Numerology vampire or donor. Black and white magician. Energy and magical abilities by date of birth

Energy vampires, unfortunately, are not uncommon in our world. Most often, a person does not know about his own characteristics and acts unconsciously. This is manifested in a tendency to sort things out, scandals - any actions that provoke the interlocutor into a surge of strong emotions.

If after communicating with a certain person you feel empty, you have a period of apathy, laziness and unwillingness to move forward, then most likely you are faced with an energy vampire. And it so happens that after a scandal or a quarrel, you feel much better, you seem to be overwhelmed with vitality, forcing you to provoke an even greater intensity of passions. In this case, you may already be a potential vampire, absorbing other people's emotions like a sponge.

Date of birth and energy vampirism

The calculation is simple: add up all the numbers in the person's date of birth. The resulting number will be a characteristic of its potential. For example, you were born on 07/28/1977. Add up all the numbers: 2 + 8 + 0 + 7 + 1 + 9 + 7 + 7 = 41. Add up to a single digit: 4 + 1 = 5.
Numbers from 1 to 4. This indicator means that a person was born a potential energy vampire and is able to feed on other people's emotions. However, a weak biofield often inclines people with these values ​​to a guided lifestyle. Shyness and modesty do not allow to openly demonstrate their characteristics, so they find themselves a potential victim and gradually deprive her of vitality. You can live your whole life side by side with such a vampire, and you will hardly understand that periodic weakness and ailments are his merit.
Numbers from 5 to 7. These numbers characterize people with the latent potential of energetic vampirism. The impetus for the activation of these abilities is usually emotional stress, severe stress and other negative events. Most often, these features remain hidden, however, if they woke up, the thirst for receiving other people's emotions at first will push these people to rash and reckless actions. If in your environment the behavior of an acquaintance has become beyond recognition beyond recognition, he for no apparent reason shows aggression, finds fault with you and pisses off his temper, it is worth limiting communication with him for a while.

Numbers 8 and 9. These values ​​indicate that a person is not just a potential consumer of emotions, he is a real vampire. Often people with this date of birth know that other people's feelings are the most delicious source of their energy. Their features do not give rest to anyone from the environment. They often choose professions associated with large gatherings of people. These are singers, musicians, showmen. This type of vampire most often feeds on the energy of happiness, excitement and joy. This "food" for them is like a drink of the Gods. However, in the case of prolonged starvation, they do not shun negative emotions either.
Numbers 10 and 11. These indicators characterize people born with special abilities. They are prone not so much to emotional vampirism, as to receiving energy from magical sources. Those born with these numbers in the life code are often gifted with the ability to see and hear what is beyond the control of an ordinary person. They are able to look into the future, predict future events, and have extrasensory skills. Their vampirism consists in obtaining energy during various magical and occult rituals, as well as from the sessions that they conduct with people who have turned to them in search of answers to questions of interest.
Even if it seems to you that in your environment there is a person similar in description to an energy vampire, do not rush to conclusions. For some, these are simply features of behavior and character. Follow the popular wisdom "do not be dashing, while it is quiet" and, if possible, just limit contact with this person.

An energy vampire is a person, after communicating with whom you feel bad: mentally or physically. He takes yours by feeding on your emotions. Different: both positive (complains and gets sympathy, support) and negative (provokes a conflict and gets your irritation, anger, tears).

Energy vampirism in some people can be easily recognized. But not always: therefore, it is important to know the signs of energy vampires and find them in those with whom you communicate. Let's figure out how to find out who is drawing energy from you.

How to recognize him by his date of birth?

A simple date of birth will help to identify an energy vampire. You need to find out the exact data: the day, month and year of birth of the one you suspect of vampirism. Then write down the date in numbers: for example, 10/16/1991. Next, you need to determine the base and main number:

  • basic: the sum of all digits - 1 + 6 + 1 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 1 = 28
  • main: the sum of the digits of the base number: 2 + 8 = 10, 1 + 0 = 1

And then proceed to decryption.

If the main birth number of a person is less than 5, then he has a tendency to steal energy from others. If more than 5, there is no cause for concern. And if the main number is 8 or 9, then the subject, on the contrary, is an energy donor.

Test: how to spot a vampire?

The test by date of birth speaks only of a tendency to energy vampirism. But it is not necessary that a person will appear. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to other signs. Observe how he behaves in the process of communication and answer the following questions.

  • Is an alleged vampire often complains, seeks to evoke compassion?
  • Does it provoke conflicts and quarrels between others, does it weave intrigues?
  • How often lying is showing hypocrisy?
  • Did he set you up ever in difficult situations?
  • Thoughts about this person cause you negativity?
  • Do you feel in relation to blame him?
  • Has it ever happened that he exposed you to others in an unfavorable light?
  • He tends to constantly suspect everyone around in something bad?

The more times you answered “Yes,” the more likely it is that a person is an energy vampire.

How to determine by external signs?

If you have conducted the two previous tests and suspect someone of energetic vampirism, you should also pay attention to the person's appearance. Vampires have the following characteristics:

  • "Discontent wrinkles": nasolabial and glabellar folds, may appear even at a relatively young age
  • very thick eyebrows
  • shifty eyes, heavy look
  • constantly drooping corners of the lips, giving the face an offended expression
  • pale skin, bruises under the eyes, thinness

If all three tests show that you have an energy vampire in front of you, try to refrain from contact with this person.

Vampirism in the family and at a distance

Energy vampirism can manifest itself at a distance. Sometimes, even having stopped personally communicating with a person, you are not insured that he will continue to draw energy from you. To solve the problem:

  • stop not only verbal, but also all other types of communication: correspondence in social networks and by e-mail
  • do not remember or discuss this person with others
  • get rid of all gifts and items associated with this person

A vampire can drain energy from you without even knowing you. This applies to the so-called "trolls": individuals who create fake pages on social networks. They then write provocative posts in the comments on posts in various communities. The goal is to provoke a conflict. They receive negative emotions, feeding on the energy of those who are "led" to provocation.

Try not to pay attention or get emotional when you see messages from such people. You will never prove that you are right, but you will pay with your peace of mind.

To check if this or that person is "eating" your energy from a distance, use a simple energy practice.

Take a lighter or matches, close your eyes, and imagine the alleged vampire. Mentally see how thin threads stretch from you to a person, light a lighter and burn these threads. At the end, imagine how this person is engulfed in fire and open your eyes.

Soon he will make itself felt: he will call, write or try to meet. You must speak to him kindly and then stop further communication.... This will close the energy channel between you.

It's good if the energy vampire turned out to be a friend, former lover or work colleague: then contacts can be avoided if desired. But what if one is a member of your family? In this case, the relative needs help:

  • try to give your relative your attention, show that you love him
  • if this does not help, put an energy donor in the room where the relative lives: a large aquarium with fish or indoor, donate a pet
  • you can also try to divert the vampire's attention to other people

Elderly people are more likely than others to become energy vampires. It's all about a lack of attention, care, communication from others. They do not pretend, but really feel unnecessary, which ultimately results in dissatisfaction with family members, intrigues with neighbors and interference in someone else's personal life.

Regardless of who the vampire is: your own grandmother or the mischievous upstairs neighbor, try these methods:

  • give the old lady a pet or a large capricious indoor pet that requires careful care
  • if possible, sometimes invite to take a walk in the park or take it out into nature
  • always be friendly and do not get fooled by provocations: if you do not splash out the negative, the vampire will have nothing to "feed" on and he will switch to another object

The main methods of dealing with energy vampires are benevolence and ignoring attempts to get your energy. Do not give such people any emotions, then sooner or later they will leave you behind.

Most of the existing ones are energy vampires by date of birth. Such people from an early age are able to feed on your emotions and feelings. To calculate them, to protect yourself, you need to conduct a simple test.

Energy Vampires - Date of Birth Test

The presence of such a gift as energy vampirism can be determined by the date of birth. Write down all the numbers and add the numbers. For example:


If it turns out two-digit - you should add it again (3 + 0 = 3).

Three is the result of the test, the interpretation of which is presented below. It distinguishes five types of people:

  • energy vampires;
  • victims (donors);
  • neutral persons;
  • white magicians;
  • black sorcerers.

After passing the test, you received the number 1 or 2 - in front of you is an energy vampire.

It is possible that the person knows about the gift. If you don't want to get rid of your abilities, you shouldn't be afraid, it's not fatal.

You can protect yourself and your loved ones. Most of the techniques involve the construction of blocks, barriers that will help protect yourself.

It is useful to purchase a talisman that will protect you from strong attacks. If the person is too aggressive and pulls all the juices out of you, if possible, break off the communication.

Result 5 or 7 - the person is a victim, a donor. He unconsciously gives up his powers at the slightest impact. Such individuals are highly susceptible to magical attacks.

It is necessary to wear a talisman that will help repel the attack of evil spirits. A person will not be able to constantly build energy blocks, he will not have enough strength - he should regularly go to magical places.

Important: these should not be burial places, where the energy is negative, heavy and there is a chance of meeting a magical entity that will completely devastate.

It is better to choose churches or temples, where it is good, calm and you can draw energy from nature.

If, when conducting a test to determine an energy vampire by date of birth, you received one of these numbers, then fortune is on your side.

Nature has not endowed such a gift, but you cannot become a victim of a vampire either. You are too tough for him.

The owner of these numbers has a very strong energy, clean, light. Thanks to her, an impenetrable barrier is automatically created that cannot be overcome by evil spirits.

The person who scores 9 has a supernatural gift, but this is not vampirism. The figure speaks of a strong positive energy inherent even to white magicians.

If you learn to manage energy, power, then incredible things will be possible. You have immense potential from birth. You can become a good kind wizard, provided that you make every effort to achieve your dreams.

Nature has also bestowed unusual abilities on those born under such a number. They are often called black magicians. An individual can feed on others, but only if his life resources are running out.

Vampire / black magician and white magician
- a wonderful tandem, there will always be an energy balance in a relationship.

Vampire / black magician and donor- if the victim can accumulate a lot of energy, the relationship is successful.

Neutral and white magician- absolute harmony, but rather a platonic relationship, not romantic.

White magician and donor- people will voluntarily exchange energy, a great union.

Donor / neutral and sacrifice- strong bond, the donor can protect the partner from attacks.

Vampire and black magician- a good combination if the second agrees to share energy with the first.

Vampire / black magician and neutral- a couple will live in harmony if the first manages to suppress force or absorb energy from other sources.

Vampire and vampire- an eternal lack of strength, a lot of conflict situations.

All people are different, some are energetically strong, others are weak. Some
you really need to feed on emotions, feelings, energy. This can be in the family, among friends. In fact, there are many of them.

Such representatives cannot be attributed to any category of evil. These are people with a non-standard supernatural gift.

Calculating by date of birth is easy. The method will help if it is impossible to understand by the behavior of an individual whether he is endowed with an ability or is simply over-emotional. At times it is aggressive or not too sensitive.

Even you may be found in the study. Often, a person does not assume that he is the owner of a unique gift and is inadvertently capable of causing damage to others.

In one of the previous articles, we have already touched on the topic of energy vampirism, in particular, we analyzed in detail who can become an energy vampire, their types and ways of protection against this method of energy selection:

In today's article:

  • How to calculate an energy vampire by date of birth
  • Energy Vampire Test
  • What if you are an energy vampire?

To find out if a person belongs to the type of energovampires, you need to call on numerology for help. It turns out that from the very birth each of us has his own level of energy. Someone has it higher, someone lower.

People with increased energy from birth and strong will never take away the vitality from others. Well, perhaps, during illness or depression.

Those who by nature have a low energy level will try to somehow compensate for their losses. And often, without realizing it, they take the path of "illegal" selection of someone else's energy.

You can recognize an energy vampire by his date of birth.

"Energy Vampires" Test

To do this simple test, you will need a piece of paper, a pen, and a date of birth (yours if you want to test yourself or another person)

So, write down the date of birth in the form of numbers on a piece of paper: date, month, year of birth.


For her, you need to make an entry: 16 08 1971


This is how we get Base Number – 33

3 + 3 = 6 (if the sum is more than 11, then we do one more addition)

This is how we get Main Number – 6

We transfer the obtained results to the table:

Main number- an indicator of the level of energy given from birth.

If it is less five, this means that a person's energy is weak and he is prone to energy vampirism.

If the main number is 5 , 6 , or 7 - energy is normal and the chances of becoming an energy thief for such a person are minimal.

Numbers 8 and 9 in this number they speak of the increased received from birth. Such people are energy donors who voluntarily share their energy.

Numbers 10 and 11 - special.

The owner of the dozen has the capabilities of the White Magician and is subject to magical sources of pure and light energy.

The number 11 in the main number indicates an excessive level of bioenergetics, which, if necessary, can be directed to “dark deeds”, to the selection of energy. This is the number of the Black Magician.

(This division into White and Black Magicians is conditional and has nothing to do with real magic).

What if you are an energy vampire?

If, according to the results of the test, you found out that you belong to people who are inclined to energize at the expense of others, do not be discouraged and do not go to extremes - mistakes of nature can always be corrected.

To do this, you need to find an alternative source of energy and switch to it. This is the energy around us of the Earth, Space, plants, water, air, animals, etc. Everything that Nature gives us.

This energy channel of "natural" energy is also different from birth for everyone - from wide and powerful to narrow and "blocked".

For some, it is uninterrupted (even for potential vampires) and they easily receive recharge from the environment. Others need special practices and techniques to maintain a "communication channel" with external sources in a "working order."

Finding out which type you are is very easy.

Take a look at your spreadsheet and count the number of digits "2" in all lines. Two in numerology is a symbol of natural energy and the more there are in the table, the wider and more powerful your bioenergy channel.

There are no twos. If the number of digits "2" in the table is zero, this is not good. Your canal is completely blocked and you urgently need to deal with its opening, cleaning and expansion. Ancient arts of energy management such as qigong or yoga, as well as various types of breathing practices, do an excellent job with this task.

This is exactly the case with Elena from our example. Her energy channel is blocked, but due to the fact that from birth Elena has a strong bioenergy and a strong biofield (the main number is 6), she manages to exist quite normally in society. If Elena begins to actively engage in energy and breathing practices, her energy in general can "fly up to heaven"!

One deuce signals that the channel is alive, but Mother Nature is very reluctant to share her reserves with you and you need to work on strengthening it.

Twos two Is a very good indicator. Power supplies are uninterrupted and in sufficient volume. The only negative is that such bioenergy is a tasty morsel for those who like to recharge at someone else's expense. Be on the lookout!

Three deuces in the table one can only envy: such people are capable of recharging from literally everything that surrounds them - from clean air, the noise of the surf, rustling of leaves or birdsong.

Four or more twos... You are not in danger of turning into an energy vampire. Even if you really want to. You are an energy donor and are only able to share energy. Therefore, fans of "free energy" will always be in abundance. Be vigilant and use protective measures! Otherwise, you will quickly turn into a lazy person who spends almost all his life forces on those around him, and there is no longer any energy left for his needs.

Friends, now you know how to define energy vampire by date of birth... Use the test to get to know yourself and the people around you more deeply.

Clean and bright energy for you!

Arthur Golovin


Many have heard about energy vampirism. Some perceive this information as a myth and a fairy tale, along with the existence of the Chupacabra. Others believe that negative energy exchanges exist. An unusual esoteric theory appeared several decades ago. Its essence is as follows: all people are conventionally divided into vampires (taking energy) and donors (giving energy). A person belonging to the first type may not be aware of his nature and capabilities. While people who know the truth about themselves, purposefully use the ability to take someone else's life force.

The main signs of communication with an energy vampire are considered: loss of strength, fatigue, emotional devastation. Esotericists call different ways of defining "bloodsucker" in their environment. One of them is numerological.

How to calculate an energy vampire by date of birth

In numerology, there is a special technique that allows you to classify people into several types in terms of vampirism. Date of birth serves as the initial data. The numbers that make up it are added together until you get a single-digit number. For example, for a person with a date of birth 01/17/1971, the calculation looks like this:


(If you get a two-digit number again, then its parts must be added until one digit comes out).

V in this case nine is the energy number of the person from the example. The obtained values ​​are interpreted as follows:

1 and 2. People with these numbers are considered energy vampires. Moreover, among the "units" there are many who consciously use their abilities in order to harm the opponent. When communicating with them, one should not succumb to emotions, be led on provocations and show weaknesses.

3, 6 and 8. People with these numbers belong to the so-called "neutrals". Their energy potential is restored on their own, so they can normally contact with every type of people. At the same time, nature has awarded "threes", "sixes" and "eights" with a protective barrier, thanks to which vampires cannot replenish resources at their expense.

4. Such people are called esotericists "black magicians" for their unusual ability to control energy flows. They do not feel the need to consume someone else's power, but if they wish, they can literally "devastate" another person. In the fight against them, only amulets and spiritual practices that increase personal protection will help.

5 and 7. Typical donors who are susceptible to attacks by energy vampires. They should be attentive to people from their environment, monitor their emotional state and, if possible, avoid large crowds of people. It is advisable to have a talisman or amulet with you that protects against "bloodsuckers" (pin, red thread on the wrist, quartz crystal, etc.). An alliance with a vampire can be successful if the donor's energy is enough for two.

9. Those with the number nine are considered "white magicians". They not only have colossal reserves of energy, but also know how to manage it. Special practices such as kundalini or reiki will help you improve your skills and abilities. Having mastered the techniques, the "white magician" will be able to engage in energy healing.