Sketafil foam for fatty and problem skin. What is the difference between the drugs of Setafil from Galderma

Problem skin, bold shine, acne, pigment spots, black dots - to cope with this problem is very simple. It is enough to carry out a daily procedure for washing "Sketafil". Reviews of this agent are very ambiguous. Therefore, it is necessary to figure it out, is it good, how to advertise it?

Brief description of the cosmetics line

Before talking about the reviews of Sketail, you should find out what kind of product it is and who it is produced.

This is a fairly new cosmetics developed by the popular global company Galderma. The whole line, namely, lotions, gels and foams have cleansing and soothing properties. Manufacturers recommend using their women with problem skin. To achieve a positive effect, it is recommended to use this cosmetics in the complex.

Therapeutic properties and rules of use

In this series, you can allocate several goods, each of which is required to apply correctly:

  1. A large pH level contains a wash foam. This allows it to cleanse the face from severe pollution and cosmetics rack. It is recommended to apply it twice a day: after awakening and before bedtime. The bottle has a convenient dispenser. It should be pressed on it once so that a small amount of white suspension appears on the palm. This quantity is enough for one procedure.
  2. With the same frequency immediately after purification, it is recommended to use natural lotion. It has no soap and alcohol, so you can safely assure that it will suit the owner of any skin type. With prolonged use, this means will reduce pore inflammation. As a result, acne disappear.
  3. The last stage will apply a moisturizing cream. This is a real find for oily skin. For example, he will remove irritation, give a soothing and softening effect. Already a week after daily use, the skin tone will become noticeably even.

According to the reviews of Sketail, it is best to use this therapeutic line in the complex, then a positive effect will not wait a long time.

Positive feedback on foam

Most of all you can meet positive feedback on foam for washing "Sketail". Mostly buyers allocate its following qualities:

  • This is a fairly economical cosmetic. One bottle is enough for many applications.
  • Very comfortable dispenser. From above there is a reliable cap. You can take it with you on the road.
  • Penka perfectly copes with a fatty gloss, making the skin matte.
  • If it is for a long time to use, the acne will be disappeared, inflammation and red spots.
  • Many people like and the structure itself: it has a pleasant smell, very soft and tender.

Many female representatives argue that it was in this means that they found their salvation and no longer know the problems with an uneven skin tone.

Negative feedback on foam

Even the highest quality product can not be absolutely perfect. Especially if it concerns cosmetics. It is not surprising that there are also negative feedback on the foam for washing "Setaphyl". Basically they are associated with a large value. Many women have a permanent purchase of such a means simply not by pocket. Also do not like that the result of treatment appears only in a few weeks, I would like a faster effect. Cosmetic tool every type of skin perceives differently. Therefore, its individual intolerance is also a disadvantage.

Lotion for the most gentle care

Reviews about Sketail Lotion are also standardly divided into two main categories:

  • The main advantage is its convenient application: it is enough just to wipe the face with a cotton disk and you don't need to wash anything, the remedy is perfectly absorbed into the skin. Thanks to the cleansing properties of acne on the face it becomes noticeable less. Already after the first application, a pleasant ease appears, the skin seems to be renewed.
  • An unpleasant moment for many users was the appearance of peeling. It is worth noting that this is an absolutely normal reaction, as it is cleansing the top layer of the skin. It is recommended to continue to use this tool further, and the unpleasant effect will be held by itself.

More buyers argue that this lotion is perfect for them and they will not replace it for anything.

An ambiguous opinion about the gel

Completely ambiguous reviews about the gel "Setaphyl". This tool has been released recently. Its main purpose is deep cleansing and removing makeup. The first thing that was pleased with women is a pleasant structure. Her aroma seems to charge the body with cheerfulness and positive. For one washness, one droplet of gel is enough. After this procedure, the effect of ease appears, as if the skin appears "second breathing", and it simply cannot but rejoice.

However, many buyers have encountered such a problem as the appearance of greasy acne. It was this factor that made them leave negative reviews about "Sketail" for washing and forget about this tool forever. Do not be afraid to start using it. This negative moment is associated only with the individual portability of the component. The greater the skin, the greater the chances that after opening pore the gel will appear acne.


Separately, it is worth talking about the reviews about "Sketail DermaControl". This is a completely new line, which is released specifically for the owner of the delicate skin in need of special care. For example, if it is prone to a very greasy shine, the appearance of acne and rash.

The opinion of the new line is only positive. Overalls of oily skin argue that after using this tool, the matting effect quickly appears. And after a month of its regular use, the skin looks like pure porcelain and has no shortcomings.

Negative reviews are connected only with a high price, but it does not stop buyers.

What do specialists say?

Many dermatologists recommend that their patients werehing "Sketail". Feedback from them are also the most positive. First of all, they allocate natural composition. Almost all means of this line contains soaps and alcohol. This suggests that cosmetics suits absolutely for any type of skin. This tool normalizes the production of subcutaneous bass, respectively, after a few days of regular use, acne will be disappeared and unhealthy gloss. Medical specialists prescribe this therapeutic drug to their patients in the following cases:

  • If they have a problem skin.
  • To restore fabrics after acne treatment.
  • If you need to neutralize local red spots.
  • To normalize the skin of the skin after long-term treatment with antibiotics.
  • If the intolerance to other cosmetics intended for cleaning the face is observed.

Often, for newborns use the washout "Sketafil". Reviews from young mothers once again confirm the quality of this product. It quickly helps to eliminate fat stains, which often appear against the background of allergies.

How to apply cosmetics?

Experienced specialists assure that the positive effect will be achieved only if the cosmetic is used correctly. In total, you can allocate several basic rules:

  1. Too frequent application does not give warranty that the skin will become better. On the contrary, it can accelerate the production of subcutaneous bass.
  2. It is not recommended to combine this line with other leather care products. In this case, there will be no positive result.
  3. Before the procedure you need to thoroughly wash your hands, it is desirable to pre-treat them with alcohol or put on rubber gloves.
  4. Since the tool in different ways perceive different types of leather, it is pre-made a test for allergies, causing it in a small amount on the wrist area.
  5. In any treatment, regularity is of particular importance.

If you comply with all the above rules, then soon the skin will acquire an improved view.

A few words about the cost

"SETAFIL" is one of the highest quality facilities for washing, which consists only of natural substances. Accordingly, its cost may seem high enough. On average, one tube of cream, foam or lotion for washing costs from 500 to 750 rubles. This indicator may differ significantly depending on the region. You can buy this tool in a medical clinic, in a pharmacy and in any cosmetic store.

If it does not give peace fat, fading and tired skin, then it is worth regularly make the washouts "Sketafil" feedback from those who used this tool, and from experienced cosmetologists do not cause doubts that it is really a high quality product.

I tried a lot of money and spent a lot of money, but did not get the desired result? Want to find an effective tool at an attractive value? Then you will definitely enjoy the "sewage" washbasin foam, offered in stores, which has not only cleansing, but and moisturizing properties. In addition, it instantly eradicates inflammation.

Foam for washing "Setaphyl": description

Initially, Setaphyl foam was intended for that, therefore, it contains nutrient oils that increase the content of lipids in cells. Today "SETAFIL" - the prices of which range from 450 to 630 rubles, it is sold in a bottle of 235 ml and is intended for sensitive and oily skin in need of soft cleansing. Such an effect was achieved due to the addition of panthenol, allantoin, removing from the skin itching and inflammation.

The huge advantage of the "Setaphyl" foam is believed that it does not irritate the skin, thereby not provoking additional redness and soothes the face. In addition, this drug is easily applied to the face and perfectly absorbed, which contributes to spectacular cleansing. Furiously after applying the means acquires exceptional purity and matte structure.

"SETAFIL" (foam for washing) not only spares the problem skin, but also retains the integrity of its structure. It instantly copes with excessions of fat and brilliance on the face. This tool is recommended to apply within 2 months. Next, the product can be used as a supporting means for rash therapy.

Let's say "no" pimple with foam for washing "Sketail Dermacontrol"

"SETAFIL DERMACONTROL" (washing foam) is an innovative drug for skin prone to rashes, from the manufacturer of Galderma. It cleans the skin from all sorts of bacteria for 12 hours and does not overheat it. In addition, "Sketail" (washing foam) contributes to the instantaneous removal of impressive inflammation and sightening the pores. Isn't such an innovative tool you were looking for? Of course.

"SETAFIL" (washing foam) is used both separately and in the complex with protective cream from the Sun and the Lotion of the same brand. Regardless of the method of use, the effect will definitely be. This non-encoded remedy does not block the pores and supports the standard skin balance, which, in fact, contributes to the rapid treatment of acne.

How to apply a foam to wash "Sketail"?

"SETAFIL" - Penka for washing, the prices of which attract the attention of potential consumers - is intended for daily use. It is recommended to use in the morning and before bedtime. Before using this innovative agent, it is necessary to rinse with cold water and only then with a circular movement to apply a foam. At the end, washed off with warm water.

According to experts in this area, if you follow the previous recommendations and the application of the foam to supplement a small massage, the effect will be much better. Also, experts argue that it will help to achieve the definition of the face of the Lotion of the same brand after washing. True, when applied to the skin, there is a feeling of some depth, which passes after 10-20 minutes.

Where to buy a foam "Sketail"?

Foam for washing "SETAFIL", the feedback on which even the most demanding customer, is sold in specialized cosmetic stores, pharmacy and online sites. By purchasing a tool on the official page, the buyer, if desired, can get a free consultation from highly qualified employees.

The site offers the whole line of this brand. In addition, choosing this option, the client can significantly save, because numerous discounts and special offers are regularly provided on such resources. For example, a promotion has recently been on the official website - "2 at a price of 1". But remember that before buying any means for the person prone to rash, it is recommended to consult with a doctor who can pick up the most optimal method of treatment precisely for your skin type. Although on the other hand, the "Setaphyl" foam cannot harm. So you can only solve you. Dare.

This article allows you to familiarize yourself with the instructions for the use of the drug. Sketail. The reviews of the site visitors - consumers of this medicine are presented, as well as the opinions of specialist doctors on the use of Setaphyl in their practice. A big request to more actively add your reviews about the preparation: helped or did not help the medicine to get rid of the disease, which complications were observed and side effects, possibly not stated by the manufacturer in annotations. Analogs of sewage in the presence of available structural analogues. Use for treating acne or acne, cleansing and moisturizing the skin in adults, children, as well as during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Composition of the drug.

Sketail - restores the barrier function of the skin by replenishing the lost components. With daily use in complex therapy, patients makes skin smooth, softens it and has a protective effect.

Penka Sketafil Dermacontrol is one of the most effective preparations for home care fat, irritated and problem skin. The remedy gently cleanses the cover from pollution, normalizes the production of the skin, eliminating its excess, and does not damage the pH of the skin, and also does not overheat it, as other means for this type of skin do.

It has sebliting effect. It is used for the skin of two types - problematic and sensitive. Performs physiological cleaning. Eliminates any dirt from irritated and sensitive skin areas. Excellent copes with the remnants of makeup, dead cells, mud or excess skin lard. The instant effect is to reduce the amount of leather residues by three quarters.

Keeps the integrity of the skin barrier. Makes texture and skin color more pleasant.

Seboregulating effect is achieved due to zinc, which is one of the main components. Foam formula for washing from the SETAFIL series Dermacreditis is not aggressive, it contributes to moisturizing, reducing irritation.

Agent weightless and easy. It is easy to apply, apply, flush. After use, every time the feeling of comfort remains, freshness.

Moisturizing cream Sketafil Restoraderm is a special preparation designed for sensitive skin areas, providing comprehensive care and moisturizing.

It has the following useful properties:

  • Required moisturizing of the skin layers throughout the day.
  • Restoring the integrity of the skin barrier, getting rid of peeling, preservation of moisture in the layers of the epidermis, the regeneration of cracked areas due to the Keramid-5 component.
  • Matting and getting rid of the residues of the saline and normalization of its development. It is achieved at the expense of the zinc complex, polymethyl methacrylate and silicon of twooxide, which has sebluble effect.
  • Reducing inflammation at specific sites. Prevention of acne.
  • Playing the skin from the effect of ultraviolet.
  • Modern oleosomal technology performs the function of supplying active substances deep into the skin layers. Instant effects - long-term moisturizing, elimination of peeling and dryness.


Butylparaben + sodium lauryl sulfate + auxiliary substances (Cleansing Sketail Lotion).

Zinc sulfate (fine) + Dicalia Glycyrrizat + zinc gluconate + excipients (foam for washing seafil).

Keramids 5 + Panthenol + Pentylene Glyol + glycerin + silicon dioxide + auxiliary substances (sketafil moisturizer).


  • reducing the effects of therapy against acne (elimination of dryness, peeling or redness);
  • cleaning, without disturbing the holistic skin barrier;
  • protective function from the destructive effect of ultraviolet radiation of type A and B.
  • with oily skin;
  • with sensitive skin, including associated with drug treatment, dried or irritating skin;
  • during problematic skin (the presence of atopic dermatitis, acne, eczema);
  • in cases of intolerance of conventional hygienic agents (cleansing milk, soap, washing gel, dermatological clay);
  • in the case when the skin is especially sensitive to climatic influences (sun, wind);
  • for delicate skin of newborns and breast-age.

Forms of release

Matting foam for washing sketafil Dermacontrol (dermontrol).

SPF30 SETAFILER DERMAcontrol (dermontrol) moisturizer.

Setafil Restoraderm (restaurant) Cream gel for the shower.

SETAFIL RESTORADERM (restaurant) Lotion moisturizing for the body.

Sketafil Lotion cleansing.

Seborgulating moisturizing cream Setaphyl.

Instructions for use and method of use

Penka for washing

Moisten the skin of the face. Apply a little foam to the entire area, avoiding the eyes. Easy massaging, beat the foam, thoroughly rub all the plots. Rudely rush with plenty of water. Apply daily, immediately before you are going to apply a moisturizer for the face.

If earlier you strongly overcame the skin by other means. Replace the morning wash foam on skin rubbing Sketafil lotion.


The lotion is applied to the skin with a cotton disk twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. Absorbed into a cotton disk tool is bad, so the whole lotion is on the skin. It is not necessary to flush it, you can simply remove the remnants of the lotion with a cotton disk or a napkin. If the tool does not cause discomfort (and it, as a rule, does not cause it), then you can leave a lotion on the skin until completely absorbing.

To remove decorative cosmetics, the means is not recommended: SETAFIL Lotion cannot fully dissolve cosmetics. But with the cleansing of the skin from its natural selection, the means copes perfectly. It is advisable to first remove the tonal cream, shadow, powder, mascara and lipstick with milk to remove cosmetics or micellar water, and then apply a lotion for humidification and skin restoration.


After you took advantage of the foam for washing, apply a moisturizer on the face. Issue on the disk or fingers a little means and evenly wipe the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe face. It is also recommended to take advantage of the drug after long solar baths.

Side effect

  • allergic reactions.


  • individual intolerance to the components.

Application in pregnancy and breastfeeding

Not noted.

Application in children

Not indicated.

special instructions

Store means for cleansing, moistening and skin care of the set of sewage is necessary in a dry, protected from light.

Medicinal interaction

Absorption and admission to the bloodstream components of the sewage line minimally, so interaction with other drugs is insignificant.

Analogs of the Drug Sketail

Structural analogs on the active substance The products of the cosmetic line of sewage do not have. Preparations contain unique combinations of existing substances.

Analogs on the healing effect (means for treating acne or acne):

  • Aquasan;
  • Acnecano;
  • Androkur;
  • ArtRomax;
  • Basiron AU;
  • Basado;
  • Belluna 35;
  • Betapane Depot;
  • Betula Sharm;
  • Betusil;
  • Biseptol;
  • Bonade;
  • Vilplerafen;
  • Deekk acne gel from acne;
  • Dex Acne Lotion Cleansing;
  • Desquam;
  • Jess;
  • Jess Plus;
  • Diana 35;
  • Dimphosbon;
  • Doxal;
  • Doxycycline;
  • Dr. Tais Acne Cream of acne;
  • Dr. Tais Acne Lotion from acne;
  • Yeast beer;
  • Seven;
  • Mirror;
  • Zinyritis;
  • Zitrolide Forte;
  • Klenzit;
  • Kurizin;
  • Lying Puree;
  • Metronidazole;
  • Microfollins;
  • Monoclin;
  • Piolynisin;
  • Produm;
  • Retinic ointment;
  • Roaccutane;
  • Rosamet;
  • Roxitromycin;
  • Silica;
  • Skinorn;
  • Streptonitol;
  • Shipmork;
  • Chloride;
  • Zincter;
  • Cyteal;
  • Eplan;
  • Erica 35;
  • Unidox Solutab;
  • Yarina Plus.

In the absence of analogues of drugs on the active substance, you can follow the links below on the disease, which helps the appropriate drug, and see the analogues on therapeutic effects.

Setaphyl is a new remedy for the manufacturer of Galderma for problem skin exposed to acne. Setaphyl has cleansing and moisturizing properties, does not overheat the skin, soothes irritations and inflammation, narrows pores. Setaphyl is made in three forms: lotion, moisturizing cream with sun protection and washing foam.

Principle of work Sketail

Due to its emulsion composition, Setaphyl supports the natural pH balance of the skin, does not irritate and does not dry the skin, does not disturb the protective film. All kettiff means do not block pores, are non-comedy.

They cope with the fat and prone to the appearance of acne leather, with an irritated acne treatment, with sensitive and skin of newborns. Sketafil tools are designed for daily care for problem skin.

As part of the Sketafil lotion there is no alcohol and soap, so it is not necessary to wash it off. It does not leave any unpleasant feelings on the skin. Suitable for making makeup and skin cleansing. Sketafil Lotion makes skin more velvet and matures a little, narrows pores and "quit" inflammation.

Sketail Lotion will suit everyone who has a problem skin: fat and prone to the emergence of acne, cursed as a result of drug treatment or sensitive skin with intolerance to hygiene. Lotion will cope with all the problems, eliminate dryness, moisturizes, will not border the pores and contributes to the treatment of inflammation.

The cost of Sketail Lotion ranges from 550 to 650 rubles per 20 ml.

How to apply Sketail Lotion

Apply sewage in the form of lotion is necessary 2 times a day: in the morning and evening. The instructions indicate as desired: flush or not flush. If you do not feel discomfort on the skin, then do not wash off.

The line of therapeutic cosmetics setaffil

This line of cosmetics also came up with Galderma (manufacturer) for daily care for problem skin during drug treatment. In the line there is a moisturizing cream with SPA 30 sun protection and wash foam.

Sketafil washing foam

Penka for washing seafil contains physiological pH, i.e. The ingredients of the foam maintain the natural mantle of the skin without disturbing it, but only helping to penetrate the useful substances. Sketafil's foam is perfectly coping with the removal of skin fat, without overpowing the skin, adjusts the fat shine. Moisturizing and cleansing are the main features of Sketail foam.

Something for the skin during acne treatment, especially in the first months of treatment. Next, the foam can be applied all the therapy for the supporting effect.

The price for foam sewage from 500 to 600 rubles per 200 ml.


Sketafil cream has a very important effect - protection against sun rays SPF 30. In the treatment of the skin, it is clear to the skin when the instruction is clearly indicated that it is impossible under ultraviolet or apply sunscreen. Galderma managed to create a moisturizing, anti-inflammatory cream, which already includes protection from the sun.

In addition to this action, the cream perfectly moisturizes the skin, is non-encamped, soothes the skin irritations and inflammation, reduces the development of side effects during the treatment of acne, carefully cleans and intensively moisturizes.

The average price for moisturizing cream Sketail 550 rubles and can hesitate in the area of \u200b\u200b100 rubles.

How to apply chutafil cream

So, therapeutic cosmetics of sewage is designed specifically to reduce the risk of developing side effects from treating drugs, for intensive humidification, for anti-inflammatory action, purification and protection from the Sun.

Sketafil products are designed specifically for fatty and problem skin suffering acne and various rashes.

The eternal problem of all means for washing, intended for this type - the fact that they not only dry pimples, but very often dehydrated the skin. And as we know, it negatively affects her state and only aggravates the problem.

Products otafil: cream, lotion and wash foam.

Sketail is available in three forms: sunscreen day cream, lotion and face foam.

Today we will talk about wobbly foam, which will not only clean the skin from all pollution and makeup residues, but also restore its water and alkaline balance.

Let's analyze the composition and influence of each of the ingredients on our skin.

Composition and effect on the skin:

Ingredients include ingredients as:

The composition of the foam washing seafil.
  • Filtered water. Such water is the main majority of cosmetics. In contrast to the water from the tap, it does not contain impurities of metal ions and various salts that harm the skin.
  • Zinc sulfate (finely dispersed). Used as an antiseptic with skin problems. Did you know that with a lack of zinc in the body, the skin often suffers from excessive fat and frequent rashes?
  • Dicalia Glycyrrizat Or in other words - licorice extract, which softens the skin during washing.
  • Zinc gluconate. This substance regulates the secretion of sebum, increases the immunity of the skin, and also stimulates the production of more collagen and elastin in tissues.
  • Sodium benzoate is a preservative. Safe for the skin and does not affect its functioning.
  • Fondushka - disguises an unpleasant smell.
  • Bidodium ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTC). Its maintenance is the protection of the skin from heavy metals located in tap water. It binds to metal ions and does not give them to penetrate the skin.
  • Glyceril Kokoat (PEG-7). It serves to mitigate the pavs of detergents, thereby neutralize the pH of the aquatic environment.
  • Hydrogenated castor oil (PEG-40). It is used as a thickener and emulsifier, acts as a surfactant (surfactant), gives the product the aroma.
  • Polyethylene glycol (PEG-200) - Hydrophilic base for many cosmetics. Moisturizes and softens the skin.
  • Lanolin (PEG-75) - Well absorbs moisture and transfers it into fabric, thereby deeply moisturizing the skin.

The product was a test drive from our edition. And as you can see, the composition is quite harmless and definitely will not harm.

Instructions for use:

  1. In the morning, clean the skin with a small amount of foam for washing. After apply a moisturizing cream.
  2. In the evening, clean the skin with micellar water, after rinse the remnants of foam makeup setafil and apply a nourishing night cream.

If earlier you strongly overcame the skin by other means. Replace the morning wash foam on skin rubbing Sketafil lotion.

Care tips with seafil products.

Lotion perfectly copes with the removal of excess skin saline and has a more sparing effect on the skin than the foam. Since it does not contain surface-active substances (pavov).

Buy funds of this company can be in any pharmacy. The average price of foam for washing sewage varies in the area of \u200b\u200b500-700 rubles. The lowest cost of this product in the pharmacy pharmaceutical.