Congratulations on the Day of the Military Prosecutor's Office. Congratulations in prose Happy Prosecutor's Office

Dear employees of the prosecutor's office! We sincerely congratulate you on your professional holiday! We wish you more calm court proceedings! Thank you for guarding and defending our rights!

How delicious and beautiful work, employees of the prosecutor's office! How much strength, energy, will and perseverance every day is spent on overcoming at first glance of impracticable tasks! I solemnly congratulate you with the All-Russian Day of the Prosecutor's Office! I wish you from the pure heart and a big soul of good luck in all endeavors, health to you and your loved ones, bright and exciting life!

This holiday is a struggle for justice and for honesty in our society. I want to wish success and benefits on this day, happiness in personal life, a huge patience to your families. Be always fair and unshakable in all difficult situations.

Dear employees of the prosecutor's office! Take sincere congratulations with your professional holiday! We wish you good health, well-being, inexhaustible energy, professional achievements and further fruitful work!

Dear Colleagues! Congratulations on your professional holiday! For three hundred years, prosecutor's office support law and order, strengthen statehood, defend and protect the rights and freedoms of ordinary citizens! I want to express my appreciation to all employees! Wish good health, well-being, happiness and success on your hard field! Let luck go with you shoulder to shoulder and never leave!

Dear employees of the prosecutor's office! Congratulations on your professional holiday - the day of the employee of the prosecutor's office! Thank you for your high professionalism, for a clear follow-up and the letter of the law! Let your service be conscientious, with patience and understanding! I wish you further success in protecting the legality and law enforcement!

Take the most sincere congratulations with your professional holiday - the Day of the employee of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation! The law enforcement in our country, its social and economic development, largely depends on your structure. I am sure that, thanks to your clear consequences of the letter of the law, experience, honesty, the disclosure of crimes is steadily growing! I sincerely wish you to always be at the height, both in official affairs and in your personal life: be prosperous, happy and loved! Good health to you and your loved ones!

Congratulations for the prosecutor:

Dear employees of the prosecutor's office! We sincerely congratulate you on your professional holiday! We wish you more calm court proceedings! Thank you for guarding and defending our rights!

  • Cool congratulations to employees of the prosecutor's office

    For native prosecutor's office
    Congratulations in the morning!
    Very necessary structure,
    All workers - Hooray!

    Let feast decorate
    Not glasses with milk!
    Stars more wish you
    And on Tare with brandy!

    Let you have a bottle of beer
    Cooling the January snow!
    Be joyful, happy!
    Congratulations from all!

  • Congratulations to employees of the prosecutor's office

    Dear employees of the prosecutor's office! Congratulations on your professional holiday - the day of the employee of the prosecutor's office! Thank you for your high professionalism, for a clear follow-up and the letter of the law! Let your service be conscientious, with patience and understanding! I wish you further success in protecting the legality and law enforcement!

  • The day of the prosecutor's office is a feast of fighters for the justice of decency and for the honesty of ships. On this day, festive congratulations for all of you. I wish you good success and benefits of happiness, patience and strength, and not lose your decency in such a difficult work. Be happy and honest.

  • Congratulations Day of the employee of the prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation

    Take the most sincere congratulations with your professional holiday - the Day of the employee of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation! The law enforcement in our country, its social and economic development, largely depends on your structure. I am sure that, thanks to your clear consequences of the letter of the law, experience, honesty, the disclosure of crimes is steadily growing! I sincerely wish you to always be at the height, both in official affairs and in your personal life: be prosperous, happy and loved! Good health to you and your loved ones!

  • Congratulations on the Day of the Prosecutor's Office

    Dear Colleagues! Congratulations on your professional holiday! For three hundred years, prosecutor's office support law and order, strengthen statehood, defend and protect the rights and freedoms of ordinary citizens! I want to express my appreciation to all employees! Wish good health, well-being, happiness and success on your hard field! Let luck go with you shoulder to shoulder and never leave!

  • Congratulations on the Day of Prosecutor's Office

    The day of the prosecutor's office is a festival of fighters for justice, for the purity of the uniform.
    We want on this day, congratulations to all of you, and wish you success in your hard and hard work. We wish happiness, patience and courage. Be happy and be honest always in everything.

  • Congratulations on the Day of the employee of the prosecutor's office

    Allow you to congratulate you with your holiday and wish, be strong and brave. And not to pass under the pressure of the circumstances of their vital, fair positions.
    I wish you prosperity to serve, love and happiness in your personal life.

  • The power of the prosecutor is justice. And she is inherent in you. With a professional holiday, congratulating you, I wish you to take care of the joy of every moment, so that it was fought for a tireless anti-corruption, lawlessness. Let the family be a reliable rear, surrounding love with heart and trembling care!

    Especially for the site

    Happy prosecutor's office! Let your mind be cold, and solutions - weighted, fair, wise, argued, objective and humane. Let you have enough moral forces, exposure and resistance of the Spirit for execution of far from the simplest duties assigned to you by the state!

    Especially for the site

    Congratulations on the day of the prosecutor's office! Among the sets of tasks you are a stronghold of impersonal and legality. Let you be accompanied by persistence and the power of will. And in the family circle, let harmony reign and prosperity.

    Especially for the site

    The employee of the prosecutor's office is the personification of justice, responsibility and honesty state. In your professional day I wish to remain a flawless and faithful minister of law. Let them accompanse the luck, wisdom, sincere equilibrium and care of loved ones. Happy holiday!

    Especially for the site

    The prosecutor's office is the main stronghold of order and justice. She tracks all the problematic things, eliminates the negative and punishes the perpetrators. Therefore, its representatives are associated with the incarnation of justice. Following the letter of the law, you save the state from failing and ruin. Control all types of activity, look order in all spheres of life. I wish you a good, honesty, dedication on this day. Work as much as the conscience dictates. Perfect injustice, maintain innocent, protect defenseless from dangerous encroachments. I wish you personal happiness, family warmth, good luck and joy! Let your life be bright and not routine. Let the sun warmly smiles to you. Let your loved ones live easily and calmly! Happy holiday! Sometimes you have to make completely difficult solutions, I know, let me be employees of the prosecutor's office - it is very dangerous and difficult, but who, how are you, are able to protect the country's honor and to punish the intruders? I congratulate you on a professional holiday, the day of the prosecutor's office, and I want to always wish to do business in the Commonwealth with the goddess Feheme, which is a patroness you, as well as her native sister of the goddess of fortune, which will help find the smallest hooks so that everything is in fairness. In addition to successful work, I also want to wish you a good stay, which will charge you with new forces for new achievements. Please accept my congratulations. Take sincere congratulations on your professional holiday - the day of the prosecutor's office! Let your service and not visible to each of us, but we are all grateful for it. Your heavy, responsible work makes the world cleaner and kinder. Thanks to you, our children are calmly played in the yard, and we leave the house with a smile. Let all your efforts be generously rewarded with respect, honorary and worthy fee. Health to you strong, the mood of good, real love and strong friendship! Let every day of your day are accompanied by pleasant events and all life will be filled with light. Happy holiday, happy prosecutor's office! Mr. Prosecutor, I have a hurry to congratulate you with your professional holiday, with the day of the prosecutor's office. You did not accidentally choose the profession of the prosecutor, because you can not imagine life without justice without calm. In this most important day, I want you to wish the tripling of perseverance, strength and courage! Your solutions are always fair and honest, so let it always and everywhere you are accompanied by success, the luck rules and protects great health! Without your work, the court would be imperfect and, perhaps, impossible. I wish you an interesting days, and in the personal life of happiness and, of course, big and endless love. Let the well-being, warmth and tremendous joy, which is not the end! I congratulate you on the day of the prosecutor's office and I want to wish all the best! Let your professional holiday finally be able to relax, forgetting about the weight of working difficulties and worries. Let the most cherished desires begin to be carried out, and all the good moments bring positive! I also wish you good and skills to get along with your loved ones! In addition, let the work brings pleasure, because you are a real professional of your business! In your honor, we will raise glasses today and will honor those who deserve the highest honors and folk love! Let you not touch the problems and troubles, we in the matter of any you wish Victory! The hardness of the spirit is like a rock, but the heart is not stone! Happy prosecutor! If what happens, I will go exactly to you, just because I know exactly - you are a person what else to search! So let your service go exclusively in the mountain for many years, and in your personal life there is no chagrin!

    Dear employees of the prosecutor's office!
    Congratulations on your professional holiday, for almost three centuries you work, setting a goal to destroy evil, bribery and lawlessness! You defend the rights of our citizens - children, pensioners, disabled, everyone who needs your legitimate and indisputable protection! You oppose crime, perfected the offense, serve the state and its citizens! Thank you for your hard work! Peace, Good and Justice in work and in life! © ©

    Sincerely congratulations to all employees of the prosecutor's office with the holiday!
    You exercise honest, fair and principled supervision and protect Russia from unscrupulous, not good, violating the law of citizens, as well as Russians themselves from the injustice of the state, which also sometimes happens. You serve the law, holy guarding and protecting it. We wish all the prosecutor's office workers serving a law, good health for many years, well-being and forces that will allow them to be fearlessly, patiently, successfully defend the interests of citizens, society and the state! © ©

    Congratulations to the veterans of the Russian prosecutor's office with a professional holiday!
    It is on your experience, not one generation of prosecutors has grown on your knowledge. You betray them the priceless principles worthy, honest, legitimate work for the benefit of Russian citizens and the state as a whole! Take the warmest wishes to your address! © ©

    Prosecutor's Office!
    You are standing on guard of the law, honestly and disinterestedly serve the country! Thanks to your efforts, many violations of laws in the economic and social spheres are stopped. We express you great appreciation for our confidence in tomorrow, for providing constitutional legality. Take cardiac congratulations on the occasion of your professional holiday! Patience, success and wisdom in the hard struggle for the truth! © ©

    We cordially congratulate you on your professional holiday - the day of the employee of the prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation!
    You responsibly and professionally perform your official debt, decide to decide the tasks set, stand guard and law enforcement, ensure the stability and reliable protection of the interests of society and the state. We wish you good health, success in your complex business, well-being in the noble ministry to Fatherland! © ©

    Dear colleagues and all employees of the prosecutor's office!
    Your civic courage, courage and determination in the protection of the law, your indisputable professionalism allows you to quickly solve the task you set up before you.
    You always follow the spirit and letter of the law, defend the state interests and carefully keep the tradition of the older generation of prosecutor's employees. It is very important for the formation of a new generation of prosecutors of Russia!
    We wish you a well-being in work, happiness and good health! © ©

    Dear Colleagues!
    Today we celebrate the day of the employee of the prosecutor's office.
    For almost three hundred years, the prosecutor's office has been guarding law and order and legitimacy!
    Our work is sometimes not visible with you, but it is a severe painstaking work, aimed at protecting the rights of citizens and the benefit of the Fatherland. I want to wish all the soul to wish all the staff of the prosecutor's office, colleagues, as well as respected veterans of the prosecutor's office of good health, quiet life, happiness to you and your families, professional success and personal well-being! Thanks for your work! © ©