Poses for a woman to get pregnant. The best position for conceiving a child. What is the best position for conception when the uterus is bent? What is the best position for conceiving a boy, girl

You can naturally conceive a baby using any known position. But in what position can you get pregnant faster when the conception option is minimal? The probability of pregnancy depends not so much on the number of copulations performed, but on what position the woman will be in at the time of copulation. The best positions to get pregnant quickly are suggested below.

A woman can get pregnant in any position, but there are varieties, using which this process will come much faster. The choice of positions is based on the physiological characteristics of the body and the structure of the genital organs of both partners. It is necessary to take into account your constitutional data in order to understand in which position you can quickly get pregnant for you.

The most suitable methods for quick conception

Due to the height and weight of partners, the individual structure of their genitals, a universal position for getting pregnant quickly simply does not exist in life. Partners need to independently or with the help of a specialist choose a method of intercourse in which both partners will receive a simultaneous orgasm.

Experts have proven that contractions (during orgasm) play a crucial role in conception. The basic rule of rapid conception is: the position of partners during sex should maximize the depth of penetration of spermatozoa.

Therefore, it is important to avoid positions during intercourse in which the partner is on top or standing. In this position, there is a rapid flow of sperm from the vagina, and the chances of conception are reduced. Let's figure out in what position you can quickly get pregnant for the fairer sex. Here are poses to get pregnant faster:

"Missionary" position

The probability of conception when using the position is maximum. Partner Locations:

  • the woman lies on her back;
  • legs are bent at the knees and pulled to the stomach as much as possible;
  • another option involves raising one or both legs up, or crossing them on the back of the sexual partner;
  • the man is only on top of the partner.

To increase the chances of a quick conception, the woman's legs are placed on the man's shoulders. This position provides maximum contact between the penis and the cervix. When ejaculating, the maximum depth of sperm penetration is obtained. You need to know: "Missionary" method of intercourse will not help to conceive a child for women who have been diagnosed with a uterine bend. What positions will help you quickly get pregnant with the location of the uterus to the back.

"Knee-elbow" position or "Doggy-style"

The pose is universal, it suits partners with different structures and sizes of organs (genitals). In what position is it faster to get pregnant for women with a diagnosed bend of the cervix? The only possible option is "Doggy-style". Another such method of copulation is called "Man from behind." Partners are placed like this:

The woman is on all fours, takes a position in which the emphasis is on her hands, elbows and knees); the partner bends her back as much as possible; during intercourse, the man is on his knees, behind the partner.

Thus, the woman's uterus is anatomically much lower than the level of the female vagina. And even the presence of a bend in the cervix does not at all prevent the penetration of spermatozoa at this position into the uterine cavity.

Position "On the barrel"

In what position can a woman quickly become pregnant? It is considered by experts to be an excellent position for conceiving a baby, the “To the barrel” method. This is how an active role is offered to a man. At the same time, it is possible to fulfill the main rule of rapid conception - the ejection of sperm occurs to the maximum deep and close to the neck. Partner Locations:

  • during copulation, both partners are on their sides;
  • a woman holds her legs straight, bends at the knees, or raises one high up;
  • the man is behind the partner.

The location of the girl's legs plays a direct role in this position. A slight change in their position causes a change in the angle of penetration of the penis into the vagina. This pose is especially recommended for girls who suffer from chronic inflammation of the ovaries.

A few important tips from experts on the fastest conception of a baby:

  1. In what position a woman can get pregnant faster, a specialist will help determine after an examination.
  2. As accurately as possible, calculate the period in which ovulation occurs.
  3. It is recommended that a woman not get up for about half an hour after copulation.
  4. After ejaculation during "Missionary" copulation, a woman is recommended to stand on a "birch" (raise her legs as high as possible).
  5. After “Doggy-style” or “Knee-elbow” intercourse, a woman, for the easiest possible advancement of spermatozoa into the uterine cavity, should lie on her stomach. This is the position in which to get pregnant faster with significant constitutional differences between partners.

It is necessary to remember both sexual partners: poses to get pregnant quickly, it is necessary to apply only those that maximally prevent semen from flowing out of the vagina.

So, how to get pregnant the first (or at least the third) time? First, calculate ovulation and have sex on the right days. This can be done using pharmacy tests or simply by counting 14-16 days from the start of the cycle. Secondly, choose the right positions for conception. Of course, you can get pregnant in any position, but some of them are especially effective.

The best poses for conception with a photo from cosmo-Kama Sutra

missionary position

Many experts agree that the best position for conception is the most standard one. You lie on your back, and the man is on top. This option is considered boring by many, but it is in the missionary position that the genitals are located as correctly as possible, and the sperm reaches its destination faster. The advantage of the position is that you can look into each other's eyes and kiss. To enhance the effect, bend your knees or place them on your partner's shoulders for deeper penetration.

Doggy style


You are on your knees, and the man is behind you. In addition to the fact that in this sex position there is an active stimulation of the G-spot, it also increases the likelihood of pregnancy several times over. Due to physiology, the uterus in this case will be located slightly lower than the vagina, which will give sperm direct access to the egg. In our cosmo-kamasutra you can see the conception technique in pictures. Nothing complicated, just a classic!

Poses for conception with the bend of the uterus

In some girls, the uterus is bent in relation to the cervix, which often causes difficulties with fertilization. If you have this problem, don't panic, instead, diversify your sex life and try new options.


Pose on the side when the man is behind. You can caress him with your free hand, and he can stroke your chest and body. To increase sensation and reach orgasm, lift your leg up. This option is considered successful when the uterus is bent, as you can slightly change its position in relation to the cervix, thereby increasing the chances of fertilization.

Birch: an additional trick

Judging by the reviews on the forums, many girls with a bend in the uterus were helped by performing a “birch” after sex. Why don't you try it too? Lie down on a bed or on the floor, lift your legs up, holding your lower back with your hands, and lie down like this for several minutes.

So we found out which position is best for conceiving a child. Pay attention to the fact that there are several unfavorable options in which the likelihood of getting pregnant is reduced. Among them, sexologists distinguish standing positions, as well as the famous "rider".

Planning couples are advised to have a regular sex life, optimal - every other day. A particularly good time is 5 days before ovulation and 1 day after. A woman should keep a calendar on which she will mark favorable days for conception. It is advisable to have sex at a time when spermatozoa are especially active - this is about 5 o'clock in the afternoon.

A prerequisite is to do only what you like. If any positions for conceiving a child do not give you any pleasure, then you should not practice them. Remember that you should not be nervous, stressed, because stress is the first enemy when planning a pregnancy. Due to stress, a woman ceases to experience sexual desire, and the chances of conception also decrease. No need to rush and perceive sex as a necessary work for conception. recommends that you do not use artificial lube replacements because they contain substances that destroy spermatozoa or hinder their progress.

The best positions for conception

Key tips for what positions for conception the best ones are based on the simplest laws of physics - even those who are far from the exact sciences know about the law of universal gravitation. Choosing positions for conceiving a child, it is better to refuse those in which the sperm will flow out. Your task is to ensure that as many spermatozoa as possible get the opportunity to "fight" for the championship. And in such positions as, for example, a woman on top, sperm will inevitably flow out, which will reduce the chances for sperm to fulfill their direct duty.

So what poses to focus on? In principle, any one is suitable, in which the spermatozoa at the time of ejaculation easily enter the uterus and continue on their way to the egg. At the same time, others are not excluded, but before ejaculation, it is better to change the position to one in which the male member and uterus are brought together, which will significantly increase the chances of conception. One of the most popular positions for conception is the woman from below. Another one that contributes to the goal is a man behind a woman, while a woman can lie on her side or kneel.

Thus, choosing best positions for conception, remember that the ideal options are those in which the sperm will not flow out after the completion of sexual intercourse.

By the way, the chances of successful and quick conception are increased for those women who are aware of their physiological characteristics. So, in some women, a bend of the uterus is observed, in others, the cervix may be located just above the uterus. In the first case, a knee-elbow position is recommended, in the second - a woman on her back, a man on top.

You can also cite folk beliefs as an example. However, they are not scientifically proven, but still .... So, there are rumors that girls are most often conceived in the classic “man on top” position, and boys are most often conceived in the knee-elbow position.

What to do after sex

Take a break, relax, cuddle with your husband, because this is the best time for caresses and romantic conversations. It is advisable not to immediately run into the bath, but for half an hour just to relax with your loved one. Many women are sure that for a greater effect, immediately after sex, you need to stand in a birch pose in order to "direct" the spermatozoa. However, this seems like sheer stupidity - after sex, and this, after all, is physical activity, you want to relax, and not stand on your head or raise your legs to the ceiling. And not all women can boast of acrobatic stretching, and therefore such poses can respond with back pain. If you are still sure that it is better to help the spermatozoa in their “big race”, then put a pillow under your buttocks, and this will be enough.

The best positions for conception, taking into account physiological characteristics

If a woman has inflammation of the ovaries, then the uterus can be turned to the side, then you need to choose position for conceiving a child, in which the woman will lie on the side where the uterus is turned.
If the uterus is located normally, then you can put a pillow under the buttocks, press your knees to your chest, and raise your legs.
If the uterus is bent, then it is advisable to lie on the stomach.

It is better not to have sex in a hot bathroom, especially in a bathhouse. The same goes for sex in a full bath, pool. This will make it much more difficult for you to achieve your goal.

And finally, the most important thing that I want to say. It is clear that you dream of a baby and direct all your efforts towards this. But still, you should not get hung up on this, because you are making love with your loved one, and not fulfilling the work plan. Whatever positions for conceiving a child whatever you choose, just enjoy the intimacy with your husband. After all, you want to conceive a child when you experience only positive emotions? The more tender, sincere and reverent your relationship is, the better it will be for you and your future baby!

Alisa Terentyeva
Women's magazine JustLady

The process of conceiving a boy is influenced by many factors, one of which is a suitable position during unprotected intercourse. In addition, other circumstances must be taken into account.

Important conditions for conceiving a boy

Before deciding which positions for conceiving a boy are best, you need to consider the following questions:

  • Anatomical structure of a woman. In this case, we mean the presence of certain gynecological pathologies, because of which it is difficult to get pregnant. Before making independent conclusions about infertility, it is important to undergo a medical examination at the planning stage. Perhaps the doctor will recommend the best position for conceiving a boy;
  • The influence of the law of physics on the earth's attraction. Spermatozoa are not able to overcome it, so it is better not to practice the Kama Sutra, but to choose more mundane poses;
  • After unprotected intercourse, a woman planning a pregnancy is not recommended to take a shower immediately. It is better to rest for half an hour, lying on your back, throwing your legs as high as possible;
  • Even the best positions for conceiving a boy will not help if you do not follow the culture of proper nutrition. Foods included in the daily diet are of great importance. To increase the chances of successful conception, you need to eat as many vegetables, fruits, eggs, meat and cereals as possible. Adhering to such a diet should not only be a woman. The dad-to-be should also follow some nutritional guidelines. If he wants a son, then he needs to eat lean meats, flour products and greens. A prerequisite is the refusal of alcoholic beverages and smoking.

To understand which position is best for conceiving a boy, you should pay attention to the following options:

  • Doggy style is one of the most effective poses to achieve the desired result. During intercourse, the man should be behind. Subject to this condition, deep penetration is ensured, and a woman's chances of experiencing an orgasm also increase. A woman should take a knee-elbow position and trust the actions of her man;
  • The missionary position is an excellent position for conceiving a boy child, as the law of gravity will operate. Even though penetration is not as deep as possible, more sperm will enter the woman's uterus. A small pillow can be placed under the woman's lower back to help keep the pelvis elevated. Subject to this condition, the probability of conception increases significantly;
  • The most effective is considered to be the "general" pose, in which the female legs should be on the shoulders of the man. In this position, the deepest penetration is ensured, in which the spermatozoa reach their goal faster.

Choosing the right posture

Before choosing which position is best for conceiving a boy's child, you need to exclude or identify the presence of pathologies in the structure of the internal genital organs.

If, due to the incorrect location of the ovaries, the uterus is displaced to the side, then the position for conception should be chosen taking into account this feature. A good option would be the location of a woman during intercourse with her back to her sexual partner. In this case, penetration will be from behind, while the risk of sperm leakage will be minimal. Such sex positions for conceiving a boy guarantee 100 percent success. Reviews of couples who have tried this method on themselves confirm this fact.

What are the opinions of other countries?

German scientists believe that to conceive a boy, you need a calm environment without emotional outbursts.

Italians believe that obese women are more likely to have a son than thin women. Speaking of fullness, it is important not to overdo it with being overweight, because with obesity it is extremely difficult, and sometimes even impossible, to conceive a child of any gender.

The Japanese believe that nicotine is to blame, which prevents Y-sperms from reaching the egg faster.

In addition to the above opinions, you can pay attention to some superstitious statements:

  • If a couple is interested in the question of how to get pregnant with a boy, the poses for conceiving a boy were practiced exclusively on the night of the full moon, provided that the sky was clear and starry;
  • The couple should lie down in bed with their heads to the north;
  • Equally important is the emotional mood for the birth of a boy;
  • On the night of the alleged conception, a male building tool, such as a hammer, is placed under the pillow.

If you are not sure that one of the methods of conceiving a boy will help, and you really want a son, then you can contact the reproductive center that performs IVF. Only in this way can one deceive Nature and plan the sex of the unborn child.

Do you think getting pregnant is easy? Ask those couples who have been trying for years to see the long-awaited two stripes and are doing everything possible so that a small ball of happiness appears in their lives. There is an opinion that choosing certain sexual positions can increase the chance of conceiving a child. Whether this is true or not is not completely known, but why not try different positions to increase the chance of conceiving a child, especially since such carnal experiments can be pleasurable, in addition to the probable result brought.

Let's take a look at the "winners" among the "fertile" sex positions.

It is not necessary to study all the poses in the Kama Sutra to understand that the greatest effect in trying to conceive will be poses in which the sperm will stay in the vagina for the longest possible time, and not flow out with every sneeze. Therefore, the most ideal option for conceiving a child will be the choice of the position in which the woman lies horizontally or her pelvis is raised. If you are afraid of getting bored during sex, then at least before ejaculation, it is better for a couple to practice a position when the seminal fluid can penetrate as deeply as possible into the vagina and its outflow will be limited.

Missionary position

The most productive in terms of conceiving a child has been and remains the banal “man on top” position. It is believed that it is in this position that a record amount of ejaculate is released, and the sperm, in turn, goes straight into the cervix. Another plus of this position is that it is universal, that is, it is suitable for couples of any build and with any specific structure of the genital organs.

"Doggy-style" (knee-elbow pose)

If you observe the life of animals, you will notice that most of them choose this particular position in the process of reproducing their offspring. And nature is a lady, in general, reasonable, so why shouldn't we listen to her advice. A position in which a woman either kneels, leaning on her elbows, or simply lies on her stomach, while the man is behind, is most suitable for deep penetration and conception of a child. And in the seminal fluid without obstacles penetrates to the cervix. The woman's pelvis, which is in an elevated position, is an excellent obstacle so that the seminal fluid does not spill out. In addition, this position is also pleasant for men because it gives almost complete power over the female body and the opportunity to give her additional pleasure.

Pose "General"

Or as it is also called the general's - Like epaulettes, a woman lying on her back "puts" her legs on men's shoulders. Hence the name of the position. The use of this position promotes extremely deep penetration and probable conception. In addition, there is an opinion that it is when using the "general" position that both partners can achieve multiple orgasms. This is explained by the fact that during intercourse there is a simultaneous stimulation of the G-spot and the uterus.

Pose "Spoons"

The couple lies on their side in a spoon position, pressed tightly against each other, while the man is behind (here you have a similarity with the position of two spoons). This position is good because the man has the opportunity to penetrate the cervix as much as possible, and in addition to this, additionally give pleasure to the woman by stimulating the erogenous zones. Whatever position you choose, a woman should lie down for a while after sex so that the sperm can stay inside the vagina for as long as possible, this will increase the chance of conceiving a child. It is great if at the same time a pillow lies under the buttocks area.

Who do you want?

Although the sex of the child is determined by the chromosome set of the man, some of them place special responsibility for the birth of a boy or girl on their weaker half. There is an unconfirmed opinion that certain positions contribute to the conception of a child of a certain gender. Therefore, if this issue is critical for a couple, why not try this method as well. So, it is believed that it is more likely to become pregnant with a boy if during sex the partner can penetrate as deeply as possible into the vagina. This is explained by the fact that Y-chromosomes (carrying the male genotype) are less "survivable" compared to X-chromosomes. Therefore, you should try to shorten their path to the egg as much as possible. In addition, a man must remember: when preparing to conceive a boy, one should not overheat the testicles (steam in a bath, sauna, etc.), since Y-chromosomes do not like high temperatures.

How to conceive a boy

The orgasm experienced by both partners at the same time also contributes to the conception of a boy. The whole secret is that at the moment of the highest pleasure, a woman releases a specific secret that prolongs the life of male chromosomes. If you focus on the calendar of the menstrual cycle, then the day before ovulation is considered the best for conceiving a boy. In turn, the chances of giving birth to a girl increase if the chosen positions give shallow penetration. Since X chromosomes are more tolerant of temperature extremes and are "long-lived", they are more likely to win the battle for fusion with the egg.

How to conceive a girl

It is better to conceive a girl to have sex 2-3 days before ovulation, and immediately after her onset, it is recommended to refrain from sexual intercourse for several days. Finally, I would like to say that no matter how passionately you want to get pregnant, it is unlikely that a state of constant tension in anticipation will help achieve your cherished goal. Enjoy communicating with your loved ones, because the more trust and affection between you, the more pleasant the news about the imminent replenishment of the family will be for you.

The best positions to get pregnant fast video