Postpartum bandage. How to choose a prenatal bandage

Pregnancy gives every woman a huge amount of positive emotions associated with the expectation of a baby. However, there are other, not very pleasant phenomena that women have to face during this period. For 9 months, many pregnant women experience pain in the back, often aching lower back. This is due to the development and growth of the embryo in the womb.

To relieve back pain, doctors recommend that women use a device such as a bandage. To purchase a comfortable bandage, the expectant mother should know how to choose it correctly, what parameters to take into account, how to put on and use a bandage for pregnant women.

What is a bandage and why does a pregnant woman need it?

During the second and third trimesters, the bandage plays an important role in maintaining a woman's health. This is a specially designed medical device that is in the form of a belt or underpants. Its main task is to support and fix the growing abdomen. Wearing a bandage helps to smooth out discomfort in the later stages of bearing a baby and contributes to its correct location in the uterus.

During pregnancy, a woman's spinal column experiences increased stress, especially if she bears 2-3 babies at the same time. The pressure of the uterus is also felt by the internal organs, which is why it is so important for pregnant women to wear a bandage (we recommend reading:). In addition, its use avoids the appearance of stretch marks on the skin of the abdomen, which are usually formed due to its excessive tension during the growth of the fetus.

The choice of the optimal type of bandage depends on the individual characteristics of the woman's body. The list of positive effects from using this device includes:

  • elimination of pain in the ankle joints;
  • reducing the feeling of heaviness and discomfort in the lower back;
  • reduction of pressure on internal organs;
  • reducing the load on the spine;
  • prevention of stretch marks;
  • maintaining the fetus and preventing premature prolapse of the uterus;
  • maintaining weakened abdominal muscles.

The bandage is easy to use, all manufactured models are sold complete with instructions. Belts and shorts are made from special breathable fabrics, which ensures comfort when wearing it even in the summer months.

Indications and contraindications for wearing a bandage

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To wear a bandage or do without it, each mother decides for herself. However, there are a number of circumstances in which doctors strongly recommend that women use this device:

  • large size and weight of the fetus;
  • bearing several babies;
  • risk of premature onset of labor due to low placental attachment or cervical insufficiency;
  • weakness of the abdominal muscles, the threat of its early prolapse;
  • risk of incorrect presentation of the fetus;
  • a woman's tendency to edema;
  • postoperative scars on the wall of the uterus, if the surgical intervention was performed less than two years before the conception of the child;
  • pathology of the cervix;
  • pinching of the lumbar nerve;
  • increased physical activity of the mother during pregnancy associated with production needs;
  • prevention of defects and sagging of the skin of the abdomen during the second and subsequent pregnancies.

If the woman does not have the reasons listed above, then she may not use a bandage. In this case, the muscular system will independently cope with the increasing load. There are also a number of conditions under which wearing a bandage is contraindicated:

  • Incorrect position of the fetus at the beginning of the third trimester. The support belt can prevent the baby from getting into the correct position in the uterus. However, if later the baby does turn head down, the gynecologist may recommend using a bandage to avoid moving it into a position that prevents the normal course of childbirth.
  • Allergic reaction of a woman to the bandage material.

What are bandages?

Bandages created for expectant mothers come in three varieties. They are made in the form of a belt, panties or corset. There are universal products that can be used both during the period of expectation of the baby, and after his birth. All products are made from cotton material with the inclusion of elastane and microfibers.

Postpartum bandage

Women whose babies were born naturally need to choose special postpartum bandages that help restore normal abdominal muscle tone. Such products can also be worn by mothers who have undergone a caesarean section in order to quickly regain their former harmony. However, it is impossible to do this in the very first days after the operation, in the future you need to get permission from the doctor.

Bandage in the form of panties

One of the types of prenatal bandages is panties. In shape, they resemble ordinary panties made of a special material. Their feature is a high waist and seals in the form of inserts in the front and lumbar parts. These inserts have a high density and are able to stretch as the volume of the abdomen increases. Some bandages are made in the form of shorts. They are designed to be worn during the off-season and in winter.

New models are particularly practical, as they fasten from below, so they do not create additional difficulties when visiting the toilet. The advantages of this model include:

  • the ability to reduce back pain;
  • ease of use;
  • good degree of fixation.

The briefs are invisible under ordinary clothes, so they are comfortable to wear in the summer. This type of product also has some disadvantages:

  • when gaining extra pounds, they can injure the skin, crashing into it;
  • they are uncomfortable to wear in too hot weather;
  • if you put on a bandage without underwear, you will have to constantly wash it, so it is better to buy two products at once.

Bandage in the form of a belt

Prenatal bandage models in the form of a belt are in the form of a tape, which has the ability to stretch. The belt helps to avoid stretch marks. You can start using the belt after 21 weeks. The product has the following positive characteristics:

  • provides good fixation of the uterus;
  • optimally suited for the prevention of premature prolapse of the uterus;
  • convenient to use in the hot season.

The disadvantages of the model include susceptibility to deformation with constant wear. If you wear a belt for a long time, then the abdominal walls lose their tone. With a small volume of the abdomen, the bandage can move up and twist. It is difficult to hide the fasteners of this model under clothing.

Bandage in the form of a corset

The corset is almost identical in design to the belt. It features an extended waistband with additional bands that can be adjusted. The rigid corset provides excellent fixation of the internal organs and securely supports the stomach, keeping the baby in the correct position in the uterus.

There are models supplemented with stiffeners, the purpose of which is to reduce the load on the spinal muscles. Wearing a corset helps prevent the formation of stretch marks on the abdomen. Such models are recommended for women experiencing back pain while carrying a fetus.

The corset has the following positive characteristics:

  • prevents the appearance of stretch marks on the skin;
  • relieves pain in the back;
  • maintains the uterus at the right level.

Bandage combined universal

The universal prenatal bandage is effective both during the bearing of the baby and after his birth. This is a rubberized waistband that stretches well and is adjustable with Velcro located on the sides. When carrying a baby, the narrow part is placed in the lower abdomen, the wide part is on the lower back, so a supporting effect is achieved. After the birth of the baby, the combined bandage is worn differently, placing the wide part on the stomach in order to restore the tone of the stretched muscles. The advantages of the model are:

  • economy and long period of use;
  • tightening effect;
  • elimination of inconvenience while walking.

How to choose a bandage by size?

To find out which size of the bandage will be better and more comfortable, you need to take into account that the volume of the abdomen will change, and adjustment with the help of fasteners is not possible on all models. To determine the size and choose a comfortable model, you need to measure the circumference of the hips under the lower abdomen.

Typically, the size on the package is indicated in accordance with the volume of the hips in centimeters (90, 100, 110), however, in some cases, the numbers 1, 2, 3 are used to indicate the size, which means a certain hip circumference. So, 1 size means 90 cm in the volume of the hips, 2 - 100, and so on.

Another option for specifying the size of the bandage is the Latin letters S, M, L, XL. With such an encoding, you need to purchase a bandage in accordance with the size of clothes that the woman wore before the conception of the baby. If preference is given to panties, then it is better to choose a prenatal bandage one size larger than the usual one.

How to put on and wear prenatal and postnatal bandage?

When purchasing a bandage, a woman must learn how to put it on in order to get the desired effect and not harm the baby. For reliable fixation of the product, you need to take a prone position, placing a pad under the buttocks. So you should lie down a little so that the child takes a comfortable position in the uterus. Then you should fix the clasp, avoiding strong pressure on the abdominal muscles.

With the correct fixation of the product, there should be no feeling of discomfort, no matter what position the pregnant woman takes in the future. Postpartum models are also worn lying on the stomach. You need to get up from this position slowly. When wearing supportive products, the following rules should be observed:

  • do not wear the product for more than 10 hours a day;
  • do not apply during sleep;
  • wash in warm water;
  • with increased activity of the baby, you need to remove the bandage for 30 minutes.

Popular brands and cost

Which bandage for pregnant women to choose, each woman decides for herself, taking into account the characteristics of her body. The most popular brands are:

  • "Fest". These products help prevent the development of pathologies and eliminate existing disorders. They reduce the risk of preterm birth and prevent organ prolapse after childbirth.
  • Orlette. Bandages of this brand have a higher price compared to analogues from other manufacturers, but they are distinguished by increased wear resistance. Provide effective support for the back and abdomen, recommended for use from the first weeks of the second trimester.
  • Nuova vita. These products are available in a variety of colors and patterns. Microfiber is used for their manufacture, which contributes to a better fit to the body.
  • Ecoten. A distinctive feature of this brand is an additional screed and plastic ribs.

How much can a product cost? In many ways, its price depends on the model. The most budget option is a bandage in the form of a belt, it will cost about 900 rubles. Panties will cost the expectant mother a little more, their average price is 1200 rubles. The most expensive models are the combined type and corsets, their cost can reach up to 1700 rubles.

Prenatal bandage. Not all women use it, and not every doctor recommends it. And yet ... What functions is this orthopedic accessory ready to perform? Can he get rid of the characteristic problems during the period of bearing a child? How to choose the right size and how to wear? We answer these and many other questions, and at the same time we study the ratings given by customers to specific models.

Why do you need a prenatal bandage

The prenatal bandage fixes the internal organs located in the abdominal cavity in the correct physiological position. The wide belt effectively supports the growing belly, allowing the fetus to occupy the optimal position, which has a beneficial effect on its development. With the help of stiffeners, it stabilizes the position of the spine and evenly distributes the load, so pain in the lumbar region is reduced.

The bandage belt also reduces the risk of uterine hypertonicity, helping to safely bear the child in difficult cases of pregnancy. When using it, muscles and skin are not subjected to excessive stretching, which means that after childbirth, fewer “stretch marks” will appear on the body. The last factor becomes almost decisive for many women.

On a note! One of the most popular manufacturers of bandages for women is the Fast company. In its assortment there are products for use both during pregnancy and after childbirth.

Probably, in order for future mothers to save money by spending extra money on themselves or their baby, manufacturers produce universal bandages for pregnant women. They can be worn by both pregnant women and those who gave birth safely..

The product is a belt, which is fixed at the waist with Velcro and adjusted by side fasteners. During the bearing of a child, the wide back of the belt is placed at the back, and the narrow one is under the stomach. After childbirth, the belt turns over: now the wide part supports the abdominal cavity, eliminating the risk of complications, restoring muscle tone and helping the body to return to normal faster.

On a note! The universal bandage is made of hypoallergenic fabrics that do not cause discomfort, but it is recommended to wear the product over underwear or a T-shirt.

How to choose a bandage size

Since the bandage is placed under the abdomen, you should focus on your parameters before pregnancy. If you have recovered by 15 kg or more, then it is worth choosing a bandage 1-2 sizes larger.

Almost always during pregnancy, a woman gets fat and distributed, so you should not take risks. It is better to take new measurements with a centimeter tape. It should be tightly, but without undue tension, passed behind the lower back and in front under the stomach. This girth in centimeters will be decisive when choosing the size.

Manufacturers' sizing may vary. For example, one of the options for matching the size to the volume of the body:

  • up to 85 cm - size S;
  • 85-97 cm - M;
  • 97-105 cm - L;
  • 105-115 cm - XL;
  • over 115 cm - 2XL.

When to start wearing a prenatal bandage

The gynecologist observing the woman must clearly determine at what stage the woman can start using the bandage. For example, in diseases of the spine, the product is put on in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, that is, from the fourth month of bearing a child.

Sometimes you have to answer another question: can mommy use a prenatal bandage at all? So, in case of chronic diseases of the kidneys, stomach, intestines, the use of a bandage may be refused.

On a note! In case of complications or chronic diseases, the doctor may advise putting on a bandage a little earlier - from the 10th week.

How to wear a prenatal bandage

Wearing a bandage belt during pregnancy is not worth it all the time. Be sure to take breaks of 20-30 minutes every 2-3 hours. The total duration of wearing is determined individually.. Many women with a large belly and in the later stages practically do not part with a supporting bandage, and owners of small tummies put on a bandage only when doing housework or at work in order to reduce the load from the lower back.

Many people ask the right question, how to wear a prenatal bandage? This should be done exclusively while lying down after several deep and smooth breaths and exhalations. Then you should slightly raise the buttocks so that the child moves slightly upward. It is in this position that the internal organs and the baby occupy the “correct positions”. After that, the belt, which you previously spread under you, is fastened on your stomach in such a way that a palm passes between it and the skin.

On a note! After you get up, be sure to check the tightening strength. A belt that is too tight can harm both you and your baby.

Reviews of the prenatal bandage

It is hardly possible to understand from the reviews which prenatal bandage is better, because they say correctly: how many people - so many opinions. However, customer recommendations help to identify the advantages and disadvantages of specific models.

Prenatal bandage "Emma Jane 1410"

During pregnancy, the doctor prescribed me to use a bandage, but there was a problem. It was not so easy to find a suitable one for his fragile body. In the pharmacy I saw "Emma Jane" - the brand is little known, unlike the same "Fest" or "Trives", but I decided to buy it. And she was satisfied. First, the size fits perfectly. Secondly, convenient. Two small bones on the back do not press or rub. Good Velcro fastens tightly. Thirdly, it is not visible under clothes, unless, of course, tight-fitting dresses are worn in the last weeks before childbirth. Fourthly, it withstood all the tests with dignity: it didn’t stretch, it didn’t deform, the seams didn’t come apart. Since it is white, I washed it often, almost every day, but at least he had henna. Used it on long walks. Sitting in it for 6 hours on a bench, of course, is difficult, but it is not made for this. The price of the bandage is not small, but I have never regretted that I chose it. Other mothers who took it cheaper said that they simply could not wear a cheap bandage: for some it rubbed, for others it moved out, for others it almost fell apart on the third day. I advise mothers not to save on their health, because the health of the baby depends on it.

Universal bandage "Trives T-1118"

At the 24th week of pregnancy, my back began to ache terribly, and during a consultation with a gynecologist I received very specific advice - to use a bandage. It took me a long time to choose the right one. In one it was uncomfortable to stand, in the other - to sit, the third - cost sky-high money. As a result, I looked after “Trives” in the orthopedic salon, and when I tried it on, I realized - here it is, my savior. You can wear it when carrying one child, and with two or three. There are tough ribs on the back, which on the first day saved me from back pain during a long walk. Fastened with Velcro and pulled together on the sides - well, almost all bandages have such a system. My skin is quite sensitive, but this bandage does not cause any irritation. The instructions do not prohibit sitting in it, but I still only wore it while walking or when I was lying. The quality is excellent, and the price suited me, besides, after giving birth, I did not have to buy another one, since it is universal.

Prenatal bandage-corset "Orlett MS-99"

I have 2 degree scoliosis, so during pregnancy I had to do something with severe pain. On the advice of a doctor, I bought a bandage from the German company Orlett (I heard a lot about it, and there are good reviews on the Internet). Was it any wonder that the German quality manifested itself in everything. And the belt itself is sewn perfectly, and its design is so successful that it relieved pain perfectly. On the side, it has reinforcing tapes, with which it is adjusted to the figure. Behind – rigid inserts for unloading of a waist and a backbone. You need to wear it, like all other prenatal bandages, only lying down. The price of the corset is not low, but it fully fulfills its purpose. At first I regretted that I had not seen a universal bandage in the manufacturer's line earlier, but bought one that can only be worn until childbirth. After giving birth, it was not critical for me to use a bandage - my condition was normal, but I think that if I had a bandage, I would probably put it on periodically.

Types of bandages for pregnant women. Bandage instructions.

For women who are pregnant with their first child, the question often arises: why, when, and most importantly, how to wear a pregnancy belt? We will answer all these questions in our article.

What does a maternity bandage look like?

The classic maternity bandage is a special belt with an extension on the back and a narrower part that is worn under the stomach. Also known are such types as bandage-pants and a corset.

The main purpose of this device is to help a woman more easily endure the gestation period. The bandage supports the stomach, promotes the correct distribution of the load, protects against stretch marks, relieves pain from the lower back and spine, and also helps the child himself to some extent.

IMPORTANT: There is also a device for the postpartum period, designed to stimulate the speedy return of the previous figure.

What is a maternity bandage for?

The bandage greatly facilitates the course of pregnancy. Familiarize yourself with the main positive aspects of using this device:

  • The bandage prevents stretching of the skin, loss of its elasticity and the appearance of ugly red stripes, which soon turn white and remain on the skin forever. Stretch marks can be removed only in a beauty parlor, and this requires financial costs. All other ways to overcome them come down to lightening and slightly smoothing the bands. Therefore, if you want to look good after childbirth, be sure to consult your doctor about wearing a bandage.
  • The bandage reduces the pressure of the fetus on the pelvic organs and the spine, as a result of which you will not be bothered by pain in the lower back, lower abdomen, back
  • Significantly reduces the risk of miscarriage
  • The bandage helps to cope with pain in the legs, swelling of the lower extremities and their fatigue. Wearing a bandage is especially important for women who spend several hours on their feet in a row.
  • The belt regulates the course of pregnancy and gestation. Its use is mandatory if you are expecting twins
  • It's no secret that cephalic presentation - the position in which the baby is head down before birth - is optimal for an easy and successful delivery. With a breech presentation, a caesarean section is prescribed, this position of the child is fraught with complications. The bandage regulates the correct position of the fetus in the womb, so experts recommend wearing it to all pregnant women without exception.
  • In untrained women, the abdominal muscles are often not in good shape. Relaxation of the abdominal muscles is also observed during repeated pregnancy. In this case, wearing a bandage is mandatory, it perfectly supports the stomach when the body's own resources cannot cope with it.
  • By about 38 weeks of gestation, the fetus begins to descend, preparing to be born. Along with it, the stomach also drops. The droop can occur earlier, which is not normal, and to prevent this, wear a brace
  • The bandage is indicated for varicose veins, osteochondrosis

IMPORTANT: Some doctors oppose wearing a bandage. If you do not have any of the following indications for its use, it is better to refrain from using it.

Indications for the use of a belt for pregnant women:

  • carrying twins
  • low position of the fetus in the womb, as a result of which the stomach also drops
  • pinching of a nerve in the lumbar region, which provokes neurological pain
  • operations in the abdomen that were performed no later than 1.5 years ago
  • a scar on the uterus that appears after surgery on the gynecological part, including a caesarean section preceding the current pregnancy
  • underdeveloped cervix
  • chance of miscarriage
  • unbearable pain in the legs, lower back, back, spine

IMPORTANT: Before deciding on your own whether or not to wear a belt, consult your gynecologist. According to all your examinations, he is the only one who can recommend a device.

How to choose a bandage for pregnant women in size?

There is a table of sizes of bandages, which you can refer to when choosing. But the only way to get the belt really true to size is to try it on.

You can buy a belt at a pharmacy or special stores for expectant mothers. Experts advise choosing a device in a pharmacy located at the maternity hospital, or in departments for pregnant women. Consultants work here to help determine both the type and material of the device, and its size.

Feel free to try on different belts. After all, the wrong size of the bandage can affect the health of the child. The fabric should not put pressure on the stomach, but only gently envelop it and support it. In the case of a tight bandage, you risk causing serious harm to the developing baby.

Bandage size for pregnant women, table

In the tables below, you can find out the size of the belt that is right for you, by height and weight or by hip circumference. Additionally, information is provided on the sizes of postpartum bandages.

How to choose the right bandage for pregnant women?

IMPORTANT: In order to choose the right bandage, you need to decide on the type - panties, corset, belt or combined, as well as the size.

It is also important to choose the material from which the belt is made. Cheap models, which women often stop to avoid overpaying, are made of synthetic fabrics that do not allow the skin to breathe. This is extremely harmful for both the expectant mother and the baby. Choose a belt only from natural materials.

As for the model itself, it is best to try on each and choose the one in which you are most comfortable. The belt should not press either on the stomach or on any other area. If you experience even the slightest discomfort, immediately discard this option.

Types of bandages for pregnant women

Bandages are divided into prenatal, postnatal, as well as universal - those that are perfect for both periods.

There is also a division of bandages by models.

Belt is an elastic fabric band that expands at the back and narrows under the belly. Belts have different fastening options. They are worn exclusively on underwear for hygiene purposes.

Panties made in the form of ordinary shorts, only in front they have a special insert that supports the stomach. There are certain inconveniences in using this type of device. Since the bandage-panties are worn without underwear, it has to be washed every day, so it is advisable to purchase several of these models at once. If a woman experiences frequent urge to urinate, there are difficulties in wearing such a bandage, since it has to be constantly removed

Suitable for both pregnancy and postpartum. It is made of rubberized fabric, ordinary Velcro acts as fasteners. Such a belt is put on with a narrow part forward during pregnancy and a wide part on the stomach after childbirth.

Corset can still be found on sale, but this is an outdated model, which today is recognized by gynecologists as ineffective. Doctors do not recommend purchasing this option

When should you start wearing a maternity bandage?

You should think about using a belt already when the stomach is just beginning to appear. Usually this is the 4th month of gestation, which is equal to 20-24 weeks of obstetric pregnancy.

IMPORTANT: Often a bandage is indicated at an earlier or later stage. Talk to your gynecologist about your individual situation.

How to wear a maternity bandage? Video

Each device for pregnant women comes with instructions for dressing and wearing the model. Check it out carefully. You can try putting on a belt in the store when you choose it. Qualified consultants will help you here.

Your doctor can also explain all the subtleties of wearing a bandage, do not hesitate to ask him questions. And remember: the health of your child depends on the correct wearing of the belt.

Video: How to put on a maternity bandage

How long should you wear a maternity bandage?

The bandage cannot be worn all day, it must be removed. This is due to the fact that the device, while supporting the stomach, to one degree or another still limits the possibility of moving the child in the womb. So that the baby does not feel constrained, every 2-3 hours the bandage must be removed for at least 30 minutes.

Belts are not recommended in the third trimester. If by this time the child has not taken the desired position with his head down, then the belt will greatly hinder him from doing this. But if the baby is already in head presentation, then the bandage will only fix this position and prevent the child from rolling over incorrectly.

At the very last stages of gestation, the bandage is contraindicated. This is due to the lowering of the abdomen on the eve of childbirth, which the belt will prevent.

Video: Choosing the right bandage for pregnant women, childbirth. Tips, tricks, reviews

Prenatal bandage is necessary to reduce the load on the spinal column, which significantly reduces pain in the lower back, it is prescribed for isthmic-cervical insufficiency, with a low standing of the baby's head, and especially often with multiple pregnancies. After childbirth, the bandage helps to restore the figure and contributes to the announcement of the tone of the muscles that support the uterus.

Product selection should be based on:

  • the material from which the product is made;
  • type of device;
  • size;
  • indications and contraindications.

There are 3 types of bandage:

Prenatal bandage is prescribed for:

  • the threat of miscarriage in the 2nd and 3rd trimester;
  • the presence of scars on the reproductive organ that occurred during previous births;
  • low location of the placenta;
  • with pelvic presentation of the fetus;
  • with the development of osteochondrosis;
  • with multiple pregnancies or if the fetus is large.

It is better not to wear a bandage without a doctor's prescription., this can be dangerous if the fetus has not yet taken its correct position. In this case, therapeutic exercises are first prescribed, and only then a bandage may be required.

Prenatal bandages can be of several types:

  1. belt;
  2. underpants.

Which one is needed and more suitable for a woman, the doctor must decide, based on the specific case. Each type has its pros and cons. The product in the form of panties has an elastic insert in the abdomen and can be worn as underwear. As for the disadvantages, they are as follows:

  • the need for daily change and washing;
  • you can wear such a bandage only in a supine state;
  • to calmly go to the toilet, you need to choose a product with fasteners, which is not very convenient.

Attention: The belt is a more popular bandage model. It is equipped with Velcro fasteners that allow you to adjust the size of the product. It can be worn over underwear. This product has no significant drawbacks - it does not slip, does not wrinkle and sits well.

The universal model is also a belt, consisting of a wide and narrow part. Before childbirth, the bandage is worn with a wide part, and the field of childbirth - with a narrow. This type is a salvation for women who suffer from lumbar pain. The disadvantage of this device is that it remains noticeable under clothing, because it is a rather voluminous model.

How to choose the right size?

If the choice is made in favor of bandage panties.

Determining the size of a universal bandage belt is not at all difficult. To do this, you need to measure the waist circumference in the navel of the pregnant woman, and add 3-5 cm, since subsequently the stomach will increase.

How to choose the right prenatal belt?

As already clear from the above, the main function of the bandage for pregnant women is to support the growing tummy and maximize the unloading of the spine. However, for a belt that is not at all difficult to fully fulfill its functions, it is necessary that it fits the woman perfectly. Do not allow the product to dangle or excessively tighten the stomach.

With the wrong selection of the prenatal bandage, there is a risk of deterioration in the woman's well-being, as well as the threat of improper development of the baby.

When choosing a product, it is necessary to take a responsible approach to the choice of the material from which it is made - it is better to let it be made of dense cotton fabric with the addition of elastane. It is recommended to buy the product in special stores, before buying it must be measured, and in no case should you buy for growth.

To support the abdomen, a bandage panty is best suited, into which a waist elastic band is sewn. Such products perfectly stretch as the abdomen increases, and reliably support it. Bandages-panties can be with a wide and narrow tape. It is better to choose with a wide ribbon so as not to pinch the growing belly.

There are special bandages-panties, which have an overestimated front, such a model is suitable for carrying a baby in the last stages. There are winter options - they have a longer femoral part, which allows you to keep warm in cold weather.

If a woman is worried that the bandage will be visible under her clothes, you can consider the option of seamless panties. It is recommended to wash this product by hand so that it does not stretch in the machine. Some women wear bandage panties over their underwear to avoid frequent washing.

  1. In order to unload the spine as much as possible and hold the back, it is recommended to choose a bandage-belt or a bandage-corset with stiffeners, depending on how serious the problems with the spine are. The belts have Velcro, thanks to which you can adjust the size, which is very convenient when carrying a baby, and the rigid corset bandages also have inserts from the back for better fixation of the lower back.
  2. With symphysitis during pregnancy, a special pelvic corset is needed to hold the bones and reduce the distance between them. It is made of hard material, and is selected strictly individually.

    This product is worn lying down, it must be fastened tightly, but so that the hand passes between the body and the bandage. In a standing position, a woman should not experience discomfort, and in no case should her stomach be pulled. During rest, it is better to remove the pelvic bandage so as not to put an extra load on the internal organs.

  3. With the tone of the uterus during pregnancy, all varieties are suitable - panties, belt and universal. There is also a bandage in the form of a corset - laced, but this product is not popular, as it is not convenient to use and is considered an outdated model. Each of these options significantly reduces the pressure on the muscles, and, consequently, reduces the tone.
  4. With multiple pregnancies, wearing a bandage is mandatory, but unfortunately, there are no special products for carrying twins and more fetuses. In this case, a belt or panties is most often recommended.

    Only the attending physician can say which option will be better in a particular case. It is always necessary to wear a bandage during pregnancy with several fetuses, and it is very important not to miscalculate with the size, since in the last stages of pregnancy the stomach will grow faster.

  5. With an inguinal hernia, models in the form of a belt with Velcro are suitable. In terms of therapeutic effect, the model does not matter, but this option is more convenient.
  6. With an umbilical hernia, it is better to opt for bandage panties with a high front.

How to understand what is right?

How to find out which bandage is suitable for supporting the abdomen? Currently there are a large number of prenatal bandages of different manufacturers on the market. In order for the bandage to be ideal for a pregnant woman, it is necessary to purchase it after consulting a gynecologist, and be sure to try it on before buying.

It is very important that a woman feel comfortable in it, and at the same time, the product acts as a support for the abdomen and unloads the back.

It is important to understand that the prenatal bandage cannot be returned to the store if it does not fit the woman in size, so you must immediately take into account all the nuances. A woman can understand whether a product suits her only by putting it on, however, it is better to decide on a model in advance, based on the goals that she should pursue.

There are no contraindications for wearing a properly selected and correctly worn prenatal bandage., however, we must not forget that in case of skin and allergic diseases, the product should not be worn on the naked body. In this case, it is recommended to wear it over clothing.

In any case, it is necessary to choose a model made of natural and hypoallergenic fabric, it is important that the skin under the belt breathes, only in this case the woman will be comfortable wearing this product.

Advice: It is preferable to start wearing a bandage from the 20th week of pregnancy, and if the pregnancy is normal and the woman has no complaints, then there is no need for a bandage. Therefore, a doctor's consultation is mandatory in any case.

If we talk about the best manufacturers, then the most popular at the moment are German, English or French bandages. Italian and Baltic ones have also proven themselves well, but these products are more beautiful than functional. Functional and budget option - bandages of Russian manufacturers, which are made of elastic fabric and well support the stomach.

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In order not to get confused in the variety of forms and manufacturers of prenatal bandage, it is best to follow the doctor's recommendations and your own feelings exactly. A prenatal bandage is not prescribed if it is not necessary, and if a woman feels relieved after putting on the product, then the model is chosen correctly. It is very likely that the baby in the stomach can also affect the choice of bandage - if the product presses, the child will move more vigorously.

Each type of bandage has its own selection rules, but you should remember that you should not start wearing one or another bandage without first consulting a specialist. Hernia and postoperative bandages are prescribed exclusively by a doctor. Prenatal bandages do not require a strict prescription from a doctor, but it is recommended to consult an obstetrician-gynecologist before purchasing them.

Postoperative and hernia bandages
Postoperative bandages differ in width and girth. The required width of the postoperative bandage is determined based on the height and build of the patient, as well as the length and location of the suture. The bandage should cover the postoperative suture from all sides by at least 1 cm. In order to correctly determine the girth of the postoperative bandage, it is necessary to know the patient's waist circumference.

Based on these data, the sales assistant will be able to choose the best model for you. Usually, manufacturers indicate in the description of the bandage what parameters it is designed for, so you can also choose the bandage yourself in an online store or pharmacy.

If a chest postoperative bandage is selected, then it is necessary to know the circumference of the chest in the place where it is planned to be worn. For women, the chest circumference is measured under the mammary glands.

For the correct selection of the inguinal bandage, it is necessary to know the volume of the abdomen. The volume of the abdomen is measured along the line passing between the waist and hips. In order to measure the volume of the abdomen, you must first measure 8-10 cm down from the waist line with a centimeter, then measure the volume of the body at the obtained point. This is the volume of the abdomen.

To correctly select the umbilical bandage, it is enough to know the waist size.

Prenatal and postnatal bandages
Before proceeding with the selection of a prenatal bandage, it is necessary to study the list of indications for wearing it. Firstly, it is worth thinking about a prenatal bandage after the 20th week of pregnancy, when the stomach is already visible. Secondly, physiological characteristics must be taken into account - a prenatal bandage is strongly recommended for weak abdominal and pelvic floor muscles, osteochondrosis and curvature of the spine, a fragile physique and a predisposition to the appearance of striae (stretch marks).

The main indication for wearing a bandage is, of course, pain in the lower back and back. From a medical point of view, these pains are natural and have no negative consequences, but it is difficult to endure them daily for several months.

It is important to consider the lifestyle of the expectant mother. With an active lifestyle, a bandage is simply necessary. Moreover, a lifestyle is considered active in which a pregnant woman is in an upright position for more than 3 hours a day, not to mention the fact that she can work.

A special point is certain obstetric pathologies (an excessive increase in the size of the uterus, multiple pregnancy, large fetus sizes, etc.), in which the bandage is prescribed by a doctor and is vital for both mother and baby.

Models of prenatal bandages
If we talk about models of prenatal bandages, then it can be a panty bandage and a bandage belt.

Bandage panties with a high waist and elastic inserts on the abdomen and lower back are worn over underwear or on the naked body. The second option is less preferable, as it requires daily washing of the bandage. Such a bandage is worn exclusively lying down.

The bandage-belt fastens under the belly with Velcro, fixes the uterus well without squeezing the fetus, and is adjustable in girth. This bandage can be worn both lying down and standing up.

Which model to choose depends on the lifestyle of the pregnant woman and her personal preferences. For women who lead an active lifestyle until late in pregnancy, a bandage belt is more suitable, as it is easier and faster to remove and put on.

Sizes of prenatal and postnatal bandages
The size of the prenatal bandage is most often determined by the girth of the hips under the abdomen. However, some manufacturers have their own size ranges, taking into account the circumference of the waist and hips at the widest point, as well as the height and weight of the pregnant woman. Therefore, before buying it is advisable to measure all these parameters. When choosing a panty bandage, you need to add one to the size of your underwear before pregnancy.

Obstetricians and gynecologists strongly recommend wearing a postpartum bandage in the first 2 weeks after childbirth in order to help the abdominal muscles restore tone and the muscles of the uterus contract. However, the decision to wear a postpartum bandage should only be made in consultation with your doctor. A postpartum bandage is not recommended for certain skin, gastrointestinal, and kidney conditions, as well as for certain sutures after a caesarean section. The size of the postpartum bandage is determined by the circumference of the hips after the birth of the child.