Five proven ways to touch a man's soul. The delicious and attractive state of a woman

In most cases, women's tears for a man is a sensitive blow to their nerves, since men often cannot understand the reason for unrestrained crying. They do not take into account that often women simply recover in this way, cleanse their souls, and stabilize their emotional forces. Therefore, the reaction of most men to women's tears is not at all the same for which this very hysteria is designed.

Why are men afraid and dislike of women's tears?

Why do men hate when women get upset? Why are men afraid of women's tears and are often lost when they see a crying woman?

The first reason is that from early childhood men are taught to feel a sense of responsibility for the state of affairs: "Look after your little sister so that she does not hurt herself", "When you grow up, son, you will be the head of the family", "You need to help your dad load things into the car, son ". And little boys grow up into men who are absolutely convinced that if he is a real man, he should be able to do everything and take care of his wife.

Therefore, men treat a woman's tears as a result of the fact that they have not coped with something. When you share with a man your problems that upset you, he hears: "Help me!", "Save me!", "Do it for me!" And you, like any woman, want to be reassured, sorry, hugged, listened to, comforted and said that everything will be fine.

However, instead, you get advice, questions, notations, and reproaches for being in a bad mood. You want love, and he answers you with logic ... It must be remembered that men are always decision-oriented. When a husband sees you crying, a man's reaction to a woman's tears is often the following: an “automaton” turns on in his head, constantly repeating: “Decision ... Decision ...” He may not work out this decision, but this is what he will have in this of interest to the situation. He will either ask you questions on the merits of the problem, or he will look sad and thoughtful. It will seem to you that he is an insensitive blockhead, while he will strive to become a knight in shining armor who has come to save you.

How does a man feel when his woman cries?

What else does a man feel when his woman cries and he cannot calm her down? In a man's head, the assumption arises that in some way he could be the cause of this pain. Even if the cause of the anxiety has nothing to do with him, he will nevertheless feel responsible for this pain or guilt for not being able to rid you of it. When a man sees a woman's experiences, he scolds himself, assuming himself to be the cause of this pain, but as a result begins to get angry with you for putting him in a situation of "psychological discomfort." Men, when confused, are often annoyed. This is why men do not like women's tears and especially women's tantrums. Therefore, when you see his anger in response to your complaints, it is quite possible that he actually experiences fear, confusion, helplessness, pain, guilt, etc.

Men often treat women's tears as something supernatural: they take your nervousness for hysteria, assess your condition much more seriously than it really is, and are afraid that if you start crying, you will not be stopped. For men, expressing feelings such as helplessness or fear is only possible if their affairs are really very bad. They do not understand that women can deeply experience something without getting out of emotional balance.

Men react to women's tears sometimes too irritably, because they think that if you start crying, you cannot be stopped. That is why they say: "Well, how much are you going to cry?" You may need only five minutes of love and attention, and they act like you are going to a 12-hour emotional marathon!

How do men react to women's tears and what should a woman do?

Men do not understand that women are more emotionally flexible than men and are able to quickly recover their mental strength. Just now you were angry, and a minute later you have forgiven everything. Men, on the other hand, need much more time to move from one emotional state to another. They think the same about you when they panic at the sight of your tears ...

Men feel comfortable acting within a certain framework. Therefore, if you set a time limit for a showdown, the man will feel more relaxed and confident and will listen to you more readily.

When upset about something, do not try to exaggerate the degree of your experience - a man will take your words literally. When you say: “I can't do this anymore!”, Your man believes that you really can't do this anymore. When you say, “I feel like you don’t love me anymore!” He really thinks you feel it.

Knowing how painfully men react to women's tears, let them know that you are by no means helpless, but express your fears, disappointments, anxieties to him. You may not know at that moment how to solve your problem, but your companion will react more calmly to your troubles if he knows that you are going to save yourself, and do not place the entire burden on his shoulders.

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"Every girl certainly has her own bottomless well, in the darkness of which there is some regular" he "who does not call, does not come, does not understand or something else ..." Max Fry

Girls love to chat when it comes to trifles, but as soon as it comes to love ...

There is deathly silence. Tarot cards, fortune telling on coffee grounds and stars will help you more. Girls are rarely the first to declare their love. They will call you for a walk, call, write messages, talk about themselves, but this is just an excuse. They want to date you, kiss and have sex. And you slow down. And the baby is nothing like that. Cool.

Maybe it's time to grab her by the ass, hug her and say in a hoarse voice: "Anything is possible, baby!"

Many men are afraid to take the first step even when the girl is in love with them. But there are signs that can reveal their secret sympathies and betray their love with their heads.

“A man in love often looks like a fool; a woman in love - never "Etienne Rey

1. The girl makes hints

Tiny makes a reservation, calling you affectionate names, flirts with you and flirts to the point of impossibility. She does everything to please you. She draws closer and moves away for no reason, and her mood breathes with emotions. Sometimes she clearly provokes you.

2. The girl is jealous or very cold

A girl in love reacts sharply and does not tolerate encroachments on her potential man. As soon as conversations come in or another girl appears on the horizon, your friend changes. She does not rush to scratch out the eyes of her rival, but begins to criticize her. She makes fun of her shortcomings, endows with flaws and negative traits. She is critical and contemptuous of the other girl. She advises you not to rush and look for another girl.

The fair sex often acts differently. She completely ignores the other female. The friend absolutely doesn't want to notice the other girl or talk about her. She does it detached and too cold. It is possible that the girl is in love with you.

3. The girl constantly communicates with you

She can't let you go. You are like a drug. A friend tries to constantly communicate with you. The girl invites to take a walk, calls for no reason, comes to visit and writes messages. She sees you all the time and spends time. She often asks you for help, protection or comfort. Do you think this is an accident or the kindness of a girl? But is it? Why does she spend so much time around? Maybe the girl fell in love? (see How to make a girl fall in love with you)

4. The girl takes care of you

If she falls in love with you, then she will take care of you. Just like a pet cat. She will be interested in success at work or school, find out how you got home, what you ate and how you dressed. Everything about you is very interesting to her. Is it a banal female curiosity, care or love? Something is wrong here!

5. The girl does not forget to give gifts

She does not get off with the symbolic gifts that many women sin on February 23rd. A friend approaches this creatively and thoroughly. She makes surprises and unexpected gifts. Maybe she considers you her future boyfriend?

6. The girl is glad to see you

"Each of our meetings is a new shot of adrenaline" Isaac Marion

Girls in love change as soon as they see their object of sighing. They have a smile, and butterflies flutter in their stomachs. You and I know what these "butterflies" are. It is sexual arousal that grows from the woman's lower abdomen and gives her the feeling of flying.

The girl loves to smile at you and laugh at you. She reaches out to you in any company. The girl always points her knees or feet in your direction. The baby is playing with her hair, a shoulder strap, showing her wrists and using other female things. This betrays her headlong. It is very similar to falling in love. (see 10 signs you're in love)

7. The girl touches you

Your girlfriend loves to touch you. And she does it more often than it would seem logical. When a girl touches you in public, there is one hidden signal. She shows others that you have a close and warm relationship. It could very well be falling in love.

8. The girl is worried

The girl is embarrassed. When an awkward situation arises, she becomes worried or embarrassed. She is embarrassed to look you in the eye for a long time, strange situations, talking about love, relationships or sex. A girl sometimes gets angry for no reason and looks like a "thorn". Romance novelist Tammar Webber says: "Thorn is a sure sign of falling in love." She fell in love with you ?!

9. The girl is the first to apologize

Any communication implies quarrels or misunderstandings. When a person loves, he is ready to give a damn about pride and be the first to go to reconciliation. Even after a quarrel and petty verbal skirmish, she is the first to be ready for peace. It looks so much like a man in love.

10. The girl "accidentally" gets naked

Girls in love like to "accidentally" show themselves naked. They can show off their deep cleavage or be "accidentally" caught at the wrong moment. A girl in love does it on purpose. She wants to show what you can get as a prize!

10. The girl has no boyfriend or almost no

Tiny doesn't say anything about her relationship with the other sex, or she says it, but to tease you. The girl will do it carefully. She has no one or anything serious. She will focus on this. When talking about other guys, she will have one goal - to make you jealous. She says by this that she is popular with men, and you are a blind and insensitive fool! The girl is in love with you ?!

11. The girl attacks

You went out to smoke, and when you came back, you found her naked in your bed? Something is wrong here. Does the girl kiss you first, seduce you or undress yourself?

You and I know the correct answer. She hit. This is love. The girl fell in love with you like a schoolgirl!

The girl is definitely in love with you. Now it's your turn to hug her and say: “To hell with conventions, friendship and other prejudices. Baby, I like you! Let's meet!" You can immediately pinch her on the mouth-watering ass.

A typical situation: a guy meets a girl, makes some effort to win her interest, looks after her. And to understand that she is in love with him cannot. And it also happens that a guy is looking for a girlfriend for a long time. And among the large number of candidates who “seem to be not against meeting with you,” you need to be able to make a choice in time in favor of the one that not only likes him, but also shows reciprocal sympathy. Indeed, in addition to the main signs of a girl's love, there are many insignificant ones that may be incomprehensible to a common man in the street. Therefore, knowing how a girl in love behaves greatly helps guys understand that they have achieved what they wanted. However, as well as the opposite - the absence of these signs can make it clear that it is too early to relax and you need to either continue in the same spirit, or (if you have used the same methods for a long time).

Eager to get your attention

You suddenly notice that you see her too often. Moreover, even when you do not think about her.

I will make you happy: this does not happen by chance. All of this is the result of her desire to get your attention.

She can laugh out loud in the company of your girlfriends if he knows that you are somewhere near. At the same time, he often looks at you. She will also seek to get into your field of vision. For example, to stand in the place towards which your gaze is directed.

Behaves unnatural

Do you remember how worried you were when dealing with a very beautiful girl? This is all because of your strong and not to make any mistake. The same thing happens with the girl. You see the excitement, everything starts to fall out of her hands. On the face of a clear unnatural behavior.

Shows initiative

If "according to tradition" at the very beginning of meetings with a girl, you sought her, then later, when she falls in love with you, she starts herself. If you haven't had a date yet, she will just call you, ask you how you are, ask questions about something, etc. And if you’ve already had a couple of dates, then she will make new ones herself. A very nice sign of how a girl in love behaves.

Her things in your comfort zone

This will be both in the initial periods of falling in love, when she just starts to like you, and in those moments when you already had sex. She can put her purse or phone next to you. Very often, girls do this exactly at the moment when you are next to the mirror - so they have a good reason to put the bag next to you (supposedly, preening themselves in front of the mirror). However, she doesn't really need any reasons for this - if she wants to put something in your zone, she will do it.

Touches you

The most obvious indicator of the behavior of a girl in love. She can touch with her hands, feet, or her body. Or do it on purpose by brazenly touching your arm, leg, shoulder or other parts of your body. If a girl begins to touch you, then consider that she is head over heels in love with you.

Laughs at your jokes

“So everyone laughs at jokes,” you say.

However, observing how people communicate in companies, and how girls react to what guys say, I noticed that the presence and volume of laughter is directly proportional to the degree of her love / interest.

Often there are situations when a guy jokes well, not funny at all. However, the girls next to him burst into laughter. And sometimes, on the contrary, the joke is very funny, but the girls don't like the guy, so everyone just smiles a little.

Supports any topic of conversation

If you've seen an ad for one chewing gum, then you know what I mean. We are all people, and we have such a quality as taste. A taste for food, clothing, and conversation topics. We always try to avoid topics of conversation that we don't like. However, one of the signs of how a girl in love behaves is her activity in maintaining those topics of conversation that you ask. Therefore, if you tell her about the device of the gas stove, and she actively participates in the conversation and looks at you with loving eyes, then now you know what this means.

Organizes comfort

She calls and meets you exactly when it is convenient for you. She makes you feel comfortable (often neglecting your own comfort). You don’t want to talk about any topic, which means that you will not hear a word from her about it. You want to go to the second film, not the first - you go exactly to the second one without unnecessary arguments. By the way, if she does not obey / nag / blames you for various reasons, then this can be safely considered a loss of attraction and love for you, and you need to urgently sound the alarm.

She always has time

When a person is strongly motivated in something, then he will definitely do what he wants, despite the external circumstances. This means that she will always find time for you. If she often tells you that she is busy and will not be able to meet with you, then she is clearly not in love with you.

Missing checks

In the early stages of communication, girls often test guys for strength and confidence. These checks can manifest themselves in anything, starting with a little "pushing" you to the action that you do not want to perform, ending with obvious disrespect.

However, if a girl is in love with you, then this behavior stops, and begins.

However, you do not need to relax too much - a little later the checks will appear again, since her instinctive part will regularly make her check you over and over again to make sure that you are the one. Finally, she can directly confess her love to you. If this happens, then you do not need to try to find any special signs in her behavior. However, if you meet a girl who wants to get something from you, the ability to see subtle signs can save your material possessions.

Indents around the form

Are you fascinated by a pretty girl, but you can't understand how she treats you? Do you want to figure out: is a girl in love with you, or is she just playing with you? So this article is for you!
Most young girls are quite amorous and prone to strong feelings of love, but at the same time the object of their sympathy may not even realize that they are loved. So don't expect your girlfriend to come up to you first and confess her feelings. Her pride will not allow her to do this. In addition, as a rule, girls expect the guy to take the initiative and be the first to admit his feelings. But even if you frankly tell the girl about your love, it is not a fact that in response you will hear: "And I love you too." If you are not characterized by heightened self-esteem and you are not afraid to hear a refusal, then you have nothing to fear to take the first step towards your beloved girl. But if you are a proud guy and are not used to hearing the word "no", then before showing the girl that you are seriously carried away by her, you should make sure that your feelings are mutual. There are several clear signs by which you can judge whether a girl is in love with you:

1. The girl hints at her feelings.
If a girl calls you affectionate words, for example, "bunny", "cat" or diminutively affectionate by name, flirts with you and makes eyes - these are sure signs that she has a crush on you and is now waiting for you to take the initiative, for example, invite her somewhere. So don't hesitate and use your chance!

2. The girl is jealous.
Girls in love are very jealous and do not like it when a potential rival appears on the horizon. If you notice that your girlfriend does not want to meet you with her friends and is noticeably nervous when you talk to other pretty girls, then she has already fallen in love with you and believes that you are her boyfriend.
If you want to check if she really is in love with you, try to start flirting with other girls in front of her. And if your girlfriend starts to get nervous, angry with you, or on the contrary, she looks cold and indifferent and ostentatiously will show that she does not care, then you can drop any doubts - she cares about you!

3. The girl wants to communicate with you.
You are like honey to bees for a girl, she is drawn to you. She calls you for any reason or no reason. And if you unexpectedly call her and say that you want to talk to her, she will come rushing by at the first call!

4. The girl takes care of you.
Every girl dreams of surrounding her beloved man with affection and care. She worries about your health, for example, it's cold today, and you haven't put on a hat, she will notice it and tell you about it. Tries to give you helpful advice, such as advice on how to cook something tasty. Worries about your success at work or in some other business. All this is not casual.

5. The girl gives you gifts.
For a beloved guy, a girl is always ready to spend money on a good and expensive gift. A loving girl will never forget when her beloved has a birthday, and will not miss an opportunity to make him a pleasant surprise on the occasion of some significant date. If a girl is in love with you, it is unlikely that she will give you a birthday card or get off with a bouquet of carnations. Rather, she will present you with something significant, and preferably one that often reminds of her, for example, a self-embroidered shirt, or a chain around her neck, or a figurine in the form of kissing doves, or something else touching and romantic.

6. She is glad to see you at any time of the day or night.
A girl in love changes at the sight of her beloved. A smile appears on her face, a sparkle in her eyes, and “butterflies” in her stomach. In the company she is drawn to you, as if by chance she is always somewhere nearby. The knee or foot of a girl in your presence is directed at you, if at the same time she touches her hair, lips or smooth contours of her body, it seems she wants to touch her.

7. The girl is pleasant to your touch.
The surest sign that a girl is in love with you is if she not only allows you to touch herself, hug you around the waist, but also touches you with pleasure: she cuddles while dancing, takes your hand on the street. And if she touches you in public, then she considers you her boyfriend and wants everyone to know about your relationship!

8. She worries in front of you.
When a girl communicates with her beloved man, she is always a little worried. If a girl's eyes light up during a conversation with you, her cheeks turn red and her voice breaks. Sometimes it can go so far that she is angry with you for no apparent reason.

9. The girl is the first to go to reconciliation.
There is no relationship without quarrels and disagreements. Usually girls do not like to be the first to put up and wait for the first step from a man. But if your girlfriend, after a quarrel with you, cannot stand even three days and calls you first, then she is very afraid of losing you and your relationship means much more to her than her own pride.

10. The girl shows you her charms.
The girl "accidentally" gets naked. She can show you her leg or be accidentally caught while changing clothes. A girl in love wants to interest you by showing what you can get.

11. The girl is trying to make you jealous.
A girl in love will never date other guys until she realizes that she has no chance of winning the favor of her beloved man. But making him jealous is a completely different matter! If a girl flirts with other guys in front of you, makes eyes at them and begs for compliments, but at the same time does not allow them anything superfluous, then she just wants to make you jealous in order to make you fall in love with herself even more and spur you to action.

12. The girl is ready to have sex with you.
If a girl directly or by hints lets you know that she wants you, then she not only likes you, but drives her crazy, and she is ready to do anything to keep you. Remember, most girls only sleep with the guys they really love!

If there are at least a few of the aforementioned signs in your girlfriend's behavior, you can be sure that she is in love with you. Now it's your turn - don't be complex and be a man! If you really like this girl, take the initiative and skillfully direct your relationship in the direction you want for yourself!

Indents around the form

Non-verbal communication, despite our best efforts, gives away our secrets. Girls take advantage of this and think they know everything about men. How to get to them? How to win a girl you like?

The answer is before your eyes. It is not what is important, but how. It doesn't matter what you say matters how do you say it. Girls feel masculine insecurity, and in most cases they will be rejected because of it. Be natural, watch, and the girl herself will tell you how and in which direction to move.

1. Take a closer look at the girl you like and try to draw conclusions: what kind of mood she might have, tired or cheerful, what she is doing, etc. The more information you find, the easier it will be for you to communicate and find topics for conversation.

Usually a girl charms with her appearance, but this does not mean that she will be good at communication. It is important to look closely at her movements, so as not to be inadvertently disappointed. If the girl's manners, gestures, behavior are similar to yours, then your interests will coincide with the greatest probability. Sign language in non-verbal communication, unlike words and appearance, never lies.

2. Look at her: if she notices your gaze and looks away, then she saw a man in you and acted like a woman. If she looks up at you again, stealthily, she likes you. And in that case - what to expect? You can safely go to get acquainted, otherwise the moment you have the courage to approach, she will get up and leave.

3. To get sympathy - smile when you approach the girl. When you say - look at her, and not to the side, you will betray your uncertainty. Flirt - Women love to flirt.

Non-verbal communication with a girl: Learn to see interest:

- often looks into your eyes;

- straightens hair, any item of clothing or handbag;

- turns his whole body towards you;

- smiles at you;

- listens attentively;

- she's a little tense.

The girl does not want to meet:

Turns away from you;

Often looks the other way;

Yawns constantly.

I'm not even talking about such frank gestures as deliberately does not answer, gets up and leaves.

You should speak naturally, and most importantly - confidently.

4. Do not forget about the distance at which you should stand, so as not to scare her. Girls do not tolerate invasion of their personal zone without their consent. The girls' personal area is an oval: from the side you can approach them closer than from behind or in front.

5. If it has warmed to you, you can start invading your personal zone. Move closer to her, try to touch her more often so that she perceives you not as a “friend”, but as a man. Don't forget to monitor your reactions and correct your behavior.

6. If you have little time, then end the conversation at the moment when she is very interested in you, then she wants to see you again.

Signs of a girl's sympathy for you in non-verbal communication

  • It is good if the girl reflects your posture and changes in posture (adjustment / dribbling). [By the way, even if she teaches NLP, she will still not adapt to those who are not interesting to her, huh?]
  • In your presence, the skin of the face or open areas of the body turns red
  • With you, the girl starts to get nervous or make stupid mistakes, drop things, make a reservation, etc. Especially when you don't know very well yet.
  • Keep track of the distance between you when communicating. If she stands closer to you than other girls during a conversation, this may indicate that she wants to stand next to you. At a party or disco, she may accidentally appear next to you, then again be near you when you move to another place. "Accidentally" touches you, "accidentally" touches, looks in your direction (ie at you).
  • Is the conversation going well or does she answer in monosyllables? The paradox here is that a girl can imitate indifference if she really likes you. When talking, if a girl likes you, she can either look into your mouth, “as if you were speaking prophecies,” or, conversely, exaggeratedly object (BZ). Look at non-verbal responses. More indicative are the reactions of the body that are difficult to control (glitter of the eyes, dilated pupils, redness of the skin, erection of the nipples).

When communicating, it does not hurt to give yourself answers to the following questions:

  • Does it touch you?
  • Does she respond positively to your touch?
  • Does the girl laugh at your jokes? By the way, an increase in your mood in your presence is a good sign.
  • Is there a dynamic? Is there an increase in the intensity of signs or an increase in their number? “The most common mistakes are the loss of the process - for example, a girl with shiny eyes, standing nipples, a smile and a bunch of sexy non-verbal - you are there and you conclude that it is TIME, but she was sitting like this before you appeared and will sit like that after you leave because just recently she had a hot boyfriend and she is still all there ... "

In "Secrets of Sexual Body Language" it was written that there must be at least 4 signs at once and they must be directed at you. Variants are possible when people flirt with everyone except the object of their interest. Look closely at everything in the complex.

Non-verbal communication: details

Principles are good, but the details are all the salt. So, let's take our sympathetic girl apart.

Non-verbal communication: Lips

  • The face is relaxed, smiling broadly, showing teeth [if she has ugly teeth, this may not be the case]
  • Bites the lip or licks the lips (some lick one lip, others run their tongue over both lips).
  • Shows the tongue or touches the tongue of the front teeth.
  • Biting her nails [might just be a habit, see how she behaves with others]
  • Slightly protrudes lips (they swell with excitement).
  • When he smokes, he exhales smoke in your direction
  • Passionately responds to your kisses (OL)

Non-Verbal Communication: Eyes

  • The more often he looks you in the eye, the better. The longer you hold your gaze, the better.
  • He looks into your eyes with interest, the pupils are dilated [the dilation of the pupils can also be in the dark - you can compare with your own by looking in the mirror; the pupils also dilate with the use of certain drugs]. First, take a closer look at the diameter of the pupils of people during normal communication under different lighting conditions. At the bar, on the street in the evening. This will give you an idea of ​​the normal diameter of the pupils in different lighting conditions. Over time, it will be on the machine.

A quick note about pupil diameter. I liked this feature. It can be seen easily (except for people who have very dark irises, such as blacks and Indians). It displays the state of the body, as well as the redness of the skin, that is, it is harder to fake than postures, intonations, and so on.
It happens that a girl pretends that she likes you in order to fuck something with you. I had it. Great sympathy is depicted, it touches you, stands close, and the pupils are quite ordinary, not a bit dilated. There is no reddening of the skin. Disorder ;-)

There are only problems with the reliability of this sign: girls sometimes instill atropine in their eyes to dilate their pupils. Belladonna, from which it was received, is called in translation: "beautiful woman". Belladonna tincture was instilled into the eyes for a very long time. Also, the pupils can dilate with the use of certain drugs, such as cocaine.

What I noticed from my experience. Pupil diameter varies by topic. Sometimes you see how ordinary it is when you talk to a girl about serious topics, about work or study, but it increases as soon as the conversation turns to non-working topics (so far without vulgar jokes). Sometimes a girl speaks to one guy, her pupils are normal, and when she speaks to another, they immediately dilate.

Another interesting point. When you want to find out what a girl's pupil diameter is, you look directly into her pupils, right? Such a look in itself can be regarded as a sign of sympathy on your part, so by calibrating the girl you can trigger her interest. But we, in general, need it, right?

  • Eyes shine. The brighter the better.
  • Exaggeratedly raises and then lowers his eyebrows, sometimes this is combined with a smile and a look in your eyes.
  • Winks when talking or from a distance
  • Flashes more often than usual when talking, eyelashes flutter
  • He looks first into the eyes, and then appraisingly, starting from the legs, higher, and again into the eyes. (IK)

Non-Verbal Communication: Hair

  • Adjusts the hairstyle.
  • Twirls her hair around her finger when she looks at you.
  • Shakes her hair back with a head movement (Pease: even with short hair)

Non-Verbal Communication: Clothing

  • If your nipples are visible through your clothing, they will stick out (a sign of arousal).
  • Raises the hem of the skirt to show the leg
  • Straightens clothes. (wants to like it :-)
  • Wears red shoes.

Non-verbal communication: When sitting or standing

  • Moves to the beat of the music, looking at you
  • He begins to sit very evenly, with his shoulders squared.
  • In noisy rooms, leans towards you to better hear what you are saying
  • She herself offers to change the place, go somewhere in a less noisy environment, or agrees to your offer (no, I'm not talking about "to you or to me?" :-))
  • If you in a club / bar / disco say “now I’ll leave for a couple of minutes and come back”, then when you return, you find her in the same place, or she comes back there when she sees you.
  • Sits with legs apart [depends on upbringing]
  • Rubs foot on foot (guess what else is rubbing there ;-)
  • Rubbing his foot on the table leg
  • He crosses his legs to show the thigh.
  • If he crosses his legs, the toe points in your direction or sways towards you - away from you.
  • If you are sitting next to (in the movies, for example) - touches you with his shoulder
  • Keep track of the distance between you. If she tilts her body towards you - good, from you - not very much. Although you may have bad breath, for example. Therefore, if there is a smell, for the purity of the experiment it will not hurt to go to the dentist, check the teeth and gums, and to the ENT - check the tonsils.
  • She does not lean when you reach out to take something behind her (she is comfortable with you).
  • If you are standing in company, the toe of the outstretched foot points towards you (Pease). ”The direction of the toe is very important, and if both socks are looking at you, then this is even better! (She often does not see her legs, so the signal is quite subconscious and poorly controlled) ... It is very important to pay attention to the Dynamics, that is, changes! If we are to take the socks of shoes, then in this case - a certain, albeit minimal, turn in your direction is enough every time you try to attract her attention - the more she reacts, the better ... "

Another moment with the legs, which I noticed quite often. The unsupported leg can be turned with the inner part of the foot towards you so that the supporting and unsupported legs stand at right angles to each other, forming, as it were, the letter T. It is more difficult to describe this than to show, become yourself and you will see. Here it turns out that the girl turns the inner thigh of her unsupported leg towards you. Swivels to show the figure in the best possible way, especially on the dance floor

Non-verbal behavior of the girl. When walking

  • Touches you with the shoulder (hints that you take her by the hand)
  • When it turns out that you are walking (or sitting) from behind, he periodically looks as if to the side, but in fact tries to catch you with the corner of his eye.

Non-verbal behavior of the girl. Hands

  • In conversation, shows palms when gesturing
  • Strokes herself: rubs her hands up and down, rubs her cheek or chin. It is bad if it pinches itself.
  • Sits with his hand on his chest
  • When talking, puts one hand, palm up, on the palm of the other
  • Plays with any objects (keys, jewelry), strokes the glass.
  • It touches your arm, shoulder, hip, knee, back (if you didn't start first;)
  • When you walk by, pretends to look at the clock
  • If the arms and body are still, that is good (she feels comfortable). Worse drumming with fingers [but she may be nervous, see other signs too].
  • When he takes something from you, he touches yours with his fingers.
  • If he shakes your hand, he holds your hand in his a little longer. By the way, you can also use this technique.

Non-verbal behavior of the girl. Speech

  • Raises or lowers his voice after you (tuning)
  • Speeds up or slows down the speech after you (same thing)
  • Laughs in unison with you
  • Laughs at your stupid jokes (her mood rises in your presence)
  • Chesty laugh, low
  • Compliments you
  • In a crowd or company, speaks only to you and focuses on you

Sometimes it happens like this. Some time after the girl liked you, she tries to show you, they say, I'm not talking to you alone, I like others as well. Then, in front of your eyes, she flirts with other guys, laughs, etc. What is the purpose here, I do not know, to check your feelings, to cause jealousy or something else.

Here it is very interesting to watch how she seems to be flirting with another, and the socks of BOTH legs are looking at you at this time, or the body is turned in your direction. Non-verbal communication is directed by the right hemisphere, and it gives out all these signs.