Very restless newborn what to do. Why babies are restless. Physiological lactase deficiency

“Why is my child so restless? Why isn't he sleeping? Children of friends behave like an angel, and mine ... "In his new book" Being a mother is great! " psychologist and mother of many children Larisa Surkova talks about two main reasons for the anxious behavior of the baby. The first is from the intrauterine world, the second is from the first months of a child's life.

The baby's brain is one of the organs that begin to develop intensively already in the fourth week of pregnancy. For early development many mothers play music for their child, read books and take him to museums. But at the same time, little attention is paid to daily communication with others, especially with her husband.

John Medina wrote very well in one of my favorite books, The Rules for Your Baby's Brain Development: “Do you want to endure pregnancy and help your baby become harmonious and intelligent? Leave him alone". This is true. The best psychological foundation for a child's future life is peace during pregnancy.

The brain of even an unborn child absorbs the surrounding information. Before the child's senses are formed, his connection with the outside world occurs through the hormones that the mother produces: cortisol, adrenaline. The kid gets used to them, they stimulate him to develop a certain line of behavior.

Restless child? 4 reasons after birth

But what about those whose baby has already been born and literally harassing mom with his anxiety? First, rule out tummy problems, neurological problems, and other health issues. Before taking medications and doing massage courses, for any ailments and a child in the first months of life, it is worth visiting an osteopath. And then ... Get hold of yourself! There are four main causes of parental anxiety in children:

  1. Lack of sleep in parents.
  2. Social isolation of parents.
  3. Unequal distribution of the burden between parents.
  4. Depression in one of the parents.
  1. Lack of sleep destructive for the psyche of mother and child. A baby is born with his own rhythm of life, not knowing that his mother needs to sleep for so many hours in a row. More and more experts believe that the peculiarities of nighttime sleep are inherent in genetics, but one cannot exclude the discomfort that causes the outside world in a newborn: it is unusually dry (after intrauterine stay in water), atmospheric pressure periodically changes, and parents have a certain mood. ... The brain immediately after childbirth begins to absorb information at a tremendous speed. All this prevents the child from establishing his own regime.

Mom and Dad must be in adequate condition. If you can't do it yourself, ask for help. It is a big mistake for parents to try to assign all responsibilities to mom. No need to strive for this, on the contrary, give your mother a rest and the opportunity to sleep at the same time as the baby, if she has such a need.

If there are no grandmothers and there is no opportunity to hire assistants, then it is necessary, in modern terms, “to score everything at all”! Talk to your husband, describe your condition. Remember that lack of sleep is destructive for the psyche, it entails depression, lack of desire to contact people. Aggression against a husband who manages to sleep longer will only increase.

  1. Communication is necessary for a young mother! Are you unable to communicate with people in real life? Do it virtually: write about yourself and your difficulties using social networks and forums for moms. You need this support. Do not forget about communication with your husband: arrange yourself a joint day off, or at least spend a couple of hours alone to talk calmly, discuss all the news.
  2. Share household chores. Many women save their husbands from worries in advance: "You provide us, it is hard for you, so at home I will do everything myself." But the child is not interested in the level of income in the family, he needs parents who perceive the new stage of life joyfully, and not like torture! Everything can be done simply and clearly: mom takes care of the baby at night, and dad picks him up at 6 o'clock in the morning when he wakes up. Believe me, a man can get ready for work while his wife is sleeping. And, as a rule, children behave well under the supervision of dad, because dad treats everything easier.
  3. If you carefully study the following points, depression will not overtake you. Please note that the result will be only with daily work on yourself, and not from a single attempt.

How to prevent postpartum depression

  1. Mom, buy yourself a sedative collection and drink it in liters - instead of tea, coffee and everything else. This is an excellent remedy for keeping your nervous system in an adequate state. You need this, as the level of hormones "jumps", and this affects the nervous system.
  2. Remember that the baby went through tremendous stress during the birth process. You returned from the hospital to your familiar environment, but he did not. Everything in this world is alien to him except you. Leave the household alone, devote at least the first three months to the child. Buy if needed. If you are breastfeeding, wonderful! If not, just be with your child. Do all the other things at will and based on the state.
  3. Dear dads! Have you ever had children? And staying at home with your child? And with two weather? And eat when you're lucky? And sleep 3-4 hours a day for many months? And with the baby in your arms, keep the house clean and cook dinner for your beloved? So why do you think that your wife and child did not do anything all day, and that dinner is somehow simple?

Do not demand, but do something yourself if you want the love of your wife and children. Your new way of life has become like that with your participation. Do not forget that children are serious and for life.

  1. Mom! Sleep and eat as you please.
  2. Connect with others. Do not read silently, but write about yourself and your difficulties - and you will find out that you are not alone. Thousands of moms live on this series, but believe me, it has a great sequel!
  3. The child reads your energetic mood. Mom and Dad think that there is nothing wrong with discussing their relationship or complaining about the intolerable behavior of the baby: "He doesn't understand anything yet." Yes, children do not understand the meaning of words, but they read the mood of their parents - remember this! Don't talk bad about him - and about each other too.
  4. Allow yourself to live, not exist. All children are different, and so are their mothers. If you sit on the floor with a baby on your stomach and play with an older child, instead of rushing about cooking dinner and cleaning the apartment, the house will become quiet. Do not think that everyone will die of hunger and become overgrown with dirt. You may want to be a superwoman, but now you just have to be a mom.

Comment on the article "Restless child, does not sleep well? Reasons - in the behavior of the parents"

Restless sleep. Good day! So initially she had trouble sleeping. She didn’t fall asleep badly, but then she suddenly woke up, jumped up and she started having the most How to react to the whims of a child, what measures to take in case of hysteria.

Why are children "nervous"? When accusing your child of being overly nervous, think for a moment: is this your fault? I try to behave as calmly as possible, to do Restless child, does not sleep well? The reasons are in the behavior of the parents.

Dream. A child from birth to one year. Care and upbringing of a child up to one year old: nutrition, illness, development. A very restless sleep! Please advise how to be and what to do! Hello girls! So that the baby does not crawl off the sofa, I substitute chairs with a back so that ...

Dream. Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years: hardening and development, nutrition and illness, daily routine and development of everyday skills. Restless child, does not sleep well? The reasons are in the behavior of the parents.

Restless child? 4 reasons after birth. But what about those whose baby has already been born and literally harassing mom with his anxiety? Cause for concern? Restless child, does not sleep well? The reasons are in the behavior of the parents.

restless sleep and osteopath? I already wrote here that Sanyulya from 6 months. does not sleep well at night. Does the baby cry a lot? When to show a child to an osteopath. However, over time, you can study your child. Restless child, does not sleep well? The reasons are in the behavior of the parents.

Children's developmental psychology: child behavior, fears, whims, tantrums. Restless child, does not sleep well? 4 reasons after birth. But what about those whose baby has already been born and literally harassing mom with his anxiety?

What to do?. Kindergarten. Child from 3 to 7. Education, nutrition, daily routine, attendance at kindergarten and relationships with educators, illness and physical development of a child from 3 to 7 years old. Child's adaptation to kindergarten: bad behavior and whims.

Children's developmental psychology: child behavior, fears, whims, tantrums. My son (3 years old) has the same tantrums. We consulted a sleep expert - this is normal, it does not affect the baby and his psyche, children outgrow it.

Restless child, does not sleep well? The reasons are in the behavior of the parents. Night and day sleep of a child: how to set the mode. For example, parents say that a baby or toddler aged one to two years sleeps only 6, 5-7 hours a night.

Help. The child does not sleep well at night. Age norms. A child from birth to one year. Restless child, does not sleep well? The reasons are in the behavior of the parents. The most common cause for concern for parents at night is the crying or "whimpering" of the child in his sleep.

Children's developmental psychology: child behavior, fears, whims, tantrums. Restless child, does not sleep well? The reasons are in the behavior of the parents. Full moon???. Dream. A child from birth to one year. Care and upbringing of a child up to one year old: nutrition, illness ...

Restless child, does not sleep well? The reasons are in the behavior of the parents. In the end, after 3 years, I began to fall asleep with him (before that I fought hard for the child to sleep alone So I also set a limit for myself, but for 2 years, why has I been sleeping badly for 1.5 years ...

Restless child, does not sleep well? The reasons are in the behavior of the parents. Dislike for a child - is it treated? That is why I began to arbitrarily cancel topamax, because it has a bad effect on the psyche. development in my child.

Restless kid. Whims. A child from birth to one year. Care and upbringing of a child up to one year old: nutrition, illness, development. Restless child, does not sleep well? The reasons are in the behavior of the parents. The kid gets used to them, they stimulate him to produce ...

Restless kid. Whims. A child from birth to one year. Restless child, does not sleep well? The reasons are in the behavior of the parents. The kid gets used to them, they stimulate him to develop a certain line of behavior.

do not sleep well at night. Dream. A child from birth to one year. Care and upbringing of a child up to one year old: nutrition, illness, development. Sleep in the ninth month. A child of 9 months does not sleep well at night. Restless child, does not sleep well? The reasons are in the behavior of the parents. Whims.

Doesn't sleep well or neurology ?. Dream. Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years: hardening and development The child has cerebral palsy. He also sleeps restlessly during the day. The neurologist advised to drink courses ... Restless child, does not sleep well? The reasons are in the behavior of the parents.

Restless child, does not sleep well? The reasons are in the behavior of the parents. And therefore, he behaves in a problematic manner, in general, children very often attract so much attention. Plus, for many children at the age of 2-3 years, moments of hyperactivity are simply Section: Cerebral Palsy. whining, whims ...

The birth of a child is a great event for any family; various chores come with joy. But what to do if the child is also very restless. Restless baby Is the focus of the family. It requires constant care and companionship. Usually such a baby does not sleep well and cries a lot. Then the parents have a completely natural question: maybe he has something in pain, or he suffers from a wet diaper. It is very easy to find answers to such questions.

For the most part, newborns have several fits of angry crying. This state alternates with unusually deep sleep, when it seems that the child cannot be woken up. This behavior does not mean that the child is sick. It is worth a little patience and it will pass.

If the child is extremely active, he needs to take special soothing baths. They can be with valerian root, motherwort, mint or nettle. For one bath, you need to take 30 grams of each herb, pour a glass of boiling water and boil for 5 minutes. This infusion needs to stand for 2 hours, and then it must be filtered. The broth should be added when bathing in the water in the bathroom. If a child suffers from diaper rash, then it will not be superfluous to add oak bark, string, chamomile and St. John's wort. You can use the herb as a collection or separately.

If a baby cries, don't feed him right away. First, check if his diapers are dry and if the clothes are causing him unnecessary discomfort. If, while crying, the child pulls his legs to his stomach, then he is tormented by pain in the stomach. To relieve the baby from pain, put him on his tummy for a while before feeding. You can do special exercises with your child. Vigorously press the baby's legs bent at the knees to the stomach. If after that the baby cries and worries, then it is worth applying a warm heating pad or diaper to the tummy.

If the child is overly restless, then it is worth showing him to the doctor. If, during a loud or sharp noise, he flinches, rolls his eyes, and his chin trembles while crying, then be sure to contact a neurologist. If these phenomena are not very pronounced, they will go away on their own.

A restless baby is a constant cause for parents to worry. Before going to bed, you need to shake the child, a slight movement can calm him down. You can try to put him to sleep with music. Be sure to monitor your own condition, as it is transmitted to the baby. And a mother's nervous breakdown can be a cause for concern for the child.

Many young parents are terribly upset by the fact that babies have restless sleep. In addition, mom and dad themselves cannot rest properly because of the sleeping child. In this article, we will look at the causes of insomnia in young children.

Babies can groan and cry if something is disturbing them. Among the causes of restless sleep in an infant, it is worth highlighting:

  • constipation;
  • air in the stomach;
  • crusts that are stuck in the spout;
  • neurological problems.

Why are they pushing?

Does the baby have restless sleep and grunts? Perhaps he just wanted to go big. In children under one year old, a variant of the norm is to empty the intestines after each feeding. This is especially often manifested in babies that are breastfed. Since the rectum of the little one has not yet fully formed, and the stool of the baby is very soft, it can make sounds during the act of defecation, and the child grunts at the same time.

You need to worry and consult a doctor if the child is awake and the following symptoms are observed:

  • increased body temperature;
  • streaks of blood and mucus in feces;
  • convulsions.

The baby may also be uncomfortable if the room is too hot or cold. Next, we will tell you how to understand what is wrong with the baby, and what pediatricians recommend in such cases.

Difficulties in the work of the gastrointestinal tract

If the child has recently eaten and does not fall asleep in any way, but grunts and strains, then most likely he swallowed air during the meal. Follow him. Perhaps he spits up and makes sounds like "grunting"?

To avoid this problem, after eating, keep the little one upright for 20 minutes. Then all the excess air will come out. To put a child who has just eaten to bed, for safety reasons, it should be on the side. Use a rolled up diaper or towel as a support.

If this seems unreliable and unaesthetic to you, then you can find a special mattress on sale. It is impossible to lay the child on his back, as there is a risk that he will spit up in a dream and choke on the milk.

To eradicate the problem of air ingestion, purchase special bottles with a valve to release air for the artificial person. When breastfeeding, make sure that the baby picks up the nipple correctly. This happens when the baby's chin rests on the mother's mammary gland.


Even more often, restless sleep in infants is observed due to colic. The child has cramping pains in the tummy. Typically, they begin to torment infants at 2 weeks and stop at three months. For some, pain can last up to a year.

How to tell if a child has a restless sleep precisely because of colic? If the baby has problems with the tummy, then he cries heavily with anguish, squeezes his legs. Also, the child has manifestations of flatulence. The baby has a swollen and tight tummy, in which gases have accumulated.

When a child has colic, he often refuses to eat. He takes the breast just to calm down and uses it as a nipple, but does not want to eat. As a rule, during this period, the child either does not gain weight, or his growth stops. Even if the baby falls asleep, he whimpers in a dream. On the part of the gastrointestinal tract, troubles such as regurgitation, vomiting, green stools appear.

How to solve the problem?

First of all, the mother needs to calm down, since her excitement is completely transmitted to the child. This is a physiological condition that will go away on its own, even if you do absolutely nothing. The child's gastrointestinal tract will mature, and the torment will stop. But if the baby suffers too much, then mother, of course, wants to help him.

If the baby is bottle-fed, then purchase special bottles that are equipped with valves to release excess air. Choose a special blend with probiotics and prebiotics and lactulose. Such nutrition promotes good digestion and normalization of stools. Give your child Espumisan drops and other pharmaceutical preparations. There are also a lot of special herbal teas and dill water on sale.

If you are breastfeeding it is very commendable. To prevent colic, a nursing mother should adhere to a diet at least in the most acute period (from 2 weeks to three months). It is strictly forbidden to consume: soda, legumes, cabbage. You should also refuse products with a high content of chemistry: a variety of snacks (chips, crackers, salted nuts).

Do not eat smoked foods, fried foods, canned food. A nursing mother herself can also use dill water and special herbal teas that prevent colic. After all, if a small child is completely breastfed, then pediatricians do not recommend feeding the child up to six months. The healing components of the tea will get to the baby through breast milk.

Problems with defecation: the child does not sleep, fidgets, grunts

Does your baby have problems with bowel movements? Naturally, they can cause restless sleep in a child. You can talk about constipation if the child cannot empty himself for a long time, the feces have become very hard, the child is crying hysterically. If we close our eyes to the problem, the consequences can be very dire. Don't ignore her. Show the baby to the doctor and follow his instructions.

Usually, doctors prescribe glycerin suppositories to soften the stool. You can also use enemas. But do not do it too often, as a new problem called "lazy bowel" may arise. This is a situation when a child cannot empty himself without special means. The intestines of any person quickly get used to such help and no longer wants to work. Then constipation can become chronic, which is very bad, as it leads to general intoxication of the body and constant pain.

How to prevent and prevent digestive problems?

A nursing mother should follow the diet. If the baby is breastfed, the mother should eat 5-6 small meals a day. If there is a fact of constipation, then you need to include dairy products, prunes in the diet. You should refuse nuts, sweet (especially condensed milk), fresh baked goods, hard-boiled eggs, cabbage, cucumbers. Vegetable fiber can be taken in small portions.

The doctor will prescribe a special mixture with the content of lactulose to the artificial man. It improves the intestinal microflora in the intestines of the child. Do not forget to give the bottle-fed baby some water. It is very important! Lack of fluid is a common cause of constipation in babies.

Massage and gymnastics

Do you want to forget what restless sleep in babies is? Give your child massage and gymnastics. Tummy massage consists of clockwise stroking. You should drive around the area around the navel.

Do not forget to spread the crumb on your tummy. Just don't do it right after eating. For these purposes, it would be good to purchase a special large ball - fitball. It is very convenient for children, and it brings a certain element of the game. You can also do many exercises on the fitball that strengthen the abdominal muscles.

Crusts in the nose

Every person periodically has such a nuisance in the nose. An adult or an older child may simply blow their nose or rinse the nasal passages with water. A kid on his own can do absolutely nothing.

The baby needs to clean the nose constantly, that is, every day. To do this, you can wind the flagella from cotton wool in advance. Have them at your fingertips. Using cotton swabs for such purposes is convenient, but unsafe. The exception is special safe sticks for newborns. They have a large round head. But, unfortunately, they will not be able to completely clear the nasal passages.

So, take a flagellum and dip it in fizrastor or boiled water. You can also use boiled vegetable oil or baby body oil for these purposes, only odorless. The flagellum must be pushed into the nasal passage and rotated. Use a few if necessary until the last is completely clean.

Why children

Restless sleep in a young child may be accompanied by twitching. They most often scare young mothers. The child fell asleep and then suddenly makes a voluntary movement, for example, throws his arms up sharply. It can manifest itself at any moment, even when the child is only sinking into deep sleep.

Causes of flinching

Children, just like adults, have dreams. And they also have REM sleep. At this time, the baby's expression may change, the eyelids may move. He can cry, move his legs, throw up his arms, roll over. The child's breathing may become choppy, he may snort from something. This is all a normal situation. It is necessary to show the child to the doctor if the child wakes up more than 10 times a night. At the same time, the baby looks frightened and cries hysterically.

Reflex Moro

Another cause of flinching is the Moro reflex. This is a built-in survival mechanism that nature has endowed with babies. The fact is that for a newborn, the fact that he left a cozy house, his mother's tummy is a great stress. There he felt the support that the walls of the uterus provided.

The Moro reflex is an attempt to find support and balance. The space around the crumbs is too vast. The kid may dream that he is falling. Therefore, he shudders and very sharply raises his arms to the sides, he can scream at this moment. It looks creepy to Mom. This phenomenon can be accompanied by restless sleep in babies at 1 month and up to three. As a rule, after this period, this phenomenon passes. No wonder the first three months are called "the fourth trimester of pregnancy." The baby can also flinch from noise, pain, bright light.

Important! If you notice convulsive movements in a child during the entire period of sleep and at the same time the baby is screaming without waking up, this may be a sign of a health problem. Be sure to show the baby to the doctor. The cause may be a metabolic disorder, lack of calcium, high intracranial pressure.

How does a baby sleep at 1 month?

If you are worried about restless sleep in a baby at 1 month old, then you should know what regimen the baby should have at this age.

The baby is still very young, and he must rest most of the day. In the daytime, the baby should sleep for 2 hours about 4-5 times a day. The night's rest should be about 8 hours. Naturally, the baby will wake up for on-demand feedings.

Restless sleep in a baby at 2 months

The baby is growing, and its development is by leaps and bounds. It becomes more and more interesting for the baby to observe the world around him and less and less wants to sleep. He realized that being awake can be much more interesting. Now it is especially important to monitor the quality of his sleep. After all, for an active pastime you need a lot of strength.

How babies sleep at 2 months

Babies at 2 months of age still sleep most of the day. They sleep for about 16 hours. During the day, as a rule, 5-6 hours, at night - about 10 hours. While awake, play with your child, massage, and carry around the house. Children at this age begin to look at the faces of adults. This is the best toy for them. If a baby sleeps poorly at 2 months, then take a closer look at the baby. You may notice one of the symptoms described above.

Sleep at three months

A baby at this age should sleep about 15-17 hours a day. If the child rests for a couple of hours less, then this is also a variant of the norm. Do not take this figure as an axiom, every organism is unique in nature. Focus on the child's well-being.

A baby can spend about 5 hours on a nap at three months. A child usually plunges into the kingdom of Morpheus for 40-90 minutes 3-5 times per daylight.

The night's rest should be 10-12 hours. Naturally, a breastfed baby wakes up to satisfy hunger or thirst as many times as his body requires. Artists are fed every three to four hours. At this age, some kids begin to endure without food or drink for about 5-6 hours and give their mother a good night's sleep.

Restless sleep for babies at 5 months

At this age, children sleep at night for about 9-11 hours. They wake up several times to eat. Babies can get up quite often - every three hours. Children who eat formula can sleep for about 6-8 hours. This is because artificial baby food takes longer to digest and the baby becomes hungry later. Are you worried about the baby's restless sleep as he wakes up every hour? This situation is abnormal, since it does not allow both mother and child to fully rest.

You cannot understand why the baby is anxious. Perhaps, he is disturbed by noises from the street, too bright light of a lantern or lighting in the room. If you find such interference, then remove it.

Dry air in the room can also interfere with a good night's rest. This is especially pronounced in winter, when the central heating is on or you have turned on an additional heater.

Heating devices burn oxygen in the room, and the nasal mucous membranes dry out. The child cannot breathe normally through his nose and therefore tosses and turns in his sleep. He may also wake up and cry. If the child is awake, then give him a breast or some water. Place baby drops with sea salt on the nose. It is advisable to turn on a humidifier in the room. If there is no such unit in the house, then just place a bowl of water near the heater.

We remove the interference and tune in to a healthy sleep

Tight clothes, too warm a blanket, bring inconvenience to a baby at any age. Also, children at 5 months are already quite emotional. Do not play too active games before going to bed. Do not plan to host in the evening, or do so when you put your child to sleep at night.

On the contrary, give your baby a massage, bathe him in herbs that promote sound sleep. You can pour a decoction of mint, lemon balm, lavender, chamomile, thyme into the bath. Naturally, a mother's lullaby, a fairy tale told in a calm, quiet monotonous voice, has a wonderful effect on sleep. These tips aren't just for babies at five months old. You can come up with your own rituals for sound sleep for your baby from birth. He will get used to it and will fall asleep faster.

If your baby has a restless sleep, first of all, it is important to find out the causes of the problem, and only then look for ways to deal with it.

Lyubov Kulagina
Restless child. Hyperactivity syndrome

Kulagina Lyubov Leonidovna

educator of the highest qualification category

MBDOU "Kindergarten number 227"

Motovilikhinsky district of Perm.

Troubled child.


Many parents worries that their children are not attentive enough, restless, scattered. At the same time, problems in the primary grades are even among children with whom they studied a lot in preschool age, actively developing attention, memory and thinking. Parents cannot understand what is the reason for school failure. One of the very common explanations is - syndrome attention disorders with hyperactivity(ADHD). Hyperactivity syndrome can occur very early in the development process. Babies have increased muscle tone, are overly sensitive to stimuli (light, noise, sleep poorly, eat poorly, cry a lot, and it is difficult to calm them down. At 3-4 years of age, the inability becomes distinct baby focused on something study: he cannot calmly listen to a fairy tale, is not able to play games that require concentration of attention, his activities are predominantly chaotic. Peak manifestation syndrome - 6-7 years... Its main characteristics are: excessive impatience, especially in situations requiring relative calmness, a tendency to move from one activity to another, without completing any of them, fidgeting, wriggling at the moment when you need to sit. This behavioral trait becomes most apparent in organizational situations. (school, transport, clinic, museum, etc.)

But even the most ordinary children are sometimes very active and uncontrollable, without passing through the category hyperactive... Doesn't follow any excited baby categorize hyperactive... If your the child is full of energy, if she hits over the edge, which is why the baby sometimes becomes stubborn and disobedient - this does not mean that he hyperactive... If you are chatting with your girlfriend, and the child starts to get angry, cannot stand still, to sit at the table is normal. Children are tired and long journeys. Everyone baby from time to time there are moments of anger. And how many children start "Walk around" in bed when it's time to sleep, or indulge in the grocery store! What child becomes groovy, giving vent to boredom, is not at all a sign hyperactivity... Noisy « spoiled child» or a baby who wakes up neither light nor dawn, but full of strength and energy - this is joy, and not a reason for anxiety... And finally child, having deviations in behavior, also does not belong to the category hyperactive... Although it can be difficult to distinguish between normal moving child from hyperactive, there are a number of characteristic criteria. Hyperactive child probably manifested itself in a similar way in infancy age: he cried a lot, slept little, had a disturbed sleep schedule, it was difficult to calm him down, he suffered from colic, ate poorly, was irritable, did not like when they were sorry for him, shuddered from every sound, he wanted to drink all the time, he had all the time drooling. Many of the symptoms listed below are fairly common in two-year-olds, but not in older children.

To determine if your child has characteristics that are common to children with hyperactivity, check out the test for hyperactivity... Sounds like a child's play Find 5 Differences

Active child:

Most of the day is not "Sits still", prefers outdoor games to passive ones (puzzles, constructors, but if he is interested, he can read a book with his mother, and collect the same puzzle.

He speaks quickly and a lot, asks an endless number of questions.

For him, sleep and digestion disorders (intestinal disorders)- rather an exception.

He is not active everywhere. For example, restless and restless at home, but calm - in the kindergarten, visiting unfamiliar people.

He's not aggressive. That is, by chance or in the heat of conflict, it can give "Sandbox colleague", but he himself rarely provokes a scandal.

Hyperactive child:

He is in constant motion and simply cannot control himself, that is, even if he is tired, he continues to move, and when he is completely exhausted, he cries and hysteria.

He speaks quickly and a lot, swallows words, interrupts, does not listen to the end. Asks a million questions, but rarely listens to the answers.

It is impossible to put him to sleep, and if he sleeps, then in fits and starts, restlessly... He often has intestinal disorders. For hyperactive children all kinds of allergies are not uncommon.

The child is uncontrollable, while he absolutely does not react to prohibitions and restrictions. And in any conditions (house, shop, kindergarten, playground) behaves equally actively.

Often provokes conflicts. Does not control his aggression - he fights, bites, pushes, and uses helpers funds: sticks, stones ...

If the listed moments appear before the age of 7 years, specialist advice is required. You must first consult with teachers, a psychologist, and then contact a neuropathologist.

Establish the reason hyperactivity, consult with experts. Often such a child has a history of birth trauma, MMD (minimal brain dysfunction)... If a neuropathologist prescribes a course of medications, massage, a special regimen, you must strictly follow his recommendations.

Tell teachers, educators about the child's problems so that they take into account the peculiarities of his behavior, dose the load.

Always keep dangerous objects out of the sight of your child. (sharp, breakable objects, medicines, household chemicals, etc.).

There should be a calm environment around the child. Any disagreement in the family reinforces negative manifestations.

What is important is a unified line of behavior for parents, the consistency of their educational influences.

It is necessary to communicate with such a child gently, calmly, since he, being very sensitive and susceptible to the mood and state of loved ones, "Gets infected" emotions, both positive and negative.

Do not exceed the load, do not work hard with the child so that he is like other peers. It happens that such children have extraordinary abilities, and parents, wishing to develop them, send the child to several sections at once, "Skip" across age groups. This should not be done, since overwork leads to deterioration of behavior, to whims.

Avoid overexcitation. It is important to strictly observe the regime to the smallest detail. A day's rest is obligatory, early going to bed at night, outdoor games and walks should be replaced by calm games, eating at the same time, etc. There should not be too many friends.

Try to make fewer comments, better distract your child. The number of prohibitions should be reasonable, age-appropriate.

Praise more often for what comes out. Don't give too emotional praise to avoid overexcitement.

When asking to do something, try not to be long, not to contain several directions at once. ( "Go to the kitchen and fetch a broom from there, then sweep it in the corridor."- wrong, the child will fulfill only half of the request.) While talking, look the child in the eyes.

Do not force your child to sit quietly for a long time. If you are reading a fairy tale, give him a soft toy, the child can get up, walk around, ask a question. Watch him, if there are too many questions, he is often distracted, which means that the child is already tired.

Introduce your child to outdoor and sports games, in which you can discharge from the surging energy. The child must understand the purpose of the game and learn to obey the rules, learn to plan the game. It is advisable to take up some kind of sport that is accessible by age and temperament.

Learn the relaxation elements of massage and do it regularly. A light stroking on the arm, shoulder during reading or other activity will help to concentrate.

Count to 10 or take a few deep breaths before reacting to the child's unpleasant act, try to calm down and not lose your cool. Remember that aggression and violent emotions give rise to the same feelings in a baby.

Extinguish the conflict in which your child is involved, already at the very beginning, do not expect a violent denouement.

Avoid crowds whenever possible. Staying in large stores, markets, cafes has an overly stimulating effect on the child.

When considering a child's diet, give preference to proper nutrition, in which there will be no lack of vitamins and minerals. The hyperactive child has more than other children, it is necessary to adhere to the golden mean in nutrition: less fatty, spicy, salty, smoked, more boiled, stewed and fresh vegetables and fruits. One more the rule: if the child does not want to eat, do not force him!

And don't forget to tell your child how much you love him.

In the pedagogical and psychological literature, a large number of games with hyperactive children... We offer you some of them.

"KLUBOCHEK" (Cherepanova G. D.)

Target: teaching the child one of the self-regulation techniques.


Target: development of muscle control.


Experts believe that playing with sand and water is essential for hyperactive children... These games do not have to be played only in the summer by the lake. You can also organize them at home. These games calm the child down. At first, adults should help the child in organizing the game. It is advisable that they find the appropriate toys: boats, rags, balls, tubes, etc. If one of the parents does not want to bring sand into the house (and then clean the apartment, you can replace it with cereals, after placing it in a hot oven.

A hyperactive child is special being very sensitive, he sharply reacts to remarks, prohibitions, notations. Sometimes it seems to him that his parents do not love him at all, so such a baby really needs love and understanding. Moreover, in unconditional love, when a child is loved not only for good behavior, obedience, accuracy, but also simply because he is! When it gets really hard, remember that by adolescence, and in some children even earlier, hyperactivity goes away... It is important that the child approaches this age without the burden of negative emotions and a complex of self-doubt.

The most common causes of anxiety in a newborn

All parents should know that crying and anxiety of a newborn are always associated with some reasons that need to be identified and eliminated as soon as possible. Let's try to figure out the most common causes of discomfort in the baby.

Diaper dermatitis

Even with careful care, diaper rash - diaper dermatitis can occur on the delicate skin of a child. It manifests itself as redness and swelling of the skin in places of its contact with urine, feces, and sometimes with rough diapers. Diaper rash usually occurs in the buttocks, axillary, groin and popliteal folds. When this process aggravates, cracks, peeling and weeping blisters may appear on the skin. Such damage creates favorable conditions for the development of fungal and bacterial infections that are dangerous to the health of the baby.

Prevention of diaper rash:

Observe the correct temperature regime, do not overheat the child (the optimum temperature is +22);
- bathe daily (if there are no contraindications);
- moisturize baby's skin if dryness occurs;
- treat the natural folds of the skin;
- give your baby an air bath every time you change clothes;

If diaper rash does occur:

1.Perform hygiene procedures more thoroughly:
- Limit baby's skin contact with wet and stained nappies or diapers as much as possible
- change them up to 12 times a day.

2. Prepare baths for the baby with decoctions of medicinal herbs (chamomile, string, oak bark).

3. Apply medicinal cosmetics (ointments, creams, lotions).

Hygiene of the nasal cavity

The nasal mucosa has an important function - it protects the body from germs, allergens, dust, tobacco smoke, etc. It keeps these negative agents in its viscous layer, preventing them from penetrating inside.

It is important to remember that only with sufficient hydration of the nasal mucosa, the normal operation of its protective mechanisms.

If the air in the room becomes dry (when the heater is operating), then the moisture content of the nasal mucosa also decreases. As a result, the baby has a stuffy nose, difficulty breathing. The baby may refuse to eat because it is difficult for him to suck. He becomes more susceptible to viral infections.

There are several ways to get your child to breathe properly through the nose:

1. Increase the humidity in the room:

Put a damp towel on the battery and place a container of water in the room;
- use a humidifier;

2. Apply products to moisturize the nasal cavity:

For newborns - physical. solution (9 g NaCl per 1 liter of purified water);
- over a month old - seawater with trace elements, for example, humer, saline, aquamaris, etc.

Intestinal colic

The period from 2 weeks to 3 months of a baby's life is the most difficult for parents in the entire first year. You need to learn to understand your child, determine why he is crying, and act correctly in helping him. 70% of babies at this age are disturbed by intestinal colic, and they are more common in boys, first-borns and in children whose mothers are anxious and suspicious.

Colic is bouts of irritation, excitement, or crying in children that last for several hours and are repeated at least three times a week. They are associated with pain in the intestines, with excessive gas formation. Often, colic occurs during feeding: the baby suddenly screams, behaves restlessly, draws in his legs or jerks them.

Colic can be caused by:

Sensitivity to foods eaten by the mother;
- intestinal spasms;
- air swallowed during feeding;
- baby's temperament.

Prevention of colic:

Lay the baby on the stomach more often;
- after feeding, lift and hold the baby upright so that he gets rid of the air trapped during feeding;
- do not start feeding your baby if you notice bloating; first help him get rid of the gases that have arisen.

This can be done using the following techniques:

Carry the baby in your arms, pressing your belly against your body;
- put a warm diaper on your baby's belly or give him a warm bath;
- Lightly massage the baby's belly with your palm clockwise.

Medicines will also help:

Herbal teas;
- homeopathic drops;
- Simethicone-based drugs for children.

Constipation is one of the most common bowel dysfunctions in infants, affecting 10-25% of infants in their first year of life.

It is important to remember that a newborn's stool should be yellow, homogeneous, mushy, without mucus or blood clots.

The frequency of stool in breastfed children is 1-8 times a day, and artificially up to 4 times a day. If an infant's intestines are emptied less than 1-2 times a day and there are unpleasant sensations (anxiety, bloating, loss of appetite), then this is considered constipation. If the child goes to the toilet 1 time in 3 days while breastfeeding, and this is his does not bother, it may be his norm.

Constipation can be caused by:

Insufficient water intake by the child and / or mother;
- unbalanced nutrition of the child and / or mother;
- intestinal dysbiosis;
- untimely or incorrect introduction of complementary foods;
- transfer to artificial feeding;
- a child's illness (rickets, hypothyroidism, etc.)

Treatments for constipation in infants

Sufficient fluid intake for age;
- timely introduction of complementary foods containing dietary fiber (fruit, vegetable puree, juices);
- reducing the consumption of products with a strengthening effect (cottage cheese, rice, flour, tea);
- correction of the diet of a nursing mother;
- include fermented milk products in the diet;
- reduce the consumption of animal fats, replacing them with vegetable;
- eat foods containing dietary fiber - vegetables, fruits, cereals, wholemeal bread.

2. General strengthening measures:

- physical exercises;
- compliance with the daily routine.

3. The use of laxatives.


The first signal that your baby is sick is an increase in body temperature. It can arise due to infectious diseases, overheating, vaccinations, allergic reactions, stress and other reasons.

Providing assistance at elevated temperatures:

Putting the child to bed;
- give plenty of warm drink;
- remove excess clothing, wipe the child's body with warm water;
- in case of chills, help the baby to warm up (cover with a blanket).
- ventilate the room where the child is.

Antipyretic drugs should be used at temperatures above 38.5 C if the child is older than 3 months, and at temperatures above 38.0 C in children under 3 months. If your child has previously had convulsions, heart or nervous system diseases, then use antipyretics at a temperature of 38.0 C.

Paracetamol and ibuprofen are recognized as the safest antipyretic agents for children around the world - they gently reduce fever and relieve pain.