Natalya Stepanova1111 plots of the Siberian healer. There is a red girl with a dry broom. The relative of the heart, the relative of the head

These conspiracies are read for any disease. At the beginning of the disease, in chronic diseases, from any pain or swelling, from any damage.

At the onset of diseases.

Beyond the Volyn sea lives an incompetent girl. He can neither sew, nor weave, nor bake bread, nor cast a horse. She has three youths in her hut; can neither mow, nor plow, nor sow the field. As that maiden and those youths cannot do anything, so no disease can harm the servant of God (name). My word is three times strong; I didn’t say: this is how God ruled ..
It is spoken in a quiet patter three times.

When you feel that you are sick.

Put a loaf of bread under your arm, dress as warmly as possible and move vigorously (to sweat). When the bread is soaked in sweat, put it at the head of the bed overnight, and at dawn take it to the river, throw it into the water and say:
Mermaid, mermaid, you have bread on you! Take away the bread, take away the ailment, give me health.

If the disease persists (with a protracted chronic disease).

It is necessary to cut off the nails and the ends of the patient's hair. Roll up in wax and bring at midnight to the crossroads. Bury the wax with hair and nails in the ground, and say three times;
I put my braids-nails into the damp, cold earth, into the dumb, deaf earth, so that the ailment becomes numb, cold, deaf, and in the same place it dies! Amen.

From weakness and dizziness.

I walked in the forest, I walked along the path, I see a trickle running. Three dogs lie near this stream, one red, the other thin, the third black. Dogs, dogs! Take my ailment, carry it to dry places, to dark forests, to deep swamps, where the bird does not fly, the person does not look. Come there, it remains, but the strength will return to me! Amen.

From weakness after illness.

I will pray to the Savior Lord, I will bow to the Blessed Virgin. Come, Mother of God, to the slave (name). Where the Mother of God stepped, the disease receded. The Lord walked with Peter and Paul, went into Peter's house. There, Petrov's mother-in-law lay in great pain, in great weakness. As the Lord began, so the ailment receded from her, Petrov's mother-in-law got up and began to serve the Lord. Come, Lord, to the servant of God (name), drive out the ailment from the bones, from the blood, from the hands, from the legs, from the brown eyes, from the light brown eyebrows. From blond hair, from a loud voice. The Lord drove out all the ailments, all the weaknesses, all the infirmities, all the ailments. The Lord carried them out into a deep swamp and locked them with an iron key. He threw that key into the water, and gave the servant of God (name) strength and health! Amen.

From any ailment.

Go to the forest, find a lonely growing mountain ash and say:
Rowan, rowan, whether you are my dear mother, take ailments from me, I will not break you, but I will be amulets, water with water. Amen.
Then pour water over the mountain ash.

From any ailment.

Come to the forest, find an old strong oak tree, read Our Father three times and say:
Oak, oak, I will give you a name (come up with a name for the oak). Be you my godson, and I will be your godfather. Take, godfather, my ailment, my aches, and give me your fortress. Amen.

From any disease.

Dawn-charger, God's right hand, descend from heaven, enter me, drive the disease out of me. Lord, forgive my sins, release me from illness. I make a cross, I am baptized with a cross, I dress with a cross. Amen.
From any disease.

Enchantment over prospira (from any damage).

They read over the prosphera, which will be brought from the church. This conspiracy will remove any damage. Be our holy man, blessed, every hole, every crack, with doors, with windows, with frame logs. Around our khoromina there is a stone fence with a green tynom. Who built this fence - the Angels of the Lord. They will speak of the servant of God (name) from corruption, from great trouble, from the grave, from the grave ground. Neither the first person nor the last will spoil it, neither on the church, nor on its fence, nor on the icon, nor on the candle, nor on the needle, nor near the cemetery, nor during the funeral service, nor when washing, nor with food, nor with water. , nor with furnace ash. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

♔How to get rid of any pain.

Circle a brass crucifix around you and read three times:
Be my words strong, sculpting to a white body, to a zealous heart. As the church does not move, does not wander, does not walk on the ground with its feet, so that the servant of God (name) does not have pain in the body and does not wander. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Any tumor.

They buy food and distribute alms. After that, candles about health are lit in three churches. Do this three times. On the fourth day, they wash themselves with charmed water. Speak water like this:
I will get up blessing, I will go out crossing myself. I'll go to the field and find Bolotov's bones. As these bones were buried and remembered, so I, God's servant (name), bury and remember for the rest of the cancer on my body. Just as meat cannot be on the Swamp Bones, so I can never get cancer, I don’t suffer from a tumor for ever and ever. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

From any disease of any pet.

First read the "Our Father", and then the conspiracy:
Our Father, who art in heaven! Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as in heaven and on earth. Give us this day our daily bread and leave us our debts, as we also leave our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. As Thine is the Kingdom and the Power and Glory of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever Amen.
Then the conspiracy:
Noah saved the cattle for himself, Lord save my cattle for me. How sweet and true that Christ was resurrected on Easter and glorified so that my cattle would recover from any disease. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

Conspiracy from chills and fever.

Sometimes a person is shivering and feverish from a cold or stress. This conspiracy will immediately calm and pacify any fever and any chills.
They read the conspiracy nine times:
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. King Herod had 12 children, 12 daughters, And in total there were 12 sisters among them. All of them are shaggy, hairy, beltless. They walked, stumbled, swore among themselves. Every three steps they fought and met Saint Paul. Saint Paul invited them and asked:
- Whose daughters are you? They answer:
- We are Herod's daughters, we make sure that all people are sick, that people are beaten, beaten and not let go of the disease. And Saint Paul says to them:
- I do not order you to shake the servant of God, break, I order you to let the servant of God (name) go. If you disobey me, then I will gather a pillar of fire on you. I will burn you, Herod’s children, with fire and heat; they will whip you with willow rods until the end of the century. My word is strong. My business is tenacious. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

So that the postoperative stitches do not come apart.

Talk to the water and wash the patient. In general, this prayer helps the healing of any serious wound. They read the prayer like this:
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. On the sea, on the ocean, on the Kurgan Island, a white birch grows, branches down, roots up. Under that white birch, Mother Mother of God winds silk threads, sews up bloody wounds. Mother Tsarina, cross yourself, and you, wound, grow together on the servant of God (name). Edge of the body to the edge, I read the prayer. Bless, Lord, with your Savior hand. Grant health and peace to the servant of God (name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

In most cases, young children are very difficult to tolerate diseases. And the main problem in treatment is that newborns cannot tell what hurts and what worries them. Therefore, if your child is sick, in parallel with medical treatment, you can try to make this conspiracy. Previously, with the help of this conspiracy, mothers treated their children). In general, conspiracies in the past were used by our ancestors very often. There was no medicine as such, so any disease was treated with the help of some kind of ritual. And you know, it helped a lot of people, even such diseases that now doctors cannot cure (for example, psoriasis) passed. However, back to the main topic of this article.

To carry out the conspiracy, you will need a teaspoon made of silver, a red church candle, a glass of water and ordinary salt. Conspiracy can be carried out without taking into account the phase of the moon.

Conspiracy against disease

Be sure to retire. Light a candle, put water in front of the candle. Pour some salt into a spoon and hold the spoon over the candle flame and repeat three times:

"Salt of life on the holy fire fortified, my child, heal the servant of God (name of the newborn). Amen."

After that blow out the candle, pour the salt into the water and stir. Cross the glass three times.

With this water, wipe the child's forehead, handles, legs can also be wiped a little. The child should recover after that.

What I want to say is that it is advisable to baptize the child, and the sooner the better. Talk to Father, he will tell you when is the best time to baptize your baby. And do not delay it - baptized children get sick much less often than unbaptized ones.
Especially for www.

Conspiracies of the Siberian healer. Issue 21 Stepanova Natalia Ivanovna

Conspiracy from an unknown infant illness

Unfortunately, there are situations when an infant falls ill, and doctors find it difficult to make a diagnosis. In this case, resort to the help of a conspiracy:

From the book Everyday life of sorcerers and sorcerers in Russia in the 18th-19th centuries the author Budur Natalia Valentinovna

From the book Conspiracies of the Siberian Healer. Edition 31 the author Stepanova Natalia Ivanovna

A conspiracy from an unknown ailment God is over the earth, God is under the earth, God is in my soul, God is everywhere and everywhere. Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us! In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. The Lord created the heavens and the earth And the entire subuniverse. God created people. Adam and Eve into sin

From the book Conspiracies of the Siberian Healer. Issue 02 the author Stepanova Natalia Ivanovna

A conspiracy for a sound sleep (for a baby) Over a restless, crying child, read this conspiracy: Sonya-sleepy, put the child to sleep, Envelop you in a doze in a sleepy mansion. I'll turn my eyes, whisper three times: "Spitko, sprinkle, Sonya-sleepyatko." In order for the child to sleep, the soul of the baptized rested.

From the book Conspiracies of the Siberian Healer. Edition 05 the author Stepanova Natalia Ivanovna

A conspiracy from a windy disease Windy disease in the old days was called an ailment resulting from damage sent down the wind. To get rid of her, at morning and evening dawn, it is necessary to read the following conspiracy ten times in a row: I will go, the servant of God (name), Po

From the book Conspiracies of the Siberian Healer. Edition 16 the author Stepanova Natalia Ivanovna

A conspiracy from diarrhea in a baby Mothers know how quickly an infant loses strength due to diarrhea. Therefore, it is the sacred duty of every mother to know a special conspiracy to help get rid of this misfortune. Usually, in order for the diarrhea to pass, it is enough to read the conspiracy two or three

From the book Conspiracies of the Siberian Healer. Edition 22 the author Stepanova Natalia Ivanovna

Conspiracy on a baby so that he, as an adult, does not drink wine Look around the street, rarely when you do not meet a drunk person. But once the mother could not breathe on her sweet child. I was moved by his grumbling and smile. She would never have believed in this wonderful

From the book of 7000 conspiracies of a Siberian healer the author Stepanova Natalia Ivanovna

A conspiracy in case of a serious illness This conspiracy is read when there is no longer any hope of the patient's recovery. If a person has lived his life without grave (mortal) sins, then the angels beg for mercy to the sick person before the Lord. The patient can recover and sometimes live a long time,

From the book Conspiracies of the Siberian Healer. Issue 21 the author Stepanova Natalia Ivanovna

Conspiracy to rid the baby of disease

From the author's book

From an unknown and contagious disease Speak on a towel and wipe the patient with it from head to toe. As King David drove, daughters. Herod's up the stone mountain, so I wipe the name of Jesus Christ, drive and drive out from the servant of God (name) seventy ailments, named and sent, and those

From the author's book

A conspiracy with a serious illness This conspiracy is read when there is no longer any hope for the patient's recovery. If a person has lived his life without grave (mortal) sins, then the angels beg for mercy to the sick person before the Lord. The patient can recover and sometimes live a long time,

From the author's book

From an unknown disease If doctors cannot diagnose, and you feel that you are dying, immediately start lecturing. Read twelve evenings before bed. Uncountable keels, release my veins. Take your eyes, uterine serpent. Fly from my body into the chimney

From the author's book

A conspiracy from an unknown infant's disease Unfortunately, there are situations when an infant falls ill, and doctors find it difficult to make a diagnosis. In this case, resort to the help of a conspiracy: In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. The Mother of God took the Infant Christ in her arms, to

From the author's book

Conspiracy from Graves' disease Take a knife with a wooden handle. Hit the table once (quietly) and immediately touch yourself (gently) and say: On the sea on Likhoman, on the island on Buyan, a fish lives with three fins, three heads, and three black tails. Her neck doesn't hurt

From the author's book

A conspiracy about the deliverance of a baby from diseases In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. The Heavenly Queen washed and steamed her Son in the evening and left water for the servant of God (name). Whoever enters that water, any ailment will go away from him. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

From the author's book

Conspiracy on a baby so that, as an adult, he does not drink Look around the street, rarely when you do not meet a drunk person. But once the mother could not breathe on her sweet child. I was moved by his grumbling and smile. She would never have believed it if at this wonderful moment

From the author's book

Conspiracy from Graves' disease Take a knife with a wooden handle. Hit the table once (softly) and immediately touch yourself (gently) and

Conspiracies of the Siberian healer. Issue 15 Stepanova Natalia Ivanovna

Kidney disease

Kidney disease

Anyone who has at least once suffered renal colic or survived the release of stones, knows what unbearable torment it is.

I have accumulated hundreds of letters in which readers ask me to pay attention to kidney diseases and write about them in at least one book. Considering your wishes, I will give you some tips. In this section, you will learn how you can help a patient during an exacerbation of the disease, as well as prevent further formation of kidney stones and avoid inflammation of the urinary tract.

We have two kidneys, and these little workers expel tons of fluid through themselves during a person's life. When everything is in order with us, we live calmly and do not think about the state of our internal organs, but all people get old, and sooner or later a moment comes when we can no longer boast of good health. Often there are kidney diseases, and then, suffering from pain, and sometimes fearing the upcoming operation, we begin to find out - what can be done, how to prevent the development of the disease, how to recover from the disease?

First of all, it is necessary to say how to avoid such diseases. For example, did you know that poor-quality water can contribute to kidney stones? This disease is called "kidney stone disease" and causes a lot of suffering to a person. Stones can form anywhere in the urinary tract and come in a variety of sizes. Such stones have a different composition (it all depends on the reason for their appearance), but they are mainly divided into urates, phosphates and oxalates.

After the stones come out with urine or they are removed by surgery, doctors send them to a laboratory, where specialists conduct research and identify the composition of the stones. This procedure is necessary, since, based on the composition of the stones, the doctor then prescribes the necessary diet to the patient, which will prevent the further development of the disease, because the stones, unfortunately, can appear again even after they are surgically removed.

Now I would like to say a few words about the causes of kidney and urinary tract stones. In the first place are various inflammatory diseases of both the kidneys and the urinary tract. If, for example, you are sick with cystitis, then you should immediately treat the disease, in no case should you start it, otherwise it can provoke kidney disease, including the appearance of stones in them. The second place should be given to non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene - the penetration of bacteria into the urethra will sooner or later provoke inflammation, which, in turn, as we have already found out, can lead to kidney disease. In addition, I want to note that if you need to go to the toilet, you should not endure too long - this can also negatively affect the kidneys and the condition of the urinary tract.

Excessive secretion of the parathyroid hormone is often the cause of stones. People with gout also have a high chance of getting kidney stones.

Very often, stones appear due to an excess in the body of calcium and vitamin D, which enter the human body along with food. This must be remembered for those who have already had stones removed, as well as for those who suffer from renal colic. In this case, you should exclude from your diet foods containing calcium and vitamin D.

Exclude foods containing oxalic and citric acid, canned meat and fish, broths (any), sausages, sorrel, spinach, lettuce, parsley, beans, peas, beans, figs, radishes, chips, gooseberries, red currants, lemon, chocolate, cocoa, natural coffee, pepper, mustard, dried fruits.

I talked about what you can't eat, but now I want to talk about what not only can, but also need to be eaten. As I said above, it is very important in this case to find out the composition of the stones, so in any case you need to consult a doctor who will conduct the necessary research. Your subsequent diet will depend on the composition of the stones.

In the presence of urates you can eat milk and dairy products, vegetarian soups, cereal and vegetable dishes, fruits, berries, juices, wheat and rye bread.

In the presence of phosphates Eliminate foods high in calcium and magnesium from your diet. You should eat boiled meat and fish, unsalted herring, egg white omelet, any cereal dishes, butter and vegetable oil, foods high in vitamin C.

In the presence of oxalates you can eat boiled chicken and fish, cereals or pasta dishes, beets, onions, cabbage, cucumbers (limited), black and white bread, sugar and sweets (in increased quantities).

With pyelonephritis you can eat a lot of cottage cheese, sour cream, mild cheese, eggs, lean beef, chicken, rabbit meat, cereals, pasta, boiled and baked potatoes. It is not forbidden to eat sugar and sweets, vegetable and butter.

Now, having learned about what you can and cannot eat with kidney disease, you can avoid complications and re-formation of stones in the future.

During exacerbations, you need to try to increase the amount of urine leaving the body and go to the toilet as often as possible. This will help you get rid of harmful bacteria more quickly.

To acidify urine, drink more cranberry fruit drinks, because the acid prevents the growth of bacteria, and therefore the spread of infection.

Remember, foods high in calcium are the foundation of your future stones.

Do not be lazy to brew rose hips (berries and roots): it promotes the removal of sand and stones.

Now let's talk about how stones and sand can be expelled from the body and why this process is always so painful. The fact is that a person's ureter is very thin and the larger the kidney stones, the more pain their exit causes the patient.

Next, I would like to tell you about recipes with which you can quickly get rid of sand and stones, cure kidney diseases, and also wish everyone good health and long life without diseases.

From the book 08_There are no incurable diseases. author Panova Lyubov

Treatment of kidney disease If the liver absorbs all the blackness accumulated in a person, then the kidneys absorb his physical ailments, colds. The kidneys react strongly to the high content of sugar and salt in food. Moderation should be in the use of sugar.

From the book Conspiracies of an Altai healer on water the author Krasnova Alevtina

Conspiracies from kidney disease If the kidneys hurt Prepare round bread and coarse salt. Pour into a glass of running water, break off a piece of bread. You can't cut it off, because you can't pick up a knife. When you read, put this piece of bread and a pinch of salt in the water.

From the book The Miracle of Healing in a Whisper the author Mother Stephanie

Conspiracies from kidney disease From renal colic Prepare round bread and coarse salt. Pour into a glass of running water, break off a piece of bread. You can't cut it off, because you can't pick up a knife. When you read, put this piece of bread and a pinch of salt in water: Water-water,

From the book Magic for a bitch. Witch or sorceress? the author Shatskaya Evgeniya

Cleansing the kidneys To cleanse the kidneys, you should purchase 25 g of fir oil and 50 g each of herbs: oregano, knotweed, lemon balm, sage and St. John's wort. Mix the herbs and chop finely. Brew the prepared collection at the rate of 2 tablespoons per glass of boiling water. Divide the fee equally for 7 days, then

From the book 33 secrets to a healthy and happy life by Blavo Rushel

3. Cleansing the Kidneys The kidneys can be cleansed with cranberries or lingonberries. Cranberries are a real natural antibiotic. It also has a strong diuretic effect, prevents the formation of sand and kidney stones, heals inflammation, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, removes

From the book Rules of Purification author Katsuzo Nishi

From the book Healing Power is wise. Health at your fingertips the author Brahmachari Swami

From the book The Miracle of Health the author Natalia Borisovna Pravdina

From the book Practical Healing. Healing through harmony the author Sheremeteva Galina Borisovna

From the book Supernatural Abilities of Man author Konev Victor

Kidney Massage Place your palms with the back of your hands on your back, on the kidney area. Do a quick, clockwise circular motion with your hands in this area to massage the kidneys. Repeat 108

From the book The Golden Book of Old Russian magic, divination, spells and fortune-telling author Yuzhin V.I.

Kidney disease Human hearing depends on the fullness of energy in the kidneys. If it is profuse, then the hearing is acute. When it weakened, there is tinnitus and hearing loss. The kidneys are responsible for the bones and bone marrow. The size and location of the kidneys, like other organs, can be different in

From the book The Secret of Sister Stephanie's Slander and Mood. Hidden words of light and words of power the author Stephanie Sister

Respiratory diseases, cardiovascular diseases 1. Make "saber" movements: hands at the level of the patient's shoulders, palms down, fingers directed towards the patient, left hand on top. In this position, smoothly bring and spread your arms with a sweep wider than your shoulders.

From the book A unique system of health improvement. Exercise, working with hidden energies, meditations and attitudes author Katsuzo Nishi

Kidney Disease For acute and chronic kidney disease, the following mixture is used: 1. Adonis herbs - 4.0 g, bearberry leaves - 5.0 g, birch buds - 3.0 g, horsetail herbs - 2.0 g. This mixture is poured with 300.0 g boiling water, steamed in the oven for 2 hours and then on low fire

From the author's book

Cleansing the kidneys To cleanse the kidneys, it is recommended to drink tea from dried pumpkin flowers with honey (no sugar). Drink from 3-5 o'clock in the morning for 7 days. Then you should take a break for 10 days. Conduct 3 courses of kidney cleansing. During an exacerbation of cystitis, cleaning is required.

From the author's book

From kidney disease I relax and calm down. I accept this world as it is. From now on, I accept for myself the immutable truth: do not judge, that you will not be judged. I am starting to follow this wonderful law in my life! And the more I follow it, the faster

From the author's book

Kidney cleansing The beauty and youthfulness of a person depends to a large extent on the condition of the kidneys. When they are strong and healthy, a person looks young and attractive, he is cheerful and cheerful. When the normal functioning of the kidneys is disturbed, then aching lower back pain, fatigue,

Current page: 6 (total of the book has 17 pages) [available passage for reading: 12 pages]

Conspiracy for a speedy recovery of the child

Water cushion, earthly queen,

Everyone loves you, everyone honors you,

Everyone won't live long without you.

God gave you and punished you:

People should be fed and washed from any dirt.

Wash off, rinse, free from ailments,

And you, Mother Mother of God, bless,

Help the servant of God (name):

For ease, for health, for God's mercy.

As God's water rips off the ridges,

Washes off the stumps, shores, roots,

So wash, rinse, water, from God's servant (name)

All ailments and pains.

Conspiracy to rid the baby of disease

If a child is sick, any mother does not find a place for herself until he recovers. Of course, it is necessary to strictly follow all the doctor's prescriptions, but the following conspiracy will not hurt:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Queen of Heaven of His Son

In the evening I washed and steamed,

And she left the servant of God (name) water.

Who will enter that water

Any ailment will go away from that.

Key, lock, tongue.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

What to do if a child is sick

If a child is lethargic, weak, eating poorly, nothing pleases him and nothing interests him, then he must be treated immediately, otherwise he will melt like a candle. In the old days it was said about such children that dryness attacked them.

So take the baby and take him to where the pigs go. At this point, you need to shout the following conspiracy:

Pig fat will come off

The pig will dry up

He will die of dryness,

And my child has a long life. Amen.

After that, one of the pigs will soon die, and the child will recover.

What to do if a child is sick

Any mother immediately understands when her child is sick. To ward off the illness from the child, the child should immediately speak from the illness. For this, a special conspiracy is read over the drink and water for washing. You will see that after this ceremony, the child will quickly get rid of the disease. The conspiracy words are as follows:

You are the grass

You are dry straw

The wind dried you, ruffled you,

I shook it in all four directions.

Come on, all the sickness, all the pain,

On dry straw,

Field grass,

To the four brothers-winds!

Let them shake you

Let them shake you

And my child is released.

Most Holy Lady Theotokos,

Pray for my child.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

How to talk to a sick child

Say conspiracy words over warm water, which you then wipe the child with. The conspiracy is this:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

I am enclosing a high fence

Around God's baby (name),

So that no one fits:

Neither illness nor anxiety

Not an evil neighbor

Not an eye-catching godfather,

Uninvited guest

Insomnia, stitching, threshing, belching,

Shaker, ghosts, slips,

Ohhs, sighs and ahs and all sorts of vain fears.

Work for him, ax,

Spin for him, ball,

Flick for him, dove,

Spindle, turn for it,

And he, the servant of God (name),

Let it be useful

Sane and daring.

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Conspiracy from an unknown infant illness

Unfortunately, there are situations when an infant falls ill, and doctors cannot make an accurate diagnosis. In this case, such a conspiracy can help:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

The Mother of God took the Infant Christ in her arms,

Brought to the Jordan River,

I opened the silk diapers,

I washed the holy body of the Divine Infant,

I drove out all the ailments, all the lessons,

She sent them to the river, to the water.

So all the ailments would have gone off my child

They went to the water and from the water to mother earth.

Be, all my words, full,

They are faithful and quick.

I didn’t say a word,

Which word I retold

Which is not agreed upon

Stand, all words, in places fortified

By God's word, the coming hour,

By the order of the Mother of God.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now, ever and ever. Amen.

Words against toothache in children

Let the child open his mouth, and you immediately say:

The mouse has a turnip tooth, my baby has a bone tooth.

The servant of God (name) has a tooth, no pain,

And you, burdock mouse, take his pain away. Amen.

How to speak a hernia in a child

Eat bread and salt over the child and say:

I, the servant of God (name),

By God's grace I help:

I don't eat bread and salt,

and I seize the spool of the baby.

Pediatric hernia treatment

The following method helps in the treatment of this disease. Go to three baths, pick up the leaves from the brooms from the floor and put them in three jars. However, it should be borne in mind that the baths should be at a considerable distance from each other (from the window of one bath, the other two should not be visible). Then the collected leaves must be burned with the words:

Hernia, come out on the leaves

Sit and smoke in the wind

Go to four sides

Free the servant of God (name). Amen.

Hernia to speak

The following conspiracy helps well in this case:

Grandmother Solomonid

At the Most Holy Theotokos

I stuck a hernia with copper cheeks,

Iron teeth

So I speak to the servant of God (name).

Conspiracy from a hernia in a newborn

Place a pillow on the bed, undress your child, and place them on this pillow. Get on your knees in front of the child and circle the place where the child has a hernia with the little finger of your left hand, while reading this conspiracy three times in a row:

Lord God bless

Lord God, strengthen

And you, gnaw, scatter!

Go to the wheel, throw yourself off the wheel into the hole

You will be there, there you will live forever.

Key, lock, tongue.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

Children's hernia

To save a child from a hernia, you must read the following conspiracy:

I will become a servant of God (name), blessed,

I will go out, crossing myself,

I will go out into the open field.

In the open field there is an ocean-sea.

In the ocean-sea blue stone

Under a blue stone, a blue pike

Pinches and bites fifteen hernias:

And a birth hernia, and a back hernia,

And umbilical hernia and egg hernia,

And an inguinal hernia and a head hernia,

And a dental hernia and an ear hernia,

Both an eye hernia and a hand hernia,

And a heart hernia and a wet hernia,

And a heel hernia, and a popliteal hernia,

And a back hernia.

Whatever word you say, it is stronger than all words.

Seventy lived and seventy joints,

And in a single joint, a key and a lock.

Till the end of time. Amen.

I will get up, blessing, I will go, crossing myself,

Door to door, gate to gate

Into an open field.

A honey river flows in an open field,

The shores are golden.

A fish floats on this river, and its name is pike.

Her teeth are iron, her cheeks are copper,

Pewter eyes.

And that pike with iron teeth

With copper cheeks, tin eyes

Gnaws, bites and swallows

Boat hernia, keel hernia,

Water hernia, umbilical hernia,

Vein hernia and other hernia

The servant of God (name).

From homelands to the first bath,

From the first bath to the last bath

And until the death of a child and a darling

And all the dashing gnawing and illness.

Forgotten, spoken by the servant of God (name).

Till the end of time. Amen.

What the master did not teach or did not say himself,

Then all in advance.

Be, my words, strong and firm,

Into the key and the lock, forever and ever.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I hammer and temper

Servant of God (name), servant of God (name)

Umbilical gnaw, spinal gnaw,

Heart gnaw, head gnaw

Inguinal biting, pubic biting.

Now and ever and forever and ever.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

Grandmother Solomonid

At the Most Holy Theotokos

Spoke-seized hernia

Copper cheeks

Iron teeth

So I speak to the servant of God (name). Amen.

So that the child does not bite his nails

This unpleasant habit is reprimanded as follows. Ask the child to stretch out his hands in front of him, palms down, then take the knife by the blade and, touching each nail with it, starting with the right hand, pronounce the following conspiracy words:

Aspen stands

The wind is violent.

Aspen breaks, servant of God (name)

Does not toil with nails.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

If a child is drooling

In this case, I'm not talking about children who are teething: naturally, they salivate profusely. However, if the child's teeth have already erupted, and the saliva still continues to flow, contact the pediatric dentist: it is quite possible that the wrong bite is to blame. If the child's bite is normal, and all the teeth have erupted, then resort to the help of the following rite.

Place a handkerchief under the pillow in the evening and leave it overnight. In the morning, take out a handkerchief and wipe your child's drool with it until the evening, until he goes to bed. When the child falls asleep, read a special plot over the handkerchief and hang it on the street. The ceremony is carried out for three days, and then the scarf is washed.

The conspiracy words are:

The servant of God (name) gave

The wind took it and gave it to someone.

And to whom - only God knows.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

I do not remember a case when this ceremony did not help someone.

What if the kid ate shit

This sometimes happens to young children. To prevent unwanted consequences, be sure to chastise your child with wedding candles.

Put up a personalized icon of a child, light a wedding candle and read a special conspiracy twelve times in a row, but first read "Our Father".

Our Father, Who art in Heaven! Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as in Heaven and on earth. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we also leave our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

Virgin Mary, rejoice,

Blessed Mary,

Bless us against all misfortune,

Take the empty from my child,

Dashing, bad, nutritious, alien,

From fire, from deep water,

From uninvited trouble

From the unintended, from the desperate,

From short life and hard times,

From poverty, from secret enmity,

Anything that I didn't say

Anything that she didn't say.

Virgin Mary,

Be a faithful companion to my child.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

What to do if a child eats snot

On Wednesday, put the child on the doorstep, give him a plate of food and a spoon, and then say:

Frequent teeth, red lips.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on us.

To God - God's, to Caesar - what is Caesar's.

Mouth in its place

The nose is in its chamber.

I won't take anything from nose to mouth.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Then feed the child the spell food, giving him exactly three tablespoons of food - no more and no less.

So that the child does not eat snot

In this case, you should read a special conspiracy over water three times in a row, which you then need to wash the child with. After that, he will forget about his unpleasant habit. The conspiracy is this:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

There is no mouth above the nose,

And so it would not happen from the nose to the mouth too.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Till the end of time. Amen.

How to make children dumb

Cross, my cross!

John Chrysostom, come down from Heaven,

Open your mouth to the servant of God (name).

How did you speak God-like, talked,

So the servant of God (name) would also say,

I, my mother, surprised me with his speech.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

If a child is numb with fright

It also happens that a child, who previously knew how to speak, is very frightened of something and then stops talking. If neither the persuasion of relatives nor the doctors help and the child continues to be silent, try to do the following. On a full moon at night, when the sky is clear, without clouds, take the child outside. By the way, make sure in advance that there are no people or animals near you. Lay your underwear shirt on the ground, put your child on it and read this conspiracy three times in a row:

Look at the moon, there the angels live,

They take care of your soul.

There Christ is standing, looking at you, child,

Say hello to Him.

After that, grab a mirror and turn it so that your child can see the reflection of the moon. Let him look through the mirror at the moon, and at this time you read the same conspiracy again, just add at the end:

Christ loves you

You will be silent -

He will forget you.

After that, bring the child home and put him to bed. Caress him and say kindly (in your own words):

God loves you very much,

And you are silent.

He will be offended at me because of you.

Usually, after this ceremony, children begin to speak the next morning.

How to get rid of a relative

Break off a piece from a whole loaf of bread, take out the crumb and roll it over the patient's chest, saying:

Earth, take bread and salt,

Take the pain from the servant of God (name).

I roll it out, pronounce it, take it off:

Leg, cross, male and female,

Childish and senile, enviable and shameful,

From bones and blood, from the fate of the whole.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Take this bread from the sick man's house and put it somewhere under the bush.

Conspiracy from a relative

Early in the morning, before the sun has risen, read this conspiracy three times in a row:

Grandma Varvarushka, I ask you,

Take it off the baby

Servant of God (name), relative:

Kostevoy, residential,

Heart relative, head relative,

Internal relative, oppressive relative,

Trembling and all twelve relatives,

And all twelve Hudims,

And all twelve windy breakers.

Take off the white from your body, from clear eyes,

From a white face, from a lung, from a liver,

From a zealous heart and from all the red blood,

From all the insides. Amen.

Another conspiracy from a relative

Place your child in a chair and ask him to look at the candle fire. After you read the plot, the child must extinguish the candle himself, but if he is still too small, then you can do it for him. The conspiracy words are as follows:

Twelve brothers, twelve relatives,

As the dead do not toss and turn,

So would you all twelve

Didn't toss and turn in this house

Not now, not now, not tomorrow, not in an hour,

Never, forever.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Rodimets speak

Read a special conspiracy over water, which then water the child, and rinse him with the rest. Conspiracy words are:

On the sea, on the ocean, among the White sea,

There is a copper pillar

From earth to sky, from east to west,

And in that copper pillar is a copper copper

From pains and ailments.

I am sending the servant of God (name)

Into that copper pillar that is on the sea, on the ocean,

And I command him with my commandment word

Put your darling in that brass post.

And would be from that commandment of the servant of God (name)

Safe and unharmed and delivered from a relative

To this hour, throughout my life.

Or read the following conspiracy:

I gnaw, gnaw, I will, I will calm

There are twelve relatives on the servant of God (name):

Umbilical, heart, internal,

Head, articular, vein,

Bone, hand, foot,

Eye, howler, talker.

As the dead from the grave does not toss and turn,

So it would be for the servant of God (name)

These ten relatives

Never tossed and turned.

Century after century, from now to century.

Rolling out a relative

On a full moon, take a bread crumb, mold a small ball out of it (the size of a nut) and roll this ball over the child's body, while reading this conspiracy:

Roll out, pronounce

An urgent parable, a verdict,

Male, female,

Oncoming and transverse,

Enviable and joyful

From a riotous head

From a ruddy face

From the bones, from the brains

From the liver, from the lungs,

From a zealous heart, from white hands,

With fast feet

Not pure by itself. Amen.

Then wrap the bread crumb in a clean cloth and discard at midnight at the intersection, saying:

Holy goodwill, take bread and salt,

And forgive the servant of God (name). Amen.

This ceremony should be performed seven days in a row.

Conspiracy from a child relative

Find a knot in the fence and lead the child to it. Let him touch the bitch, and at this time you say:

As from this bitch pitch,

So from the servant of God (name) ailment.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,

Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

Conspiracy from children's diathesis

Take the child to the bathhouse and bathe him by reading such a conspiracy over him:

Bath spirit, speak the servant of God (name)

From scabs,

From wet scabs,

From dry scabs,

From small and large scabs.

Like a bath broom, the leaves themselves fly off,

So even if from my child

All the scabs fall off.

Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

Conspiracy from diarrhea in an infant

Mothers know how quickly a nursing baby loses strength due to diarrhea. Therefore, it is the sacred duty of every mother to know a special conspiracy to help get rid of this misfortune. Usually, in order for the diarrhea to pass, it is enough to read the conspiracy two or three times. Conspiracy words are pronounced over water, which is then given to the baby to drink. The conspiracy is as follows:

Baby Jesus with Mother Mary,

And the health of the servant of God (name) is with him. Amen.

If the child has beaten off the ass

If a small child falls in a big way on the bottom, he may then have diarrhea, even bloody. Treat the child as follows. They soar well in the bath so that the muscles relax, and then they put them on their knees face down and gently stroke from top to bottom on the bottom, saying:

Ass, ass,

Put yours in a stack.

Then they spit over the left shoulder three times. After that, the diarrhea immediately disappears.

Speak a bruise in a child

If your child falls or is bumped, talk to him about the bruised area and make sure there is no bruise or lump left after that. The conspiracy reads as follows:

The girl walked near the water,

She drove a bull on a strap along a loose bank.


No blood drips

The words are sculpted like dough.

Pain, blood, dislocation has no place in the body.

My lips are a lock

My tongue is the key.

Be, my word, strong, smooth and tenacious,

Stronger than damask steel,

Harder than the stone of the alatyr.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Conspiracy from a bruise in a child

Circle your little finger clockwise around the bruise, saying:

A horseman galloped in the field, a club in his hand.

The horse stumbled, the club fell,

My child's pain was gone.

What to say if a child is hurt

To make the injury go away faster and the child does not cry, say:

The fox has pain

The bear has pain

Our (name)

Nothing pain.

* * *

The magpie is sick

The crow is sick

The jackdaw has pain

And heal for (name)!

* * *

The wolf has pain, the fox has pain,

(Name) pain

Fly away to the birch tree in the forest.

Conspiracy from baby bristles

If the child starts crying and cannot calm down in any way, look at his back: it is quite possible that a bristle has appeared on it. But even if you don't find the bristles, I still advise you to read a special conspiracy to be on the safe side. To do this, stroke the child with your right hand on the back (from head to feet), saying:

Pig bristles are prickly

Sore hair

And my child is in peace.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

So that the hemangioma does not grow

Red spots on the body of a newborn can appear not only due to difficult childbirth. The reason for their appearance is often the fear experienced by a pregnant woman. Unfortunately, these spots tend to grow larger. To prevent this, take two hairs, one from the baby's mother and the other from someone's long beard. Measure the stain with them, and then tie them, saying:

How are these two hairs

To the beard and to the head

Will not grow anymore

So are the spots on the servant of God (name)

They won't grow up anymore.

My tongue is the key

Words are a castle

And for my business - God's amulet.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

Barley conspiracy

To save a child from such a misfortune, read the following conspiracy:

Barley, barley, you have a fig -

Buy what you want.

Buy yourself a hatchet

Chop off your own head

Like a top.

Scabies conspiracy in children

Take the child to the bathhouse and read such a conspiracy there:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

There is a red girl with a dry broom,

Extinguishes, extinguishes the bathhouse evil,

Wet scabs.

Like this broom, the leaves are dry,

So the scabs would be dry,

How the leaves will fall on this broom,

So the scabies would have slept.

Water from gogol,

From the servant of God (name) all thinness.

Water under the floor, baby on the floor. Amen.

Urticaria conspiracy

Pour fine cereals into a bag of red cloth, and then shake them over the child's head, saying:

Rash-rash, baby rash,

Roll down, fall off the servant of God (name). Amen.

Perform the ceremony three times in a row, and then pour the cereal onto the road.

How to get rid of a rash in a child

Take the child to the bathhouse and let him sweat well. Then wipe it off with the wrong side of your hem. After such a ceremony, the rash will disappear, as they say, before our eyes. Just be careful not to catch a cold after the bath.

Also, a special decoction, which is added to the bath when the child is bathing, also very well helps to get rid of the rash. Its composition is as follows:

A series - 50 g

Viburnum flowers - 50 g

Field chamomile flowers - 50 g

2 tbsp. Brew spoons of collection, strain and pour into a bathing bath.