Scenario of the military-patriotic quest “School of military intelligence. Patriotic quest game

Target: create conditions for the patriotic education of preschoolers.

1. Maintain a cognitive interest in the history of your country. To consolidate the meaning of the distinctive symbols of Russia: flag, coat of arms.

2. To form a respectful attitude towards the representatives of the Armed Forces, high moral qualities: initiative and independence, conscious discipline.

3. Enrich the dictionary by using the names of the types of troops and their representatives in speech.

4. To form the motor activity of children, the ability to work in a group, endurance.

5. To instill in preschoolers a sense of camaraderie and friendship, collectivism, will, courage, resourcefulness, readiness to defend the Motherland.

Materials and equipment: Laptop, musical accompaniment, speakers, presentation, route map, split pictures with the image of the flag, the coat of arms of Russia, a tank, an airplane, a border guard, a sailor, a paratrooper, bandages, gymnastic sticks, plastic vegetables and fruits, a military tablet, a uniform (camouflage) for children , awards (tokens), sweet medals.

Route map

1. Station "Military formation".

2. Station "Assembly".

3. Station "Field kitchen".

4. Station "Bogatyrskaya Silushka".

5. Station "On a halt".

6. Station "Brainstorm".

7. Station "Medical".

8. Station "Open the tablet."

9. Outcome, rewarding of participants.

Preliminary work:

  • Creation of a headquarters for the preparation and conduct of the military sports game "Defenders of the Fatherland" with the definition of the functions of each member of the headquarters (general, responsible for stations, music director).
  • Registration of visual propaganda (production of posters, posters, information stand, invitation cards).
  • Formation of a detachment from the children of the preparatory group, with the appointment of a commander. Planning classes on military topics, acquaintance with works of art.
  • The conversation “Why is the Army dear”, looking at illustrations about military professions, the poster “Military equipment”.
  • Learning a military song.

Game progress

Marching music sounds, the children of the preparatory group gather in the hall, line up around the perimeter. Then the General comes out to solemn music.

General: I wish you good health, comrades, fighters!

Children: We wish you good health, comrade general!

General: Comrade soldiers, an emergency has occurred at the General Staff: very important documents have been stolen from the safe. Your task is to find the documents and deliver them to headquarters. This task is very difficult, you will need to overcome many obstacles. You will need courage, courage, courage, determination to achieve the goal. Comrade soldiers, are you ready for a combat mission?

Children: Ready!

General: To complete this task, you will need a plan. But he is disguised in a secret place. I suggest you find him in order to continue the game. Look, we are shown that we need to locate the plan by solving the puzzle. The word is encoded in it.

Let me teach you. What is shown here? In the first figure that we have - Stump., after the stump there are two commas, this indicates that we must remove the last two letters with you.

What is shown is a SOCK. Where are the commas here? Before, then we need to remove the first two letters. Cross out the first two letters.

What word did we get. (Sand.) That's right, sand. So our map is in the sand. Let's find her. (A container with sand is found in the hall and a route map is taken out of it.)

The route map shows the place where you will have to start your movement, and the place where you will find a tablet with documents, the arrows show the path you need to move. When you find the document, you will need to gather here and report on the completion of the task. Is the assignment clear?

1 Station "Military formation"

General: Prepare for the group commander to submit a report, report on readiness. Submit a report to the commander of the "Fidgets" group!

Commander of the "Fidgets" group: Group equal, at attention! Count on 1, 2! Stand in two lines!

The commander marches up to the general and reports:

Comrade General! The Fidget group is ready for a combat mission! Group commander. Report submitted!

General: Report accepted!

The commander of the "Fidgets" group is in service.

2 Assembly Station

Envelopes are issued. From the cut pictures, assemble an image of the flag, the coat of arms of Russia, a tank, an airplane, a border guard, a sailor, a paratrooper. Whose team quickly and correctly collects the pictures - wins.

3 Field kitchen station

General: To be strong for you,

you need to cook dinner.

And so friends

it's time for you to cook borschik.

Each team chooses "cook", which stands last in the column. Each team member in turn runs up to the table, takes the offered products lying on the tray (these are plastic vegetables and fruits, the task is to choose vegetables for borscht and put them into a saucepan one at a time). The last player "cook" runs last, takes the pot in his hands, checks the ingredients for borscht and shouts "dinner". The team that chooses the right products and finishes the relay quickly wins.

4 Station "Bogatyrskaya Silushka".

  • Rope pulling.
  • Who will do more push-ups.

5 Station "On a halt".

1. What sailors serve. (Warship.)

2. What all soldiers protect. (Motherland.)

3. Lies in the ground, if you step on it, it will explode. (Mine.)

4. What does a soldier have on his feet? (Boots or berets.)

5. One in the field is not ... (Warrior.)

6. What they throw and say: “Lie down!” (Grenade.)

7. What animal sometimes also serves? (Dog.)

8. Where do all the guys go to serve when they grow up? (To Army.)

9. Hospital for wounded soldiers. (Hospital.)

10. Dedicated pistol pocket. (Kabura.)

11. Equipment for the protection of the air border. (Airplanes, radars.)

12. What is the name of the steering wheel of a ship and an aircraft (Steering wheel.)

13. Vehicle on tracks. (Tank.)

14. What kind of headgear do fighters wear during a fight to protect their heads from injury? (Cascu.)

15. What is the headdress of a tanker called? (Helmet.)

16. Are there sharks and alligators in the army? ("Black shark" and "alligator" are names for combat helicopters.)

17. Is this both the name of the girls and the name of a formidable weapon? (Katyusha.)

18. What is the name of a sailor's headdress? (Speakless.)

6 Brainstorm Station

Task 1 "Cube".

A die with numbers from 1 to 6 is thrown out. In response, the picture under the number is called and it is said what is shown on it.

  1. President Vladimir Putin.
  2. Red Square.
  3. Kremlin.
  4. Moscow.
  5. Emblem of Russia.
  6. Coat of arms of the city of Nizhnyaya Tura.

Task 2 "Recalculate the technique."

On one poster there are military equipment (from 1 to 5 items), each is indicated by a number. The second poster with the same technique, but without numbers. The audience sees the first poster, the child performing the task sees only the second poster, and performs the task from memory.

(You can call 3-4 children by changing the sequence of numbers attached to the adhesive tape on the first poster.)

7 Station "Medical"

Relay "Who will bandage the wounded faster." Three children from each team participate.

8 Open tablet station

General: Comrades, fighters, according to the plan, I see that documents are hidden somewhere here. Let's find them.

Children find a tablet.

We found the tablet, but it does not open. Need a password. Let's think with you, the word should be military, and even better if we sing a song.

9 Outcome, rewarding participants

General: The tablet opened, here are the secret documents. You did an excellent job with all the tasks.

You fought hard for a just cause

Striving for victory

Courageously and boldly

You are our defenders, everyone is great!

We are proud of you - our fighters!!!

I want to express my gratitude to you and award you medals for the speed, agility and friendship shown in the game. Children receive medals (these are chocolate medals on strings).

Ekaterina Dubinina
The scenario of the game-travel for the patriotic education of preschoolers "Quest"

Target: create conditions for patriotic education of preschoolers


military-patriotic education of children;

Acquaintance with military specialties, military branches;

- preschool education in the spirit of readiness for the defense of the Motherland;

- the formation of high moral qualities: initiative and independence, conscious discipline, comradeship and friendship, collectivism, will, courage, resourcefulness, endurance.

Number and composition of teams: 2 teams of 10 children of the preparatory group

Route map

Tasks: 1 "Military formation"

2 "Collect the equipment"

3 "Barrier"

4 "Count and Circle"

5 "Oh potato, potato"

6 "Puzzles"

7 "Field Kitchen"

8 "Open the briefcase"

9 Outcome, rewarding participants

The group is called a squad. Squad Composition: commander, fighters. Guards: head of physical education, caregivers, kitchen staff.

General: music director.

Accompanying: educator, Jr squad leader.

Attributes and equipment:

Military uniform for the commander in chief,

Military uniform for guards,

Tape recorder, audio cassettes with a record of the march, military songs,

Flags to indicate the territory of the task,

Prepared cards for "Secret Mission", briefcase, documents,

Awards and prizes.

flagpole and flag "Zarnitsa".

For each squad:

Elements of a soldier's uniform,

squad flag,

route plan,

Awards and medals

preliminary work:

Establishment of a headquarters for the preparation and conduct of military sports games"Zarnitsa" with the definition of the functions of each member of the headquarters.

Registration of visual propaganda (production of posters, posters, information stand, invitation cards).

Formation of detachments from children of preparatory groups, with the appointment of commanders. Planning classes on military topics, acquaintance with works of art.

Learning a military song.

Game progress

Marching music sounds, the children of the preparatory groups under the leadership of the detachment commander gather on the street platform, line up along the perimeter. Then the General comes out to solemn music.

General: I wish you good health, comrades, fighters!

Children: We wish you good health, comrade general!

General: Comrade fighters, there was an emergency at the headquarters: very important documents were stolen from the safe. Your task is to find the documents and deliver them to headquarters. This task is very difficult, you will need to overcome many obstacles. You will need courage, courage, courage, determination to achieve the goal. Comrade soldiers, are you ready for a combat mission?

Children: Ready!

General: Detachment commanders prepare to submit reports, report on readiness. Submit a report to the commander of the “Snipers” detachment!

Commander of the “Snipers” detachment: Detachment equals, at attention!


Comrade General! The “Snipers” squad is ready for a combat mission! Squad leader. Report submitted!

General: Report accepted!

The commander of the “Snipers” detachment is in formation.

General: Report to the commander of the “Sharpshooters” detachment!

Commander of the "Sharpshooters" detachment: Detachment equals, at attention!

The commander marches up to the general and reports:

Comrade General! The Sharpshooters squad is ready for a combat mission! Squad leader. Report submitted!

General: Report accepted!

The commander of the "Sharpshooters" detachment is in the ranks.

General: To complete this task, you will need to use the plan, where the blue color indicates the place from where you will have to start your movement, the red color indicates the place where you will find the package with documents, the arrows show the path you need to move. When you find the document, you will need to gather here and report on the completion of the task. Is the assignment clear? Detachment commanders receive a route plan.

2 task. "Collect military equipment"

General: The soldiers, in order to get to their destination faster, had military equipment.

And now your squads will have to make 1 type of military equipment each using a desktop constructor.

3. Task "Barrier"

General: Comrade fighters, the railway is on your way and the path is blocked. To go further you need to open the barrier.

Children approach the barrier, it is closed. To do this, you need to answer questions:


1. What sailors serve.

3. What all soldiers protect.

5. Lies in the ground, if you step on it, it will explode.

6. What does a soldier have on his feet?

7. One in the field is not..

8.What they throw and say: "Lie down!"


2. What animal sometimes also serves?

4. Where do all the guys go to serve when they grow up?

8. Hospital for wounded soldiers.

9. Special pocket for a pistol.

10. Equipment for the protection of the air border.

11. Winter outerwear of a soldier.

12. Vehicle on tracks.

4 task. "Count the items".

General: Every soldier must be able to count in order to properly complete a combat mission!

The child receives a form with pictures next to which there are numbers. You need to count the objects in the picture and circle the corresponding number.

5 task. a game "Ah, potato, potato"

General: It was difficult for the soldiers during the fighting, but they did not lose heart. In short breaks between battles, the soldiers rested in Russian. They danced, sang and even played. And now we will play a game "Ah, potato, potato". Each team member needs to bring potatoes in a spoon. Whose team will complete the task faster, she will win and get a chip.

6 task "puzzles"

General: For further path you must find the answer. To solve riddles, you need to know a lot.

I'm in the Navy now

My hearing is good.

There is the same in the infantry - We are friends with the walkie-talkie for good reason!

(radio operator)

Who walks in the parade

Ribbons are twisted behind the back,

Ribbons twist, and in the detachment

There are no girls.


Grow up and follow my brother

I'll be a soldier too

I will help him

Guard your…


-Brother said: "Do not rush!

You're better off in school!

You will be an excellent student - You will become ...

(Border guard)

You can be a sailor

To protect the border

And serve not on earth,

And in the military...


The plane flies like a bird

There is an air border.

On duty day and night

Our soldier is a soldier...


The car rushes into battle again,

Caterpillars cut the ground

That car in a clean field

Controlled …


He is ready for fire and battle,

Protecting you and me.

He goes on patrol and into the city,

Will not leave the post.


7. Task "Field Kitchen"

General: To make you strong

you need to cook dinner.

And so friends

it's time for you to cook borschik.

Each team chooses "cook", which stands last in the column. Each team member in turn runs up to the table, takes the offered products lying on the tray (these are plastic vegetables and fruits, the task is to choose vegetables for borscht and put them into the pan one at a time. The last player - "cook" runs last, takes the pot in his hands, checks the ingredients for borscht and shouts "dinner". Team wins, which will choose the right products and quickly finish the baton.

8. Task "Open the briefcase"

General: Comrades, fighters, according to the plan, I see that documents are hidden somewhere here. Let's find them.

Children find a briefcase.

We found the briefcase, but it won't open. Need a password. Let's think with you, the word should be military, and even better if we sing a song.

General: The briefcase has been opened, here are the secret documents. You did an excellent job with all the tasks. I want to express my gratitude to you and award you medals for the speed, agility and friendship shown in the game. Children receive medals (these are chocolate medals on strings).

Patriotic quest game
"Battle for Moscow!"
(as part of the celebration of the 65th anniversary
great victory in the great
Patriotic War 1941-1945)
Krivonogova V.D.
Salnikova N.V.
Salnikova Yu.Yu.
GOU secondary school №743
Moscow 2010

Patriotic quest game
"Battle for Moscow!"
2010 marks the 65th anniversary
Patriotic War 1941-1945.
Dead in May all over the country
the festivities have certainly left their mark
in the souls of the students, but by the end of the year we counted
necessary to remind them once again of the Great
those years.
The battle near Moscow, which took place with
autumn 1941 to spring 1942, is
significant event of that war. It shows
all the power of the Russian people, who did not lower
hands, but rather gathered all the strength and will and gave
resolute rebuff to the fascist invader.

Patriotic education of schoolchildren
Since 2004, the military-historical
museum (responsible teacher-organizer: Krivonogova V.D.).
The exposition of the museum is replenished annually
students and teachers. It contains photographs
memorabilia of participants of the Great Patriotic War
war - relatives of our students and teachers.
Children are instilled with respect for the feat of those who fought for
their carefree peaceful childhood.
For all holidays associated with anniversaries of victories and
defenders of the Fatherland, concerts are being prepared, where
veterans are invited.
Throughout the year, students visit memorable places
military glory: Khatyn, Brest Fortress, Petrishchevo,
Dubosekovo, Poklonnaya Gora, Bullfinches, etc.
To consolidate knowledge on this important topic
patriotic education of modern schoolchildren
we have prepared this game.
Game format
The modern world sets new formats for filing and securing
information material. In our game, we tried to carefully combine
new formats and long-known historical facts, in order to maximize
to interest students and fix patriotic moods in their minds and
pride in your people.
Quest is an adventure game (from the English. quest- search)
is one of the main genres of games that require the player to solve mental
tasks to progress through the story.
In our game, at the start, teams will receive the same packages with 4
encrypted dots, guessing which they can find the right place
in the school building, complete some tasks there and get points for them.
Important! - all tasks are performed only by the team and according to the general decision.
The result of the game depends on:
1. The speed of solving ciphers (knowledge on the topic)
2. The quality of completing tasks at points (teamwork)
3. General readiness of the team (work on the name, image of the team)

Goals and objectives of the game
 Remind students of one of the important battles
Great Patriotic War.
 To interest them in the events of those years, with the help of
a new format for fixing information (quest).
To teach schoolchildren to work in a team, to respect and
listen to each participant. Follow directions clearly
chosen commander.
 Show artistic skills on
preparatory stage of the game (team name, motto,
 Show ingenuity in joint problem solving.
To provide students with knowledge on first aid
medical care.
Rules of the game
Prior to the game, all teams must be registered. The number of participants in one team cannot
exceed 8 people. All teams must have their own name, emblem All team members
indicated on the registration sheet.
At the start of the game, all teams simultaneously receive an envelope with 4 tasks, having solved which they go to
the point where checkers (checkers) are waiting for them. All hidden points are located in the school building. Order
passing points - arbitrary.
Checkers will need to complete some tasks. For the quality of performance - checkers will be
points are assigned - from 1 to 10. ALL team members are present on the check.
On the check, the team captain must MUST sign the checklist with the checkers and give the checker his
a sheet with a task so that the checker puts his signature. WITHOUT THESE SIGNATURES, THE TASK WILL NOT BE COUNTED!
Game time - 2 lessons, including breaks. The exact time of the beginning and end of the game will be announced
extra before starting.
At the finish line, it is necessary to hand over sheets with solved tasks and signatures of checkers. If the team was
on the check, but cannot explain how she found it - the task does not count.
The winner is the team that solved all the tasks the fastest, was noted by the checkers ALL
team and received the most points on the check.
Additional points can be earned by having wartime costumes (1 person in a costume - 5

Game tasks
Exercise 1.
Study the map carefully.
Find 10 marks that will show you the way to the check.
Hurry up. Offers.
Letters circled in blue circles on the map.
It is necessary to write them out and solve the anagram:

Game tasks
Task 2.
Solve the crossword and get the location of the check.
For a fully solved crossword - a bonus of 5 points.
1. The country-winner in the Great Patriotic War
2. General of the German army (as a composer)
3. Colonel General, Commander of the Kalinin Front
4. Commander-in-Chief of the Wehrmacht
5. Lieutenant General of the 16th Army of the Western Front
6. Army General of the USSR
7. The name of the operation, the result of which was planned to capture Moscow
8. The name of the operation that began on October 2-5, 1941 is "... the boiler"
Game tasks
Task 3.
The typist retyped the data for October 1941 for a report to the army general. typewriter
was quite old and some letters fell off, or were printed in a different size.
Vyazemsky boiler.
On October 2, 1941, the offensive of the remaining forces of Army Group Center began. Having created
overwhelming advantage in narrow areas, it E Soviet troops broke through the front of the Soviet
defense. Spas-Demensk and Kirov were captured on October 4, Yukhnov on October 5. In the same
day the enemy went to the Vyazma region.
For flank counter At a gift for the advancing grouping, a front group was created
I.V. Boldin. However, as a result of a tank battle in the area south of Kholm-Zhirkovsky
Soviet troops were defeated. October 7 German 7th Panzer Division 3rd
behind M whipped
encirclement of the troops of the Western and Reserve fronts in the Vyazma region. Got surrounded
37 divisions, 9 tank brigades, 31 artillery regiments and the 19th, 20th, 24th and 32nd
armies (the administration of the 16th army, having transferred the troops of the 19th army, managed to get out of the encirclement).
Until October 11, the encircled troops undertook
attempts to break through, only October 12
managed to make a breach for a short time, which soon
was closed again. Total
under Vya W more than 688 thousand Soviet soldiers and officers were captured in Bryansk and Bryansk, from
go out
Commander of the 32nd Army General Ma Y or S.V. Vishnevsky, the commander of the 24th Army died
Major General K.I. Rakutin.
Answer: it is necessary to write out the letters printed in ANOTHER font, and
solve anagram: MUSEUM.

Game tasks
Task 4.
Along with the tasks, you received an encryption from our scout - yes, this is a twisted small
piece of paper.
Carefully study ALL the received quest sheets and find the place where the scout is hiding. Press
is a great source of information you need.
The first page of the newspaper was attached to the tasks.
true for May 10, 1945.
On the 2nd page we find order No. 368.
Next, we write out the letters in encryption:
Column number-row number-character number.
Solving an anagram: ASSEMBLY HALL
On April 26, 2016 in the city of Kemerovo, a military-patriotic quest “On the Roads of the Immortal Regiment. Kuzbass residents during the Great Patriotic War.
The quest was carried out in accordance with the recommendations of the All-Russian public civil-patriotic movement "The Immortal Regiment of Russia".
The organizers of the quest were: the Regional Branch of the All-Russian Public Civil-Patriotic Movement "Immortal Regiment of Russia" together with the Department of Education and Science of the Kemerovo Region, the Department of Youth Policy and Sports of the Kemerovo Region, the Administration of the city of Kemerovo, the Kuzbass Children and Youth Center for Military Patriotic Education and Pre-Conscription Training .
The partners of the Game were veteran and youth public organizations of the Kemerovo region, the political party "United Russia".
The participants of the quest were students of high schools of the city and students of Kemerovo universities - a total of 33 teams, divided into 12 companies (2-3 teams each), a total of 165 participants.
According to the legend of the quest, the quest participants end up in Kemerovo during the war years. Their task is to understand the situation, remembering the historical facts about the period of the Great Patriotic War, to go through the main organizations involved in mobilization to the front, organizing the work of rear structures, primarily enterprises of the defense complex and hospitals. The fulfillment of the task means the readiness of young men and women to defend their homeland, to be worthy of the memory of their heroic ancestors. The purpose of the event is to present the work of mobilizing the population, organizing the work of defense enterprises, collecting assistance from the population to the front, and the readiness of citizens to defend their homeland. The task that each team faced was to complete the tasks at the stages of the quest, collect the necessary items, meaning the completion of the task, into the team's duffel bag. Teams of five people had to go through 12 stages.
The venue for the quest was the city Park named after Marshal G.K. Zhukov.
The quest opened with a dance number, the performance of which was interrupted by the sound of a siren and the voice of Y. Levitan declaring war. The presenters recalled the contribution of Kuzbass, the city of Kemerovo to achieving victory over the enemy.

A parting word to the teams and guests of the event was given by: a veteran of the Great Patriotic War, a worker in the rear of PORTNYKH Prokopiy Ilyich and the chairman of the regional branch of the all-Russian public organizations "Russian Union of Afghan Veterans" and "Combat Brotherhood" Igor Stepanovich KOSHELEV.
The participants honored the memory of those who died on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War with a minute of silence and laid a basket of flowers at the monument to Marshal of the Great Victory G.K. Zhukov.

After the completion of the solemn part and a brief briefing, the quest started.

The teams, having received route sheets, began to complete tasks from all stages at the same time: “Party Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks” - a quiz on the biographies of Kuzbass heroes; "Letters from the front" - writing a letter to relatives from the front and writing a postcard to veterans;

"Evacuation point" - the stage of testing knowledge about the activities of the rear and carrying ammunition at speed;

"Hospital" - providing first aid to wounded soldiers; "The Calm Before the Battle" - testing knowledge of films about the Great Patriotic War; "OSOAVIAKHIM" - a competition of basic military training skills: disassembly and assembly of a Kalashnikov assault rifle, putting on gas masks;

"Voenkomat" - a competition for the speed of putting on a military uniform and testing the knowledge of shoulder straps and insignia of military personnel; "Field kitchen" - the layout of products for cooking for a company; "Top Secret" - intelligence decoding: a message written in Morse code, as well as measuring the distance between cities on a map using a curvimeter; "Minefield" - testing knowledge on the history of the Great Patriotic War;

"Windows TASS" - drawing propaganda posters; "Front Concert" - preparation and performance of creative numbers.
At the end of the competitions and competitions, the participants gathered at the podium, where they unfolded a huge canvas of a copy of the Banner of Victory and sang the song "Victory Day" together. It was amazing.

The competent jury, which included representatives of the organizers of the event, summed up the results.
1st place was taken by the team "Prometheus" (MAOU "Secondary School No. 95", Volunteer Detachment "Prometheus");
2nd place - team "Granite" (MAOU "Gymnasium No. 17", Kemerovo);
3rd place - the team "Patriot" (Club "Patriot" of the Palace of Creativity for Children and Youth of the Leninsky district of Kemerovo, school No. 28).
The winners were awarded diplomas of the organizers, gifts from the quest partners. All teams received certificates for participation.
The event was held at a high organizational level, both participants and organizers were satisfied.
The work on the military-patriotic education of the youth of Kuzbass has been enriched by another interesting and promising form of events.


Patriotic Quest

as part of the campaign "Banner of Victory"

Generations Post


To cultivate respect for the historical past of their people on the example of the deeds accomplished during the Great Patriotic War;
- To form an active civic position, a positive attitude towards knowledge;
- To develop in children the ability to work in a team;
- Encourage children to search for new knowledge, to expand their horizons.

Equipment: computer, interactive whiteboard (for showing a presentation),

Musical accompaniment: phonograms of songs dedicated to the Great Patriotic War.

Event progress

Good afternoon dear friends!

Hello participants of today's event. Our quest is dedicated to the memory of the events of the Great Patriotic War. Time has managed to plow trenches on the fields of past battles, but it is powerless to weaken the memory of the unbending stamina and heroism of millions of Soviet people.

We have gathered today to broaden our horizons on the history of the war, try our hand at the knowledge contest, rejoice for those who will become the winner of the game, and all those present will participate in it.

Let me introduce you to the rules of our game.

The game will take place on several stations:


II station

III station ERUDIT



But first of all, the rules of communication during the quiz
We treat each other with respect
Any opinion deserves attention.
While one speaks, everyone listens
We indicate our desire to speak with a raised hand.

Quiz with interactive presentation
1. What name and surname are encrypted in the name of the Soviet tank - "I.S." (Joseph Stalin)
2. This Russian hero city bravely defended itself both in troubled times, and from Napoleon's troops, and in 1941. Name it. (Smolensk).
3. Who commanded the first Belorussian Front during the capture of Berlin? (Marshal G.K. Zhukov)

4. How the abbreviation "KV" stands for - the name of the Soviet heavy tank of the Great Patriotic War. (Klim Voroshilov)
5. In the history of the Second World War, this "coniferous" city of the Soviet Union became the first city from which the Germans were expelled. Name it. (Yelnya, Smolensk region)
6. Who became the first holder of the Order of Suvorov, 1st degree, established in 1942. (Marshal G.K. Zhukov)
7. Name the most famous WWII tank (T-34)
8. During the Great Patriotic War, the title of Hero of the Soviet Union was established, which was awarded for heroic deeds, for special heroism shown in battles. Who became the first four times Hero of the Soviet Union? (Zhukov)
9. During the Great Patriotic War, the State Defense Committee was created to organize a rebuff to the enemy. Who led it? (Stalin)


Performing songs from WWII

III station ERUDIT

A story about the actions of the Stavropol Territory dedicated to the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

Guess the stock by the logo (interactive presentation with stock logos)