Scenario of the holiday “New Year in the circus. Scenario of the New Year's holiday for preschool children "New Year in the circus

New Year's scenario "Circus" in the senior group

(Children run in to the music and scatter.)

Dance "New Year's signs".

(After the dance, they remain scattered).

A wonderful day is coming
New Year is coming to us!
A holiday of laughter and inventions,
A holiday of fairy tales for children!

1 : On a noisy holiday, New Year's

We gathered in an elegant hall.

Forest Christmas tree today

Nobody has ever seen prettier.

2 : Needles sparkle with gold,

And silver shines with rain.

And it smells like a forest, the coniferous is silent,

And today we are waiting for a miracle.

3: What if her toys come to life?

Will the fox step out of the thicket to us?

Forest animals will come running ...

After all, we all believe in miracles!

4 : Snow flies outside the windows,

In a hurry to meet the New Year,

And now the fairy tale comes to life-

Spin faster, round dance!

Round dance "New Year's Tale"(" New year, like in a fairy tale ... ")

Blizzard across the field

And circles, and spreads,

Ahead of the carved sleigh

Three fabulous horses.

And in the hall she sits herself

Coloring Beauty Winter!

Dance "Near the forest at the edge".

(After the dance, everyone freezes in place. Several children "whisper".)

What are you guys whispering?

What is your secret there?

1 : We want to arrange a surprise-

No more surprising!

Host: Is there a surprise here? That's interesting! What will you show us?

2 : Circus performance

We will show all guests!

3 : everything is unusual today!

We're having fun.

For guests and for children

The circus has arrived at the kindergarten!

4 : Listen, see all:

Let's start our parade alle!

Rebuilding under M. Dunaevsky's march "Circus».( They go to the place. They sit down.)

The circus is very good!

It's festive and light everywhere!

A cheerful laughter rings out here,

The tree is lush for everyone.

Here it is our stage-

Called ...

Everything: Arena!

Child: In every circus from the heart

They are greeted by kids.

They do miracles:

then they say funny

Tears are pouring like a fountain

Somersaults, sing,

The faces are painted

Performing ... CLOWNS!

(Two clowns run out to the music.) "Dance of the Clowns".

1 : Once together with moms

We went to the circus in winter.

2: There we saw a clown

And they were very surprised!

1 : The clown was strong, brave,

I flew under the dome

During the presentation

I laughed a lot!

2 : I'm a clown rather

Now I dream of becoming

And in the circus in the arena

Perform at the Christmas tree!

1 : I'll be Clown Bom today!

2 : And I am Clown Beam!

1 : Well, my dear brother Bim,

Let's surprise everyone now!

(Clowns jump on big balls to music.)

The circus show continues

A trainer is invited to the arena.

They run after her on their hind legs

Two artists in fashionable hats.

They stumble, squeal,

Small tails tremble.

(A trainer comes out to the music, the dogs are running after her.)

1 : Have a well-bred dog

There is no time for a fight.

She needs to solve examples

Jump over barriers

Bring balls in your teeth

Dance on two legs.

2 : We are circus dogs,

Smart and mischievous.


Come on, friend, tell me, how much is 2 + 2?

(Barks 4 times. Dr. tsa praises, "treats")

Ball! How much is 3 + 3?

Well done they are with us!

They can go to the 1st grade!

Now please dance

And amuse the guests!

"Dog Waltz".

The graceful cat performs in the circus,

The amazing dance surprises us all.

A cat comes out to the music. Carries a mouse by the tail.

By the soft step of a feline

The New Year is coming to us.

I wish you all happiness

A well-fed life without worries!

"Dance of the Cat".

Well, bravo! We continue the circus program,

We invite strongmen to the arena!

Now we will introduce you

With cool strongmen

They play with kettlebells

How light balls!

(Strongmen with weights and a barbell come out to the music.)

1 : Strongmen are in the arena!

The world's best circus performers!

We throw up weights

Like baby balls!

2 : Why is the giant strong,

How does a kid play ball?

Only to a giant strong man

This ball is on the shoulder!

The ball is wonderful, new,


"Performance by the Strongmen"

The Clown runs out:
-I can do that too! I am the strongest too! (Tries to lift the kettlebell. Then - the second.)

And I know who is the strongest in our hall! (calls the dad, who squeezes the kettlebell several times. Everyone counts. The other dad raises the barbell.)

We continue the circus program,

We offer performance on the tightrope.

In the arena, ballerinas

Like light fluffs

And dance and spin

And yet they are afraid.

"Dance on the Rope".

Open wider doors-

Animals perform in the circus.

Meet the famous tamer and her trained tigers!


In the morning, there is a training session at the arena:

Predators jump deftly into the hoop.

And the trainer himself for each jump

Throws a piece of sausages to the artists.

1 : I can throw the ball deftly

And jump into the hoop deftly.

I am a wonderful circus performer

I am the miracle of training!

2 : Art with all my heart loving,

Loving the arena very much,

I give myself to train

From morning until late at night!

"Performance by the trainer and the tigers."

Rings fly higher and higher

Hoops, skittles, balls.

It was the jugglers who came out to the audience,

They are the most agile in the world!


1 : Circus performance

We will show you without beauty!

2 : Musician, play the intro!

We are here for you!

"Dance of the Jugglers"

The presentation ended

Just to everyone's surprise!

All the artists did their best.

We give them our applause!

The song "Circus" is performed by O. Popov... (The performers make a lap of honor, then bow and sit down.)

There are no empty seats in the circus

Only who will give me the answer:

Who's coming now big

With a long white beard?

Children: Santa Claus!

Guys, it seems to me that Santa Claus is already close! Let's call him, say:

Father Frost! Come quickly! The circus will be more fun! (They say 2-3 times.)

D.M .: I hear! ..

(Santa Claus and Snegurochka enter. DM stops in the center of the hall. With the beginning of the music, the children stand around DM, Snegurochka - in a circle with the children.)

The song "Who is this?"

Hello kids, girls and boys!

Children: Hello, Santa Claus!

Snow Maiden:

Hello guys!

Children: Hello, Snow Maiden!

Santa Claus I'm real

From a deaf, dense thicket,

Where they ate in the snow,

Where are storms and blizzards,

Where the forests are dense

And the snow is loose.

Snow Maiden:

Happy New Year

Both hosts and guests,

Happiness to everyone, we wish you well

And fine, clear days.

1 child: We were waiting for you very much,

Santa Claus today.

It's good that you came

On New Year's holiday!

We will start a round dance

Let's sing a song for you!

Round dance "New Year's song"("We were looking forward to ...")

Oh yes tree! It's just amazing!

So smart and pretty!

I've been to all the gardens -

I have never seen a better tree!

DM, light us the lights on the tree.

Come on, children, let's say in unison: "1, 2, 3, herringbone, burn!" (they say the lights come on.)

2 child: Come on, herringbone, stronger

Light up the lights!

Kind Santa Claus,

Play with your dreams!

3 child: Once you got caught in a circle-

Stay there!

Do not leave you, Frost,

How not to break free!

The game "Let's not release!"

Let go of me

nice little children,

Because I love to dance

More than anyone else in the world!

Legs are shaking

Do not stand still.

So come on, friends,

Let's dance together!

"A bear walked across Greece"(at the end of the song, D.M. loses his gauntlet.)

Game "Mitten".(at the end of the game, D.M. dances.)

Snow Maiden:

Grandfather is tired, tired,

He danced very merrily.

Let it rest by the tree

Who will read poetry to him?


Well done! You read poetry well.

Now the time has come

Sing together for us, kids.

The song "Freezing blizzards in the courtyard." ( at the end - they run away)

Snow Maiden:

A tricky question for you now

Grandfather Frost will ask.

Do you like to play snowballs? (Yes!)

Do you like licking snowballs? (No!)

I do not advise you, brothers

To overeat with snow porridge!

Snow Maiden:

Now we will play with you,

The most clever who - we will find out!

Let's cook "Snow Porridge"! (attraction)

Snow Maiden:

Now we play snowballs

We hit each other aptly!

" Snowball game"

Now take snowballs

And put it in a bag with me.

You play snowballs well.

Can you guess the difficult riddles?


Snow Maiden:

DM, what fellows are great, they have guessed all your riddles. And they also know the song about you. Really guys?

A song about me? Sing, please.

Song "Hot Time"

Snow Maiden:

Did Santa Claus play with the children?

Danced near the Christmas tree? (Yes!)

Did you sing songs? (Yes!)

Did you laugh at the children? (Yes!)

What else has he forgotten? (present!)

Surprise "Living Bag"

Petrova Natalia Miroslavovna

"New Year in the circus"

(scenario for the middle group)

HBO SOSH No. 14 SPDS No. 18 "Rainbow"

Zhigulevsk city

(Fanfare sounds. The director of the circus enters the hall, wearing a tailcoat and top hat.)

Director: Attention! Attention! Dear audience!
We will show everyone to the surprise of a circus show!
We can promise you that you will not be bored!
The performance is not easy - New Year's!
Children's entrance to the music "Circus".

We stand in a semicircle
Director: What is New Year?
1 child: It's the opposite:
Christmas trees in the room are growing
Squirrels of cones do not gnaw
2child: Hares next to the wolf
On a thorny tree
3 child: The rain is not easy either -
In the New Year, it is golden!

Director: Do you guys know
Today different animals
Forest on a country road
They came to the circus for the Christmas tree!

Round dance: "In the forest along a country road" (after it they sit on chairs)
The clown Tyopa runs into the hall. Stands in front of the tree.
Tyopa: As soon as I go out, laughter is heard.
I can make everyone laugh.
You can hardly see my cap-
You can't be serious in any way.
Nobody has elders about me
Doesn't ask: "Who is he?"
It is clear to everyone and so completely,
That I am funny., .Clown!
Where are my assistants? Klownyata, run to me, we will amuse the people!
Dance performed: "Clowns"
Klepa runs into the hall screaming and starts running around the tree.
Klepa: Oh - to her - to her! Help! Save!
Tyopa: Klyopa, where are you going?
Klepa: I'm running to you!
Tyopa: So you've already come, stop!
Klepa: I can't! Legs don't stop!
Tyopa: Hold on, Klepa, now I'll help you! (He tries to stop Klepa, but he fails and they start running together.)
Director: I will probably have to stop them, otherwise they will continue to run until the New Year! Stop! (The clowns stop and try to surrender)

Dance-reprise performed by clowns

Klepa: I brought you a telegram from Santa Claus!
Director: Well, read it quickly!
Klepa: Evil blizzards and blizzards swept all the way to you
By car, I can't go through ZPT and on foot I can't reach the point (Starts roaring) What should I do now? A blizzard is how it howls.
Director: Klena, don't be upset! Now the guys and I will sing our favorite song and it will subside.
A round dance is performed: "Oh, winter"
Tyopa: Listen, why do we need Santa Claus? We are having fun without him, but what does he have to do with it?
Klepa: And besides! In winter there is a holiday - New Year, only without Santa Claus it will not be!
Tyopa: What are you doing? Then what are we standing - we urgently need to clear the road! Here
shoulder blades - let's start training!
The game is played: "Who will collect the most snowballs?"

(2 paddles and snowballs)
Cleopa: (roars)
Tyopa: Rivet, what are you doing?
Klepa: There is so much snow, oh-oh, and we are ma-a-a-lo! We will not cope and Santa Claus will not reach us!
Director: Don't worry, Klepa! Now we will call for help. Dear audience, I would like to present to your attention the world famous strongman!
(A "strongman" enters the hall - a child dressed in a shirt with long sleeves, a rope is threaded through them, the ends of which hang down from the sleeves)
Tyopa: Is this a strong man? (begin to laugh) Yes, I have one right!
Klepa: And I - with one left!
Director: Well, try to pull the ropes out of his hands!
(Clowns pull the rope in different directions, they fail)
Klepa: This is a completely different matter! With such an assistant, we are fast with the snow
we'll manage. We will go to meet Santa Claus, and you light the lights on the Christmas tree to illuminate our path. (Leaves with the "strongman".)

Tyopa: Come on, guys, let's start a round dance and say magic words at the end of the song, then the Christmas tree will give us its lights.

Round dance "Herringbone" (children sit down)

Tyopa: Something Klepa and Santa Claus are delayed, maybe what happened?
Director: Just a moment's attention! There are circus horses in the arena!

Dance performed: "Circus horses"

Button: hurray! We found Grandfather, we just need to call him!

Santa Claus coming out

Santa Claus: Hello, kids'
Boys and girls!

Director: Grandpa, the kids and I have prepared a song for you, listen

Song "Santa Claus", music. Chadova
Santa Claus: How well you sing, but I love to play the button accordion.

Director: And the guys also know how to play different instruments, but listen!

Orchestra "Musical Instruments"

Santa Claus: And now it's time for the kids to play.

What we decorate the tree with, I will call the kids.

You listen carefully, and be sure to answer,

If I tell you right, say "YES!" in reply.

Well, if something is wrong, say boldly, "NO!".

Game "Christmas decorations"

Santa Claus: I also love to play.

Director: And the guys can teach you an interesting game "Clap you"

Game "Clap you"

Director: And now trained dogs will perform for our guest! Please welcome!

"Trained dogs"

Father Frost:

Ay, yes, the performance is surprising to everyone!

For a long time I walked through the mountains, through the forests to visit you,
So here on New Year's Eve to stand under the tree in a round dance.

Director: Round dance let's sing a new song!

The round dance is performed: "Ruddy and gray-haired"
The game is being played: "I will freeze" (Santa Claus plays and gets tired)

Santa Claus: Oh, I'm tired, I'll sit and look at the kids.
Director: Sit down, Grandpa, and the guys will please you with poetry.

Reading poetry.

Klepa: Santa Claus, you know. And Tyopa and I are magicians!
Santa Claus: It can't be!
Tyopa: Really! Do you want to show a trick?
Santa Claus: Of course I do! (Tyopa and Klepa whisper in the ear of the director of the circus)
Director: Dear viewers! Now the most famous magicians in the world will perform in front of you! Meet Klyopa and Tyopa!

(Clowns do tricks with water and colored cards)

Santa Claus: How you made me happy, I want to thank you and give you gifts ... looking for ... oh, old, yes, I left them on the horse ... ..Klepa, Tepa, take her here soon! Room with a horse. + Dance /

List of used literature:

1.I.Kaplunova, I. Novoskoltseva, Circus, circus, circus - publishing house "Composer" - St. Petersburg, - 2005.

2. I. Kaplunova, I. Novoskoltseva, Holiday every day. - publishing house "Composer" - St. Petersburg, - 2008.

Designed for the active participation of each child in any competition.


Leading - 2 clowns Toffee and Klepa,

Father Frost

Snow Maiden

Magician - wizard Suleiman

Strongmen and acrobats - three pirates

Trainer - Ivan, the royal son

Horse - Fire

The music of I. Dunaevsky "Parade Alle" is played.

Children one by one, march, enter the hall, make a circle of honor around the tree.

Musical director: Good evening, dear children, dear adults!

We welcome you to a great New Year's circus performance.

Today we have the only time the most famous


Snow is spinning outside the window, magical snow, New Year's.

There is music and laughter in the hall, a circus - it's also New Year's.

In the arena - the most beautiful of all, a wonderful tree,

How her outfit shines, there is silver in every needle.

Anyone who wants this New Year to be happy,

Let him dance and sing with us today!

Children perform the song "Waltz of the Snowflakes" sl . A. Vnukova, music. V. Shainsky

(or another, at the choice of the music director)

Callsigns of the performance are played.

Moose. hands. Do you guys hear? This fanfare heralds the beginning of the circus

representation. Take your seats according to the tickets purchased.

Children sit down, music sounds.

Solemn exit of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden .

D. Moroz: In a multi-colored, New Year's,

In the light of festive lights

We cheer today

All the gathered friends.

Snow Maiden: Happy New Year! With new happiness!

With new joy for everyone!

Let it ring under this tree

Songs, music and laughter!

D. Moroz: We were looking forward to

And now the hour has come:

For New Year's holiday

Our circus has gathered guests!

Together: We start to surprise everyone

Circus show - performance!

Music, Clowns are jumping out on Hip-Hop balls.

Clowns: We are funny jesters, clowns are mischievous

That is why we are called to the kids for the holidays.

Balagurov is not more fun in the whole world,

Well, let's dance quickly, one, two, three, four!

/ "Dance" on the balls /.

Snow Maiden: Today our performance is unusual. Santa Claus circus is recruiting

a new troupe of circus artists. Whoever passes all the tests will

enrolled in our circus, in the rank of the best magician, trainer

or a strong man. Don't miss your luck!

D. Moroz: And funny clowns Irisk and Klep will help us with this.

Klepa: To test for rank "The best rider" are invited

4 people. Anyone who has ever sat astride a horse or

at least on a pot, come out here!

The attraction "Who will ride the ball faster" is held.

Toffee: Medal "The best rider of the New Year's circus" get ...

/ Clowns together voice the names of the winners in the competition, and then

the rest of the participants are awarded medals that have been prepared

in advance. / see Attachment/

D. Moroz: Attention, attention, dear viewers!

Would you like to see the strongmen?

In the circus arena - three pirates, three strongmen, three acrobats!

Music, exit and demonstration performances of the Pirates.

Klepa: And now we will choose the strongest among you!

I invite 6 boys to the arena.

(the number of children may be different)

The attraction "Pull the rope" is held.

Toffee: Medal " The best strongman of the New Year's circus "is awarded to….

Clowns announce names, award medals.

Snow Maiden: In the circus arena - the best of wizards,

the famous magician Ying bin san Suleiman!

Sounds "Song of Suleiman" muses. M. Minkova, lyrics Yu. Entina,

dance the exit of the wizard Suleiman

Suleiman: I am the great, powerful magician and wizard Ying Bing San

Suleiman greet you, most respectable audience, and you youths!

I am ready to show the best to the most grateful viewers in the world.


Suleiman: There are magic pills, these, children, are not candy.

They will help against idleness, boredom, anger, bad luck ...

Who has not grown - will grow up, very lively - will fall,

Those who are afraid will become brave, with whom they are not friends - a faithful friend.

Well, rather, do not yawn, substitute your palms,

Get your magic pills!

Gives out glucose tablets to children

That the pills are magic - now I will prove

With one of them, look everyone, I will perform a miracle!

The magician shows trick with a napkin pressed in the form of a glucose tablet.

He shows everyone a pill - a napkin, puts it in a vessel of water,

while saying the words:

Hey magic pill, turn into a napkin!

The napkin swells. The wizard squeezes it out and shows everyone a napkin.

Toffee: And now we choose the best magician in the world, the best

illusionist! I invite 3 people to the arena.

Suleiman: Look with all your eyes and do not say that you have not seen!

Pouch / baby's name/ I give, I put an empty glass in it,

/ shows an empty glass, at the bottom of which there is a little

food coloring blue/

We will pour some water into a glass, we will begin to speak magic words:

“Hey, water is water, frost is silvery.

Become a blue voditsa! ”

/takes out a glass of blue water.

Similar actions continue with other participants /

Hey, water is water, you are our frosty friend!

Become you, water, not simple, green!

/ takes out a glass of green water /

Hey, water is water, you are our beautiful friend,

Become you, voditsa, not simple, but red!

Music. Suleiman, dancing, leaves.

Klepa: Medal "The best magician of the New Year's circus" get ... / names /

D. Moroz: Something the tree got bored, apparently, they sang few songs.


Snow Maiden: Hey guys, hurry up, get into the circle quickly!

Near our tree, we will sing and dance!

Children perform the song "The Christmas tree is not cold in winter", muses. and sl. D. Migdal

D. Moroz: I have been living in the world for many years, I have forgotten something, children,

What games do you know, show how you play?

Clowns endure "Bucket - Hiterko" - This is a brightly designed plastic bucket with a funny face, screwed onto a high pole and foam rubber snowballs .

Klepa:"Bucket - Hiterko" sits high,

"Bucket - tricky" is not easy to get!

Dexterity and skill, children, show

and hit the bucket with snow!

The song "If there was no winter" sounds. E. Krylatova, lyrics Yu. Entina.

Clowns conduct an outdoor game "Throw a Snowball into a Bucket"

Circus callsigns sound. D. Moroz and Snegurochka enter the arena

Frost and Snow: We continue the circus performance!

Snow Maiden: The next number of our New Year's program

performance of the famous trainer.

Meet Ivan, the tsar's son, and his heroic horse - Fire!

The trainer Ivan Tsarsky's son appears to the appropriate music.

and a trained horse. Demonstration performances.

Toffee: Now we will find out who will be the trainer in our circus.

You need to tame the zealous horse. On command to jump on it and

jump around the tree, at the speed of light, without falling!

Clowns conduct the ride "Horse Tamer"

/ gallop on a wooden horse around the tree, who is faster /

Klepa: Medal "The best trainer of the New Year's circus" given to….

Klepa: And I want to find out if there are among you, funny playful kids,

who can, like clowns, make all the guests laugh?

/invite children without medals, put on caps /.

Toffee: You have to lift the greatest weight, these are air

balls! / take out balls /. Now, at my command, you will

raise balls, whichever is larger, at the same time, they can be held

hands, feet, but you cannot take by the tail. Ready?

One, two, three, take the balls!

Clowns are running the "Collect the balls" attraction.

Klepa: Medal " The best clown of the New Year's circus "is awarded to….

/ announce names, award medals /.

Music, release of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden.

D. Moroz: The selection of circus artists is over,

I'll tell you guys honestly - I'm surprised!

Everyone will perform in a famous circus,

Now I suggest that the holiday continues!

Snow Maiden: Hey guys come out and get up in the round dance

We'll sing about Frost, and we'll go play again!

Children sing the song "New Year at the Gates"

Words by V. Grafchikova, music by E. Luchnikov

Clowns are conducting a dance game "We'll Hang Up the Balls."

Snow Maiden: The kids love the Christmas tree, have fun until the morning,

Everyone got hot from the dance,

Santa Claus, bring gifts!

D. Moroz: Yes-ah, gifts, I am very glad to treat these guys.

Looking for gifts. Looks under the tree, behind the curtain ... ..

Here I am the old grandfather, my head with a hole!

Here my bag was somewhere, but where? I forgot!

Here under a tree, or in a snowdrift, or in a circus, in a wardrobe?

Well, my magic lace will easily find the bag:

As if I’d give up a fishing rod, I’ll find a few good words.

Where it is needed it will fall, everything that is needed will be found for me!

Unties a shiny long cord from the belt,

at the end of which a large hook is tied.

Fly, twisted lace, my magic, naughty,

Straighten up, lengthen, try to find my bag!

Throws the cord backstage, slowly pulls it back.

He pulls a saucepan into the hall, looking angrily at the cord.

What are you, lace-prankster, decided to joke on a holiday?

Don't joke with your grandfather anymore! Let's fly in search!

She again throws the cord, pulls her boots into the hall, gets angry.

Father Frost: Are you kidding again, mischievous? I'm not used to that!

If you don’t find gifts, you won’t come with me anymore!

They put the cord back in and pull.

The ringing of bells, the clatter of hooves and the neigh of a horse sound.

A Horse appears in the hall - Fire harnessed to a sleigh,

which contains a bag of gifts.

All participants in the show leave.

Ded Moroz and Snegurochka call children by subgroup

/ the best riders, magicians, etc. /

Presentation of gifts and collective performance of a song

"New Year", music and lyrics by P.I. Ermolaeva.

1. Children enter the hall to the music, dance.


Hello, New Year's holiday,

Christmas tree and winter holiday,

All my friends today

We will invite you to the Christmas tree!


We all feel very good

Have fun tonight

Because he came to us

New Year's holiday!


Everything is unusual today -

We're having fun!

For guests and for children

The circus came to the kindergarten.

And our children will be artists.

Hey kids, who wants to be circus performers - shout: me! (children scream).

Then without hesitation, we start the show!

Listen and watch everything -

Let's start our parade alle!

2. Sounds "March" by I. Dunaevsky from the movie "Circus". Children perform rebuilding in front of the tree in "fours". Two leading children come out.


The program starts

Hurry to the circus, friends!

Preschoolers, dads, mothers,

All the guys: you and me!


A fun circus is a wonderland
A country with open borders.
Where everyone is kind, where you can hear laughter,
Where there are no people with frowning faces!


On this holiday

Let's sing a merry song about the circus!

The song "CIRCUS" is being performed

4. Then again, under the "March" of I. Dunaevsky, the children disperse and sit on chairs.


Today circus, smiles, laughter

And the tree is lush for everyone.

We'll clap our hands
Because we love everyone!

There are no empty seats in the circus

Just give me an answer:

Who should come big,

With a long white beard?

Children. Father Frost!


Let the drum rumble -

We ask Santa Claus!

5. Drum roll sounds.

6. Santa Claus comes out.


Hello kids, girls and boys!

Hello dear adults: tall and short!

He walked through storms and snowstorms to achieve his goal.

And I thought of one thing: I dreamed of getting into the circus for a long time.

I am very glad that Santa Claus was expected in this room,

They did not forget to invite to the holiday, and they dressed up a wonderful Christmas tree.

Congratulations on a happy holiday!

Low bow to all of you ... pranksters!

Vedas: Granddad! What pranksters?

D.M .: Do you think that there are no pranksters among these guys?

Ved: Not a single one!

D.M .: Yes? Well, let's ask them themselves.

Guys, are there pranksters among you? (No!)

And the ugly ones? (No!)

And the mischievous ones? (No!)

And the naughty little ones? (No!)

And the good kids? (No!)

You see, there are no good kids among them either.

Vedas: Oh, Santa Claus, oh, and a joker.

DM: And why not joke with such cheerful children at a holiday? Joked, and now you can dance.

Happy New Year, I congratulate both the hosts and the guests.

Happiness to everyone, I wish you well and good, clear days.


Santa Claus, today the circus on the tree is here -

It's time to light the Christmas tree!

Show the main trick -

Light up the Christmas tree with lights!

Father Frost.

Well, take a closer look

Say aloud together:

One two Three,

Herringbone, shine!

7. Knocks with the staff 3 times. The tree lit up with lights.

Father Frost.

The Christmas tree glows sparkles

Let the children have fun!

Come on, circus people,

Join the round dance!

Let's sing and dance

Celebrate the New Year in the circus!

8. Round dance

From behind the tree is heard: "Aw-ay!".

Father Frost.

Quiet, I'll listen again!

Snow Maiden (because of the tree). Granddad!

Santa Claus (knocks with his staff).

One two Three! Snow Maiden, come out!

9. Snegurochka comes out, dancing. Sings a song.

Snow Maiden.

Hello grandfather!

I was in a hurry to the circus for the Christmas tree

And hurried snowflakes

I'll show you a trick -

I will outline the snow in the hall.

Hey you cute snowflakes

My little fuzzy stars

Spin a blizzard

White snow carousel!

10. Girls performDance with doves

Snow Maiden: (after the dance).
Happiness to all people!
Peace to all peoples!
Happy New Year to everyone!

Father Frost.

It immediately became so light

Everything around is white and white!


Good and white

Our winter is winter!

11. Children perform the song "Ah, Winter"


Well, we continue the circus program,

We invite you to the arena of trained dogs.

(Children in dog costumes run out to the "Dog Waltz", with the Trainer with them.)

Animal trainer.

Here are the circus dogs,

Smart and mischievous

They know the ABC, count up to five.

They can perform the number,

Sing and even dance.

12. Children complete all the proposed tasks, then dance to the "Dog Waltz"

Father Frost.

We continue the performance

We offer performances by strongmen.

13. Under the "March" come "strongman"


I want to be strong

To move the cabinet from the place with your shoulder.

I want to be strong

So that the weights are at ease.

To cast iron balls

They came in handy for the game

So that your muscles are barely

I could squeeze into my sleeves!

(To the song "Arlecchino" Strongman bends a fake horseshoe, tears the paper chain with a movement of his shoulder. He begins to play papier-mâché kettlebell easily and naturally, throws it from one hand to another, raises it over his head. Then he approaches a wooden bar, which “with difficulty "Bim and Bom bring in. Breathes deeply, rubs his hands. Spreads his legs shoulder-width apart. Slowly bends down, takes the barbell, quickly raises it, holds it on outstretched arms. Bows and sits down.)


Open wider doors -

Animals perform in the circus!

14. Squirrel, Fox, Hare Wolf come out.


Tails protrude

Unprecedented beauty!

They jump to the guests.


Happy New Year,

I wish to become a circus performer!


Everyone should like it

Little fox is a beauty!


Even to me, a forest wolf,

Suddenly I wanted a Christmas tree.

We will play you a funny dance now.

15. The orchestra of animals performs POLKA


This is how fun we have -

Legs themselves are torn to dance!

And now in the circus arena
The gypsy Vika will perform ...
With the trained bear Misha.

Gypsy chants are heard. The gypsy, dancing, goes out with the bear.

16. A gypsy dance is being performed.


Come on, Misha, turn around.

Bow to all the guys.

(bear obeys the command, bows)

Now don't be lazy

And spin a little.

(the bear is spinning)

Squat dance -

Get some chocolate.

(the bear dances to the Russian folk music)

Come on, Yasha, show how the girls go to work!
The bear walks slowly, waddling from side to side.
And from work?
The bear runs away quickly.

I'm really a good bear -

Clap your hands for me!


In the lights arena!
The scene is sparkling!
Clowns come out -
To our arena!


Red-haired clown, freckled, -stroking themselves on the head, showing freckles,
The guys really like it. -
three claps
The nose is like a red tomato. -
stroking their nose alternately with their hands
And in his eyes there is fervor. -
with the help of hands depict eyes and clap cilia - fingers
Now he cries, then he laughs, -
index fingers vertically to the eyes, then to the lips.
He is kind, then he fights, -
stroking their hands, then throwing their fists forward.
Oh, how clumsy he is, -
hands on the belt, body tilts to the right and left.
But that's how everyone needs him. -
arms crossed on the chest, to the sides and on the belt.

17. Dance of the clowns.


Attention! Attention!

And now, the rope-walker dolls will perform for you.

Rope walkers.

1. I'm in full view

Boldly, without hesitation

I'll walk the tightrope

Like a path!

2. And you, friends,

It can work out!

You just need, as we do,

Learn a little!

18. Performs a rope dance.

19. Attraction "Death number"
The daredevil is given a tray with a vase of flowers on it. It must be carried to the table, carefully bypassing obstacles in the way - pins. The difficulty of completing the task lies in the fact that the participant is blindfolded and he must remember where the pins are and not knock them down while moving to the table. But when the participant is blindfolded, the pins are quietly removed. Spectators have a lot of fun watching the daredevil overcome obstacles.


Attention! Attention!

Today in the arena

Best of the season

Trained horses!

20. Dance of the circus horses

Father Frost.

And now, guys, I’ll give you a riddle.

Surprised around:
How does he get his hands?
Well-known guest performer,
Dexterous, brave, is he ...? Children: - Juggler!

We got into the circus arena
And I have a magic ball in my hands
He laughs, jumps, plays,
He will not run away from me at a gallop.
I'll draw them a long icicle,
I'm sorry, I will gently squeeze.
I'll throw it up and catch it again
I am a juggler and I am friends with the ball.



Get into a circle rather

Play with the ball, my friend. Children stand in a circle.

Pass the ball in a circle,

Hurry up, keep up.

You roll, funny ball,

Quickly, quickly from hand to hand,

Who has a funny ball -

He will dance for us now!

22. A ball game is played.

Leading. Santa Claus, and we will not let you out of the circle.

Father Frost. What is it like?

Everything. That's how!

23. The game "Let's not release" is held.

Father Frost.

Well, what should I do, kids, -

Boys and girls?

Leading. Santa Claus, show the guys tricks, so they will let you go.

Father Frost.

Well, I will surprise the guys

I'll show you the tricks:


There is a box in front of you, I put a handkerchief in it!
(shows boxes, it has a double bottom)
Close ... One, two, three! I'll hit my stick, look!
I open the box ... But where did the handkerchief disappear to?

Lena, blow on the boxes!

This is where the handkerchief is hidden!

Focus 1.with toffee (candy)


Santa Claus shows everyone a candy (toffee). He clamps her in his right fist and raises both hands high.

Now I will say: "Karamba, baramba" and toffee from my right fist will go into my left fist. Attention! Caramba! Baramba! It is already in my left fist.

HOST: Grandpa, show me soon!

Father Frost: I won't show it: this is only half of the focus. The second half consists in the fact that I say again: “Karamba! Baramba! And the toffee goes from the left fist to the right. Caramba! Baramba!

Look and see for yourself!

Presenter: Yes, grandfather, you are a real magician! What did you bring the guys?

Father Frost: Snow and blizzards, laughter and fun,

Skis and skates - come play snowballs!

(pulls out fake snowballs from under the tree)

25. Throwing snowballs into the basket.

Two teams are competing. Whose basket has more snowballs, that team is the winner (boys versus girls). Snowflake and Icicle teams.

Father Frost.

And I still can't do it!

Gifts to appear - I want!

The light goes out, a Fakir appears with a jug.


I am the great snake charmer

I conjure with my music.

Do not be alarmed, dear friends,

Here under a scarf is a trained snake ...

Plays the pipe. Mysterious magic music sounds.


Father Frost.

Something you play wrong

And you do not conjure a snake?

We need something quick

Play, Fakir, you are more fun.

The fakir plays funny music, Santa Claus goes after the snake behind the Christmas tree and takes out the bag of the presents themselves.


Here, guys, a treat

For your circus, for your performances!

Santa Claus gives gifts to children.

Father Frost.

Thank you all for the fun!

Goodbye, birds, beasts!

I send greetings to the circus performers,

I wish you all many years to come.

Be cheerful, healthy,

May happiness await you

May it be cheerful, joyful

There will be a New Year!

Let's say goodbye to everyone

All children. Goodbye!

Santa Claus: Goodbye!

Well, next year, I will come to check on you!

27. Children perform the song "Goodbye", muses. E. Zharkovsky, lyrics M. Lapisova.

Father Frost.

We continue the circus program,

We invite the king of beasts to the arena!

A trainer comes out with a "lion" - the child is dressed in a lion costume.

A trained lion is performing -

He has great success!

He hits the floor with a whip.

The light goes out, hurry, hurry -

In the arena - the king of beasts!

Number with a lion. You can use a number with a hoop. The lion sings the song of a trained lion.

A lion.

I can throw the ball deftly

And jump into the hoop deftly,

I am a wonderful circus performer

I am a wonderful circus performer

I am a master trainer.

Loving art with all my heart,

Loving the arena very much,

I train myself

I train myself

From morning until late at night.

The song "Circus tent", music. G. Lapshina, lyrics P. Sinyavsky.

There is a round tent in the park,

A carpet was spread in the center of the tent,

Nobody wants to pass by -

Everyone is invited to the circus tent.


Here the horses are dancing squatting

And the dogs solve puzzles.

Everyone here has fun, everyone is interested,

Please take your seat.

In the circus, our hearts freeze

If an aerialist flies,

In the circus, the clown makes the whole audience laugh,

Here even the dome trembles with laughter.



It's just that my eyes run up here

From multi-colored magic wonders.

How we like the circus tent,

Don't forget the circus tent!


"Like Santa Claus"

Like Santa Claus (go in a circle).

Here's a beard.

Hee-hee-hee, ha ha ha, (grab the belly)

Here's a beard.

These are the mittens, (show their hands)

Hee hee hee, ha ha ha,

These are the mittens.

Like Santa Claus (go in a circle)

These are the boots.

(They stop, put their feet on the heel, turn with their toes.)

Hee hee hee, ha ha ha,

These are the boots.

Like Santa Claus (go in a circle)

Here is such a nose! (show "nose")

Hee hee hee, ha ha ha,

Here is such a nose!

Natalia Nikulina

entrance children in the hall"Winter"

How nice that today

Guests came here to us,

And, without looking at worries,

Everyone found a free hour.

Snows flew in and covered the earth,

Blizzard and cold winds howled.

But let the bad weather rage and be angry,

On holiday we'll all have fun!

1reb. Today in this hall

We will tell you about

How New Year's celebration

Every house comes.

2reb. About how brightly they shine

Garlands of lights

That this holiday

Everyone's favorite children.

3reb. Hello, New Year's holiday,

Hello song hello laughter

The one is the most important today

Who laughs the loudest

WITH New Year! WITH New happiness!

Congratulations to you friends!

And today to our tree,

Let's shout out to everyone: "Hooray!"


Hello dear tree

Again you are our guest.

The lights will light up soon

On your forest branches.

6 reb:

Look, invites

Christmas tree festive us.

Under the green branches

We'll be spinning now.

Round dance « NEW YEAR DISCO»

Children sit down

Veda: Today miracles await us, on holiday guests must come to us. You are wondering what this is.

Music from the cartoon sounds "Masha and the Bear" MASHA comes out singing a song

Masha enters backwards and sees no one

Masha: Nobody there. Where are you all here? Where have you all gone? (turns) Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh! Why are you sitting here? There is nothing to do! So I'll think of something now. I'm so quick to think up! (thinking) THERE IS! I came up with it! Soon New Year? Let's go to congratulate the pensioner! What, what Bear! He circus pensioner! Let's bring joy to Misha! We will arrange for him circus show, to everyone's surprise! What go? It's a long way to go, and winter has dusted everything ...

Veda: The guys and I love winter and are not afraid of frost!

CHOROVER "Ice palms»

Children sit down, the screen is pulled back,

behind which the Bear sleeps. Masha approaches the bear

Masha: Mishka, are you sleeping or what? That gives! On the nose New year - he sleeps! Play with me, play with me, are you asleep? (touches nose, ears, paws) maybe you are sick? (loud) come on, let's be treated!


Masha: Woke up, welcome guests! I didn’t come alone today, I brought the guys!

Misha grabs his head

flops down on the bed, shakes his head and groans!

Masha: Are you glad? Do not say anything. Let me guess! Glad! I see that I'm glad! Be strong Mishka, we will congratulate you! We will arrange Festive, new year performance!

Child: The circus! The circus! The circus! The circus!

V circus very good!

Everywhere festively, it's light!

A cheerful laugh is ringing here!

Acrobats and jugglers

Trainers, dancers

Everyone is invited to visit!

Masha: I will be the director circus... Hello! Hello dear audience! I am a director circus, known all over the world, and I came to you with my troupe. And so PARAD ALLE.


MASHA: So, attention! Our show begins.

Magic is friends with a smile

A smile serves magic.

A violin cannot be without a bow,

V the circus is so important a smile!

The fun continues

They are invited to the arena,

Clowns are mischievous

Funny jokers!

1 clown:

I'm a funny clown Beam,

The circus needs me!

I'm at the tree New Year's

The brightest and funniest

Who sees, everyone laughs

What a bell I am!

2 clown:

And here I am Timoshka

Nose like a potato

So in a hurry

I fell off the tree

I ran into needles

My nose touched the balls!

3 clown:

Let on holiday on our

A cheerful laugh will sound.

Let's laugh and dance

I'm glad to try for everyone!

dance "Clowns"

1 clown:

Dear esteemed spectators,

Do you all want to play the game?

MASHA: Dear audience, joke, sing, laugh, at holiday with us,

play whatever you want, the desired hour has come!

the game "Clown"

Red-haired clown, freckled, - pat themselves on the head, show freckles,

The guys really like it. - three claps of hands

The nose is like a red tomato. - stroke your nose alternately with your hands

And in his eyes there is fervor. - with the help of hands depict eyes and clap cilia - fingers

Tears flow like a tap - “collecting tears in palm "

In multi-colored pockets. - show pockets, palms to the hips.

And in pockets, here and there, the hands are folded into a “bud”, raised upward, and the “petals” are opened.

Roses grow red.

Now he cries, then laughs, - the index fingers vertically to the eyes, then to the lips.

Now he is kind, then he fights - they stroke their hands, then throw their fists forward.

Oh, how clumsy he is - hands on the belt, body tilts to the right and left.

But that's how everyone needs him. - arms crossed on the chest, to the sides and on the belt.


Masha takes out the box, carries it on her outstretched arms, closing her eyes., Is afraid, passes it to the bear, he does not take it, shows that she is afraid, put it on the floor, want to open it, look into the box. They coward, shake, throw back the lid. Speaks in a mysterious voice.

Masha: In our circus today the guest is quite unusual,

And, frankly, exotic!

He's already coming here

Snake charmer

A child comes out (dressed in an oriental style, he has a basket with a snake in his hands

Fakir: I am the great snake charmer!

I conjure with my music.

Do not be alarmed, dear friends -

my snake trained!



Host and MASHA

Masha comes out with a string not very long, she walks by children, offers to use gestures to catch the rope with your foot, step on, pulls it away, the Leader takes the rope, Masha looks in bewilderment, pulls out a longer rope from her pocket, continues to play with the children, the Leader comes up, gets angry, and takes this rope as well. Masha waits for her to leave and pulls out a long ribbon from another pocket

MASHA: We continue circus show!

The number is called - graceful tightrope walkers!


The Bear comes out in his hands, he has a picture, it shows a bear in a Japanese costume with fans, Masha comes up and jumps

Masha: Show me, Misha! Well, show me!

The bear sits down sadly, clutches at his heart.

MASHA: Misha, are you sick (scared) here circus submission-and he is sick.

I’m such an ambulance, iuiuiuiuiui.

Pulls out a listener, listens

Masha: So, everything is clear! Bed rest, very bed rest.

The bear shakes his head, shows a picture.

Masha: AAAAA first love, I see…. do not cry, we will refresh your memories now


The BAR is decorating the tree.

MASHA: Misha, and Misha, and Santa Claus will come

BEAR: Will come.

MASHA: And soon?

Bear: Coming soon.

Masha: Where will it come from?

And with whom will he come?

And in what will it come?

Will it come from there or from there?

Will it come for a long time?

The BEAR gets angry and stomps his feet.

BEAR: Come, come!

Masha: So we talked ... Or maybe it's time to call Santa Claus, otherwise the guys want gifts, and of course I also want them.

V circus Santa Claus waiting,

Let's call him together!

Leading: Girls, you are on my command will shout: "Grandfather", a the boys: "Freezing"... And now everyone together: "Father Frost!"

Santa Claus entrance

Father Frost

WITH New Year! WITH New Year!

Congratulations to all - all - all!

Let in the year

The year to come

all are accompanied by success!

Father Frost:

(looks at the tree)

As good as a tree

And how many toys!

Let them flare up among the branches

Instantly magical 100 lights!

Well let's say 1-2-3,

Burn our Christmas tree!

Father Frost:

Become a round dance

We will meet with a song New Year!


Happy Santa Claus

Leading: Santa Claus, we were waiting for you.

Do not frighten us with frost

Do not freeze our ears, cheeks,

You better sing songs!

"YOU BROUGHT US A FIR-TREE" Playing with Santa Claus

Playing with Santa Claus "Dance with acceleration"

Father Frost

Oh, I'm tired, I'm hot!

I'm not used to being warm!


Sit down, Grandpa, catch your breath

and chill a little!

You guys help out poetry, read it soon!


Father Frost

Thank you, I sat out and looked around a little ...

I'm hardly mistaken:

What is in circus i got!

(passes by children looking at them)

Here is a fakir, acrobats,

clowns - giggles,

and Japanese girls, animals,

Ballerinas, strong men!

Masha: Well circus we continue the program

We offer performances by magicians!

The music is playing

magicians-fakirs come out

1 magician:

I am a fakir and a sorcerer

Two hundred years of my turban

Everything in the world is within the power of a magician

I can swallow paper

I'll swallow anything

Everything in the world on the shoulder!

2 magician:

I am a fakir magician too

Great vocation.

I can turn you kefir

To your bank Coca-Cola

3 magician:

And now dear viewers

Magic tricks lovers

Together we want for you

Show focus now.

All the fakirs say:

You are water-water

Light as frost

Turn the water red

Yellow or blue.

Show focus

Father Frost

I, too, match them

I could become a magician!


A magician, Grandpa? How's that?

Father Frost

(addresses MASHA)

Come on, buddy, announce my number!

Dear viewers, children and parents!

The famous magician Santa Claus is in the arena!

Tricks from Santa Claus for gifts

Father Frost:

Have you received all the gifts? Have you forgotten anyone?

At an elegant tree

The kids sang

But to say goodbye to you

It's time for me.

Goodbye kids.

Goodbye, guests.

WITH Happy New Year everyone!