Why do pregnant women have pain on the right side? Why can the right side of a pregnant woman hurt? Pain, distension and heaviness in the right hypochondrium during pregnancy. Pain in the right side during pregnancy: possible causes

The period of waiting for a child is a responsible state for every woman, regardless of whether this is the first pregnancy or the second, etc. The expectant mother needs to be very careful and careful about her health and carefully monitor the symptoms that may appear in the early or late periods of bearing the baby. Quite often, pregnant women complain of abdominal pain. They can be minor and pronounced, caused by muscle strain or uterine restructuring. Also, painful sensations in the side can hide a syndrome of one of the dangerous diseases. Therefore, today we decided to figure out why the right side hurts during pregnancy, what it can be, how serious this symptom is and what pathologies it hides.

Pulls and hurts the right side early and late in pregnancy

Often, painful sensations in the side are constant companions of expectant mothers. Pain occurs due to stretching of the muscles of the uterus in the early stages of bearing the baby, and when the fetus moves - in the 2nd and 3rd trimester. With a suboptimal position of the child relative to the internal organs, the fetus can press on one of them, causing pulling pains in the right side. All these symptoms pose no threat to either the mother's body or the development of the fetus.

But sometimes a sharp pain in the right side in the early and late stages of pregnancy may indicate such dangerous pathologies as appendicitis, renal and hepatic failure, a hernia of the diaphragm or peptic ulcer disease. Therefore, with frequently recurring painful sensations in this area of ​​the female body, it is necessary to seek help from a doctor. It is especially important to pay attention to pain that builds up over a short period of time.

What does it mean when the right side hurts during pregnancy: causes

Knowing the nature of pain, we will be able to distinguish periodic discomfort in the abdomen, which is the norm for the prenatal period, from serious pathology.

To begin with, on the right side of the peritoneum of our body are the liver, right kidney, part of the stomach, pancreas and diaphragm, gallbladder, as well as the right side of the intestine and appendix. Knowing the anatomy of the human body, it will be easier for us to identify a pain symptom that indicates a possible pathology.

The right side hurts in the lower abdomen

If side pain in the lower right abdomen is accompanied by fever, vomiting and nausea, then this may indicate an inflammation of the appendix. During pregnancy, this ailment is especially dangerous, as it can cause infection, and the preservation of the fetus will be impossible. If after taking the pain reliever the pain does not go away, then you need to call an ambulance.

In the early stages, lower right side pain may be due to an ectopic pregnancy, when an egg is attached to the fallopian tube that connects the uterus and ovary, rather than to the walls of the uterus. Bleeding from the genital tract indicates a ruptured ovary or a complication of an ectopic pregnancy - a ruptured fallopian tube. Symptoms are quite similar to appendicitis - nausea, vomiting, fever.

Cysts are often formed in the ovaries, the rupture of which is accompanied by severe pain, loss of consciousness. In addition, there are painful sensations when moving and urinating, fever and intestinal disorders.

If the right side and lower back hurt, but this pulling pain disappears after rest or taking a warm bath, then it indicates spastic contractions of the uterus, characteristic of its hypertonicity. At 9 months of gestation, a pulling sensation in the right side may indicate training contractions.

The right side hurts from above, under the ribs

During pregnancy, due to the increase in the amount of a hormone such as progesterone, which is responsible for relaxing and reducing the tone of smooth muscles, minor pain occurs. But in addition to the muscles of the uterus, other organs relax, the walls of which are formed from smooth muscle fibers. In this regard, there may be stagnation of bile, impaired secretion of the pancreas, compression of the diaphragm, which causes pain in the right hypochondrium.

The right side hurts behind, closer to the back

Pain in the right side in the lumbar region most often indicates renal colic, when, with urolithiasis, a stone enters the ureter, which connects the kidney and the bladder. Painful sensations do not disappear when changing positions and are almost not weakened by anything. The pain can be projected onto the lower back or groin area, and intensify with urination.

Sharp, very strong single injections in the right side in the third trimester often occur due to fetal movement, or with unsuccessful movements of the woman, when the fetus begins to press on the internal organs - such pains disappear when the posture is changed or after rest.

Pain in the right side at the level of the navel

The pains that occur in the navel area while carrying a baby are among those, the cause of which is rather difficult to determine. Firstly, as the abdomen grows, the skin is stretched, which may well cause pain in this area. Secondly, the appearance of pain in this area is often associated with a sprain of the round ligament of the liver. This is explained by the fact that during intrauterine development, the umbilical cord of the fetus goes directly to the gate of the liver. After the birth of the baby, the umbilical cord falls off, and its inner part shrinks, forming this very ligament, which hurts, stretching during pregnancy.

Weak abdominal muscles can also cause pain at the level of the navel. In some women, the navel seems to be inverted and becomes convex. However, such symptoms do not indicate a disease and go away on their own after childbirth.

Pain in the right side under the breast

This pain occurs with cholecystitis. This disease is an inflammation of the gallbladder, has symptoms similar to pancreatitis, but never radiates to the back.

Cholecystitis is characterized by sharp pains in the right side under the chest, extending under the scapula or shoulder. In connection with impaired liver function, jaundice can be observed - yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes. With an acute course of the disease, peritonitis often occurs when bile enters the abdominal cavity, causing inflammation.

The right side hurts and gives to the anus

If a woman has a pain in her right side, lower abdomen and lower back (gives off in the anus), then the reason for this may be a fetus developing outside the cavity of the genital organ. This pathology can only be detected at a doctor's appointment. Unpleasant sensations in this case are the reason that the ovum increases in size and presses on adjacent organs. In this case, nerve endings that penetrate the intestines often react. Also, this symptom is typical for the development of hemorrhoids, nephritis, cystitis.

The right side hurts when walking, when moving

Many pains in pregnant women are associated with physiological factors of pregnancy. The load on all organs during this crucial period is due to the growth of the fetus.

The main "blow" falls on the musculoskeletal system, which provokes pain when walking. Especially often this problem pops up in women with spinal injuries.

Pain in the right side when coughing

With this problem, women often turn to a gynecologist. The cause of such pain can be not only muscle overstrain, radiating to the groin, but also diseases of the genitourinary system. These include cystitis, the presence of cysts on the ovaries, inflammation of the appendages.

Discomfort in the ovarian area can be experienced by coughing pregnant women in the second and third trimester. During the growth and development of the fetus, the musculature moves apart, moving to the ovarian region. Unpleasant sensations in this case refer to muscle pain.

Pain in the right side after eating

Most often, such pains indicate problems in the gastrointestinal tract. For example, a duodenal ulcer is manifested by pain in the right side of the abdomen from above. It can be aching, cramping, cutting, sometimes weak, dull. The ulcer is characterized by periodic pain, the appearance of which is replaced by a period of relative rest. Concomitant symptoms of the disease: heartburn, belching, nausea and vomiting, constipation.

My right side hurts when I lie

If pain in the right side is accompanied by profuse sweating, then this may indicate a disease of the pancreas. Pancreatitis can also be recognized by the fact that the pain becomes worse when the expectant mother lies, and weaker when leaning forward in a sitting position.

If the temperature is not observed, but all other symptoms are present, then this may indicate an infringement of the pancreas, for example, an enlarged uterus.

Right side hurts at night, after sleep

Dull mild periodic pains in the right side under the ribs and sternum, which most often appear two hours after eating, or on an empty stomach in the morning, indicate the development of gastritis. With these symptoms, expectant mothers often complain of decreased appetite, sour air belching, constipation or diarrhea. Duodenitis is accompanied by aching pain in the right side under the ribs two hours after eating. The pain may radiate to the right shoulder blade, back, or be encircling.

What to do if it hurts in the right side during pregnancy?

First of all, don't panic. On the top right are the liver, gallbladder and part of the diaphragm. Consider if nutrition or other factors might have affected the functioning of these organs and caused pain. Fatty, fried, smoked food puts a strain on the liver and gallbladder, and during pregnancy these organs are in a compressed state and are unable to fully perform their functions. To avoid discomfort in this area, the nutrition of a pregnant woman should be gentle and balanced.

If the pain lasts more than 30 minutes, increases, then you should immediately contact a medical institution for assistance, and not self-medicate, since painful sensations in the right side can be dangerous not only for the woman's body, but also pose a threat to the normal development of the fetus.

Often, the treatment of pathologies characterized by painful symptoms in the right side during pregnancy is carried out stationary, in extreme cases they resort to surgical intervention. In order not to take the situation to an extreme, it is better not to endure the pain, but to contact a specialist with the problem.

If you take a responsible approach to the issue of your own health, then the period of pregnancy will pass without complications and diseases. To do this, you need to follow the recommendations of doctors and lead a healthy lifestyle.

Be healthy!

Especially for - Nadezhda Vitvitskaya

If the right side hurts during pregnancy, then the reason for this is not always the presence of obstetric pathology. Abdominal pain during pregnancy is also possible in a healthy woman, since natural processes occur in her body that provoke it.

However, the stomach on the right can also hurt as a result of the development of pathologies caused by a malfunction of the digestive or excretory system, with the threat of miscarriage.

When abdominal pain is not dangerous

Causes of natural pain in the lower abdomen:

  • a fertilized egg, attaching to the uterus on the right, can cause mild cramping pain in the lower abdomen on the same side;
  • during pregnancy, the uterus increases 25 times and, of course, stretching of the ligaments and muscles that hold it occurs. With tension, the pregnant woman feels soreness, especially on the side where the embryo is located;
  • after 20 weeks, the child begins to move, while he can touch the internal organs, which will cause painful sensations.

The reasons why these pains occur are completely natural, they do not lead to serious disorders of the body's functions and do not affect the child.

Why do pregnant women experience stomach pain?

With the onset of pregnancy, hormones begin to be synthesized, which change the work of almost all body systems. The digestive, nervous, cardiovascular system undergoes the greatest changes.

This leads to a relapse of chronic pathologies, which can manifest as pain in the right hypochondrium. Pain syndrome is possible with increased gas production or constipation, which is associated with a change in diet.

At an early stage, the greatest risk of developing obstetric pathologies

By the third month of pregnancy, the uterus enlarges and stretches, forcing the pelvic organs (bladder, ureter, intestines) to change their location. With pressure on the intestines, its motility is disrupted and the evacuation of feces is difficult, which leads to constipation. Compression of the ureter causes urinary retention in the kidneys.

After 6 months of gestation, the uterus already presses on the stomach, pancreas, gallbladder, diaphragm, which disrupts blood circulation in them. If there is a predisposition to any diseases, then this accelerates their development. After the 20th week of pregnancy, the woman already feels the movement of the baby, sometimes the blows fall on the internal organs, which causes acute short-term pain.

The organs of the abdominal cavity are not only mechanically affected. During pregnancy, hormones are released that cause muscle tissue to relax. This is necessary so that the uterus can enlarge. At the same time, atony of other organs (for example, intestines or sphincter) is also noted, which can provoke the development of pathological processes.

During pregnancy, the general immunity decreases, the hormonal background changes sharply, physical activity decreases, the amount of circulating blood increases, which increases the load on the cardiovascular system and liver. All these changes provoke relapses of chronic diseases or accelerate their development in case of predisposition to them.

The pain, as a rule, is localized in the same place where the organ causing it is located, but it happens that it is radiating and is felt under the scapula, in the lower back, in the region of the heart, in the perineum. In this case, it will be necessary to identify all the symptoms of pathology (sometimes nausea, back pain and frequent urination are not perceived by patients as signs of the disease) and conduct a thorough examination.

On the lower right in the abdomen are the fallopian tubes, ureter, appendix, and the liver, gallbladder, pancreas, intestines are located slightly higher. If the gestational age is not long, then it is likely that the pain is a sign of an ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage or complications due to sexually transmitted diseases.

By the nature and localization of pain, it can be assumed which internal organs have ceased to perform their functions. But before conducting therapy, it is required to confirm the diagnosis with the help of objective research.

Diseases that cause abdominal pain

The stomach on the right hurts badly if there are the following pathologies:

  • attachment of the embryo to the right fallopian tube;
  • appendicitis;
  • inflammation of the liver;
  • movement of stones, renal colic;
  • rupture of the cyst;
  • infectious diseases.

During pregnancy, most often pathological pain in the abdomen on the right side occurs with liver diseases, impaired digestive function, and also due to the development of appendicitis. If you know how the pathology manifests itself, then you can alleviate your condition and prevent the development of complications.

Liver disease

During pregnancy, the amount of circulating blood increases by about 1.5 liters, which increases the burden on the liver. The organ not only renders the blood harmless from toxins from outside, but also cleans it of unnecessary hormones, vitamins, and mediators.

Since the immune system is weakened and relapses of chronic diseases occur, the woman is forced to undergo drug therapy. If the liver works in a stressful mode for a long time, then it may cease to cope with its function, and this will affect the gallbladder and intestines.

Sometimes, pregnant women with a complaint of pain in the right side are diagnosed with viral hepatitis. This is due to the fact that due to a decrease in immunity, a "dormant" virus was activated, or a woman becomes infected with it already being in a position. Hepatitis B or C can be in the body for years and not manifest itself in any way, while pregnancy becomes a kind of catalyst.

With hepatitis A, pregnant women sometimes develop a condition that is similar to toxicosis, so it can be ignored by the patient for some time

Hepatitis A poses no threat to either the mother or the fetus. It spreads through contaminated food or water. The virus enters the intestines, multiplies, and then is carried with the blood to the liver. Hepatitis A does not go unnoticed by immune cells, therefore, after a while, complete recovery occurs.

Symptoms of the disease:

  • nausea, vomiting;
  • weakness;
  • subfebrile temperature;
  • nasal congestion, sore throat;
  • lack of appetite;
  • yellowing of the sclera, palms;
  • discoloration of urine and feces.

The incubation period of hepatitis B is 3-4 months, which means that the first symptoms, if they arise, will appear only 90 days after infection. The infection penetrates the body through biological fluids (semen, blood).

Signs of the disease are nonspecific (nausea, vomiting, jaundice, pain in the right side under the ribs, irritability, itching). Pregnant women tolerate hepatitis much more difficult. With a severe form of the disease, liver failure may develop, in which there is very severe pain in the abdomen, lower back and right hypochondrium.

Inflammation of the liver can be caused not only by the virus, but also by drug therapy

Diseases of the digestive system

If it hurts in the lower right abdomen during pregnancy, then this suggests that inflammation of the pancreas or gallstone disease has developed. In this case, cramping pains are felt, which spread to the spine and are accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea.

To somewhat reduce the pain before the arrival of an ambulance, it is recommended to take a sitting position in which the baby will not squeeze the pancreas.

Stagnation of bile occurs due to relaxation of the tissues of the organ (all the same progesterone is to blame). The pains are felt in the right hypochondrium, spread under the right shoulder blade, in the right shoulder and collarbone, and nausea, vomiting, heartburn, and belching also occur.

During pregnancy, the likelihood of the formation of kidney stones, gall bladder increases. This is due to a change in hormonal levels, a violation of water-salt metabolism.

Stones in the gallbladder impede the timely outflow of secretions and cause pain on the right side of the abdomen, it radiates to the shoulder, scapula, and neck. The development of the disease is indicated by bitterness in the mouth, nausea, diarrhea replacing constipation. Severe stabbing pain occurs when stones come out.

Fetal movement can cause colic

Pain on the right side of the abdomen, appearing before or after eating, indicates a malfunction of the digestive system. If there is a duodenal ulcer, then pains are noted already three hours after the meal, the so-called hunger pains. Severity and discomfort is felt after fried or fatty foods with stagnation of bile, cholangitis, cholecystitis.

During pregnancy, taste preferences also change. A woman begins to eat some foods in large quantities or eats incompatible foods. This can lead to indigestion and cause stomach pain.

Inflammation of the appendix

It is possible that the pain in the lower abdomen on the right during pregnancy arose due to inflammation of the appendix. Acute appendicitis develops quickly enough and if you do not consult a doctor, then within 72 hours it may rupture and purulent masses will appear in the abdominal cavity, which threatens the life of not only the child, but also the mother. In pregnant women, inflammation of the appendix develops quite often.

There are two predisposing factors:

  • as a result of the displacement of the uterus, the cecum changes its location, which can lead to impaired circulation of the appendix. This provokes swelling and inflammation of the appendix;
  • progesterone ("pregnancy hormone") affects the smooth muscles of the intestine, which is why there is a violation of peristalsis and stagnation of feces. This can lead to blockage of the lumen between the appendix and the cecum, poor circulation and inflammation.

In the first hours of the disease, pain is felt throughout the abdomen, then it is localized in the appendix, that is, in the right iliac region. The clinic depends on the location of the appendix. So, if the process is at the top, under the liver, then symptoms characteristic of gastritis appear, and if near the bladder, then there are signs of cystitis.

The more the uterus presses on the appendix, the more discomfort will be felt, so the pregnant woman takes a forced position in order to alleviate her condition. In addition to acute pain, vomiting occurs in the abdomen, indigestion, nausea, and fever may rise.

Diagnosis of appendicitis in pregnant women is somewhat difficult, since ultrasound examination does not always show the appendix

Laparoscopy is performed to confirm the diagnosis. The appendicitis is removed during lane surgery or laparoscopy. Taking antibiotics in the postoperative period is mandatory, as this reduces the risk of infection.

In addition, the pregnant woman is assigned a special diet and bed rest, and after she is discharged from the hospital, she is registered, since the likelihood of premature birth or miscarriage increases. There are much more pathologies of the digestive system that can cause pain on the right side of the abdomen, we have indicated only the most common ones.

What to do if your stomach hurts?

To understand what causes pain, a woman is advised to lie down. If the symptom is due to the growth of the uterus or the movement of the fetus, then the pain will subside. Do not worry if the pain appears periodically, it is not very pronounced and there are no other signs of pathology (fever, vomiting, stool disturbances, frequent urination, yellowness, heaviness after eating).

The longer the gestation period, the more often physiological pains appear due to the pressure of the uterus on the organs and stretching of its muscles.

If the child touches the liver, then the pain appears dull, aching and lasts no longer than 15 minutes. To make it go away faster, it is recommended to take deep breaths while lying on your back. A sharp, prolonged pain in the lower abdomen on the right indicates a serious illness.

With appendicitis or apoplexy (rupture of the cyst), acute pain is felt and makes us assume a forced position of the body, and with inflammation of the pelvic organs, the pain is aching, bearable. In any case, if a pregnant woman has pains in the right side that do not go away for more than half an hour, then you need to seek medical help and find out the cause of their occurrence.

You should not apply a heating pad to the stomach, as with inflammation this will only accelerate the development of the infection. Even if the lower abdomen hurts slightly, then the obstetrician observing the pregnancy should know about it. Only a doctor will be able to determine why the symptom has appeared and will tell you how to eliminate it.

Consider a number of diseases and abnormalities in which the right side hurts during pregnancy:

Ectopic pregnancy

Common cause. Physiologically, it is the right ovary that is the worker, and the left one acts as a "spare". That is why the pain is characteristic of the right side.

Following a natural call, the egg attaches itself to the stopping point, which becomes the fallopian tube, if the egg has not reached its destination for any reason. Not intended for bearing a fetus, it cannot stretch and rupture when the embryo reaches a certain size. A woman experiences sharp pains in the lower abdomen for some time before rupture, which is accompanied by bleeding.

In this situation, emergency hospitalization is required. Blood loss and trauma to the internal genital organs are fatal.


Appendicitis causes pain on the right side

Doctors distribute the abdominal area into 9 squares - 3 zones on the left, 3 zones on the right and 3 in the center. When experiencing stabbing or cutting pains in the lower abdomen, the first step is to exclude the option of inflammation of the appendix. The danger of appendicitis lies in the initial focus of pain located in the central upper zone (epigastric), and after a while, the pain moves to the lower right zone, where the appendix is ​​located. Together with such accompanying symptoms as vomiting, high fever and chills, in the initial stage, it can be confused with poisoning, and it is highly undesirable to allow the condition to deteriorate.

Experiencing these sensations, urgent medical attention is required. The rupture of the appendix is ​​subject to severe and not always successful treatment, and the inflamed one is removed exclusively by surgery.

Distension of the uterus

The uterus is a muscle. Any muscle is characterized by overload and stretching, which occurs during the growth of the fetus. The pressure on the tissue provokes a constant aching pain. When the mother is actively moving, or the baby himself is moving, the pain may intensify. In such cases, doctors recommend rest, and to relieve the spasm - a warm shower or bath, if there is no threat of miscarriage.

Pinched ureter

Painful sensations are provoked by the increased volume of the uterus with the fetus, which strongly presses on the internal organs. One example is the right ureter. As the fetus grows, the pain may worsen. Cases are not excluded in which the unpleasant sensations will last for some time, and then will pass when the child changes his position.

Ovarian cyst

The cyst occurs long before pregnancy and does not manifest itself in any way for a long time. During pregnancy, the ovary enlarges and irritates the nerve receptors, due to which the cyst appears. As a result - aching dull pain in the pelvic region. When the cyst ruptures, the pain becomes acute and rolls over in attacks.

The pain intensifies if you press on the abdomen and is given to the anus, causing false urge to use the toilet.

You need to see a doctor. In each case, the doctor's prescriptions are individual - from painkillers and antispasmodic drugs to urgent surgical intervention.

Diseases of the internal organs of the abdominal cavity

Due to the enlarged uterus, the internal organs of the woman "move apart" to the sides. Thus, they, previously in the center, are pressed to the sides and the pain associated with them manifests itself in an unusual place - under the ribs or from the back, causing confusion.

Consider the organs that are "pressed" to the right side:

  1. Liver. The most common liver disease is hepatitis. There are 4 types of the disease - A, B, C and toxic. The first three are transmitted mainly sexually and through blood. Toxic occurs when taking medications and toxic agents. In addition, alcohol, gestosis (late toxicosis of pregnant women) and heart failure cause liver disease. The latter provokes stagnation of blood in the lungs and liver, greatly stretching it.
  2. Kidneys. Renal colic is caused by stones in the ureter, inflammation and abscesses. Symptoms resemble an attack of appendicitis, but unlike it, pain can be given to the back, lower back, or appear in the lower abdomen. If the stone has left the ureter, very severe pain can roll in waves.
  3. The gallbladder. The uterus "pushes" the organs to the sides, and therefore, the gallbladder is under the ribs, along with the liver, stomach and part of the intestine. Food is digested thanks to bile, which is injected by the gallbladder into the intestines. The fattier the food, the more "solution" you need to use. The presence of a stone in the gallbladder will block the exit of actively secreted bile and promote its accumulation, which will lead to pain on the upper right side.

Pancreas. The most common disease is pancreatitis. Symptoms are severe pain, vomiting, nausea, increased sweating. Pain sensations radiate towards the back, in the supine position, and weaken in a sitting position with an inclination forward.

During pregnancy, you need to monitor your feelings so as not to miss any sign of trouble. First of all, you need to pay attention to the pain in the right side, which suddenly appeared.

Alarm signal

It should be noted that pain in the side during pregnancy can be associated with many diseases and disorders. This is due to the fact that there are many different organs and tissues in the abdomen in which something can happen. And this pain, especially if it does not stop for more than half an hour, is just an alarming symptom that signals that you need to see a doctor.

What hurts?

In order to determine what this may mean, you need to know about this. Experts conditionally divide the abdomen into four segments (or quadrants):

  • top right (top right side),
  • top left (top left side),
  • bottom right and bottom left (bottom right and left side).

Accordingly, the localization of all features is determined by one of the four quadrants.

As for the right side, here are located:

  • the right side of the intestine,
  • liver,
  • the right side of the diaphragm,
  • gallbladder.

Injuries and diseases of these organs provoke such pain. Its intensity and severity will depend on where and what is happening.

For example, this is typical for liver inflammation - viral hepatitis A, B, C. The first type is possible when drinking water or food contaminated with sewage. The second is sexually transmitted. Finally, type 3 disease is possible due to contaminated blood transfusions, the use of medical needles and products that contain blood. In addition, there is the so-called toxic hepatitis, which is caused by chemical poisoning, as well as alcoholic - respectively, alcohol abuse.

In addition, such pain is possible with heart failure, when it is difficult for the heart muscle to cope with pumping blood that has entered the heart. Some of it accumulates in the lungs - and breathing problems appear, the rest remains in the liver, thereby stretching it and contributing to the onset of pain.

In addition, the pain on the upper right side may be associated with the gallbladder, which stores the excess bile that has formed in the liver. When eating a very fatty food, the gallbladder injects all the bile into the intestines. In addition, there is another organ in the abdomen - the pancreas.

It has a glandular structure and is located deep from right to left in the abdominal cavity, secretes insulin, digestive enzymes, gastric juice. It begins in the upper right segment, its middle runs along the midline of the abdomen, and ends in the upper left segment.

The most common cause of pain in the lower right side is pancreatitis, or inflammation of the pancreas. As a rule, it is very painful, accompanied by profuse sweating, nausea and vomiting. In addition, this pain radiates strongly to the back, the lying position increases, and decreases if you sit down, leaning forward. However, such a diagnosis must be confirmed by laboratory tests.

In addition, renal pathology can cause pain on the top right. The kidneys are known to sit on the sides. If an infectious abscess, abscess or stones form in the right kidney, then, accordingly, it hurts there.

In addition, the lower right segment contains the fallopian tubes and the ureter, which drains urine from the kidneys into the bladder. In addition, lower right side pain may signal appendicitis. Its place can be shown with one finger, it lasts all day without weakening, it is localized near the navel. In any case, you must immediately consult a doctor, because the appendix can fester and burst, and it can be fatal.

In addition, pain in the lower right side while waiting for the baby may indicate an ectopic pregnancy - a condition when a fertilized egg does not descend into the uterus, but lives in the fallopian tube. In addition, such pain can be with infections that are obtained through sexual contact.

By the way, such chronic pain can be provoked by ovarian cysts, especially in the case of ruptures and tumors.

Right side pain in late pregnancy

Often, expectant mothers complain of pain and a feeling of heaviness.

As the gestation period increases, such sensations increase and intensify. Sometimes it can be related to. This is a very insidious disease, as it can cause the formation of stones and the development of the inflammatory process. In addition, dyskinesia occurs with chronic cholecystitis or gallstone disease.

For example, ingestion of food in the stomach can not only irritate the receptors in the stomach and increase the biliary tract and bile production.

In addition, the function of the bile ducts of the gallbladder largely depends on the state of the nervous system. In particular, dystonia of the autonomic system disrupts the activity of the muscles of the gallbladder and causes a delay in bile secretion. In addition, psychogenic factors play an important role in the appearance of dyskinesia, in particular, it is a consequence of stress and neurosis, unbalanced nutrition, hormonal imbalance.

In other words, expectant mothers are characterized by hypomotor disturbances in the activity of internal organs, which are caused by changes in the hormonal background.

The fact is that the body of a pregnant woman at a later date produces a lot of progesterone, which relaxes the uterus, preventing miscarriage and premature birth, and other organs, including the gallbladder. In addition, this may be due to insufficient emptying of the gallbladder, which leads to its stretching and pain.

By the way, the latter can also be due to purely mechanical reasons: the uterus, which is growing, presses on the organs of the chest cavity, including the liver and gallbladder, as a result, disturbances in the normal process of bile secretion are possible.

In addition, the expectant mother may be bothered by aching pain in the right side, which extends to the epigastric region, a feeling of heaviness and pressure in it, often accompanied by bloating, nausea, belching, lack of appetite, heartburn, and a feeling of bitterness in the mouth. In addition, this pain sometimes increases with the movement of the crumbs and changes depending on its position in the uterus.

Emotional stress, stress, depression, and in some cases, improper nutrition can intensify or provoke sensations of pain and a feeling of fullness in the right side.

During pregnancy, a woman constantly listens to what is happening in her body. Pain in the right side is an alarming sign that speaks not only of the growth of the embryo, but also of the exacerbation of various diseases. Many vital organs are located in the hypochondrium on the right side, and pain signals that pathological processes have begun, both acute and chronic. Some of the sensations are associated with a child growing inside the abdomen, which not only takes up a lot of space, but also gradually begins to behave more actively, turn and push.

Natural causes of pain in the right side during pregnancy

Women expect pleasant sensations from the waiting period for the baby, dream of a family and a pink, rosy baby, but pregnancy often gives many unpleasant discoveries. This is toxicosis in the 1st trimester, and edema, aching lower back or increased nervousness. The growing load on the body, which falls on a woman at this time, makes all the hidden and sluggish processes manifest. One of the manifestations is pain in the right hypochondrium.

The discomfort can be caused by the physiological characteristics of pregnancy. If everything is in order with health, then the pains are temporary and can go away by themselves. They are accompanied by an unstable emotional state and increased stress levels.

Pain in the lower abdomen causes fears for the life of the developing baby in the womb, and this further worsens the condition of the pregnant woman. However, if there is no high body temperature and other signs of an acute course of the disease, these pains can be natural.

In women, while waiting for a child, kidneys are often sore, experiencing increased stress. When straining, walking up the stairs, when the expectant mother stands a lot during the day at work or sits motionless at the office table, she stabs in her side, pulls in her stomach from below, aching back. All these are inevitable manifestations of pregnancy. If the pain becomes unbearable, it is necessary to find out why it has arisen.

In the early stages

When toxicosis occurs in the 1st trimester, women are worried about not only morning sickness, but also vomiting, flatulence, abdominal pain on the right, other discomfort, as well as daytime sleepiness and sleep disturbances at night. Gradually, the body adapts to its new state, and these warning signs can go away. In the early stages, many symptoms quickly pass without outside intervention by normalizing the daily regimen and reducing the load.

With the onset of pregnancy, hormonal changes in the female body begin. This explains the change in the functioning of many organs. The work of the digestive, central nervous, cardiovascular and urinary systems is complicated.

Because of this, previously latent disorders or chronic conditions are exacerbated. Pregnant women often complain of manifestations of gastritis, cholecystitis, colitis.

An increase in the amount of progesterone in the blood negatively affects the tone of the digestive system. The smooth muscles relax in order to make room in the uterus for the ovum, but the process also affects other organs. The work of the gastrointestinal tract is complicated, there is stagnation of bile, causing severe pain in the right hypochondrium.

In the 2nd and 3rd trimesters

In the 2nd and 3rd trimesters, the embryo is already formed, the ovum is attached to the wall of the uterus and surrounded by membranes, and they require more and more free space for placement. In a later period, due to the active growth of the child and the enlargement of the uterus, the pelvic organs should shift around him, making way for the unborn child. He is already formed enough to roll over in the womb, move and push. When walking, the expectant mother pulls and hurts in the lower abdominal cavity.

The uterus grows, its size is already so large that it begins to noticeably press on the internal organs. Due to the squeezing of the ureter, there are violations of the natural outflow of urine, and it accumulates in the pelvis of the right kidney, which causes pain from the side and from the back. One of the physiological manifestations of pregnancy is compression of the small and large intestine, which causes constipation. The fundus of the uterus stretches and presses on the diaphragm, displaces the stomach and pancreas, as well as the gallbladder. The work of all these organs is disrupted, there are characteristic pains in the right side under the ribs or on both sides.

At the end of pregnancy, the child is already so large that the woman sometimes feels pain in the lower abdomen, pulling and pressing sensations in the side or back due to the fact that the child changes position in the uterus and, pushing, hits the internal organs. It is necessary to avoid physical activity, maintain a healthy lifestyle, and walk more.

Pathological causes, nature and localization of pain

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In addition to natural causes, pain in the right side can be attributed to conditions unrelated to pregnancy. In women, while expecting a baby, appendicitis is often exacerbated. There is a sharp, cutting pain, which is localized in the epigastric region on the right below the ribs. The body temperature rises, nausea, vomiting begins.

Then the pain spreads wider, descends into the groin-iliac region. Patients try to curl up, it is difficult for them to straighten up. The process cannot be started, since the inflammation of the appendix threatens to turn into peritonitis, significantly increasing the threat to the life of the pregnant woman. It is required to immediately call an ambulance.

It is possible that the woman was not diagnosed with an existing ovarian cyst before conception. The cause of the pain may be in it. With hormonal changes in the body, the size of the ovaries increases, internal organs press on them, a dull, aching pain is felt. When it becomes acute and paroxysmal, cyst rupture can be suspected. The patient feels a tense abdomen, with pressure, the pain is felt by impulses to the anus. Because of this, false urge to defecate begins.

The enlargement of the ovaries during pregnancy can lead to rupture of one of them. The danger lies not only in the possible loss of further reproductive capacity, but also in severe bleeding that threatens death. With an injury to the ovary, it first hurts in the side, then smears it with blood, and bleeding begins. The woman may faint. This situation is very dangerous, medical help is needed.

It can hurt at the bottom right in women after fertilization due to an ectopic pregnancy. At first, there are minor unpleasant sensations, then they develop into painful attacks. The fertilized egg is attached not in the uterus, but outside it - in the fallopian tube, ovary, peritoneum. Its growth can lead to rupture of the organ. The pain becomes severe, sharp, interferes with movement, bleeding begins.

Some sexually transmitted diseases are characterized by pain in the right side. This condition can be easily distinguished by the accompanying pain, itching in the genital area, purulent discharge. STDs can cause fetal development disorders, missed pregnancies and abortion. Pain in the right hypochondrium occurs when:

  • gonorrhea;
  • chlamydia;
  • trichomoniasis.

Diseases from the gastrointestinal tract are also accompanied by painful sensations. If a pathological process is present in the gallbladder, and the stones have blocked the passage of bile secretion into the intestine, the process of digesting fats becomes impossible. It is these disorders that cause pain in the right side.

With pancreatitis, in addition to nausea, vomiting and general malaise, severe pain occurs in the hypochondrium above the waist. The patient sweats a lot, it is difficult for her to sit upright, it is more convenient to bend forward. Inflammation of the pancreas does not depend on hormonal status or gestational age. It develops independently of these phenomena, but can worsen due to toxicosis and displacement of organs in the abdominal cavity.

How to relieve pain on your own?

When a pregnant woman develops aching pain in her right side, it is important to provide rest, lay her down and assess the condition and the need for emergency care. If you suspect problems with the pancreas or appendicitis, it is allowed to take No-shpa, but women in the position need to consult a doctor. The patient can find a position in which the pain is felt less, and so wait for the doctors. If you vomit, you need to drink plenty of fluids to replenish the loss of fluid in the body. Do not use heating pads and do alcohol warming compresses - this can negatively affect pregnancy.

If the pain is due to a physiological cause rather than a serious illness, rest and diet should relieve the symptom. In the future, it is necessary to adjust the diet, try to systematize bowel movements, for example, with the help of laxatives, and use means to eliminate flatulence. Walking in the fresh air, restful sleep, and wearing a special bandage will help normalize the work of the digestive system. With edema, you need to reduce fluid intake.

When can you not do without medical help?

When the pain in the right side is minor, the pregnant woman can reconsider her daily routine and diet. If it gets worse, you should consult a doctor without waiting for the appointed time for a scheduled visit.

Acute pain is an alarming sign, it may indicate rapidly proceeding processes that threaten complications (for example, peritonitis), and aching or pulling - be the first sign of a pathological pregnancy. An urgent need to call a doctor if:

  • the pain is acute, paroxysmal;
  • body temperature rises;
  • confusion of consciousness, light-headedness is observed;
  • severe vomiting;
  • bleeding.