Male fidelity. Why do men cheat on you? Male look Are there true men male look

1. The age difference between you and your husband should be no more than 3-4 years. Such a gap is considered optimal, and hardly anyone will argue. Of course, there are different cases, but what can a twenty-year-old girl and a forty-year-old man who is going through a “midlife crisis” have in common? She wanted stability and confidence in the future, but she got a young bore who is trying to prove to everyone that he copes with all duties no worse than the young ones.

2. Your husband does not have high sexual needs. Of course, this may cause some inconvenience, but you will be completely satisfied with it. A man will feel irreplaceable and in demand. And this will reliably keep him in the family. As a last resort, try it, maybe they will be the solution to the problem.

3. He doesn't care too much about looks. This does not mean at all that a man is sloppy and sloppy, he just does not use various foppish things that attract attention. What for? After all, there is a beloved woman nearby. The exception is people of creative professions (musicians, actors, artists).

4. He strives for stability in everything. For such a person, it is important to know what awaits him in the future. If a man is confident in the future, knows that his beloved wife, comfort, and, importantly, a delicious dinner are waiting for him at home, he will never go looking for new sensations.

5. Pay attention to his attitude to things. If your partner, for example, loves mobile phones and constantly tries to buy the newest model, giving away the old phone for half the price, there is a good chance that he will do the same in family relationships. If he cherishes and cherishes his car, repairs, protects, the same can be expected in marriage. You can rely on such a person. True, you have to come to terms with his love for the car.

6. He was born and raised in a large but friendly family. This is amazing. Indeed, from early childhood, he was used to helping his parents and taking care of the younger ones (if he was the eldest). The interests of the family are in his first place, and he will make decisions based on them.

7. He avoids noisy companies. In adolescence, this can cause him some inconvenience, but for a family this is ideal. After all, those who are accustomed to constant companies and parties usually prefer to lead such a lifestyle at the age of forty. What kind of family relationship can there be?

8. You have a common cause. It is noticed that the most successful in small business are married couples. In addition, making money together strengthens the family. The wife becomes not only a beloved woman and mother of children, but also a colleague.

9. He has a heightened sense of duty. This is the result of a strict upbringing, which in certain situations has its drawbacks. But such a person will never go “to the left”, because he still needs to plant a tree, build a house ...

10. Your biorhythms match. If you are both "owls" or "larks", it will be much easier for you to find mutual understanding and achieve harmony.

P.S. And if, among other things, you know, you will definitely not have problems with fidelity.

Men who do not cheat always behave in this way with their loved ones.

Most of us expect fidelity from our beloved, while the number of infidelities is increasing. According to a study conducted in 2016 in America, 41% of married couples cheat on their spouses, and half of the men and women surveyed said that they had a relationship on the side before.

But don't worry! If the behavior of your man corresponds to the 15 signs we have listed, then he is definitely true to you:

He keeps his word

Your man always fulfills the promise. You know for sure that if he promised to do something for you, your family or friends, then he will definitely do everything to fulfill the promise.

He likes your friends

He is not burdened by the company of your friends, but always keeps some distance. He is attached to you, and he has no friends closer than you.

He hides nothing from you

There are no secrets between you, because he is confident in you and knows that he can tell you everything.

He knows the limits

He understands what situations can lead to infidelity (for example, a joint business trip with an employee) and avoids anything that could put your marriage in jeopardy. Sometimes, at work, he may need to be alone with a woman, but even in this case, he communicates with her strictly according to the rules of business etiquette.

He doesn't talk to his exes

He does not consider it right to communicate and spend time with his ex. He cut ties with them completely.

He knows that he is not only the love of your life, but also your best friend.

Friendship is the foundation of a strong and loving relationship.

He draws clear boundaries of what is permitted in relations with employees.

He doesn't allow himself to get too close to the women he works with. He doesn't hide his marriage and always keeps his co-workers at a distance so they don't confuse his courtesy with flirting.

He knows that you appreciate him.

One possible reason for infidelity is a wife's lack of attention to her husband, according to family psychologist Harry Newman. Indeed, his research shows that 48% of men have committed adultery because they no longer feel emotionally connected to their spouses. In a relationship, it is very important to show your husband how grateful you are for him and how much you appreciate him.

He is not selfish

Male narcissists are much more prone to infidelity as their self-love is off the charts. They resort to intrigues in order to amuse their pride.

He loves being close to you

Your man appreciates the emotional and physical connection that exists between you. According to statistics, 52% of couples who were not satisfied with their intimate life in marriage found someone on the side, while among those who were completely satisfied with their spouse, this figure was 17%. If you have any problems in your intimate life, then tell your spouse about them. Work together to resolve them or see a doctor.

He does not need your constant approval in order to be in a normal mood.

Even without your compliments, he knows that you are dear to him, but this does not mean that he does not want to hear about how you feel about him. Raise his self-esteem by praising his appearance, or tell him once again that you love him very much.

He does not try to control the family budget

He does not hide his earnings from you. He does not mind planning the budget together and allocating money for purchases.

He doesn't flirt with other women

He loves you, so he does not need to be free with other women.

He admits his mistakes

He knows that he is not a perfect person and is not afraid to admit that he was wrong. He believes that you can help him cope with his shortcomings, which he already works on every day.

He says "we" not "I"

For him, you are a single whole and he cannot imagine his future without you. He does not make important decisions without consulting with you, because he knows that marriage involves working together.

“In my entire life I have met only one man who did not cheat on his wife - this is the one-legged watchman of our municipal bath Vasily Tarasovich,” shares his experience Cook Zinaida. “But this good fellow had a number of shortcomings, not counting the absence of one leg: he disgustingly mumbled with his toothless mouth, regularly went on binges and, although he worked in the local bathhouse, he washed himself no more than once a month.”

Architect Valentina also does not believe that a successful, prosperous, attractive man can be absolutely faithful: “I think that almost all representatives of the stronger sex cheat on their wives, if they are given such an opportunity. The only difference is that some men walk in the open ... And others value marriage, know how to “encrypt” well, create an “iron” alibi ahead of time, before embarking on all serious things with another sweetheart.

Who knows Petya from Vologda?

“A few days ago, having nothing to do, I decided to check my husband’s mobile phone. No suspicious SMS was found,” says engineer Ekaterina.

Then the meticulous woman began to “ring through” all the people indicated in the telephone notebook ... This experiment brought very unexpected results. Under the name "Yegor Vasilyevich, plumber" the phone number of the salon of intimate services was recorded. Moreover, the salon administrator confirmed that the owner of this phone is their regular customer.

Behind the contact "Petya from Vologda" was the phone number of Lyudochka, a seductive accountant from her husband's job. And this lady just divorced her husband. Under the name "Vasya", Katin's husband wrote down the phone number of his former passion Elena, with whom, according to him, he had long ceased contact ...

“Of course, it’s not good to delve into someone else’s mobile phone without asking ... Now I don’t even know what to do with the information that has been revealed. No wonder they say: the less you know, the better you sleep! - Ekaterina sums up her investigation.

By old age they work up!

“By the age of seventy, after two heart attacks, men are usually no longer attracted to intimate exploits. Walked up! But at this age, they are already losing interest in their own spouse, ”explains his position wife with 47 years of experience Galina. According to Galina, "polygamy is inherent in male nature, and nothing can be done about it."

The elderly woman emphasizes that infidelity in itself, especially single ones, does not yet indicate a man’s unsuitability for family life: “A husband can sincerely and reverently love his wife, take care of her and children, be happy in marriage ... And at the same time“ have fun on the side, especially when the wife is not around.

Not enough oxytocin? Or conscience?

“During intimacy, women produce the hormone oxytocin, which is responsible for the formation of emotional attachment,” says St. sexologist Oleg Ustinov. - Due to physiological reasons in men, this hormone is produced in much smaller quantities. That is why a man can, say, love one woman all his life, but at the same time enjoy intimate relationships with many ladies.

A significant number of men share love and sex. They refer to intimate relationships as "physical release." Unfaithful husbands justify themselves by saying that, they say, physical adultery does not mean spiritual betrayal.

Painter-plasterer Evgenia skeptical of the arguments about the lack of oxytocin. “I think that traitors lack not oxytocin, but honor and conscience! - the woman says emotionally. “I still believe that faithful men exist, and they make up the majority.”

Betrayal cannot be justified

Programmer Olga declares: “I am disgusted by any talk about supposedly natural male polygamy. A person should act not on the basis of animal instincts, but obeying the voice of reason. If a gentleman appreciates and loves his wife, then he will not cheat on her.

Graphic artist Antonina is also not going to put up with male infidelity: “Treason is a betrayal. And betrayal can never be justified by anything!

In her life, she did not encounter such problems: “My husband Valery is a bright, attractive man who is liked by many women. And at the same time, for 19 years of marriage, he never gave reason to doubt his fidelity.

Looking for a kindred spirit!

“I am categorically against both female and male infidelity,” says wood carver Konstantin. - I love and respect my wife and would never inflict such a wound on her ... I can advise all readers: look for a soul mate! If you find "your man", then he will never cheat on you.

Konstantin admits that he, like most men, pays attention on the street and in public places to attractive young ladies. But these temptations are not able to shake his fidelity: “In accordance with the Orthodox canons, the unity of husband and wife is akin to the unity of Christ and the Church. Adultery is a sin for every Christian... I always remember that a real treasure awaits me at home - a faithful, devoted, loving wife. As a man, I try to be worthy of her.

The sky is blue, the sun is yellow, fish swim, men cheat... A number of obvious statements can be continued indefinitely. Although recently it is customary to say that the sun is white, it’s just that we “see it that way.” However, this does not affect male infidelity. Under the white, yellow and even red sun, the triumph of adultery takes place daily. So the interest of the female half of humanity in the causes of this phenomenon is quite natural. But is it possible to find out once and for all why men go "to the left"?

A similar question and the most ridiculous answers are everywhere: in the media, friendly conversations, newfangled trainings, and even psychology literature, which was actually intended to help people understand human nature, and not drive them into despair. In the end, I want to ask: at least someone figured it out? Has this information helped you or someone you know?! Is there at least one woman in the world who has secured herself from male infidelity without resorting to the help of garden shears?

Here I am about it.

Let's just take a sledgehammer today and break down stereotypes that don't work. Go!

Cheating has no reason

Free yourself from prejudice. Not in the sense that men are heartless and don't need a reason to betray family or love. Cheating is just sexual intercourse on the side. I know this situation has a thousand and one shades, but we need a universal definition to understand what we are talking about.

Whatever you consider a prerequisite for treason, there will always be a case in the world when a man lived with it and did not change at all.

It is customary to think that he has changed, which means that he lacks something in sex. And role-playing games or the search for non-standard places begin. And then - bam, an unambiguous SMS comes from an unfamiliar number. And then, sitting in the kitchen with cold coffee, the woman goes over in her head other reasons that she "did not see." And they are not.

A man can say that, for example, little attention was paid to him, but what about that neighbor, Tolik, whose wife also works and has children, and at the same time he sits so tightly in the family. Looks, of course, at other people's priests, but no more.

Nothing leads to treason, except treason itself. And you don't have to overthink it.

Change everything

Or rather, all types of men. After all, people can still be divided into types, am I not behind the times? Well, the world is full of stories about men with all sorts of characteristics who cheat. And I assure you, not a single type was lost. And if you think that yours is definitely not like that, then most likely he has already planned everything. A man will not allow himself to be doubted. This point may seem controversial, but should not be confused with "all men are traitors." Most likely, your man will never cheat, but this does not mean that he is not capable of it.

One is to blame

The myth that two, three or even five are to blame for treason (there are different cases) is the fruit of many years of chewing on the question “why”. If all men are able to change, but in the end not everyone changes, then it is easy to calculate the weak link: this is the cheater himself.

People are not polygamous

Polygamy is too cool a word to take and just give up. It is so mesmerizing that it is already used as an axiom in relation to men. Believe me, understanding the true meaning of the term, as in cases of polygamy, is not as fun as saying that a man is not bad with two. But if it comes to that, it is not polygamy that defines men, but they define it. It is simply a pattern of behavior that a zoologist fixes in the animal world through observation. In order to claim that men are polygamous, it is necessary to confirm such behavior. In fact, the percentage of cheating men, although much higher than we would like, is not enough to characterize the entire species. Yes, and polygamous males do not sneak out of the hole to cheat, and then do not suffer remorse.

If someone lacked biology, then search Google for a species with offspring exceeding ours in terms of helplessness.

The statistics are lying

Recently, people have grown fond of receiving information in the form of numbers: give everyone a share or a percentage. But there are different statistics. For example, everyone understands how to get the average size of an elephant tortoise shell. Turtles were measured and then counted. But the statistics of opinion polls is like interrogating a rabbit about the color of a lily of the valley and ordering him to dance. The accuracy will be about the same. All information about male infidelity is obtained from surveys of men themselves. So the results are not confirmed by anything, but you should not pounce on sociologists. A faithful man does not show himself in any way, he is not visible. But betrayal is always in sight, it is discussed and even praised. Change is information. Therefore, it seems that the problem is really popular.

What to do? It turns out that the situation with treason can not be influenced in any way and no one controls anything? In my opinion, there are three actual reasons for

which treason, bypassing all of the above, still breaks out.

1. Sex education for men

It's at zero. Which of the men can boast of some norms of sexual behavior received from their parents, except for the notorious condom? Carry it with you everywhere and always. It is important. Otherwise, you will make children and you will not end up with problems.

How are you? The best thing the world has to offer men in terms of sex education is family bullying. Like, sex has nothing to do with family. You do it, but no children until you decide for yourself three times. The family has been exposed as the main enemy of sex since childhood, when there are no ideas of one or the other. And then, why does this man consider it in the order of things to arrange fun "on the side" and return back as if nothing had happened? Moreover, no matter how strange it may be, even mothers who have experienced adultery are in no hurry to limit their child in sexual freedom. Men have some kind of their own world, in which only understandable sex rules for us. But nothing will happen to the boy if you tell him that he is also responsible for the psychological side of sex and that one cannot exist without the other.

And yes, we remember that a condom also protects against sexually transmitted diseases. But illness is no reason for your boy not to have sex whenever possible. The main thing is to have a cherished "protector".

2. Hypocrisy regarding adultery in women's society

No, this is not about "with whom all men cheat, if all women are faithful." But male infidelity is almost always in the public domain. A man can get mechanical sex at home. The psychological aspect of “achievement” is important here, and it is difficult to feel it if no one knows. “Prove nothing to anyone” - looks good only on motivating pictures on social networks. In life, everything works the other way around, but do other women condemn male infidelity? Not very convincing. And then, knowing about the previous “achievements” of the partner, they also enter into new long-term relationships with him, which do not carry any special prospects. Of course, the aforementioned misconception about the responsibility of a woman for male adultery plays a role in such behavior. Only now the situation does not begin to look better from this. As a result, a man not only does not receive a “stick” for his wrong actions, but is also awarded a “carrot”. But no one will tell men that cheating is bad, except for the women themselves.

3. Changes in the woman herself

Dear ladies, we do not marry you in order to change. If a man chose you, then you are completely satisfied with him. I know that “arranging” is not the ultimate dream, but in the context this word fits. I'm not talking about changes in waist size. A woman can change psychologically much more than outwardly. Of course, change is inevitable (actually not, but you can’t be convinced of this). But on this basis, a dichotomy of his feelings for you may arise. It is possible that the changes will not affect in any way what he loves you so much for. But if the intersection is nevertheless achieved, then perhaps you are developing, but your partner has lost some important feature of your image and he begins to miss it. He also doesn't understand how it happened. After all, she was, but now she is not.

If a man marries you, this does not mean that exponential personal growth awaits you now. He expects, no matter how stupid it is, that from now on everything, at least related to you, will be the same as it was at the time of the marriage proposal. And no, you are still not to blame for his betrayals. This is just friendly information and you decide what to do with it.

The result is approximately the following, girls: do not take responsibility for other people's actions, drive the unfaithful men behind you and do not trust sociologists.

A faithful man is always somewhere near. He just doesn't sleep with just anyone, so you don't hear anything about him.