Happy birthday to a close friend in prose. Happy birthday greetings to a friend in prose. Birthday wishes for a friend

Thinking about wishes to a friend on the occasion of his birthday, you bargain, in what form to congratulate the birthday boy? Prose, poetry, hokku, a sentence in the style of the dictum of ancient Greek philosophers. A great literary potential is hidden in congratulations in prose. And most importantly, it is the most "democratic" style, which does not require a penchant for the iamba / chorea rhyme or the ability of extreme generalization in hokku. And it happens that at a holiday, thoughts can get confused. But if the permutations in verse are destructive, then the prose quite allows free presentation, paraphrasing. For a comrade, for a good friend, in fact, it is not so important in what form he is congratulated. And how cool the gifts will be. Having real friends is immeasurable value. There are plenty of ready-made birthday greetings to a friend in prose on this resource.

I sincerely want to congratulate you on this wonderful day! I sincerely wish that you always have good luck, that all your undertakings and deeds are doomed to success. I wish you to see sincere support from your friends, love from your family, and let one achievement follow another in your career. Happy Birthday to You!

Buddy, happy birthday! I wish you many victories, good luck and happy occasions. May every day make you happy, bring a smile and a good mood. Love you, health, development and achievement of all the desired goals. Be happy and purposeful! May you succeed. Have fun so you can remember!

Friend! I want to wish you a happy birthday. There are many good people around me, but not everyone is worthy of being a friend! I thank fate that she brought me exactly to you, and I sincerely want to wish you everything that you deserve. In order for you to achieve your goals without fail, immediately set new ones for yourself and walk towards them, without stumbling over envious people. I wish you to drive all women crazy and be crazy about one single one. I wish you a strong, friendly family and dizzying success at work. And most importantly, always know that I am there, I will come to the rescue and support at any moment!

Happy birthday! I wish you true best friends, genuine emotions, a strong family, male patience and luck, as well as bottomless love. Today you are a year older, wiser, old man. So stock up on your health, take care of your friends and family, and spend time on what really cares you. Maybe you dream of becoming a scuba diver your whole life, huh? Therefore, breathe deeply, believe in a miracle, do not hurt, live, love, enjoy life and share your impressions. Happy birthday!

Dear friend, happy birthday to you! I wish you good health, a sea of ​​happiness, an ocean of love, a bag of money, a positive attitude, success in all your endeavors, the fulfillment of your most cherished dream, bright events, joy and fun without consequences, incendiary days and mind-blowing nights!

Happy Birthday to You! I want to wish you to easily cope with all life's tasks, never feel lonely, always feel love and understanding from others. And I will always support you and try to be there in difficult times. Unlimited happiness to you.

My friend, I wish you a happy birthday! I wish you a standard set of benefits: health, happiness, love, prosperity and well-being. But the most important thing is to always be the same reliable person with whom you can safely go to the ends of the world!

My dear friend - faithful, loyal, reliable and sincerely loved! Happy Birthday! I wish you success in your business, so that every day brings joy and satisfaction from work, gives a charge of energy for the next creation and creation! Let there be good colleagues around, always ready to help, remember that there are friends who are ready to help and support every minute! Love and be loved - faithfully and faithfully! May it be warm and joyful in your house, may there be good evenings and pleasant weekends! Let the holidays be by the warm and gentle sea, and spring always blooms in your soul and the birds of happiness sing!

What congratulations, what prose to convey to such a friend on such a day? I would not like to use the banal "health, luck, money". Perhaps it is worth saying this: find yourself and through this finding help others. It can be difficult to decide what you want to do in life. Either circumstances force one to do one thing (usually financial circumstances), or abilities for several things are revealed. But if you are good at something, you like it, and you feel that it is significant, you need to do it. Even to the detriment of the pocket. For there is nothing more valuable than the disclosure of one's own potential.

The Japanese assure that a person needs to radically change his occupation at least once every 5 years in order to maintain his creative fire and intellectual strength. The trouble is, this approach almost always runs counter to career advancement. I know, dear friend, that you have seen an upsurge in your work in recent years. So I present to you this congratulation in prose. Because I would like to wish you a rare combination, when success in your career is combined with the creative needs of the individual. May your life find harmony from this birthday.

“Don't have 100 rubles, but have 100 friends” - this is the essence and grain of my congratulatory prose. Sociability is a very valuable character trait, and good friends can help out in trouble much better than a tight wallet. And they will help with advice, and they will give the soul to pour out. Therefore, my friend, let by the next birthday you will have more of those who will say warm words to you (maybe even in poetry), lend their shoulders in difficult times and make you laugh with a joke if suddenly the blues knock on your house.

May from this birthday and from now on, Lady Luck will accompany you everywhere, my friend. If she was unlucky in recent years, then she has a considerable debt. Good luck at work, luck in money, luck in health, and most importantly, luck in relationships. And be moderately passionate, and doubts and fears - down with. Fate helps the brave, and doubly helps the gambling and courageous. Don't be afraid to take the first step. After all, those who made it can count on luck to a greater extent. And don't be discouraged when you fail. Remember this congratulation in prose. The more you are unlucky now, the more Luck will have to pay you in the future.

“It is impossible to break the one who breaks himself every day” - these are the words of wisdom. To you, dear friend, I want to convey this congratulatory prose for your birthday. Always stick to it. Stick to where you need to show willpower, to overcome something, to achieve something. Need to lose an extra ten pounds? This phrase will help you train yourself to do regular jogging, push-ups, and pull-ups. Need to learn a foreign language? Always use your free minute to improve your vocabulary. Etc. It is best to set goals for yourself, as their subsequent achievement will be especially enjoyable.

No matter how many acquaintances, colleagues, neighbors or good comrades you have, they will never be able to replace a true friend. Your friendship has been tested over the years and in different situations. If it so happened that on a wonderful birthday holiday you are not together, do not miss the opportunity to congratulate your friend across the distance. Choose wishes and congratulate the birthday person faster. Do not forget to thank him for his long and loyal friendship.

There is nothing stronger in the world than friendship. It is a great feeling of mutual trust and understanding, support and loyalty. I am proud to have such a wonderful friend like you. Together we are strong! And today, friend, I hasten to congratulate you on your birthday. The years do not stand still, but they teach us to look in a new way at such simple life values ​​as love and friendship. May your most cherished dreams come true on this birthday, may the Lord protect you, not allowing you to commit reckless acts. May there be no regrets in your life, but only a feeling of satisfaction and confidence in the future. Cherish every minute and may the spark of our friendship with you not fade away throughout our life. Happy Birthday!

Happy birthday to the world's best friend! You are always ready to listen and support, encourage and comfort. Even if we do not always communicate and there is not always time for meetings, but whatever happens to you, you can always count on me. I wish you amazing impressions and bright moments on this day!

Do you remember the song "from a smile to all the brighter" and so, this song is about you friend. Because your smile will make everyone happy, and even the most dull person. With your infectious laugh, everyone around is infected. In short, I'm lucky with you. Happy birthday to you, and I wish you never stop at anything! After all, you are that still a man! Happy birthday!

Yes, I can definitely tell you friend that time flows like water. Damn it, it seems like recently we went under the table on foot, but here we are no longer children! Although time is fleeting, but I remember all our adventures with you, all funny situations, and ridiculous incidents! And it was cool. I can say with confidence that I have never regretted that you are my friend! On your name day, I want to wish you a bright and joyful life, only on a positive wave! Well, if there’s no way, it’s okay, then you know - “we’ll solve everything!” Happy birthday!

So the long-awaited holiday has come - a time of fun and good mood. Today, friend, is your birthday! I wish you remarkable health, strength of mind, which will allow you to overcome all life's obstacles. So that the coolest car was in the garage, and there was always a beautiful girl nearby. Let everything in your life turn out exactly the way you want it. I wish you three things - good luck, money and unlimited love of girls, and, of course, good luck in everything! Remember, I am always ready to come to the rescue in difficult times, you can count on me in everything, because this is what a strong male friendship exists for. So let's celebrate this your birthday so that it will be remembered for a long time!

What can you wish your best friend for his birthday? Happiness, love, luck, prosperity, in a word, all the best. But for this I want to wish my friend to always remain a sociable, intelligent and kind guy with whom you can safely go even on a hike, even in exploration, knowing that this person has not only a lion's heart in a wide chest, but also a wit in his head, skillful hands and a wide smile for every day!

Well, old man, today your name day has come again, it's just that I haven't moved away from the last time. So. This year, I wish that all the fortune would be in your hands, and you turned it around as you wanted! I wish that all obstacles would be solved by themselves, and you would not even notice. Always be on a positive wave, and do not give up even when, in principle, this is the only way out! And most importantly, do not forget to sometimes miss a second glass with me, because this is important to me! Happy birthday!

The knowledge that you have become a year older is both frightening and pleasing at the same time. Indeed, for each of your birthday, you repeat your innermost desire, and you become even closer to it. I wish you that all your relatives and friends are proud of you, that your friends are always there. I wish you to love, love life, love home, love everyone who is near, love even a breath of air that gives us life, love and your life is filled with meaning. And I also wish to feel happiness in every person dear to you, in every minute lived, and in my heart. Let there be a holiday in your life every day, let there be joy, fun, loud laughter. Believe in yourself, in your success, in your victory. Just thank the Lord for every day you live, and your life will open up to you in a new way. And also let luck be your friend and open a fairy tale in your life.

I congratulate my invaluable friend on his birthday. You may not become president, but in every country you visit, a gorgeous welcome awaits you. May all innermost desires and childhood dreams come true. I wish to ride only in expensive cars, to give gifts and flowers to girls. All the best and good luck.

On your birthday, my best friend, I wish you, my best friend, a life as bright and exciting as a fantasy novel. May her every day be accompanied by bright moments and wonderful events. I wish you to finally meet your soul mate, a woman with whom you will live for many years in happiness and joy. May luck smile on you, and success always accompanies you in your difficult endeavors. Congratulations!

My best friend congratulate you on your birthday, you always help me, and you always know how to cheer me up, I wish you perfect love in your life, I also wish you success, and eternal good luck to you, may your every wish come true so that you can always be happy with the present , enjoy!

My best friend, I hasten to congratulate you first on this wonderful day. Today is your birthday, and as always, your closest people will gather around you. I wish that they always surround you. May love, loyalty, devotion, health, happiness always go with you. And let all the bad moments pass you by. Let every day be bright and memorable. I wish you to live every minute, enjoy it. Be happy!

On this bright holiday, which cheers up not only you, but also everyone who knows you, I wish you a stormy life. So that there was no time to lie and be bored, not knowing what to do with energy. Let joy always shine in your eyes, and a spark of kindness burns. Let worries add experience, and the robot only brings pleasure. I wish that your heart does not experience suffering, moral torment, but only that it blooms with happiness, love and kindness in it. To overwhelm you with love, and everyone around you feel it. Never feel lonely, although so many people love you that this is simply impossible. I wish you to rejoice every day you have lived, and thank the Lord for another beautiful day. Let your Guardian Angel protect your path and prevent you from falling down. I wish you to live your life so as not to regret absolutely anything, and not to leave unfinished business. Happy birthday. Believe in happiness, it is near.

Happy Birthday Buddy! I want you to know that you are just an exceptional person. You have those positive traits that many people lack. And therefore, I value you very much and with all my heart I wish you to be happy. Let everything be in your life - prosperity, love, carefree fun! Happy Holidays!

Old people or just very smart people often say that if a person has real friends, then he will have everything - wealth, love, a cozy home, and a lot of luck. I don't know if this is true. But I am very happy that I have such a wonderful friend like you. Happy birthday to you, buddy!

Today is my friend's birthday and therefore the mood should be festive, fire burns in his eyes, but a hoppy smile plays on his lips, the phone does not go off for a second and friends are simply obliged to knock on the door one by one. I sincerely congratulate you and wish you to catch a million goldfish that will fulfill your three million wishes!

You never know who you will meet on the path of life. Will this person bring sadness or give joy and warmth. Therefore, I am immensely happy that I was lucky to know you. After all, such a wonderful friend is very difficult to find in our world! And I sincerely wish you a happy birthday! Be happy!

Today we have a holiday - a wonderful person named (name) was born (number) years ago. We wish you to live beautifully and with dignity, achieve your goals and strive for the best, be an open and cheerful person, and also remain a loyal and loyal friend!

Friendship is a round-the-clock concept, because advice or help may be needed at any moment! You are a real man and a great friend, together we can handle anything! I shake your hand and sincerely wish you health, happiness, a pleasant atmosphere in the house and great luck!

Happy birthday to you, buddy! What can you wish for such a wonderful person like you? And so that in life you also have the most wonderful thing - a wonderful car, a wonderful apartment, a wonderful bank account, a wonderful girl. And we will not wish for wonderful friends ... Since you already have us!

You are a smart guy, you are beautiful at heart, you are a wonderful companion and the most loyal friend! I wish you a happy birthday! I want to wish you everything and more, may there be no troubles on your way, and success and luck pursuit at every step! So that you do not know what disappointment is, but you only know happiness!

Oh, if you remember how much we had during our friendship! There are not enough words and fingers to count and describe everything. To you, my friend, today I congratulate you on your birthday and wish you only positive, good luck and success! You are a worthy and strong person, and I am sure that you will achieve everything in this difficult life.

I wish you that dreams come true, that only the bright moments of life are remembered. May your career growth be successful and beneficial in all your endeavors. I want to wish you a Happy Birthday, all the best to you, my dear friend.

My faithful and devoted friend you have a holiday today, this holiday is called Birthday. My wishes to you, be honest, so that you would not be ashamed to look into the eyes of others in our idle life, leave childishness and become a man, and always be able to stand up for yourself.

Dear friend. I hasten to congratulate you on your birthday ”And I want to wish you that there are no obstacles on your life path. May you have a close-knit strong family and a loving wife and many loyal and reliable friends.

It is sung well in a children's song about friendship, that it is strong as steel and will not come apart from rains and blizzards. A friend will never leave in trouble if he is really a real friend. I am one hundred percent confident in my friend. Today he celebrates his birthday. From the bottom of my heart I congratulate and wish you a lot - a lot of happiness, good health and good luck. Let all sorrows and troubles go around, let a guiding star illuminate your path. All earthly blessings to you, prosperity and success and luck in everything.

Buddy, accept my most sincere wishes for your holiday today. May your birthday bring you a wonderful mood, may your dream come true, may life give you only happy moments. I wish you good health, patience in everything and steadfast endurance. May hope, faith and love always accompany you. May good friends delight you with good news. Long life to you, prosperity and luck in everything. May the Lord always protect you.

Dear friend, we have traveled a lot of roads together, and we have had a lot of trials. But we were able to overcome everything, because on, then it is a real friendship. On your birthday, please accept my most sincere congratulations. May your personal holiday bring you good luck and good mood, may every day bring you only pleasant moments. Always be the master of your destiny. May only reliable friends meet on your way, may your dreams come true. May troubles and misfortunes not touch you in life, may a kind angel always protect you

My best friend, we have gone through so much together, sometimes we even quarreled at times. But our male friendship can be called holy. After all, for the sake of each other, we are ready to fire and water, ready to come to the rescue at any moment. Accept, my friend, the most sincere congratulations on your birthday. I wish to celebrate this solemn occasion with dignity. With all my heart I wish you success, great happiness, peace, prosperity. May your life be long and beautiful. I wish you to meet true, pure love.

My friend, accept the warmest congratulations on your birthday. I wish you great success in everything, good health, and a peaceful sky. May fate be favorable to you, and fortune often smiles. May you be surrounded by reliable friends, may your dreams come true, may all problems be solved easily and simply. May life be as pure as spring water, may all doubts disappear from life. Good health to you, real luck, a peaceful sky and all earthly blessings. May the Lord give you blessings and protect you from all failures

Friend! Today, on such a wonderful day, I want to congratulate you happiness, health, good luck and success! As Pythagoras said: "Live with people so that your friends do not become enemies, and enemies become friends." Happy Birthday!

Today I do not just congratulate you - I say "thank you" for your friendship. For strength, which is always good. For wisdom, which only grows over the years. For loyalty that no trials and temptations can shake. Let any thunderstorms sweep by, clearing the everyday sky from the clouds. Let the sun become brighter, and the light of the guiding star, like a beacon, guides you from dreams to accomplishments. Always be happy and believe in your luck!

Strong friendships are not so common these days. And not everyone can boast of this, but we can! I wish you only what you yourself want and not a drop more or less! After all, you yourself know exactly what to wish for and how much. Happy Holidays!

As soon as it turned 12, I write you a message.
Congratulations, my friend, on your birthday.
You are brave, brave, but remember about your luck.
And I hope I mean a lot to you too.

I want you on your birthday
Wanting to be a little drunk from life,
Kindness, a lot of money, luck,
Mutual love constant!
Happy birthday!

Let life sometimes be unfair, -
Our friend is not fearful:
Everything will stand, and we will help
And we will put our whole souls into feelings for her.
Let's cry together if necessary
We'll add a dose of poison to the enemy,
Let's fix things together
Let's make life move
We will urgently find her a lot of colors,
Merry masquerade masks ...
But now it's time for me to wrap up -
You have no time to listen to me.
You are twenty again today.
Let's close the circle for this!

I congratulate you on your birthday, my friend. I wish that every step in your life was successful, that all your deeds were accompanied by success. Let your beloved woman illuminate your every day and make you the happiest person of all, and the house will always be warm and cozy. Be happy buddy!

My dear friend! Life is difficult, but on your birthday, I wish you could do it easily. Let your dreams come true. More creative ideas and thoughts for you. I wish you to reach heights and never fall. And let your beloved inspire you every day. Happy Birthday!

Today is a special, wonderful, glorious day:
From Pozdravunchik - flowers, gifts, toasts, congratulations!
After all, this triumph is yours, it’s the main thing in life.
Today, friend, is your birthday!

Dear friend, today is your anniversary! And on this day I am glad to wish you health, strong as whiskey, cloudless life, wonderful love. I want to say thank you for supporting me in the dark moments of my life. Your day is so happy for me. So be always the same cheerful, kind, ready to help in any difficult situation. Happy anniversary!

Old people or just very smart people often say that if a person has real friends, then he will have everything - wealth, love, a cozy home, and a lot of luck. I don't know if this is true. But I am very happy that I have such a wonderful friend like you. Happy birthday to you, buddy!

On your birthday, I wish you bright emotions, unforgettable meetings and a flight of the soul, because life is measured not by the number of breaths, but by the moments when it catches your breath!

Happy Birthday! I wish you not to know irreparable losses and to intelligently adjust your outlook on life so that you are always happy.

Hello friend! Today is your birthday, which I wish to celebrate well. And also I want to wish a kilogram of money, 10 kilos - good luck, a centner - happiness and tons of love! Happy Holidays!

You never know who you will meet on the path of life. Will this person bring sadness or give joy and warmth. Therefore, I am immensely happy that I was lucky to know you. After all, such a wonderful friend is very difficult to find in our world! And I sincerely wish you a happy birthday! Be happy!

You are a true friend! And this is not subject to discussion! We congratulate you on your birthday and we want to say only one thing: let all dreams come true, then there will be joy in your house, success at work, luck in life, and happiness in your eyes!

My friend! Congratulations on the happiest day of the year, happy birthday! Wish for love? She already exists, or maybe happiness? You won it long ago. Or career growth? But you are already the boss. I wish you in your soul to remain forever young, not to lose yourself and not waste your time on trifles!

My dear friend, I want to wish you a Happy Birthday and wish you courage and perseverance. Take everything you can from life, because all this is not given to us in vain. And remember that life is not given twice and live happily and carelessly, but do not forget about business either. Happiness to you.

Dear friend. I hasten to congratulate you on your birthday ”And I want to wish you that there are no obstacles on your life path. May you have a close-knit strong family and a loving wife and many loyal and reliable friends.

Friendship is the purest and most holy word Happy is he who has a reliable, faithful friend. Probably, I am also one of the lucky ones, because I also have a loyal friend. We have been friends for a long time, and our feelings have been tested. Dear friend, from the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on your birthday. May luck always be next to you, may fate be favorable to you. All the best to you in life, prosperity and well-being. May you always be lucky in everything, be confident and happy. Let the angel protect you.

Shoulder to shoulder, you and I have been walking along the same path for many years. You are my best, most real friend. We ate more than one pound of salt. We divide all sorrows and joys in half, help each other with advice and deed. Today is your birthday. Please accept my sincere congratulations on your personal holiday. I wish you a great mood, great happiness, good luck in all your endeavors and all the very best. May beautiful love be sure to meet you, may all your cherished desires come true.

Only true male friendship gives us confidence in life. If a reliable friend is nearby, no problems are terrible. I am proud of my friend, and on my birthday I want to wish you great luck, cloudless happiness and all the very best. May all your desires come true, may every day bring good news. Always be energetic, fair and honest. I wish you good health, all earthly blessings. Let friends visit your house, let all the bad weather go around, let everything work out for you, as best as possible

True friendship is always boundless and light. When a reliable friend is around, you can handle all the problems. Dear friend, on your birthday, I want to be the first to congratulate you on such a wonderful event. With all my heart, I wish you a lot of joy, luck and success in all your endeavors. May you be lucky in everything, always, may only good news always knock on your house. I wish to meet you true love. May everything that you have conceived come true, may a kind angel always accompany you.

A birthday is an occasion to come to a person and say what is in his heart. So, I declare with a clear conscience: I have joy in my heart that you, dear birthday man, exist in the world. That you decorate our life, come to the rescue and just love to live. Thank you for everything and for bringing us all together.

Be happy, be healthy, be confident and successful! And let your dreams come true not only on your birthday, but at every moment of your life. I wish you never to find out what disappointment and betrayal are, to swim in love and money, to remember that the night is followed by dawn, and after the rain the sun always returns to the sky. Let no one hurt you. Do not get tired of victories and achievements, dream, strive for the stars and believe in your star of luck!

When the time comes to rest, then you can calmly breathe deeply and smile. The time has come, the moment has come when you can not think about anything, but just smile, give yourself peace of mind. I congratulate you on this holiday! Let the moments happen more often when you can always take a breath, feel the notes of happiness deep inside yourself and give this happiness to those around you. Health and joy to you!

Happy Birthday! I wish you strong Siberian health, crazy love, reliable and loyal friends - like me - and remain the same wonderful person!

Happy birthday to my dear friend. Once Abraham Lincoln said: "The best part of our life is made up of friends." Indeed, you, my friend, are the decoration of my life. I am proud of our friendship and wish both of us its continued prosperity.