Full description of the girl - appearance, behavior, character and interesting facts. How to impress the first date

  • Can the very first impression of a girl be correct?
  • What does it depends on what the first impression of the girl will be positive and negative?
  • Is it always an appearance attractive girl makes a favorable impression?
  • The first prevailing impression of the girl is correct or deceptive?
  • What allows you to leave a favorable first impression?
  • It has been established that a positive or negative opinion is formed during the first 3-4 minutes of the conversation.
  • On issues, it is possible to assess the established opinion about yourself: with a positive impression - ask questions to reveal the best side, with a negative impression - ask questions "on the backbone".

Create the first impression

The first impression of the character of a person usually consists of the manner of his communication with others. The ability to behave in society implies a combination of naturalness with respect to people. It is important to learn to listen to another person without interrupting during the conversation, and try to understand it. Be careful to people, it is very valuable quality.

Physical attractiveness

It was noticed, "that is beautiful, then well," that is, you should know that the effect of beauty is able to attribute you only positive traits of character and moral qualities. Evaluating your appeal, pay special attention to the face.

And now attention! An attractive is considered to be a person not just with a beautiful person face, but its expressiveness is evaluated. If your facial expressions expresses calm and goodwill, then in most cases you will be appreciated by surrounding positively.

Posancan playing a crucial role in the formation of your physical appeal. A good posture of the girl is associated with confidence and optimism, as well as internal force and dignity. Poor posture in the girl is perceived as a manifestation of uncertainty, dependence, subordination.

Sincerity affects the first impression

Learn to be sincere and see good in other people. Cultural and developed person in each will try to see positive qualities. It is very important to learn how to evaluate the true advantages of people and be generous to praise.

Non-verbal behavior of man

A special place occupies your opinion. If you do not take a look, do not look "past" the other, do not lower your eyes down, then you think about you as more confident, more friendly, and this is due to the presentation of the people in the past, on the one hand , Volve in nature, a person is not afraid to look into the eyes of people, on the other - if a person delays his eyes on us, it means that we are of something interesting.

The posture is also important in which you are during the conversation. People more like those who learn their body forward during the conversation, compared with those who reject it back.

There is a fact of existence for each person (in the situation familiar to him) a distance, which should separate it and an unfamiliar person so that it does not cause irritation. The magnitude of this distance depends on the growth of people, their gender, neuropheycal state, intentions available to the person about which they are trying to make an opinion.

For example, women prefer a slightly smaller distance of such communication, the men are greater. Likewise people talk on a closer distance. On this basis, you can determine the attitude of the interlocutor to yourself. With official communication or wary of the attitude, they try to settle down a little further.

Tacticity is remembered by the interlocutor

Tacticity - behave at ease, at the same time trying to avoid such situations that can put another person in an awkward position. It is necessary to refrain from interference in other people's affairs if you are not asked about it. Tactful girl avoids disputes if they can be avoided, because disputes that do not bear fundamental nature are meaningless and promote only angry and irritation.

The form of communication leaves his impression

It has long been known that the form of communication largely determines the result of conversations, both personal and business, which is why any conversation should be conducted in a friendly tone, to show interest in the interlocutor and his problems. Only good, pleasant words speak to the eyes and for the eyes, it will encourage people to be just like that.

A greater effect on the perception of an outsider person will impose your positive attitude towards people. Thanks to this effect, you can adjust the overall impression. That your interlocutor felt a good attitude towards himself, you need to take attention and interest in it. Just do not overtake the stick, otherwise you will impress either the Lsiets or a manipulator.

Sitting with a standing companion is indecent. It is necessary to get up and offer him to sit down or talk to himself. And of course, it is impossible to sit in the presence of a senior who stands.

During the conversation, do not cover the interlocutor on the shoulder, do not have enough of him for the button and do not touch him at all. Talking - do not get anything in your hands, do not tapping neither with your hand, no foot, do not rock on a chair, not a drum with your fingers. A loud conversation on the street or in a public place is inappropriate, as it can prevent others.

A good impression of yourself - the result of work on oneself

And last: everything is important in communication: how are you dressed as you sit, how do you go, how do you talk. All this and much more forms your character.

So that the first was not erroneous

If you want the first impression of you not to be wrong, consider that the following factors can affect the perception of a person:

  • Installation effect

In life, most people are benevolently approached to the evaluation of an unfamiliar person, many people tend to not even notice his obvious flaws. However, there are people who prefer to doubt the positive qualities of the observation object.

  • Mood

A person in a good mood of all his surrounding persons estimate mainly in bright colors and himself causes sympathy. Conversely, a person who is in depression, not only sees everything in gray, but also causes a hostile attitude towards him. Therefore, the mental state of the observer (observed) can be a source of errors in the identity assessment.

  • Desire

We see what we want to see. If we are with some conditions for some reason, we want to see positive features in a person, we will see them.

  • Simplification

It is known that the first impression is always incomplete and fragments, because the person is very complex. However, we are prone to simplifying people's perception. Often, people on some one fact draw conclusions, fix them in their consciousness and then with difficulty change.

In people of an authoritarian type, this trend is most pronounced: they strive for simplicity and see the world only in black or white, do not notice transitional tones, and the brighter they are expressed by their authoritarianity, the stronger their categorical in the assessments of people.

  • Superiority

When we meet a person, in something superior we are (prestigious car, fashionable clothes, expensive accessories, speech rich in incomprehensible terms, money, power, etc.), as a rule, we overestimate it, that is, we take it well In advance, psychologically issued such a person an advance confidence.

  • Attitude

If a stranger belongs to us well, without aggression, with understanding, if he helps us in something, then we naturally begin to overestimate it. And, as in the error of superiority, we will advantaged his trust, not delighted in the essence of his personality, without understanding the shortcomings.

For us, such a person is originally good. And all our further relations with it will be built in these positions. We subconsciously begin to attribute to him positive characteristics and throw away the possible negative.

  • Stereotypes

If the observed differs from us on a characteristic feature, then this difference, rushing into the eye, causes us strictly defined standard images, i.e. stereotypes.

These are group and ethnic stereotypes, stereotypes associated with appearance (high - low; thick - skinny; eagle nose, Socratic forehead, etc.), as well as stereotypes concerning physical damage, especially expressive movements (gait, facial expressions, gestures ), peculiarities of voice and speech.

Such stereotypes that prevent the right perception of a person are available in all cultures. Knowledge of stereotypes of perception, taking into account various nationalities, greatly contributes to getting rid of behavior errors in the interpretation of people's intentions.

  • The opinion of others

Often, even the most common opinion about the face of interest to us is enough for it to affect our assessment of this person. If we were given a characteristic of the object of our interest or expressed the most superficial judgment about him, then at the meeting we try to lay the behavior of the object into the framework of a particular template formed under the influence of someone else, perhaps not quite objective opinion.

  • Remember name

Make sure you remember the name of the person represented by you. If you can't remember his name at the next meeting, this person may have the impression that you were not interested in acquaintance with him.

  • Smile and exchange handshake

Imagine your feelings if, when you meet you, a person will shy away from the visual contact or refuses to shake his hand. Two simple steps to friendly, trusting relationships - a warm smile and a handshake - solid, but not so much so that it can break someone's fingers.

  • Be punctual

Punctuality is also very important. Late creation will create a bad impression about you before the person will meet you; This is not the best start of dating. Your punctuality suggests that you are organized and able to appreciate the time, both and someone else's. To come ahead of time to visit - terribly impolite. Just imagine how you will feel when the owners of the house will run around you with a vacuum cleaner.

  • Pay attention to appearance

We have paid enough attention to your clothes, it should be tidy, look good, produce a good impression and correspond to the situation. This means that for a business meeting it is better to choose a rigorous suit, to meet with the parents of their half - neat, neat clothes, for interviewing in an advertising agency - creative, bright outfit.

Regardless of the style of your clothing, one thing remains unchanged - it should be clean. Even if you and in thoughts you can not imagine that you will appear somewhere, spreading the smell of sweat or with silent hair, make sure everything is in order with your appearance again.

  • Stone speech

When communicating with unfamiliar people, carefully follow their speech. Try not to use black humor in it, curses, etc. This is especially true of communicating with older people and business partners. Remember that one and the same joke, told in different situations, can be perceived by -dden.

  • Top positive

Many people scare away from themselves that they constantly grumble. Even if you had to make a terrible trip to get to the meeting place, or if you had health problems, your new acquaintances do not need to know about it in detail. Stay with an optimist, and people will replete to you.

The first impression of man is drawn up in 7 seconds. Whether it is a party, a date, a job interview or a meeting with business partners, always be fulfilled, because another chance to produce a good first impression will not be.

How to leave a good impression about yourself?

Do you chronically make a bad impression on people or have problems with communication if you see a person for the first time? Not trouble - in this material we will tell you how to place any person to them, with whom the case will be reduced.

Others are also shy

Streking is the main reason why the acquaintance can go not as expected. But it works in both directions - you can not even imagine how many people consider themselves shye. In 1995, 40% of respondents responded with the statues ranked themselves to "Sthearters", by 2007 their number rose to 58%. Remember that the majority feels not in their plate, finding out indoors with unfamiliar people.

Down with egoism

Pondering the first contact, many are asked questions: "How to avoid awkward situations? How to wrap the situation in your favor? ". Psychologists advise before the first dialogue with new acquaintances to change this installation on "What can I do for these people?". The need primarily to think about others will distract you from your insecurity and discharge the situation.


The doctor of social psychology from New York University Peter Mende-Sedletsi proved that people in most trust "friendly" persons and reject "hostile". At the same time, a person takes only 34 milliseconds to consider facial expressions from the person of the interlocutor and decide whether that trust deserves. So smile and look into the eyes.

Make an occasion

Each event has its own atmosphere. Before going there, where you will certainly have to communicate with strangers, analyze the character of the event. This will help you tune in to the right way, not to make a mistake with the choice of clothing and to the conversation.

Prepare a 7-second story about yourself

No need to paint your biography from the nursery, just tell a couple of moments about yourself: "Hi! I am Christina, My friend's sister. I arrived from Moscow to Petersburg for this weekend, glad to meet. " The main goal is to help the interlocutor find points of contact and link the dialogue (see clause 2). "Who do you work?", "Perhaps the most popular question in meeting after the question about the name. Try to interest your response to the interlocutor and make him go deep into question.

Instead of "I am a realtor", tell me "I help people to find calm and roof over your head", instead of "I edit school textbooks" - "I specify the younger generation vector development." Do not be afraid to seem too pompous, in the end, everything can be reduced to a joke.

Four magic words

Suppose a conversation about your work took a minute and a half. The beginning is put - what to do next? Show interest in the life of the interlocutor: "What about you?". Difficult about his work, hobbies, main classes. Attention is always nice. But it is not necessary to portray interest if it is not: you risks a hypocrite in the eyes of another person.

Use the "body language"

It can be belonged to the theory of body language in different ways, but should not deny the effect of non-verbal signals to the impression of a person. If the interlocutor "cuts up" your manners and postures, speed and speech rhythm, you unconsciously feel taking towards him - "Yes, he is in the board! We are like, and he sympathizes me. " In this case, the calibration should not be obvious - this can cause rejection. Also follow the posture, facial expression and gestures: the back must be smooth, the face is friendly, gestures are relaxed.

Wear what you like

Fact: You feel confident in comfortable clothes. This does not mean that you should come to a business meeting in stretched sports pants and sweatshirt, but you should not wear a close suit or sprinkling shoes on a huge heel. It is important to find the balance between the dress code installed at the event and your comfort.

Make compliments with a continuation

"Stunning shoes!", Undoubtedly, your interlocutor will be pleased to hear it. But much the best "attachment" for the further conversation will be the phrase "Stunning shoes! I have long dreamed of something like that. Where did you get them, if not a secret? ".

Read as much as possible

As a rule, well-read people are excellent interlocutors. Always be aware of the main recent events - from the exit of the remake of the "blade running" to armed uprisings in Venezuela.

Do not wait until you are interested

This is a common mistake of many introverts: "I'll wait for the conversation with me." Good luck smiles at what makes the first step. Go to the first contact. Smile, hold on right and look straight into the eyes - it is three points that cause confidence.

Speak with outsiders

Do you see lonely standing person on a busy party? Get acquainted with him! Most likely, he cannot overcome shyness and will be very happy to your attention. "You look like a person interesting," says such an act.

Give all the attention

When talking with a person, do not be distracted by calls, messages and social networks, do not look behind his back in search of familiar with whom you would talk with a greater hunt. It is simply ugly.

Do not be afraid of group

A group of three and more people is stronger for new "members" than two talking tet-a-tet. A large company rarely talks about something personal, but intervening in the conversation of two people, you can become "third more."

Show sensitive

If you talk in a circle of friends and see how someone is trying to join him, go to half a step and invite it. And this person, and your friends will appreciate the gesture of this gesture.

Competently finish the conversation

Completely finish the conversation - it is no less difficult than starting it. We offer the following scheme:
  • Worry yourself, not an interlocutor.
  • Smile. Notify that you were very nice to meet you, and you are grateful for your time.
  • "But, I ask me to excuse me, I need ..." to bring a girlfriend from work, pick up a child from school, have time to go to the store. The main thing is to understand that you complete the conversation for an important reason, and not because you have become bored

We hope that these tips will help you feel confident at any event and not be afraid to make new acquaintances. Below we will tell you how to behave on a date to impress the girl or a guy.

How to make the first impression on a girl or boyfriend?

If you suddenly read these lines in some cozy cafe and in your field of view, an attractive representative of the opposite sex, we offer several tips to help you smoothly turn your acquaintance in the first date.

Make a compliment

But do not overdo it. Think that you can tell you about him / her so that the words sound sincere. You can make a compliment of clothing or appearance, but it is too predictable. If you are all right with a sense of humor, do not be afraid to joke. Avoid vulgar jokes and beaten "podcasts", it seems "I was called from Paradise and said that they had the most beautiful angel."

Take care of the appearance

Alas, the phrase about the meeting on the clothes is relevant more than ever. Even if you shine withered, and your eloquence will shut up for the cicero belt, all your efforts will go to the pump, if you are convenient to appeal to appearance.

Follow the manners

The girls are very appreciated by respectful signs. In no case do not disturb its personal space in the first minutes of dating, but you can hold her the door, feed your hand in front of the step or treat your drink. Do not allow rude and scuba jokes, obscene braft. It is not necessary to move the bones around others, even if the woman behind the neighboring table is very unpleasant by chavits. Be polite with all others.

Feel confident

Even if the fire rages you inside, keep quietly and confident. In no case slouch, do not look so much, do not take closed poses (crossed hands) and do not use insincere gestures (hands on the face, running glance).

Take a conversation in the right channel

You should not reveal too early personal details too early. Let your first conversation be held in the framework of things relevant, but general. Look more questions than tell about yourself: what your interlocutor does, where he studied how he likes to spend time, in a word, try to find common interests. Try not to allow embarrassing pauses: at that moment you are, and your interlocutor feels not in his plate, and who wants to continue communication on such conditions?

Do not boast

No one loves boasts, especially a woman. It is not necessary from the first minutes of dating to throw connections, a highly paid position or a luxurious machine. By this, you declare about yourself as an identity of selfish and mercantile.

a small test to find out what people think about you in the first minute of dating. If his results will upset you, do not despair - everything is in your hands!
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Let's talk about what impression you make people. So, a few questions: Can the very first impression of a girl be correct?

What depends on how will the first impression of the girl - Positive or negative? Is it always an appearance attractive girl makes a favorable impression?

Create the first impression

The first impression of the character of a person usually consists of the manner of his communication with others. The ability to behave in society implies a combination of naturalness with respect to people. It is important to learn to listen to another person without interrupting during the conversation, and try to understand it. Be careful to people, it is very valuable quality.

Physical attractiveness

It was noticed, "that is beautiful, then well," that is, you should know that the effect of beauty is able to attribute you only positive traits of character and moral qualities. Evaluating your appeal, pay special attention to the face.

And now attention! An attractive is considered to be a person not just with a beautiful, like a doll, face, and his expressiveness is evaluated. If your facial expressions expresses calm and goodwill, then in most cases you will be appreciated by surrounding positively.

Posancan playing a crucial role in the formation of your physical appeal. A good posture of the girl is associated with confidence and optimism, as well as internal force and dignity. Poor posture in the girl is perceived as a manifestation of uncertainty, dependence, subordination.

Sincerity affects the first impression

Learn to be sincere and see good in other people. Cultural and developed person in each will try to see positive qualities. It is very important to learn how to evaluate the true advantages of people and be generous to praise.

Non-verbal behavior of man

A special place occupies your opinion. If you do not take a look, do not look "past" the other, do not lower your eyes down, then you think about you as more confident, more friendly, and this is due to the presentation of the people in the past, on the one hand , Volve in nature, a person is not afraid to look into the eyes of people, on the other - if a person delays his eyes on us, it means that we are of something interesting.

The posture is also important in which you are during the conversation. People more like those who learn their body forward during the conversation, compared with those who reject it back.

There is a fact of existence for each person (in the situation familiar to him) a distance, which should separate it and an unfamiliar person so that it does not cause irritation. The magnitude of this distance depends on the growth of people, their gender, neuropheycal state, intentions available to the person about which they are trying to make an opinion.

For example, women prefer a slightly smaller distance of such communication, the men are greater. Likewise people talk on a closer distance. On this basis, you can determine the attitude of the interlocutor to yourself. With official communication or wary of the attitude, they try to settle down a little further.

Tacticity is remembered by the interlocutor

Tacticity - behave at ease, at the same time trying to avoid such situations that can put another person in an awkward position. It is necessary to refrain from interference in other people's affairs if you are not asked about it.

Tactful girl avoids disputes if they can be avoided, because disputes that do not bear fundamental nature are meaningless and promote only angry and irritation.

The form of communication leaves his impression

It has long been known that the form of communication largely determines the result of conversations, both personal and business, which is why any conversation should be conducted in a friendly tone, to show interest in the interlocutor and his problems. Only good, pleasant words speak to the eyes and for the eyes, it will encourage people to be just like that.

A greater effect on the perception of an outsider person will impose your positive attitude towards people. Thanks to this effect, you can adjust the overall impression. That your interlocutor felt a good attitude towards himself, you need to take attention and interest in it. Just do not overtake the stick, otherwise you will impress either the Lsiets or a manipulator.

Sitting with a standing companion is indecent. It is necessary to get up and offer him to sit down or talk to himself. And, of course, it is impossible to sit in the presence of a senior who stands.

During the conversation, do not cover the interlocutor on the shoulder, do not have enough of him for the button and do not touch him at all. Talking - do not get anything in your hands, do not tapping neither with your hand, no foot, do not rock on a chair, not a drum with your fingers. A loud conversation on the street or in a public place is inappropriate, as it can prevent others.

A good impression of yourself - the result of work on oneself

And last: everything is important in communication: how are you dressed as you sit, how do you go, how do you talk. All this and much more forms your character.

So that the first impression was not erroneous

If you want the first impression of you not to be wrong, consider that the following factors can affect the perception of a person:

Installation effect

In life, most people are benevolently approached to the evaluation of an unfamiliar person, many people tend to not even notice his obvious flaws. However, there are people who prefer to doubt the positive qualities of the observation object.


A person in a good mood of all his surrounding persons estimate mainly in bright colors and himself causes sympathy. Conversely, a person who is in depression, not only sees everything in gray, but also causes a hostile attitude towards him. Therefore, the mental state of the observer (observed) can be a source of errors in the identity assessment.


We see what we want to see. If we are with some conditions for some reason, we want to see positive features in a person, we will see them.


It is known that the first impression is always incomplete and fragments, because the person is very complex. However, we are prone to simplifying people's perception. Often, people on some one fact draw conclusions, fix them in their consciousness and then with difficulty change.

In people of an authoritarian type, this trend is most pronounced: they strive for simplicity and see the world only in black or white, do not notice transitional tones, and the brighter they are expressed by their authoritarianity, the stronger their categorical in the assessments of people.


When we meet a person, in something superior we are (prestigious car, fashionable clothes, expensive accessories, speech rich in incomprehensible terms, money, power, etc.), as a rule, we overestimate it, that is, we take it well In advance, psychologically issued such a person an advance confidence.


If a stranger belongs to us well, without aggression, with understanding, if he helps us in something, then we naturally begin to overestimate it. And, as in the error of superiority, we will advantaged his trust, not delighted in the essence of his personality, without understanding the shortcomings.

For us, such a person is originally good. And all our further relations with it will be built in these positions. We subconsciously begin to attribute to him positive characteristics and throw away the possible negative.


If the observed differs from us on a characteristic feature, then this difference, rushing into the eye, causes us strictly defined standard images, i.e. stereotypes.

These are group and ethnic stereotypes, stereotypes associated with appearance (high - low; thick - skinny; eagle nose, Socratic forehead, etc.), as well as stereotypes concerning physical damage, especially expressive movements (gait, facial expressions, gestures ), peculiarities of voice and speech.

Such stereotypes that prevent the right perception of a person are available in all cultures. Knowledge of stereotypes of perception, taking into account various nationalities, greatly contributes to getting rid of behavior errors in the interpretation of people's intentions.

The opinion of others

Often, even the most common opinion about the face of interest to us is enough for it to affect our assessment of this person. If we were given a characteristic of the object of our interest or expressed the most superficial judgment about him, then at the meeting we try to lay the behavior of the object into the framework of a particular template formed under the influence of someone else, perhaps not quite objective opinion.

Remember name

Make sure you remember the name of the person represented by you. If you can't remember his name at the next meeting, this person may have the impression that you were not interested in acquaintance with him.

Smile and exchange handshake

Imagine your feelings if, when you meet you, a person will shy away from the visual contact or refuses to shake his hand. Two simple steps to friendly, trusting relationships - a warm smile and a handshake - solid, but not so much so that it can break someone's fingers.

Be punctual

Punctuality is also very important. Late creation will create a bad impression about you before the person will meet you; This is not the best start of dating.

Your punctuality suggests that you are organized and able to appreciate the time, both and someone else's. To come ahead of time to visit - terribly impolite. Just imagine how you will feel when the owners of the house will run around you with a vacuum cleaner.

Pay attention to appearance

We have paid enough attention to your clothes, it should be tidy, look good, produce a good impression and correspond to the situation. This means that for a business meeting it is better to choose a rigorous suit, to meet with the parents of their half - neat, neat clothes, for interviewing in an advertising agency - creative, bright outfit.

Regardless of the style of your clothing, one thing remains unchanged - it should be clean. Even if you and in thoughts you can not imagine that they appear somewhere, spreading the smell of sweat or with sall hair, make sure everything is in order with your appearance again.

Stone speech

When communicating with unfamiliar people, carefully follow their speech. Try not to use black humor in it, curses, etc. This is especially true of communicating with older people and business partners. Remember that one and the same joke, told in different situations, can be perceived by -dden.

Top positive

Many people scare away from themselves that they constantly grumble. Even if you had to make a terrible trip to get to the meeting place, or if you had health problems, your new acquaintances do not need to know about it in detail. Stay with an optimist, and people will replete to you.

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Opinion guys about girls

Opinion guys about girls

There are a lot of different girls in the world. They differ in appearance, character, but they all love to dress up and make makeup to become even more attractive.

But what do you think about the guys? How do they relate to female outfits and makeup?

You can look after the store modern and very fashionable sexy outfit. However, he can cause a completely different effect than you expect. Guys love eyes. You will definitely attract their attention. But what will they think if they see you in a chic open dress? They will definitely come to a state of sexual excitement. However, they will only attract your body. Your personality will remain hidden from all. No one can learn about her because of your masquerade. But most of the normal guys attract smart girls, with intelligence, self-esteem. Therefore, open sexual outfits in fact guys are evaluated negative. Seeing the girl in such clothes, they perceive it as a special behavior. You're completely different and want to position yourself on the other side. Therefore, sexually you really look in the clothes that emphasizes the figure, outstanding her contours, but does not get tight and does not open.

Guys are different and the makeup they belong in different ways. All girls are different and each good and attractive in their own way. One guys like girls with mysterious smoky makeup, others prefer girls with a not painted face. If you are loved by any guy, then you will like him in any form. Sometimes the guys do not understand at all, with a makeup girl or without him.

Some guys disassembled in makeup. And if you have on your face, they define immediately. But oddly enough, they also like your face without makeup more. In this form, you can walk into any weather and kissing in the rain. Bright makeup in this case can bring you - a raised mascara and smeared lipstick nobody decorate. They will spoil any romantic atmosphere. Therefore, show moderation in makeup. Even eyes should not paint too much. Maybe the guy wants to kiss your eyelids, and so nice when it makes a loved one.

"Love is one of the evils that cannot be hidden; One word, one immodest look, sometimes even silence gives it out, "said French philosopher Pierre Abelar.

What young people think about smoking and drinking girls, you can easily guess. Many girls watched movies, think that the girl with a cigarette looks very intriguing and sexy. However, not all guys share this opinion. Most of them like girls of modest behavior that do not smoke and do not consume alcohol. From smoking girl smells like tobacco smoke, which does not attract at all, but repels the opposite sex. Some girls believe that it is possible to drain the smell of tobacco smoke perfume, but because the mouth will still smell unpleasantly. It is unlikely that you can brush your teeth after each tightening of the cigarette, but there is nothing about alcohol. Under its influence, the behavior of the girl is changing. In a state of intoxication, it behaves unleashed, controls himself badly. From the girl smells like alcohol or oveready. A terrible picture ... Such a girl can be "his" in the company of guys. But it is unlikely that she will become a beloved at least one of them. And certainly the feats of a love guy do not wait for her.

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Own opinion Irina Ovsyannikova own - it means mine. Opinion - Again me. Own opinion is a double statement of yourself. In my life, the expression "my own opinion" we replace on a more modest "my opinion", "I think", "I imagine it," and so on.

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Own opinion 1977 - USSR (105 min)? . Mosfilm · Dir. Julius Karasik · scenes. Valentine black · operas. Anatoly Kuznetsov (CV., Widescreen format) · Muses. Boris Tchaikovsky · Starring Vladimir Menshov (Petrov), Lyudmila Chursina (Olga Burtseva), Elena Probleova (Tanya), Nina

From the book Philosophical Dictionary Author Conte Sponvil Andre

From the book of thought, aphorisms, quotes. Business, Career, Management Author Doshenko Konstantin Vasilyevich

For your own opinion, see also "subordinates and bosses" (p.392) opinion is what helps us to make a decision when we do not have information. John Erskin (1879-1951), American writer two points of view for each question: Wrong And mine. Skar Levant

From the book Parisanka and her charm author Girard Ann Sophie

About girls who eat only salad they make us feel guilty when we order the cheese fondue, the Savoy fondue and meat plate, whereas they take a salad without refueling ... Therefore, never forget: a girl who does not get fat -

From the book of Modicin. Encyclopedia Pathologica. by the author of Zhukov Nikita

The opinion of the butterfly - the problem is first of all social, and the problems of society are somehow or otherwise, but relate to medicine; Although the latter and their worries have a lot. Medicinsky speaking, there are advantages for removing sexual tension at the crowd of free gentlemen, which gives weighty

From the book of the author

5.15. Opinion "You can disagree with someone else's opinion, but you need to respect it." Yes, I spoiled with a high bell tower on him! I have extremely burning at the bottom of the back from such a stereotype. What did Ibetyl invented it? What hell should I respect someone's incompetent and