Recommendations to parents of a child suffering from autism. Probiotics for the treatment of dysbacteriosis. Parents are in constant stress

"Tolerance is formed from childhood"

On April 2, the World Day of Dissemination of Information about Autism is celebrated. The president of the Foundation for the Help of Children "Nude Hearts", President of the Foundation for Helping Children "Nude Hearts", is talking about the peculiarities of their education and support programs.

People with the features of development possess the same rights as the other members of society. Our foundation adheres to the PEOPLE FIRST principle ("First man"). This means that, in the first place it is necessary to see a person, his interests, needs, and already later - its features or disorders of development. Autism, cerebral paralysis, Down syndrome - this features of development, and not illness, as it was used to be considered before. They cannot be cured of them, they do not "suffer from them" and even more so they can not be infected. Therefore, it is correct to say "a person with autism", "a person with the peculiarities of development" and so on.

Asya Zavodod, President of the Naked Heart Foundation

All people with autism are very different. Someone has outstanding abilities, and someone is harder to learn and communicate. Autism is a spectrum of disorders in which the child develops differently. The child with autism can be difficulties with communication and communication with other people, violations of speech and unusual behaviors, for example, repetitive actions or limited interests - "looping" on something. If the parents have noticed that the child does not come to contact, closed or repeats some actions, these may be signs of autism. If suspicion, you need to contact a specialist (psychologist or neurologist who is engaged in autism), the exact diagnosis, if there is such, can only put it.

According to international data (CDD, 2014-2015), today autism is diagnosed with each 68 child in the world. The exact causes of the disorder of the autistic spectrum (races) are still unknown. But the genetic nature of violations is established, that is, with autism are born, it does not appear due to external influences. Possible risks include environmental pollution, and more ripe parents. It should be borne in mind that the diagnosis system has changed. Previously, for example, some children with autism put "mental backwardness" because they could not verbally answer questions. Now it is proved that in a large part of children with autism there are no cognitive violations.

In Russia, the diagnosis of "early children's autism" is officially used, which has already abandoned Europe, the United States and other countries, because it is scientifically proven that a child with autism becomes adults with autism. By the way, the same thing happens with a cerebral palsy: a child with cerebral paralysis becomes adults with cerebral paralysis. But the diagnosis still contains the word "child".

7 Common Authism myths

1. Autism is a disease. Disorders of the autistic spectrum are features of development, not a disease. Autism is not treated with any means, there is no wonderful tablet from him.

2. Autism is associated with vaccinations. The races is a genetic violation, they are born with it, and not acquire due to the vaccinations in childhood or improper education.

3. Autism is a rare violation. The diagnosis in itself was recognized recently, in some countries he has been studied little. According to the statistics of the World Health Organization (WHO) - autism is diagnosed with 1 person out of 100. According to US statistics - 1 person from 68. Autism is more common than Down syndrome and cerebral paralysis, so it is unlikely to call it.

4. People with autism have intelligence disorders. If the child has problems with intelligence - this is an additional diagnosis. Of course, if the child with the RAS does not help develop communice abilities, it is definitely problems with development and behavior may occur.

5. All people with autism - genius. People with autism are different. Yes, among them there are those who can solve complex mathematical tasks in the mind and has a phenomenal memory, and there are people and with average abilities.

6. People with autism are aggressive. Sometimes their behavior may seem strange only because they cannot otherwise express their needs. When a person can not know anything about himself, he cannot agree or refuse, he is trying to show all possible ways that he does not like, attracting the attention of others.

7. People with autism are closed, do not want to communicate and nobody needs them. This is not true. Like everyone, they have a need for communication. They always have something to say, it's just difficult to do it. Therefore, you need to find an alternative way to communicate.

About family relationships

Scientists in one voice say that it is necessary to begin to help a special child need as early as possible. It is not enough to drive a child to school, where they are engaged in specialists, and then return home and do nothing. Some parents need to develop methods for alternative communication (if the child does not use a speech at all or is not in full). It can be communicative boards, Pecs system and other programs that help people with races communicate. According to the statistics of the United States, 10% of children who had intensive early assistance were not noticeable at all. They adapted as much as possible to social life, go to kindergartens, schools, they restore oral speech and communications.

The World Health Organization believes that in countries where Authism's knowledge is weakly developed, a helping program is needed not only to children, but also to parents so that they can do with their child. Now we are together with the Foundation "Exit" we translate and adapt the training programs for parents developed by WHO, and try to experience them in three cities - Moscow, Voronezh and Nizhny Novgorod. But universal recommendations for parents of children with autism, in general, no. All children are different, everyone needs an individual approach. It is important that the family in which a child lives with features, there was a normal common life with his routine of the day, and parents could work and do their own business. Conditionally: the child goes to school, parents for work, and, for example, grandparents are waiting for all at home.

How to behave with children with autism

It seems to me that there are the most common rules that we use in relation to all around. First, you do not need to touch anyone and disturb the private space, the boundaries of another person. For some children with autism, this is one of the irritating factors (just like sharp light or very loud sounds). Secondly, it is not worth using many words in conversation and hurry. Especially if you do not know how a person communicates. He can do this by sharing pictures or drawing up words from letters on the tablet, which takes time. It is better to clarify the communication method convenient for it.

About knowledge deficiency in school

Children with autism can and should learn at school. And parents should have the right to choose: a special school or ordinary. The main thing is that the training happened is not at home. Social environment is very important for people with features. The problem is that teachers in schools lack knowledge. By the same autism in Russia, few people are engaged. So how can the teachers know how to learn such children? Our fund is trying to fill the gaps in knowledge and constantly publishes video recording lectures and webinars with Russian and international experts, you can see them on our YouTube channel.

The "Nude Hearts" Foundation is engaged in supporting families with special children, building inclusive playgrounds, teaches school and preschool teachers working with children with autism. Work comes in five cities - St. Petersburg, Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Tula and Tver. Our experts are psychologists, speech therapists, children's neurologists - do not just come for two days, read the lecture and leave. In addition to the theory, they disassemble with teachers specific cases of interaction with children with autism, talk about different types of communications, which is a behavior analysis and how to basket work. At the same time, some teachers have worked for many years with special children, but it turned out that they did it wrong.

Team of the Foundation "Naked hearts"

Teachers are used to: a lot of talk, and if children do not react or do not listen, to say even louder, and then repeat the same thing to repeat the same time. It is necessary to explain that this does not contribute to more efficient information perception. On the contrary, it is necessary to speak less, essentially without unnecessary words. And school speech therapists in Russia often do not realize that their responsibilities include not only helping to correctly pronounce certain sounds, but also to establish communication with those who cannot use the speech.

About the future of special people

Depending on its capabilities, people with autism can go to the university, get a specialty and get a job. One of the most famous and inspirational examples is Professor Temple Grandin, about whose life was removed the film and wrote a book. And in 2010, Time magazine included her in the list of 100 most influential people in the world. She grew at the time when no one really knew what autism was. But thanks to the stubbornness of his mother, she was able to achieve a lot.

Speech by Professor Temple Grandin at Conference TED

Examples of employment of people with the features of development are not so much as I would like, but they are. In Tanzania, for example, people with autism work in a bank: find errors in calculations and make it no worse than computers. And in Seattle (USA) there is a laundry room, where 40% of workers are people with development features. This laundry service serves all five-star hotels and hospitals in the city and is famous for its impeccable quality. People with races are very attentive to detail and are able to perform monotonous work for a long time. The fact that ordinary people requires a high concentration of attention, people with autism are easily given. Employment is quite a real task, if you understand that specifically, this person gets best. Then his abilities can be applied with maximum benefit.

How to tell the child about people with the peculiarities of development

It is necessary to say more often that we all have distinctive features and their own characteristics, not all of us are the same. At the same time, attention should be focused on advantages, notice positive parties. Tolerance is formed from childhood.

The sooner the children tell about the diversity of people, the calmer they will grow, with the feeling that the peculiarities of development are normal, and not at all scary.

If you do not know how to start a conversation, show the cartoon "about Dima" children. He was invented by Mom, who just wanted to explain to her child who people with features. You need to start with yourself. Show your example, as you need to treat such people, learn to build relationships with those who differ from us.

How does the attitude towards special people

In recent years, the attitude towards people with peculiarities in society has noticeably improved. For example, the "Exit" foundation explains the cinemas, museums and cafes, how to become Autism Friendly (friendly to autism), which you need to change in order to come to them with authism and feel comfortable. Even if children or adults with violations come somewhere - they come with a separate group and move the same composition. It is necessary to strive for them to communicate not only among themselves, but also with others, were among us. In this, there is an inclusion essence - not separated, but to go to the rapprochement.

Photo: Nude Heart Foundation, Wikipedia

Autism - What is this disease?

It is difficult to stay indifferent, watching the child sick autism trying to adapt in a speedy modern world. Although the forms of such disorders vary from the lungs to heavy, many patients with this disease show exclusive abilities to music or other types of art. It is necessary to support them a little and adapting them in society will be quite real. Autism is not the result of poor education. Autism is a disorder that arises due to a violation of the brain development and characterized by deviations in social interaction and communication, as well as stereotyness in behavior and interest. All indicated signs appear under the age of 3 years. Unlike all other children with psychophysical disorders and without them, an autistic child does not meet another person and does not rejoice when anyone, child or adult, wants, for example, to play with her.

The most typical symptoms of autism

    Insufficient language development, lack of speech. In early age children, as a rule, there are violations of vision, speech (it is difficult for them), they are overly shy, often repeat the same words several times in a row. The child does not understand the speech of other people, herself does not seek to talk, communicate with other people, even a mother. In the speech of the child, mostly there are Egolars, the child sometimes repeats the scraps of the elements of the speech, which she heard from other people or on TV. The child does not understand complex linguistic designs. A child with autism understands only one-room team words: "Eat", "Sit". The child cannot think abstractly, analyze and summarize. Most often, the child does not understand the pronouncements of mine, yours, they, etc. At the same time, he can have enough intensively develop "autonomous speech", "speech for yourself."

    The child does not perceive the world around, does not respond to what is happening around him. Parents sometimes it is absolutely impossible to attract the child's attention, she does not respond to his name and the sounds of mom's voice and dad. Moreover, over time, the child begins to actively avoid communicating, hiding, leaves. The child does not record the view on the face of the parents, there is no contact of views that do not appeal to the language.

    The visual attention of children with autism is extremely selectively and very briefly, the child looks like past people, not noticing them and belongs to them as in an inanimate subjects. At the same time, it is characterized by an increased impressionability, his reaction to the surrounding is often unpredictable and incomprehensible. Such a child may not notice the lack of close relatives, parents and overly painful and excitedly react even to minor movements and permutation of objects in the room.

    3. A child with autism does not tolerate emotional contact with his parents. Even in the first months of life, the child does not pull a handle, not pressed against the mother, but, being in his hands from the parents, resists physical contact, strains his back, trying to break out of his parents.

    A child suffering from autism never plays with toys, and does not even show interest in them. A child's game with autism is a set of simple movements - she pulls a piece of clothing, turns the rope, sucks or sniffs parts of toys. These signs of autism are also manifested after reaching the child of 1 year.

    The child does not show interest in other children, does not play with peers. Autist does not show interest in children's games. In the second year of life, it is noticeable that the child - the autistist does not even have the simplest gaming skills. The only game that an autistist can support is simple mechanical movements "Take - Give". With autism, a peculiar character has gaming activities. Its characteristic feature is that the child usually plays himself, mainly using the non-gaming material, and household items. It can play long and monotonously with shoes, laces, paper, switches, wires, and the like. Scene-role-playing games with peers in such children do not develop. There are peculiar pathological reincarnations in a particular image in combination with autistic fantasies. At the same time, the child does not notice the surrounding, does not enter into speech contact with them.

    A child suffering from autism cannot learn the simplest self-service skills. This child is sometimes impossible to learn how to dress yourself, to go to the toilet yourself, wash, eat and use cutlery.

    A child with autism requires constant control, it does not understand and cannot assess the dangers of the world around. The kid can not move the street, because it does not perceive moving cars and may suffer. Such a child does not understand the danger emanating from falling from height, plays with electrical appliances, acute items, etc.

    Despite the indifference to the surrounding world, a child with autism can very often show flashes of anger and aggression. Basically, this aggression is aimed at himself. The child bit his hands before the blood, beats his head about the furniture and the floor, hits his fists by the body and face. Sometimes this aggression arises against other people, and the child with any attempt of contact scratches, bites or beats his parents. For any ban or attempt to contact a child - an autistist can suddenly show unrestrained aggression. The child does not know how to experience a sense of regret, at the request or prayers of the parents she does not react, indifferent to tears.

    The child with autism is often present by the obsessive movement syndrome - she swings standing standing or sitting, for a long time shines aimlessly in his hands, rotates and turns various subjects for a long time looks at the world, fire, fan. Child instead of playing can build various objects and toys into neat rows. The child can be immersed without a long time, squat.

What can you advise parents and close children suffering from autism?

If the parents are noticeable for parents, the following signs of autistic type of development are becoming noticeable, it is necessary to contact the children's psychiatrist to make sure how these features of the child's development are found. The diagnosis of "Early Children's Autism" can be delivered only by a specialist - a children's psychoneurologist after a careful test of the baby. If this diagnosis is supplied to the child, then parents need to decide on the program of further training and the development of the baby. For this, it is important to consult from a special psychologist or a correctional teacher who have experience with such children can provide a detailed characterization of the state of the mental development of the child, as well as identify the forms and directions of correctional classes for the child. Parents need to be patient, firmly believe in success and not lose hope. Today, many cities have discovered special courses and schools for parents, whose children suffer from autism. The basis for successful overcoming autism is fulfilling at home and in the context of special centers of the individual rehabilitation program of the patient child. Naturally, the main task here lies on the shoulders of parents. Therefore, a paramount step should be the adoption of the fact that their child suffers to autism. After all, she is not a mentally sick person, he just has a "other way of vision of the world," she is a little harder to express his feelings. Here and you need to help her, support, teach. With the right, stubborn approach to the implementation of therapeutic (rehabilitation) program, children sick autism show excellent results and can be largely recovered, adapt to normal life. Often they have a gift or talent in some kind of art or knowledge. Hypersensitivity to sounds and touches, speech development delay, impassable. Such problems of developing children with autism arise in front of parents of special children. Intellectual development of these children is quite diverse. Among them may have children with normal, accelerated, sharply detained and uneven mental development. It is also noted both partial or overall gifts and mental retardation. The first age crisis falls on the age between two and three years, when each child differentiates itself from the people and differentiates people on their own and strangers. During this period, the child begins to recognize himself in the mirror and talk about himself in the first person. The growth of self-consciousness and the desire for independence determine the frequency of emotional behavioral disorders at this stage. In an independence, the child shows negativism and stubbornness to comments and banners of adults. To prevent emotional and behavioral disorders, it is very important that adults belong to the baby carefully, with great patience and respect. At the same time, in no case cannot suppress or intimidate the child, it is necessary to simultaneously stimulate and organize its activity, form an arbitrary regulation of behavior. Especially important in the upbringing of an autistic child has its purposeful behavior of a clear routine of the day, the formation of stereotypical behavior in certain situations. Since the violations of the autistic spectrum are through, the positive impact on the development of the child should be comprehensively. It is about the fact that the motor, emotional and informative spheres should be paid to the center of attention. On the motor sphere it is worth considering specialists (especially important - also to work out certain skills), how to help the child in this direction. To be able to: intensify the manifestations of the child, carry out exercises for the redistribution of muscle tension, to own in various ways to remove the voltage, contribute to the harmonization of the tonic regulation as a whole, since it is the basis of full mental development.

Adult advice from the near and far towards the child of the autista

Apply the systematic cooperation of the child with adults so that he always has the reference option with which he at least occasionally tried to compare his product and other results of its activities, as well as contempted the action, adult movement, hear his thoughts. Partnership with a child in various joint activities with him to help calm and give him a sense of security. Observe with the overwhelming majority of autistic children of constant insurance: be prepared to catch them, grab, put your hand to a dangerous place, etc., be prepared to prevent the occurrence of the situation, provokes the physical self-aggression of the child. An effective way to minimize the dangerous actions of the child is their reinforcement by you with their stormy reactions (not to scare, not to be upset, not angry). Remember that some children can provoke such adult reactions and at the same time feel pleasure and joy.

    Purposefully passion about the subject and the game of the child. In this regard, we will provide a balanced attitude towards the selection of toys and objects, think about the degree of their complexity (must correspond to the age, the possibilities and interests of the child), carefully treat the organization and guidance of children's activities.

    Use greater attachment of the child with autism in relation to subjects than to people. On this basis, indirectly establish a dialogue with them, for example, through musical instruments, dancing, sports games. At the same time, establish an audio-vocal, listening and visual-moving coordination of common and shallow motors, form it is available for a child. The level of ability to synthesize them in one activity (encourage the child to the search on the left on the right, from the bottom of the melodic toy or adult, which She sings or say something, etc.).

    The elimination of the child's environment is everything that it can scare it: sharp sounds (slamming by the door, crashing dishes, a quarrel, loud music); sharp visual impressions (powerful, not protected by the source of light, a sudden movement in the field of view of the child); Sharp odors, rough circulation and the like.

    Remember that the look of the adult, the sounds of his voice, approaching and touch can cause a child only a defensive reaction in the form of various options for removing and avoiding (preventing and removing the eyes, unwillingness to listen, concerned, join any contact).

    Support the elements of communication, attempts to contact, reaction to an adult appeal. At the same time, in every way, take into account the features of their implementation by the child, because, despite the fact that the child "goes past the people," she never encounters them, can cry when they scream at her or with her.

    We systematically use the possibilities of art therapeutic agents as a socially acceptable exit of aggressiveness and negative emotions of a child with autism, a safe way to remove the stress, reducing fears, aggression and cruelty. Joint participation in drawing, in musical classes, in elementary sports games will contribute to the formation of relations of empathy and mutual support.

Tips for the parents of the child of an autista

The main guideline of the child's development with autism should be a variety of, emotionally rich communion with him of parents. Parents must talk with him more than a healthy child.

    Constantly stimulate the child's interest in the outside world. It is interested in fulfilling the regime moments and is not indifferent, affectionate attitude towards the child, the designations of emotional states with various soundness to contribute to the emotional "infection" of the kid. This, in turn, will gradually cause him a need to contact and gradually change the child of his own emotional (often aggressive) state.

    Constantly attract the child's attention to your actions. Bathing, dressing, inspecting etc. Child, do not silence and do not ignore the child, but, on the contrary, constantly stimulate it to imitate. At the same time, remember that the child is able to imitate only the fact that in general it can be done himself. Well, when mom sings, and it can be not only songs: despite the fact that children with autism are better reacting to music than on broadcasting, there are speech manifestations to do musical, rushing the name of the child, their comments, their requests, stories, praise etc. And talking to such a child - calm (preferably even a quiet voice).

    Promotes the easier passage of the moment of the moment of physical separation from itself in order to prevent the severe forms of the "feeling of the edge" when the child becomes absolutely unrestrained, unmanaged, disobedient. Constantly form the kid "The Sensation of the Region" so that he gradually stopped being afraid of the new in the environment.

    Consider that next to the indifference, affective blockade (insulation) in relation to you, perhaps a symbiotic form of contact, when the child refuses at least for a while remain without you, while never happens with you.

    At all stages of contacting the contact, select a safe distance to communicate and unobtrusively demonstrate your readiness to the contact, each time be sure from that mental level on which the child is located.

    During tactile contact with the child, to tell him about his feelings, including even the manifestations of anger on his resistance. At the same time, consider that an autistic child can understand your feelings and speeches. However, the emotional features of the kid is an obstacle to the process of perception of maternal caress. It is important to continue to eliminate the children's resistance with such incentives that are emotionally super-sensitive for it (long kiss, whisper in the ear, etc.). At the same time, use a certain transformation of relationships with a child, whom (the situation) is conventionally called "release" when the child tries to avoid long emotional contacts, hugs, kisses. However, given the natural autonomy of a child with autism, this opportunity should be used carefully.

    use (as a possible) method of mobilizing the child to the game without any requirements and instructions only in order to establish an emotionally favorable, trust contact, even though the child may not pay attention to you.

    Constantly stimulate the emotional child reactions to heat, coolness, wind, colorful leaves, bright sun, melt snow, water streams, birds singing, green grass, flowers; On polluted places in the environment (clogged, with an unpleasant smell, dirty water) and clean and cozy glade and the like. At the same time, repeatedly teach and encourage the child to use the appropriate gestures and television, vocalization, imperfect words; Approve this behavior.

    Constantly softens the insufficient or complete lack of need for contacts, as well as active, often with an aggressive manifestation of the desire of loneliness and dedication from the outside world. At the same time, consider that children feel noticeably better when they are left alone. However, join the actions of the child, and then tactfully insist on joint actions, for example, with the subject that the child played, with a book, which "together" is read, with a matrike, which alternately make up, with the ball, which alternately rolled the floor and the like .

    Learn to read its elementary attempts to enter into contact with you and a smile (affectionate voice, a tender look, hugs, repeatedly repetition of its name, etc.) encourage the child to continue this contact.

Consultation for parents


N.p \\ P.

FULL NAME. Parents


Varuha Anna Vladimirovna

Mostoverovka Alexander Nikolaevna

Belly Oksana Andreevna

Lysenko Alexey Evgenievich

Malyugina Irina Vladimirovna

Maslyakova Irina Ivanovna

Pasian Julia Sergeevna

Shkodina Anastasia Viktorovna

Starunova Irina Nikolaevna

Consultation for parents

" Autism - What is this disease? Recommendations to parents of a child suffering from autism "

N.p \\ P.

FULL NAME. Parents


Below are some tips for parents:

How to help your child learn to communicate?

Communication implies the exchange of verbal (with the help of words) and non-verbal (using gestures, facial expressions) messages between people. Most children with autism have difficulty communicating with other people.

Here are some tips that can help you:

How to teach a child with autism everyday skills?

The cleaning of the teeth is very important, as it allows to prevent the development of caries and other diseases of the teeth and the oral cavity. You have two options: brush your teeth to a child, or teach a child to make this procedure yourself. Child learning to clean the teeth can be long, but still it is possible. There are no universal learning methods that would suit any child with autism: sometimes it can be achieved with the help of cards on which there are step-by-step instructions, sometimes in the process of playing with a child, sometimes on their own example.

A visit to the toilet may be difficult for any child, but in children with autism, this process can cause special difficulties. Child learning to visit the toilet can delay for several months. It is better to start learning the child when he starts to understand what he wants to the toilet (this can be seen by his behavior, facial exp.

Your child first may not understand the meaning in the abandonment of diapers, in which he was so comfortable for several years. The transition from diapers to use the pot is not desirable, since the child has a new habit, and in the future you will be much more difficult to wean him from the pot and teach to visit the toilet. Therefore, it is recommended from diapers to immediately go to the toilet.

Try to mark the time of the day to which your child empties the bladder or intestines (if you feed the child on a schedule every day, then emptying occurs approximately at the same time of the day). While the child pisses or pokes, show him a photo of the toilet and say "(child name), toilet." Change the baby's diaper in the room where there is a toilet: so the child will begin to link his departures with a visit to the toilet. In those hours of day, when the child is most often reacted - take it into a toilet, strip and plant it on the toilet. Even if the child was not emptying the bladder or intestines, continue to behave as if it happened: take advantage of the toilet paper, put the baby, wash his hands and output from the toilet. Every time the child copes the need out of the toilet - take it there as soon as possible. Be sure to reward the child if he pissed or pounded in the toilet (praise it or give a favorite toy, cookies, etc.)

Washing hands is very important after visiting the toilet and before meals. During learning, always perform all actions in the same sequence. For example: Raise the sleeves-to open a crane-wet hand-take in the hands of soap-hole hands-put soap-slip hands-closing the crane-wipe hands-lower sleeves. First, stand next to the child and help him, directing his actions, or suggesting with cards.

Education of children with autism

Child learning is usually produced at home by an incoming specialist or parents. In addition, in some cities there are special schools for children suffering from autism. Child training is made according to special techniques developed by well-known psychologists, teachers or psychiatrists. We list the most common curriculum for children with autism:

Diet with authisme

Some parents of children, patients with autistic, report that the diet can significantly improve the symptoms of autism. This diet is based on the assumption that in the intestines of people with autism, some proteins (casein and gluten) are not absorbed. Exception from the diet of food containing casein and gluten, allegedly can cure a child from autism.

Autism - What is this disease?

It is difficult to stay indifferent, watching the child sick autism trying to adapt in a speedy modern world. Although the forms of such disorders vary from the lungs to heavy, many patients with this disease show exclusive abilities to music or other types of art. It is necessary to support them a little and adapting them in society will be quite real.

Autism is not the result of poor education. Autism is a disorder that arises due to a violation of the brain development and characterized by deviations in social interaction and communication, as well as stereotyness in behavior and interest. All indicated signs appear under the age of 3 years.

Unlike all other children with psychophysical disorders and without them, an autistic child does not meet another person and does not rejoice when anyone, child or adult, wants, for example, to play with her.

The most typical symptoms of autism

  • Insufficient language development, lack of speech. In early age children, as a rule, there are violations of vision, speech (it is difficult for them), they are overly shy, often repeat the same words several times in a row. The child does not understand the speech of other people, herself does not seek to talk, communicate with other people, even a mother. In the speech of the child, mostly there are Egolars, the child sometimes repeats the scraps of the elements of the speech, which she heard from other people or on TV. The child does not understand complex linguistic designs. A child with autism understands only one-room team words: "Eat", "Sit". The child cannot think abstractly, analyze and summarize. Most often, the child does not understand the pronouncements of mine, yours, they, etc. At the same time, he can have enough intensively develop "autonomous speech", "speech for yourself."
  • The child does not perceive the world around, does not respond to what is happening around him. Parents sometimes it is absolutely impossible to attract the child's attention, she does not respond to his name and the sounds of mom's voice and dad. Moreover, over time, the child begins to actively avoid communicating, hiding, leaves. The child does not record the view on the face of the parents, there is no contact of views that do not appeal to the language.
  • The visual attention of children with autism is extremely selectively and very briefly, the child looks like past people, not noticing them and belongs to them as in an inanimate subjects. At the same time, it is characterized by an increased impressionability, his reaction to the surrounding is often unpredictable and incomprehensible. Such a child may not notice the lack of close relatives, parents and overly painful and excitedly react even to minor movements and permutation of objects in the room.
  • 3. A child with autism does not tolerate emotional contact with his parents. Even in the first months of life, the child does not pull a handle, not pressed against the mother, but, being in his hands from the parents, resists physical contact, strains his back, trying to break out of his parents.
  • A child suffering from autism never plays with toys, and does not even show interest in them. A child's game with autism is a set of simple movements - she pulls a piece of clothing, turns the rope, sucks or sniffs parts of toys. These signs of autism are also manifested after reaching the child of 1 year.
  • The child does not show interest in other children, does not play with peers. Autist does not show interest in children's games. In the second year of life, it is noticeable that the child - the autistist does not even have the simplest gaming skills. The only game that an autistist can support is simple mechanical movements "Take - Give". With autism, a peculiar character has gaming activities. Its characteristic feature is that the child usually plays himself, mainly using the non-gaming material, and household items. It can play long and monotonously with shoes, laces, paper, switches, wires, and the like. Scene-role-playing games with peers in such children do not develop. There are peculiar pathological reincarnations in a particular image in combination with autistic fantasies. At the same time, the child does not notice the surrounding, does not enter into speech contact with them.
  • . A child suffering from autism cannot learn the simplest self-service skills. This child is sometimes impossible to learn how to dress yourself, to go to the toilet yourself, wash, eat and use cutlery.
  • A child with autism requires constant control, it does not understand and cannot assess the dangers of the world around. The kid can not move the street, because it does not perceive moving cars and may suffer. Such a child does not understand the danger emanating from falling from height, plays with electrical appliances, acute items, etc.
  • Despite the indifference to the surrounding world, a child with autism can very often show flashes of anger and aggression. Basically, this aggression is aimed at himself. The child bit his hands before the blood, beats his head about the furniture and the floor, hits his fists by the body and face. Sometimes this aggression arises against other people, and the child with any attempt of contact scratches, bites or beats his parents. For any ban or attempt to contact a child - an autistist can suddenly show unrestrained aggression. The child does not know how to experience a sense of regret, at the request or prayers of the parents she does not react, indifferent to tears.
  • The child with autism is often present by the obsessive movement syndrome - she swings standing standing or sitting, for a long time shines aimlessly in his hands, rotates and turns various subjects for a long time looks at the world, fire, fan. Child instead of playing can build various objects and toys into neat rows. The child can be immersed without a long time, squat.

What can you advise parents and close children suffering from autism?

If the parents are noticeable for parents, the following signs of autistic type of development are becoming noticeable, it is necessary to contact the children's psychiatrist to make sure how these features of the child's development are found. The diagnosis of "Early Children's Autism" can be delivered only by a specialist - a children's psychoneurologist after a careful test of the baby. If this diagnosis is supplied to the child, then parents need to decide on the program of further training and the development of the baby. For this, it is important to consult from a special psychologist or a correctional teacher who have experience with such children can provide a detailed characterization of the state of the mental development of the child, as well as identify the forms and directions of correctional classes for the child.

Parents need to be patient, firmly believe in success and not lose hope. Today, many cities have discovered special courses and schools for parents, whose children suffer from autism.

The basis for successful overcoming autism is fulfilling at home and in the context of special centers of the individual rehabilitation program of the patient child. Naturally, the main task here lies on the shoulders of parents. Therefore, a paramount step should be the adoption of the fact that their child suffers to autism. After all, she is not a mentally sick person, he just has a "other way of vision of the world," she is a little harder to express his feelings. Here and you need to help her, support, teach.

With the right, stubborn approach to the implementation of therapeutic (rehabilitation) program, children sick autism show excellent results and can be largely recovered, adapt to normal life. Often they have a gift or talent in some kind of art or knowledge.

Hypersensitivity to sounds and touches, speech development delay, impassable. Such problems of developing children with autism arise in front of parents of special children.

Intellectual development of these children is quite diverse. Among them may have children with normal, accelerated, sharply detained and uneven mental development. It is also noted both partial or overall gifts and mental retardation.

The first age crisis falls on the age between two and three years, when each child differentiates itself from the people and differentiates people on their own and strangers. During this period, the child begins to recognize himself in the mirror and talk about himself in the first person. The growth of self-consciousness and the desire for independence determine the frequency of emotional behavioral disorders at this stage. In an independence, the child shows negativism and stubbornness to comments and banners of adults.

To prevent emotional and behavioral disorders, it is very important that adults belong to the baby carefully, with great patience and respect. At the same time, in no case cannot suppress or intimidate the child, it is necessary to simultaneously stimulate and organize its activity, form an arbitrary regulation of behavior.

Especially important in the upbringing of an autistic child has its purposeful behavior of a clear routine of the day, the formation of stereotypical behavior in certain situations.

Since the violations of the autistic spectrum are through, the positive impact on the development of the child should be comprehensively. It is about the fact that the motor, emotional and informative spheres should be paid to the center of attention. On the motor sphere it is worth considering specialists (especially important - also to work out certain skills), how to help the child in this direction. To be able to: intensify the manifestations of the child, carry out exercises for the redistribution of muscle tension, to own in various ways to remove the voltage, contribute to the harmonization of the tonic regulation as a whole, since it is the basis of full mental development.

Adult advice from the near and far towards the child of the autista

Apply the systematic cooperation of the child with adults so that he always has the reference option with which he at least occasionally tried to compare his product and other results of its activities, as well as contempted the action, adult movement, hear his thoughts. Partnership with a child in various joint activities with him to help calm and give him a sense of security.
  • Observe with the overwhelming majority of autistic children of constant insurance: be prepared to catch them, grab, put your hand to a dangerous place, etc., be prepared to prevent the occurrence of the situation, provokes the physical self-aggression of the child. An effective way to minimize the dangerous actions of the child is their reinforcement by you with their stormy reactions (not to scare, not to be upset, not angry). Remember that some children can provoke such adult reactions and at the same time feel pleasure and joy.
  • Purposefully passion about the subject and the game of the child. In this regard, we will provide a balanced attitude towards the selection of toys and objects, think about the degree of their complexity (must correspond to the age, the possibilities and interests of the child), carefully treat the organization and guidance of children's activities.
  • Use greater attachment of the child with autism in relation to subjects than to people. On this basis, indirectly establish a dialogue with them, for example, through musical instruments, dancing, sports games. At the same time, establish an audio-vocal, listening and visual-moving coordination of common and shallow motors, form it is available for a child. The level of ability to synthesize them in one activity (encourage the child to the search on the left on the right, from the bottom of the melodic toy or adult, which She sings or say something, etc.).
  • The elimination of the child's environment is everything that it can scare it: sharp sounds (slamming by the door, crashing dishes, a quarrel, loud music); sharp visual impressions (powerful, not protected by the source of light, a sudden movement in the field of view of the child); Sharp odors, rough circulation and the like.
  • Remember that the look of the adult, the sounds of his voice, approaching and touch can cause a child only a defensive reaction in the form of various options for removing and avoiding (preventing and removing the eyes, unwillingness to listen, concerned, join any contact).
  • Support the elements of communication, attempts to contact, reaction to an adult appeal. At the same time, in every way, take into account the features of their implementation by the child, because, despite the fact that the child "goes past the people," she never encounters them, can cry when they scream at her or with her.
  • - We systematically use the possibilities of art therapeutic tools as a socially acceptable exit of the aggressiveness and negative emotions of a child with autism, a safe way to remove the stress, reducing fears, aggression and cruelty. Joint participation in drawing, in musical classes, in elementary sports games will contribute to the formation of relations of empathy and mutual support.
The main guideline of the child's development with autism should be a variety of, emotionally rich communion with him of parents. Parents must talk with him more than a healthy child.
  • Constantly stimulate the child's interest in the outside world. It is interested in fulfilling the regime moments and is not indifferent, affectionate attitude towards the child, the designations of emotional states with various soundness to contribute to the emotional "infection" of the kid. This, in turn, will gradually cause him a need to contact and gradually change the child of his own emotional (often aggressive) state.
  • Constantly attract the child's attention to your actions. Bathing, dressing, inspecting etc. Child, do not silence and do not ignore the child, but, on the contrary, constantly stimulate it to imitate. At the same time, remember that the child is able to imitate only the fact that in general it can be done himself. Well, when mom sings, and it can be not only songs: despite the fact that children with autism are better reacting to music than on broadcasting, there are speech manifestations to do musical, rushing the name of the child, their comments, their requests, stories, praise etc. And talking to such a child - calm (preferably even a quiet voice).
  • Promotes the easier passage of the moment of the moment of physical separation from itself in order to prevent the severe forms of the "feeling of the edge" when the child becomes absolutely unrestrained, unmanaged, disobedient. Constantly form the kid "The Sensation of the Region" so that he gradually stopped being afraid of the new in the environment.
  • Consider that next to the indifference, affective blockade (insulation) in relation to you, perhaps a symbiotic form of contact, when the child refuses at least for a while remain without you, while never happens with you.
  • At all stages of contacting the contact, select a safe distance to communicate and unobtrusively demonstrate your readiness to the contact, each time be sure from that mental level on which the child is located.
  • During tactile contact with the child, to tell him about his feelings, including even the manifestations of anger on his resistance. At the same time, consider that an autistic child can understand your feelings and speeches. However, the emotional features of the kid is an obstacle to the process of perception of maternal caress. It is important to continue to eliminate the children's resistance with such incentives that are emotionally super-sensitive for it (long kiss, whisper in the ear, etc.). At the same time, use a certain transformation of relationships with a child, whom (the situation) is conventionally called "release" when the child tries to avoid long emotional contacts, hugs, kisses. However, given the natural autonomy of a child with autism, this opportunity should be used carefully.
  • use (as a possible) method of mobilizing the child to the game without any requirements and instructions only in order to establish an emotionally favorable, trust contact, even though the child may not pay attention to you.
  • Constantly stimulate the emotional child reactions to heat, coolness, wind, colorful leaves, bright sun, melt snow, water streams, birds singing, green grass, flowers; On polluted places in the environment (clogged, with an unpleasant smell, dirty water) and clean and cozy glade and the like. At the same time, repeatedly teach and encourage the child to use the appropriate gestures and television, vocalization, imperfect words; Approve this behavior.
  • Constantly softens the insufficient or complete lack of need for contacts, as well as active, often with an aggressive manifestation of the desire of loneliness and dedication from the outside world. At the same time, consider that children feel noticeably better when they are left alone. However, join the actions of the child, and then tactfully insist on joint actions, for example, with the subject that the child played, with a book, which "together" is read, with a matrike, which alternately make up, with the ball, which alternately rolled the floor and the like .
  • Learn to read its elementary attempts to enter into contact with you and a smile (affectionate voice, a tender look, hugs, repeatedly repetition of its name, etc.) encourage the child to continue this contact.

Whatever it would be sad, but children with a diagnosis of autism or "autistic spectrum disorder" every year becomes more and more. According to American statistics, today every 68th child has such features. Despite this, the reason for autism has not yet been found: children live in very different families, the geography of accommodation is different, often in one family there are healthy and special children. That is, to the end it is impossible to argue that the cause of the disease is heredity, place of residence, lifestyle of parents, the presence or absence of vaccinations, the power system.

And no matter how much to know the cause of this disease, the main question for the parents of the autista is as follows: what to do?

What to do if a child

  • not responding to its name,
  • does not look into the eyes
  • does not talk (or does not enter into dialogue),
  • walks on the socks, strongly strains the muscles of the hands and legs, does not know how to control them,
  • does not participate in the games of peers and family life,
  • does not watch cartoons, not interested in books and pictures,
  • does not play toys - throws, breaks them, does not use it,
  • does not imitate others
  • does not have an index gesture with a finger,
  • does not adapt to the pot for a long time (or at all),
  • does not have the concept of "me" - does not recognize himself in the photo and in the mirror,
  • it has a tendency to stereotype: jumps, waving his hands, often blinks, shakes his head, can burn or roll his eyes in early childhood.
  • vocalizes - makes spontaneous sounds, often quite loud.
  • it has a tendency to certain rituals: puts chairs, toys, bottles in the bathroom rows, walks to walk only by special routes.

However, each "aunt" is different. There are those who are practically no one needed. There are children who need to communicate with loved ones, but express it extremely non-standard: they bite, popping, fighting, throw themselves in them with various objects, shout, make acts of self-aggression - beat and bite themselves.

Once on the street or in a public place with such a child (as a rule, with a smart look, not issuing a child's mental backwardness), parents face in general with a rather logical surface reaction of others: people begin to scatter from the playground, grandmothers in line begin to give tips with negligent "Mamma of a capricious child", relatives begin to roud for the fact that "the child does not speak because he does not read books."

Autism is not a disease, this is a violation of development. Autism can not be cured. In other words - there is no tablets from autism. Only early diagnosis and long-term qualified pedagogical support can help a child with autism.

What do these parents do wrong?

  • Do not read books. In preschool age, autistic children are poorly understood by their speech. There are those who do not pay attention to the reading, ignoring it. That is, again, without listening and not linked to the text. There are those whom reading so annoying that they pull the book from the hands, scream, pull the pages, throw it into the reading. They express their protest painful for them to impose words, they are not understandable and therefore not interesting and unnecessary.
  • Do not speak. From the side, indeed, it may seem that parents speak very little with such children. In fact, the opposite occurs. Only instead of the dialogue there is a monologue, where the parent carefully selects words and peculiar brief "teams" so that the child understands it.
  • Do not walk along with other children. Often it happens by itself, because the child may not be interested in a very long time and even annoying the presence of other children.
  • Do not engage in education. This error occurs due to the fact that the non-talking child cannot formulate his desire, does not show a gesture on the subject, but just begins to cry or shout.

For example, he can not understand and not give to understand the surrounding that he wants to drink or take a toy. Parents can go through all the options and not finding the causes of such a child's reaction. The kid will already roll out in hysterics from misunderstanding and need for something.

Children's autists often not formed the concept of "shame". And the concepts of "so can not do" for the baby with features simply does not exist.

Such children do not know how to wait. Hysteria can start almost immediately in line in the store, clinic, other organizations. At the same time, they can pounce on their parents with fists or beat and bite themselves. This is a protest against the system not understandable. Usually, such externally "normal" children are not allowed in line, with curiosity and light smile consider the actions of the child and parents. People will be that tell me at home and at work.

Children with an autistic spectrum disorder have a tendency to stereotype :. Thus, they calm down, put the lack of vestibular sensations to normal, remove from unpleasant external influences - light, noise, etc. If you see a child who closed himself or closed her ears (at the same time he can cry or shout) - it means for him Painful this sound or lighting. A child who waves his hands, jumps, shakes in his face with a stick, a piece of paper or other item, hangs from her mother's knees or chair down his head, sits and strongly swinging on a chair back and forth - leads to his vestibular sensations, feeling his body.

And this is normal for such children! From this it is impossible to "reassure", only by long-term samples lead one version of stereotype to another, more socialized. For example, one child calmed down and concentrated on the task only when she spun sock on his finger near his face. Fate in school, this is not quite correct behavior he hid from classmates and teachers. Locked in the toilet, twisted the sock and thought about the task. When the teacher told the mother about frequently abstickies, she found out "what he does there." As a result, an option adapted for society was found. A beautiful key chain was bought, and the child was sitting during a mental tension behind her desk and twisted him on his finger. Mom found the optimal solution.

But this output is not possible for all children with a diagnosis of races. Unfortunately, there are children who will remain lifelessly incapable: never compete, they will not deal with the pot, they will not go to school, someone will not learn to eat independently, etc. Believe me, the awareness of this is very hard for parents. If you see a child with such features, imagine how hard it is.

Often parents face not only with a misunderstanding of relatives and others, but also that experts do not want to work with such children. They are too complicated and problematic: screaming, bite, do not turn on in the dialogue, progress is very weak. So, a very good speech therapist can simply deny in classes, only having heard the diagnosis of the child. Why complicate your life if it is worth the turn from the "normal" children. And such children really need classes with a speech therapist, a psychologist and a defectologist.

With a competent specialist, with the early start of classes, it is possible to achieve a good correction of behavior, teach a child with certain domestic and social skills. Long and stubbornly. So, the usual child can immediately pour on a dandelion or make large bubbles in a glass with water. To teach a child with an autistic spectrum disorder (this is an important speech therapy step) you need to spend about six months of class. Not every such baby in four years will be able to blend a candle or put bubbles in a glass with water.

Is it worth saying that classes with special children are often expensive. And one of the parents (usually mom) does not work.

According to statistics, families with such children are considered the most depressive. Here you often need the help of a family psychologist.

Nevertheless, the story knows a lot of examples when people with such features became the best football players of modernity, well-known sculptors and artists, musicians, scientists. These children have a special vision of items details, know how to observe the process as it were from the side. These features help them become innovative programmers (children who feed special interest in letters and numbers), open new laws in physics (interest in causal games, mechanics). It is worth saying that many of these successful people in school years have experienced big problems, and engaged in a narrow specialization, were able to overtake their colleagues.

If we talk about everyday life, then autistic children can better fulfill them understand the order of simple actions, repeating day-to-day. So, one guy first observed and helped his father who worked as an installer of plastic windows, and then, having learned the repeated algorithm of actions, began to work independently.

For each child a favorable forecast. There are children who speak from two or three years, for someone to speak in four or five years old, and someone will remain not verbal authist (which can be learned to read and write, but not talk). Someone will not be able to study at school, the other will be at home, someone will learn in a correctional school, someone in normal and will be able to finish nine classes, someone will finish college, someone will show themselves in sports, to whom - It's lucky more. But for this, as experts say, the parents of the child will have to put their lives on it.

To more understand the essence of the problem, we have prepared a list of books related to autism and beneficial benefits for classes with the "unfavorable" children.

Library of the parents of Autista

  1. Aires E. J. Baby Boy and Sensory Integration. Understanding hidden development problems. - 2nd ed. - M.: Terevinf, 2010. - 272 p.
  2. Auer V.M. The practice of awakening feelings. Games and ideas for kindergartens and pre-school groups. -You: Publishing house "Nairi", 2014.- 144c.

3. Barber M.L. Children's autism and verbal - behavioral approach: teaching children with autism and related disorders. - Ekaterinburg: Rama Publishing, 2014. - 304 p.

4. Bern Eric. Transactional analysis in psychotherapy / Eric Bern; (Per. from English. A. Gruberg) .- Moscow: Publishing house "E", 2015.- 368С.- (Legends of psychology. Eric Bern)

5. Grabenko T.M., Zinkevich-Evstigneeva TD Miracles on the sand. Handy therapy workshop. -Spb.: Speech, 2007.-340С.

6. Grandin Templ, Scariano Margaret M. Warning the doors of hope. My experience overcoming autism / Greendin Temple, Scariano Margaret M. Ed. Yakovleva A. G., Dimenshtein M. S. (Per.s English. Holmogorova N. L.) .- M.: Terevinf, 2012.-184c. (Series "Popular Psychology")

  1. Greenspan S. On you with autism: the use of Floortime technique for the development of relationships, communication and thinking. - M.: Terevinf, 2013. - 512 p.

8. Green R. V. A new approach to upbringing and understanding easily irritated, chronically non-political children - ed. 5th. - M.: Terevinf, 2012. - 264 p.

9. Delaware Tara. Rabbia of the main skills in children with autism: an effective technique of game activities with special children / container doing; Per.s English. V. Degtyareva; Scientific Ed. S. Anisimova. - 2nd ed.-Ekaterinburg: Rama Publishing, 2016.-272c.

10. Dilgensky N. Word Through Silence. - M.: Center for Medical Pedagogy, 2000, - 96c.

11. Doman Glenn. What to do if your child has brain damage / Doman Glenn, Per. Kalinin S. L .. - Mediakit, 2007.-330s.

12. Zarubina Yu.G., Konstantinova I.S., Bondar T.A., Popova M.G. Adaptation of the child in the group and the development of communication on the game of the circle. - Terevinf, 2009. - 56 p. - (Medical Pedagogy: Methodological Development Development).

13. Kipperd E. How does your child develop? / Ernest Y. Kipperd. Per. from German L.V. Harina. - M: Terevinf, 2006. - 112 p.

14. Klinging Ulla. Sensory integration in the dialog: understand the child, recognize the problem, help purchase equilibrium / ulla kisling, under. ed. E.V. Klochkova; (Per. with him. K.A. Sharr) .- 6th ed. -M.: Terevinf, 2016.- 240c.

15. Kozlov V.V., Girschon A.E., Veremäenko N.I. Integrative dance and motor therapy. -Things 2-E- Extended and supplemented- SPb.: Speech, 2006.-286c.

16. Krasnoshekova N.V. Scene-role games for preschool children / N.V. Krasnoshekova. Ed. 3rd - Rostov N / D: Phoenix, 2008.- 251C .- (School of Development).

  1. Krotova T. B., Minina O. A., Saranschin N. N., Chernyshova V. M., Mozheiko A. V. Diagnostic materials to provide psychocorrection assistance to children of 1-3 years with problems in development. / Ed. Sinelnikova I.Yu.-Arcta, 2016. - 40C. (Series "grow smart")
  2. Miklyaev, Yu.V. Logopedic massage and gymnastics. Work on sound testing. -M.: Iris press, 2010.- 112S.-Il .- (Popular speech therapy)

19. Mash E., Wolf D .. Children's pathopsychology. Violations of the psyche of the child - SPb.: Prime-Evroznak. 2003. -384c. (Project "Psychological Encyclopedia")

20. Nikitin B.P. Mind games. - ed. 6th, copy. and add. Obninsk, "Lightovid", 2009. - 216 p., Ill

  1. Nikitin B. P. Steps of creativity, or educational games. - 3rd ed., Dop .- M.:

Education, 1990.-160 s: Il ..

  1. Nikolskaya OS; Baenskaya E.R.; Lamb M.M. And others. Children and teenagers with autism. Psychological support. Ed. 3rd - M.: Terevinf, 2011. - 224 p.
  2. Nikolskaya O.S., Baenskaya E.R., Libamb M.M. An autistic child. Ways of help. Ed. 10-E.- M.: Terevinf, 2016.- (Special Child) .- 288c.
  3. N. N. N. N. Program of correctional and developing work in the speech therapy group of kindergarten for children with a common underdevelopment of speech (from 4 to 7 years old) .- SPB: Childhood-press, 2006.-352c.
  4. Nurieva L.G. Speech development in autistic children: Methodical development / L.G. Nuriyev. - ed. 9 - M.: Terevinf, 2016.- 106S.- ("Special Child")
  5. Newman Sarah. Games and classes with a special child. Guide for parents / lane. from English N.L. Holmogor. - ed. 5th, stereotypical. - M.: Televinf, 2011. - 236 p.
  6. Polynski L. Pekip: game and movement. More than 100 educational games for children of the first year of life / per. with it. O. Yu Popova. - 5th ed. - M.: Terevinf, 2010. - 240 s.: Il.
  7. Williams Donna. Noah anywhere. Amazing story of an autistic girl. / Williams Donna Ed. Lipes Yu., Per. from English Holmogorova N.L.- M.: Terevinf, 2016.-238C.
  8. Fadeeva Yu.A., Pichugina GA, Zilina I.I. Games with clothespins: Create and speak. - M.: TC Sphere, 2011.- 64C (Library of the speech therapist).
  9. Phileeva T.B. Elimination of general underdevelopment of speech in preschool children: an estate. Allowance / TB Phileeva, G.V. Chirkina.- 5th ed. - M.: Iris press, 2008.-224С. (Library speech therapist practice)
  10. Frost L. Alternative communication system with cards (PECS): Guide for teachers. - M.: Televinf, 2011. - 416 p.
  11. Shargorodskaya L.V. The formation and development of objective and practical activity at individual occupations - M.: Terevinf, 2006. - 56 p. - (Medical - pedagogical programs).
  12. Shipicin L.M. "Necessible" child in the family and society. Socialization of children with impairment of intellect.- 2rd ed, recreation. and supplemented. - SPB.: Speech, 2005.- 477С.
  13. Shirley Cohen. Life with autism / Translation from English. Igor Kostin.-M.: Institute of Normalitarian Research, 2008.-240s.

We hope that these books will help you and your loved ones!

Photo - Photo Bank Laurie