Letter to ex best friend. Apologies to my best friend. Happy birthday letter to a friend

Hello my dear beloved friend!

We haven't seen each other for so long... It's a shame, isn't it? The most native, often, far away. Yes, yes, you read it right, you are one of the dearest people to me. You are not my first friend, but you are the first to whom I became so attached.

You know, although sometimes we do not communicate for weeks, I always remember about you. When I feel bad, when I'm happy, when I'm sad, when I'm happy - I always remember you and think: “How good it would be, if she was able to share those feelings with me. If she was there and we would get through this together. How I miss her. Confident, without complexes, cheerful, critical and just a wonderful friend in the world. Toy that without a single doubt would have taken my side. Toy who would always support me in difficult times. Toy that would always be able to "sober up" me if I doubted myself. Toy that would always be able to move me, make me active, walk and just have fun. Toy that has become so close ... ".

You know, I can't think of you without a smile on my face. You are not just a ray of sunshine in my life, you- the very same "sun" that you always want to enjoy. You- the very ones "stars" that you want to achieve. You- the very ones "uncharted territory" that you want to open. You- the same one "true" that you want to experience. You- the same one "magic" that you want to understand. You- the very same "supernatural" what you want to explain. You- the very same "magic and wonderful" what you want to have.
You are just an ordinary person, but for me you are the whole world. A world to enjoy.

You know, but I have many friends with whom I seem to have known since the cradle. But none of them, does not know me. None does not understand me perfectly. None can't really cheer me up. None does not know my life and my character in such detail. None doesn't tell me the whole truth, even if I ask. None can't surprise me. BUT you can.

You know, but thanks to you, I found those close friends that go with me through life. After all, this exactly you helped me. Exactly you pushed me to it. Exactly you Helped me adjust to my new environment. It's you I have to thank for these wonderful people with whom I communicate every day.

You know, it's time to stop, but you don't want to? .. No, I don't want to say goodbye to you. After all, sitting at my black table, I got so carried away writing something about you that I don’t want to stop anymore. I want to, how can I accurately describe how dear you are to me, how much I love and respect you. I want to, pour it all out in a letter and send it to you. I want to, make you smile while reading this. I want to to make you even a little bit happy with this letter. I want to, make you feel good. I want to… so much more to tell you. But I'm lost, I don't know how to describe what I think and feel. My life has changed for the better thanks to you. Thank you for this!

Looks like it's time to end.
I will eagerly await your reply. I will very much wait.
See you soon! It will definitely happen, you'll see!

I congratulate you on your birthday, my beloved, best friend! I want to wish you good health, endless happiness, and great, mutual love. Always remain the same radiant, sincere, sincere and cheerful person. May all your cherished wishes come true on this wonderful day dreams. I am very proud that there is such a wonderful person in my life. Know that I am always ready to lend my shoulder in any situation. I want to say thank you so much for a strong, true friendship! Together we are strong!

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It is very difficult to find a person whom you can fully trust, whom you always understand and accept in everything, and without whom you can no longer imagine your life. I thank the Almighty for giving me such a person, you, my beloved and best friend! I congratulate you on your birthday, I wish you endless happiness, good health and prosperity. I love you very much and will always be there!

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Best friend, for me you are like a native person! We have a lot in common, most importantly, we understand and support each other! And today I want you to laugh and rejoice from the bottom of your heart! Happy birthday from the bottom of my heart and I do my best to have fun! First of all, I decorate your holiday with your favorite flowers and give a keepsake! Let no forces be destined to separate us! Be happy and remain the brightest person all your long life! May you be spared from troubles and illnesses! I wish you not to be sad and often have fun, relax and travel! And take me with you!

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My dear, ________________ !
I wish you to be the happiest on your birthday!
Whatever you want to get, get it! Whatever you want to achieve, achieve! Everyone you love, let them love you too! Happiness and goodness to you, my best friend in the world!
- with love, _____ .

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The best in the world, dear friend!
I'm away on your birthday! And, every now and then, I remember you, and I can’t change anything! Life arranged everything the way it wanted, we fled to different places. I only press the keys of the computer skillfully, and so I hope: you read there!
Happiness to you, be protected by God, peace, love and good luck in everything! And let, one day, the roads intertwine, and you will knock softly on my house!

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My best friend, accept my sincere congratulations on your birthday! You know that I wish you all the best and kindest. I love you, and when you rejoice, my heart is warm and joyful! Be always happy! And if sadness comes, then we will cry together, and it will dissipate like smoke. Women's tears are like spring water that can purify the soul. And if it is 2 times more, then we will quickly cope with any sadness, my friend! But better - always shine like a star, and frolic like a goat! I wish you good health and strength of steel for life! But stay the same gentle, kind and beautiful!

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My dear friend, you are inimitable and the best!
Happy birthday congratulations! And I wish you the best:
Home comfort and warmth, luxury and prosperity, peace and happiness!
Let illnesses, problems and troubles bypass you!
May there always be peace in your soul, and love in your heart!
May all your wishes come true, my beloved friend!

Best friend in your own words to tears
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My kind, sweet, beloved,
tender as the sun in spring,
You are the one and only
I am pleased, dear, to be friends with you

You are reliable, hardworking,
you're always doing well,
And what are you, a beautiful friend,
admire looking at you

I wish you happiness, dear
Let sorrows go by, by the side,
Stay beautiful forever
Rejoice us, wonderful soul.

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You have become my best friend for a long time! I can't imagine my life without you! It's great that I have you, and give me so many joys! Happy birthday from the bottom of my heart, my dear friend! I want to wish that all the days brought you only pleasure and happy moments! So that your life becomes a continuous big holiday! You deserve a long and good life! Leave all troubles and illnesses in the past! Don't go back to him! New pleasant surprises of fate and travel await you! Take me with you and everything will be OK! Kiss you hard, dear!

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Best friend happy birthday! And I wish you the best: to make your wishes come true, to be loved and joyful, to be pampered and cherished, to buy chic gifts and take you to the best resorts! Dream, it is useful, instead of being sad in vain! You are so beautiful and good-natured, and you deserve great female happiness! What do I wish you without measure! Take everything you need from life! And give your sad days to fate! Long life to you, as well as unfading youth, beauty and vigor to you!

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Hi dear Alina...
You know ... today I was riding a minibus and remembered you ....
do you remember, we constantly corresponded with you ???) Every day, on each pair ... We talked around the clock, but we still didn’t have enough time to communicate ...)
Of all our correspondence, I have only 2 left ... and all the rest ??? All the rest we tore, burned and threw away ... just like that .... so that no one would find and read)))

At some point, I realize that I really miss this ... Probably that's why I am writing this letter to you ... I want to tell you ... tell you what happened over the past 2 years that we did not communicate. ..After all, I always told you everything, right?))

Well, first of all, you should know that the girls and I miss you so much...
Now we have a week of viewings going on... here I sit, drawing... at home... unusual... After all, I always stayed in your hostel for the period of viewing)) HA! I practically lived there.
You and I drew together, learned to cook, gossiped and just went crazy, infecting others with fun)))
And now? .. After you left, I spent the night in a hostel only 2 times ... A lot of things have changed there .... But the main reason is that you are not there .. (And I still can’t forgive myself that it was on that night that I refused to stay overnight with you ...

And this summer we all went to the camp for practice ... it was fun)) Do you remember? ... Remember, because we wanted to go together ... and be leaders in the same detachment ... sorry ... you it would be good)

By the way, I finally got it right with my musical group)) Wonderful guys play with me... At our rehearsals I really relax... And I like it all)
You know... we have a song dedicated to you!)
Do you remember, the 40th day, after you left, just fell on my birthday ... After all the congratulations and gifts, when I was left alone, I just sat down and wrote a poem ... It's called Angel .. .Now it's a song...
When I sing it, I always want to cry ... But I control myself ... that's enough ... I've already cried ...

You know... I went crazy... after you left... I really went crazy....
hundreds of valerian tablets and the constant support of loved ones... probably only this helped me get out...
Do you believe? It's hard...
I always dreamed of seeing you in a wedding dress... I remember that we even divided who would have a boyfriend, etc...
I still saw you in a wedding dress...But I didn't think that my dream would be so distorted.... Did you hear?...Did you hear your mother crying and screaming??....I will never forget this....

Forgive me for being sad ... it just flooded ...

You know ... But no one will ever replace you for me ...
I dream about you, I am constantly looking for you in the crowd, my mobile phone still has your number, and on the shelf is your earring, which I never gave you ...

I'm sorry... I didn't mean to write anything sad...but it doesn't work....
I once read a quote:
"The person who remains only in our memory, we can love forever... ©

Well... it's true... because you will forever remain in our memory, heart and thoughts...


Five years have already passed since this terrible tragedy, but for some reason I remembered Alina again ... I didn’t know her personally, but I lived in the same hostel. She was in the 2nd year, I was in the 1st. I remember how my friends and I were jealous that some girl was waiting for her boyfriend Sasha downstairs. A couple of times I saw them together, peered into the girl’s face, but for the life of me I couldn’t remember it!... Apparently, it was some kind of sign that she would soon be gone .... a terrible sign (((
For 5 years I remember the date of her birth and death, I remember that obituary poster that hung in college. After all, I also wrote a poem to her, it was difficult to read it to my relatives .. everyone around was crying.
For me, she was remembered as a spring girl ... I wonder what kind of horse is there? ... How are you, Alina ??? Have you found peace?
Death always takes the best.......

The daily audience of the Proza.ru portal is about 100 thousand visitors, who in total view more than half a million pages according to the traffic counter, which is located to the right of this text. Each column contains two numbers: the number of views and the number of visitors.

You know, I know it's easier said than written, but will I be heard? Most probably not.

We are getting older and our lives are changing. The status is changing, the attitude to the world and to some separate things is changing. What was important before is now becoming small ... The interests of the family and children come to the fore. Their own interests go somewhere in the backyard. Or put in a box.

Do you remember, in the Disney film about Peter Pan, the mother told the children that their father is a very courageous person - he had dreams and plans, but when the children were born, he put his innermost aspirations in a chest for the sake of the children. Sometimes in the evenings they open the chest, take out their treasures and admire. And each time it becomes easier to open the chest, and more difficult to close. Yul, are you opening your chest? Of all our company, you were the most determined. There is nothing to say about the fact that you have a creative nature - which of us, IZOshnikov, was not a creative person? Oh no, don't answer, I know who, but that's another story.

Why am I writing this letter to you? It so happened that you and I became too distant for me to be able to tell you this. Yes, we live in the same city. But it's like they're on different planets. But you are a very dear person to me. And the more we don't see each other, the more I understand it. Our social circle has changed. Friends have changed. The type of activity has changed more than once. But we still call each other by our maiden names. And if it's bad, we'll come running. We're just fine. We have nothing. Do you remember how in the fourth year we drew and wrote the story of the life of a girl from the bottom, who became a famous traveler? Maybe it's worth trying again?

Yes, many years have passed since we sat down at the same desk. How many funny moments there were, how many stories you could tell me. How many stories could we keep silent. Marriages, children, quarrels. A lot has passed. Life flows. Children grow up. And despite the fact that I have made new friends, like many years ago, I really value our friendship. They say that friendship ends if people don't see each other long enough, if their paths in life have diverged. And for me, friendship is one of the types of love. And if this is friendship, it never ends.

Children will grow up. We will be free again. Older, yes, but age is no reason to forget yourself. A friend is someone who loves you in you. Not your status, not your achievements, not whether you became a good mother and wife or not. A friend is a piece of your soul forever settled in someone else's body. And I know for sure that my piece of soul is in you. And yours is in me. I hope I have the strength to tell you all this. And that we have the wisdom to carry our friendship through any rapids of the uneven and stormy river, whose name is Life.

With love, Your friend Aska.

School weekdays have come, and homework is set in full swing. And once again, schoolchildren have to reflect on the free themes of their essays, among which is the Letter to a Friend. This topic is interesting, because it allows you to plunge into the last century, at the time of our parents, when they did not call their friends, but wrote letters.

Today, in our essay, we will write a real letter to a friend, talking about the events that have taken place.

Letter to a friend

Hello, my beloved friend Tanya!

How long have we not seen each other. This is a huge distance, these kilometers separated us, but did not kill our friendship, because we still continue to communicate. To be honest, I was very upset when I found out about your moving abroad, but I really hope that we will meet again. I really want this. Now we only have correspondence.

I received your letter. It brought me joy, because it was nice to learn about you, read about life abroad from the point of view of your vision. I'm glad you're doing well. However, so do I.

With the advent of autumn, school chores began. Now lessons, various tasks have burst into my life, but the summer time is moving further and further away. Yes, it is still warm outside, but in the mornings and evenings you can already fully feel the autumn time, and the leaves on the trees begin to change their colors. I try to walk as much as possible on the street, in the park. After all, very soon you will not want to go there because of the cold.

My life is varied and interesting. In addition to school, I have many clubs. I go to an English club where I really like it. In addition, I signed up for a dance group. I also have a small hobby. While all this is at an early stage, but I really like it. What am I interested in? I started knitting toys. A very interesting activity, because you not only create different characters, but also give joy to young children. I have already knitted three toys that I gave to the children in the yard. And you know, adults approached me with a request to knit such toys, but for a fee. Maybe soon, my hobby will also turn out to be a profitable business. But, I'm kidding. In fact, I began to knit toys only because I was interested in it. In the future, I plan to knit them not according to ready-made patterns, but to come up with my own. You know I will definitely succeed.