On the role of mother in the upbringing of children. Orthodox education - traditions and family The role of the Father in the education of the child

Mother's love

"Geronda, somehow, you told us that the person grows from love, ripening.

- Just love someone - this is still not enough. We must love a person more than yourself. Mother loves her children more than himself. In order to feed the children, it remains hungry. However, the joy that she is experiencing, more than the joy, are experiencing her children. The kids feed the carnate, and the mother is spiritually. They experience sensual taste of food, whereas it rejoices with spiritual joy.

A different girl to marriage can sleep up to ten o'clock in the morning and at the same time still count on the fact that the mother will warm her milk for breakfast. Do some work such a girl laziness. Wants to serve it. To her mother, she has a claim, to the father of the claim, and herself enjoys the idleness. Despite the fact that in her [female] nature there is love, it does not develop, because without ceasing takes help and blessing from the mother, from his father, from brothers and sisters. However, becoming the mother herself, it begins to resemble a self-timing device, which is more strained in the work, the more it is charged - therefore love is not stopping in it. Previously, I touched to something dirty, she fell a feeling of squeamishness and thoroughly soap hands with fragrant soap. And now, when her baby leaves a pantice and need to wash them, she is experiencing such a feeling, as if she takes marmalade candies! She does not feel squeaming. Previously, when she was walked, she loudly expressed discontent with what was disturbed. Now, when her child is crying, she does not sleep all night, and it is not difficult for her. She cares about her baby and rejoices. She became a mother, and she had sacrifice, love.

It must be said that the mother reaches greater love and sacrifice than the father, since the Father is not given so much favorable opportunities to sacrifice himself. Mother suffers with children, it's more than a father with them, but at the same time she "recharges" from children, gives them all themselves. And the father does not suffer with children as much as a mother, but not "recharged" from them, so his love is not so great, as the love of maternal.

How many mothers come to me in tears and ask: "Pray, Father, for my child." You know how they are worried! From a few men you can hear: "Pray, my child got off the way." Yes, and today one mother came with eight children. With the same thrill, this poor thing pushed his babies ahead and built them in a row to all of them could take a blessing. See the father who leads itself in a similar way - a rarity. And Russia was kept thanks to mothers. Food hug - if there is no grace of God - dry. And the maternal embrace - even without God, has milk. The child loves his father and respects him. But this love for father increases from the tenderness and heat of maternal love.

Correct attitude to childlessness

If not having children a woman does not apply to her position spiritually, then she suffers. How I was climbed with one woman who did not have children! The husband of this unfortunate occupied a high post. She belonged to a few houses that she handed over. In addition, they had a big house in which she lived with her husband, who took her thumb at her time. But it was all in a burden: and go to the market, and cook food ... Yes, and she did not know how to cook. Sitting at home, called the restaurant and from there they brought ready-made daisy. Everything had it, but she tormented, because she was nothing glad. For all day, she was sitting at home: she was not so, it was not a kind. One thing is bored, the other is hard. Then she began to choke thoughts, and she was forced to drink pills. Her husband took work on the house, so that she was hanging, and she is not knowing how to kill time, stood over his soul. Of course, she was tired of this poor fellow: after all, among other things, a person had to do and work! Having met her, I advised her: "Do not sit all day at home! After all, so you all twist! Go to the hospital, visit the patients ... "-" Yes, where am I there, father, I will go? - She replied to me, - Does I feel so forces! " "Then, I say," do this: how the time will come to read the first hour, read it, then read the third hour at one time and so on 37. Put one or another fan ... "-" I can not ", - answers. "Eh," I say, "well, then take you for the lives of the saints." I ordered her to read the lives of all women who have achieved holiness, so that anyone reading them was darked into her soul and helped. With great difficulty, it was possible to return it to a normal wheelchair so that she would not get to the crazy home. This woman led himself to perfect dissent. Powerful motor, but oils in it subsected.

All of this I want to say that the female heart comes into disrepair, if the love she has in his own nature does not find a way out. You're looking at: another woman can have five, six or even eight children. Behind the soul, the unfortunate may not be a penny, but it rejoices. She has noble generosity, and courageous resistance. Why? Because she found her goal.

One case crashed into my memory. My friend had two sisters. One married a very young and gave birth to many children. This woman sacrificed himself. Among other things, being a dressmaker, she sewed clothes and thus rendered alms to the poor. And the other day I came and tells me: "I have it now and the grandchildren!" At the same time, her heart fluttered from joy. And the other sister married did not come out. However, she did not remove the spiritual benefit from their carefree position. In what kind of condition it was! As she lived, it's better not to ask ... She was waiting for her old woman to serve it and still complained that she was not hard enough. See how? She did not become her mother, and therefore she had nothing inside. But helping those who are in need, she could put into the case that love that is present in a female nature, to benefit from it. However, she did not.

Therefore, I say that a woman needs to sacrifice himself. A man - even if he does not cultivate love, does not tolerate special damage. However, a woman, having love and not directing it to the right direction, is likened to the included machine, which does not have the starting raw material, works frown, shakes himself and shakes others.

Maternal endurance

- Geronda, Saint Netary Eginin in one of the letters to nuns calls for them not to forget that they are women, and imitate reverend wives, and not reverend husbands. Why does the saint say so? Maybe because women lack endurance?

- Who? Is it women not enough to wear hardness? Yes, I just give a diva, what kind of stamina! After all, they are seven! The woman's body can be weaker than men, but she has [a strong] heart, and, working for them, she has such stamina that exceeds male strength. Yes, the man has bodily strength, but the hearts that the woman has, he does not have. Somehow I watched one cat, which came to me in Kalyu with my kittens. Skinny-preparing, ribs can be counted. Once a big hunting dog ran into my courtyard. Kurd - So called Cota, asked Stekly, and the cat was made to battle, arched by Arc, took a threatening position and was ready to pounce on the PSA. I only Diva was given: where did it come from so much courage! See: she defended kittens.

Mother suffers, knocks out of his strength, but no pain, no fatigue is experiencing. She forces himself [to work], but, loving children, loving his home, does everything with joy. Man lies with all day on her side, getting tired more than she. I remember when we were small, our mother was supposed to wear water from afar, and still cook, bake bread, wash clothes, and besides working in the field. At the same time, we are also children - they did not give her peace: when we quarreled among themselves, the judicial duties also added to her numerous affairs and troubles! However, she said: "This is my duty. I have to do everything and do not dig. " She invests good sense to these words. She loved the house, loved her children and did not get out of his strength. She did everything with a heart, with joy.

And the more years passes, the stronger the mother loves the house. Her years are no longer the ones that earlier, but despite this, she sacrifices more and more to grow and grandchildren. She still has less strength, but it makes all their duties from the heart, and her strength is superior to even the strength of her husband, and those forces that she herself had in youth.

- You know, Gerona, women and in illness are distinguished by great comprehension than men.

- You know what's the matter? The mother has become repeatedly faced with her own child. And so she knows what disease is in general, she has rich experience in this respect. She remembers how many times her baby climbed the temperature and how many times he fell. She saw different scenes: for example, as a chicken or threw the consciousness of a child, it cost him a little bit on the cheeks, came to himself. The man does not see all this, and he has no such experience. Therefore, having learned that the child climbed the temperature or he pale, a man falls into a panic and begins to be nervous: "The child dies! What do we do now? And well, running to call the doctor! "

Pregnancy and breastfeeding

Raising a child begins with pregnancy. If the mother bearing in the womb is worried and frustrated, then the embryo in her womb is also worried. And if the mother prays and lives spiritually, the baby in her womb is consecrated. Therefore, a woman, being a pregnant, should create Jesus prayer, read something from the gospel, sing church chants, is not worried about the soul. But the closests should also be attentive to not upset it. In this case, the child's child will be consecrated and parents will not have to experience difficulties with him - so far he will be small, nor when will grow up.

Then, when the child is born, the mother must feed it with breasts - the longer, the better. Mother's milk gives children health. Fear from the chest, babies absorb not only milk: they absorb love, tenderness, consolation, safety and thus become people with a strong character. But, in addition, breastfeeding helps the mother itself. If the mother does not feed their children's breasts, there are anomalies in their body and it can lead [to cancer] and breast removal.

In former times, if the mother had milk, she could breastfeed and her baby and neighborhood. And now many mothers are hard to feed even their own children. Mother, which is idle and does not feed the baby breast, passes the "microbes" of idleness and idleness and him. Previously, Mom was drawn on banks with condensed milk, holding the kid's arms, and now on banks with condensed milk depicts "Mom", holding flowers on the hands! Moms do not feed their children with breasts, and therefore children grow up without comfort. Who will give them tenderness and love? Bank with milk cow? The kids suck the nipple, bowed to the "ice" glass bottle, and their heart too gladesome. And then, having come to age, they are also looking for consolation in the bottle - in the Kabak. To forget your mental alarm, they begin to drink and become alcoholics. If children themselves do not get tenderness, then they lack it and to convey it to their children. So one thing attracts the other. And then the mother come and begin to ask: "Pray the Father! I lick my child. "

Working mother

- Geronda, if a woman works - is it right?

- And what does a husband talk about this?

- He leaves it on her choice.

- Woman not just to leave his job and devote himself to children if she received an education before marriage. But the woman, the formation did not receive and working on some simple work, can leave it without difficulty.

- Geronda, I think, if a woman does not have children, then work for her benefit.

- What do you think it turns out if there are no children, then she must be engaged in professional labor? After all, there are so many other things that she can do. Of course, if she has children, it is better to sit at home. After all, otherwise, how can she help them?

- Gerona, many women say they are forced to work, because they do not reduce their ends meet.

- They do not bring ends with the ends, because they want to have a TV, a video recorder, a personal car and the like. Therefore, they should work, and the result of this happens that they do not make their own children and lose them. If only the father and the family is working and the family is satisfied with small, then such a problem does not exist. And from the fact that the husband works, and the wife is supposedly because they lack money, the family is sprayed and loses its actual meaning. And what follows the children after that? If the mother lived easily, they themselves would not be out of their strength, and their children would be joyful. One person knew seven foreign languages, and his wife took terrible efforts to learn four. And she gave private lessons and in order to be in the work form, lived on tablets. Children of this four were born healthy, and grew up the mentally ill. Then they began to resort to "help" of psychoanalysts ... Therefore, I advise my life to simplify my life to be able to extend the children more, which they need them. Another thing, if the mother at home has some kind of dealing on which she can switch when he gets tired of worries with children. Sitting at home, mother can follow the children and engage in some other business. It helps the family to avoid many disorders.

Today, children are "starving" from lack of maternal love. But even their native maternity language they do not learn, because entire days the mother spends at work, and children leaves the supervision of other people - often foreign women. Children from the orphanage, where among the educators will be the leading vow of the celibacy, a woman from the Christian sisterhood, manifesting them at least a bit of tenderness, are in a position of a thousand times the best than children whose parents throw them on the care of women receiving money for it! And you know what all this leads to? To the fact that if the child has no one mom, then he has a whole bunch of nannies!

Household and the spiritual life of the mother

- Geronda, how can the housewash arrange their affairs and care to have time and for prayer? What ratio should be between work and prayer?

- Women usually do not have measures in matters. They want to add new and new and new things to their affairs. Having a lot of hearts, women could very successfully lead a "household" of their soul, but instead they squander the heart on trifles. Imagine that we have, for example, a glass decorated with beautiful patterns, stripes and the like. If he had not been decorated with these stripes, it would not hurt him to serve her destination. However, women come to the store and begin to explain to the seller: "No, no, I need that the strips are of here and drawn and drawn, but so." Well, if the flower is drawn there, their heart begins to just join! Thus, a woman crashes all his potential. You rarely meet a man who would pay attention to such things. Be, for example, his table lamp brown or black - the man will not even notice. And the woman [on the contrary] - she wants something beautiful, she rejoices, gives it a beautiful piece of his heart. Another "beautiful" she gives another piece, but what then remains for Christ? Zevota and fatigue during prayer. The more the female heart is removed from beautiful things, the more it is approaching Christ. And if the heart is given to Christ, then it has a great power! The other day I met with a woman, fully entrusted himself to God. It was seen how sweet flame burns in it! For any business she takes hot. Previously, this woman was a completely worldly man, but it is kindly located, and at some point I smeared the spark in her soul. All her gold jewelry and luxurious clothes threw out. Now she lives with amazing simplicity! Provides, makes over him spiritual work. What sacrifice is its actions! She began to "jealous", "envy" holy - in the good sense of the word. You know how much a movie she stretches in prayer, what posts make, how much time is given to reading Psalti! .. Amazing business! Moving has now become her food.

- Geronda, one mother told me: "I am bodily weak and very tired. I do not have any things to do anyone, I have no time to prayer. "

- In order to stay time for prayer, it must simplify its life. With the help of simplicity, the mother can succeed. Mother has the right to say "I'm tired," if she simplified her life, and many work only because they have many children. However, if they lose their time, trying to make an impression on other people's people, what do you say? Some mothers, wanting every thing in their house beautifully lying in her place, oppress themselves, stroke their kids in that they do not allow them to move the chair or pillow from the place. They force children to live according to the laws of barrel discipline, and thus children, born normally, grow up, unfortunately, not quite normal. If a stupid person sees that in a large house, every thing lies in his place, he will come to the conclusion that here either children mentally retarded, or a mother, differing cruelty and despotism, forces them to military discipline. In the latter case, fear lives in the soul, and from this fear they behave disciplined. Once I found myself in the house where there were many children. How pleased me kids with their children's cereals, who destroyed the worldly rank, which says: "Each thing in its place." This "chin" is the greatest dedication, very taking power from a modern person.

In former times there were no spiritual books, and the mother could not take themselves, help reading. Now there is a huge number of patricual books, many of them are translated into a modern language, but, unfortunately, most mothers [pass by all this wealth and] take their time with nonsense or [constantly] work to bring ends with ends.

Instead of storming and scholasticity to engage in households - the things soulless - the mother is better to make up the rapid of children. Let her tell them about Christ, reading the lives of saints. At the same time, it should be engaged in the clearance of his soul - so that she spiritually shine. The spiritual life of the mother is unnoticed, silently help the souls of her children. Thus, her children will live joyfully and she will be happy herself, because in itself it will have Christ. If a mother can not choose a year even to read the "Holy God", then how will her children clarify?

- Heronda, how to be if the mother has many children, and a lot of work?

"But can she not fulfill the houses at the same time to pray?" My mother taught me to Jesus prayer. When we, being children, committed some prank and she was ready to grow out, then I heard she began to pray aloud: "Lord Jesus Christ, a lot of me." Salting in the oven bread, the mother said: "In the name of Christ and the Most Holy Mother of God." By kneading the dough and preparing food, she constantly uttered Jesus prayer. So, she herself was sanctified, the bread and food that she was preparing, was sanctified by those who knocked them.

How many mothers who had holy life, children were also consecrated! Take for example the mother of the elder Haji-Georgia. Mobilic was even milk of this blessed mother that fed the baby Gabriel - so called the elder Haji George to the world. This woman gave birth to two children, and after they lived with their spouse in Novali, loving each other as a brother and sister. Mother Hadji-George from childhood was distinguished by the Movitial Spirit, because her sister was a nun, a mobility. She often visited his sister-monk and, already married, came to her with her children. Gabriel's father was also a reverent man. He was engaged in trade and therefore spent most of the time on travels. This gave his mother to a favorable opportunity to live simply, not worrying and not fussing about many gay39, take his son with him and walk along with other women on all-night vigils, which occur sometimes in the caves, and sometimes in different chapels. Therefore, subsequently, her son reached such a measure of holiness40.

Mother's reverence has a great value. If the mother has humility, there are olds of God, then everything in the house goes as necessary. I am familiar with young mothers whose faces are shining, despite the fact that these women do not get help. Communicating with children, I understand, in what condition their mother is.

It is difficult to overestimate the pedagogical ideals in the education of the younger generations. If you appeal to the dominant paradigm of personal-oriented education today, then the idea of \u200b\u200ba certain ideal personality model is found in its essence. In this regard, a natural question arises, and what are the sources of these pedagogical ideals? How are they formed? It is found that the images of liberal freedoms, adequate to them the lifestyle and means of forming a person of such a society, are proposed. A full-fledged critical analysis of the effects of such education is still ahead, but today it is clear that it leads to a discontinuity with a domestic cultural tradition, with the values \u200b\u200bof Orthodox world-world.

On the scenarios for the images of Russian Orthodox saints as carriers of enormous educational potential in demand by modern pedagogical practice and should receive their theoretical understanding.

To each other, the man is infinitely valuable and important, unique and unique. This is an axiom of Orthodox Consciousness, which is adopted by the consciousness of modern society. However, many today do not know and do not want to know that Christianity, discovering the person in person, seeing the image of God in every man in every man, thereby changed the path of human history. Christianity to each person is indicated by the path of oblivion, becoming new creation in Christ. Many people who have seen this way have reached holy and the Holy Spirit still in their earthly life. Their heroism, spiritual feat highlights the path to other people and can be the content of education in modern school.

With her inner, more than ever, educational activities among children and young people, for the healthy spiritual and physical development of which a high moral ideal needed, a sample to which she can imitate. The life of holy waters, many centuries and in our time is such an ideal of moral perfection. The most important thing is that confrontation of the ideology of the consumption of secular ideals of the recent past, ordinary moral norms are not able to.

From a historical point of view, Orthodoxy has already been more than a thousand years ago and created our country - Holy Rus. Revealing the meaning of the ideas about the "Holy Rus", we understand it as the shrines of the Russian Earth, its monasteries, churches, priesthood, power, icons, and, above all, as the cathedral of our righteous people, saints. According to D.S. Likhacheva in the concept of Holy Rus united that "dismissed from all sinful, stood out into something unearthly and purified, received existence and out of earthly, real and was immortal ..." The Holy Rus was constructed by people, Istivo who accepted the Word of Christ. They became on the path to cleanse their soul from sin, on the path of the saint of the Holy Spirit. Words of Rev. Seraphim Sarovsky: "We are consistent with the Spirit of the Saint and Thousands around you" - express the essence of the idea of \u200b\u200bholiness.

With the thought of appealing to the Russian saints in the fact that it was they who determined the construction of the thoughts of the Russian man who were formed the worldworking of a citizen of Saint Rus. His feat holy helped a person to be freed from sinful in themselves and, gaining spiritual purity, become less vulnerable to temptations. The lives of Russian saints for the modern teacher can serve as a practical material in which he will find answers to the questions of the moral education of modern schoolchildren. The instructiveness of the life of the saints is that they are a visual example of modesty, patientity in transferring tightness in their ministry, an example of courage and loyalty to the chosen path.

In the lives of saints, a sample of the solution of interethnic problems that collapsed to our country together with the crash of proletarian internationalism is hidden. Thus, among the students of St. Alexander Svirsky there were Russians, and Kareli, and Weps and many others. But there was no national retail between them.

The proper understanding of vital success is important for a latitude of modern youth. Transferring this understanding to the spiritual plane, we can show that the Russian Orthodox saints were extremely successful people, gained mental and physical advantages, even if they did not have them from birth. They knew how to surrender in the face of the call of the modernity, in which they lived, to stand in front of the "spirit of the century", designed to "defeat the world", they were the winners. Appeal to the history of Russian holy princes, monks, priests, ordinary laity will fill the content of humanitarian education historical and local lore concrete and persuasive.

Unfortunately, the invaluable spiritual and moral potential of the lives of Orthodox saints is almost little accessible to the modern schoolboy. Church editions are mainly reprintful and not adapted to the perception of a modern person. Among them are outstanding texts, for example, SVT. Dimitri Rostovsky. But many of the books of pre-revolutionary church authors are fairly ordinary and pedagogically low value. In the abyss of the editions of the morally obsolete gortgage texts of the treasures of Russian holiness are hidden and difficult to reveal for a modern schoolboy.

The browse of the Russian Orthodox Holy must be revealed to a growing person, as an image of spiritual power and ability to confront the world, and not as a dying, taking humbly all injustice of the world by virtue of the "pension" germ. Humility is the highest truth of Christianity, but this is not a consequence of weakness, but on the contrary, the phenomenon of human spiritual power. It is in this capacity that today's schoolchildren are necessary images of Russian Orthodox saints. In such images, they will want to imitate, relate their lives with their lives. Russian Orthodox saints are aware of the national consciousness as the best people in Russia. Schoolchildren need to show that they are really the best of mind, in talents, on courage, in humanity, by spiritual strength. Such were Alexander Nevsky, Admiral Fyodor Ushakov, Sergius Radonezh, Simeon Verkhotursky, Princess Elizaveta Fedorovna Romanova and many others.

The examples of the life of the saints of the teacher can show a schoolboy the beauty of the friend of ministry to the Lord, Fatherland and People. Show that they themselves can build their lives in accordance with these ideals, and there are not any outstanding abilities or exceptional conditions for this, and for this you need to learn to take care of your soul, live on conscience and not to renounce the silent benefit from The image of the Creator laid in us is initially.

To AK convey to the younger generation, then the spiritual treasure, which we possess thanks to the feat of the saints? One of the promising paths in the pedagogical making here is to appeal to the embodiment of the images of the saints in artistic works. With the help of fiction, feature films, the basis of which is the feat of saints, can be successfully forming high moral qualities in the young soul. Love for the Motherland, respect for the eldest, care for loved ones, reverent attitude to the environment, the ability to sacrifice themselves for the sake of high goals, respect for the faith of fathers - all these virtues can be found in every life of the Orthodox Saints of the Past and Noviplace Saints.

In the practice of the Soviet school, a great positive experience of patriotic education was accumulated on works, which described the heroic actions of adolescents during the Great Patriotic War. Books and movies of heroic-patriotic content are of great interest in the children's and teenage medium. They are worried about the image of the hero, who dedicated himself to serving the debris. Many children have remembered these images for many years, seek to imitate them in their lives. Network that modern teens imitate aggressive images of American militants, will not change the situation. It is necessary to oppose them the heroic of a spiritual feat in an affordable and understandable children form. A simple retelling that copies the style of the XIX century works does not attract the attention of the child and creates an inexpressive, flat image of Orthodoxy and its saints.

M. Those, the life of the peripetics of Orthodox saints, close to us in time, is an inexhaustible source to create heroic images, so necessary by the modern schoolboy. Camps, links, internal struggle and much more, who fell on their fate, did not break their spirit, showed a true source of spiritual power. Russian Orthodoxy showed its necessary greatness in the period of state atheism, during the persecution period. Solid standing in faith gave Russia and the entire Orthodox world, the sleeps of the Great Saints - confessors and new martyrs of Russian.

Each location has close examples of new martyrs. For us, this sample, which today is sharp experiences, can serve the life and death of the royal family, the feat of the Great Princess Elizabeth Feodorovna Romanova, who, being discarded in the mine and was doomed, assisted with persons suffering from nearby. Teachers are not entitled to pass by, without rewarding due memory to new martyrs, not the extension to the younger generations of their feat.

Each school needs to collect a library about the lives of the Orthodox saints, both the past and the present. At the same time, it is important to collect not only church literature, but also artwork about the devotees of the Spirit. Accompanying through the artistic image to their feat, children and young people will be able to refer to the living literature, so it will be filled with personal experiences and meanings.

On the phenomena of students for the images of Orthodox saints can be carried out in the local lore work of the school. Search activity carries teenagers, makes rethink heard in class, deeper to understand the inner life of a person. Meetings with witnesses of persecution, many of which are still alive, help to see the story not as abstract patterns, but as the boring of the human spirit in unthinkable at least conditions. The Greek word "Martyr" (Martiros) means "witness". Each person is a witness of the scinting injustice of the world lying, according to the word of the apostle, "in evil", but only Christians have a burning shame, remorse, the desire to correct life on virtuous grounds.

With the question of the upbringing of a modern schoolboy on the images of the Orthodox saints, the teacher must take care of learn how to create such an image of his speech, which is experiencing a child, choking him in the soul, causes the need to imitate. This requirement for a teacher's speech is feasible with a deep knowledge of the subject of a conversation, personal experiences by a material teacher, a high culture of speech and the right pedagogical installations. This big work is necessary because the ideals incorporated in childhood and the younger leave a trace in the hearts of children for life, have an indelible effect on the formation of the child's personality. We are designed to make our children become merciful, as the Grand Duchess of Elizabeth Fedorovna, selfless, as the St. Luka Crimean, righteous, like Simeon Verkhotursky, courageous, as Admiral Fyodor Ushakov, able to confront the wrong and evil, as the St. Athanasius (Sakharov) and Many, many other saints, in the land of the Russian seemed.

On the maternity disintegration of Russian saints can have substantial assistance in the education of a schoolboy as a future family man. Today, the media is truded on the inevitability of the conflict of generations among themselves. Indeed, the spiritual forces of the modern Russian family are seriously undermined, but the desire to live families is still preserved, the norms of family relations are not yet lost. The imposition of liberal morality "independence", family freedom is based on the obvious substitutions of the Globalistic Project: unification and reduction in fertility. Instead of family relationships based on love, are offered on behalf of the state of the legal relationship, providing young people life on credit, and the old men shelter or hospice. Young people restored against their loved ones are trying to find a quasist in informal associations, asocial groups, sects, parties, etc.

There are many cases of the refusal of saints from their personal intentions to leave the world to the monastery due to family responsibilities. Saint Rev. Sergius Radonezh was going to the monastery monastery, but, after returning the requests of the parents, he remained to their death. Saint John Zlatoust, being the only son of a widowed mother, did not dare to throw her when she did not want to bless him out from the world.

About the masting to the images of Russian Orthodox saints in raising is also important because overcoming the split between culture and religion in modern Russia, the first steps of which we observe in our time, it became possible thanks to their feat. These include the words of the Lord: "Blessed out of the truth" (MF.5: 10); "You are the salt of the Earth" (MF.5: 13). Only on the way of finding spiritual unity Russia will be able to overcome the internal crises, respond to all the challenges of modernity. Images of saints, their life and feat should be part of the content of education in modern school. Without the knowledge of the Russian Orthodox saints, the schoolboy cannot be comprehended by the depth of Russian culture, the true meaning of the history of Russia, to comprehend it today.

Z aconech with G.P. Fedotova:

"In the Russian saints, we honor not only the heavenly patrons of the holy and sinful Russia; We are looking for the revelation of our own spiritual path. We believe that every people have their own religious calling, and, of course, everything is fully carried out by his religious geniuses. Here the path for all marked by the milestones of heroic mobility is a few. Their ideal of centuries Putal folk life; Their fire has its own lamps. If we are not deceived in the conviction that every culture of the people last account is determined by his religion, then in Russian holiness we will find a key explaining a lot in the phenomena of modern, secularized Russian culture. "

Just as the moon shines the reflected light of the sun, and any classical literature, music and painting shine reflected in the world of their ethnos. And if we carefully and without any ideological bias, we will look into the history of our people's life, we will see that our entire culture has its own historical roots in the depths of our religion. The history of the Russian state began with monastic chronicles. Painting with their roots goes to the iconography, and fiction - in church literature. We can see the bright print of religious unity both in the ancient work of our ancestors and in many modern works of culture of our compatriots. This fact clearly demonstrates the great powerful strength of the spiritual attraction of religious truths: "We are all created by God for eternity. And the urgent task of each of us is the following: understand what the image of God is, how he is revealed to the world in the face of the Godrogian of Christ. And, then, winning sins, freeing from their anesting influence, to restore this rapid gracious image in itself. " Candidate of theology, poet and writer, Klikrica Balashikhovinsky, and writer, Klikrica Balashikhov, Vladimir Barorozdinova, clerics.

Razing hands on the cross.

Keep evil and sin in the cord.

Do not let dark strength

Hearts with your own.

Keep the loyalty of Russia

Do not change faith in the future!

Such a mood pleading to God

Has my mother of Christ.

Her prayers road

Points the sky to you.

You are responsible for grace:

Just as the moon shines the reflected light of the sun, and any classical literature, music and painting shine reflected in the world of their ethnos. And if we carefully and without any ideological bias, we will look into the history of our people's life, we will see that our entire culture has its own historical roots in the depths of our religion. The history of the Russian state began with monastic chronicles. Painting with their roots goes to the iconography, and fiction - in church literature. We can see the bright print of religious unity both in the ancient work of our ancestors and in many modern works of culture of our compatriots. This fact clearly demonstrates the great powerful strength of the spiritual attraction of religious truths: "We are all created by God for eternity. And the urgent task of each of us is the following: understand what the image of God is, how he is revealed to the world in the face of the Godrogian of Christ. And, then, winning sins, freeing from their anesting influence, to restore this rapid gracious image in itself. " Father Vladimir finished his speech by his poem:

Christ calls in his arms,

Razing hands on the cross.

He says: "All people are brothers!

Keep evil and sin in the cord.

Do not let dark strength

Hearts with your own.

Keep the loyalty of Russia

Do not change faith in the future!

Such a mood pleading to God

Hortified Mother of Christ.

Her prayers road

Points the sky to you.

The Spirit will come down by Siagan,

You are responsible for grace:

Must be immortal you become

Preparing for mortal testing! "

In the fact that our children are not unprecedented, cruel, insensitive, are subject to bad defects, many are blamed today, the corruption of His Spirit.

Our century - the time of the rampage of the arbitrariness, the self-catering, the so-called "freedom", and in fact the dismissal and debauchery. Lost the authority of parents, senior, bosses, no confidence in anyone. Everywhere lie and hypocrisy, the honor and conscience are lost - they are impairment. In width, material wealth. Yes, this terrible spirit of time extinguishables acts on children and to the younger generation. But, especially since the role of parents in the home education of children is increasing.

How to protect the child from the evil influence of so many factors of our time? First of all, your own example.

If parents themselves honor God, his church, with a mockery talk about all authorities - civil, church; Ironize and subject all doubt when children - how will your child respect you - Father and Mother? He naturally will lose respect for his parents, to their power over him.

Therefore, parents, if you want a spreading spirit to touch your children, eradicate it first in yourself, keep tightly the good morality, which is containing Christianity and the Orthodox Church, do not forget about the traditions of family education of your pious ancestors.

Saint Righteous John Kronstadt wrote how harmful so-called "freedom" both adults and children. It is said that a person can not be forced anything - neither in faith or in teaching. What kind of nonsense is! What about this, "free", according to the will of the living, a person can come out good? After all, we all forcing themselves to all due and useful, to the execution of their debt, duties, and children - to teaching, to prayer, to all kinds of cases. And if this is not done, what will come out of our children? - The sloths, shaluns, which, besides, will learn any evil and selflessness.

1. The best legacy of parents to children is good upbringing.

2. Education of children need to start with the appearance of a child to light.

In the child in the process of upbringing, all the bad principles should eradicate should be eradicated.

Not - toilevil, stubbornness, lies, deception, manifestations of inclinations to laziness, treats.

Yes - reverence before God and prayer; obedience and accuracy, justice and frankness, patience and ability to come from themselves - selflessness.

Children are not the main in your home, they are your assistants in all. You, parents, always for them elders, but not comrades, girlfriends, and parents are father and mother. And so it should be from the very early age of the child and for the entire remaining life.

Never Children do not defeat their parents, always the word of the elders is the last.

If in the future your children, matured, come up from the true path and are seduced by bad examples - it means parents from small years not engaged in religious education of the child, did not teach it fear of God..

Which of the children from infant years is raised in Christian piety and piousness, he even subsequently unwracted, recalls those lessons and instructions received by their parents in childhood. Many many are distracted from sinful life and get up on the right path.

If your children are inconspicuous and disobedient, then you, parents, ineptly raised your child, often applying a bad example to their children. First, they did not suppress their pride, they gave the will in everything in their whims and wants. Secondly, in you, mother and fathers, there was no consent among themselves in their prohibitions or restrictions of the child. Thirdly, the outbreaks, a sharp manifestation of anger, one of the parents did not contribute to respect for your child, and only the fear was settled in his soul and another tendency to deception - "so that the dad did not swear."

There is no agreement between parents, quarrels, scandals in the child - no matter how hard you tried to instill something to him - the child will not listen to you or other family members, family authority for your child will be zero.

If your children are prone to deception (but not fantasy - the little of this property of their psyche, for example, "I saw an elephant, he greeted me", and so on) and hypocrisy, then, firstly, you did not teach you to love the truth on a religious basis, from love to God and obedience to him; Secondly, did not belong to the full confidence in the child, did not believe him for the word, and demanded confirmation of the said; Thirdly, in all your words and cases were not true, i.e., deceived and hypocrisible (for example, at Guest, they spoke to him compliments, they expressed love, and when he left, "watered" the ears of impartial words with a child, t. e. Just predicted with friends.

It is necessary to teach children hate false; Speak the child that God forbade to lie, every lie - sin before God. One of the reasons why the child tends to speak in a lie - the condescension of the parents. So, if he did something bad and does not admit to it, it begins to lie - it is necessary to punish a child, so he will understand that this is a bad act.

If your children are unhappy with youThey reproach you for the fact that you could not provide them with a good life, did not leave money, apartments, and they themselves should be achieved in life, then, dear parents, you forgot from childhood to teach them to unauthority, please contact what they have. You, parents, did not share about the spiritual principles in the family, considered the first thing to feed, shine and wear a child, and that's it. Therefore, with infancy, do not expand the children, in every way to strengthen physically, bring up stamina (do not ride, do not make too soft, do not let sleep long, etc.).

Poor parents There should have to teach children voluntarily and patiently to endure poverty and the need for the example of Jesus Christ. That's what they can speak to their children: "Do not be afraid, my son: Although we spend a poor life, but you will get a lot of good, if you yourself be afraid of God, avoid all sins and do good" (Tov. 4, 21). No need to complain about your children or envy those who live better.

If your children are lazy, do not want to help you in your affairs, then you did not adapt them to hard work, did not attract to home affairs, general family worries.

If your kids are sloppy, are inaccurate - you provided them with your own will: does not remove the bed - once, it lies late - if only there was a house, let him watch TV and so on.

If your children are shameless, nothing fear and are not shy, you didn't tell them in childhood that it is ugly, for example, when a child walks in a half-day form in the presence of his home (of course, a older child), or a girl puts on some outfit, too frankly emphasizing or An exposure of some parts of the body. Parents themselves must apply for children in this.

If your children envious, unfriendly to the neighbor, then you did not stop during this vice in children, for example, discontent, when they offered some thing, toy, clothes, and he pushed them away from himself, because Petit had, and he was worse. Such an act should not pass with impunity.

Parents should not have petsIf there are several children in the family. There should be no something special, for example, in food or toys, even for the child younger than others. We must try to measure all with one measurement - the same praise, reward and punishment. Younger children should also be punished for the misconduct for which they are subject to recovery and older children (of course, given the age characteristics of the younger and older children, that is, to do reasonably). The most important thing is to speak to children that the envy is disgusting to God, this is a very big sin, even the evil happened from envy - the Holy Scripture (Cain and Abel; Pharisees are false, from envy, accused the Savior and brought him to the godfather) ... " Through the envy of the devil, death entered the world, and those who allow her in their hearts to imitate him. "

Dear Parents! That your child does not resemble an indomitable, wild, cruel and merciless beast, for which there are neither laws nor obligations nor you yourself punish children from the most young years.

1. Cannot be punished for imperfections and disadvantages, Delivered to the child from nature, for example, inability to study or some classes (provided that you see hardworking and infevering it, but the successes are more than modest).

2. It is impossible to punish strictly for prank and misconduct, peculiar to youthful frightness or natural windiness. For example, playing football, a child in children's scattery broke the window, or inadvertently at home - a plate.

Loving his son, he studies wounds - and then they do not pick it up. Again your son from youth and be happy for him in the maturity of it, and among the detractors you can praise them, and your enemies will envy you. Rail in children in forns and find peace and blessings. Do not laugh, playing with them: they will send in Mom, - in a big you will suffer sorrowfully, and in the future, as if by the offices, we vouch my soul. So do not give him will in my youth, but passing him on the ribs, while he grows, and then, indignant, do not guilt in front of you and will not become you annoyance and illness of the soul, and the ruin of the house, the deception of property, and reproach neighbors, and mockery of enemies , and the fans of the authorities, and the evil annoyance. (Domostroy. P. 46).

It is necessary to punish children and apply the stringent and sensitive means - corporal punishment In the following cases.

1. When all other measures turned out to be fruitless (strict conversation, deprivation of walking, kneeling, even a threat). And if it is consumed, then the child must feel it and remember to remember.

2. The corporal punishment applies if the misdeeding the child stems from perseverance and evil will, he does not want to confess his deed, does not leave his bad behavior. This is, first of all, deception, theft, audacity to parents, non-fulfillment of their orders and instructions, cruelty in relation to others, etc.

Of course, corporal punishment is the first and last remedy, the strongest and sensitive.

Other punishments include: temporary deprivation of food - lunch, breakfast - it is especially useful against stubbornness and laziness; for non-advisive, prone to quarrels, vigorous children are an effective punishment prohibition of communication with comrades and closing to a certain room. On enough sensitive children, it is very valid that the parents cease to communicate with them or coldly, talked hard, show discontent with all their views. Reprimand and suggestion Used as a punishment, there must be briefs, few, and the threats of parents are performed.

Child correction is the main purpose of punishments. And they must all be decens and do not move into cruelty, should not be performed in anger. This is not revenge, but a consequence of the fact that the child committed sin, insulted God, and about it, first of all, it is necessary to say to the child.

When punished children, always follow the love - Only the correction of them, and nothing. Thus, later they will be grateful to parents that they were strictly kept and a good upbringing sent to the right direction of life, forming a Christian, a worthy citizen of her fatherland.

Let us serve for all of us living in the 21st century, will serve as a reminder and example of the words of the famous church and statesman of Sylvester, who lived in the Epoch of John Grozny, the author of the book "Domostroy", which is the virtuous life of a Christian, which Russian people believed to be righteous, but from What warned.

... hold on, Chado, good people all the ranks and ranks, their kind things to imagine, listen to good words and felt them. Read the Divine Scripture often and put it in my heart to yourself. I saw himself, Chado, that in the life of this we lived in complete reverence and in fear of God, in the simplicity of the heart, in fear and respect for the church, always in the divine Scripture. We saw how we were for God's grace, we are readable, everyone is loved, every thing in the right thing I and the work, and the ministry, and conquest, and not pride; I did not condemn anyone, I didn't mock anyone, I did not buy anyone, I did not scold with anyone, but came from whom the offense - we fell to the sake of God and vinyl themselves - and therefore the enemies became friends. And if I tried myself before God, and in front of people, I've gotten if I had my own spiritual sin with tears, squeezedly asking for a sorry, the spiritual instructions performed with appreciation so that he would have commanded him. And if someone in a gentlement or in ignorance will delude me or someone will mention, or even with a mockery, I get me stuck, I have been grateful, as if it were true, it was and went away from affairs, and If God helped me. Even if what is not hanging, and it's unjust with a rumor and scrubbown, and worship,all the same, I obeyed everything, without justifying people, and God will restore the truth with righteous mercy. I remembered the words of the Gospel: "Love your enemies, do good hate you, the charity of you, pray for your dirtyness, you expel you who hit you on the cheek and the second cheek, and do not hinder who who will select your clothes and shirt And you have everyone who asking you, you don't want to get yours, but if someone will ask you to go through one transition - pass with him two, "recurrently, with the prayer of the communion:" My Lord, a lot of haters and warrant with me And let nobody ever suffer from them because of me, unclean and sinful, not to suffer in evil in the present, nor in the future, but - to clean their grace, our grace, all-in ! "

And he always consoled himself that he never grumbled against the church service from the young age and until now, unless he was sick; Neither the beggar, nor the mournful, nor a wanderer, nor mournful, nor sad never despite, except for ignorance; From dungeons and patients, and prisoners, and debtors from slavery, and in all the needs of people, I rejected our strength, and hungry as I could have fed, I freed my slaves and put them on, and I also bought it from slavery and I went to freedom; And all those our slaves are free, we live in rich houses, as you see, pray God for us and promote us. And if anyone forgot us - God, God forgive in everything.

And your mother in good inserts brought up many maidens and widows, insignificant and poor, taught her needlework and every homemade home, and, having granted dowry, issued married ...

And from whom we, from our federals, annoyance and losses were large and many, so we all demolished, no one was heard about, and God was awarded for that. You, Choo, to Importance and do the same: all the insult in yourself carry and overcome - and God will reward twisted. I did not know another wife, besides your mother; As I gave her the word, so performed. Oh God, Christ, Falling to finish and the life of your Christian and your commandments!

Live, Choo, according to the Christian law - in all matters without a villaness, without any trick in everything.(Domostroy. P. 169-171).

What is a modern family? Why do not many parents see their support and support in children? What are the reasons for the poor education of children of today?

Sociological studies of family and marriage problems have shown that the family's institution is experiencing a crisis, family values \u200b\u200bare transformed, all the symbolism of the family image radically changed. This is especially true of the image of childhood, in which, as modern sociologists indicate, "the features of the future of the one-piece and investigatory world are guessed."

If earlier in the family, for example, the girl was brought up as an assistant, a small mistress, a sister who cares, take a walk, takes care of the younger, while Mom is busy with other affairs, then over time everything has changed. So, the birth rates of the baby, the joy of what a new family member appeared is replaced by joy that you can do without it. This is told, for example, such verses of today.

And sis, and my mother I will ask my mother.
But Mom said strictly: you have a lot of fantasies,
We will first buy a carpet, chandelier, lamps, furniture, sconces.
... her dad is happy, her mother is glad - no need to give birth to the second girl,
After all, there is a foreigner, because there is an intricist,
After all, there is a monkey named anfis.

A completely new content got the concept of "good child." If it was previously considered the responsible, educated, noncain, then now "good" means "imperceptible", "not interfering", such that it seems to be not - it is not visible, not heard.

The process of alienation of children from parents, parents from a family formed two people opposing each other - the world of children who do not want to grow up, and the world of parents who believe that parental care is only reduced to the material support of children.

Now the semantic space "Childhood" was filled with such concepts as loneliness, a feeling of abandonedness, the lack of emotional ties and mental warmth, misunderstanding.

More recently, the duration of the older marriages was 20-30 years old, the younger - half a year old; The number of children in the middle of the XX century - four, now, as a rule, one child. For a modern family, the extreme instability of social ties is characterized, offset in the role-playing structure of the family.

In the familiar families, grandparents replace mothers who, in turn, play the role of workers, or dads who left the family.

Nurseries, gardens, children's homes and other government facilities are as deputy parent education. In the situation of replacement of roles, the child has a distorted experience of parenting education or is generally devoid of visual experience of interaction between father and mother, between parents and a child - all this is extremely negatively affecting his self-esteem and further growing up. After all, it is the behavior of parents in the first stages of the child's development forms his "I". The transfer of norms and values \u200b\u200bin an incomplete or complete, but one-piece family contributes to the development of such qualities in a child, like egocentrism and non-critical attitude towards themselves.

For modern families, high conflict is characteristic between married couples. The orientation of the personality on personal success and achievements in addition to the family, the destruction of mutual intramearious roles of husbands and wives, parents and children and many other reasons do not help strengthen the family, its value is rapidly falling.

Life cycle of the XIX family. He was complete, since marriages were Christian and originally accomplished for life. They did not dissolve not because it was difficult, but because it was not necessary. Many the ideal of complete happiness was in -ured with the ideal of the family, because it was one of the whole. A multi-ocene large family provided the connection of the leaving and reappearing: "Living in a family as fathers and grandfathers are used to live and transmit to children the best - principles, views, traditions, faith of their ancestors.

Thus, the family crisis directly affects the future generation. It is not allowed in most of its love, parental care and does not see decent examples in his parents, therefore, the education of children can be called flawed.

Marina Kravtsova

Raising children on the example of saints royal martyrs

© LLC "Publisher" Lepta Book ", 2013.

© Gryf, 2013.

© Publishing House "Veche", 2013

© Kravtsova M., 2013.

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The 145th anniversary of the birth of the Holy Tsar-Martyr Soviet Emperor Nikolay Alexandrovich is dedicated

Strengthen family because it is the basis of any state.

Emperor Alexander III - Son Nicholas


Let's just wander through the streets. We look at the oncoming people, watch them. It is rightly seen by many: not as often as before, we will meet women with strollers, with young children. And as beautifully in a good summer evening, which places to walk, look at the pink kids, finely overpaying with small legs, tightly holding for her mother's hand, less frequently dad. But, glancing at the first minute, I look more closely. And maybe the picture will no longer seem so comfortable.

The tiny girl climbed in a puddle. Roth - to ears. But immediately, the peak will fly to her mom and begins to scream as if it is an evil enemy:

- How many times have I told you: do not dare! Naughty! Look, you have fallen again. Everybody is doing the oldest one!

And mom, coming in hysterics, somewhat splits daughter.

Do not have time to go through a few steps - another picture. The kid is about three nodes, struggling through the tail of the cat. An animal in response threateningly hits.

- What are you, nice, that you! - A frightened grandmother's voice is heard. - Do not touch, kisa bad, kisa can bite!

And not a word about the fact that Kisa is probably painful, which can not be offended by anyone, including the cat.

The family passes by. The child goes in the roar: And it is not so, and that is not a form. Sounds escaping from a small little man are simply terrified by intonations of self-failing malice. Mom and dad, very young, embarrassed by the fact that everyone on the street is watching the hysteria of the Son, but all their efforts to calm the swelling child quite remind of timid attempts to calm the wrath of the ruin.

Removal of relationship ... Of course, parents do not want to disappear the soul of children, but ... often the words of the psychologist Valery Ilyina are often remembered: "Rarely you can find such a family, where parents do not cripple their children. Certainly unconsciously. Just because at one time their parents did not teach differently. "

Yes, the parents of the parents could not teach differently, because the tradition of good upbringing was interrupted when the unfortunate Russian society fell into the abyss of wormless.

Relations not based on the commandments of Christ, sooner or later perverted, carrying a painful beginning. And if the parents themselves differ from this truly (neurosis, cardiovascular disorders), what to talk about children?! Among parental mistakes that may cost a child health and will not allow him to adapt in society, called:

insufficient manifestation of love for the child;

the use of threats and physical punishments;

discrepancy between the parents themselves their moral requirements;

excess custody;

anxiety, panic for any occasion;

emotional rejection of some kind of character of the child, his feelings and desires;

the rejection of the sex of the child, his appearance;

misunderstanding of the originality of the personal development of the child;

excessive requirements for children;

alternation of anger, cruel punishment with slating;

connection to all whims and whims of the child;

inconsistency of action between parents;

quarrels between parents;

preference to one child to another, dictate;

emotional deafness;

lack of consistency and intelligence of requirements.

And unfortunately, this list is far from complete.

After watching live confirmation on the street with these sad conclusions, you come home in unhappy thoughts. And you open a book about the life of royal martyrs with photos.

From amazing, beautiful, lights, love and peace are based, they pour calmness into the soul. Saints royal martyrs - family. Truly "Seven I" - fullness.

Everything happens in God's fishery. It is not by chance at the junction of two epochs, when the demobs of the human malice came out of the Black Shower, when the holding was taken and killed, it was not by chance that this sophistication sample appeared before all shortly before the end of the old world as a sacrifice of the family. Like a warning that the chief demonic blow will fall into a Russian family. From crazy reasoning - to destructive actions, and now the family as a creative state value is reset from a pedestal. Now she seems to be somewhat taped, unnecessary, unwitting, useless.

The craving for the creation of a native focus will not destroy nothing in the human soul, but how it was distinguished by this concept in our days! There will not lead examples - it may tell about it, probably everyone. We will give an example from the opposite: what is the native focus, which family should be.

When people talk about the Holy Tsar Nicholas that he was allegedly not a good ruler, being only a family man, for some reason it does not occur that a real Christian, being a wonderful family man, can not, if he is put on that, be a bad ruler. If a person can not bring order in the family, how does he bring order in the state? If he is the head of the family in a Christian understanding of this word, then he will manage to manage his subjects of their subjects. Alas, from the family of Romanov, the family of the sovereign Nikolai Alexandrovich was standing out as shining a bright star on the dark heaven. Many relatives of Tsar Nicholas, who accused him of weakness and inability to manage the country, in family affairs everything was not too good, sometimes reaching open promiscuity. About the seven, the sovereign was remembered: "In our age weakening of the moral and family foundations, the August Chet gave an example of the ideal of Christian, family, married love, preferring to hold moments of rest in the family circle" ( Inok Seraphim (Kuznetsov). Orthodox tsar-martyr).

"What an example, if only about him knew, gave this such a worthy family life, full of such tenderness! But how few people suspected about her! True, that this family was too indifferent to public opinion and was hidden from foreign explosion "(tutor of the heir to Pierre Gilira).

The guard of Yakimov to the question of why he went guard arrested the royal family, answered: "I have not seen anything thin then. As I said, I still read different books. I read the books of the party and disassembled in the parties ... I was on convictions more close to the Bolsheviks, but I did not believe that the Bolsheviks would be able to establish a real, right life their ways, that is, violence. I thought and now it seems that good, fair life, when there is no such rich and such poor, as now, will come only when all the people understand that the present life is unreal. I considered the first capitalist who will always keep the hand of the capitalists, and not workers. So I did not want the king and thought that he had to be kept in custody, in general, in conclusion for the protection of the revolution, but until the people would judge him and would not go with him on his affairs: he was bad and to blame for his homeland or not . And if I knew that he would be killed as he was killed, I would never go to guard him. It, in my opinion, could judge only all Russia, because he was the king of the whole Russia. And the case, what happened, I consider it a bad, unfair and cruel. Murder of all the rest of his family is also worse. Why were his children who were killed? .. I never told a single time with a king, nor with any of his family. I only met with them. Meetings were silent ...

However, these silent meetings with them did not pass for me without a trace. I have created in my heart the impression of everyone from them ... From my thoughts of the previous king, with what I went to guard, nothing left. As I looked at them with my own eyes several times, I became a soul to treat them quite differently: I was sorry for me ... "

And here are some more memories.

Colonel Kobylinsky: "About the whole of the August family as a whole I can say that they all loved each other and life in their family all their spiritually satisfying that they did not demand any other communication and did not seek. Such an amazingly friendly, loving family, I have never met in my life and, I think, I will never see anymore in my life. "

I. Stepanov: "Their love was touching (children. - M. K.) And straight adoration of parents and mutual friendship. Never seen such a consent to such a numerous family. Walking with a state truck or a joint reading was considered a festive event. "

Alexey Volkov, Campner Empress: "I do not know how to tell about the characters of the royal family, because I was unacceptable, but I will say how I can. I will say about them just: it was the most holy and clean family. "

Children in Orthodox society brought up on obedience to their parents and honor them. To read the mother and father was perceived as the commandment of God, without compliance with which there was no prosperous maturity of man. A woman and knew their responsibility of family ministry and realized their duty to spiritual education of children. Parents understood all the need for wise pedagogical conversations with a child in the family.

Thus, all the oldest Orthodox traditions determine the special role of the family in the education of children, and, consequently, in the formation of the whole Christian, Orthodox society and humanity as a whole. And at the heart of the education of children lies with parents' parents. And this is the only right way.

Since only your own example, you can teach a child to love and read the parents, be moral and spiritually developed, honest and responsible and be ready to educate your children and take care of them. And it is also on the basis of your own examples and through the upbringing yourself.

Based on the article of Christian, Father
Two children, pilgrimage organizer
According to the holy places of Russia, Alexander Cotina.