Inspeant experience. Determination and rules for calculating continuous employment experience. Are there any continuous experience

A period of continuous labor activity is taken into account in one employer either in several, if during the transition from one enterprise to another duration of the break did not exceed the value established by labor law. And the medical workers have such an eye on not only the working period, but also the academic period along with the internet.

Currently, for the estimated period, lasts of the last two years, during which the worker worked continuously.

And since 2007, the concept of "work experience" was replaced by the wording "", since insurance is a prerequisite for official employment, during which the employer for all employees is deducted by insurance premiums to the Federal Insurance Fund.

When is continuity?

According to the general standards, operating since September 1983, the continuity of the experience in care from the workplace at their own will continued for 21 days. This calculation is applied if the employment contract is broken without valid causes exclusively.

Despite the fact that this rate is infringed by the constitutional rights of citizens, it is still applied by the Foundation for the Insurance of the Russian Federation.

In general rules for calculating the experience, there are also cases when the break may occupy a longer period and the experience is still calculated as continuous.

Break can reach, but not exceed two months:

  • During the expiration of the employment contract for those who worked in the harsh conditions of the Far North or in the regions equated to it on climatic characteristics.
  • When freeing from work in various organizations or in enterprises located abroad.
  • When moving from other countries, persons with whom the Russian Federation concluded contracts on social guarantees (provision). Counting is conducted from the moment of dismissal at the same place of work in another state.

A break can reach, but not exceed three months:

  • When terminating labor contracts with employees due to the reorganization of organizations and enterprises, as well as reducing their workers' state.
  • When working to work or when looking for a new job after a long period of temporary disability, including due to disabilities. The period of the three-month break in these cases is counted from the moment the disability and documentary fixation of this fact.
  • When dismissal on the basis of or in connection with the revealed, preventing further finding in this workplace.
  • When reducing primary school teachers in connection with the reduction of the number of students in the school.
  • Upon admission to work or study after the service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of the Interior, as well as state security bodies. The countdown of the three-month period is conducted from the moment of termination of the service.

There are also preferential categories of workers, for which the break period is calculated according to other principles.

For example, women dismissed from work can resume labor without loss of continuous experience, subject to work to work until the child has achieved a child of a certain age:

  • up to 14 years for (adoptive parents or guardians);
  • up to 16 years for people raising a child with disabilities.

Also, the experience will be saved regardless of the break if:

  • Dismissal occurred at his own desire, but for a valid reason (for example,).
  • Dismissal was due or old age.
  • A citizen was engaged in improving the qualifications, held a production practice during training in higher or secondary special educational institutions (including graduate studies and the ordinature).

When the continuity of the experience is interrupted?

Also, legislation provides cases or conditions when the experience cannot be considered continuous and in connection with this is interrupted.

If the employee is terminated by the employment contract on the article, that is, for malicious disorders of the work discipline specified in the Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court at number 2, adopted in March 2004. This includes multiple dodging from the performance of official duties, gross disorders of discipline, leadership and collective, immoral behavior, and so on.

In the cases listed cases, the termination of the employment contract is a method of disciplinary and punishment (according to the 81st article of the TC).

Until March 2004, repeated dismissal of the experience was also reduced to the interruption of the experience (at their own request). But this circumstance can no longer automatically interrupt the experience! It should be remembered to all citizens engaged in labor activities, and require employees of the personnel department of the correct recalculation of the experience, if a similar error has been allowed.

How to calculate?

It is quite difficult to determine the period of continuous labor activity yourself, because even one missed day will result in errors in the calculation.

It should also be borne in mind that there are certain periods that are not labor activity in their essence, but also included in the experience. For example, this refers to the service in the armed forces or internal affairs bodies (according to the FZ under the number 255).

Employees of personnel service are guided by several regulatory provisions:

  • 423th Article TC;
  • presidential order at number 508;
  • resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR under the number 252, which is often called
  • Rules for the calculation of employment experience.

To independently determine the continuous period of operation (approximately in some cases!), It is necessary:

  1. write down the date of reception and dismissal from the labor book for each workplace;
  2. then from the dates of dismissal to subtract the date of the following employment;
  3. if the results obtained do not exceed three weeks, the period can be taken into account in the total continuous experience (there are exceeded periods with a break for more than three weeks).

The concept of "continuous work experience" (NTS) arose in the last century, and was determined in the Soviet Union's Labor. In those days, continuous work, especially in the same team, made it possible to obtain additional bonuses from the state and the premium coefficient to a standard pension.

After the reform of 2006, the concept of NTS is used, but there is no legal strict definition of the "continuous work experience" in the legislation of the Russian Federation, the state does not take into account it, and the benefits from the state or all-Russian social funds for the continuity of the overall experience are not provided.

Insurance, general and continuous experience

Currently (at the beginning of 2018) in Russia only insurance experience (ATP) is taken into account, which is divided into two subcategories: common and special. The concept of "continuous insurance experience" is not used, because the insurance experience is calculated by simply summing periods of deductions, and the interrupting gaps are ignored.

Often in conversations omit the word "insurance", and confusion arises between the terms. The ATP includes only those periods when contributions were deducted in the FIU, and some others listed in the law. The years and months, during which deductions were made, summarized and obtain the final figure of the insurance experience. Based on this figure, the pension is calculated. Continuous experience for pension values \u200b\u200bdoes not have.

The years in which a person worked, but the deductions to the pension fund were not made, the insurance experience does not include, and not use for calculating pensions and benefits. The concept of "common experience" without the word "insurance" lost its former value, as well as the concept of "continuous experience", which is now used in another sense than before.

NTS until 2006

Until 2006, the concept of continuous work experience was applied to the calculation, and was taken into account as it was interpreted by the Decree of the USSR Council of 1973. The continuity of labor activity influenced the amount of pension, and was taken into account in some other calculations of social benefits. The experience was considered continuous, even if the person changed the place of work, moving from one enterprise to another, but his unemployment period was no more than defined in the law.

In 2006, the Constitutional Court of Russia acknowledged the time of the USSR of the USSR not relevant to new realities and the current constitution, and canceled its application.

NTS after 2006

The concepts of global (general) continuous employment experience no longer exist, only the time of work is taken into account in one organization. The period from the start of employment to the organization is considered as the beginning of a continuous experience, and apply only for taking into account in the last place of work. The amount of pension and the size of the hospital list the fact of continuity of the experience no longer affects, but it is taken into account, for example, when calculating the next vacation.

Internal regulations on the enterprise, management can determine additional benefits and bonuses for employees, based on the continuity of their work. These norms are not mandatory by law, and enter into an incentive system for preserving the loyalty of a particular enterprise.

The canceled NTS term in the current letter of the law was not prescribed and not interpreted, but it was preserved, as a concept, it is used in some industries and individual regions of the country, based on the "Spirit of the Law" and the subtitle commenting explanations for labor legislation.

How to consider continuous experience

NTS is a period of time spent without significant breaks. Usually, one month is considered an insignificant break. The counting of continuous experience is made to calculate the allowances for the salary and driving age of certain categories of workers.

Any experience express in the whole years, months and days. The day of reception to work and the day of dismissal from work is considered one day. The number of months is more than 12 translated a year, and plus for years, the number of days more than 30 is translated into months, and plunge them for the number of months. The result will look something like this: NTS \u003d 5 years, 8 months, 12 days.

A special case is the counting of the Soviet and post-Soviet period. During the work, until 2001, an enhancing percentage of 1% for each confirmed year of experience is applied. Practice shows that when calculating the NTS, the "Soviet Sample" methodology and short breaks are ignored.

Exceptions from rules

In the laws on labor, several exceptions are provided for the calculation of the NTS. Exceptions relate to the timing of the interruption in the work and conditions for the continuity of the experience when changing the enterprise. Continuous work experience is maintained in the following cases:

Exception for the Far North

For the regions of the Far North, allowances for salary are used as compensation for heavy climatic conditions. The magnitude of the allowance depends on the total time worked out by man under these conditions. To calculate the entire experience of the employee in a hard climate, regardless of enterprises on which he worked. The list of regions in which this length of accounting for the continuity of the experience is valid, determined by the Government of Russia:

  • south of the Far East and Krasnoyarsk Territory;
  • Irkutsk;
  • Arkhangelsk;
  • Chita;


  • Karelia;
  • Komi;
  • Buryatia;
  • Tuva;

For working in these regions, continuous experience after dismissal is preserved if, after the rupture of an employment contract with one enterprise and employment to another, no more than two months passed.

Exception for doctors and teachers

The second exception refers to doctors and teachers. Their continuous work experience is considered on the fact of employment in the industry, regardless of how many and which schools changed the teacher, in which hospitals or polyclinics worked as a medic, even if they are translated from one place of work as part of their specialty.

For example, continuous medical experience remains if the medic between the previous and new employment has not exceeded the deadline for one month.

Exception for foreigners and when working abroad

Foreigners from the states with which the RF concluded agreements, Russian citizens working abroad, are entitled to break in work equal to 2 months.

Exception in the forced impossibility to work

In the restructuring of the enterprise, the abbreviated worker receives three months to search for new work.

In case of industrial injury, the cure time is not taken into account, and after rehabilitation there are three months for employment without the loss of NTS.

Family Exceptions

The continuity of the experience is maintained:

  • When transferring a spouse to another place of work with the move, and therefore forced dismissal.
  • When restoring at work after the age of majority of the child with HIV.
  • Pregnant women when dismissing at the initiative of the administration.

Exceptions for working retirees

For working pensioners, the NTS is preserved when returning to the previous work, without taking into account the duration of the break.

Changing work is a frequent phenomenon in modern society. In the process of transition from the company, many citizens try to maintain previously earned work experience.

This is done that in the future, when there is a need to receive cash payments for temporary disability, to count the service, or to make a pension, the duration of continuous operation and the availability of the appropriate experience were correctly calculated. When the work experience is interrupted after dismissal, our article will tell.

Before starting to consider the nuances of continuity of labor, it is advisable to decide what it is. Until 2007, in Russia, they used the concept of "work experience", but then other legislative norms came into force, which replaced this concept for "insurance experience".

What do you need experience

But if you consider them essentially - these are periods of time when an employee performs its functional responsibilities, and when working work (companies, where it works), the break between the day of dismissal and subsequent reception should not be more determined by the legislation of the gap.

Classically a break is negotiated for a month. But this duration may increase and decrease. It all depends on the working conditions of a citizen and articles on which he was dismissed. In particular, the conditions are legally envisaged when there are no periods after dismissal, allowing to consider the experience of continuous. These include:

  1. The dismissal held by the initiative manifested by the employer due to the violation of the working duties.
  2. Termination of labor relations with a worker because of the absenteeism.
  3. When the dismissal of the employee was carried out under the article beyond theft of the company's property.
  4. Termination of an employment agreement with a worker who appeared at work in a state of intoxication (alcoholic, narcotic).
  5. Other gross (for which there are articles for dismissal) violations of work discipline.

Separate periods when the employee actually did not perform labor functions assigned to it, but it was preserved for it, it is considered continuous experience in all types of calculations. These periods include:

  • service in the ranks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;
  • periods of pregnancy, in women;
  • when the employee of the company is sent to advanced training courses;
  • training in various educational institutions without separation from production.

Remember, if the employee was fired "under the article", the gap of the experience, taking into account labor, will begin to be calculated from the next day coming after dismissal. Proof of this will be the corresponding entry that will be recorded in the employment record.

What does the continuity of the experience affect

Now that we have a concept about the experience, it is advisable to consider why to maintain his continuity and why it is important to ensure that the experience has always taken into account continuously. Regarding uninterruptedness, it is necessary to designate that there is a direct dependence during the implementation of the calculation of the estimated cash benefit. Depending on the experience, the employee will receive:

  1. 100% of the average monthly earnings when continuous work is over 8 years;
  2. 80% is paid when the employee scored from 5 to 8 years of continuous employment;
  3. 60% will pay employees who have worked over the year (up to 5 years inclusive).

The experience affects the magnitude of payments on the hospital leaf

The next moment, which directly depends on the amount of labor baggage existing citizen, is the size of its future pension. It should be understood that the change in the concepts of labor experience at the insurance occurred in 2007. Therefore, citizens who started their career before this turning point and continuing it will be used as new legislation and old laws.

If earlier the retirement was influenced by all periods when a citizen performed labor or socially significant functions, today, to get a pension, it is necessary to pay insurance premiums a certain number of years. This is the main principal distinction between labor and updated insurance experience.

Remember, the main document that is the base for the calculation of the employment experience is the employee's laborbook. Regarding the calculation of the insurance experience, then the main role is played by the presence of monthly insurance payments directly to the Pension Fund. There should be an employer.

It should not also forget that in individual government agencies, the continuity of the work experience directly depends on the calculation of additional payments associated with the length of service. The interruption of the experience means the beginning of the calculation of the period of calculating these payments from the date of the last employment, if the cause of the rupture exceeds the provided legally either the previous dismissal occurred under the article that does not provide for the possibility of preserving the time interval displaced in search of a new work.

What the experience happens

All regulatory documents available in various laws and issued on their basis can be simply divided into 4 main categories.

General work experienceAll actual (including interruptions) period when a citizen performed socially significant useful actions that are fixed at the legislative level. This is the fulfillment of any paid or creative work, the service in government structures, individual entrepreneurial detail, others defined by the law period that are considered in labor experience.
Special experienceThis includes the breed of time (including breaks), when a citizen performed socially significant labor functions according to certain positions, on special (different from normal) activities or had a special status. Examples - service in the Armed Forces, the work of persons with disabilities 1 and 2 groups, the work of prisoners in excess of the term provided for by the sentence.
Continuous experience

Take all intervals when an employee without interruptions (or their duration should not be more enshrined the term legislation in each particular case) performed labor functions in one company (in different positions) or in several enterprises.

Insurance experience

The time interval when the employee is being paid to insurance premiums directly to the Pension Fund so that in the future to form him a proper level of pension provision. The concept was introduced in 2007 and only begins to hold.

Separately, it is worth it for the order of crediting experience for different periods of performing operating functions. For certain working conditions, the working experience can be counted with the use of increasing coefficients. According to an increased coefficient will count:

  • in one and a half times if the citizen worked in the extreme north or equivalent to it areas;
  • double-sized, when military service (by call), labor activity in anticipate institutions, leprosaries are carried out;
  • in a triple size, when military service goes during the conduct of hostilities, illegal finding in places of imprisonment, illegally repressed, and eventually citizens are rehabilitated.

Remember, counting the total, special, continuous period of work is carried out by summing up the time of actual labor in the company, taking into account the time intervals provided by the legislation for the period of work change.

When the experience remains uninterrupted

Now directly about the timing that is determined by the legislator to be able to change the work and not considered to be interrupted the work experience.

All deadlines can be allocated in such a sequence:

  1. Three weeks. An employee terminates labor relations on his own initiative, but he does not have any respect or causes.
  2. Month. Care from work is carried out at their own request. There is a reason for which it is necessary to change the company or by agreement of the parties to work relations.
  3. Two month. Defined to workers of the Far North or areas, to it equivalent to find a new job.
  4. Three months. The employee is dismissed due to the state or in connection with the liquidation of the company. The same amount is given to the search for the work of the spouse, if another spouse has been transferred to work in another locality and the whole family moved.
  5. Six months. It is assigned to the search for new work to employees of the government or the State Duma of the Russian Federation.
  6. One year. Terms of contractual form after the end of the period of their contract.
  7. Without any temporary restrictions. This category was assigned veterans (combat participants), military personnel with more than 25 years of military experience.

The experience of the serviceman is not interrupted within a year after the end of the contract

If necessary, increase the time interval for the selection of new work or reduce the gap between the dismissal and the new employment, it is advisable to execute leave, the last day of which will be dismissal. This allows you to get maximum freedom of action to select a new job. You will also be listed as an employee of an old company, but already have a properly decorated labor book.

The legislator provided cases when the accrual of employment experience in the actual termination of labor relations does not stop. This includes:

  • cancellation of the employment agreement with the employee who has a crumb not older than 14 years (if the baby is disabled, then up to 16 years) for the entire period, while children have reached the agreed age;
  • for the entire period of maternity leave;
  • after registration of a citizen of a legitimate pension;
  • if the dismissal occurred in regions having a high unemployment rate;
  • when the recovery was previously illegally dismissed from the post of employee;
  • if the worker was attracted to the fulfillment of public works with payment.

Remember, if for the calendar year, a citizen has fired more than once on a personal initiative, all of the following periods after initial dismissal will not be counted in the process of preserving the continuous experience.

How the interruption of the experience depends on the cause of dismissal

Impact on the time interval when a citizen actually remains unemployed, but time is counted in a continuous work experience, direct. In the classical case of leaving the work (in coordination of the parties, at its own request, in the presence of motives for dismissal), the law establishes a monthly term to work out for a new job after dismissal. The same period is given to an employee who passes in coordination between employers from one company to another.

A little more was allocated to the former employees of enterprises located in the regions of the Far North (two months), as well as those who lost their work on their own initiative, in particular, due to dismissal to reduce (for three months).

  1. Search a new job should be in advance (when you are still in the state of the old company).
  2. To increase the search period, you can use vacation with subsequent dismissal.
  3. If an employee is on vacation without salary salary, its experience is also not interrupted, but the amount of time to search for new work increases.
  4. In case of finding a new place of work, it is advisable to dismiss on translation (you are guaranteed will be accepted at a new job place) or by agreement of the parties (this allows you to quit without work out).
  5. If you hit the reduction, but have already found a new place of work - you should not wait for the expiration of the warning. At your application, the employer may dismiss you to reduce the previously agreed period.
  6. Women in the decree, even in the case of complete elimination of the company, retain their work experience until the baby does not turn three years old. But for this, having received a document on the liquidation of the company and the dismissal, they are obliged to register in the employment center.

Remember, not to interrupt the labor and insurance experience during the period of changing the place of work, it is advisable to use all available capabilities during the preliminary search for a suitable company for transition.

See this video about continuous experience:

How to calculate

Considering that for many civil servants, the continuity of the work experience directly affects the level of service of years, as well as the income consisted of this, it is very important to support it. It is necessary to understand how it is calculated.

Usually, such documents are used by the basis for calculating continuity:

  • wages payroll;
  • military ID;
  • certified copies of laying orders;
  • certificates confirming the period of labor relations.

The fundamental document used to calculate is the labor book. There are on the basis of all the records about the dismissal and the coming after this employment.

Remember, the continuity of the experience is calculated not from the date of filling the employment record, but with the detachment (beginning) of working cooperation designated in the order. Therefore, it is very important that this time interval does not exceed the permissible legislation a gap for a specific category of employees (employees).

When a citizen enjoys the right to use the raising coefficient in the process of calculating the experience, this norm is applied exclusively by the work period (service) in the conditions giving the right to such privilege. It ends at the same time with dismissal.

Further calculation is made under the general rules. If until the moment of new employment, the period allocated to the legislatively for new labor cooperation will be exceeded, the previous experience will remain uninterrupted.

The calculation of the period between the dismissal and the new employment for civil service for military personnel is carried out on a military ticket (further on the employment record). The basis for calculation is the designated in the orders to dismiss the date of termination of the service and enrollment into the reserve.

In the course of the skills of labor experience, temporary intervals calculated for years, months and calendar days are accepted. Hours and minutes when counting is not taken into account.

Do you need experience, see this video:

Form for receiving a question, write your

For each person, labor experience is an important component. It affects many indicators. Therefore, it is worth considering what labor experience is, and how does it reflect on a person's life?

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What is labor experience?

Under the concept " seniority»Means the duration of human working activity. It is this indicator that is the main one for obtaining the right to pension provision and disability benefits. The employee's experience is confirmed by the employment record. There are cases when the owner of this document has lost information on primary activities, in which case it is possible to realize the calculus of pensions.

There are several types of employment experiences:

  1. The overall experience includes all the years of employment worker. In this case, it also includes periods such as service in the army, disability, decree, disabled and unemployment. The last indicator is calculated only if a person receives cash benefits from social services.
  2. Continuous experience includes a total duration of continuous operation in one enterprise.
  3. Special labor experience is designed for people who occupy the respective posts.

Everyone should know that the workbook is an important document that confirms the work experience. It is necessary to carefully follow the correctness of its filling and not lose. If the information does not correspond to reality, you must request changes to the employer.

What affects his interrupt?

Currently, not every person can work for a long time in one enterprise in a continuous basis. There are always situations when the employee must stop its activities. There are several criteria that affect the interruption of the employment experience:

  1. Dismissal. If a person has voluntarily quit from work or decided to change the generation of the activity, then his work experience is interrupted. However, this rule does not include the reduction of the staff of the workers and the liquidation of the organization. The experience is interrupted if a person did not get a new job within three weeks.
  2. Hospital. We are talking about those hospital in which their payment does not correspond to the tasks of social insurance or the constitution.
  3. Care of the employee from the official place of the device for an informal organization (private firm). In this case, it is believed that the worker voluntarily left the enterprise and his experience is interrupted.

Each change associated with the change in the employee's activities must be fixed in the employment record. If the activity is constantly interrupted, then such a phenomenon may adversely affect the number of pension benefits.

How to make it continuous?

The amount of benefits during disability depends on the continuous employment experience. If you wish, you can save it, for this, you must remember the following paragraphs.

The experience becomes continuous if:

  • A person at his own will enjoyed a job after retirement.
  • A disabled citizen receives unemployment benefits. In this case, to prevent the abrupting of the employment experience, it is necessary to queue on the labor exchange during the search for new work.
  • Less than three weeks passed from the date of dismissal. Before quenching from one organization, a person needs to find a new job.

It is allowed to maintain a continuous experience of up to two months if:

  • A person after dismissal comes to work on his own request. For example, if the wife was forced to change the organization due to the move of the spouse to another area.
  • Citizen retired by age.
  • The person resigned from work at the enterprise, which was located on the territory of the Far North or abroad.

It is allowed to maintain a continuous experience of up to three months if:

  • A citizen was dismissed in connection with the reduction or liquidation of the organization.
  • The employee was dismissed due to the discrepancy with his post.

If for any reason the employer does not preserve the continuity of the work experience, then its actions can be appealed in court.

Legal basis and their changes

From April 1973, by the end of 2006, a law on the calculation of employment has existed in the country. According to his condition, he was considered continuous if a citizen got a job less than one month after dismissal. Since 2007, this law has changed, the lifetime, now, is three weeks.

Since 2007, temporary unemployment allowance has changed. Today it is:

  1. Payment 100 percent of wages with an experience of 8 years.
  2. Paying 80 percent of wages with experience from 5 to 8 years.
  3. Payment 60 percent of wages with more than 5 years.

Since January 1, 2007, changes are made to calculate disability benefits. Now, the insurance experience is taken into account, which includes the amount from all periods.

What does the continuous work experience affect?

Continuous work experience - This is the duration of the employee in one place or in several organizations, if the break does not exceed the deadline. Based on this indicator, the amount of benefits is calculated during disability, it can be 60, 80 or 100 percent of wages.

Continuous work experience affects:

  1. the size of old age pension;
  2. the amount of disability pension collisions;
  3. the amount of pension provision on the occasion of the loss of the breadwinner;

Each person can independently calculate his continuous work experience, for this you need:

  • Prepare the necessary things: calculator, handle, paper, computer and workbook.
  • To calculate the continuous experience, 1C "Salary and Frames" program is required. If you wish, you can implement this procedure yourself using the calculator.
  • The program requires all the dates of acceptance and dismissal from work. After that, you need to click the "Calculate" button and wait for the results.
  • With an independent calculation, first of all it is necessary to calculate the number of employment. To do this, you need to subtract from the date of dismissal the date of the device to work. Next, you should add the results, the break between which was more than three weeks.

Do not read and the result, if the employee was fired more than two times a year. You should also pay attention to the exceptions in which the work experience is not interrupted.

Which is not included, but does not interrupt the experience

There are some situations in which work experience is not interrupted:

  1. During the receipt of secondary special or higher education, the experience is not interrupted. This also applies to training in graduate studies and reinforcement. However, the break between dismissal from work and admission to an educational institution should not exceed the deadlines.
  2. If a person has been abroad for a long time, getting there skills for work. In this case, the time of his liberation from labor activity should not exceed two months.
  3. The work experience is not interrupted if the person works at a seasonal enterprise. For example, its activities are related to agricultural or shipbuilding industry. In this case, he needs to work in a completely one season, after which it is to conclude an agreement on returning to work in the next period.
  4. The increasing is the case if a citizen is serving the time for correctional work, however, it is not about the deprivation of freedom at his place of work.
  5. If the employee in the period between dismissal from one position and the entry to another was recognized as disabled, this period is extended. In this case, the person needs to submit a certificate.
  6. The term is lengthened in the event that an additional time is required to move to another locality.

The duration of the employment experience is established by the employer in accordance with the norms of the Russian Federation. Each action must be spelled out in the employment record.

It should be responsible to such a question as an employment experience. It is this indicator that will be used when making a pension. In order to secure a worthy old age, it is required to comply with the continuity of labor experience.

Labor relations with the employer suggest certain social guarantees both by the state and from enterprises and organizations. Until recently, a continuous work experience had a great importance in this regard. At the moment, after reforming the pension system, this concept is practically not used.

Definition of continuous employment experience (NTS)

The formulation of continuous work experience suggests a continuous period of time, during which the worker lasted officially registered relationships with the employer, reflected by the appropriate record in the employment book, the labor contract.

The NTS calculation is not so unambiguous as its definition. There are many exceptions and rules that need to be taken into account when calculating it.

As long as NTS was used as a concept at the state level, during this period the total period of human labor relations with all employers was included. Since the abolition of NTS in labor legislation, the concept is used locally within the framework of the system of motivation of each particular enterprise in relation to labor collectives.

Why do you need continuous work experience and what does it affect?

The system of continuous employment carries a lot of advantages primarily for the employer and directly affects one of the most important factors of profitable low-cost activities - the fluidity of personnel. Low indicators of this component efficient control provide:
  • continuity of production processes;
  • stability of the functioning of all divisions;
  • the presence of knowledge and experience corresponding to the technological requirements;
  • well established psychological climate in the team.
As a method of reduced personnel in the Soviet Union at the legislative level, the concept of continuous employment experience was adopted. Its use played a huge stimulating role in keeping labor resources at the same place.

Depending on the RTS period, it made it possible to obtain certain bonuses, privileges and surcharges. In addition, according to the results of work, it was possible to count on an increased pension size, and during the next vacation - a ticket with a partial or complete reimbursement of the cost of rest.

Up to 2002, the calculation of the NTS at the state level had a direct impact on the amount of pension payments, as well as when receiving other socially guaranteed benefits. In particular, the NTS term depended on the amount of payments on the hospital leaf (until 2007) or additional days of vacation.

As of 2017, continuous work experience is used exclusively in private. At the legislative level, this concept was excluded from turnover.

Now NTS takes note of commercial structures in coordination with the owners. It is still used to stimulate the most devoted employees with all sorts of prizes, bonuses or intangible means of motivation, which are compensated by enterprises. Of course, their number is limited by the budget allocated to encourage frames. Whereas before reforming, the main burden of social security and motivation of citizens was carried by the state.

In addition to commercial structures, the NTS has been preserved in augmentation of health officers, although in this case the focus is on the length of the experience.

What is included in the NTS?

When calculating the term of continuous work experience, there are many reservations that were accepted at the legislative level and operated until 2002.

In addition to continuous work, the NTS is counted:
  • Military service, regardless of the kind of troops. The main condition is a break between the end of the end / commencement of military duties and the beginning / end of labor relations or study is not more than three months.
  • Vacation of female servicemen forcedly dismissed from the departments of service due to pregnancy, subsequent birth and time to care for children up to 1.5 years inclusive, as well as at the birth of a child and up to 3 years with the preservation of the workplace.
  • All types of production practices (paid).
  • Training period for professional or special education (including: advanced training, higher, secondary specials). Break is possible no more than 3 months.
  • Work in special areas in the agriculture. Including after the elimination of collective farms.
  • A period of forced break due to improper dismissal (on the fact of recovery to the previous workplace).
The term of educational and scientific activity in universities is not the reason for the BCC break. Learn more about study and work experience.

Is the continuous work experience taken into account when calculating the pension or payments on the hospital leaf?

At the moment, the use of three main categories of labor experience:
  • common;
For the purpose of pensions, as well as when calculating the payments on the hospital (as a result of temporary disability), the concept of another experience - insurance is used. This is the time when the salary or official income received was deducted to the relevant funds. In addition, the overall employment period is taken into account.

The NTS is taken into account exclusively in private, when the owners of commercial structures take it in the form of a starting condition for the system of motivation and stimulating their employees.

In addition, the NTS is used to determine when after the employment, a new employee can be released on vacation, namely after six months of continuous work in the enterprise.

When NTS is not interrupted even in case of dismissal?

Before reforming the pension system, continuous labor experience was distinguished by a large number of exceptions. It was counted the subsequent employment after the employee's dismissal. It is important that the temporary pause does not exceed the term 3/4 weeks (according to the legislation valid at different times, depending on the changes). Considered the number of transitions in one year.

No good reasons allowed the first dismissal of a citizen from work on his own request. If for 12 months. The second occurred, then the subsequent employment became part of the NTS in the existence of documented valid reasons that were entered into the employment record. In exceptional situations - according to the individual solution of trade union organizations. Among the permissible reasons are considered:

  • Violation of the contract (labor / collective) on the part of the governing composition of the enterprise.
  • Victory in selection for competitive positions.
  • Disability / severe family members, requiring the presence and continuous care from an employed citizen (necessarily certifying the relevant medical conclusion).
  • Start learning in any educational institution.
  • Official translation for service / work, moving, including illness, someone from spouses to another region.
  • The provisions of mandatory state programs for labor migration.
For disabled people, pensioners, guardians of 3 or more minor children, pregnant and women, raising young children, the presence of a good reason for the second dismissal for 12 months. - Condition is optional.

In addition, the NTS remains even with the existence of a break for more than a month (up to 2-3 months), provided:
  • shifts of work place after employment in the conditions of the Far North;
  • move from abroad. It was allowed if a citizen worked in international organizations, institutions and branches of state importance;
  • moving from friendly countries (if there are international agreements on social support);
  • reorganization of enterprises and organs of the Armed Forces. The same opportunity was envisaged in the reduction of state or liquidation;
  • the end of the time of disability or illness (on the conclusion of MCEC or WCC), as well as if the dismissal is associated with the state of health from the previous job;
  • reducing the pedagogical composition of the initial classes (in particular - when switching to a new system of learning or lack of students).
NTS persists:
  • in pregnant women who are simultaneously guardians / parents of young children and people with disabilities to age 14 and 16 years, respectively. Important refinement: on the fact of achieving this age, citizens should be employed;
  • for the term forced moving one of the spouses to another region;
  • for all categories of employed pensioners.

How to consider continuous work experience?

NTS is calculated solely in the presence of official employment, the availability of documents confirming the valid reasons for temporary interruptions in labor activities (diplomas, certificates, hospital sheets, IEC and WCC conclusions).

Depending on personnel policies and staff schedules, each company has a service that has access to labor books or treaties. Based on their data, employees produce the NTS calculation.