The benefits of water for the beauty of female skin. Refreshing mineral water spray. Nourishing mask for dry skin

Mineral water is an affordable beauty product that works not only from the inside, but also from the outside. Try to replace your usual washing with it and the reflection in the mirror will dispel all doubts!

Mineral water for facial skin is a natural life-giving moisture, enriched by useful elements by nature itself. Mineral springs have long attracted representatives of all strata of society: noble people close to the royal court came to them on carriages decorated with precious stones and peasants and workers walked on foot with knapsacks on their shoulders.

Each of them dreamed of plunging into a magical reservoir, drinking a cup of healing liquid and getting rid of painful diseases. Nowadays, mineral water can be bought at almost every step; most people use it only to quench their thirst, without even thinking that dissolved minerals are a real find for skin care.

Washing with mineral water

You should know that mineral water differs in its composition, in addition, it can be medicinal and table water. The first contains more salts, which means it is a more concentrated product. Mineral-rich water is more suitable for oily to combination skin, it helps fight acne, removes oily sheen and tightens enlarged pores.

For and are more suitable for low-mineralized ground water without gas, they moisturize and tone, eliminate flaking and make the skin smooth. Washing with mineral water is recommended in the morning, it is advisable not to wipe the skin dry after the procedure, but to drive in droplets of water with your fingertips and apply a day cream. In the evening, after cleansing the face of make-up, the skin can be wiped with a cotton pad dipped in mineral water.

Mineral water ice

Ice cubes made from mineral water give the skin a double celebration. Firstly, the effect of cold helps to quickly refresh the skin and restore its healthy color, and secondly, the minerals that deeply penetrate into the upper layers of the skin, thanks to the cold, saturate it with useful and nutritious components.

It is very convenient to prepare ice in special portioned bags - it is easy to store and remove, and polyethylene does not allow the water to absorb foreign odors. By the way, ice cubes are recommended to be included in men's skin care.

Mineral water lotion

Mineral water produces homemade lotions that are effective for skin care. To prepare a tonic lotion, two tablespoons of crushed medicinal plants, suitable for an individual skin type, are poured with a glass of boiling mineral water, insisted for half an hour and filtered.

Natural tonic does not contain harmful chemical components and preservatives, it can be stored in the refrigerator, but no more than five days. This lotion can be incorporated into acne-prone teen facial skin care. Also, the herbal infusion can be frozen in cubes and used to wipe the skin after washing.

Refreshing Mineral Water Spray

Thermal water sprays have long been sold in pharmacies, which are recommended for use in dry heated rooms in winter and hot summer to instantly refresh and moisturize the skin of the face. The moist cloud created on the surface of the skin does not spoil the makeup, but rather refreshes it. You can make such sprays yourself by pouring mineral water into a bottle with a fine spray.

Cinderella Effect

If you need a quick makeover before an important event or after a sleepless night you need to go to work, you should try an effective method that helps to freshen your face in thirty minutes. The beauty recipe is simple: hot mineral water is poured into one container, and cold water into the other. A rich nourishing cream is applied to the skin. Then a small towel is moistened in hot water, which is immediately applied to the face.

After three minutes, the hot towel is removed, and another is applied to the face, but soaked in cold water. After another three minutes, the first towel is moistened again in hot water and the cloth masks are changed. Thus, you need to apply a hot towel to your face 5 times for 3 minutes and an equal amount of cold one. The refreshing and rejuvenating treatment ends with a cold compress.

Mineral baths for hands

Hand baths made with mineral water help to refresh the skin of the hands and strengthen brittle and flaky skin. The bath can be made from any mineral water, preheating it to 40 degrees. The duration of the procedure is 10 minutes. After the bath, it is recommended to rub linseed or fir oil into the skin and nails.

The role of water for the human body is simply enormous. Since our body consists of more than half of water, we simply have to regularly replenish its reserves. To maintain your health and wellness, you should drink at least eight glasses of water throughout the day.

The properties of water and its significance for our body have been written about at all times. This liquid is considered one of the fundamental elements of the universe. Water has been an object of worship in both the West and the East. The ceremony of ablution is associated with water, which returns a person to their original purity. Water is a symbol of the beginning and end of the world, as well as fertility. According to Feng Shui, water is a symbol of wealth and abundance. However, not all water can be beneficial to the body. It is believed that standing water in swampy bodies of water brings disease and grief.

Since ancient times, water has been used in the treatment of many diseases. For medicinal purposes, warm or cold water acts as a strong irritant to the nervous and autonomic systems. Such water-based therapeutic procedures include baths, baths, rubdowns, mineral baths, etc.

For people, the water that gushed out of the ground had magical powers. For example, mineral baths, with the help of which the sufferers used to try to get rid of diseases and ailments, and the soldiers - from severe wounds. In most cases, they brought relief to many people.

The benefits of water, which can be caused by its deficiency.
Lack of water in the body can cause the development of a whole bunch of serious diseases. Many experts claim this. The body does not always signal that we feel a lack of moisture. In addition, often instead of the "thirst" signal, the brain sends a "hunger" signal. Over the years, the body reminds us less and less that it needs moisture. However, other symptoms can signal this. In particular, against the background of dehydration of the body, frequent and severe headaches occur, the body experiences chronic fatigue, blood pressure rises, and attention becomes distracted. As a rule, with the regular occurrence of such symptoms, we start feverishly drinking painkillers, while, without even thinking about the causes of the ailments. Therefore, if during the day you drink little water or do not drink it at all, replacing it with tea, coffee, soda and other "byaka", if, for example, a headache occurs, do not rush to take pills, but try a glass of clean chilled drinking water.

Constipation is another serious symptom of water deficiency in the body. Often we turn with such a delicate problem to a doctor who prescribes a course of laxatives. However, if you observe the drinking regime, then this problem will disappear by itself, without the use of any "chemistry". This problem can no longer be ignored, since constipation can become chronic with the subsequent appearance of hemorrhoids, which in cases with a severe form can be treated only through surgery.

If the moisture deficit in the body becomes chronic, then the symptoms of dehydration become systemic. This is especially true for people who suffer from various autoimmune diseases, diseases of the cardiovascular system, joint diseases and allergic diseases. Only by consuming the required amount of fluid during the day can you effectively treat this kind of ailment, which is provoked mainly by toxins and harmful substances that have accumulated in the body. Only pure water is understood as liquid, neither tea, nor juice, nor coffee and other similar drinks contribute to the elimination of toxins from the body.

The benefits of water and our health.
During the day, whether you want to or not, you should drink two to three liters of clean drinking water. To calculate a more accurate amount of water, you should proceed from the calculation of 40 ml for each kilogram of your weight.

In the summer, this indicator must be increased, since the body loses a lot of moisture in the form of sweat. In addition, pregnant and breastfeeding women need more water during the day (with the exception of individual medical indications). People with a sporty lifestyle should also drink more fluids. The same applies to people who fly by air, because the high pressure makes the air in aircraft cabins very dry, as well as to sick people.

Most experts agree that it is beneficial to drink a glass of chilled water in the morning 15-20 minutes before meals. But the liquid used at night does not go to the benefit of the body, but manifests itself in morning edema under the eyes. It should be remembered that the body of an adult can assimilate no more than 120 ml of water within 10 minutes.

Water is an excellent skin rejuvenator. Scientists have proven the fact that daily consumption of the required amount of drinking water has a beneficial effect on skin cells, maintains the balance of moisture, preventing it from drying out. Many women, in pursuit of beauty, purchase not cheap skin moisturizers. But the solution to the problem lies on the surface.

Water helps to eliminate toxins. According to most scientists, adequate water intake maintains normal kidney function, which is known to be a natural filter. Water ensures the elimination of toxic substances from the gastrointestinal tract system mainly through the kidneys.

In addition, drinking at least five glasses of clean drinking water daily is believed to reduce the risk of heart attack by seventy percent.

Also, scientists have proven that a lack of fluid in the body leads to muscle spasms. Water is part of the so-called "lubricant" for joints and muscles. To prevent muscle cramps, especially during sports, it is recommended to drink water both before and after exercise.

The body needs water to restore energy. During the day, the body spends about two liters of fluid on the work of systems and organs. Loss of moisture leads to irritability and negatively affects concentration. Therefore, for the normal functioning of all systems and organs of our body, water is needed.

The digestive system is especially in need of water, since it facilitates its work. Water prevents the formation of constipation, and also removes waste products from the body. Also, water is the main participant in all chemical processes in the gastrointestinal tract, delivers nutrients and removes waste.

Water significantly reduces the risk of developing infectious diseases. A lack of fluid in the body leads to dehydration, which reduces the immune system's defenses. Weak immunity means an increase in the frequency of diseases, as well as a rather heavy transfer of infectious diseases.

Water is the body's regulator. For example, after exercising, the body is flushed and requires fluids to recover. Water is precisely this restorative agent.

Water helps burn fat. Take, for example, energy-intensive processes, which include the formation of muscle tissue. The more calories are burned, the more water is required, because when sweating through the sweat glands, not only toxins and liquid, but also fat come out to the surface. In addition, water normalizes metabolism, dulls hunger and reduces appetite.

Water improves general well-being, acts on the body as an antipyretic agent and removes harmful and toxic substances. In case of overwork, poisoning, a hangover, it is impossible to improve the condition without a large amount of water, which will remove toxins and toxins, and also restore energy.

The benefits of water, and what kind of water is healthy?
Of course, people who are not used to drinking "empty" water will find it difficult to change their habits (sweet coffee, tea). Therefore, for a start, lemon, ice cubes, and sweetener can be added to the water for taste.

To keep tap water safe for yourself, you can use it boiled. However, according to recent studies, such water is poorly absorbed by our body, which means that there is no benefit from it. For these purposes, it is logical to use a stationary filter for water purification, so that there are no problems with its acquisition today. Only when choosing filters for water purification should you take into account some of the nuances. In particular, activated carbon is considered the best agent for disinfecting water and absorbing chlorine. The highest capacity to absorb harmful impurities is possessed by coals, which are obtained by roasting the peel of coconuts. Basically, this kind of coals are present in Russian-made filters. When buying filters, you should also specifically ask the seller about his capabilities (for these purposes, you can use the Internet).

In addition to stationary filters, there are so-called filter jugs, which are convenient to take with you to the country, on the road, etc. due to its compactness. These filters do not require maintenance. The only thing is that you need to change the cartridges. Their cost is not high. In addition, there are cartridges for different types of water. For example, to soften hard water, to prevent fluoride deficiency, etc.

However, it is still better, if there is such an opportunity, to drink natural water from underground sources, because it is most useful for children and adults. If this is not possible, you can purchase drinking water in stores. In this case, you should also take into account some points. Drinking water sold in bottles is purified not only of all harmful, but also useful substances, therefore it is no better from the tap, only purified. You can buy mineral water, then you should definitely pay attention to the source, if it is not indicated, it is better not to buy such water, since fake mineral water today is a profitable business. If the water is artificially mineralized, then it will bring less benefit than natural mineral water.

Mineral water can be used as table water, medical-table water, and medicinal water. The difference lies in the degree of mineralization. The last two options are recommended to be drunk as directed by a doctor in small quantities. Only the use of table mineral water (constantly) will not harm your health.

Children under the age of three should purchase special baby water, since its production standards are much higher than those used for adult water (it is not chlorinated or carbonated, and silver is not used). Purification of such water is carried out using ultraviolet radiation or ozone.

Carbonated water has no useful value at all. Whether or not to buy such water is a personal matter. But after drinking such water after a meal, you are guaranteed to get unpleasant sensations in the gastrointestinal tract.

Water is the basis of all living things, so its benefits are not in doubt. Drink water and be healthy!

by The Wild Mistress's Notes

People identified the cause of aging in ancient times: the body is aging, as it loses a lot of water and does not have enough of it. The first treatise on the rapid aging of a living organism without water was written by the scientist and physician Avicenna, who lived a thousand years ago. After observing for several days a melon, ripe and juicy, which after a few days in the hot sun became shriveled and dried, Avicenna made a simple conclusion: old age is always dry... Modern scientists put it in slightly different words: old age is the loss of water by cells. This is especially felt by women: dehydration of the skin is the main reason for the appearance of wrinkles.

Even if a person feels very young and full of energy, deep wrinkles appear on the face, and the skin becomes flabby, because the face is more susceptible to external influences and is aging faster than the body.

"In order to preserve freshness and beauty in mature years, cosmetics alone are not enough, you must follow certain rules for taking water."

Dry food is like a stone in the stomach, and in order to digest it, the body needs a lot of water, and it takes it wherever it can. Including from the skin. It is best if you give your stomach a drink first. In Europe, it has long been customary to start not only breakfast with a glass of juice, but also lunch. In this case, the digestion process takes place in accordance with the norms.

If we eat a lot of solid and well-seasoned food, then, feeling thirsty, we drink a lot. As a result, the face swells and bags appear under the eyes. Our vitality is determined by our reserves of energy, nutrients and water reserves. With age, a person loses more and more water. In order for the water not to run out and the flow of its flow does not weaken, our body needs to be helped.

The amount of water consumed in the fight against extra pounds is of great importance. Listen to your body and try to understand whether it wants to drink or eat. It is possible that you are simply suppressing your natural feeling of thirst and do not feel how much your body needs to drink. Many overweight women try to drink less fluids, believing that it is harmful to them. They forget that water not only removes thirst, but is also responsible for the quality of blood, providing the body with nutrients and strongly affects the condition of the skin. Premature loss of firmness and clarity of the skin is often associated with insufficient water supply to your body. In this case, you should know that about a liter enters the body with other products.

The human body is almost 60% water, and it requires an adequate supply of this priceless liquid. We get about 0.4 liters of liquid back from the metabolism. The amount of liquid consumed per day by a person in the form of water, tea, juice and other food products, such as fruits and vegetables, as well as first meals, should exceed its loss by the body through the excretory system.

Adequate amount of water entering the intestines promotes proper digestion and significantly reduces the number of harmful bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract. Without water, the digestive system absorbs these harmful substances, constriction of blood vessels occurs, an increase in pressure and the accumulation of toxins in the body. If the body does not receive its dose of life-giving moisture in the required volume constantly, then toxins accumulate in it, metabolism is disturbed, immunity decreases and the skin loses its healthy appearance.

In our body, every day through the kidneys and 2-3 million skin pores in the form of sweat passes from 1 to Eight water. Sweat consists not only of water (99%), it contains salts, organic substances, for example, lactic acids, fatty acids, alkalis and minerals. All this contaminates the surface of the skin, and if you do not monitor the purity of your body, then with the deterioration of the functional functioning of the skin, many of these compounds get back into our body and again contaminate the lymph and blood.

With a strong loss of moisture without replenishing it, the body reacts to this as if there is a lack of energy, and tries to use less water and accumulate it in case of unforeseen circumstances. Then the brain gives the command to create water "pantries", which can be expressed in the form of swelling of the face, legs and an increase in the entire body weight. It is only because of the constant additional amount of fluid intake that the body switches again, so drink regularly throughout the day, and preferably drinks that do not quench your thirst. If neglected, it can lead to dehydration and further lead to more serious illness.

The indicator of the water balance is the difference between the water excreted by the body and the water absorbed. The ideal option is a constant amount of water. With an excess of water, the water balance is positive, with a deficit - negative. Both conditions are highly undesirable and threaten with the emergence of serious health problems.

"A positive water balance is no less dangerous than a negative one. With an excess of water in the body, a person can lose consciousness, start a heart attack, swell up legs, gain excess weight, etc. All this does not make us healthier and happier."

Each person has a purely individual water balance., therefore, the amount of water consumed by it can also be different. Each person should consume as much liquid (or food in the form of liquid) as it is excreted from the body.

Unfortunately, only a small amount of water reaches the skin, but water provides an invaluable service to improve circulation and eliminate toxins from the entire body, which subsequently affects the complexion and clarity of the face. Many beauty experts recommend starting your day with a full glass of water to help your skin get rid of harmful substances.

Not all fluids that enter our body produce the same effect. Although it is believed that drinks such as tea or coffee can worsen the complexion, they also contain the caffeine that our body needs and are diuretics, therefore, they make the process of getting rid of harmful substances and toxins faster and more effective.

However, other liquids still should not be included in the mandatory rate - 2 liters of water, which must be drunk every day. For optimal hydration, a combination of 2 liters of water with an intense moisturizing day and night cream is ideal. Just as you brush your teeth every morning and apply a special cream under your eyes in the evening, your entire skin also needs “water” care.

But the most important thing is to drink at least 2 liters of water per day, since moisturizing the body from the inside is much more effective and important than moisturizing the body from the outside. With moist skin care on the outside and sufficient fluid intake, you can not only quickly improve the appearance and elasticity of your skin, but also prevent other possible problems with the entire skin. For example, with sufficient water intake, the risk of cellulite is significantly reduced and the surface of problem areas of the skin is reduced. If you follow the correct regimen of drinking water, then after four weeks you will be surprised to find that your skin condition has changed significantly.

In general, try to be where there is water as often as possible: on the river, at the sea, go to the pool, to the bathhouse or take a bath. Remember the action of the steam room, where, under the influence of a damp broom and high temperature, the cells simply swell from water. After regular visits to the steam room, a person really rejuvenates and delays the aging process.

You should not rush to dry yourself with a towel - it is better to put on dry clothes on a damp body. Moisture and heat will be evenly distributed throughout the body.

By answering this question, we will thus answer one of the main questions related to facial skin care.

Everyone knows that the most common remedy for keeping skin clean is water. However, not everyone knows that the effect of water on the skin depends both on the temperature and chemical composition of the water, and on the condition of the skin itself.

The skin of the face is constantly exposed to the influence of various stimuli from the external environment. The different degree of perception of external stimuli by normal skin depends on the general state of the organism, its nervous system, etc. This explains, for example, the fact that sometimes the skin may temporarily not tolerate water, soap and other hygiene products. Therefore, individual techniques for caring for the skin of the face should be changed in accordance with its condition at the moment.

As practice shows, water cannot be considered a non-irritating agent for the skin. Water containing a significant amount of calcium, magnesium and other minerals, the so-called hard water, is harmful not only to the face, but also to the hands. With prolonged use, it dries out the skin, especially dry, thin and sensitive skin of the face, makes it rough, flaky and often causes inflammation. To eliminate the irritating effect of hard water, it must be softened. This is achieved primarily by boiling it for a long time.

You can also soften hard water by adding one of the following three remedies to 1 liter of water: 1) 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda; 2) 1/2 teaspoon of borax; 3) 1 tbsp. a spoonful of glycerin (for oily skin). It is best to use rain or snow water, which does not contain irritating substances - the so-called soft water, after which you feel a special velvety skin.

If the skin is sensitive to water, you should use boiled water in half with milk (temperature 24-25 ° C).

Skin that is irritated, inflamed, or flaky very often does not tolerate water at all. In this case, it is necessary to completely abandon washing with water for the duration of the illness, especially in the morning, before going outside, and in the evening, apply warm vegetable oil, removing it with a solution of tea, or a special lotion.

In the morning, 30-40 minutes before going outside, it is recommended to refresh the skin with a liquid emulsion or fatty cream applied to a cotton swab. This method of healing sensitive skin quickly returns its elasticity.

Of course, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the skin.

The temperature of the water plays an extremely important role in washing your face. This question is so important that, in addition to the general provisions given in this section, the next two sections are devoted to the action of cold and hot water on the skin of the face.

The constant use of cold water impairs the nutrition of the skin, causing a temporary narrowing of blood vessels, and reducing the blood supply, just as hot water, with prolonged use, causes a persistent expansion of the superficial vessels of the skin and weakens their walls, which leads to a loss of skin elasticity.

One should wash oneself not with hot or cold water, but with water at room temperature (24-25 ° C). (If you measure the water temperature with a thermometer 2-3 times, then in the future, the skin of the face itself will tell you exactly the temperature you need.)

Every woman can wash her face with water at room temperature, regardless of age, skin properties and season. Such water is very pleasant for the skin, and even abundant washing with it does not cause the unpleasant feeling of deep cooling that occurs when washing with cold water.

Water at room temperature causes short-term constriction of blood vessels, followed by prolonged expansion of them. This promotes blood flow to the skin, which is exactly what is needed to improve its nutrition.

It is useful to sometimes wash your face with warm water alternating with cool water, causing contrast irritation. A quick change in temperature has a beneficial effect on blood circulation, on the nerve endings of the skin and is a kind of gymnastics for the blood vessels that provides good nutrition to the skin.

The denser the skin and the deeper the blood vessels are located in it, the more often washing with water of a contrasting temperature can be used. In this case, the procedure should be completed with water at room temperature, cool or cold.

So, the most reasonable thing is to wash with water at room temperature, soft (rain, snow) or softened by boiling or adding borax, soda.

The action of cold water on the skin of the face. Here is what he writes about the effect produced on the skin by constant washing with cold water, prof. MA Rosentul: “Cold water, when exposed to the skin, causes the outflow of blood from the superficial vessels and leads to exsanguination of the skin, to the narrowing of its vessels. The latter, in turn, causes a delay in the activity of the sebaceous and sweat glands and a decrease in the secretion of sebum and sweat on the surface of the skin, contributes to this loss of skin elasticity, causing dryness and flabbiness of the skin. "

This opinion of a prominent scientist-dermatologist is confirmed by practical observations. If you constantly wash your face with cold water, first of all, its pallor develops, then dryness, lethargy and, finally, wrinkling. Women often notice this too late.

The desire to temper the skin of the face and equate it in all respects with the skin of the body is unjustified. After all, the face is already constantly influenced by the external environment and its contrasts. Cold water hardens the body and our entire body, but the skin of the face, with constant use, it often does harm, contributing to its premature aging.

With dry skin, when the secretion of sebum by the glands is already limited, the use of cold water, even without soap, further inhibits sebum secretion. Skin prone to dryness also cannot withstand prolonged washing with cold water and begins to peel off, even among young people.

From the foregoing, it is clear why it is not advisable to wash your face daily in the morning with cold water in winter and spring. This applies not only to dry or sensitive skin, but also to normal skin. The low air temperature outside cools and dries the skin, so you should not increase its hypothermia, which leads to irritation or frostbite.

By the way, a slight frostbite of the face, especially of the cheeks and the tip of the nose, at -15-20 ° C, women rarely notice, but it turns out later, in the beauty parlor. As a result, the recommendations on this issue of many Western European experts are not always acceptable for our climate.

In the cold season, you can use room temperature water to refresh your face in the morning. This rinsing of the face and neck, followed by the application of oily cream on a wet face, should be done 40 minutes before going outside (from the moment moisture and excess cream are removed from the face).

Thanks to proper care, which helps to increase the elasticity of the skin of the face, its resistance to any factors of meteorological influence increases; with such care, peeling of the skin is completely excluded and dry skin is significantly reduced.

In the warm season or in areas with a warm climate, the use of cold water in the morning (you can even add a piece of ice to it) refreshes and strengthens any skin, since after washing, under the influence of warm air, the rush of blood increases.

It is not recommended to wash your face with cold water or apply ice in the evening before going to bed, as this can cause unwanted arousal and disrupt sleep. For the same reason, it is better to transfer contrast washing to the morning.

The action of hot water on the skin of the face. It is known that water degreases and dries the skin somewhat. This effect is enhanced by washing the face with hot water and soap.

It would seem that in this case, with oily skin, hot water should be used for washing, because it cleans the face well, washing away fatty layers from its surface along with dust particles that have fallen on them.

However, daily washing with hot water leads to expansion of superficial blood vessels, to stagnation of blood in the skin, which can, in turn, cause unpleasant redness of the skin of the nose, cheeks, etc. further causes flabbiness of the skin and contributes to the appearance of wrinkles.

Hot water not only washes away dirt mechanically, but at the same time widens pores and lowers the skin's resistance. Therefore, it is quite enough to wash your face with hot water once a week, in the evening, after which it is imperative to rinse it off with cool water.

Practice shows that special evening washing has a good effect on oily skin. In this case, you should use boiled warm water (not higher than 30 ° C) and neutral soap. A soapy shaving cream is most suitable in this case.

After washing, the face is rinsed with acidified or slightly salted cold water or water at room temperature. You can also carry out a contrasting wash, that is, alternate warm water with cool water several times, starting and ending with always cool water.

If the skin is very oily, rough, with large pores, then the duration of contrast washing can be increased by using cool water, but this should be done gradually so that it is pleasant for the skin. This procedure can be used not only as a means of cleansing the skin, but also for treatment. In the latter case, such washing is performed within 10-15 days, preferably in the morning or one and a half to two hours before bedtime.

Note: Washing with hot water is contraindicated for those who have dilated capillaries on the skin of the face; this also applies to sharp contrasting washes.

From the above, it is clear that the systematic use of hot water, as well as cold water, is harmful to the skin. So, oily skin can be washed with hot water only once a week for no more than 1-2 months. Then, instead of hot water, warm water (temperature not higher than 35 ° C) is recommended, followed by washing with cool water. For any face wash, use softened or, even better, soft water at room temperature.

Washing with warm water (35 ° C) soothes the nervous system, relieves skin muscle tension, prepares the body well for sleep, but one should not forget that abuse, prolonged use of warm water is not recommended to anyone. Its use should be conditioned by necessity.

The beneficial properties of water have been known for a long time, so today no one questions its invaluable contribution to weight loss, rejuvenation and health restoration. With the participation of water in the body, all processes occur, including metabolism, elimination of toxins and toxins. It has a beneficial effect on all internal organs, as well as on the skin, making it elastic, smooth and fresh.

Benefits of water for the skin

Healthy skin always looks attractive and well-groomed. Improper functioning of the body negatively affects the condition of the skin. In particular, wrinkles and dryness may appear prematurely, and the color of the skin may change. It turns out that the cause of such failures can be an ordinary lack of water in the body.

Benefits of water for the skin:

  • cleansing the body;
  • prevention of premature aging;
  • getting rid of edema.

The most important quality of water is its ability to cleanse the body. It removes toxins, allergens, toxins that negatively affect the condition of the skin. Thus, the body is naturally renewed.

Premature appearance of wrinkles, dry skin, deterioration of its tone - the reason for all this may be hidden in a lack of water. It is not in vain that there are a large number of cosmetic procedures aimed at enriching the skin with moisture. According to experts, in order to obtain the highest effectiveness of moisturizing procedures, it is necessary to act simultaneously from the outside and from the inside. In other words, they recommend drinking water and special moisturizing masks.

On a note! As strange as it may sound, but water relieves swelling, and does not contribute to their appearance.

It turns out that excess fluid begins to accumulate in the body, not because there is a lot of it, but quite the opposite. Moreover, drinks such as coffee or tea are not considered water at all. When a woman makes such an unequal replacement, little of the required fluid enters the cells, which disrupts the processes taking place in them. As a result, edema appears. The skin becomes sluggish, bags are often visible under the eyes, especially in the morning. Thus, excess water is not the cause of edema.

How to drink water to improve skin condition?

Maintaining water balance is important for women with all skin types. If it is dry, the water will moisturize it and make it more elastic. For those with oily skin, acne rashes are often formed, it is also necessary to replenish the body with moisture. The work of the sebaceous glands can be disrupted due to lack of water. As a result, the pores cannot be cleaned on their own and a shine appears on the face. To facilitate the body's work, it is recommended to drink about seven glasses of pure non-carbonated water a day so that the entire body (and the skin in particular) is cleansed.

As you know, to replenish the volume of fluid, it is necessary to consume as much water as it is released from the body. From this we can conclude that the norms of water balance for each woman are individual. On average, it is recommended to drink up to 2.5 liters of water per day. Of the total volume, only a small part reaches the skin, however, and this has a beneficial effect on its health.

According to experts, every woman's day should start with a glass of clean water. It should be drunk on an empty stomach, half an hour before breakfast. This will help keep your digestive system running smoothly and keep it running smoothly throughout the day. The optimal solution is to drink 2 liters of water per day, combined with a moisturizer, which must be used at night.

In addition, it is recommended to swim more often in water bodies. It is not necessary to dive headlong, you can just plunge into the water a couple of times. In such places, the air is saturated with moisture, which will benefit every organism. Women with oily skin should visit the bath periodically, which also has a beneficial effect on cleansing the pores.

High-quality water is a guarantee of beauty and health

Today, the quality of tap water is poor. It contains harmful impurities that accumulate in the human body and adversely affect health. Even a regular filter does not help to get rid of them.

It is much more beneficial to use water from natural sources, for example, Biovita. It is desirable that it does not contain salt, since it tends to retain moisture in the body. Also, don't use carbonated water.

Silicon water plays a significant role in maintaining health. You can make it yourself or buy it in a store. In the first case, you will need a mineral that can be purchased at a pharmacy. It is filled with pure water taken from natural sources. It is silicon that releases useful substances, thanks to which the infusion becomes "healing".

The second option is to buy a finished product. Experts recommend using the Sulinka mineral water. It is of high quality, does not contain harmful impurities, and is suitable for treatment and daily use. Silicon water can be used not only internally, but also for washing.

Benefits of water for skin health: rules of use

  • you should not drink too cold water, it is desirable that it be warm or almost hot (ideally, the temperature indicators of the water and the body should be the same);
  • it is better to drink table or silicon water, in which the content of nutrients is optimal;
  • it is not recommended to boil water, especially for too long, since its beneficial properties are reduced under the influence of high temperatures.

Thus, if you restore the water balance of your body, you can improve your own health, which will have a positive effect on the condition of the internal organs and skin. Drink quality water and shine with natural beauty!

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