The most expensive hair paints in the world. What properties should have the best hair paint. The list of less well-known companies includes

No fashionista represents itself without a complete or partial shift of the natural color of the hair on any other with different colors. None of them will neglect fashionable trends. However, not every beautiful woman has the opportunity to pamper himself with frequent visits to beauty salons. Having an idea of \u200b\u200bhow quality paint and getting minimal color skills, you can independently achieve a stunning result.

It becomes more difficult to figure out among the most huge amount of paints for hair of various colors and choose a really high-quality, which will have a hair sparing for hair, will give them a persistent and rich color, and protects the hair from negative exposure from the outside. In this regard, I decided to make my own hair paints rating based on the reviews and collaboration of paints,which are perfect for home use, and have become permanent friends of modern women who have surpassed a great many different funds. So, what paint is better to paint your hair? I collected together the opinions of women of various ages and social status to answer this question. I present to your attention the 10 best professional colors for hair.

Top 10: Which hair paint is better to choose

Gold Medal - L'Oreal Casting Creme Gloss

dye without ammonia from the leading cosmetic company "Loreal". When creating this product, the company used new technologies and safe natural ingredients that give hair well-kept and healthy appearance.

L'Oreal Casting Creme Gloss also ranks first and ranking the "best non-ammody hair paints".


  • very gentle non-ammatic component;
  • there are 28 different shades in the palette;
  • saves natural shine Lockonov;
  • promotes increased color durability;
  • perfectly copes with gray;
  • gives softness and silkiness;
  • existing shades allow creating unusual color with a plurality of overflows;
  • suitable for both salon and home dyeing;
  • paint is excellent fixed on Lokonch and does not flow;
  • there is no caustic smell.


  • high price;
  • it is rapidly spent - for staining of long curls, it may be necessary to need more perfume packages.

Silver - Garnier Color & Shine

The Garnier company has not disappointed its fans - the paint "Garnier Color & Shine" is among the most sought-after cosmetics for hair color without ammonia. According to the reviews of the surveyed women who are constantly experimenting with the color of the curls, Garnier Color & Shine ranked first in the rating "The most resistant hair dye".


  • is ideal for hair coloring within one shade;
  • has increased color durability;
  • conducive to "revival" of the appearance of the hair;
  • contributes to a smooth transition to the natural color of the curl after unsuccessful staining;
  • applies hair Glossy effect, they become soft, shiny and very obedient;
  • paint formula protects hair from cutting;
  • relevant for thin and rare curls;
  • in the palette there are 14 shades.


  • the paint is not suitable for the cardinal variace image;
  • fully does not cope with the gray.

Bronze - Estel Deluxe

Estel Professional Deluxe in a short time has gained great popularity in our country and neighboring countries. The product is designed by qualified specialists and well-known stylists who used the complex a comprehensive approach to create highly efficient professional hair care paint.

Estel Professional Deluxe occupies a leading place in the ranking "The best paints for gray hair".


  • it has a pleasant texture and easily applied to curls;
  • there are no ammonia drops in the composition, which makes it very gentle for hair;
  • when properly chosen oxygen has excellent resistance;
  • includes non-standard shades that are used for creative staining;
  • it has a democratic value:
  • applies hair Softness and silky;
  • returns the natural shine of the chapelur;
  • it has a pleasant sweet smell.


  • the effect of the glossy is kept for about three days;
  • with frequent head wash hair quickly dump.

Fourth place - Kapous Professional

meets the highest standards and is famous for a pleasant combination of price and quality. The color palette of this paint has a large number of predominantly positive feedback among amateurs to experiment with the color of their hair.

What paint for hair better paints seeding? Most pre-age women responded: "Kapous Professional".


  • low product cost;
  • does not contain ammonia, making paint harmless;
  • economical - volume of tube grabs two or three staining;
  • ideally masks gray;
  • includes harmless components that contain nutrient trace elements;
  • allows for frequent painting without harming curls;
  • makes hair live, volume and beautiful;


  • with incorrect selection of a light shade to the existing color of the chapels, yellow appears;
  • light shades have a sharp smell;
  • sometimes the claimed color in the palette does not coincide with the shade obtained on her hair.

Fifth place - Schwarzkopf Essential Color

Schwarzkopf Essential Color - WITHOUT ammonia paint, which includes various natural components. To date, Schwarzkopf is the most popular brand in the world that produces products that helps make hair luxurious, give them a bright color and desired shape.

Which paint is longer delayed on the hair - according to the reviews of the fair sex, the paint "Schwarzkopf Essential Color" is the best professional paint for hair, which paints hair exactly in the color palette that was declared on the packageThis is spent the minimum amount of coloring agent.


  • makes curls with elastic and elastic;
  • gives the chapelur delightful shine;
  • contains in palette 20 shades;
  • unique formula paints gives hair alive and persistent color;
  • promotes increase in volume;
  • does not require special care after painting;
  • protects strands from roots to tips;
  • makes hair obedient;
  • actual for thin and rare curls.


  • with improper selection of consistency, hair is beginning to fall out;
  • with a frequent washing head, the paint shows low resistance - on the second week after the color is noticed by the color of the color.

Sixth place - Matrix Color Sync

- famous harmless dye curls, which does not contain a drop of ammonia. This paint is very famous for its unique effect - hair glazing. Manufacturers claim that the "Matrix Color Sync" paint holds on her hair and saves its color up to four or five months.


  • able to give curls from natural to avant-garde shade;
  • fine I. easily distributed by hair;
  • guarantees a smooth shade;
  • it has amazingly high color durability;
  • volume in tubes Enough for several uses.

Disadvantages:high cost product.

Seventh place - Wella Wellaton

The palette of the paint "Wella Wellaton" is divided into three groups: an extensive color gamut of light, dark shades and bright red colors. As part of the paint Components are used that can slow down the time And save your youth longest.


  • gives chapelur saturated color;
  • gives natural softness and Live color;
  • protects curls from the destructive effects of external factors;
  • guarantees uniform staining;
  • it has acceptable value;


  • he has a sharp, not very pleasant smell;
  • after the first painting, the claimed color is sometimes different from the resulting;
  • the paint is absolutely not resistant - a couple of weeks later, the change of hair shade is noticeable.

Eighth place - Londa Professional

Londa Professional - Hair Paint, able to easily penetrate deeply inside the hair and provide it in saturated and resistant color. The main components of the paints are natural wax and lipids, thanks to which the hair simultaneously receive amazing bright color and protection against the negative impact of external factors.

Many women note that the paint "Londa Professional" absolutely does not spoil the hair, despite the fact that its composition contains a small dose of ammonia. The thing is that the action of this component is neutralized by adding special components to the paint, which protect the hair during staining.


  • canceled Paints gray;
  • gives the hair vitality;
  • returns the natural shine;
  • the palette has 91 shades;
  • does hair obedient;
  • has a nice sour smell;
  • relevant for thin and rare curls.


  • does not have high resistance;
  • high product cost;
  • requires special care after painting.

Ninth place - Chi Infra No Lift

CHI INFRA NO LIFT is a non-ammatic paint that can be used for complete or partial dyeing not only natural hair, but also previously painted curls. This paint is often used to plot, coloring and other coloring techniques.

Paint "CHI INFRA NO LIFT" is innovative product providing high-quality hair staining, and restores their structure - the biolanation is obtained. In addition, it contains so harmless components that it can be easily used on damaged hair.


  • does not contain a drop of ammonia;
  • easily applied and distributed through the hair;
  • makes it possible to get a rich shade;
  • provides careful painting;
  • returns natural shine;
  • provides a healthy view of the curls;
  • in the palette there are 9 shades;
  • gives smooth color even the most damaged hair;
  • relevant for rare and thin curves.

Disadvantages:very high cost.

Tenth - C: Ehko Co. Explosion

C: Ehko Coral Explosion - Hair paint, which enriched with almond protein and keratin. It has not only a stunning painting effect, but also fights with some problems of curls.


  • improves hair structure;
  • returns curls Healthy appearance;
  • gives hair natural shine and beauty;
  • applied neatly and evenly;
  • provides hair resistant hair;
  • perfectly paints seeds;
  • rich wide selection of color gamut - 105 shades;
  • relevant for thin and rare hair.

Disadvantages:in addition, the head washing the head paint quickly dirty and washed off.

What hair paint is the best: reviews

A few days ago in the capital of our country was held online conference with a number of specialists in the field of cosmetic art. One of the sites broadcast this event in the live ether. Everyone had the opportunity to ask questions to invite guests. I bring to your attention the comments of experts who relate to our today's topic.

Angela, 25 years old

It has always been very positive about the products of Schwarzkopf and I always used it. When the "Schwarzkopf Essential Color" paint appeared on the market, I immediately acquired it and painted myself. To my great chagrin, the result turned out to be disappointing: a week after painting, the hair began to fall out, the ends of the curls became sequential, I do not observe any visual volume and finally also appeared dandruff. In general, money for the wind. Very disappointed and I do not advise anyone.

Expert answer:Perhaps you have individual intolerance to any component that is part of this paint. Before applying the solution on the hair, you needed to check it on an allergic reaction. To know for sure that the reason for this, apply a slightly remaining solution on the wrist and wait 5-7 minutes. If you feel discomfort or itching itching, burning - you need to abandon this paint and try something else, and it is best to consult with a specialist in the beauty salon. Good luck and health to you and your curls!

Ivonna, 20 years

Usually I appeal to the beauty salon for partial or complete staining. I would like to try to paint your hair yourself and experiment with shades. Tell me, please, what paint it is better to use beginners and what basic rules should be followed during painting?

Expert answer:For the first time it is better to use a non-ammmonic paint - even if you do something wrong, you will not cause your special damage to your curls. You can easily independently spend the color of the house - it is famous for a pleasant texture and easily applied to curls. Initially, check the paint on an allergic reaction. Then, before applying the dye to the curls, lubricate the skin on your head with any fat cream - it will contribute to its protection against the aggressive effects of paint. Start coloring hair, retreating from the roots of 3-5 cm, and apply paint on them only after graduating from painting the main length and tips of the hair. The exposure time ranges between 30 and 50 minutes - it depends on the selected shade. Good luck to you in your endeavors!

Nina, 42 years

The first admiring feedback on the paint "Capus Studio" I heard at work from a colleague, which reported that for masking of gray hair, this composition is universal. Very pleased with the low price and the volume of the tube in 100 ml, it is enough for three staining. Only one thing was pleased: I use a shade 8.3, which is considered to be gold color. However, I sometimes appear an unpleasant yellow hair. My master recommended me to paint the roots of the hair with a shade of 8.8, that is, to make them darker - the result turned out to be otned. I use this paint for half a year and completely forgot about gray. In addition, I do not notice any deterioration of the condition of the hair, although we typed every three weeks - the position obliges to be always in a tone. I recommend to everyone!

Expert answer: All components that are part of this paint are absolutely harmless and contain nutrient trace elements. Therefore, it is permissible quite frequent use of its use not only for painting, but also to maintain the condition of the hair ideally. However, you will not at all hurt at least once a week to do. I am very glad that you all happen!

Top 10 best paints for hair on video

Everyone knows that girls and women love to experiment with the color of their hair. However, among the abundance of various means for painting it is difficult to choose a truly high-quality product. Honestly, how many people are so many opinions. I propose to watch the video on which the top 10 best paints are presented. Watch the video and do not forget that the choice is always only for you.

On this, probably, we will end our conversation. I really hope that this article helped you draw up your opinion on the best professional paints. Feel free and ask any questions that you could arise additionally - I will definitely give you a full and exhaustive answer. In addition, if you have found a more sparing eye paint option - share information with me. Good luck to you and the desired color of the curls!

1 - Best Natural Coloring.

At all times, the women of the whole world seek to look attractive, and it makes them constantly experiment on themselves. Without the last place in the care of appearance takes care of hair, all sorts of care products, haircuts, creating hairstyles and, naturally, staining has always played an important role in creating an image. Various ways to change the color of the hair were known in antiquity. Since then, the development of the global beauty industry has occurred at a huge speed and at present the number of types of paints for hair is so large that the women can choose not only from a huge range of colors, but the approach to the staining process can be different. The modern market offers a huge selection of goods capable of satisfying the most demanding customers.

This article represents the dyes of the most common categories, each of which is intended to solve certain tasks.

Best gentle hair paints

As a rule, gentle paints are called such that do not contain aggressive components, namely ammonia and hydrogen peroxide. The paints of this type are relatively harmless to the hair and are suitable for those who worry about the health of their hair and do not want to expose them to serious stress in the process of painting or owners of dry, brittle hair.

3 Wella

Evaluation (2018):4.7

Benefits: Best paint with demi-permanent dye

Producing country: Germany

Dignity disadvantages
  • No ammonia
  • Creamy consistency
  • Rich and bright color
  • Competitive price
  • In some cases, seven days after painting there is a dryness of hair

The well-known German firm Wella in his line of professional paints has released a means for gentling staining - Color Touch. Having a creamy consistency, this demi-permanent dye is considered one of the best properties. The composition of stability paint occupies an intermediate position between the shadows and strong dyes. The Wella Color Touch formula does not contain ammonia in its composition, enriched with natural substances that feed the hair: liquid keratin and natural wax. Such a composition contributes to the fact that in the process of coloring hair is not damaged, and on the contrary, they acquire a well-kept view, a rich bright shade and softness. The oxidizer used for staining contributes to holding moisture with hair, it gives an additional volume and hair seal.

Evaluation (2018):4.8

Benefits: Convenient and fast application

Producing country: Germany

Dignity disadvantages
  • No ammonia
  • Produced in the form of mousse
  • Easy application, without spreading
  • No unpleasant odor
  • Ergonomic piston
  • The manufacturer does not indicate the percentage of an oxidizing agent.
  • The resistance declared by the manufacturer is somewhat overestimated

The famous German firm Schwarzkoupf & Henkel has created an unusual hair paint - Perfect Mousse, represented as a mousse. Paint very quickly received consumer recognition due to the convenience and speed of application. The whole process of applying light foam, really takes no more than seven minutes, which is much less than when using any other means. You also will not need to use a brush to evenly distribute the paint, you only need to comb your rod to the ridge so that the foam covered each hairs. An important meaning is that there is no ammonia in the paint and other aggressive components, i.e., the structure of the hair is not injured in the process of staining. The manufacturer gives a guarantee of 100 percent resistance and hair gloss.

1 L'Oreal

Evaluation (2018):4.8

Benefits: The most sought-after paint without ammonia

Producing country: France

Casting Creme Gloss's paint cream of the famous French firm Loreal has won a special popularity from buyers among cream-colors for careful staining. Dyes of this series do not contain ammonia, the manufacturer replaced it with chemically active compounds that allow painting to be painted almost without harm to hair. Hydrogen peroxide, also negatively affecting the structure of the hair, is also not included in the paint. And besides, the casting cream contains natural uterine milk, feeding curls from the inside, making them soft, silky, giving glitter, bright and rich color, which will last a few weeks.

Best Professional Hair Paints

Professional hair coloring products are developed in a special way, the master in the process of work independently determines the desired amount of the oxidizing agent and the dye, mixing them, achieves the desired by the client with a shade. Recently, women are increasingly acquiring professional tools for use at home. Manufacturers instantly responded to this and began to produce convenient, easy-to-use paints in this category with understandable instructions.

Evaluation (2018):4.6

Benefits: Care in the dyeing process

Producing country: USA

Hair products, including dyes from the American company MATRIX, are widely used by hairdressers, and also become popular with ordinary buyers. The company's specialists have made every effort to maximize the color of the color. The innovative composition of the dye, developed by them, allows you to get a full-color natural shade, completely paint gray hair. The result is saved for several weeks. The equipment includes air conditioning substances, as well as various oils, which provides excellent care during coloring. And although Matrix is \u200b\u200bmainly considered a means for professionals, will not work any work to use it at home. The texture of the paint in the form of a cream is conveniently distributed on the hair, the step-by-step instruction will not cause difficulties.

2 Syoss.

Evaluation (2018):4.7

Benefits: Professional quality for affordable price

Producing country: Russia

If you want for an acceptable cost to get a professional tool for staining hair, look at the products from the Russian company Syoss. The price of this product does not go beyond the budget segment, while it has the properties of the cabin level. Thus, if you do not have a sufficient time to visit the cabin, you can cite yourself in a decent view of the house, while not harming the hair and getting an excellent result. As part of the paints from Syoss there is a mass of feed and healthy hair components, it will provide your hair like a good care. A huge variety of colors makes it possible to choose the desired shade to the most demanding taste: blondes, brunettes and browns will be able to pick up something suitable for themselves.

Evaluation (2018):4.9

Benefits: Excellent resistance

Producing country: Russia

The Russian company Kapous, producing cosmetics, one of the first released a line of goods for gentle care. Among them, you can note the paints for hair with excellent resistance, have already managed to conquer the love of many women. All tools are developed and tested taking into account modern world standards, thus the quality of the goods entering the counters is not doubtful. The professional tool for painting from Kapous is popular in both simple hairdressers and the top stylists, as well as ordinary buyers. Consumers like saturated and bright shades, the long-lasting effect of staining (saved from four to eight weeks).

The best paints that paint gray

The main property of the paints used to get rid of the seeds is precisely the durability, therefore, various tonic and light, secure means for this purpose are not suitable. Get rid of the appeared seats will only help paints with ammonia, it breaks down the structure of the changed hair, so that they are already rid of the painting pigment, which should be strengthened in the hairs.

3 Londa.

Evaluation (2018):4.7

Benefits: Affordable price

Producing country: Germany

Dignity disadvantages
  • Fully paints gray hair
  • Gives bright, rich color
  • It has low cost
  • The preparation process is somewhat difficult (pills are required)
  • After painting there is dry hair
  • Nasty smell

The most affordable paint for the stratching of gray hair produces the German company Londa. The company appeared on the market in the second half of the last century. However, to this day, the firm continues to keep its position in popularity from buyers. And if earlier paints from Lunda were produced only for a segment of mass consumption, now the company has reached a new stage of development, launching the production of professional series products. Londacolor's paint line is the most popular among consumers. The paints of this series in its composition have lipids and microspheres, providing brilliant, rich color and smoothness of hair. Singing the best paints the Single dye, relating to budget funds. Here, the developer, made in the form of tablets, is already included with the dye.


Evaluation (2018):4.8

Benefits: Variety of natural shades

Producing country: France

A huge number of beautiful shades, more than 60, has a special line of paints, painting seeding, Estel de Luxe Silver. The product belongs to a series of professional, has improved quality. The paint is easy to use, completely eliminates gray hair, the improved formula gives a warranty of persistent, saturated color. Easy structure contributes to a uniform distribution of paint on her hair, without spreading. If the coloring procedure is performed exactly according to the instructions, the resulting color will fully match the expected.

Evaluation (2018):4.9

Benefits: 100% Painting Seeds and Care

Producing country: France

In the line of funds manufactured for mass consumption, paint is highlighted for staining gray hair from Garnier - Color Naturals. The paint will perfectly perform the task set in front of it, evenly paints the hair even if the seed is 80-90 percent, give the brightness and saturation of the color. A particularly successful decision, this paint will become for blonde women or those who want to become. In the palette of thirty different shades, most belongs to the light tones. But dark-haired ladies should not be upset, the five most popular shades of dark color are also present. The formula of the dye includes avocado oils, olives and karite, it allows you to save hair soft and shining.

Best Natural Hair Paint

The most natural of all available means is Henna. Since ancient times, it has been used to give hair shade or to strengthen hair. The benefits of the use of this dye are heard, perhaps, everything, but not everyone knows about the negative points. Let's start with the fact that it is impossible to overlap it, it will be necessary to wait until it completely wakes up. You can also note the lack of diversity in choosing a color, for lovers to experiment this is a big minus. Well, the process of coloring is quite a lot of inconvenience: applying a casczyce mixture and its uniform distribution requires high time and effort.

Evaluation (2018):4.9

Benefits: Best natural dyeing

Producing country: USA

Among the best natural equipment for hair color, it should undoubtedly be noted HNU. The most popular in consumers became Henna from the American company Rainbow Research. In the manufacturing process, the manufacturer does not use chemicals and pesticides, so you can be sure that the hair after its use will not suffer. The company owns Plantation of Lawsonia inermis trees, from its dried leaves and paint is made. The cooked powder is placed in the package without air access so that it retains its properties longer. In addition to the leaves, other natural components are added to the henna, for example, chamomile flowers, in order to obtain various shades.

Beautiful hair - a dream of any girl. If they are minimally affected by them, then natural beauty, of course, can be preserved, but how sometimes I want experiments: completely change the image, paint your hair in another shade or even completely change the color with dark on the light or vice versa. In this case, the question arises, what kind of paint is the mostharmless. To understand this issue, we analyzed the composition of popular professional and budgetary colors, and also revealed the topic of healthy and beautiful hair.

What is the paint harmful and why not save?

In normal salons, prices for dyeing will exceed a thousand rubles and this is explained - high-quality and harmless paints, where many oils and useful substances cannot cost cheaply.

Then wishes to save, go to buy paint for 100-300 rubles, looking at the screaming inscriptions on the packaging "with oils", "with a unique formula", etc. The reality is such that the percentage of harmful substances exceeds 50% and if early, the hair was dry and thin, then after such staining, it is easier to cut them under the base. It is hard to find cheap natural components that replace chemicals. It's easier to add more chemistry to color at least manifested itself, which results in grains and length as a result.

Why for blondes and brunettes - the most harmful dyes?

  • Increased ammonia content

In order for the color to be saturated and manifested itself on the hair, I need a dose of ammonia, so it is added in such a quantity that with a healthy chapel, you can immediately say goodbye. If you open the cheap paint, then this chemical fragrance will pierce you to tears, and now imagine what will happen to your hair?

To understand the principle of the influence of ammonia, take a look at the structure of the hair near:

Every hair has scales and if he is healthy, then these scales are closed, and the hair looks like this:

When ammonia comes into business, it penetrates the hair, opening and exfoliating scales, which in the approximate version looks like this:

The seeds appear, somewhere appear, and there are a lot of "pleasant" bonuses. This is how the damaged chapelur looks from afar:

  • Bright color is achieved by high chemistry

Can paint be absolutely harmless?

It is worth understanding that for dying of any kind, you need a dose of chemicals that a priori cannot be useful for hair. The proportion of chemicals for the total amount is important - in high-quality paints, this ratio is about 10-20% of 100%, the rest is natural dyes, oils and acids, useful for beautiful chapels. The dyes themselves do not represent a special danger, since they add the greatest number of caring substances.

It is dangerous to connect with oxide (developer), as it is, in fact, the chemical. The higher the percentage of oxide, the brighter the paint will appear and the more hair damage will be, so cheap paints, where the caring components are minimal, strongly affects the beautiful hair, drying completely hair. For this reason, many stylists advise to go out of color in color gradually. This is especially true when the blonde is painted in a brunette and vice versa. Gradually - it means for 2-3 staining, moving towards the desired color. If your hair is porous and dry, then pay attention to it!

Overview of popular harmless paints for 2018

As part of jojoba oil, does not contain ammonia. Collects and restores the hair, suitable for toning. It has caring components. In the picture on the left, the paint is shown, and on the right - the oxidizing agent is 1.9%. For brunettes and blondes suitable oxide of 2.7%.

  • Londa resistant cream paint and toning

Paint and toning means VITAFLECTION microspheres. When exposed to microspheres on the structure of the hair, they are connected to each other, creating a resistant effect and fusing them with glitter. Oxidifiers are represented from 1.9% to 12%. The first dye (in orange packaging) is intended for tinting, the second - for persistent application.

Paint without ammonia and suitable for lightweight. It has components for glitter. Diacalor oxidizers are suitable.

As part of ionen G and Incell molecule. The unique formula promotes paint resistance and carecable effect. Creamy oxides are suitable. Large palette of colors, especially for blondes and brunettes. When switching to 2 tones and more, the oxide should be selected at least 6%.

The unique formula, as part of which ceramic and jojoba oil. These components are healing hair, and the conditioning complex containing polymers will leave the hair with healthy and shiny.

There are several kinds of paint. The photo above shows the resistant cream paint. The Igora Royal line is distinguished by vitamin B7 in composition and silica. Biotin protects hair, and the remaining components - retain color and nourish. There are several subgroups in the line with different shades and resistance.

What do you need for independent staining?

  • Gloves

From paint, you can get a burn or just dry your hands.

  • Brush

It is more convenient to distribute paint in length.

  • Capacity for paint breeding

If there is nothing suitable, you can use a disposable container.

  • Comb with rare cloths

It is more convenient to divide the hair on the probes.

  • Cape or unnecessary clothes

It is necessary in order not to spoil normal clothing. Some paints are hardly erased with fabrics and spoil things.

The hairpins will be easier to divide the hair into several parts for the most comfortable staining.

  • Shower cap

The cap is needed in order not to sleep everything around after applying.

Hair is already spoiled: what to do?

  • Correct care

In daily care, oils and silicones must be present. It is necessary to try to minimize the use of the hair dryer, the bad and minimally affect the hair with hot steam.

Also, pay attention to the gum - there should be no metal fasteners on them so that the hair does not break and clung. Try to care as much as possible and how to make styling at least 1 month. Otherwise, you will have to cut off the length and walk with very short hair.

  • Keratin

Suitable for those who want to cure and straighten their hair. Keratin reliably envelops hair, creating a protective film. The effect of straightening is achieved by weighting, so we do not advise you to make such a procedure with the owners of too thin and rare hair, as the effects of the gels will appear.

  • Botoks.

It is necessary to make at least 3-5 procedures for the long-term effect. Botox restores the hair structure, gives it shine, but does not straighten. The effect of this procedure is only internal and external as shine.

  • Masks

It is necessary to make 2-3 times a week feeding and restoring masks. If the hair is strongly spoiled, we advise you to apply coconut or burial oil for the night along the entire length.

  • Oil

Oils nourish and make hair shiny. If you are interested in the nutrition more, you will choose a rayon, and if in the brilliance, then coconut. Effective option - smear a few drops for a length and go to bed.

Are Silicon harmful?

In pursuit of the best effect, which women do not try. Now the natural care has become especially popular, and Silicon has become a terrible component, which is so insistently everyone is trying to avoid. The truth is that Silicone protects hair, creating a protective film, and oils and other natural components - nourish from the inside, so stop the silicone, if the hair is already spoiled.

On the picture below you see the effect of silicone as part of caring funds. Oils and other natural components are represented as crystals, and the yellow coating is silicone. It is not at all dangerous and even needed to restore beautiful chapels.

What is the care worth avoiding?

  • Shampoo for volume

The volume is achieved by drying hair. If you use this care immediately after painting, then be prepared for the tubed hair.

  • Peelings

Having sewed dead particles not earlier than in a week, so as not to cause extra irritation on the skin of the head.

  • Any strong impact

In the first days, avoid any strong impact on the scalp. If the skin is sensitive, it can respond strongly to any strong means.

  • Trichological means

Leave at least a couple of days to treat the skin of the head, so as not to cause side effects.

How often to paint?

Many hair is growing in 2-4 weeks and if we have strongly damaged hair, then such staining can finish them. Contact the master so that you make an easy transition from the roots. So, while your natural length is growing, it will not dissign with tips. After, let's relax and restore them for a month or two. Otherwise, the output one is to cut off the length.

How to deal with stacking?

About stacking with a hot way - forget and try to do, then rarely. Alternative will be soft curlers. If immediately after use, sprinkle the curls with varnish, then you can get elastic curls. If it is immediately combed, fixing the result of varnish - beautiful styling with twisted tips. Pay attention that to achieve elastic curls, curlers should be in large quantities, as you have to take on small strands.

So that the hair was as straight as possible, spread them after washing and dried naturally. If you have straight hair in nature, it will help, the main thing is not to go to bed.

It is painted independently or in the cabin: we will analyze the advantages and disadvantages.

Salon dyeing


  • You can perform complex staining

You can play with color, mixing a few shades, as well as make unusual staining, for example, ombré or simply highlighting.

  • Masters of different categories

You can choose the corresponding staining of the specialist. For example, stylists of initial categories are suitable for ordinary painting.

  • Split length well

An ordinary painting is taught at first occupations of the hairdresser. When painting myself or a person who does not have anything common with hair, there is an opportunity to get stains and uneven spotted color.


  • Each salon has its own brands

All beauty salons collaborate with different brands. Accordingly, all means can only be partners. If you want to paint your hair with your favorite brand, you will have to either look for a salon with such products, or negotiate with the master for staining at home.

  • Long wait

In good salons a tight entry, so if urgently need to paint, you will have to either look for the salon worse or wait for a while.

The cost of good work will cost no less than a thousand rubles, and taking into account the materials - at least 2 thousand, which may be expensive for many people, because it is necessary to paint at least once a month.

Homemade painting


  • Available at any time

You can not put yourself in a temporary frame, making staining at any time of the day and night. Actually for those who leave early and return home very late.

  • Saving time

After applying paint, you have at least 20 minutes to make important things. During this time, you can stay at least to get out, or read at least 5 pages of the book, thereby alone is pleasant with useful.

  • Comfort

There are no irritating factors in the form without a silence of speaking women around and constantly running.


  • Uneven painting

High risk of uneven staining, so if you have a serious job or appearance you have not in the last place, it is better not to risk. If you urgently need to paint, but you are very new, then try the training version of staining - paint your hair first on the tone lighter or darker, and later - in the desired color. For the first time you adapt and the more often you will be painted, the easier it will be better to get it. If there is no time to train, it is better to ask for help from loved ones, or hire a wizard traveling to the house.

  • Mud

Newbies in staining, may inexperience paint everything around themselves. There are such persistent paints that are hard to tip even from hard surfaces, not to mention fabrics.

  • High probability reverse

Newbies will cope with longer with the distribution of funds. As a result, while you proceed your hair completely, the part with which you started the process will need to wash off.

  • Excessive

More often concerns newcomers who cannot see themselves from different sides. Because of the inexperience, you can see the skin seats that in sensitive or problem skin, it can end with rashes, redness or any other negative reaction.

Beautiful yourself: Step-by-step instructions

  • We choose a convenient place where there is a large mirror and you can fit the necessary tubes. It is advisable to choose a place where there is more space to accidentally do not sleep nearby items.
  • We mix the components of the paint in a special container and mix the tip from the brush for staining.
  • After, we take a comb with rare teeth and divide the hair in sections. It is easier to remove the main length to the top and start from the bottom layers. To secure hair, it is more convenient to use special hairpins.

  • Put on the shower cap, so as not to stain anything around and look out the time specified on the package. On average, it is 20-40 minutes.
  • Carefully rinse the paint, then apply the mask for the length and leave it for 10 minutes. After, wash the shampoo mask for painted hair.

Use several mirrors to see your head from different sides. So, you will avoid uneven overlapping color and make it easier to track the process.

  • Find a gentle laying option

If you are constantly straightening the hair by the curling, think about keratin straightening. The effect is the same, but damage is less. Imagine how hard hair worry first painting, and after daily styling with a hot way. Straightening will occur with the weighting of the hair. For weighting, it is impregnated with keratin, which is useful for hair.

  • Contact your specialists if you are not sure to handle staining.

The advantage of this approach is that they will be able to create an ideal tone for you, by mixing a few shades, and also punish evenly, without spots and spaces.

  • Comment correctly

Start from the tips, gradually moving to the roots. When you start right away from the roots, you break and pull out hair, getting into the zone where they are confused. Starting from the tips, the damage will be less.

  • Choose the right comb

Look for a comb with frequent teeth. Such cloves are better fusing the length and smaller hair. Rare teeth leave to perform hairstyles and staining when you need to share your hair over the sample.

  • Math combing

Imagine how much dirt and dust accumulates on the comb. Ideally wash the comb every evening, and at least once every 3-4 days. You can wash under running water with the addition of a minimum cleansing substances.

  • Clean the right

Shampoos and air conditioning

We will not remind you of air conditioning shampoo, but we will remind about masks. It is desirable that they were 2 - one nutritious, the other is deeply cleansing or moisturizing (depending on the type of hair). Mask-peeling for the head is suitable for owners of dry or oily scalp. With its help, dandruff and dry skin will become smaller, and the sebaceous glands will work better. The nutritional mask is needed for owner of any hair, as it is an excellent prevention of chances, dryness and other unpleasant moments. When the hair is strong and well atpon - negative factors affect weaker.

Before drying the hair dryer, do not forget to use thermal protection and oil. Thermal protection is needed from the prevention of dry hair and thinning. The effects of hot pair adversely affects the hair. The oil will reduce the risk of the ends and it will be better to feed them, since hair problems usually begin with tips.

If you use a curling curler, then use styling means that help in the formation of elastic curls. This will significantly save time on the laying.

Ampoules with vitamins, oils or treatment, select individually, according to problems with hair.

  • Vitamins for hair

Health external goes from the inside. It is not worth spending tens of thousands of care if you are not engaged in a problem from the inside, as it will be an empty waste of money. Hair, as well as the rest, need vitamins. When the vitamins in the diet are enough, the hair is shiny and grow well even without auxiliary means. Otherwise, they fall out, and there is no natural glitter.

  • Do not touch hair with your hands

Our hands contain fat and dirt at least in small quantities. The more you touch the hair with these hands, the sooner they become dirty.

  • Try to wash your hair

Not all paints are equally well coped with gray hair. The efficiency of staining also depends on how many gray hair is present on the head. How to choose the paint for the full painting of the seeds?


With a small number of first gray hair on the head, one should not be resorted to a cardinal change of common, to their complete repainting into other darker shades. Try applying. It masks the first seeding, does not spoil the hair structure. In addition, this method of coloring hair visually rejuvenates a woman.

If you have never used the chemical staining hair stainings, did not resort to chemistry, take advantage of natural dyes, such as Henna and Basma, which are not bad to paint gray. Expand the resulting finite color of the hair as a result of these dyes. To find out, in what volumes of the substance you need to mix and the paint for applying the hair you can from the instructions on the package.

When the hair is amazed by gray or completely, they will have to resort to the cardinal measures of their staining. To do this, you need to correctly select the appropriate paint. It must contain ammonia and high oxidant percentage (up to 9%). Such a composition of paint will help create a smooth and rich tone of hair. If you bought a paint that does not contain ammonia, keep in mind that it will paint the hair only temporarily, but quickly meshes, especially from the hair touched by the gray.

Blonde women with gray hair should be painted in ash tones, silver, blond. Reliating gray hair roots in this case will not be noticeable. In turn, all bright shades of paints do not paint gray hair. Because if you have nothing against dark hair shades - use the paint of this type. Try chocolate shades, dark brown, coffee, dark blond, black.

For staining of hair containing gray, give preference to professional paint species. Usually, special air conditioners, balms or oils, which help to secure the resulting color, are attached to the paint packaging for professional staining, which helps secure the resulting color after staining. On the packaging of such a means, the manufacturer should indicate that this tool stacked the seeding.

Being a blonde is not everyone lucky, but it is expensive and unsafe for hair. Therefore, lovers argue with their nature should still think about whether the game is worth the candle.


Hair paint is two species - containing and self-containing ammonia. The first has a more aggressive impact, penetrating the inside of the hair, destroys the natural pigment, due to which the discoloration occurs. Non-ammamy - more sparing, but also hold on her hair no more than three weeks.

Lightening paints are available in three forms - in the form of powder, cream, oil. Powder are the most poor, therefore used mainly for trunk staining -. Cream and oils are very convenient to use, because they do not flow and simultaneously with discoloration take care of her hair.

One of the most popular - Garnier paint ("Garnier") containing moisturizing and protecting components - wheat oil extracts, jojoba and olive oil. In the kit with paint there is a balm that should be applied to the hair after staining. This paint has four clarifying shades - superweight, platinum, sand and natural, it is convenient to use it, because It is a cream gel, and staining takes 20 minutes.

L`oreal paint ("Loreal") is capable of lightening even very dark and gray hair, will not give your hair a yellow shade, in contrast to Garnier long and at the same time thanks to essential oils, collagen and wheat proteins are superbly caring for hair during staining.

If you want to brighten your hair into four or six tones, use Palette paint ("Palett"). The secret of the careful effects of this means is an orange oil in its composition. In addition, this paint is distinguished by a rich color palette - thanks to her you can become a gold, silver, pearl and ash blonde.