Why a baby is 5 months old blossoms from blends. Vomiting in a newborn: causes and related symptoms

The digestive tract of a newborn baby is not adapted to the habitat of an adult. It is for this reason that the best product for feeding the kid in the first months of his life is his mother's breast milk. All other substances can cause not only digestive disorders, but also severe vomiting in children up to year. Therefore, to introduce lures, change the power mode, to start feeding with artificial milk mixtures can only be controlled by a pediatrician doctor.

Also vomiting in an infectious child may be associated with intestinal infections to which he has no immunity yet. Frequently often in pediatric practice there are cases when a nursing mother became a source of infection and the cause of severe vomiting in a child up to a year.

The mechanism is the next. Nursing mother, without observing the rules of hygiene feeding, began to give the chest to the child, after it went to the toilet and did not wash his hands. At the same time, bacterial analysis of the mother was in absolute norm. But for the newborn baby, the microflora of the intestinal of an adult has become the cause of severe vomiting and loss of body weight. Therefore, it is very important for each mother to realize that even it is a certain extent is a source of increased danger for his baby. It is strictly forbidden to make moms to take the baby's nipples and pacifiers of the child, trying the mixture, take a child to his hands without changing hands with antibacterial soap.

Breasts before each feeding should be carefully processed. Do not allow the baby's contact with other adult family members who have just come from the street and did not wash their hands with soap. Do not give the baby in the handles those objects that are not passing processing. All these measures will help you avoid serious infectious diseases that are provoked. vomiting in an infant.

Causes of vomiting in infants

As mentioned above, the causes of vomiting in infants may be bound by the lesions of the internal organs of the digestive tract. But not only infections make up a list of causes of vomiting in infants. The most often vomiting in an infant is connected:

  • with food errors in the diet of a nursing mother;
  • with ambient temperature changes;
  • with the introduction of supplies;
  • with a change of artificial mixture;
  • with a violation of the development of the internal organs of the digestive tract.

Cause of vomiting in an infant Can be made with violations. Also, one-time vomiting in a child may be associated with the overeating of the baby. If he got more milk than he holds his stomach, it vomiting is a natural protective reflex that allows you to get rid of the body from excess fluid. In this case, you should not panic. You just need to revise the power mode.

Vomiting in infants should cause your suspicions if:

  • it repeats more than 3 times a day;
  • the baby is sluggish and apathetic;
  • vomiting is accompanied by a high body temperature of the child;
  • leads to loss of body weight;
  • accompanied by convulsions;
  • the child refuses the chest;
  • there is dryness and pallor of the skin.

All of the above is a reason for calling an ambulance. But even one-time vomiting in an infant is a reason for the doctor's call to a house for advice and inspection of the baby. Only a doctor will be able to correctly determine the severity of the state of the baby and prescribe treatment and further examination.

Strong vomiting in a child with a temperature: first aid

Most often in pediatric practice meets strong vomiting in a child with a temperature. In this case, vomiting can be both a symptom and the reaction of the body of the infant at a high temperature. No less often vomiting in a child with a temperature is a consequence of the reception of drugs. The body of the kid is not ready for a massive chemical attack by pharmacological preparations, so a natural reflex vomit occurs. With its help, the kid's body is trying to get rid of the chemical agent of the antipyretic agent or antibiotic.

First aid, respectively, also depends on what caused severe vomiting in a child with a temperature. Correctly determine this can only a professional doctor. But each mother should be known to be done in order for strong vomiting the child with a temperature caused him harm. So, at the first signs of severe vomiting in a child in combination with a high body temperature, call ambulance. Before the arrival of the doctor:

  • provide the vertical position of the kid's body;
  • provide enough drink to him;
  • do not allow the baby head backpill;
  • calm the child;
  • stop giving any medicines;
  • do not feed the kid, especially forced

With severe vomit, make sure that the nasal moves of the child were clean.

If a child is vomiting: what to do parents

Parents in vomiting the child must follow the condition of the baby and provide enough drinking. It is necessary to urgently apply for medical help. It is also important to remember everything that the baby was fed, and what drugs were given lately. If a child is on breastfeeding, it may be important to violate the nutritional diet of a nursing mother.

The most important point is to ensure the passability of the respiratory tract. Severe vomiting in breast children It is dangerous aspiration of vomit masses into the lungs. This is without a timely removed medical assistance leads to the death of a child.

Vomiting in a child up to a year when applying supplies

Sometimes vomiting in the child up to a year arises during the administration of the dust. This is due to the tanning of the stomach kid to digesting the new food for him. Most often vomiting when conducting dust is associated with enzymatic failure.

In this case, you can advise parents:

  • postpone the introduction of feeding for several days;
  • start the introduction of dust with a smaller dose;
  • monitor the quality of cooking preparation ;;
  • be sure to consult a doctor.

If a vomiting in a child up to a year with the introduction of feeding is preserved, it is possible that drug interference will be required for regulating the intestinal microflora and restoring the normal functioning of the pancreas.

Among the numerous symptoms of diseases, vomiting - an alarm signal - the body's infant is not in order. The causes of vomiting a lot. The observation of the child's condition will help reveal the root cause of the disease, cure, prevent baby disease.

A vomit's reflex in young children signals problems in health. It is necessary to assign adequate treatment. Deletion will lead to dehydration, dangerous health of the crumbs. The smaller the age, the faster, contact medical care. This is important when nausea newborn.

The parent must understand when vomiting is a honest condition, which is not harmful to the infant, and when it is necessary to consult a doctor.

In the infants, due to the irrevocated digestive system, tightening occurs. It is a non-hazardous condition for a baby, unlike vomiting that harm health. Let's look at the difference between the concepts.


Child swollen - the natural flowing of a small volume of the stomach eaten. It occurs after feeding for half an hour. Jumping are characteristic:

  • Occurs after meals;
  • Behavior, the condition of the baby does not deteriorate;
  • The amount of joining is small;
  • Once;
  • There is no vomit reflex;
  • Selection from the stomach without pressure;
  • Milk is poured, water, sinking masses.

Jumping is prevented if the baby does not flip, after eating, engage in calm games.


An involuntary release through the oral cavity of the liquid of the stomach is vomiting. A characteristic external marker that signals the threat to the body. For vomiting typical of the following signs:

  • Arises at any time, does not depend on the feeding of food;
  • The child's behavior is restless, he is capricious, the state is worsen;
  • A large volume, spinning by the stomach;
  • Repeatedly;
  • Vomiting reflex;
  • Stands out fountain, sharply;
  • Romatic masses with an unpleasant smell, unnatural color;
  • Concomitant symptoms are manifested - increase temperature, diarrhea, pain.

Determined nausea at the child? We try to find out the causes of pathology, further actions.

The reasons

Depending on the nature of vomiting in a breast baby, the degree of danger to life and health differs. A single emission of the contents of the stomach, without concomitant symptoms, indicates the imperfection of the digestion of the newborn and does not represent the threats of health. No medical intervention is required.

It rarely happens nausea without concomitant deviations. Diarrhea is considered particularly anxious signs, an increase in body temperature above 38.5 degrees, heavy breathing. Multiple vomiting with aggravating signs of deterioration of health status is dangerous dewatering.

The main causes of vomiting in infants:

  • Lure.
  • Translation to a new mixture.
  • Excessive food.
  • Poisoning.
  • Hygiene.
  • Intestinal infections.
  • Viral and infectious diseases.
  • Foreign object in the digestive tract.
  • Appendicitis.
  • Shocking brain.
  • Neurology.
  • External stimuli.


So that there is no rejection of food when entering the diet, follow the Pediatrician recommendations. Crocha needs to be fed fresh, high-quality products, carefully treated, griming.

If, after the first sample of the new type, the kid dodged the digestive system, the digestive system is not ready for unusual food. It is worth postponing for a month for a month. Resume lures in a week in a smaller volume. In the manifestation of allergic reactions to a specific type of product, you need to consult a pediatrician.

Translation of a new mixture

When changing the mixture, the infant body reacts with nausea, allergies, stool variation. Vomiting occurs after feeding with a new mixture - the reaction to the addiction to the old composition of the mixture. It is necessary to abandon the introduction of a new type of mixture and pick up, together with the pediatrician suitable. The new mixture is introduced gradually with 10 milliliters.

Excess nutrition

For the children of the first year of life, the organization of feeding is an important duty of parents. Food helps grow healthy baby. Overeating does not contribute to the energetic activity.

If a monthly baby after feeding milk immediately appears single nausea, the reason in overeating. Crocha cries, strung out.

When part of food from overeating is rejected, it is required to reduce portions. After eating, try not to shake, do not bathe the child.


The main reaction of the body in poisoning with poor-quality food products, drugs - withdraw poison from the stomach, so as not to get into the blood. It is necessary to cause nausea. Without vomiting you can not get rid of poisoning substances. Vomiting should arise as help in poisoning. The condition is worse rapidly, diarrhea, weakness, whims appears. In the poisoning, the intestinal infection of vomiting is yellow.

The baby needs to offer a water every ten minutes, first with small portions, bringing up to 30 milliliters. To remove toxins, give an adsorbing drug. Then we appeal to the doctor.


Failure to follow hygienic nutritionals of children causes food. It is important to perform hygiene rules.

In case of artificial feeding after the mixture, it is thoroughly washed, boiled bottles. Before cooking, wash your hands, kitchen surfaces, accessories.

With breastfeeding, a nursing woman should eat right, feed the crumb of clean breasts. After breast applying wash the chest.

When feeding with breast milk, allergenic, harmful foods can not be used. Health, infant immunity depends on breast milk.

Intestinal infections

Intestinal infection is similar to poisoning. Symptoms are similar - temperature, liquid diarrhea, severe vomiting. Do not treat intestinal infection at home, call the doctor. Due to fluid loss deteriorates to the state of the child, frequent nausea worsens the situation. Infection covers new parts of the body. In the hospital under the dropper, you can compensate for lost water from the body. Treatment will help neutralize malicious bacteria, improving the condition of a small patient.

Viral and infectious diseases

The eruption of food residues cause a variety of infections, viruses. The child looks like a patient, does not eat, sleeps a lot, temperature. Temperature is a consequence of infectious, viral diseases.

To determine the treatment, the type of disease we appeal to the hospital.

Foreign object in the digestive tract

If vomiting occurs without a deterioration in health, the likely reason is the ingestion of the foreign object. It often occurs at a seven-month child when the energetic cognition of the outside world is going. The contraction of the muscles is nauseous, there is blood in the swelling masses, mucus.

You need to call an ambulance when using the destruction of the contents of the stomach, it was not possible to push the foreign object to the outside, the baby began to choke.


Vomiting - frequent phenomenon during appendicitis. It occurs sharply, it happens infrequently. There is lethargy, weakness, pain, nauseous. Alone, parent's parent does not diagnose appendicitis, only with additional medical research. It is necessary to consult a doctor.

Concussion of the brain

When the infants turn over, trying to consider everything, injuries are possible. Often the five-month baby has a concussion of the brain. If with a fall of the crumb, the baby is crying for a long time, lost consciousness, - Call an ambulance.


With neurological disorders, the baby often cries, his tears. If during a planned visit to the pediatrician, they advised to consult the neurologist, do not neglect the Council. Neurological diseases are accompanied by:

  • rejection of the eaten;
  • excitability, lethargy;
  • muscle tone;
  • convulsions, tremor.

Getting a treatment with the first months of life, increasing the chances of recovery.

External stimuli

Vomiting appears due to external irritating factors. Taxing air when screaming, violent feeding contributes to such a reaction. When scolded in transport, the baby is nauseous, it will break it out. With solar strike, the consequence of overheating is nausea. The teething does not pass asymptomatic, accompanied by an eruption of food residues.

What to do?

The parent must understand the actions in the event of rejection of the food before applying to the medical institution. Initial assistance to the baby:

  • Put a sick side or keep vertically.
  • After vomiting, carrying out cleaning, ventilating the room.
  • Rinse your mouth with water.
  • Be calm collected.
  • Leave vomit masses - show a doctor.
  • Give drink on a small spoon with small time intervals.

How much to give fluid? The boiled water brings every five minutes. If it is not treated on time, complications will emerge - dehydration, body weight loss, blocking the respiratory tract by the lots of the masses.


Nausea is an alarming symptom requiring medical care. The ambulance calls in symptoms:

  • Long crying.
  • Multiple food rejection.
  • Falling from height.
  • Heat.
  • Blood in vomit masses.
  • The kid does not take drink, food.
  • Frequent diarrhea.
  • No stool, urine.

First of all, the mother of a breast child should be able to distinguish the usual joining, which is quite common after feeding, with a pver fountain when it is a symptom of a serious problem.

The most common causes of vomiting in infants:

  • throwing a child when the gastrointestinal tract is thus exempt from excess foods;
  • a specific diet of a nursing mother, when it uses products that give milk bitterness or third-party smells;
  • non-compliance with the nursing mom of elementary rules of personal hygiene, especially before feeding the child;
  • wrong selection of an adapted mixture or change of mixtures that can cause inflammation of the mucosa of the digestive tract;
  • incorrect or too earlier introduction of feeding;
  • food poisoning in which the child could use low-quality or non-freight products;
  • disorders of the digestion system, for example, gastritis or the occurrence of the inflammatory GTS process;
  • exacerbation of appendicitis;
  • intestinal infections;
  • increased body temperature, which may be accompanied by a vomit reflex;
  • brain concussion.

If vomiting has a single character and after it the kid feels normally, then such a case can be attributed to the category of reflex. In this way, the child is trying to free themselves from third-party substances that are not familiar to its receptor and taste preferences. This is a fairly common phenomenon in infants and maybe, for example, when trying to give a child some kind of medicine with an unpleasant bitter taste, etc.

Especially dangerous vomiting, if it occurs a fountain, is repeated 3 or more times a day, and at the same time the baby refuses food, looks tired. In addition, the concern should vomiting, which is accompanied by an increase in body temperature or diarrhea. In such cases, self-examination can be dangerous to the health of the child. It is better to advise with a pediatrician, and in particularly severe cases - to cause immediate ambulance.

Vomiting in infants after feeding

Quite often vomiting in infants is classified as usual joining. Such a phenomenon is common among kids in view of a not enough digestive system, which does not work well with food digestion, especially in large volumes. Jumping after feeding, sometimes even a fountain, is the most harmless vomit. In this case, the gastrointestinal gastrointestinal tract is freed from the excess foods that can not cope. At the same time, the process of vomiting occurs at ease, the infants will not be worried, and the residues of food spontaneously fall out.

To avoid jumping after feeding, moms need to make simple manipulations, for example, hold some time after feeding the child in a vertical position (how to do it right?), Try to provide him as a calm condition, do not bathe the crumb immediately after feeding and limit its activity.

Other common causes of vomiting after or during feeding can be:

  • change adapted mixeswhen the body's body will thus oppose the mixture, unusual for it, so it is not recommended without a significant reason to change artificial blends;
  • incorrect or too early IntroductionIn which single vomiting may be a reaction to a new product or a non-excessive product, as well as for too large portions of the new power or its incorrect choice.

Vomiting fountain in infants

Physiological vomiting in infants is the norm if diarrhea is not present and the body temperature does not increase. Such a phenomenon is due to the characteristics of the anatomical structure of the child's garter. With normal joining the volume of the contents of the content should not exceed 5 ml of the adopted food. However, many parents do not understand what to do if the baby jumps too abundantly, the fountain. In this case, this may be a signal of possible pathologies of congenital character or diseases. To help put the correct diagnosis can only specialist, so child recommended to show pediatrician.

The most common cause of joking the fountain can be improper applying to the chest, when the kid in the process of feeding the kid with greed captures a lot of air filling its stomach. As a result of such food intake, not only vomiting can occur in infants, but also colic, bloating. This condition is not considered dangerous to the health of the baby, however, the consultation of the specialist does not hurt, especially if there is a systematic tightness.

Read: On the right applying to the chest.

Vomiting and diarrhea in infants

Vomiting may be a symptom of serious health problems in infants, especially if there is a diarrhea or an increase in body temperature. Various infectious diseases can be transferred to a child with breastfeeding from the mother.

Very important nursing mom to observe personal hygiene. Before each feeding it is necessary to wash the chest with warm boiled water. A similar procedure should be carried out after feeding.

When GW provoke vomiting in a breast baby may be improper nutrition of a nursing mother. Some products that belong to the category "prohibited in breastfeeding" can provoke not only allergic reactions, but also diseases of the digestive system of an inflammatory nature.

If the child has diarrhea and vomiting, it may be symptoms of food poisoning. If an unfaithful or spoiled food hit the baby's stomach, parents should urgently take all measures so that it is in the minimum quantities in the blood. Another dangerous moment in poisoning, accompanied by diarrhea and vomiting, is the dehydration of the organism of the crumbs. At the same time, it is necessary to immediately call an ambulance or consult a doctor..

Prior to the arrival of ambulance, the infants should be made abundantly, to give a divorced sachet bag or diluted with activated carbon.

Intestinal infections and poisoning in infants only under the hospital under the supervision of a specialist. Independent treatment is unacceptable, as it can become a serious threat to the health and life of the baby.

What if a child has vomiting?

Jumping and vomiting often arise in infants due to the anatomy-physiological characteristics of the digestive tract and the immaturity of the control structures of the central nervous system. Usually, these phenomena do not cause serious harm to health and as the child grows gradually disappear. In some cases, abundant and frequent vomiting is a symptom of a serious disease, which can be complicated by dehydration, falling by the masses in the respiratory tract, etc. This state of the kid requires immediate appeal to the doctor.


In infants, very often after feeding there is a fracture - a non-hazardous physiological state, which is typically in the first months after the birth of a child. Vomiting is almost always a sign of care and feeding defects or any disease. Therefore, it is necessary to clearly know the differences from vomiting:

  • Jumping (regurgitation)- Spontaneous cast of the contents of the stomach in the esophagus and the oral cavity, which is normally found in children up to 3-5 months (up to 6-7 in premature). The volume of the separated mass should not exceed 30 ml. By 9 months, regurgitation decreases. Usually by the end of the first year of life, it completely disappears (this is due to the "rushing" of the digestive system, the verticalization of the child and the introduction of lures).
  • Vomot - Protective reflex, which involves the central nervous system (vomiting center, vegetative system), smooth muscles of the digestive tube and skeletal muscles (intercostal muscles, diaphragm, etc.). In vomiting, the gastric contents are pushed with force through the mouth due to the coordinated movement of the muscles and is accompanied by vegetative symptoms (pallor, sweating, salivation, reduction of the pulse, etc.).

The main criteria for differential diagnosis of jigging and vomiting:

Jumping Vomot
Process characterIt is often considered a physiological phenomenon arising due to the features of the digestive system in childrenMore often is the symptom of many diseases
AgeIn children up to 3-6 monthsAny age
Volume, multiplicityup to 30 ml, onceIt is possible to loss of all the volume eaten food, repeated episodes
Influence on the general condition of the childIn most cases, it does not violate the overall condition of the child's body, does not affect the weight gain and emotional backgroundThe overall condition of the child can deteriorate - there is dehydration, loss of electrolytes, weight, it is possible to cast the vomit masses into the lungs and others. Baby is a dusty or sluggish
ManifestationsThe child takes passive regurgitation of food, not accompanied by visible efforts (urges) and other manifestationsMassories with force are pushed out of the stomach (it is possible to vomiting the fountain). There are urges. This process accompany the symptoms of the involvement of skeletal muscles (you can notice the abdominal press voltage) and the parasympathetic nervous system
Communication with feedingIt occurs almost immediately after feeding (from 5 to 20-30 minutes)May appear much later feeding, sometimes not connected with meals
Character of vomit massesMilk (sink or not sink), a mixture for feeding - not changedIn the vomit's masses, impurities are often observed: gastric juice, blood, bile, mucus, etc.
Related symptomsNot observedPossible temperature, nausea, headaches, stool disorders, increased gas formation, crying, cramps, etc.

Child River Bile - Causes, Medical Tactics

Causes of jerking in infants

According to the classification of the ICD-10, the jugging of the infants is assigned the code G1. It corresponds to the following reasons:

  • Anatomical features of the structure of the tract:
    • The esophagus - has a funnel shape, short (in newborns - 10 cm).
    • The stomach is a horizontal position, a weak cardiac sphincter (connecting the stomach with the esophagus), a small physiological capacity: at birth - 7 ml, in 10 days - 80 ml, it increases 25 ml per month), high tone of the pyloric department, in the position lying the esophageal hole Below the gatekeeper.
    • The neuro-muscular apparatus is the immaturity of the antirefluxus protection structures (the legs of the diaphragm, the esophageal-diaphragmal ligament) and the uncomordinated regulation of the operation of the GCT due to the immaturity of the central and peripheral nervous systems.
  • Aerophagia. The ingestion of air occurs when the technique of applying, rapid sucking. The air bubble in the vertical position moves upstream, pushing some volume of food eaten.
  • Child Rolling. Stretching the stomach leads to regurgitation due to low capacity and weakness of its muscular apparatus.
  • High pressure in the abdominal cavity.It occurs due to accumulation of gases (for example, with colic), with a tight of swelping, long-term crying.
  • Choosing an inappropriate mixture for artificial feeding.Sometimes the child may be allergic to the components of the mixture.
  • Fast change of body position after feeding.A sharp transition to a horizontal position after feeding or active games with a child.
  • Error in nutritional nursing mother.

Sometimes jeeping acquires abundant and frequent character and reflected in the state of the child. After approximately estimating the amount of milk (or mixture), the frequency of regurgitations, is carried out parallel between physiological and pathological swirling. For convenience, pediatricians use the swollen intensity scale:

ESPGHAN Slugging Intensity Estimation Scale (Vandenplas, 1993)

No jigging

↓ 5 times a day, V (volume) no more than 3 ml

5 times a day, v 3 ml

5 times a day, V \u003d ½ mixture introduced for 1 feeding, no more than in half feedings

Jumping a small volume for 30 minutes and more after each feeding

Jumping from ½ to the total volume of the mixture introduced during feeding, less than half of feedings


0 - 2 points

Physiological swolling

3 - 5 points

Pathological swollen

To appreciate the amount of breast milk that the baby gets for one feeding, it is necessary to write it into a bottle with measuring divisions, then give a child.

Pathological swollen

Pathological tightness (gastroesophageal reflux) does not meet the criteria of vomiting, but violates the normal act of food promotion on the gastrointestinal tract and causes constant chemical irritation of the mucosa of the esophagus with acidic gastric content.

The reasons:

  • prematurity;
  • generic injuries, perinatal damage to the nervous system (PPTSNS);
  • asphyxia;
  • poor child care;
  • smoking mother, etc.


  • retention of growth and development;
  • heavyweight anemia);
  • chemical inflammation of the esophagus (esophagitis) - manifests the loss of appetite, violation of swallowing, voices;
  • the disease of the ENT organs: recurrent rhinitis, adenoitis, otitis, broncho-constructive syndrome, etc.;
  • aspiration.

What to do

Jumping in a child decreases when performing special events:

Measures Description

Prevention of overcharging

  • Calculate the volume of one-time meal for children until one year is possible by Filatov's formula: V \u003d 30 ml + 30 x N, where N is age in months.
  • It is recommended to increase the multiplicity of feeding, slightly reduce the volume

Positional therapy

  • You need to feed the child in the sitting position, the body is tilted by 45-60 °.
  • After feeding, keep a child in a vertical position until air deposition (no less than 20-30 minutes).
  • For the prevention of jeeping, it is recommended for a briefly to put the baby on the tummy before feeding

Proper feeding technique

  • During applying to the chest, it is necessary to ensure that the child tight the nipple tightly.
  • With artificial feeding from the bottle, you need to keep it in such a way that the nipple is filled with a mixture completely

Mother diet

  • It is necessary to refrain from products that increase gas formation and joining the child: sweet pastries, bread, grapes, legumes, cabbage, strong meat broths, canned food, sausages, coffee, chocolate, etc.
  • With allergies in a child on a protein of cow milk, it is eliminated by one-piece cow's milk and products with high allergizing properties

Correct child care, mode, conditions

  • Eliminate the factors that increase intra-abdominal pressure: tight swaddling, constipation, strong crying.
  • Active games, swimming, rides must be made to feeding or 1 hour after.
  • It is necessary to create a favorable environment to maintain normal lactation, ensure good emotional state of mom and baby

Optimal selection of a mixture with artificial feeding

  • It is recommended to choose adapted fermented milk mixtures: Agush, Nan, Nutrilon, Nutrilac Acid 1 and 2.
  • With pronounced disorders, the children's gearbox functions, special mixtures are recommended: freists 1 and 2, Nan comfort, nutrofil. Comfort, Human AR, etc.
  • During lactase insufficiency, lactose-free mixtures are used.
  • During food allergies - products containing high-yielded protein

With persistent jerking on breastfeeding, in addition to the above measures, thickeners should be applied - antirefluxic products (ar-mixtures):

The antireflux action of mixtures affects a caseic dominant. What it is higher, the less burden. The ratio of serum proteins to the casein is important. In maternal milk, this indicator is 60-70 / 40-30, in cow milk - 20/80, in most adapted mixtures - 60/40.

In rare cases, with complications, drug therapy is needed, including prokinetics, antacids, etc.

Causes of vomiting

Vomiting in infants arises for the following reasons:

The reasons


Vices of the development of the esophagus

Vomiting the fountain of the total volume of milk immediately after feeding is found in the maternity hospital during the first applied to the chest. Accompanied by bias and wheezes in the lungs. Requires urgent operational treatment

Foreign body in the esophagus

If during the game or remaining unattended the kid sharply began to choke, crying and the vomiting arose - a high probability of a shallow object is high

Defeats of the central nervous system (inflammatory diseases and brain injuries)

The vomiting is abundant, not related to meals, it occurs without nausea, more often in the morning, accompanied by increased excitability or lethargy, chin tremor, convulsions, squint, etc.

Pathology of the pyloric (gatekeeper) department of the stomach (spasm or stenosis)

Pylorostenosis is a significant organic narrowing of the gatekeeper. It occurs mainly in boys. Manifests itself 2 weeks after birth. Vomiting for 10 minutes after meals (sometimes immediately). Accompanied by pallor, loss of body weight, dehydration

Pylorospasm - functional spasm. Vomiting is noted from birth, occurs after 1.5-2 hours after feeding with sinking acidic milk without an impurity of bile not exceeding the volume of food eaten. Does not affect body weight

Intestinal obstruction (incl. Due to invagination)

Multiple vomiting by digested contents (possibly with hiding masses, with bile) with unpleasant odor is accompanied by sharp pain in the abdomen, bloating, temperature, crying, stool, similar to raspberry jelly


Study vomiting, abdominal pain (first in the projection of the stomach, then moved to the iliac region), temperature rise, single liquid stool

Food poisoning

Vomiting is rich multiple, accompanied by increasing temperature, liquid chair, stomach pain

Poisoning toxic substances and drugs

Vomiting may have different characteristics and accompanied by symptoms depending on the type of poisonous substance. In suspected of receiving poison, it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance, not trying to wash the stomach yourself

Infections and diseases of internal organs

Vomiting may be accompanied by influenza, ARVI, infectious diseases (for example, with cough heights at the height of cough), severe disorders of the liver and kidney function, etc.

Violations of exchange

  • Phenylketonuria - vomiting is conjugate with drowsiness, constipation, retardation in psychomotor development, sometimes convulsions. Watering has a specific mouse smell.
  • Lactase insufficiency - It is observed with a fountain vomiting after each feeding with undigested milk and green liquid feces.
  • Adrenogenital syndrome - Vomiting, not related to meals, liquid chair, change of genital organs. In the maternity hospital, screenshots are made to this disease.
  • Acetional syndrome - Gastric spasm appears when glucose reduced in the body, vomiting has the smell of acetone (heavy apples)

Allergy, reactions to vaccinations

In addition to vomiting, the baby may appear rash, allergic rhinitis, atopic dermatitis, increased gas formation in the stomach, etc.

Sometimes vomiting arises as one of the complications of vaccinations. In this case, you need to inform the precinct doctor

Complications of vomiting:

  • dehydration;
  • child weight shortage;
  • metabolic disorders (loss of electrolytes with vomit masses);
  • development of inflammation of the esophagus - esophagitis;
  • aspiration - to enter the vomit in the respiratory tract;
  • outdoor gap.

What to do

Vomiting is a protection mechanism that prevents the effects of toxins to a child, withdrawing them from the body using a vomit reflex. If there is no diarrhea and temperature, parents should not worry, you need to follow the following rules:

  • Correct the child. It must be in a vertical position, slightly tilting the torso ahead. During sleep, it must lie with the head of the head (prevention of aspiration).
  • After vomiting you need to wash the baby and rinse with the mouth with water.
  • Do not leave it unattended, follow its condition.
  • It is more likely to give the baby breasts (on artificial feeding to feed the usual mixture, if there is confidence that it has not caused vomiting). If the baby is on babies, the first time to feed his puree is not recommended, but be sure to give liquid.

Abundant vomiting carries the danger of dehydration, which is manifested by the following signs:

  • dry skin and mucous membranes;
  • dryness of the language;
  • lack of urine for 6 hours;
  • crying without tears;
  • sunken eyes;
  • split.

It is extremely important when signs of dehydration appear to fill the lost liquid and electrolytes. For this, oral rehydration funds (PRS) are well suited:

  • Recider;
  • Touring;
  • Hydraulic;
  • Reosolaan;
  • Orasan;
  • Human electrolyte and others.

It is possible at home to make a universal solution to fall out a child. Dr. Komarovsky gives an example of a solution approved by the World Health Organization:

  • 1 l boiled water;
  • 1 tsp. salty salt;
  • 4 - 6 h. L. Sahar.

Before use, it is necessary to heat the solution to the body temperature. So it is almost instantly absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract. It is recommended to give a teaspoon through a small interval (about 10 minutes). If the child broke out, it is necessary to drink it again.

If a child can not drink himself, this is an indication of urgent hospitalization and rehydration intravenously.

If the urges occur often, diarrhea appears, the temperature - you need to seek medical care as soon as possible. In this case, it is possible to accept the following tools:

  • Activated coal at a dose of 1g / kg.
  • Paracetamol - with increasing temperature. The prescription of the drug is justified by the fact that at temperatures the child strongly loses fluid, and dehydration is enhanced.

Other medicines without appointing a doctor is strictly prohibited.

Signs requiring immediate appeal to the doctor:

  • vomiting from 3 or more times a day;
  • re-vomiting fountain;
  • the child looks sluggish, pale and drowy;
  • the child can not drink;
  • there are pronounced signs of dehydration;
  • vomiting is accompanied by an increase in temperature;
  • there is a liquid chair or constipation, abdominal pain;
  • suspicion of medicinal poisoning and pesticides;
  • suspected head injury;
  • if there is blood in the vomit's masses;
  • unusual smell of urine (mouse, maple syrup, treble apples);
  • the emergence of neurological disorders;
  • the jaggility of the skin.

In these cases, treatment depends on the causes that caused vomiting. With vices for the development of the digestive system (anomaly of the esophagus, pylororostenosis) and acute abdomen (appendicitis, intestinal obstruction, invagination), surgical treatment may be required. In case of food poisoning, therapy is needed in the infectious compartment. If vomiting is accompanied by neurological symptoms, a neuropathologist is needed. Disinfecting therapy requires vomiting that occurred in poisoning poisoning and drugs.

The digestive tract of a newborn baby is not adapted to the habitat of an adult. It is for this reason that the best product for feeding the kid in the first months of his life is his mother's breast milk. All other substances can cause not only digestive disorders, but also severe vomiting in children up to year. Therefore, to introduce lures, change the power mode, to start feeding with artificial milk mixtures can only be controlled by a pediatrician doctor.

Also vomiting in an infectious child may be associated with intestinal infections to which he has no immunity yet. Frequently often in pediatric practice there are cases when a nursing mother became a source of infection and the cause of severe vomiting in a child up to a year.

The mechanism is the next. Nursing mother, without observing the rules of hygiene feeding, began to give the chest to the child, after it went to the toilet and did not wash his hands. At the same time, bacterial analysis of the mother was in absolute norm. But for the newborn baby, the microflora of the intestinal of an adult has become the cause of severe vomiting and loss of body weight. Therefore, it is very important for each mother to realize that even it is a certain extent is a source of increased danger for his baby. It is strictly forbidden to make moms to take the baby's nipples and pacifiers of the child, trying the mixture, take a child to his hands without changing hands with antibacterial soap.

Breasts before each feeding should be carefully processed. Do not allow the baby's contact with other adult family members who have just come from the street and did not wash their hands with soap. Do not give the baby in the handles those objects that are not passing processing. All these measures will help you avoid serious infectious diseases that are provoked. vomiting in an infant.

Causes of vomiting in infants

As mentioned above, the causes of vomiting in infants may be bound by the lesions of the internal organs of the digestive tract. But not only infections make up a list of causes of vomiting in infants. The most often vomiting in an infant is connected:

  • with food errors in the diet of a nursing mother;
  • with ambient temperature changes;
  • with the introduction of supplies;
  • with a change of artificial mixture;
  • with a violation of the development of the internal organs of the digestive tract.

Cause of vomiting in an infant Can be made with violations. Also, one-time vomiting in a child may be associated with the overeating of the baby. If he got more milk than he holds his stomach, it vomiting is a natural protective reflex that allows you to get rid of the body from excess fluid. In this case, you should not panic. You just need to revise the power mode.

Vomiting in infants should cause your suspicions if:

  • it repeats more than 3 times a day;
  • the baby is sluggish and apathetic;
  • vomiting is accompanied by a high body temperature of the child;
  • leads to loss of body weight;
  • accompanied by convulsions;
  • the child refuses the chest;
  • there is dryness and pallor of the skin.

All of the above is a reason for calling an ambulance. But even one-time vomiting in an infant is a reason for the doctor's call to a house for advice and inspection of the baby. Only a doctor will be able to correctly determine the severity of the state of the baby and prescribe treatment and further examination.

Strong vomiting in a child with a temperature: first aid

Most often in pediatric practice meets strong vomiting in a child with a temperature. In this case, vomiting can be both a symptom and the reaction of the body of the infant at a high temperature. No less often vomiting in a child with a temperature is a consequence of the reception of drugs. The body of the kid is not ready for a massive chemical attack by pharmacological preparations, so a natural reflex vomit occurs. With its help, the kid's body is trying to get rid of the chemical agent of the antipyretic agent or antibiotic.

First aid, respectively, also depends on what caused severe vomiting in a child with a temperature. Correctly determine this can only a professional doctor. But each mother should be known to be done in order for strong vomiting the child with a temperature caused him harm. So, at the first signs of severe vomiting in a child in combination with a high body temperature, call ambulance. Before the arrival of the doctor:

  • provide the vertical position of the kid's body;
  • provide enough drink to him;
  • do not allow the baby head backpill;
  • calm the child;
  • stop giving any medicines;
  • do not feed the kid, especially forced

With severe vomit, make sure that the nasal moves of the child were clean.

If a child is vomiting: what to do parents

Parents in vomiting the child must follow the condition of the baby and provide enough drinking. It is necessary to urgently apply for medical help. It is also important to remember everything that the baby was fed, and what drugs were given lately. If a child is on breastfeeding, it may be important to violate the nutritional diet of a nursing mother.

The most important point is to ensure the passability of the respiratory tract. Severe vomiting in breast children It is dangerous aspiration of vomit masses into the lungs. This is without a timely removed medical assistance leads to the death of a child.

Vomiting in a child up to a year when applying supplies

Sometimes vomiting in the child up to a year arises during the administration of the dust. This is due to the tanning of the stomach kid to digesting the new food for him. Most often vomiting when conducting dust is associated with enzymatic failure.

In this case, you can advise parents:

  • postpone the introduction of feeding for several days;
  • start the introduction of dust with a smaller dose;
  • monitor the quality of cooking preparation ;;
  • be sure to consult a doctor.

If a vomiting in a child up to a year with the introduction of feeding is preserved, it is possible that drug interference will be required for regulating the intestinal microflora and restoring the normal functioning of the pancreas.