Congratulations on the birth of a baby. Poems with the birth of a son and boy

Small handles, chubby cheeks:
This cute angel is your daughter!
You want to congratulate you with your baby cute,
Wish the health of a beautiful girl.

Let the baby grow only in love and affection,
Purify her daughter and read fairy tales.
On this day, today, your angel was born,
So, in your life the meaning appeared!

Congratulations on the birth of a miracle,
Every year you will congratulate you!
Let healthy grow and happy
Very smart and very beautiful.

Heart is surrounded by love,
Let his family proud of.
Every day, let him meet with a smile
Neither the sorrows, nor the troubles do not know.

Day today joyful
Happiness inxicated
I congratulate you from the heart
I am with a newborn.

Man was born a new one
Let the whole world hear
How heart beats him,
How happiness is breathing.

Let him grow healthy
On the joy of dad with mom,
It will be the best
And happy the most.

Like a bunny - bunny,
Like a squirrel - bakery,
Like our mother
Wonderful child!
Folder is glad, well, you know,
Happy swarm, a little drunk,
Both grandmothers near the maternity hospital
Estttali all Bournan,
Congratulations, congratulations!
How to see the baby?
We wish you to come to you
We will be quiet, a little breathe:
Get our congratulations!
In the cheek smack and the nose of Smok!

My dear friends,
Here are congratulations from us,
Let the family become stronger
This bright and important day.

Congratulations to the newborn,
With the very first and important for you,
Light name for challenged
With warm sincere shine.

We wish this child
A lot of joy presented to you
To be happy, right from the diaper,
So that he was healthy with you,

To pleased mom with dad,
So that big and beautiful it grew up
So that he cried in his life,
So that with you only happiness brought!

A man appeared in the world
All congratulate grandmother and mom,
And he, not yet raising the age,
That humpy, then it will pay suddenly stubbornly.

Thus, he proves to us
That he is today - the main, and attention
Give everything we must all
And handles, by keeping the universe.

Let him grow by day and by the hour,
Let everything be good with appetite,
Child god today gives you
And new ways are now open.

Health to you, parents, moreover
More forces - Mode now change.
And grandmothers will support even in everything,
Let my mother's experience recall!

Today, the stork flew
And put the drill under the door,
Open, look:
Newborn baby!
Sprinkle face, looks clear
Like, what do you look?
Take me soon on the handle
And, of course, do not,
I am now with you forever,
Paradise left for you!

Birth of a child
All inspires.
Captures all the film,
On the feat inspire.

We bring congratulations
We want to wish you
With joyful birth
To play well with him.

Relieve with hope
And invest your work
Did not grow up to be ignorant
And pleased the whole of people.

In a cozy room where the craft is waiting for
The owner today is a little miracle.
Once "Mom", "Dad" will suddenly say.
Well, while Tikhonechko sniffs and misfortune does not know.

Parents admire, the spark in the eyes is burning.
Filled with happiness home. Love holy.
For the first time in my hands, my mother peacefully sleeps quietly.
And dad with a baby with a child happiness melts.

Parents became in this bright day.
And the crumb of the name has not yet been given.
We wish you happiness and health to all.
Happy Newborn Congratulations on you!

The child announced the whole world
And identified his date
That miracle new land
It came to the light, dropping joy.

And mom tears can not hide
From happiness breathing easily,
Grow, kid and night sleep,
And drink more often milk.

Family your more power
To not ask for mercy
Did not forget to smack ringing
Of such a cute baby!

How is a pretty moment,
Life you gave the baby.
Only the best awarded,
How glad everyone!

So helpless and gentle
Quiet spit spit.
Can not say yet
Only love screams.

Little legs, handles.
Thin, ringing voice.
Eyes wonderful and cheeks,
Asks to eat baby.

Karapuzu - be healthy
We wish from the soul.
Teeth on time, and lungs,
For sleep everyone did not deprive.

The main thing is the supply of patience,
Well, the diapers wagon.
To the health of the family wish
Happiness a lot, full house!

Copy in buffer

Congratulations # 1481.

You have a baby born -
We congratulate you!
And there is no more beautiful family
Happy at this hour!
We wish you peace
Good, warm, comfort!
To children's laugh cheerful
Would please you in the morning!
So that there was no sadness
In those tiny trees,
To love, happy,
They raised a child!

Copy in buffer

Congratulations # 1480.

Baby baby for a long time
Gift heaven, happiness before it was considered!
We congratulate you, what conversation,
Today it turned out to be!
It's not scary that cases and concerns full house,
That a lot of diapers, toys and washing,
After all, the main thing - here, smiling, sniffs,
And there are inappropriate any quirks!
No one will ever understand
All the charm of fatherhood Ile Maternity,
Until it feels joy takeoff:
Communication of two generations - Holy Unity!
So it was, so it will be everywhere and always,
After all, happiness is only there, where the smiles of the kids!
We congratulate you, we wish goodness,
More cheerful girls, boys!

Copy in buffer

Congratulations # 199.

You congratulate you with your child
And sincerely wish:
Let the kid grow healthy,
Charming, cheerful,
Cheerful, happy,
Curious and cute.
Let him play, sports,
Let the shawl and having fun.
Selfaries let him not know
All the talent conquers
So that the family was proud of:
Mom, dad, all relatives!

Copy in buffer

Congratulations # 196.

Baby was born pretty such
And the world was lit by the Divine Gras.
Beautiful angel in the bed lies,
-Agu, AGU, - burst, kicks, sniffs.
We wish that the child grows up in happiness
And the world, so wonderful, with love opened,
So that the eyes chewed smiles and flowers,
So that I was happy about life, baby, from the soul.

Copy in buffer

Congratulations # 189.

Congratulations on the baby,
Nice, cute fortressure.
And we wish that there are strength,
So that he was happy.
Let it grow healthy,
Sob songs sings.
Will live and not trust
And parents love.

Copy in buffer

Congratulations # 188.

Happy child congratulations
Happy and friendly family.
Let the faster of the crumb grow up
And pleases the success of the relatives.
We wish him joy and happiness,
And in the future - sun roads.
And never in the way will not meet
With obstacles of sadness and alarms.

Copy in buffer

Congratulations # 183.

Suppose from joyful moments
Happiness is full of soul!
Take greetings
In honor of the birth of the baby!
Let the kid grow happy
Inquisitive, beautiful,
So that everyone loved him,
Admired and appreciated!

Congratulations on the birth of a child, our relatives and beloved! We wish your baby only happiness, love and present understanding! Let everything be argued in his fate - the family will be strong, love - mutual, happiness is infinite! The health of your crumbs and endless interest in everything new and kind! Friends of the devotees and most sincere, caress and care, interesting work and prosperity!

Huge happiness came to your family - a child was born. Congratulations to you with this joyful event. We wish patience, wisdom, strength and energy. Let your sun grows in a healthy, happy child. Always pleases his relatives and close to his wonderful, sincere smile!

Well, just no words !!! Congratulations on the birth of a third child! This is a responsible step, not every one to decide on this, and you not only decided, but also made a feat - became parents-heroes! All the best you, kids, do not despair ever, look into the future confidently, and you will be fine, we are sure!

We wish the newborn to be as beautiful, charming and cheerful, like his mother, and as well as his father. We wish the baby, and his parents of bright future, health and longevity.

The birth of a child is the greatest miracle that can happen in human life. To think only, a year ago you just dreamed of becoming parents, and today you can not imagine how you lived without your gems! We wish you wisdom, strength and patience, and your child health, smaller tears and more smiles!

Not the phenomena of more fascinating, beautiful and surprising than the appearance of a new one, such a tiny, little man. What we congratulate you with. Let this product of insane and sincere love become the meaning of your life. Let nights will be calm, the days are active, health beats the key, and life presents only pleasant gifts.

Congratulations on the birth of the baby! And your baby is with the beginning of a fascinating and happy life! Let your little crumb crying, more happily laughs. We wish the baby to know only joy and pleasant changes. Will your family be friendly, strong and real! Always live together, understand and maintain each other. Let all you have only beautiful and most real!

Congratulations on the newborn! Let it be an excellent star on your family sky and always warms you with a bright light of love and kindness. Let her daughter grows healthy, every day makes you up with its successes and becomes your pride.

Take congratulations on an excellent event - the birth of a child! He wish to grow smart and healthy to always please mom and dad. Let him in his life waiting for all the most kind and beautiful than our planet rich. We also wish young parents as well as health, a lot of strength and patience so that you can give the baby love and tenderness, not diligent from temporary difficulties. The child will be sick with the tummy, he will cut a teeth, he will cry and capricious - but he will also give you happiness with his ringing laughter, please you with the first smile and first chamber, make a lot of such simple and so amazing discoveries, and do your life True!

Today you are not a couple, today you are a family. These little wonderful eyes illuminate your home with light and warmth. From the whole soul, I want the baby to be a positive person, sought to the big heights, constantly pleased his parents. Let it be your beauty and mind in it. Your baby was born under a happy star that would bring him good luck in life.

Huge happiness came to your family - a child was born. Congratulations to you with this joyful event. We wish patience, wisdom, strength and energy. Let your sun grows in a healthy, happy child. Always pleases its relatives and loved ones with his wonderful, very sincere smile!

Congratulations on the replenishment in your family! Let your child grows healthy and happy. Always pleases its loved ones warm and sincere smile. We wish the guardian angel to protect all your strong family.

Cute parents! Congratulations to your baby, who recently appeared in your family and illuminated your life with long-awaited joy and happiness. We wish you to raise the smartest, kind, wonderful little man who will be proud of his mother and father. Let your collaborative life be more pleasant and amazing, because there are so many fun and joyful moments ahead!

This miracle occurred - a new person appeared, and you became a mom and dad - happy parents! Congratulations to you with this great joy and wish to grow in health, well-being, obedience and great love! Let tears only come from joy in front of their eyes, troubles and illness will bypass, and all the troubles will be pleasant and fun for you! Patience to you and love, joy and pleasure, beauty and happiness!

Today in your life, a significant and happy miracle happened - the birth of a child. What could be more beautiful than this event? Let your crumb grow and know the world, pleases you with its successes, the first steps and wonderful leaf. I wish you patience, quiet nights, strength and attention. And let the happiness and love reign in your fellow house!

So the most special, the most significant day came, the day when you became parents. Now you are a full-fledged family. With your little miracle you. Let the crumbs be a good health, a happy life and attentive guardian angel who will be able to protect from evil and trouble. I wish you patience, because now your life will change to dramatically and at night will lose sleep, but it's all the little things, since you now have our limitless happiness, which will soon call you dad and mom.

You have a charming carapaus. So let this date be for you a peculiar holiday of your love, let your crumb never sick, grows not by day, and by the hour and after a couple of years will please with its achievements. Let the fate of the baby be mild, and the life is happy.

Congratulations on newborns

Let every kid smile be a huge reward for you. After all, he knows this world, and the world smiles in response! Children are a huge, great happiness. They make us kinder and stronger, because it is not only our future, but also our present. Children are love, respect and understanding! Let your baby grows healthy, strong, smart, prosperous, on joy to you! With a newborn!

Congratulations on newborns

The kid today appeared,
And the world, as if changed!
The warmth was much more, light,
After all, mom has become now!
I wish you love and affection,
The kid is growing, as if in a fairy tale!
More pleased you
After all, he is now - your destiny!

Congratulations on the birth of a child in verse

With the birth of a child to congratulate
I want to wish my health to wish the baby.
Parents, I wish the patience!
And here you will read such verses:
On the joy of the offspring of fate, we are given
We our own life is more expensive,
For the heart, there is no relaxation
And the connection is closer does not know the light!
Live together, in love and care!
Health and happiness for many years!

Congratulations on the newborn

Congratulations on the occurrence of another person on the world! Let him grow on joy to you and will be a reliable support for his mom and dad. Let him accompany him in life, and difficulties are easy to overcome! But the most important thing is that in a life path, he met only good and responsive people.

Congratulations on a newborn friend

Under his heart was yesterday,
Pushed legs until the morning,
Spinning fun and waited
So that someone's heel tickled.
Today you met with him
Born the long-awaited son!
Guess who looks like:
On mom, Ile on dad all?
Let be happiness every day,
After all, you are parents now!
And not find worthy words
To transfer this love!

SMS congratulation with newborn friends

Congratulations on the birth of a miracle! Let the kid be healthy and happy! Hooray!

Congratulations in verse with newborns

The appearance of a person is a mystery, a miracle of miracles!
Let the tiny miracle adds exactly the weight,
Let the smile and laughter pleases the heart of the relatives,
Happiness, joy and light filled all days!
Congratulations, congratulations on your Birth of the baby,
And I wish from the heart - there will be a soul!

Congratulations on newborns

I wish you a happy child to be fate to him beautiful. To laughter and fun to give him life, and that everything he has in life is easy, sunny and light. With newborn you are happy parents!

Congratulations on the birth of a child original

There was a lot in your house
Happiness and love of course
But now it will be divided
This crumb is a little man!
He sleeps sweetly in the cradle
Lick is calm, extreme
He is like an angel in the picture
The heart fills tenderness!
Let the spit sleeps the kid
Let him keep saints
And love is surrounded
Mom with dad dear!

Short congratulations on the birth of a child

Mother and father! Congratulations on the birth of a child! We wish your baby grew up beautiful, healthy and happy! Let this day be the happiest for your family!

Congratulations to the newborn from grandfather

Cute ____________ (name)! And ____________ (name)! Congratulations on your newborn angel! Now you have become parents! I wish you to enjoy the first smile, the first step and the first words of your baby! Let be a smaller trouble, and the discoveries are more. And the main thing - let the good man grow out of this crumb, who will become a solid support for old age!

Congratulations on the birth of a child name

The child is an angel descended from heaven to you, so that you have become happy, so you have become even closer! The child is the fruit of your love! Let your life always be filled with only happy moments that your baby will give you!

Postcards with congratulations with newborn

Storks we flew over
And, wishing joy for you,
You gave you great happiness,
And the child was born in good time.
With this important day you congratulate you
Believe, happiness deserve it,
We wish the baby's health
To live together, did not serve.

Congratulations on newborn from grandmother

Parents! Congratulations on your newborn! We wish your baby grew big! So that he was beautiful, happy, kind and patient! Let him be in life everything you need: true love, good health, faithful friendship and kind soul!

Congratulations on the birth of a child short

Well, you became my mother!
Everyone was waiting for this hour.
In the seed you became more
What do you congratulate you!

Congratulations on the birth of a child warm

Let the kid smile
House, like a ray warms!
Let your soul sow
Heart beats and plays!
Congratulations on the wonderful day,
Today it became three!

Newborn Congratulations Touching

What a beautiful vision is a woman with a child in his arms. This little warm chick is trustingfully pressed against the mother's chest and knows that it is protected from all the troubles and adversity. I want to wish a happy mother, good health and patience in this difficult case, child upbringing.

CMS congratulation with newborns

Congratulations on the advent of a new little man! Let my mother and dad please, let him please the forever!

Pooh - Congratulations on the birth of a child

Big joy in your home
Now in the family you are three!
A wonderful kid was born,
See - the real one is fixed!
What eyes, what are the cheeks,
He, right, real angel!
We congratulate your parents from the soul,
In the love and happiness of the kid wish you to raise!

Newborn Congratulations Warm

Dear young parents Today, the stork visited your happy and friendly house, you have replenishment in the family. Let your baby be in life everything you need and let him grow healthy and happy and please you with every new day, good luck to you in such a happy business.

Congratulations on a newborn boy

Parents! Congratulations on the birth of a boy! We wish this very good, kind and best! Let he grow up a beautiful prince with heroic health! To at the old age, he has become a reliable support!

Congratulations on the birth of a child beautiful

With a newborn! A new person appeared on this bright day on our planet! Let happiness and luck accompany his entire life path!

SMS with the birth of a child

The birth of a child is a miracle! The main thing is that you remember this with sleepless nights. More than you miracles in life !!!

Congratulations on the birth of a child from relatives

I have a hurry to congratulate you with a great event in life, the birth of a child. We wish you to raise him the most, smart, the most brave, kind and courageous! Let him love his parents very much, who will always give him his love and support!

Toast with newborns

First word, first chamber,
Suddenly wonderful children's world!
How much to know yet
How interesting in the world live everyone!
First games, funny friends,
Life is even more interesting!
First briefcase
And the first call,
So the first lesson began!
We learn and we grow with the baby,
In the world of discoveries of lovely live!
Joyful, happy your family,
During the birthday, we drink the baby!

Congratulations on the birth of a child from all over

Baby wonderful everyone in the world
After all, the joy of the house bring children!
Let life always be full,
Love and happiness, different impressions,
Rasting a child - that's fine!

Newborn Congratulations Name

We all know that children are flowers of life. As wonderful that on Earth, in your family, another beautiful flower appeared! Congratulations, my dear young parents! I want to wish to be a huge and beautiful bouquet to the old age!

Congratulations Dality with the birth of a child

Dahlia, you became mom,
Congratulations on you!
A lot that did not know before
Now expects you!
Let your favorite child
The happiest will become
Quickly grown from diaper
And mom helps in everything!

Congratulations on the birth of a child short

You have such a holiday: a baby appeared on the world, a little angel ________ (name)! I want your baby to grow fixed and healthy, so that his ringing laughter is distributed throughout the house. Let it be beautiful and happy and let for parents for old age, he will be a support and a reliable assistant!

Congratulations on the birth of a child interesting

Happiness - hear children's laughter
Discuss his success!
To cry together, disappear
And do the charge!
Illuminated a smile house
We are proud of the baby!

Congratulations with newborn cute

Is it possible to come up with great joy than the appearance of a child's light, this is such an immeasurable happiness and joy. I want to wish and express hope that he will grow a worthy person and a citizen. I wish him a happy and long life!

Congratulations to Allochka with the birth of a child

You today became mommy,
Congratulations, Allochka!
I wish you to be happy
And beautiful, and beloved!
So that everything was fine
Daily, hourly!

Congratulations on the birth of a child from friends

Congratulations on your birth of the Son! Now your daughter has a younger brother, and he needs care and attention. But very soon he will grow up and become a cheerful and mischievous magician. So let him be physically strong and kind of soul! Let all his desires come true, let him be rich and lucky!

Congratulations on the newborn, congratulations on the birth of a child

What news we meet,
Always with hope, smiling?
Born! In it, the souls are no longer
Not seeing ... That's so joy!
I have a hurry to congratulate: turmoil
For a long time in the house settled!
The child with mom looks good -
We prayed all for them together.
Health baby and mom,
From now on - every day with a surprise:
Crawled, spoke in words,
Became a genius and with his charisma ...

Tip: how to congratulate with the newborn

Your friends or loved ones were born a child. The rules of decency make it possible to congratulate young parents with a letter, not a personal visit. Although the second is preferable, but the time of the new moms and dople is not enough to the offensive. Therefore, if you were not invited to a solemn statement, it is worth sending a young mother bouquet or a basket with flowers and fruits, putting a postcard with the wishes of health and happiness to the newborn and his parents.
If you want to give a young family something needed, do not hold back your gust. Give money and rattle. Or gift certificate of a children's store. This is quite enough, and you will be very grateful. After all, all the most necessary kid will buy or have already bought parents themselves. Do not deprive them of the joy of choosing a dowry baby!
Another thing, if you were offered to buy something specific. Then clearly follow the instructions of the young mother and "from ourselves" buy a rattle or teether for teeth.
If you want to give a baby something for memory - it is also advised to consult with his parents. After all, tastes and ideas about everyone are different. Children's books (gift editions) should be signed by specifying the date and name of the donor.
In the first days after discharge from the maternity hospital, the new parents are not to visits. So it is worth calling and ask when it is better to come with congratulations.

Congratulations on newborns from neighbors

The newborn is not a joke,
This is a new stage,
Will you think only for a minute -
Life will not be like that.
I will congratulate you long,
So that you realize to the end
I received you not just a child -
You have gained a new meaning of being!

Congratulations with newborn beautiful

The most beautiful and touching symbol is a woman with a baby in her arms. She's and protection, and good, and caress, and she does not take strength, because at any moment she is always there, and will seek, and will take it, and protects from all the victims and troubles. With the honorary title of the mother congratulations!

Congratulations on the birth of a child from acquaintances

Young parents! You have such a happy holiday today - the birth of the baby! I hurry will rather congratulate you and many more wishes to tell you! Let your angel grows by him smart and diligent! So that smiles more than sobbed! I wish you to love you every day and an hour!

SMS congratulations on the birth of a child

I wish you to be in the country of fathers one of the first best!

Congratulations on the birth of a child with best wishes

A person is born for the joy of life, this is your future offspring and hope that your kind will continue. I wish you that your hopes come true, and your child grew up with a worthy person and managed to extend your genus to infinity. Happiness to you!

Congratulations on newborn neighbors

My young parents, what kind of happiness look at your baby and rejoice in his first smile and the first sounds that he says in his life. Let the happiness that glows in your eyes will go to him and will be his companion in life.

Congratulations on newborns from friends

Young parents, let you congratulate you and enthusiastically exclaim, your regiment arrived. I want to wish that your child has everything that your parents dreamed about. And let them come true what you yourself dreamed of. With the newborn you!

Congratulations on the birth of a child from a pure heart

Every step of his attention is full,
Close Event will be remembered!
And everyone smiles around,
It will be a lighter suddenly!
Let the kid grow on the joy of moms,
Let him hurt him gently dad!
Waiting for his beautiful fate,
The cherished dream will come true!

SMS congratulation with newborns

Congratulations! Finally,
Large you father!

Congratulations to parents with the birth of a child

The birth of a child is an important event in the family. A new man appeared on Earth, native blood, heir. I want to say to young parents that you are now responsible for his future. I wish to raise him with a worthy citizen of his country.

Congratulations to newborn friends

The man was born - an important event in the family. A new man appeared on earth, native blood, heir, whose fate in the hands of his parents and loved ones. We wish him to inherit the wonderful qualities of his father and his mother, their hardworking and love. For the happiness of parents!

Congratulations on newborns from aunt

You have a long-awaited child.
Let me give you a bunch of diapers.
Let the day run out of the day.
Immediately give him the sliders.
Let it grow bigger than he grow.
Only not loudly let the song sings.
We can give the stroller to him,
It would be, what to carry a walk.

SMS congratulation with newborn in prose

Finally, this world came the smartest, talented and happy man!

Tip: How to husband congratulate his wife with the birth of a child

As a rule, now newly new fathers learn about the birth of their son or daughter or directly in Rodzale, or by calling after about 5 minutes after childbirth. In the first case, you should immediately hug and kiss my wife, saying "Thank you" for the long-awaited kid. After receiving a joyful news on the phone, also with the words of love, thank my wife.
Having come to visit the guinea and the baby, it is worth capturing a bouquet of flowers (better not such exotic, such as orchids, so that the newborn does not have an allergy) and a gift that the wife requested. If you did not agree on any gift for the birth of a child, it is worth choosing it, remember the tastes and desires of a young mother. As a rule, in such a situation, jewelry and mobile phones are given.
A presenting a gift should also with the words of love and deep appreciation for the birth of a kid.

Congratulations on the newborn. Congratulations on the birth of a child in verses, prose and sms. Congratulations on the birth of a child Mom and Dad.

Congratulations on the newborn. Congratulations on the birth of a child, poems, SMS to the birth of a child. What to choose Congratulations on newbornsTo convey all tenderness, all his delight from the feeling of a miracle of a new life? Remember when you last kept on the hands of a little? What feelings have experienced? Probably, lunizing and limitless love. Years passed, babies are already going on dates, but they did not stop all of us to delight and amaze. Congratulations you have a newborn, five-year-old, first-grade or teenager, you always want to put a maximum of everything that you would like to convey to the younger generation. Our portal will help express the entire gamut of feelings. At the birth of a child In the most delicate words. Preparing the congratulatory speech by the young perpetrator of the celebration, do not forget to mention the parents and, especially, about Mom, to whom, how not to address them the words of gratitude for all of the experience and sleepless nights. Do not adhere to grandparents, thank for the limitless, crazy love to grandchildren. Congratulations on the birth of a child, you can mention everything except:

  • wishes to be an obedient son / daughter;
  • delight parents;
  • during coming home;
  • other editing speeches.

With the help of our collection, you can pick up "adults" the words of the small little man!

Born your baby to the light,
How a miracle or an angel appeared!
Let it not be in the life of troubles
Happy motherhood!
Let him sleep, eat and grows
And my mother pleases over the years,
Let happiness waiting for him!
We are very rejoicing with you! rating:37 ↓

Baby on the light appeared
Lucky this year!
What is this joy
Who knows will understand!
The Great happened -
Continued glorious genus
Let the son live happily
He is growing healthy! 38 ↓

You, girlfriend, congratulations!
Let God keep you with the baby!
Let fate faith
And in all favors!
Let son grow healthy,
Strong will be tempered
To eat with appetite,
Mom at least he listened a little! 41 ↓

You, buddy, congratulations!
After all, you became a father today!
I consider without false modesty
You are a huge one! 40 ↓

Let the kid sleep calmly
Let him keep saints
And love is surrounded
Mom with dad dear! 40 ↓

Parents, congratulations on the newborn! We wish the kid rose smart, healthy! So that he was beautiful, happy, kind and patient! Let him be in life everything you need! 38 ↓

Congratulations on your birth of the Son! Now your daughter has a wonderful younger brother, very in need of care and attention! Soon he will grow up and will become a cheerful and mischievous magician, so let it be healthy, physically strong and kind of soul! Let all his desires always come true! 37 ↓

Let be happiness every day,
After all, you are parents now!
And not find worthy words
To transfer this love!
I wish you caress from life,
The kid is growing, as if in a fairy tale!
More pleased you
After all, he is now - your fate! 35 ↓

Congratulations on the birth of the baby! Let him give you smiles and joy! Let his life be bright and beautiful! Patience to you, optimism, good luck and let the baby bring you happiness! 41 ↓

When a child is born in the family,
Then you forget about peace and sleep,
But among diapers, diapers,
Let happiness bring you!
Moment needs to enjoy
And sleep somehow later
We wish the whole family of patience, happiness,
Happier to be with every day! 40 ↓

The birth of a long-awaited child
This is the biggest success!
Always let your house be ringing
Laughter is heard naughty! 41 ↓

Mommy, with the birth of daughters congratulations,
Excerpts, patience sincerely wish
To joy to all the baby, let him grow up
Happy fate always leads her! 39 ↓

Mother and father! Congratulations on the birth of a child! We wish your kid grew up beautiful, healthy and happy! Let this day be very happy for the whole of your family! 36 ↓