Feeling when the cork comes off. What is a cork during pregnancy and what is it for. The sequence of the onset of labor is normally as follows

Starting from 38 weeks of pregnancy, a woman prepares to meet with a long-awaited baby. A special mucous plug protects the cervix, which prevents viruses and microbes from getting to the baby.

It is her departure that signals the early birth of the baby. Read what to do if the plug has come off and when labor starts.

Especially little knowledgeable and worried are women who first go to the hospital.

Few pregnant women know about the mucous plug, which has protective functions. It is this clot of mucus that protects the baby and mother from the invasion of harmful bacteria and microbes.

Important! With a sharp discharge of the cork, the immune defense of a pregnant woman rarely weakens.

In this case, the mother needs to give up sexual intercourse, taking a bath, so as not to provoke the development of infection.

Interestingly, the discharge of the lump is not noticeable in everyone.

This fact depends on the anatomical features of the structure of the female body, the course of pregnancy. Mucus can begin to move 2 weeks before delivery.

There are several options:

  • Abrupt departure. During toilet procedures, a woman may notice that a piece of mucus with blood streaks has come out of the vagina.

    In most cases, delivery should be expected in 1-3 days.

  • Gradual withdrawal. More and more, a pregnant woman notices traces of discharge on her underwear. For hygienic convenience, it is recommended to use pads in the later stages.

    Such discharge may have a yellowish tint with pink blotches. The hour of delivery is 1 to 2 weeks.

  • No traffic jams. Every woman has a plug that protects the entrance to the uterine cavity.

    However, in the process of contractions, a woman may not notice her departure. Perhaps the obstetrician will remove the plug on his own.

Mucus can begin to gradually move away from 36 weeks. If this happened before, then you should consult a doctor. Also, some women may confuse the discharge of the plug with leaking water.

To prevent this from happening, study the comparison table:

Advice! A test strip will help to accurately distinguish amniotic fluid from the discharge of the mucous plug.

A special linen pad that changes color depending on the nature of the discharge.

When multiparous women begin to give birth

The cork can go away during the second pregnancy in the same way as in the first-born.

Only the rate of development of the process differs. After a complete discharge, a woman can begin to give birth within a few hours, therefore, at the very first contractions, it is recommended to go to the hospital.

Important! Childbirth during the second and subsequent pregnancies starts earlier and the process lasts much faster.

In order not to become a happy mother at home, already at 36 weeks a woman should have her personal card in her hands and collected things for the maternity hospital.

What does a mucous plug look like and what color is it

The beginning of the cork formation - 6 weeks of pregnancy. It is after the fixation of the ovum in the uterus and the formation of the embryo that the body begins to activate the mucous membrane, protecting the passage to the neck with a special stopper.

In the last stages, after a hormonal surge, thanks to the shock dose of estrogen, the mucous membrane softens. It is for this reason that excretory processes begin.

A traffic jam can be recognized by the following external criteria:

  • It has a color ranging from yellow to pink with veins. A small amount of bloody discharge should not frighten a pregnant woman.

    Indeed, at a later date, the uterus opens, which provokes minor vascular injuries. This process is natural and does not require medical intervention.

  • The size of a piece can even reach 2 cm in diameter. The cork comes out in whole piece or in parts. Sometimes softened mucus is not noticeable, a small amount is excreted along with leucorrhoea.
  • It does not resemble a real cork in shape, but a jellyfish or a jelly-like mass.

Important! Every woman has her own withdrawal symptoms. To dispel doubts about a normal or pathological process, it is better to visit a gynecologist.

Why do not the contractions begin if the cork has moved away?

There are times when the cork starts to come off or comes out entirely, but the generic process does not begin.

The only option is to wait for the contractions to start. A pregnant woman is already in a vulnerable state, so you should give up several usual activities and follow the rules of intimate hygiene.

Such as:

  • Use a neutral pH antibacterial soap for cleaning. It is better to carry out water procedures for the genitals using boiled water or chamomile decoctions.
  • In the later stages, the doctor may prescribe a course of suppositories to cleanse the birth canal of bacteria.
  • Refuse intimacy with your husband. Even the simplest thrush can cause infection.
  • Do not go to the baths, do not swim in ponds, and even refuse to take a bath.

A woman can help speed up the process of childbirth herself, she just has to increase physical activity.

Important! You shouldn't risk your baby's life by drinking a bottle of castor oil. Such an overdose will not only cause childbirth, but can also cause poisoning.

Up to 42 weeks, a woman can normally expect a baby to be born.

In case of prolonged pregnancy, you should immediately go to the hospital to stimulate labor. Be healthy and look forward to seeing your beloved baby soon!

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Pregnancy brings a lot of such sensations into the life of the expectant mother that she did not know about before. And the closer the date of birth, the more attentive a woman is to any, even the slightest, changes in her body. This is due to the fact that on the eve of childbirth there is a feeling of anxiety - it is scary to miss the beginning of an important process. This is especially true for those pregnant women who have to go through this for the first time. There are many reasons for worries: how to feel the approach of childbirth? What sensations does a woman experience during contractions? What does a mucous plug look like in pregnant women and what to do if it has receded?

What is a mucus plug?

The mucous plug is a means of protecting the fetus

The plug in pregnant women is a clot of gel-like secretions designed to block access to the cervix. This allows you to protect the fetus from the introduction of hostile bacteria and microorganisms into the uterine cavity, the activity of which can adversely affect the health of an unborn child.

The process of the formation of a plug occurs at the earliest stage of pregnancy and does not cause any concern to a woman in a position. The moment the fertilized egg reaches the place where it will attach to the walls of the uterus, the cervical tissue swells and becomes softer. At this time, her cells begin to produce cervical mucus, which tightly plugs the entrance to the cervix for the entire period of pregnancy. She begins to move away on the eve of childbirth.

How does the cork come off?

Many pregnant women ask themselves: what should they feel at the moment when the mucous plug starts to come out? Feelings may resemble those experienced by a woman during the menstrual period: aching pain in the lower abdomen or lower back. In this case, a sticky, jelly-like discharge may remain on your underwear or sheets, which will not be absorbed over time. To understand what a cork looks like in a pregnant woman, you can refer to the image in the photo.

What does the cork look like before childbirth

The cork during pregnancy has a different color - from transparent or pure white to yellow or pink interspersed with small red vessels.

The difference in color is due to the fact that during the exit of the plug, the thin capillaries of the cervix are injured, and the blood, mixing with the mucus, changes its color.

It is only necessary to seek help from a gynecologist when some dangerous symptoms are found, for example, when there is too much blood discharge in the cork - this may indicate the risk of placental detachment.

The timing at which the cork leaves and the amount of discharge may also differ. According to some who gave birth, she comes out immediately completely. In this case, a woman can find a rather dense lump of mucus of a small size - about 50 grams.

Sometimes the plug will come off little by little over the course of a few days or weeks. With this option, the selection will be insignificant, and sometimes completely inconspicuous.

Both options are considered normal, so you shouldn't be worried about this. Moreover, if we turn to statistics, then in primiparas the cork comes out in most cases in parts, because the cervical canal is still narrow and the tissues are less elastic and not stretched by the process of the baby's passage through the birth canal.

But quite often, expectant mothers do not even notice that the plug has come off, since this can happen during a visit to the toilet, in the shower, or directly during childbirth.

What happens after the traffic jam comes out and how to behave?

The process of passing the plug is one of the moments that portends that labor activity may begin very soon.

However, if there are still no contractions, then this does not mean that something went wrong. Perhaps the exit of the plug was provoked by an examination by a gynecologist.

During this period and before the onset of childbirth, just try to be more attentive to personal hygiene: change your underwear and bed linen more often, refuse to take a bath, visit swimming pools and open reservoirs. It is also better to exclude sexual relations at this moment in order to protect yourself and the child from getting all sorts of infections.

Try to be calm during this time and not panic. Without fuss, collect everything you need for a trip to the hospital and wait for the onset of contractions.

When the plug comes off on the eve of childbirth, the pregnant woman begins to feel mild pain in the lower abdomen. Over time, these pains smoothly turn into contractions, which indicates the approach of labor, and are accompanied by the following signs:

  • the abdomen goes down as the baby's head enters the small pelvis;
  • the navel becomes convex due to the increased pressure of the uterus;
  • the center of gravity of the body shifts forward, which becomes noticeable in the gait of the pregnant woman;
  • the woman's breathing becomes more free, because no more pressure on the diaphragm;
  • there is a slight decrease in body weight;
  • the fetus becomes less active.

The task of the expectant mother at this time is to monitor the frequency and intensity of contractions. As soon as the time between them decreases to 10 minutes, you can go to the hospital.

Features of the discharge of the cork during subsequent childbirth

There is no big difference in the process of passing the cork during the first and repeated births. For a woman, the course of each pregnancy has its own characteristics and nuances. And if, in the first case, the cork went away a couple of days before giving birth, then this does not give reason to focus on these terms in the future. The only thing that can be noted is the fact that in multiparous women, labor is faster and the plug may come off earlier. However, since this does not affect the rate of onset of labor, then you should not be guided by this process.

When should you see a doctor?

How to recognize pathology

If a woman is attentive to any changes that occur in her body during pregnancy, then she will be able to understand in time that there is a need to visit a doctor. Alarming symptoms may include:

  • the early period of cork separation - up to the 38th week - may indicate the risk of infection of the microflora;
  • high blood content in the plug, which in most cases is caused by placental abruption;
  • green color of mucus, signaling the onset of oxygen starvation of the fetus;
  • strong pain when the plug comes off;
  • too dense, hard consistency of secretions.

But do not worry unnecessarily, especially now that you know what to look for when you find that the mucous plug has come off.

Pregnancy is the most wonderful state in which a woman can be, and the upcoming childbirth is a natural process, which is better to be treated calmly, and then everything will go well!

Before pregnancy, most girls have little idea of ​​how it is to bear and give birth to a baby. That is, they, of course, can imagine themselves with a nice round tummy, but they have very little idea of ​​many physiological moments.

For example, what is a mucous plug during pregnancy and what is it for, and most importantly - why everyone is so worried when it leaves. Of course, this begins to worry all future women in childbirth towards the end of pregnancy, every now and then doctors hear numerous questions: "I am 38 weeks pregnant, the plug has gone, what should I do?" or "What will happen if I don't notice when the cork comes off?"

Moreover, after hearing a lot of different stories, women begin to worry about what to do if the traffic jam goes away and the birth does not begin ... Let's talk about everything in order.

What is plug during pregnancy?

A mucous plug is a clot of viscous mucus, similar to the white of a raw egg, that forms in pregnant women in the cervix. The plug is formed under the influence of hormones at about the end of 1 month of pregnancy, when the ovum is implanted into the uterine cavity: it is at this time that the cervix softens, swells and fills with cervical mucus produced by the cells of the cervix. With each ovulation, it thickens, forming a fairly dense clot that clogs the entrance to the uterus.

The mucous plug during pregnancy, like everything in nature, has its own function: it protects the woman's body(which during this period is very vulnerable!) from getting into it various infections, for example, when swimming in a pond.

However, at the end of pregnancy, the hormone estrogen is actively produced in the woman's body, under the influence of which the mucus softens, and the cork comes out of itself before giving birth - women who have given birth know that this is a signal that the birth process is entering the active phase.

The passage of the plug can be stimulated not only by natural hormonal causes, but also by vaginal examinations by a gynecologist - the uterus reacts with a tone of smooth muscles, pushing out the plug. And she can come out like one gel-like viscous clot or in a piece of about 1-2 tablespoons (or 1.5 cm in diameter), and gradually, over several days, in the form of smearing secretions similar to the beginning or end of menstruation.

What does the cork look like before childbirth? Sometimes it is difficult to distinguish it from normal vaginal discharge because both its viscosity and color can vary. Usually mucus has yellowish, pinkish color or in general colorless... Women who have given birth say that a mucous plug in appearance resembles jelly or jellyfish.

There may be streaks of blood in it (there is nothing wrong with that, the blood in the cork appears from the rupture of capillaries bursting from pressure when the uterus opens), but if you see in the cork not just bloody streaks, but a rather tangible amount of blood, this may be a sign detachment of the placenta. In any case, it is better to consult a doctor, especially if the cork has departed much earlier during pregnancy.

How the cork comes off before childbirth

By the way, how long should the cork leave before giving birth? The question, of course, is an individual one: perhaps you will not even notice this moment, because it will leave just before childbirth, along with the amniotic fluid, or maybe the cork will come off in advance (which is why some women ask if the cork always leaves before giving birth) ...

Doctors believe that normally the cork should go away during pregnancy. not earlier than 2 weeks before the due date of delivery.

Cork discharge is one of the three main ones, along with increasing regular contractions and outpouring of amniotic fluid. But, as you already understood, from the moment the plug comes off until the onset of labor, it can take several hours or several days. In any case, you need to inform your obstetrician-gynecologist about this - you will be examined and, possibly, immediately placed in the prenatal department.

Most often, the plug during pregnancy comes off during the morning shower or going to the toilet: you may not even have time to see anything, but feel like something came out of the vagina. If this happens in a different situation, you will definitely notice whitish, yellowish, pinkish or beige mucus on your linen or sheet.

The cork came off during pregnancy: what to do?

And yet, how does the cork come off before childbirth? It is not always easy to determine this, so it is better for a woman to focus on her own feelings. If you have a long term and you should give birth soon, pay attention if you suddenly feel slight painful shocks, some kind of tension and pulling pain in the lower abdomen.

This is how women in labor describe the process of passing the cork before giving birth. After this, aching and pulling pains are possible, similar to those that usually accompany menstruation. Usually, these pains smoothly turn into contractions. Then this is already the beginning of labor activity.

But there is still no point in rushing to the hospital: make sure of the intensity and regularity of contractions - when the interval between them is reduced to 10 minutes, then you can already go. And as long as the interval between contractions is longer, they themselves are not too intense and do not cause much discomfort to the expectant mother - there is no need to rush, it is better to prepare for the hospital, for example, make sure that things are collected, check all important documents, take a warm shower.

Only not a bath, remember - from the moment the cork came out during pregnancy, it becomes more difficult for your body to resist infection of the birth canal (this, by the way, is one of the arguments of opponents of childbirth in water). But this does not mean that your baby is now defenseless!

After all, he also has an amniotic sac, which, among others, also performs a protective function. Therefore, if the cork has already departed, and childbirth has not yet begun, there is nothing wrong with that, you just cannot swim in the bathtub, pool or pond now and you should be more careful about personal hygiene, change your underwear and bed linen more often.

If, even at such a late date, you have not given up intimate life, after the cork comes off, this will have to be done, because the infection can easily get from the vagina into the uterine cavity.

Therefore, if the plug comes off during pregnancy, you should not fuss and panic: you have time to properly prepare and tune in, get together, instruct your relatives.

When do you need to see a doctor?

Failure to detach the plug before childbirth is not a reason to run to the gynecologist. This does not mean that all this time you have been deprived of the barrier that protects the fetus from infection in your womb. Most likely, she still came out, but you simply did not notice it. And even if it does not come out, it will come out along with the amniotic fluid or already in the process of childbirth.

The situation is more serious if you think that the cork has already moved away, but in fact the amniotic fluid has departed, which is normally completely transparent and colorless, and is much thinner in consistency than the mucous plug during pregnancy. We have described in detail the sensations when the cork comes out above, but what is it characterized by? amniotic fluid leak (amniotic fluid)?

This happens relatively constantly, and the amount of discharge increases with some kind of load on the press, for example, coughing. To avoid possible complications during pregnancy, you should inform your doctor about your condition.

Also, a reason to be on your guard is the passage of the cork. earlier than 2 weeks before the due date of labor established by the doctor during examination with the help of ultrasound. Perhaps this is premature birth, perhaps - in any case, you cannot delay for a long time, you need to go to the hospital.

Another reason to consult with doctors is the abundant secretion of mucus of a liquid consistency, with a large amount of bright scarlet blood: normally, the passage of the cork before childbirth is not accompanied bleeding .

By the way, during pregnancy, inform the doctor about all discharge, including the passage of the plug - this will help track the progress of pregnancy and clarify the expected date of birth.

During pregnancy, almost every woman tries to find out all the details about her condition in order to be fully armed. The term "mucous plug" is usually heard closer to childbirth. At one of the examinations, the gynecologist may ask if she left you or not. Therefore, it would be wise to have a basic understanding of what a cork is, why it is needed and what it looks like.

What is a mucous plug, why is it needed?

During pregnancy, the cervix secretes a thick, jelly-like mucus to maintain moisture and protect the surface of the uterus. This mucus builds up and blocks the cervical canal, creating a plug. It closes the opening of the uterus during pregnancy to keep bacteria out of it. In addition, it contains antibodies that kill the infection. Thus, the cork protects the developing fetus.

Before giving birth, a woman's hormone levels change, in particular, progesterone decreases. As a result, the cervix becomes wider, and the plug simply falls out. Therefore, the loss of mucous plug can be a harbinger of childbirth.

When and for how much does the mucous plug go away in primiparous and multiparous?

Normally, this should happen shortly before childbirth, at about 37 weeks. Then the cork comes out naturally.

Early passage of the plug may indicate premature changes in the cervix, and therefore an increased risk of premature birth. In addition, losing it potentially puts the pregnant woman at risk of contracting an infection. For these reasons, the discovery of thick mucous discharge in any week of pregnancy is a reason to visit your doctor.

Interesting to know: physical intervention, such as a gynecological examination or intercourse, can contribute to the release of the plug.

In women who give birth for the first time, the plug lasts longer than in multiparous women, right up to the very birth. This is because the cervix of those who have not yet given birth is narrower and tighter. Sometimes there are even situations when obstetricians have to take out the plug on their own, since it does not come out on its own. In multiparous women, the walls of the cervix are softer and wider, so the plug comes off easily.

What does a mucous plug look like, sensations when the plug comes out

Although many women do not notice at all that they have a plug, it is not difficult to understand that this is it, in most cases. The cork is distinctly different from ordinary discharge, primarily in its density and volume. If the normal discharge in pregnant women is more scanty and liquid, then the cork has a dense consistency and a volume of about two tablespoons. Its size is about 4 cm. The color of the cork is usually white, yellowish, beige or brown. Often there are bloody particles in it.

Pay attention if the mucus has an unpleasant smell or is green! This could indicate an infection!

The plug can come out in whole or in small parts over several days. Therefore, it is often confused with vaginal discharge. Women usually do not experience any special sensations during this event. Only a few people note stretching in the lower abdomen.

When is it time to go to the hospital?

In the 40th week of pregnancy, women already want to give birth faster, and some believe that the release of the plug should speed up this process. However, it is not. Although there are many stories told about this, there is no evidence for this claim. If necessary, the doctor will have other ways to induce labor. In general, you need to allow pregnancy to take its course and not rush things.

A draining mucus plug is usually a sign that your body is preparing for childbirth, but not always. An indefinite amount of time can pass from the release of the plug to the onset of labor - from several hours to several weeks. You need to go to the hospital if the exit of the plug is accompanied by other signs of an approaching birth - contractions, discharge of water, etc. If the birth is still far away, and your mucous plug has moved away, do not panic. Oddly enough, it can grow back.

When the traffic jam has already come out

Your next steps after the plug comes off depend on how it looks and how long you are pregnant. If you see a plug on the pad or if it comes out while showering, try to examine it so that you can describe the size and color to your doctor later. This data will help you decide what to do next.

Please note that if the plug comes out with bleeding, there is a possibility of complications such as placental abruption. Such signs cannot be ignored!

In the event that the cork has come off for a period of less than 36 weeks, it is advisable to undergo an examination to make sure that everything is fine with the child.

If you are more than 37 weeks pregnant and you are not worried about any other symptoms, then plugging should not be a cause for concern. Just take care to minimize the risk of infection before your baby is born:

  • wash only in the shower, and refuse to swim in the bathtub or, even more so, in the river;
  • wash yourself regularly, but use only special products for intimate hygiene;
  • have sex exclusively using a condom.

After the traffic jam comes out, you should not leave far from home, since at any moment the child may be born. At this time, you can already collect the bag in the hospital. Monitor your condition and wait for other harbingers of childbirth.

As mentioned earlier, regular contractions indicate the onset of labor. Also, a sure sign is the outpouring of amniotic fluid. They can come off abruptly or in a slow trickle. If there were no contractions before, then they should begin. These contractions will become stronger, longer, and more frequent as the cervix dilates in preparation for childbirth. When the expansion reaches 10 cm, you can safely give birth!

When you know what to expect, all these events are much easier to survive. And even if some unforeseen situations arise, a timely appeal to specialists will help prevent any complications, because medicine is now very developed. Therefore, you should not worry about the exit of the cork.