stopped, but you can call an ambulance.

How to determine what is happening - miscarriage or menstruation? If a woman is not yet aware of her interesting situation, but is waiting for the imminent arrival of menstruation, then the delay should be the first wake-up call. When the arrival of menstruation has shifted by several days, and after the start, blood clots are observed in the discharge, this indicates a miscarriage in the early stages. Postponing an appointment with a doctor can be dangerous for a woman's health.

The doctor will be able to determine the miscarriage that has occurred by conducting an ultrasound diagnosis, listening to the fetal heart rate, and passing an analysis to determine the level of hCG in the blood.

If there are pieces of tissue in the spotting of a pregnant woman, then it is advisable to put them in a sterile container and take them to a doctor, this will help the doctor determine a possible miscarriage and prevent the development of complications.

If an incomplete abortion has occurred, then medical or mechanical cleaning may be prescribed to free the uterine cavity.

When the threat of fetal rejection is associated with a loose closure of the cervix, then special rings are placed on it. Shortly before the baby is born, the doctor will have to remove them.

Treatment after determining a miscarriage

If a threat of miscarriage is detected in the early stages or later, the doctor recommends that the patient observe bed rest, sexual rest and try to move less. At this time, a woman should try to avoid stressful situations and be less nervous in order to maintain a pregnancy. If the patient is too impressionable and emotional, then she is prescribed drugs that calm the nervous system (valerian or motherwort).

The next step in treatment should be getting rid of the cause of the miscarriage. Hormonal drugs (Dufaston, Utrozhestan) or even surgery can be used.

But one of the factors contributing to the speedy recovery of the body, doctors consider a positive attitude. Thanks to him, it is possible not only to save the pregnancy, but to facilitate the process of childbirth.


To minimize the risk of miscarriage, you must follow the following rules.

This question is often asked by the fairer sex to their gynecologist. It is worth noting that most women in the first month most often do not even suspect that they are in a position. There can be many reasons for the delay, it is not necessarily pregnancy. That is why the expectant mother is very scared if after a while she starts bleeding, which is different from the discharge during menstruation. A miscarriage or menstruation were in a specific situation can only be determined by a specialist. However, it is worth understanding the causes of this process, as well as its symptoms and signs.

What does a miscarriage look like? At an early stage, spontaneous interruption of fetal development occurs in five percent of women around the world. The number is big. In general, a miscarriage is a natural termination of pregnancy, which occurs spontaneously in a woman for up to twenty to twenty-two weeks. In addition, there are early and late miscarriages. The first occurs in the first twelve weeks, the second - in the second part of the period indicated above. In the case of a natural way after the twenty-second week of the development of the child, we are already talking about premature birth.

Experts say that in some women, a miscarriage can occur with every pregnancy. Such a process or disease is called habitual. The causes of early miscarriage are considered to be many events and factors. However, there are also situations in which spontaneous interruption occurred without any visible violations.

What is fetal rejection and what does it look like? A miscarriage also happens when a woman and a child have incompatible Rh factors. In such a case, the woman's body simply takes the child for a foreign body, an infection, and so on. All processes are aimed at pushing the fetus out of the uterus. Frequent miscarriages leading to a desired pregnancy lead to miscarriage. Doctors always warn girls who are pregnant for the first time about the possible consequences of such an operation.

The cause of a miscarriage may be a hormonal disorder, a malfunction in the reproductive system, a cyst or endometriosis, for example. It is worth noting that such a case is always accompanied by severe stress. Any strong feelings, depression and abdominal trauma quite often lead to spontaneous abortion. It is not for nothing that experts recommend that all expectant mothers be calmer, not worry about trifles, but only enjoy their condition and expect a small miracle.

What it looks like At first, a woman begins to feel a slight malaise, weakness and dizziness appear. In such a situation, you should contact a specialist as soon as possible. Doctors will be able to stop even the bleeding that has begun. Today it is successfully treated by doctors of all countries. As for hormonal failure, which is quite often the cause of such a process, it is easy to suppress it with the use of special medications.

The process of miscarriage in the early stages is divided into several stages. Natural abortion can be started, threatening, complete, incomplete and in progress. The symptoms are very similar in all cases. A woman may experience unpleasant pulling pains in the lower abdomen and lower back. Then there are highlights. Their nature and quantity depends, first of all, on the stage of abortion.

What does a miscarriage look like in the next stages? Nausea and even vomiting are likely to occur. Pain can occur both in the lumbar region and in the lower abdomen, next to these sensations, women are often confused with the onset of menstruation, especially if the miscarriage occurs at a very early stage. Further, everything develops according to the usual scenario. Depending on the period, a woman begins to feel a weak dull or severe sharp pain in the uterus. Bleeding begins with large blood clots. It is in this mass that one can find a small transparent body ranging in size from five millimeters to two centimeters. It most often has a translucent consistency, and a dot is clearly visible inside. If you suspect that a miscarriage has occurred, be sure to consult a doctor, as it may not be complete. Residues must be removed to avoid inflammation. In addition, be sure to find out the cause of the miscarriage, as this will help plan your pregnancy in the future and avoid such problems.

We hope that the question of what an early miscarriage looks like will never touch or interest you.

In this article:

Pregnancy is a wonderful period in a woman's life. But not always she is destined to end with the birth of a child. Sometimes the body itself decides to expel the emerging life from the female womb. In most cases, miscarriage occurs at the very beginning of pregnancy - in the first trimester. But why and how does a miscarriage happen? There are many reasons - from bad habits of the mother to chromosomal pathologies in the fetus.

According to statistics, every fifth pregnancy ends in spontaneous abortion. To avoid this, a woman should know the symptoms and signs of a miscarriage, as well as what to do if she finds herself in a similar situation.

How does pathology develop?

How a miscarriage occurs is a question that worries every woman who is faced with the threat of abortion. The body rejects the fetus as a result of the influence of negative factors. It is excreted from the uterus either completely, which is typical for the first weeks of pregnancy, or partially. Often, women completely overlooked the symptoms of a miscarriage, not noticing their condition.

Depending on the cause, for example, the presence of an acute infectious and inflammatory process in the body (flu, rubella, etc.), the immune system begins to show aggression towards a developing pregnancy, as a result of which a miscarriage may occur. The formation of the connection between the mother and the unborn child is disrupted, it ceases to function, the fetus is deprived of support and nutrition.

As a result, the fetal egg is torn away from the uterine mucosa and leaves it along with bleeding. Depending on the mechanism of development of a miscarriage, experts determine its causes.

Types of miscarriages

Consider the main ones:

  • Incomplete miscarriage , also called inevitable. In this case, the woman notes pain in the sacrum and in the lower abdomen, which is accompanied by bleeding and dilation of the cervix. If we are talking about an inevitable miscarriage, then in this case there was a rupture of the membranes. For an incomplete miscarriage, the symptoms of pain and spotting are constant.
  • Complete miscarriage means that the fetal egg or fetus is completely expelled from the uterine cavity. In such a situation, bleeding may stop on its own, like other symptoms.
  • Missed miscarriage . The embryo or fetus dies, but remains in the uterine cavity. Usually this condition is called missed pregnancy, and it is discovered by chance during a routine ultrasound examination or examination by a gynecologist.
  • Anembryony . Despite the fusion of the germ cells of a man and a woman, the fetus does not begin its development in the uterus. In this condition, signs of pregnancy can be noted and even the gestational sac and corpus luteum can be diagnosed by ultrasound, but the child is absent in it, curettage is necessary, as after a miscarriage.
  • Repeated miscarriage is diagnosed in a woman if she had at least three spontaneous abortions one after another. This violation occurs rarely, no more than 1% of families. Usually it is included in the group of consequences after a miscarriage.
  • chorionadenoma . This violation is also preceded by fertilization, but during it, the chromosomal information breaks down, and instead of the embryo, tissues develop in the uterus, which eventually grow and increase in volume. Pathology may end spontaneously as a miscarriage, or cleaning of the uterine cavity will be required.

The reasons

About 20% of pregnancies end in miscarriage. Most often, this happens at a time when the woman herself does not yet know about her position. But this can also happen with those who planned pregnancy and managed to rejoice at its onset. Why is this happening?

The causes of miscarriage in early pregnancy (mainly before 12 weeks, since it is the first trimester that is the decisive link in this matter) will be as follows:

  • Chromosomal problems in the fetus . Experts believe that approximately 73% of pregnancies are terminated solely due to genetic disorders. At the same time, chromosomal mutations are not always inherited at the genetic level; negative environmental factors, such as radiation, viruses, and much more, can affect their occurrence. It is believed that in this case, the pregnancy is terminated according to the type of natural selection, that is, initially such an embryo is not viable. Therefore, we are talking about such a condition as a micro-miscarriage, which occurs much earlier than at 12 weeks of gestation. Many women do not even know that they were pregnant, perceiving unexpectedly heavy periods for menstrual irregularities.
  • Hormonal disorders . Fluctuations in the hormonal background in the early stages of pregnancy often lead to its interruption. Usually the culprit is progesterone - a hormone aimed at supporting pregnancy. If the problem is detected in time, then the fetus can be saved. Also, an excess of male hormones - androgens, which inhibit the synthesis of progesterone and estrogen, can also provoke a spontaneous abortion. This usually results in multiple recurring miscarriages.
  • Immunological problems . Most often occur in the blood of the mother and fetus. In this case, the child inherits the father's Rh factor with a "+" sign, while the mother's Rh factor is "-". The immune system of a woman perceives a positive Rhesus embryo for foreign bodies, starting an active fight against them.
  • infections . The causative agents of cytomegalovirus, herpes, chlamydia and other pathogenic bacteria and viruses infect the fetal membranes and the fetus itself in the uterine cavity, causing a miscarriage. To avoid this, you need to prepare for pregnancy and treat any infectious and inflammatory processes in the body in time. Common infectious diseases are also fraught with a threat to the development of the fetus, these include influenza, rubella, etc. All these diseases occur with intoxication of the woman's body and a strong increase in body temperature, which can cause spontaneous abortion.
  • Past abortions . This is not just a medical procedure to remove the fetus and membranes from the uterus. It is also a serious stress for a woman's body, which can give complications. For example, a dysfunctional disorder of the ovaries, changes in the functions of the adrenal glands, inflammation in the reproductive system. In the future, all this leads to infertility and problems with bearing subsequent pregnancies.
  • Taking medicines and medicinal plants . Almost all pills and other drugs in the first trimester are dangerous, as the fetus is actively forming. Most drugs provoke malformations of the fetus or disrupt the formation of the placenta, all of which can lead to spontaneous abortion. Pills, due to which it can be, for example, at week 12 - hormonal drugs, narcotic analgesics, etc. Not only the medicine can cause a miscarriage, but also some medicinal herbs, quite harmless at first glance mint, parsley, nettle, tansy and much more.
  • Stress . Any mental shock is dangerous for pregnancy. If it was not possible to avoid stress, it is important to seek help from a specialist in order to prevent the possibility of a miscarriage.
  • Bad habits . Alcohol abuse, smoking, drug addiction can cause early pregnancy termination. If a woman wants to give birth to a healthy and strong child, she must give up addictions at the stage of conception planning and ask her partner about it.
  • Excessive exercise . Violent sexual intercourse, falling, lifting weights sometimes become a trigger for a miscarriage. Pregnancy is a time when you need to take care of your own health as much as possible.


What are the symptoms of a miscarriage? The first symptom is abdominal pain, which is soon followed by spotting. Painful sensations are not always localized in the lower abdomen, many women note that it gives off most intensively to the sacrum.

Discharge from the genital tract can be different, varying in color and intensity. But their detection, in any case, requires a doctor's consultation. Smearing weak discharge may indicate a threat of miscarriage and the possibility of saving the pregnancy. Abundant uterine bleeding, especially with tissue particles and clots, speaks for itself - the fetus is dead, and cleaning is needed after a miscarriage.

These signs are typical for any period of pregnancy, so it doesn’t matter what week they appeared. It is more important to know what symptoms are characteristic of the loss of a child, and what measures should be taken in this situation.

There are 4 stages of miscarriage, let's look at them briefly:

  1. threatened miscarriage . The woman complains of pain in the lower back and lower abdomen. There may be slight spotting from the vagina. In this case, the pregnancy can still be saved.
  2. Started miscarriage . The pain grows and becomes like contractions. The divisions are intensifying. There is weakness and dizziness. The chances of saving the fetus are minimal.
  3. Miscarriage in progress . The pain intensifies, the bleeding is significant. Fetal death at this stage is obvious. The fetus may leave the uterus with bloody discharge completely, or cleaning will be required after a miscarriage.
  4. Completed miscarriage . The fetus and its membranes are expelled, there is a contraction of the uterus after a miscarriage. The bleeding stops. It is necessary to conduct an ultrasound to determine the condition of the uterus and the presence of remnants of the fetal egg.

At what time does a miscarriage occur?

Usually pregnancy is terminated in the first trimester due to the fact that the fetus is not viable. More often this happens during the period of the expected onset of menstruation, and then the woman may not even know that she was pregnant. If this happened later, the fetal egg rarely comes out completely, vacuum cleaning of the uterus after a miscarriage is necessary.

Much less often, pregnancy is interrupted in the second trimester. This condition is called a late miscarriage.


Diagnosis of miscarriage for a specialist is not difficult. The doctor examines the patient on the gynecological chair, determining the correspondence of the size of the uterus to the gestational age, the presence of tone, the condition of the cervix and the nature of the discharge. For the final assessment of the woman's condition, an ultrasound is prescribed. With its help, the specialist sees the localization of the fetal egg, the presence of detachment or its complete absence.

Based on the diagnostic examination, the subsequent tactics of therapeutic actions are decided. If the pregnancy can be saved, the woman is referred to a hospital. If we are talking about the death of the fetus, the patient needs cleaning after a miscarriage and treatment.

Is it possible to independently determine that there was a miscarriage?

Self-determine that a miscarriage is occurring , it is difficult if the gestational age is short and the woman did not know anything about her; it is another matter if the spontaneous abortion occurred later, for example, at 12 weeks. In this case, the woman simply will not be able to miss the symptoms associated with the death and expulsion of the fetus. This situation requires a mandatory visit to the doctor, as cleaning will be required after a miscarriage.


Therapeutic measures are completely dependent on the results of ultrasound and the clinical manifestations of the pathology. With a threatening and incipient miscarriage, a woman is prescribed treatment aimed at maintaining the pregnancy.

If the fetal egg exfoliates and bleeding begins, then the pregnancy has already terminated, and cleaning or scraping is necessary after a miscarriage.

With a miscarriage at a later date, for example, at 28 weeks, funds are needed to reduce the uterus and artificially induce contractions (Oxytocin). After the expulsion of the fetus, so that the uterus contracts better and the bleeding decreases, an ice pack is placed on the woman's stomach.

Treatment after a miscarriage does not end there. A woman should undergo an examination to determine the cause of spontaneous abortion: pelvic ultrasound, diagnosis of infections, hormones, cytogenetic examination of the ovum, etc. For up to 6 months, oral contraceptives are prescribed for a woman to restore the reproductive system and prevent unwanted pregnancy, since sex is soon after a miscarriage may lead to reoccurrence. The body needs time to heal.

Complications after a miscarriage

Complications after a miscarriage are often associated with the fact that the situation can repeat itself. Therefore, it is important to go through rehabilitation and find out why the failure occurred and when it is possible to become pregnant again.

If treatment after a miscarriage is ineffective, a woman may experience the following complications:

  • the development of inflammation in the organs of the reproductive system, followed by a chronic process in endometritis, salpingo-oophoritis, adhesions, etc.;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • problems with conception and secondary infertility.

In addition, frequent consequences after a miscarriage - severe stress, depression, psychological experiences of a failed mother.


It is impossible to prevent a miscarriage at 12 or any other week of pregnancy due to genetic factors - it is impossible to influence genetics. But every woman who wants to have children can adjust her lifestyle, take care of her health.

So, how to minimize the likelihood of miscarriage and complications after it:

  • plan pregnancy in advance, while adjusting nutrition, give up bad habits, undergo examinations and treatment;
  • after the onset of pregnancy, direct all efforts to preserve it, for example, put it in a timely manner if there is a threat of miscarriage;
  • avoid stress, physical and psycho-emotional overwork, visit a gynecologist on time.

Since complications after a miscarriage can be serious, it is recommended to plan a new pregnancy six months after the failure. At this time, doctors advise using hormonal contraceptives, in which the body recovers faster.

According to statistics, sex after a miscarriage on the twelfth day of the cycle can lead to a new pregnancy. Some women take advantage of this, wanting to quickly forget a failed pregnancy. Thus, they expose themselves to a new blow, because a weakened body can again reject the fetus. Do not rush, only time and effort will help set up the reproductive system to expect a child.

Useful video about early miscarriage

According to statistics, out of 100 pregnancies, 15-20 end in miscarriages. Most often this happens when a woman is not yet aware of her position. But if the expectant mother is already aware that conception has occurred, then a miscarriage becomes a terrible loss for her. Therefore, information regarding miscarriage will be useful both for those who are at the planning stage and for women who are already expecting a baby. Knowing the causes and symptoms of spontaneous abortion in the early stages, you can prevent the threat of losing a child, as well as avoid unpleasant consequences.

What is a spontaneous abortion

Miscarriage (spontaneous or spontaneous abortion) is the rejection of the fetus by the mother's body for reasons beyond her control for up to 28 weeks.

Statistics of pregnancy gestation by women in Russia

There are three types of spontaneous abortion (depending on the period at which the miscarriage occurred).

  1. Termination of biochemical pregnancy (up to 3 weeks). For unknown reasons, the embryo detaches from the walls of the uterus and comes out along with blood clots. Bleeding at these times in most cases is perceived as the beginning of menstruation, since the woman does not yet know about her pregnancy.
  2. Early miscarriage, or spontaneous abortion. Termination of pregnancy occurs before the third trimester.
  3. Premature birth, or late miscarriage. The reasons can be various fetal pathologies, circulatory disorders, preeclampsia in the mother, etc. In most cases, with a miscarriage in the later stages, the child can be saved.

In each period of pregnancy, there are periods during which the threat of miscarriage is most likely. The highest risk of losing a child occurs in the first month after conception, especially from 14 to 21 days.

In addition, you must be extremely careful in the following periods: 8-12, 16-20, 28-32 weeks. During these periods, a woman should rest more, avoid stress, listen to her feelings and visit a doctor in a timely manner.

If signs of an incipient miscarriage are found, a woman should immediately seek qualified medical help. Timely measures taken increase the chances of maintaining pregnancy and safe delivery at the appointed time.

The threat of miscarriage - how to keep the pregnancy (video)


Miscarriages are divided into several types:

  1. Inevitable (incomplete). He is accompanied by severe pain covering the lower back and lower abdomen. Accompanied by dilatation of the cervix and uterine bleeding. A miscarriage is considered inevitable when a fissure of the fetal bladder forms and the internal os of the uterus opens. Incessant pain and discharge are signs of an incomplete miscarriage.
  2. Complete - spontaneous termination of pregnancy, in which the embryo or fetus is completely expelled from the uterine cavity. After complete cleansing of the organs, pain, spasms and bleeding disappear. Rarely, surgery is required.
  3. Missed miscarriage or miscarriage. The dead fetus remains in the uterus, at first no symptoms are observed. Most often diagnosed at a scheduled appointment with a gynecologist or ultrasound. Surgical intervention is required.
  4. Repeated miscarriage. It happens to about one in a hundred couples. When a woman has three pregnancies in a row end in an arbitrary termination in the early stages.
  5. Anembryony. Fertilization and attachment of the egg occurs, on examination, an increase in the uterus is observed, a fetal egg is formed, and other symptoms of pregnancy are also present. But the fetus either does not develop or dies at the initial stage.
  6. chorionadenoma. It develops due to genetic disorders. In place of the fetal bladder, a simple piece of tissue is formed, which gradually increases in size.

With the early diagnosis of these conditions, a woman is required to have an abortion for medical reasons.

Features in the early stages

In most cases, complete or incomplete miscarriages occur in early pregnancy.

  1. With a complete miscarriage, the uterus rejects the fetus completely, along with the waters and the fetal bladder.
  2. In the case of an incomplete miscarriage, most often only the embryo is rejected, and the amniotic membranes remain in the uterine cavity. The embryo can come out either completely or partially.

In order to avoid the severe consequences of an incomplete miscarriage, a woman is cleaned, and hemostatic, hormonal, antibacterial drugs that cause uterine contractions are prescribed.

Without fail, after cleaning, it is necessary to conduct an ultrasound scan to make sure that there are no blood clots and fetal tissues left, and the uterine mucosa is restored.

The reasons

Most often, the causes of miscarriage are genetic abnormalities and fetal malformations that are incompatible with life. That is why some doctors prefer not to keep the pregnancy up to 12 weeks, arguing that this is natural selection. In some cases, it is suggested to have an abortion for medical reasons.

If a woman is hospitalized for preservation, then in most cases, doctors manage to prevent a miscarriage. At the same time, if possible, a complete examination of the fetus for the presence of genetic abnormalities is carried out. And only then a decision is made on further tactics of pregnancy management or a referral is issued for its termination.

The main causes of miscarriage in the early stages:

  1. Genetic Defects:
    • anatomical (congenital and acquired malformations);
    • infectious (chronic endometritis);
    • genetic (structural or quantitative change in chromosomes);
    • endocrine;
    • thrombophilic;
    • immunological (autoimmune and alloimmune).
  2. Violation of the level of hormones and the performance of the thyroid gland.
  3. Diseases of the reproductive system, sexually transmitted infections.
  4. Viral and infectious diseases (flu, tonsillitis, rubella, chickenpox, toxoplasmosis).
  5. Violation of blood flow between mother and child;
  6. Severe pathologies of the internal organs of the fetus.
  7. Bad habits of the mother (smoking, alcohol, drugs).
  8. Transferred stress, nervous tension.
  9. Physical activity, weight lifting, injury.
  10. History of abortion, scars on the uterus and abdomen.
  11. Taking medications that are contraindicated during pregnancy.
  12. X-ray radiation.

The causes of early fetal rejection can also be attributed to a later period, although in the second and third trimesters, miscarriage is most often provoked by inflammatory processes in the uterine cavity or placenta.

Early symptoms

The following symptoms signal the threat of a miscarriage:

  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • vaginal bleeding (scarlet or brown discharge, spotting or heavy);
  • convulsions.

In the early stages, pregnancy is not always known, so the symptoms of a miscarriage can be mistaken for the onset of a new period. It is worth noting that there are secondary signs of spontaneous abortion that distinguish it from critical days, in particular:

  • vomiting and frequent loose stools;
  • pain in the form of spasms;
  • weight loss;
  • bleeding alternating with mucus;
  • aching pain in the lumbar region.

If you are aware of pregnancy, and even slight bleeding has begun, you should urgently seek medical help.

There is such a thing as a frozen pregnancy, or a failed miscarriage. This is the cessation of fetal development and its death for up to 28 weeks. Signs of this condition:

  • lack of toxicosis;
  • decrease in basal temperature;
  • weakness.

In addition, the symptoms of a miscarriage may differ depending on the stage of its course.

Symptoms depending on the stage of miscarriage (table)

Stage Clinical picture
State of threat of termination of pregnancy

This stage is accompanied by aching pains in the lower abdomen and in the lumbar region. In some cases, there are spotting spotting.

During the second stage of miscarriage, the pain becomes cramping, there is general weakness and dizziness. With each movement, the bleeding increases, clots are present in the discharge.

Miscarriage in progress (or in progress)

Symptoms of a miscarriage in progress are a sharp pain that spreads throughout the abdomen and lower back, significant blood loss and the release of the fetal egg from the uterus. In some cases, a woman may see a small gray bubble in the discharge, most often this happens if the fetus died a few days before the development of the main symptoms.

completed miscarriage (completed abortion)

Bleeding gradually becomes less intense, but spotting may still continue for several days.

Timely diagnosed threat of miscarriage and the onset of spontaneous abortion (first and second stages) with adequate treatment leave chances for saving the child. The next stages are irreversible and lead to termination of pregnancy.

Stages of spontaneous miscarriage (gallery)

Bleeding after a spontaneous abortion can last from 4 to 10 days Some time later, the fetal egg and placenta are expelled from the uterus. The clinical picture of a miscarriage: bleeding, accompanied by spasm and pain in the lower abdomen, pain in the lumbar region

Spontaneous abortion or period?

It is possible to determine that an abortion has occurred, and that the next menstruation has not come, by monitoring the level of hCG in the blood and measuring basal body temperature.

Basal body temperature is the lowest body temperature that is measured immediately after sleep, without getting out of bed.


Even a completely healthy woman is not immune from spontaneous miscarriage. It is not always possible to detect genetic mutations, hereditary or chronic diseases, which often manifest themselves during pregnancy.

But you can follow simple rules that will allow you to conceive a healthy child and increase the chances of a successful pregnancy. Among them:

  • moderate and healthy eating, weight control;
  • complete rejection of alcohol and cigarettes;
  • taking multivitamins;
  • exclusion of stress and overload;
  • frequent and long walks in the fresh air;
  • gymnastics or physical education;
  • complete rest;
  • scheduled doctor visits.

After an early miscarriage, a woman should undergo a full examination, treatment, and only with the permission of a doctor begin planning a new pregnancy.

2 out of 10 pregnancies, according to statistics, end in spontaneous miscarriage. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully monitor your well-being while carrying a child. If you experience specific symptoms, seek medical attention immediately. Timely diagnosis and treatment will save your pregnancy and minimize the risks of its termination.