Regular texting with a girl. How to communicate with a girl on VKontakte

Today, more and more acquaintances with girls are moving from real life to the Internet. More specifically, VK. However, when it comes to communication, many guys do not understand at all how to communicate with a girl and what you can talk to her about. Actually, I already wrote an article on how to get acquainted in VK. But direct acquaintance and further communication are different. When you meet, you just use a few templates and quickly take the number. It is not always possible to immediately meet in real life, or the girl does not want to leave her number yet. This is where Internet communication skills come in handy.

Once upon a time, in the early years of the founding of the Vkontakte website, it was much easier to meet girls on this social network. People just registered, have not yet fully mastered their attitude to these sites. Yes, and rolled up to the ladies quite rarely.

But, nevertheless, even today, with the right approach, you can meet and communicate with girls on VK. Below you will find a few rules of communication, as well as specific examples.

How to communicate with a girl in VK - basic rules

#1 Don't be intrusive. Nobody likes obsessive behavior, and you have to be tactful towards the girl. If you do not see enthusiasm from her answers, then it is better to say that you will write to her later. The reasons may be different: she is in a bad mood, she got a deuce at the university, the hamster died, etc. If you do not feel these moments, then you can strongly push the girl away.

#2 Be original and not boring. Forget such phrases as “how are you”, “what are you doing” and the like. They do not want to answer. Try to find a common theme and develop it by adding your great sense of humor and intelligence. This is much better than procrastinating short or long correspondence about nothing.

#3 Don't bombard a girl with questions. If you ask any interesting question, try to develop a conversation or discussion out of it. If you pour questions one after another, it greatly annoys a person.

#4 Don't always stay online. If you constantly stick around in VK, then this suggests that you are an uninteresting person who has nothing to do but sit out his pants in front of the computer. And if a girl notices this, then it will greatly lubricate the impression of you.

#5 Turn on your sense of humor. In order for your girlfriend to begin to experience emotions when communicating with you, use a sense of humor. Indeed, without this component, the conversation will turn out to be serious and boring.

What to talk about with a girl in VK - the best topics for conversation

There are several topics for conversation, which can always be interesting to talk with a girl. For example:


You can find out what a girl is like, what she does, is fond of and how she spends her free time. And also make a conclusion for yourself whether this person is interesting to you at all.


A traditional theme, especially among the British. In some situations, it's nice to talk about the weather.



Perhaps the girl is engaged in some kind of sport. Then it will be a good topic for conversation. Provided that you also like sports.


Here you can find out about the views of the girl on life. How she sees her relationship with the opposite sex.


Many people have a dog, cat, hamster, etc. at home. Relaxed and fun theme.


Nothing without him 🙂. Of course, from the very beginning of dating, you should not talk about sex. But in the future, this is a very good topic in order to learn about the sexual preferences of the girl. Show that you are not shy about talking about it. Also, such conversations have a positive effect on quick seduction.

An example of communicating with a girl on VK for the purpose of seducing (excerpt):

Tatiana: That's right. Therefore, you need to clearly express your thoughts and desires.

Mark: I like you, I want to make love to you

Tatyana: Even so at once

Tatyana: Very unexpected

Tatyana: Did you like me the day before yesterday?))

Mark: no, not at all

Tatyana: I liked you too

Mark: that's good

Mark: and I clearly expressed my desire)

Tatyana: Now yes.

Tatyana: Let's make love.

Mark: Saturday

Tatyana: In the evening

Tatyana: I never planned such activities.

Tatyana: And you?

Mark: Me too

Tatyana: Everything happens for the first time

Tatyana: But it will be fair. So?

Mark: That's right. No misunderstandings

Tatyana: And everything is like in adults

Tatyana: And like in the movies)

Mark: exactly)

Tatyana: But still, there will be embarrassment. Is not it?

Mark: slight embarrassment is in place)

Tatyana: But only light)))

Tatyana: Do you like kissing?

Mark: Yes, very much. And you?

Tatyana: And I am very

Mark: Cool

Tatiana: yeah

Tatyana: We have already found one common interest

Mark: good interest))

Tatyana: Excellent)

Tatyana: I think we'll find more)

Mark: No doubt

Tatyana: Mutual confidence)

Tatyana: I just forgot how old you are.

Tatiana: 26?

Tatyana: And when 25

Tatyana: Do you remember how much I

Mark: in July

Mark: 29 like

Mark: right?

Tatyana: Not anymore

Tatyana: Something I'm much older than you (

Tatiana: 30

Mark: ok, 5 years difference

Tatyana: Okay) if so

Tatyana: Time to sleep

Mark: Sweet dreams

Tatyana: Thank you. And you. Till tomorrow

A simple example of a conversation in VK:

Mark: Oh, hi)

Alyona: Hi) why such a surprise?

Mark: somehow our previous conversation was interrupted)

how is your mood?

Alena: the mood is excellent, the session is over! I will go home soon

and how are you?

Mark: I’m fine too, recently returned from the lake, swam in the dark)

but home where?

Alyona: ********* **********

far away

Mark: When are you going?

Alyona: 5 numbers

Mark: I'm going to Poland tomorrow, I'll be back in the evening, we could see each other)

Alyona: I wouldn’t mind, otherwise it’s so boring in the hostel

Mark: Do you live on Pushkinskaya?

Alena: Moscow

hostel near the technical university

Mark: ah, got it

write your number, I'll call you when I arrive tomorrow

Alyona: hey.. well, you're fast))) you go to the Internet, I'll wait for you here

Where're you from? tell about yourself?

Mark: let's better at the meeting, so it will be more interesting to talk)

Alyona: well, tell me something, otherwise I don’t know you at all

Mark: is it scary to meet?) I am a decent young man, I do boxing and love to travel)

Alena: wow, that's interesting

boxing, travel

How long have you been boxing?

Mark: 6 years old

Alyona: Have you been traveling for a long time?

Mark: at the end of July I will go to Germany, and from there to Turkey)

Alena: cool)

wait for me tomorrow

Alyona: ok, what time

I just need to collect things tomorrow

Mark: oh, I don’t know, it’s hard to say, that’s why I asked for the number so that it would be easier to contact

Alyona: well

and then I'll have to stay in contact all day

Mark: I think it should be by 7

Alena: good

Now you know how to communicate correctly and what you can talk about with a girl on VK. Good luck!

Today, when virtual communication is available and relevant, getting to know the girl you like has become much easier. Of course, what we cannot say, we can write.

However, there are more and more self-confident womanizers every day, and the demands of beauties are higher and higher. That is why you need to know a few rules that will set you apart from the crowd and make it HER to wait for the moment when you finally appear “on the network”.

Is it possible to be interested by correspondence

Remember the most important rule: you must arouse the interest of the girl, and not just “dissolve” her into a conversation, and this must be done from the very first words.

BUT! Even if you failed to interest a girl by correspondence (whether at the very beginning or in the process of communication), you should not get angry, blame yourself, lose faith in your own strength. Maybe you're just not her type or she already has a loved one.

And even more so, you don’t need to be rude to her or assume that she “put you out as a clown”.

It is possible that she treats you quite well, and your communication will continue later, just now was not the best time to get to know each other (family problems, depression, and maybe even everything is much simpler: preparing for exams, interruptions in the Internet, etc.). ).

What to write to intrigue a girl

Avoid Templates

A guy will have little chance of communicating with a girl if he uses formulaic phrases like: “How are you? What are you doing?”, “You are beautiful”, “You are sexy”, etc.

It's beat up and unoriginal. That's what everyone does. So now is the time to stand out from the crowd!

Don't be afraid that she will laugh at you. No wonder they say that any nonsense said confidently can be called a point of view.

Be positive

Few people can resist an interesting merry fellow, so your communication should be full of optimism and humor.

One of the easiest ways to show your positive attitude in correspondence is to use emoticons (from graphic to the most simplified, like “)))))”).

It will help you to diversify and at the same time simplify communication, but you don’t need to “spam” them.

Don't self-promotion

Nobody likes boasters. Stories about how wonderful and original you are are unlikely to interest her. Let her draw her own conclusions about you. It’s better to ask more, because girls love to talk about themselves so much.

Demonstrate the versatility of knowledge

She needs to know that you are versatile. But the demonstration should take place in an unobtrusive form, it should not be allowed to look like boasting (“Ay, yes I am! Ay, yes, well done!” - it’s not necessary).

The element of surprise can play a big role. For example, a girl meets a guy whom everyone considers the “soul” of the company, they are happy to see at any party, and not a single holiday is complete without his vulgar jokes. Accordingly, his new acquaintance develops a general opinion about him only on the basis of these observations.

But later, when she gets to know him better, he shows her touching poems of his own composition. Inevitably, the opinion about a person immediately changes, he becomes more interesting for her: there are new topics for conversation, there is a possibility that a little later there will be new similar unexpected “discoveries”.

Diversify communication with media files

Such communication is suitable for social networks. For example, on the popular Vkontakte website, there are many options for sending pictures, music, videos, gifs, text documents, gifts, etc. All this will make it possible to diversify your communication, help you learn about her interests and demonstrate yours.

Also, sending media files will be an original way to hint at something to a girl, express your emotions, invite her on a date, etc.

Ease and pleasure

Your communication should not be tense, and then she will forget about all the problems with you.

Find topics that you both enjoy talking about (vacation, life goals, etc.), briefly describe some unusual or funny incident in your life, ask her about something neutral that will not cause her negative emotions.

Intrigue and intrigue

When communicating with her, use the pick-up scheme: stay closer, then further away. For example, while texting with her for two days, suddenly disappear for a day, but later find a reasonable explanation for this that will not offend her (they turned off the Internet, went to the dacha to help her grandmother, sat with her nephew).

Another way to create intrigue is to say that you have a surprise for her, but you will reveal the veil of secrecy a little later.

All this will not let you be predictable, it will make her think more about you.

Tell me about your active life

Make her want to spend every minute with you! Winter fishing, hiking, barbecue in the country with friends, ice skating, skateboarding, skiing, cinema, theaters, traveling by car…

Show her that you are not sitting still, that she will definitely not get bored with you! Of course, all your stories must be true, otherwise it will be considered a hoax.

Communication rules

In correspondence with a girl, however, as well as during real communication, do not forget about the rules of communication:

  • The interlocutor must be literate. Firstly, there is a high probability that banal mistakes will annoy a friend, and secondly, some phrases can mislead her (remember “You can’t be pardoned to execute”).
  • Do not allow the use of obscene language. It is always more pleasant for a girl to communicate with someone who knows how to control his speech (and it doesn’t matter how he talks with friends, acquaintances). It is known that such words in written speech are more repulsive than in oral speech.
  • Can't be obsessive. The surest way is to find out if she is busy now and if she can give you some time to communicate (by the way, showing attention and some care for the opposite sex is a fairly strong psychological technique that immediately predisposes to the interlocutor). Otherwise, there is a chance that you will begin to annoy her, because at this time she may be busy with other things (work, meeting guests, or another inappropriate situation).

Also, in this case, obsession should be understood as the frequent sending of similar messages (for example, every hour “Hi! How are you?”), Long persuasions to continue communication (such as: “Well, don’t leave”, “Write / Tell me something” etc.).

Video: What to write to a girl Vkontakte

Sample phrases

Naturally, it all depends on your goals, character (both yours and hers). Here are a few win-win (in most cases) phrases as an example:

  • “I would like to meet you. You do not mind?"- here the young man immediately declares his desires, but at the same time shows that her opinion is not indifferent to him;
  • “I saw you today. You look great!”- here the guy is trying to attract attention in two ways at once: he is interested and makes a compliment;
  • "Beautiful pictures. Where were they made?– positive assessment and open expression of interest.

Giving a lot of templates for communication is useless, because the guy himself must take the initiative. In fact, you can come up with a lot of examples, the main thing is that phrases should not contain vulgarity, open flattery, ambiguity.

Important: your chances of drawing her attention to your person will help one very effective, but at the same time obvious trick - calling her by name.

This will show that you are truly interested in the person. Compare: “Hi, Katyusha. How did you spend your day today? and hi. How did you spend your day today? If someone did not notice a big difference, we recommend that you just take our word for it!

SMS correspondence

This way of getting acquainted is more difficult than in contact, in classmates and other social networks, where, by going to the user's page, it is possible to find out a lot of information about him.

However, if you are already familiar with the girl you are interested in, using SMS you can maintain communication (between correspondence in social networks, calls, meetings, etc.), because each message is not only a piece of attention, but also a process that has some kind of magical mystery.

Here there are confessions of feelings, proposals to go somewhere, romantic or funny poems, various wishes (have a good day, good morning, good night, etc.).

Video: Behavior on the Internet

This situation has happened to everyone - you met a girl who you really like, but you don’t know what to talk about with her. In this article, we will talk about how to choose the right topic for communication, find common interests with a girl and interest her.

Inappropriate topics for communication with a girl

Obviously, you should not talk to a girl about topics that she is not interested in. For example:

  • Racing cars and motorcycles - if she does not like speed, but prefers safe driving;
  • Horror or action movies if she prefers romantic comedies;
  • Computers and their components, unless of course your girlfriend is a hacker.

There are also a number of topics that should be excluded:

  • politics;
  • nationalism;
  • religion.

Your views may differ significantly, and then your romantic date may end in a quarrel.

Also, don't talk to girls about your "ex" girlfriends. Remember! Never! Take this as your rule.

We start communication. Getting to know the girl better

The only thing any person can talk about endlessly is about himself. If you don't know how to start a conversation with a woman - ask her tell about yourself. Here are the relevant topics:

  • What are her hobbies and what are her hobbies?
  • What kind of pastime does she like best - a quiet, calm atmosphere at home with a mug of coffee or nightly clubbing with friends;
  • What does her name mean, who is she according to the horoscope;
  • Does he believe in love at first sight and trust dream books;
  • What does she do in her free time, where she likes to go;
  • Pay special attention to her plans for the future;
  • Favorite drink, fragrance, movie, book, season, color;
  • Separately, you should ask about her favorite colors. Be sure to memorize them. When you come to your next date with a bouquet of her favorite flowers, it will definitely make a strong impression on her;
  • Ask if she has ever done crazy and thoughtless things, for what?

We continue communication. We are looking for points of contact.

So the exploration is over. You already have an idea of ​​what kind of person is sitting in front of you. Then the conversation should be continued on common, interesting topics for both of you. You have already formed a general opinion about the range of her interests. Well, you know your range of interests like the back of your hand. Where your interests intersect - there and you should look for the most interesting topics for conversations.

If there are no points of contact (this also happens), do not despair. You can always find topics that one way or another concern both. For example:

  • Favorite places in your city;
  • Weather;
  • Mutual acquaintances (if any);
  • Significant events and activities.

Additional win-win themes


All women on the planet are insanely romantic creatures. Tell me how you would like to meet sunrises and see off sunsets with her, look at the stars on the shores of the azure coast and admire its outlines in the moonlight.


Not all girls are athletes. But each of them is always trying to follow their figure. If you are a sports man, then this is your topic. Here she will listen to you very carefully.

Tell her about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition, perhaps she is trying to stick to it. Ask if she goes to the gym, or any sections - fitness, shaping, yoga, etc. If not, but she says that she always dreamed about it, offer her a joint visit to the gym or pool.


Find out what kind of music she likes to listen to, what movies to watch. Perhaps she draws well or dances, sings or plays some musical instrument. If you are doing the same, then you will have something to talk about.

Her family and relatives

All girls love to tell how much they love their mom and dad. That they are an ideal couple for her and that, following their example, she would like to build her love.

If a girl has brothers or sisters, do not deprive them of an extra question. Ask their names, how old they are, what they like, where they study and what they would like to be in the future. If they are already adults, find out if they have their own families and how often they gather for common holidays or on weekends.

If your girlfriend has neither a brother nor a sister, you can talk with her about whether she ever wanted to have them and why. Find out more about her childhood. Did she go to kindergarten, did she like it there. Let him relax a little and plunge into the atmosphere of carefree years.


It is also worth talking with a girl about love for our smaller brothers. Every girl loves animals. Find out if she has a pet, be sure to ask what his name is and how old he is. Ask to see a photo! (for you it will play a plus). And if you yourself love animals, then you can talk endlessly on this topic.


Humor can be an added bonus. Laughter, as you know, prolongs life. Therefore, more jokes, especially if you are excellent at it, it turns out, tell some interesting and funny anecdote or a case from life. Just in case, you must always have 7-8 jokes in your arsenal for all occasions in life. If you can cheer her up, consider it in the bag.


The main thing is not to overdo it! Throw a couple of phrases about how wonderful she looks, how this dress suits her and perfectly matched lipstick (after all, she spent a lot of time on this before your date and it would be a pity if you don’t appreciate it) this article.


You have to be careful with this topic. Go to it only if you are sure that you already have a complete understanding. Wherein, should not touch her past lovers. But, for example, you can talk about your favorite poses.

It is better to bring up the topic of sex towards the end of the date. Talking about sex at the very beginning can scare her away.

Well, in general, in a conversation with a girl, act according to circumstances. Don't worry, don't be nervous and don't fuss. On a first date, don't force things. Imagine that she is your friend, whom you have not seen for 10 years. Don't be afraid to talk about what you like and try to learn more about her.

So, what to write to a girl in the first message on VKontakte?

Each guy faced the problem of how to start a correspondence with a girl in contact and how to immediately win her attention. I call the first message "opener". An interesting opener allows you to open communication with an unfamiliar girl and.

Here, dear friend, the rule of "make or break" applies.

The first message on VKontakte is the most important element of seduction, which largely determines how your communication will go on. The vast majority of guys act too corny, write as the first message "Hello how are you?" or " you are beautiful, let's get to know each other?. In general, there is nothing wrong with these phrases. So we can meet a girl on the street, and we logically assume that we can write these phrases in the first message to a girl on VKontakte.

But let me open your eyes to reality - until you have photos of you looking like Brad Pitt, the effectiveness of such first messages will be very low. To too many girls, too many men write such too banal first messages. They lack emotions, and they do not set the right tone of correspondence to interest the girl. Thus, you come back to the fact that you don’t know how to start a correspondence with a girl you like.

So when you text a girl for the first time, your task is to provoke the girl to want to communicate with you.

If you write in the first message "you're beautiful" or "You look great", then these phrases do not provoke the girl to answer. Yes, I'm beautiful, thank you. Everything! Communication has been interrupted. You need to write something that she will definitely respond to and will want to see the next message from you, thus you will take the first step in the direction.

Instead of dating templates popular on the Internet, it is best to start a correspondence with a girl from the so-called contextual first message. This is a message - which you compose individually for each girl, hooked on something in her VKontakte page. It can be a template, the main thing is that it fits the situation.

Here's an example of a successful first post that I've used a lot in the past. I found a girl I was interested in, who was often online in the evenings, and I wanted to write her the first message:

Hello, I accidentally noticed that you are constantly on VKontakte ... Tell me, plz, how to block a person I don't know? Otherwise, you will probably laugh for a long time, some 40-year-old aunt writes to me all the time ... I don’t want to communicate with her! (((

This first message hides the reason why the girl will definitely want to answer. I explain: after reading the message, the girl gets the impression that others think that she sticks out too much time on VKontakte. I create the feeling that she is a computer scientist who does not get out of virtuality and does not have a personal life. She will surely want to refute such an opinion of mine! Because she is a modern young girl!

The girl replied to my first message:

Where did you get?!) just an hour a day! What kind of aunt is that?

Women really care what you think of her. And she wants this opinion to coincide with her own. Therefore, the use of such phrases or supposedly implicit reproach in her direction ... will always provoke her to prove the opposite.

Instead of writing the first message, you can start a conversation with a girl with any comment on her photos that will slightly offend the girl and with which she will want to argue with you. It is important that he does not offend the girl. For this, it is better that he be in a playful form. For example, recently I wrote such a bantering comment on a photo of a girl on VKontakte.

The girl had a photo shoot in the hayloft, and I commented:

Wow! You won't believe it BUT!!! my grandmother has a very similar photo in her photo album! There she is with her grandfather in the hayloft in the same dress) And the grandfather is in multi-colored shorts) the photo is true - b / w. There are coincidences...

How do you think this comment looked against the backdrop of “Pretty!”, “You are sexy!”, “What a cute photo!” left by a dozen other guys?

Pay attention! I don't laugh at a girl. I do not write "ha ha well and the dress is ancient." Instead, I'm shifting my focus from her to the unusual coincidences in our lives. In the case of the previous example, I shifted the focus to the problem with adding me as a friend. If I directly wrote “ha ha, I see you sticking around for days on end!”, then the girl would probably freeze and start persand with the girl would have to be done again. As you can see, having adopted the peculiarities of female psychology, we have created a sense of interest in you!

Having learned such tricks, you will know exactly how to start a correspondence with a girl in Contact, and you will have a positive response from her.

To make it easier for you to remember, you can put the criteria in a small list that will help you.
So, the main criteria for success:

  1. Pointed and provocative first message
  2. The page must be formatted correctly, i.e. look like a macho

P.S. Here I will point out what should have been said at the very beginning - if your page is not attractively filled, then say goodbye to positive responses to your messages. The girls won't even talk to you. To get more information on how, study the pages of my blog and only then start dating.

Catastrophe! Guys, you don't know how to text girls at all. I am by no means surprised by your plaintive posts about being "ignored". Based on personal experience, I can say the following: it's time to change something. Sometimes it's just impossible to communicate with you. Or you are too curious, which causes the effect of interrogation by the prosecutor. Or they are too laconic, which is more reminiscent of a dialogue with a loved one. At times, even too annoying.

From a height of not very great, but very bitter experience, I can no longer observe the ongoing nightmare. I have the audacity to teach you how to text girls properly!

Get in, guys!

1. A successful start is the key to continuation

Often, after the very first message, the thought gradually creeps into the head of the interlocutor: this passenger is clearly not interesting to me. To avoid this effect, you must be original. Even if you are not really like that, at least try to pretend. Do anything, use your convolutions, but she must think that you are special. Don't be afraid to be smart. Dumb and impudent "cool peppers" in an adequate female half cause a gag reflex.

There is another unwritten truth: to make a girl fall in love with you, it is enough to make her laugh. It works, believe me) But it is important not to overdo it, otherwise you will forever remain a friend, just fun to laugh with.

To successfully continue the conversation, you do not need to start with a question. "How deep is the Nile?" and "How many feathers does a parrot have?" It is better to take an interest in the past session or a future holiday. In this case, you will be sure that the girl will not rush to leaf through the 10-volume encyclopedia to answer you. And for God's sake, keep it simple.

There is no need to print an essay in three chapters. It's infuriating. Terribly annoying. It just pisses you off. One short message can contain a lot of meaning.

You, dear men, probably believe that it is not the literacy of the text that is important, but its content? Or do you consider ignorance to be your highlight? Perhaps you think that your dullness makes you cooler? Not?

Then explain to me what it is: "Hi, how dila. Why don't you unsubscribe !!!" Personally, THIS causes one thought in me: "Hug and cry!". Dear guys, no one doubts that smoking under the windows of the school is much more interesting than studying in it, but be human. Before you send your memoirs to a girl, read them yourself. Correct the mistakes, at least half, and your message will not cause irritation, but joy.

2. We support the degree of mood

So that the chatter does not get bored with the interlocutor too quickly, you can periodically tease her (in moderation, of course). Rare barbs and dirty phrases will only stir up interest in your person.

Any young lady will make the following conclusions:

- he has a lot of girlfriends, if he allows himself to take such risks;

- my beauty impressed him not as much as I expected;

- Well, nothing, nothing, I'll answer now ...

Keep in mind, too fluffy and vulnerable paws can immediately be offended and stop correspondence. The rest will be on the hook).

Don't forget to flirt while chatting. Light flirting will not only call your girlfriend for a longer conversation, but will also make it clear that you like her. The main thing is not to scare away, because stories like "what a pleasant voice and beautiful eyes" no longer inspire confidence in modern ladies.

To make the interlocutor afraid of losing a caring and attentive boyfriend in your face, make it clear that you are interested in her. If you are aware of her next trip somewhere or an economics exam, write the night before wishing her good luck or a safe trip. Just don't get it too far ... Nobody needs a "bonus" dad.

Find common interests, look for coincidences in leisure, read the questionnaire of the interlocutor. It's hard to build sensible communication if you rumble non-stop about fishing, and your girlfriend about shopping. A conversation between a deaf person and a dumb person will get you nowhere. Common ground is just as important in communication as it is in family life.

3. Happy ending)

Being able to stop in time is a very useful feature. Do not fill the mouth with your kind chatter. If a girl lets you know that this stage of correspondence is coming to an end, you should not drag it out in every possible way. Otherwise, this will be your last virtual meeting.

Do not dare to strike at arrogance and vulgarity. Sex on the Internet and on the phone requires a fairly long preliminary relationship. And judging by the fact that you are now reading my publication, you don’t have those yet))). Therefore, moderate your fountain of desires and return to earth. If a woman wants sex, she will invite you to visit over time. Perhaps later. Or maybe not, it depends on how well you studied the previous two points.

Wherever your correspondence goes, the main thing is to end it on a positive note, so that after communicating with you there is no negative aftertaste. I can't stand it when a feeling of relief comes at the end of a dialogue. Phew! So precious time was wasted.
In fact, everything ingenious is simple: be yourself, joke, be interested and talk about yourself, tease and joke, flirt and light up. Again, be yourself! Falsity is always visible.

author: Lilia Dmitrenko, for the site