Office style in clothes for women. Business (office) clothing style for women. Business attire: office blouses and shirts for the office

Today it can be attributed not only to business women, but also to simply working and leading an active lifestyle. And the type of activity is not important at all - strict clothes simply must be in the wardrobe of every girl. Moreover, in 2019, designers offered a wide variety of fashionable styles and models of business clothes, so we have plenty to choose from, regardless of the office dress code.

The popular "masculine" style has taken its place in the women's wardrobe - we wear various clothes in this style. Formal suits, which have wide straight trousers with arrows and a loose jacket, did not become an exception. Designers recommend wearing such a suit on a fashionable blouse, T-shirt or even on a naked body.

Also this year, suits with double-breasted jackets that do not have a collar and cropped trousers will be relevant. This outfit can be supplemented with a stylish belt or belt, thereby emphasizing the lady's thin waist.

The designers decided to dilute Office Style and trimmed the collar, cuffs and pockets of the suit with different materials than the fabric from which the garment itself is made.

Also, many "male" suits for women are made with stylish draperies and asymmetrical cut jackets.

Office style - trendy trousers

It is simply impossible to imagine a business style without trousers - this is an irreplaceable thing, absolutely independent of the girl's chosen style. However, for everyday work, designers offer to pay attention to more classic models that perfectly emphasize the business image of a girl.

It is also impossible not to note the shortened models, which today are wildly popular with many modern fashionistas. Having chosen such trousers, you will become not only a business lady, but also a trendy and stylish lady.

Fashionable blouses for business ladies

A very important point in the selection of a business style is, changing which you can diversify Office Style. The most popular today are blouses in fresh colors with an unusual cut, which noticeably refresh the image and make it more feminine.

The trend will also be blouse-shirts in the "male" style, which will be most appropriate for work that requires a strict dress code. Such blouses should be chosen in soothing colors without any decor.

Blouses-shirts in the "male" style

And those who still like a more feminine outfit can put on a light blouse made of airy fabrics. Such blouses usually have a beautiful finish and a small decor, flounces or embroidery.

Blazer dresses in office style

In many 2019 business wear collections, you can see a wide variety of stylish jacket dresses that have held their position for more than one season in a row. This year they are back in fashion, thus making it possible to create trendy Office Style and look incredibly attractive.

Such dresses fit perfectly into any dress code, and can be used both as a stylish jacket and as a formal dress.

The cut of jacket dresses can be completely different, choosing the right one can advantageously emphasize the dignity of the figure and hide its flaws.

Office Style - Sheath Dresses

A short black sheath dress is recognized to be called not only an evening dress - it can perfectly complement the image of a business lady. If you are the owner of a slim figure that does not require correction with the help of clothes, then this dress model will be an excellent option for any occasion.

In order to diversify a fairly simple sheath dress, designers recommend complementing it with an elegant fitted jacket, silk or stylish.

Getting ready for work, you can safely put on a business sundress, which managed to become one of the most popular formal things in 2019. However, when choosing such an outfit, it should be remembered that the length of the sundress should be no higher than the knee. And the fashion designers chose linen as the preferred fabric for their manufacture, thanks to which the sundress takes on an even more austere look.

As for the colors of such sundresses, preference should be given to deep blue shades, gray, burgundy, classic black and brown.

Fashionable Office Style implies a minimal presence of buckles on a sundress, patch pockets, fairly wide straps, a fitted or straight silhouette.

Short office style dresses

A constantly strict dress code, knee-length skirts, trousers can seriously annoy even the most businesslike lady. However, the designers found a way out here too, offering quite strict, but short dresses that give the image a businesslike and at the same time feminine look.

Of course, if you have a very strict dress code at work, then in this case you should choose a dress just above the knee, if only in order not to irritate the boss.

And for those who can afford a short dress for work, the designers have prepared many feminine and bright looks.

Solid color office style

In 2019 will be in fashion Office Style in monochromatic colors, namely, the top and bottom of clothes of the same color. With the help of various business suits, this can be easily achieved.

Designers, in order to attract more attention to their person, recommend choosing sets of more saturated shades.

However, if the dress code does not allow you to do this, then you can diversify your image with the help of an unusual cut of the suit, elegant accessories and applied decor.

In the new season, designers offer to dilute the boring style of business ladies with various inscriptions or drawings. And in order not to lose elegance and sophistication, you should choose business clothes of interesting colors.

As for prints for formal wear, this year the most relevant will be a kaleidoscope and everyday themes.

If you choose clothes with inscriptions, then you should pay attention to models with large contrasting letters. Scottish plaid and a thin strip will also remain fashionable. It is these trends that many designers of fashion houses have proposed today. Choose, experiment, and, regardless of the dress code, you will always look stylish and fashionable.

While women were true housewives, they dressed smartly and brightly. But the activity of emancipated ladies led to the fact that the girls wanted to be equal to men in everything - in opportunities, rights, knowledge, achievements. First, I had to abandon luxurious dresses and prefer the classic style of clothing in the wardrobe. Later, the requirements increased a little more, and in order to achieve victories in the world of male office games, the ladies had to change into dry and almost faceless business dress for women. Of course, you can see a certain charm and elegance in it, but the limited frames create serious problems for this.

Business styles: three levels of severity

Each office has its own rules - the corporate code. It regulates the style of behavior, the quality of communication, options for work rest, seminars and training, and, of course, business style for women. Why for women? Because for men in this regard, everything is simpler - classic suits and strict shirts. Ladies, on the other hand, have the talent to create fashionable bows from “nothing”, and this is not at all appreciated by employers. Therefore, the office style of clothing for women is regulated especially carefully!

There are three levels of business style rigor:

  1. Conservative or classic. As the photos show this office clothing style for girls, it is characterized by calm and only achromatic colors - black, noble gray and snow-white. Of all the variety of models, this can only be a suit. Pumps and strict jewelry are matched to it. Recommended for negotiations, meetings. Good for interviews.
  2. Everyday. The most common option and, as this business style in clothes for women photos shows, it is distinguished by great loyalty to colors, models, and accessories.
  3. Friday style or conditionally business. Allows the use of elements of casual or sport styles in combination with models of a classic strict orientation. Most often found in mid-range companies or used in established organizations as the world-famous "Friday style".

Since the most popular business style for women is casual, it is worth focusing on it when creating a quality wardrobe with a touch of personality. But liberties are allowed only at a minimum, since at work any woman is just a valuable employee and staff unit.

Business style for women: basic principles

Today, women increasingly prefer trousers to other outfits, but the office style of clothing for girls still implies a different direction. If you want to reach the top in the world of business, then you should give up trouser products in favor of dresses and skirts. It is they who, according to the canons of a business image, are considered the “correct” women's outfit.

When the right stylistic direction is set, it is easier to navigate in particulars. For working women, these nuances will be:

  1. Tights are a calm flesh color. They are matched to the color of the skin, as they should not stand out from the image. The quality of the products is exceptionally high - there should not be any arrows and clues.
  2. Linen. The business style of clothing for girls dictates the requirements here too. Linen must be! This moment is always specified specifically to cool the ardor of some original ladies. Products should match the tone of the base outfit - not stand out under the clothes in color or style.
  3. Accessories. Only strict, calm, corresponding to the office mood. No large, original and ethnic things - only jewelry and moderation in other details.

  1. Makeup and manicure. Officially, the business style of clothing should be set off by a suitable make-up. Today, nude shades are in trend, and they perfectly match the office style. For manicure, you should choose only varnishes that are neutral in shades.
  2. Perfume. The classic style in women's clothing is complemented by light fragrances. They should only be guessed, and not shock others with an intense train.
  3. Color spectrum. Restrained, allows the presence of rich deep, but not bright colors.
  4. Fabrics. Business style requires expensive solutions. Good quality means woolen and blended fabrics based on wool, silk options, linen and cashmere.

The remaining elements of a business women's wardrobe should be considered in detail and separately, since there are many nuances that must be taken into account.

Business style skirts: which ones to choose

The modern office style of clothing gives some choice. For example, if earlier only the model was allowed, today there are no such categorical restrictions. Among the possible styles, ladies can choose cut skirts:

  • tulip;
  • pencil;
  • sun;
  • flare

The priority is a slightly tight-fitting silhouette and a strictly sustained length. Here, the solutions are similar to those shown by the photos demonstrating the classic style of clothing - the length is up to the knee and fluctuation is allowed approximately one palm up or down. But no minis! Maxis are allowed only in some organizations, but must be strictly maintained according to the mood in fabric and colors.

  • ruffles;
  • shuttlecocks;
  • frills;
  • transparency;
  • bright colors;
  • irregular length.

Assessing the business style in clothes for women from a photo, you pay attention to the rest of the wardrobe details. For skirts, these are jackets and blouses. They are subject to no less stringent requirements than the bottom of the office bow.

Business top: jackets, cardigans, blouses

Skirts and trousers in office style give a certain scope for choosing products. Of course, strict jackets are a priority, but models are allowed:

  • cardigans;
  • bolero;
  • jackets;
  • blazers.

To withstand the classic style of clothing for girls, only one thing is required - to achieve the perfect combination with the bottom.

  • silhouette - semi-fitted or fitted;
  • length - not shortened;
  • material - woolen or half-woolen;
  • color - black, olive, pastel shades;
  • ornament - a small strip, a cage, a herringbone.

Particular attention should be paid to the choice of a blouse or office shirt. White is recommended for her, but with strict suits of achromatic tones, plain and colored blouses are allowed. Since the female business style of clothing requires a jacket or cardigan to be worn over blouses, the presence of a collar or jabot in models is welcome. This will emphasize the individuality and femininity of an office worker.

It is allowed to pick up for office style and dress. The requirements for them are similar to the rest of the business style criteria:

  1. strict style, ideally choose;
  2. obligatory jacket in the presence of a short sleeve at the dress;
  3. calm shades;
  4. expensive materials;
  5. minimal accessories.

As the photos showing the office style of clothing for women show, pants are allowed in the business world for girls. Straight, high waist and neutral colors only.

Office bow: what not to risk

The business classic style in women's clothing imposes very significant restrictions. They fall into the taboo category.

Do you want me to turn off the light in your eyes and spoil your mood with just one phrase?

"From this day forward, the strictest dress code is introduced in your office!"

Do you want me to tell you what picture has now arisen before your eyes?

And, of course, this one!

Well, girls, the pictures are really disgusting. If you do not want to dress like that, then I understand you :-)

If you think that what is shown in these pictures refers to the modern business style, I suggest that you erase your memory, and then sit back and get acquainted with how business clothes should actually look like.

Because dressing like in the pictures above is SIMPLY INCORRECT!

It is also extremely disadvantageous in terms of career and self-esteem.

You will feel dull in such terrible things. This time. Sad people don't impress anyone. This is two.

By the way, there are three more. From not understanding what modern business clothes look like, you can be thrown to the other extreme. And you will join the ranks of girls in guipure blouses and trendy sweatpants. Or rows of "cozy", but very unbusinesslike women in gray blouses!

How to dress stylishly for work?

I have already explained to you about the importance of having a stylish one, so I will not repeat myself. I'll just say this.

We live in the era of personal brands. Emphasizing your individuality is the TREND of the time. And the law of the local jungle. If you are not remembered, then you are forgotten.

We spend about 15 seconds to form our impression of a person.

That is, you won’t even have time to utter a word, as I will already think about you and “decide” everything. What are you "rastaka" or no.

Both in personal life and at work, decisions are made at lightning speed. Didn't like it at first sight? All! Past!

Let's leave personal life for now. This is a different story.

Let's continue about the career.

What do you think, do you want to raise the girl-gray-mouse? Yes, half the office does not even know about its existence, not like the boss!

Do you want to upgrade a leggy-lipped blonde in a miniskirt to panties? Hmm, I want to do something different with it, it is possible, of course, that for this you will have to increase it ... Well, here everyone decides for himself how to pave the way up.

Do you want to promote an eccentric fashionista who herself does not realize in which office and by whom she works, and from which half of the employees and Clients fall into shock of varying degrees? Also a good question. Fashion is fashion, you know. Girls freaks are not trustworthy for everyone.

Well, dear edition? I listed 99% of the office staff for you. Who will we raise?

And here is her! The one that already looks like she got the job!

Perhaps she is not the most professional employee ... Not the most experienced ... Well, let's train. At least it’s not embarrassing or scary to show it. She is the visual embodiment of what a PRO should look like in her position. They meet something by clothes, there is no time to talk, there is neither strength nor time, to be honest. I want a person to come, you look at him and relax a little. And then I listened, and he also says smart, right things. Yes! Deal!

And in that order. I saw - I believed. He listened - received confirmation of his words.

Well, you don't go to dentists with rotten teeth, do you? No matter what the right things the doctor says, trust will be undermined at the same second!

And the crooked hairdresser?

Yes, we will even take an interview for any position. If HR does not like you outwardly, if you are poorly dressed, he will not let you go further and will not show ANYONE.

I have 15 acquaintances of recruiters and headhunters who howl like Belugas, because the candidates "speak their business", but they look terrible and there is no point in sending them further. And then, having seen this, the Customers will not even talk further with their recruitment agency. They will say that they do not understand the corporate culture and the needs of their customers.

My friend recruiters sometimes, realizing that they have an ideal candidate in terms of qualifications, find the strength and tact to recommend a person to dress differently and come again. To make sure that in this form it is still worth sending for an interview at the Company. That they will not "fly" on the cap for the discrepancy. But most of the time they don't do it at all. It's awkward somehow. If the candidate himself does not understand by a certain age how to dress at work and at an interview, then it is better to let him go home.

Being able to dress is also a professional characteristic.

Dress appropriately for the position and line of business of the company you work for.

Your main goal is to show who you are BEFORE communicating.

Your social and professional status should be reflected in your appearance.

So, returning to the creepy pictures at the very beginning of the article, if only for this reason, such a “business wardrobe” is a sooooo bad idea. Only a student in practice during the summer holidays or line staff can dress like this, who has the same uniform for everyone and there are no other options.

If you are not given a uniform at work, buy yourself the right wardrobe. For success, for your career, for your unique personal brand.

You still will not go to work naked, you will still spend the budget on things.

So do not spend on nonsense, think and INVEST in yourself wisely. And sell for more!

Types of office dress code

And if you need help creating the perfect wardrobe for a marathon up the career ladder, you are here. This is easy to learn. Not only is it simple, it is also very pleasant and interesting. You will be captured! Promise!


The strictest version of the office dress code.

No one is naked, no one is flowered. Guipure and lace are prohibited. Nothing short, nothing long.

The length of the skirt is plus or minus the width of a credit card from mid-knee.

At your disposal is a strict business suit in muted or light shades, sheath dresses, closed shoes with heels and without a platform, an A4 bag.

To whom? Banks, lawyers, state companies, officials, diplomats.

What for? To inspire confidence, demonstrate status and the highest degree of professionalism and reliability.

And only in your hands look like this

Or like this

After all, both options are acceptable within the strict requirements of this dress code.

But only those who know how to dress stylishly and know the rules by which colors are combined and styles suitable for your personal figure are chosen are capable of the second option, who knows how to distinguish modern basic things from the dull disgrace of white-blouses-black-skirts, like waiters. Do you want to learn? That way .

A few more good examples:


Modern, relaxed business style.

Leave the jacket. It won't work without it. Business.

A few trendy colors, a few trendy cuts, stylish accessories, a flawless fit, a play of prints and textures. All! You are the queen of the office!

To whom? 80% of office workers who want to look professional without losing their individuality.

Let's apply both in conservative, and in creative business. The sexiest, trendiest and most stylish dress code ever. I know you liked it too!

What for? To inspire confidence and look professional first, and then also stylish. Like. Demonstrate your individuality by creating a strong personal brand that all professionals, Clients, bosses and partners will know.

To dress in this style you need to have good taste. Do you want to develop and pump your stylish muscle? The right decision! That way .


You do not meet with Clients and the boss? Are you pushing for a career? Do you have a cozy and quiet office and a business that does not need the trappings of status and power? Are you an ordinary performer?

Then a MODERN basic wardrobe is for you.

Again, if this picture appeared in your mind with the words "basic wardrobe", come to the School of Shopping, I will erase your memory.

And I will explain that a modern basic wardrobe is like this:

Well, then, you are all like that

  • professional
  • Stylish
  • Confident

Navigate a couple of career ladders and put all competitors on the shoulder blades.

Stylish images for the office

Business is war.

The right business wardrobe is your weapon and armor.

Nobody goes to war unarmed. Otherwise, you know what will happen.

PS: By the way, check what your man is fighting in there. If he looks unpresentable, he will not be promoted in most serious and successful businesses. And instead of understanding this one day and buying the right suit, you will wonder for years why the stupid but stylish Vasya has already been promoted three times, and Petya, so smart, has been stuck in the same position for the fifth year. The right look makes all the difference.

Greetings to all those who know everything about office style and clothes for the office, and those who rack their brains in the morning to wear to work today, as well as those who don’t think about it at all and wear the first thing that catches their eye! Today we will talk about clothes for work.

Office wear

Office style of clothing suggests boredom - we are guided by such stereotypes most often. But is it really so? Indeed, more and more often we have the opportunity to observe photos in popular publications, which depict business ladies or famous women politicians dressed quite brightly.

They are stylish, original, but also elegant. Let's create together the image of a successful business woman, limiting ourselves to the direction of only office-style clothes.

Variety of styles

The clothes that we choose every day always express our condition in general. This applies to the soul, and body, and social status, and financial position.

Often we do not attach importance to our appearance, and then we are offended, saying that, they say, one cannot judge by appearance.

But on a subconscious level, we ourselves read information on the appearance of a person. That is, if a person is not neat or does not honor the dress code at work, we understand that he is either tired of life, or does not respect the surrounding employees, perhaps he does not respect himself, etc.

There are many options. But the result is the same - not a good impression. But the question is what emotions do you want to evoke.

Of course, it all depends on the circumstances and environment. If you wear a formal suit to a friendly party, then you are unlikely to be perceived easily and naturally enough.

office style rules

So the first rule is the relevance in everything - it’s worth dressing for the occasion, otherwise you run the risk of not looking in a winning light for you.

Do you want to attract success and prosperity?

Then you should start with small details, namely with the correction of your wardrobe.

Of course, this is not a panacea for problems and difficulties in relationships with people. But something pleasant and positive can happen in you.

Well, at least you will smile more often when you realize that you are irresistible, not to mention other pluses.

So, there are three main styles acceptable for the office, these are:

  • business best;
  • Business Traditional;
  • business casual;

What is the difference between these style directions, and for which occasion to choose a certain style, now we will analyze all this in more detail.

Office style Business best

Here, more than ever, a black and white ensemble of clothes is welcomed. The most strict option among office styles. He does not tolerate self-expression and is very demanding.

As a rule, it is used at business meetings or negotiations with foreign partners. Also in legal organizations, insurance companies, banking and politics.

For such a wardrobe, women should choose suits in neutral colors - blue, gray, beige, black. Give preference to a skirt below the knee by 5 cm.

The style of the suit can be different - depending on the figure, straight or fitted. We do not allow short sleeves, regardless of the season. The blouse must be exclusively white.

In this case, walking without stockings is bad manners even in summer - choose thin flesh-colored tights. From shoes, you must choose black pumps or shoes that match the color of the suit.

They should not be on thick or high heels 3-5 cm. It is allowed to wear small jewelry or not a bright neckerchief. You can also afford a tie or a small brooch.

business traditional

Photo 10

Traditional formal business style - ideal for everyday business meetings and office appearances.

In this style direction, you can show a little more individuality. A short sleeve and a sheath dress with a jacket on top is appropriate.

A classic-cut trouser suit, a dress, a pencil skirt and a jacket, all this is appropriate in this case, but it is advisable to purchase monophonic models of soothing tones.

The blouse should still be a pastel shade, but now it does not have to be white and plain.

A small print is allowed, such as a thin stripe or small polka dots and barely noticeable embroidery, which have come into fashion and are very relevant in 2016.

As for shoes, there are no changes here - a small heel, closed pumps and a color to match the suit.

Another option is to use nude shoes, that is, beige that matches your skin.

If you decide to complement your image with accessories, then they may already be brighter, more fashionable, but still not defiant.

As for the materials, the quality of clothes and accessories, everything here should be at the highest level, just like in the “business best” direction.

business casual

This style is designed for girls who love freedom, brightness and individuality in everything.

Business casual style for those whose work allows them to come to the office in stylish, modern, but seasoned clothes.

Here are the main accents. In order not to look completely frivolous, it is worth playing with classic cuts, prints and colors.

The base of the wardrobe includes all the same neutral tones - blue, black, brown, beige, dark green, neutral gray.

You can include jackets and cardigans, skirts just above the knee, classic jeans, not excluding formal suits.

You can choose different shoes, but preferably not overtly sporty, and yet the heel is welcome.

Now your task is to add zest to the basic wardrobe. For example, we chose black, tapered straight cropped trousers and a white shirt.

The next example is tight-fitting dark red trousers combined with a white loose-fitting blouse and beige shoes with a small stiletto heel.

From above we sketch a jacket of a neutral gray shade. In this image, you will look fresh and modern, but still not cheeky and businesslike.

In both the first and second versions, the image of a stylish office worker helped create a contrast. But it should be subtle, not assertive, and the basis should be a classic.

Basics of business style

There are a few basic points about what you can wear to work and what you can’t. By reading these rules and following them, you will never look out of place.


  • Colour: all neutral shades;
  • Semi-adjacent silhouette;
  • Trouser suit with classic trouser length;
  • If you choose a print, then only geometric;
  • Jacket, cardigan;
  • A skirt with a minimum length of 5 cm above the knee and a maximum length of 20 cm from the floor;
  • Blouse;
  • Dress - case;
  • Coat made of quality fabric with a classic cut;
  • Footwear: stable heel no higher than 5 cm with a closed toe;
  • Bag: plain without unnecessary decorative elements, straight cut;
  • Jewelry: simple in form, expensive jewelry and small gems are allowed;
  • Tights: nude - not denser than 20 den, black - 8 den;
  • The hairstyle should be fixed and neat;
  • Makeup - natural;
  • Manicure in natural tones.


Transparent fabrics and lace;
Shiny clothes;
mini skirts;
T-shirts with pictures;
Long colored sundresses;
Sports shoes;
Too many accessories;
Deep neckline;

It is worth noting that everything is relatively and you need to build on the style that you have chosen, since categoricality is welcomed only in the “Business Best” direction.

Your main task is not to confuse anyone with its excessively defiant clothes and pay attention to your personality.

Dear readers, if the article seemed useful to you, then share it with friends in social networks.

Also, do not forget to subscribe to the updates of our blog to always be healthy, well -groomed and modern.

We wish you good luck in choosing your new style. And do not forget to show individuality, because office style, like casual clothes, is a reflection of you.

Goodbye, dear reader.

Reading time: 5 minutes

The modern office style of clothing for women involves the use of almost all wardrobe items and any colors. Onions can consist of not only a trouser suit with a bodily color blouse, but also from a stylish jacket, an elegant dress, a cardigan, a sundress, a free shirt. A little imagination-and a business image that meets all the requirements of the dress code will become fashionable, feminine and individual.

A bit of history

Back in the 19th century, the concept of “office clothing style for girls” did not exist. The then women did not strive for independence and did not occupy significant posts, so their wardrobe was exclusively sophisticated and solemn dresses with numerous waxes, ruffles, fringe.

The first prototype of the female office style was created at the beginning of the 20th century by designer John Redfern. It consisted of a snow -white blouse with a high collar, a long narrow skirt of black color and the same jacket. Short gloves, a tie and a traveling hat were offered as accessories. In the cold season, an elongated jacket was added to the outfit.

Inconvenient and masculine office suites were replaced by the creations of the most talented designer of the 20th century, Coco Chanel. The office outfit she compiled consisted of a skirt, cardigan and jumper. The girls wore it not only to work, but also to social events, dates.

Over time, the boundaries of business style became more spacious, and he began to attract even those young girls who do not need to adhere to a dress code. Today the most popular office suits are produced under the brands Hugo Boss, Donna Karan, Chanel, Armani, Denifess (Russia). In clothes from foreign and Russian designers there are not only official features, but also playful, youthful and even romantic.

Varieties and features

Business style is divided into 4 subcategories, depending on the severity of the requirements and the places where they are used:

  • business formal. The same boring, inexpressive style that is used in legal, banking, insurance, political institutions, schools, and interviews.

  • modern business. A less strict style that allows you to express your individuality. Relevant at exhibitions, meetings, other events and workplaces where there is no strict dress code.
  • business casual. Informal style that allows you to look spectacular and fashionable. Used in companies where there is no dress code at all. It can be used when going to an informal meeting, to the cinema, on a date.

Description of the style and rules for compiling a bow

The philosophy of business style is conservatism. But strictness in appearance is not presented in order to deprive the image of individuality - things of a restrained style help to look more confident and make a positive impression on partners and clients. The ability to prove oneself with the help of professional qualities, and not clothes, is valued in the business sphere. Therefore, eccentric outfits are best saved for the weekend.

The requirements for different types of business style are different, for Business Formal they are the most strict, for Business Casual they are democratic. But there are a few general rules for compiling an office bow.

The main rule that should be considered when drawing up a business bow is neutrality in colors and styles. Clothing should fit into the canons of the classics. There is no place for overt sexuality, deep necklines, slits on skirts, colorful colors and patterns.

To create an image of a successful business woman, you need to choose things from high-quality fabrics that do not wrinkle and perfectly fit the figure. Mostly natural materials are used: linen, cotton, silk. Preference is given to clothes of a simple cut. It is worth experimenting with the style a little:

  • The jacket can be straight or slightly tapered, length to the center of the thigh. The skirt should have the same shape and length to the knees.
  • Office trousers are mostly straight, with a raised waist. Flared is back in fashion, pants with prints are in trend. For skinny trousers, you should choose a chiffon blouse with a soft ornament - it will give the image a little eccentricity.
  • Among dresses, a win-win option is a sheath. You can wear other styles of dresses, but they must obey the canons of the classics.
  • Shirts must have at least a quarter sleeve. Recently, denim shirts have come into fashion; they are in perfect harmony with skirts made of similar material.
  • Blouses can be any pastel shades. To make a strict look more feminine, you can purchase a blouse with flounces or ruffles. Silk blouses look good with fitted jackets and even jackets.

One of the dominant features of office wear for girls is its shade. The classic colors include black, blue, brown, gray. But such gloomy things can be complemented with blouses and accessories in pastel shades. With a less strict dress code, light-colored suits are allowed: white, caramel, beige. Neutral pattern, stripes, cage are allowed. The main thing is that the wardrobe items should not be defiantly flashy: too bright, with leopard prints, floral patterns. In order for all components of a business image to harmonize, you should not use more than 3 colors when creating it.

Shoes are selected exclusively closed, both in winter and in spring. The classic option is pumps with a small heel to match the jacket or black. If the basis of the bow is a skirt, it is necessary to cover the legs with transparent tights 10–15 den thick. Tighter tights and leggings in the office are out of place.

To complete the image, it is allowed to use not too catchy accessories, for example, a stylish scarf, scarf, handbag and jewelry made of gold, silver, pearls. Most importantly, do not overdo it with decorations. According to etiquette, there should be no more than 3 of them, including the wedding ring.

Examples of office images

The easiest way to replenish your wardrobe with suitable things is to purchase a three-piece or four-piece suit. Such sets include a skirt, trousers, a jacket, a vest - the basic elements of Business Formal. It remains to buy a few blouses - and the other basis for creating a daily look is ready. But if you want to stand out from the crowd of employees, you should devote more time and effort to updating your wardrobe.

Office clothing style is appropriate for young girls and women of advanced years, thin and full. When compiling your own bow, you need to take into account age, figure parameters and the weather outside the window.

Examples of compiling a bow:

  • Image for women over 40: midi skirt + pastel blouse + strict or knitted cardigan + pumps or shoes with low heels.

  • Look for thin people: a cropped dress in a loose fit in beige or sky purple + a fitted jacket + ballet shoes without a heel.

  • Youth look: straight trousers + tight blouse or turtleneck + fitted jacket + shoes with low heels.

  • An image for the full: a sheath dress + an airy blouse + a cardigan that hides the flaws of the figure and focuses on its merits.

  • A universal look for autumn-winter: a standard outfit + a cardigan or a wool jumper in a delicate shade. Remember not to wear tight tights.

A stylish bow should be complete and thought out to the smallest detail. That is, you need to pay attention not only to the wardrobe, but also to small details: hairstyle, manicure, makeup. Nails should be well-groomed, the presence of bright and unnatural varnishes on them is unacceptable. It is better to collect or neatly style your hair. To apply makeup, use cosmetics in natural and modest shades.

Examples of images in the office style of clothing for women in the photo: