New Year decorate the apartment with your own hands. Decor without problems: we create decorations for the New Year with our own hands and combine them correctly. Room decor

One of the most beloved family holidays is approaching - the New Year. The symbol of 2017 is the Rooster, which patronizes a warm cozy atmosphere in the house, original New Year's gifts, as well as generous home cooking. And this means that even if you do not celebrate the New Year holidays at home, you still need to decorate your house beautifully for the New Year!

Festive atmosphere at home

New Year holidays happen once a year, which means that you need to approach the decoration of the house with all responsibility - to create maximum conditions for a festive New Year's atmosphere!

  • When choosing in what color scheme the house will be decorated for the New Year, you need to take into account the interest of the main hero of the occasion - the Rooster. He prefers everything bright and beautiful, especially red. And no uniformity. However, it is allowed to decorate the house with green and blue shades.
  • When decorating a room, you need to try to diversify the decor. Multi-colored hanging balls, sparkles, snowflakes - that's what you need. But here the main thing is not to overdo it, all colors must be combined with each other, otherwise the situation will be inharmonious. It is better to choose decorations for the New Year's holiday from natural wood.
  • Rooster bird from the village. Prefers warmth and comfort. You can create a rustic decor in your home. For this, soft, patterned capes for sofas and armchairs, vintage scarves are perfect. And if you set a goal in advance, you can find household items - a spinning wheel, bast shoes, a yoke with buckets. Set the main symbol of the year in the most prominent place. Next to the figurine of a rooster, you can put his whole family. Then peace and comfort will reign in the house for a whole year.

Christmas tree outfit

New Year's holidays cannot be imagined without a Christmas tree, especially in the year of the Rooster. It can be real or artificial, but it must be! And how to decorate it in 2017, we will now consider.

  • Fluffy beauty should be unusual. Simple decorations in the form of garlands, balls and stars will not suit the owner of the year. He likes everything stylish and extraordinary, especially New Year's balls with the image of the Rooster.
  • Decorated gingerbread cookies made with your own hands in the form of a symbol of the year, snowmen, Christmas trees or snowflakes will become an original decoration. Yes, and it is very interesting in the evening for the whole family to make toys.
  • As for the top of the Christmas tree, the star has long gone out of fashion. It is better to put a rooster figurine on the very top. With his watchful eye, he will observe the guests and the environment.

New Year's table decoration

Let's look at what to pay special attention to when decorating the New Year's table in the year of the Rooster.

  • The tablecloth should be plain, so as not to catch the eye, but the dishes, on the contrary, are bright and colorful.
  • The shape of the glasses directly depends on what kind of drink will be consumed. Be sure to need glasses for water or juice.
  • Napkins are matched to the color of the tablecloth. Paper ones are placed on a plate, and cotton ones are placed under a plate.
  • Dishes only made of wood or clay, glass is allowed. No plastic!
  • In the center of the table, you need to put a bowl with germinated grains - the Rooster will like it.
  • How to decorate the New Year's table 2017 in an original way, we told in detail, and what dishes must be on it in the year of the Rooster - read this.

Window transformation

It is not necessary to buy expensive decorations, with a little effort, you can make beautiful decorations for the window yourself.

  • Using paper, you can cut out colorful snowflakes. Thanks to the stencil and acrylic paints, capture not only one picture, but the whole story. Ordinary toothpaste will help you make fabulous patterns.
  • When decorating a window for the holiday, you need to remember about window sills and cornices. You can decorate with New Year's baskets, inside which are cones and twigs of needles. You can add such a “bouquet” with small New Year's toys.
  • Decorated trays look very magical on the windowsills. There are candles on them, bunches of mountain ash, spruce branches lie.
  • As a decoration, a Christmas tree toy, suspended at different heights on New Year's tinsel, is suitable. You can use not only toys, but also small brooms made of pine branches, bright rains.
  • For more original ideas, see the link.

The real find is spray paint. It comes in silver or gold. Using it, you can make bright, stylish and colorful decorations from ordinary cones, berries, and branches.

Having given free rein to the hands and having played out the fantasy, the window will be transformed at the same moment.

How to decorate a house for the New Year 2017

New Year holidays are getting closer, so it's time to think about how to emphasize the fabulous and mysterious atmosphere on the last night of this year.

2017 is the year of the Fire Rooster, so experts advise creating the brightest and most unforgettable New Year's interior in 2017, not skimping on small details and accessories and trying to implement as many non-standard ideas in design as possible.

If earlier the Christmas tree was considered the main central element of the New Year's decor, today it is more correct to decorate each zone of the room in the appropriate style, so we have collected several ideas that will help you create a stylish and bright style without causing controversy in the design.

See photos of how to decorate a house for the New Year 2017 with your own hands - and start preparing.

New Year's interiors a variety of shades, shapes, textures, design themes are allowed.

But in order for your room to look harmonious, you should pay attention to some rules for decorating your home for the New Year 2017:

It is quite possible that interesting ideas for decorating a house for the New Year will be born already in the process of decorating a room. In any case, our advice will help you make the interior even brighter and more festive, ensure its harmony and solemnity, fill it with an atmosphere of home comfort and warmth.

Christmas tree decor

Decide on the colors that will be used in the design: it is desirable that the color scheme of the Christmas tree includes both bright and light colors that will balance each other.

A combination of red with white, golden, yellow, green tint is considered successful.

New Year's Christmas tree 2017 in the year of the Fire Rooster should be bright, but brightness should be embodied not only in diverse shades, but also in decorations of various shapes. Therefore, consider the features of the combination of toys and other accessories: you can place balls, felt toys, sweets, snowflakes, garlands, rain and other decorations on the Christmas tree.

Advice: home decoration for the New Year with your own hands can be made from improvised means: for example, postcards, coins, cookies, ribbons, home-made toys made of cardboard, plastic, thread and other materials are suitable as accessories for the Christmas tree.

Do not forget that Christmas tree decor should be in harmony with its size. If you have installed a small Christmas tree - large balls and toys will only spoil its design.

It is considered successful decoration of the Christmas tree with smooth transitions between shapes and shades: large toys of bright colors are hung down - and gradually decrease in size and acquire a lighter tone.

What else can you hang on a Christmas tree? It will not be difficult to find an interesting decoration for the 2017 New Year tree: it can be cones repainted in a different color or decorated with artificial snow, papier-mâché crafts, homemade feather angels, and even ordinary bows and ribbons, selected in accordance with the rest of the shades present. in decor.

Since the tree is not the only design element to decorate on New Year's Eve, save some toys and accessories for other areas of the room. Repeating the subtleties of this design, you can ensure the harmony of the festive interior.

Table decoration

If you decide to use standard white tableware, make the festive table for the new year 2017 brighter with a beautiful festive tablecloth. It can be plain or include thematic patterns and drawings.

Napkins will help to complement the festive decor of the table: paper napkins with an interesting design are easy to find, but textile options better emphasize home comfort. In addition, for such napkins, you can come up with interesting holders with snowman toys, bells, Christmas balls, bows and other decorations.

Glasses and glasses can be decorated with glass painting, thematic drawings, threads and ribbons. An additional decoration to your table will be a festive dinner decorated on a New Year's theme.

The festive table is decorated with many accessories.

The naturalness and originality of the serving can be emphasized with the help of spruce branches: place them in the center of the table, leaving their original shape or connecting them into a wreath or stand for placing candles. The branches are decorated with small balls, bows, cones, tangerines, beads and other accessories.

Advice: by placing a few branches in a transparent vase and painting in a gold or silver shade, you can create a stylish New Year's composition that replaces flowers.

Often candles are placed on the New Year's table. If the issue of safety does not stop you, prepare a few candles with original holiday decor. Them you can decorate with your own hands: glue beads or beads, cover with ribbons, cut out patterns and patterns on the surface, paste over with patterns for winter and New Year themes, repaint in bright colors.

New Year's interior details

To create a holistic New Year's decor, it is better to use the entire space.. On window sills, bookshelves, fireplaces, tables and other surfaces, place wreaths, compositions from fir branches, dried berries, decorated bottles, figurines in the form of snowmen or other New Year characters.

Along the walls you can hang lanterns or homemade garlands made of paper or cardboard, fruit, candy, felt or other fabric (small toys), plastic and other materials. On a chandelier or chair backs, you can create an elegant decor from rain or tinsel.

Chair decor can also be created using fabric: sew covers in a color that matches the color of the tablecloth, decorate with bows, beads or beads, embroider themed inscriptions or make pockets for gifts.

You can make a more complex decor - and decorate the chairs with thread tassels or fringe.

Window decor requires special attention. In addition to decorating the window sill, which involves the use of a wide variety of toys and accessories, consider the design features of the glass itself.

With the help of artificial snow or paint, make an imitation of frost patterns or draw houses, deer, snowmen and other New Year's drawings. You can stick snowflakes or other paper figures on the glass, as well as create a small curtain of garlands, lanterns, and small decorations.

Advice: create an original collage on the glass or wall by sticking photos of the whole family taken over the past year.

The doors are decorated with Christmas wreaths of fir branches, cones, Christmas balls, small toys, tangerines, buttons, sweets and other decorations. To create a harmonious design, make several wreaths of similar style at once - and use them not only to decorate the door, but also to decorate the table and other surfaces.

If you live in an apartment, make sure that the outside of the door looks the same.

Let the festive decor be felt immediately upon entering your site, then you can set the guests to celebrate the New Year.

If you live in a private house, you will have to approach the decoration of the facade of the building and doors more responsibly.

We decorate the facade

Advice: since to decorate a large area you will have to purchase garlands of great length - choose options with LED flashlights that will save energy.

Garlands do not have to be placed close to the entire facade. You can create a New Year's composition on one of the free walls: make holiday inscriptions, draw Santa Claus with deer or a snowman.

Some models of garlands suggest the possibility of programming the process of switching flashlights, so even on a solid LED surface, you can “turn on” the desired pattern.

If Christmas trees grow near your house, don't forget to decorate them.. The decor of Christmas trees located on the street may not be as bright and saturated as inside the house, but the festive elements should be present. And large figures of Santa Claus, Snow Maiden and other New Year's characters will emphasize the theme of the design.

Don't forget about decorating the outside of the door: an elegant wreath, a friendly inscription or a drawing on a winter theme will complete the design of your home.

You should not save on New Year's decor or decorate only the Christmas tree in your room: the Rooster, as a symbol of 2017, requires the presence of a maximum of interesting accessories in the design. Even in the absence of funds, factory-made toys and decorations can be replaced with home-made ones.

Decorate every area of ​​your room to make the holiday feel everywhere you go. And then the solemn atmosphere will be present in your house all New Year's Eve.

  1. Emphasize the solemn atmosphere in the interior with accessories with sequins, glossy shimmers, mirror textures, bright colors and themed patterns on the theme of winter and New Year. We do not recommend that you use a large number of shades: although the owner of 2017 loves everything bright and shiny, the tasteless design of such an interior is unacceptable.
  2. Fearing an imbalance in shades, many prefer to decorate the New Year's interior in one color scheme. The presence of two or three shades in the design is considered optimal: this way your room will not look boring, but it will not cause controversy due to the presence of many shades.
  3. It is better to decorate the New Year tree and other interior details in 2017 with the help of large balls and toys: small size decorations are only suitable if you plan to put small Christmas trees or create wreaths on walls and doors.

  4. How to decorate a room for the new year 2017 with your own hands, photo

  5. The fiery rooster symbol requires bright lights in the New Year's interior, so do not forget about garlands and candles. An excellent addition to the New Year's decor will be a fireplace, decorated in accordance with a given style.
  6. Homemade accessories will be more appreciated this Christmas, so take the time to create cute toys and decorations with your family. They can be used as an element of festive decor or as gifts for guests on New Year's Eve.
  7. Do not forget about the main shades of 2017: this time red, orange, green, yellow and blue tones should become predominant in the New Year's design. Make red the main color - and start from the features of the layout, the size of the room, its lighting and the intricacies of the festive decor.

  8. How to decorate the New Year's table 2017, photo

  9. In 2017, you can’t do without the symbol itself: let toys in the form of cockerels and hens decorate your Christmas tree or individual shelves, and thematic drawings are present on napkins, candles, tablecloths.
  10. You can win over the hostess of 2017 by using nuts and fruits in the decor. They can be used to create many interesting decor elements: garlands, toys, wreaths, topiaries, candles, festive compositions on the table.

  11. New Year's interior 2017, photo

    How to decorate a Christmas tree in 2017, photo

    Christmas tree decoration, photo

    New Year's table decoration 2017, photo

    New Year's table decoration 2017, photo

    New Year's table setting 2017, photo

    New Year's decor 2017, photo

    DIY Christmas wreath, photo

    Home decoration for the new year, photo

Thinking about New Year's design? Do not know how to decorate a room for the New Year 2020 with your own hands?

It's time to start collecting interesting ideas! The brighter and more varied the design of your room, the more accurately you will be able to convey all the beauty of the holiday on New Year's Eve.

New Year's decoration of the house should not be spontaneous and thoughtless: prepare all the materials in advance, design the layout, make sure that each accessory has its own place in the interior. Creating a harmonious and pleasant design for the New Year theme is not difficult, but this process also requires preparation.

How to decorate a house for the New Year 2020? The brightest and most stylish jewelry can not only be purchased at the store, but also made with your own hands using improvised materials. Let's create a fabulous environment together!

Materials for New Year's decor

New Year's decor of the apartment begins with the choice of materials suitable for creating a festive atmosphere. If we are talking about decorating a Christmas tree, then standard decorations come to mind that can be purchased in almost every store before the holiday: glass and plastic toys, garlands, rain, tinsel.

But is it possible to emphasize the stylish and bright New Year's interior 2020 with the help of other materials? It is possible and even necessary!

For decoration, you can use:

Any material can be used for decorative purposes. For example, from threads and glue, you can create voluminous compositions in the form of stars or snowflakes - and hang them from the ceiling. And from ordinary paper or cardboard, excellent drawings will come out for decorating walls and windows.

Show your imagination and do not be afraid to implement the most daring ideas: photos of New Year's decor 2020 will serve as a source of inspiration for you.

Advice: when deciding how to decorate a house for the New Year 2020 with your own hands, do not forget about the harmonious arrangement of accessories.

The shade and shape of the decorations also play an important role: everything should be in moderation, so disperse the accessories around the room, stick to a single design style and try not to combine several catchy design elements at once.

Find out what features of the design and serving of the festive table for the New Year 2020 should be taken into account.

We decorate windows

Let's find out how to decorate your house in the Year of the Rat, if you don't plan to stop with just serving. Even the window area can become a space for creativity: here you can apply some bright and interesting ideas.

The most common option for decorating a window is gluing plots cut out of paper onto glass. To emphasize the New Year's window decor, look on the Internet for interesting pictures on this topic, print on white paper and cut along the outline. It can be deer with a sleigh, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Christmas trees, houses, a blizzard, gifts, New Year's toys and other subjects.

Advice: you can show your imagination - and cut out different snowflakes: this process is very popular with children, so connect them to creativity. To make snowflakes shimmer under the glare from candles and garlands, glue them over with a glossy film or paste them into a regular file cut along the contour.

If you don't want to spend time cutting out figures, make one stencil, lean it against the glass, and smear the cuts with toothpaste. As a result, slightly blurry drawings will remain on your window, which will look quite realistic.

Ordinary Christmas balls, fruits, toys can also be used to decorate the window. It is enough to fix them on long ribbons - and tie them to the eaves. This decor is suitable if your window is not covered with curtains.

To decorate the window sill, you can also implement some interesting ideas. For example, furnish the surface with toys and figurines on a New Year's theme.

With the help of durable paper or cardboard, you can create a realistic composition across the entire width of the window: cut out Christmas trees, houses, clouds, among which a sleigh with deer rides - arrange in several layers around the entire window sill and separate with garlands that will create a flickering light in the evening.

For realism, create a New Year's decor from foam: it will imitate snow. Using this material, you can also create some elements of a fabulous composition or toys for a cornice, garland, curtains or a Christmas tree.

Interior decoration for the New Year 2020 can even be complemented by decorating curtains. Attach bows, cones, Christmas decorations to the fabric, hang rain or garlands - and your room will be perceived more festively.

Other areas of the room

Where else can you show your skills? Of course, improvised materials will come in handy for decorating the Christmas tree, because you can’t do without it on New Year’s Eve. In addition to the standard store-bought decorations, decorate it with candies, tangerines, homemade toys, ribbons, and even themed cookies. And don't forget the gifts!

Increasingly, experts recommend decorate the Christmas tree in a single color scheme. Even a one-color Christmas tree will look very stylish and attractive. In 2020, the main colors of Christmas decorations are brown, yellow, beige and white.

For those who love regularity and restraint in design, the idea of ​​decorating a Christmas tree only with the help of garlands will seem attractive. Bright lanterns will replace multi-colored balls, and in the evening this area of ​​the room will become the most fabulous and mysterious.

As a material for hand-made, you can use light bulbs, paper clips, puff pastry, cones and tangerines, fabric, plastic caps, berries, nuts and other elements. You can create Christmas decorations from existing, but outdated ones: for example, beat a few bright balls - and prepare a shiny powder for new decorations.

Another area that needs decoration is the door. Even if it is not the main one in your home, you can apply several common decor options: hang rain and tinsel, draw a Christmas tree (or stick paper figures), create a festive wreath.

Attention! It is wreaths that have been considered a trend for several New Year holidays. They can be made from fir branches, small Christmas balls, berries, tangerines, cones, toys, candies, beads and other accessories. Determine the parameters of the wreath, focusing on the size of the door.

If there is a fireplace in the apartment or house, do not forget to prepare New Year's socks or caps: you can put small presents for guests in them. Also the fireplace can be decorated with candles, garlands, rain, toys, spruce branches. It is desirable that the decor of the fireplace matches the decor of the Christmas tree.

New Year's decor 2020 may also involve the appropriate design of furniture. You can stick themed pictures on it (like on windows), attach garlands or beads.

If you have chairs with backs, take care of creating stylish covers: they can depict Santa Claus, deer, snow maidens. The best shades for chair covers are red, white, green and gold.

To decorate the ceiling and walls, use beads, rain, electric garlands. Do-it-yourself Christmas decorations can include home-made chain garlands, compositions from Christmas balls, ribbons with toys, decorative snowflakes, and voluminous lanterns. The easiest way to decorate is to use ready-made pictures on an adhesive basis.

With this decor, the New Year 2020 will definitely be remembered for a long time! Your room will be warm and cozy like at home, and bright accessories and decorations, iridescent and sparkling under the glare, will emphasize the solemnity of your interior.

A Christmas tree, tinsel on furniture and paper snowflakes on the windows are a standard set of New Year's decorations. But if you put a little effort and use our ideas on how to decorate an apartment for the New Year 2019, you can make a real corner of magic out of it. Celebrating the New Year allows you to experience many happy moments with family, friends and loved ones, so it is important to prepare your home for this event.

This is a great opportunity to get creative. It is not necessary to spend a lot of money at all, you can make most of the decorations yourself or repurpose ordinary items.

Window decoration requires special care. On the one hand, an excess of snowflakes, garlands or patterns prevents the penetration of sunlight, which is already scarce in winter, on the other hand, you will need to wash off or remove all this beauty soon.

Openwork snowflakes made of paper or colored drawings on glass pasted with soap on windows are the most common way to decorate an apartment for the New Year simply and inexpensively.

If you want something out of the ordinary, use the following ideas:

  • Transparent window stickers . PVA glue, when dried, forms a film - flexible and transparent, on glass such a film creates the effect of frosty patterns. To make stickers, make paper stencils, the patterns on them should be large, since the glue tends to spread. Cover the stencils with cling film, put them in a bag or file folder, and then draw glue into the syringe and carefully fill in the drawings. After the glue has dried, remove the stickers from the film and attach to the glass.
  • Volumetric drawings . To create snowflakes and any other shapes on glass, you can use bulk paints. They are sold in stores, but there are several ways to make them at home from salt, water, flour, food coloring. Such drawings on the windows look embossed and unusual, but you should not get carried away with them, otherwise the room will become dark during the day.
  • Vertical window garlands . Shiny threads with voluminous stars or snowflakes put on them, circles of foil and thick cardboard or thin garlands of fir branches and red ribbons have a spectacular look. You can give such decorations a finished and neat shape if you use parts of different sizes - large at the top and small at the ends.
  • Frame with toys . Take a large photo frame, paint it in a bright color and zigzag the ribbon inside like a Christmas tree stylization. Fasten Christmas decorations on it and hang the frame in the window opening, and then fix it by gluing it directly to the glass.

If the width of the window sill allows, then various decorations can also be laid out on it, but the best option is lush pine branches intertwined with ribbons, or figures cut out of paper along the entire width of the lower edge of the window.

When decorating an apartment for the New Year, interior doors are often left without attention. The maximum that is used for their decor is "Christmas trees" made of tinsel, small wreaths or plastic snowflakes. To some extent, this is justified - the main festive mood is created by accessories and decorations in the room, but it is the door that guests and owners see before entering the room. The decor of the interior door should support the overall style, but not distract attention from it.

How can you decorate the doors in the apartment for the New Year:

  • big snowflake . Take a thick cardboard and cut out strips, triangles, circles and other shapes of various sizes from it. Using glue, connect them into a large volumetric snowflake. On the reverse side, attach fir branches so that their ends fit between the rays of the snowflake. Hang the design on a satin ribbon on the door.
  • delicious wreath . Make a base for a wreath out of cardboard, glue halves of large foam balls on it. Cover them with shiny paint and stick toothpicks at a distance of 1-2 cm, on which you then put multi-colored marmalade or soft candies. It is better to hang such a wreath on December 31, otherwise it risks not surviving until the New Year.

Finally, doors with glass inserts can be decorated by analogy with windows - drawings or garlands, and the doorway can be decorated with spruce branches.

How to decorate a room

It would seem that getting a Christmas tree from the mezzanine, hanging several garlands on furniture and walls, laying tinsel on the shelves - what could be simpler? But the line when New Year's decorations become redundant and out of place is easy to cross. How to decorate an apartment for the New Year 2019 so that it does not turn into a warehouse of tinsel and Christmas tree decorations?


Classic New Year's color schemes are icy white with a splash of metal and gold, red and green with silver details, and pastel with lots of sparkles. If the soul requires bright colors, it is important not to overdo it - multi-colored decorations look best in rooms with a minimalist design. Pick one primary color and use it in at least half of your décor.


Christmas decorations are not only toys and tinsel. Candles in a beautiful candlestick, a tablecloth with embroidered snowflakes and even a refrigerator stylized as a snowman will bring their holiday touch to the apartment.


To decorate a small apartment for the New Year 2019, it is enough to festively decorate an open shelf on the wall or two or three small items, such as a mirror, a lamp or a clock. As an option, decorations can be unobtrusively “fitted” into the interior, for example, in a room with predominant white and metallic shades, put a light artificial Christmas tree with silver balls.


Unique homemade decorations will catch the attention of guests, and making them is a great way to spend family time on cold winter evenings.

A few general ideas on how to decorate an apartment for the New Year with your own hands:

  • Personalized home decor . An art poster dedicated to the history of your family or New Year's traditions, a poster with the texts of your favorite New Year's songs, stories and poems, a thematic collage is a great way to bring a special atmosphere of comfort and family celebration.
  • Ordinary jewelry in an unusual design . A Christmas tree made of wire, tinsel or other scrap materials, Santa Claus, a Snowman and reindeer made of cotton wool, paper or papier-mâché, Christmas decorations made of beads or fabric create a feeling of warm home touch that cannot be obtained with store-bought decorations.
  • magic paper . From white or colored paper, you can create real works of art. Stars folded using the origami technique, paper lanterns, voluminous and elegant carved snowflakes do not require much effort and time, but are always appropriate.
  • edible decorations . Creating Christmas decorations from sweets and tangerines, garlands of candy and figurines from sweets and nuts should be left for New Year's Eve, especially if there are children in the house. For their design, you can use silver or gold food coloring.
  • natural materials . Real, twigs or dry flowers, covered with gold or silver paint, powdered with "snow", almost always look advantageous and unusual.
  • Use children's creativity . Let Santa Claus, drawn by a child of 4–5 years old, look more like Freddy Krueger, and in broken figures one can more easily recognize the work of the Impressionists than the image of a Christmas tree. Use prints of hands, feet, plasticine or paper crafts - this will give the interior immediacy, and guests will be able to appreciate the creativity of the young designer.

Beautiful jewelry doesn't have to be difficult to make. A simple snowflake made of white paper, after being coated with silver paint, acquires a noble look, and candles or a photo frame with fixed metal flakes become real designer pieces.

So, we decorate the house for the New Year with crafts with a minimum investment of time and effort:

  • Refrigerator-snowman . You will need acrylic paints in black, orange (or red) and two or three more colors. At the top of the refrigerator, draw eyes, a carrot nose and a mouth, a little lower - a striped scarf across the entire width of the door and buttons. After the holidays, the paint can be washed off with a special solvent.
  • Mini Christmas trees from cones . Tint the tips of the scales of fir cones with silver, gold, or even better green with sparkles, place a small foil star on top and place in a small candlestick. You can also decorate the New Year's table with such Christmas trees.
  • shiny dandelions . With the help of large styrofoam balls (these are sold in craft stores), toothpicks and glitter paint, you can create amazingly beautiful spiked balls. They can be used as Christmas decorations or for room decor.
  • Calendar "with a secret" . Do you remember how, as a child, you counted how many days were left until the New Year? An unusual calendar will shorten the waiting time for the holiday. Take a strip of fabric or wallpaper - this will be the basis for the craft. The width depends on where you place it, such as the side wall of a closet or a door. And the length depends on who the gifts are intended for - it is unlikely that a child will reach a height of two meters. Divide the base into sectors according to the number of days left until December 31, and attach a beautiful bag or a small decorated paper bag to each with a pin, crochet, Velcro or ties. Put sweets, souvenirs, fun tasks in them and open one bag every day.

How to decorate the front door in the apartment and the house outside

Most often, if the owners decorate the front door or the house itself, they use the residual principle - they hang what is not useful or not a pity: tinsel that has lost its presentation, typical pictures with symbols of the holiday, garlands in which at best half of the light bulbs have been preserved.

The following ideas will help you decorate your house for the New Year in a simple and original way.

Congratulations from improvised materials. The usual phrase "Happy New Year!" can be arranged in such a way that it will attract the attention and questions of guests:

  • Cut out the phrase from green felt using the thick cardboard template and glue them together to add density. As a decoration, you can take red ribbons, for example, attach bows or make a border.
  • Use jute rope to decorate the template, tying it tightly around the letters. For decor, take pieces of bright red or green felt - cut them out in the shape of a Christmas tree, a star, a bag with gifts.
  • Take a children's drawing board with chalk and decorate its frame as your fantasy tells you - with paint, ribbons, cones, paper snowflakes. Write a congratulation with ordinary chalk, and you can change the inscription if you wish, for example, attribute the phrase “Welcome” if you are expecting guests.
  • From an ordinary large photo frame, you can make a background for a congratulatory inscription. If the frame is beautiful and unusual, then you can simply cover it with glitter and add a couple of decorative details - twigs, bells, Christmas tree decorations. Hide a simple wooden frame under silver paper snowflakes, tie it with colored ribbons or attach fir cones. Inside the frame, attach a congratulation cut out of colored paper.

Figures of Santa Claus, Snowman and Pig to decorate the apartment for the New Year 2019. The easiest way is to make them from colored felt and decorate with shiny elements - beads, beads, buttons. You can assemble figures from cardboard parts tied with colored jute threads.

openwork bells . Twist a cone out of paper - a shape for a bell. Cover it with glue, and then wrap it with white or colored threads, do not forget to leave a hole for the tape on top. Wait for the glue to dry and remove the paper form. You can sprinkle the bell with a shiny varnish and decorate with small details.

Fir branches garland . If the doorway allows, then branches, light bulbs, cones, red ribbons and silver snowflakes can make an amazingly beautiful decoration. A voluminous garland of lush pine branches and large details looks best, so this is a great option for how to decorate a house for the New Year 2019, but it may not be suitable for an apartment in a high-rise building.

Your home is a reflection of the soul, mood, inner essence. That's why it's important to welcome 2019 in a setting that suits your taste and sets a happy momentum for the whole year. Unique handmade Christmas decorations not only give your home a personality, but also allow you to choose a decor theme that is close to you. You can choose a chic, romantic, nature theme or focus on colors and shades.

Useful video on how to decorate an apartment for the New Year

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New Year holidays and worries always give a person a pleasant mood. Before the onset of these beautiful days, everyone makes up a festive menu, coming up with new and original recipes, go shopping, trying to find a suitable gift for such an occasion, and also sensitively select outfits for New Year's Eve itself. As a result, a few weeks before the holiday, that indescribable magical atmosphere appears that literally permeates the entire earth.

Basic information

2017 is the year of the Fire Rooster. This is a very obstinate and wayward sign that does not like laziness, quiet conversations and a sleepy mood. That is why, starting to take care of how to decorate a room for the New Year 2017, it is worth considering the "privileges" of this fire sign. It is best to use a variety of interior additions in golden, bright orange or red. You can also pay attention to terracotta, purple and lilac colors.

Of course, each of you may think that in such a matter it is important to show only an individual approach, because what is considered beautiful for one, another can cause a panic attack or disgust. But still, there are a few basic rules that you should definitely consider when decorating a room or the whole house before the most famous winter holidays.

1. Jewelry. Any room on the eve of the New Year holidays should shine from garlands, the light of which shimmers in a large amount of bright tinsel. To do this, you can use all the brightest that only comes to your hand. The Fire Rooster will love this very much.

2. There is no uniformity. Most often we meet with such New Year's interiors of the room, where two or three primary colors are used. Refuse this trend in 2017. It's time to use everything colorful and sparkling to make it seem like a real rainbow has settled in the room.

3. Experiment with style. If earlier it was fashionable to create a New Year's style of sophistication and sophisticated conciseness, now you should pay attention to rustic simplicity and natural decor. This direction is due to the fact that the rooster is considered a village bird, which is accustomed to simplicity. In the light of such information, it is good to use bright and warm capes for chairs, a fireplace and white curtains on the windows for decoration.

4. Handmade. Do-it-yourself room decorations for the New Year are a real trend of 2017. It can be a variety of cardboard stars, flowers or bags of herbs. As a vowel element of the entire interior, you can hang a carved and decorated Rooster cut out of cardboard. Moreover, such a kind of totem will follow all the people who come to the house in order to drive away evil and envy from the threshold.

5. Candles and apples. Dimensional thick candles will fill your house with a kind of rustic simplicity and mystery, so it’s worth placing a large number of such candles around the house so that everyone who comes can light their New Year’s candle for the 2017 meeting. But as a wonderful element for decoration, you can use large red apples.

6. In no case should you bring a figurine of some kind of predator into the house for the New Year. The rooster is unlikely to like such a neighborhood, and it is better not to anger the symbol of 2017 on the eve of his arrival.

The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree…

Of course, celebrating the New Year 2017 without a Christmas tree is almost blasphemy. This is the very first attribute of the celebrated holiday, so on the eve of the New Year, you should take care of the proper decoration of this coniferous tree. Initially, without fail, it is worth installing a figurine of a rooster next to the Christmas tree or hanging a figurine of a rooster on its needles, although the prosperity in the family depends on the hen. Photos of such elements will tell you how best to hang such elements in the room.

It is also worth decorating the Christmas tree with those toys that were made by yourself. These can be foil stars, multi-colored paper balls, or cardboard bells. Also quite a good solution for such a case would be gingerbread in the form of a symbol of the coming 2017, hearts or Christmas trees in green icing. An important point in this case is that such toys can be made in the evening with the whole family, and then solemnly decorate your coniferous beauty, making her a real New Year's princess. For children, painting gingerbread cookies with icing will be an important task.

But on top of such a Christmas tree, you can seat a beautiful red rooster, which you can buy at any store. By the way, since the symbol of 2017, the Fire Rooster loves everything natural, it is best to decorate your room with a live Christmas tree.

window decoration

When creating a New Year's mood throughout the room, you should not forget to pay attention to the windows, on which, like on canvas, you can create a real fairy tale. At the same time, window decoration will give a wonderful mood not only to you, but to all passers-by. To do this, you can use some specially prepared paper cutouts, or get a tube of white paint and a brush. In both cases, it is worth showing a little imagination and creating a small fairy tale on a glass surface, with the motives of 2017. Best of all, children cope with such tasks, whose imagination is much more “agile” than that of adults. Therefore, try to outline to your offspring their approximate task and do not forget to check how things are going. As an addition, you can use the decoration with tinsel, which will add New Year's festivity and brightness to the resulting design. For the same purpose, a garland can be hung along the contour of the window and attached with adhesive tape.

In addition to colorful windows, the window area itself can be decorated with candlesticks, which in the evening with snow-covered candles will help the picture painted on the windows come to life and dance along the snow-covered street of bizarre stories.

Direction of decorations

Before you decorate a room for the New Year, you should first understand what exactly suits this or that room as details. If this is a kitchen, then rain, bright tinsel and painted windows are appropriate here. In the bathroom and toilet, preference should be given to hanging Christmas tree decorations. In the corridor, it is worth hanging a symbol of the coming 2017 and bells above the door. In the hall or living room, you can do everything that is described above, but in the nursery it is worth creating a real fairy tale and for this it is best to select unbreakable elements. For the bedroom, a small amount of multi-colored tinsel and a small Christmas tree with a garland are enough.

In conclusion, it is worth saying that sometimes the New Year mood should be helped to roam with all its might, and usually for this you just need to decorate your room. Therefore, be patient and do not think that beauty costs a lot of money - your main desire and a little New Year's magic. Happy holiday!