She told a man that he is greedy. Signs of a greedy man. What to do with a greedy man

The times of discussion of female predatives, tracking tight men's wallets, have long been sunk in the summer, giving way to conversations about successful business women and self-sufficient women of our time. At the same time, in the search engines of the Internet, the request is increasingly sent: "Why are magle men" and what to do about it?

Men's greed is a negative phenomenon, it is not necessary to be confused with economy, but to know the causes of the occurrence and understand how to deal with this unattractive feature will be quite unchecified. And for women, whose husband became greedy, and for girls, just tied relationships and wishing to check their boyfriend for greed. All useful information about a man's chief is considered below.

How to recognize a greedy man

As mentioned, it should not be confused with gloominess. Calculating the economy of the guy will be more advantage of a plus in a joint family life, because its financial side will be controlled, and will not give to flow at an inappropriate moment. What you can not say about the pathological greed in men, the presence of which will not bring anything other than the offense and disappointment. Fortunately, there are ways and signs that help understand the peculiarities of the behavior of a mean man.

Signs of a greedy man:

  • restaurants - parting with money from this type occurs extremely difficult and painfully. He does not regret the search for various shares, discounts and other freebies before choosing the place where you go. Usually buying chooses the cheapest dishes, rejoicing every penny, which can be saved. It is quite capable of offering to pay you a check, about tips for the waiter can not be speech;
  • flowers - Of course, the lack of a bouquet on the first date can be caused by a hurry and forgetfulness, and this is not yet an indicator that at a meeting with you a greedy man. However, the constant absence of attention signs leads to certain thoughts on the nature of man. Since this type is used to it all transferred to money - the greed of emotional to him is also inherent, and to hear a compliment from him - a rarity;
  • gifts are excluded at all, and if they are presented, they are repeatedly remembered. As an option, the nipped cavalier is ready to give a favorite something that can use himself;
  • attitude towards money - all the scores are very like to talk about money, not about the ways to increase income, but about prices and amounts, about how everything is expensive and how much, where we had to pay, but everything is so expensive, and so the circle is so expensive. Manting that "Kopeyk Ruble is overwhelming," the type prone to greed, quite reluctantly spreads large bills, and therefore it is not to be surprised, having heard the proposal to pay any trifle, because it's a "thousands of reluctance";
  • shopping - Psychology of modern plush is ambiguous, on the one hand, a secured man may not be spent on the elected, while not refusing to himself. On the other hand, he can regret money even on himself, hiding every penny in a cube, minimizing the acquisition of necessary things, in the literal sense of the word striking everything to holes.

According to these signs of greedy men, a greedy man is determined by unmistakably. There are other distinctive features that make it possible to draw conclusions that you are buying. For example, such young people prefer to hold leisure without leaving the house, in order to exclude cash spending, for the same reason they go to visit with "empty hands", saving on cakes to tea.

Those who trust the horoscopes, and believes that in the signs of the zodiac, there are really faithful and worthwhile information, the descriptions of characters in accordance with them will be interesting. . All people are individual, and zodiac characteristics are not the truth of the last instance, however, astrologers allocate several signs, among which greedy men come across.

Some astrology:

  • Tales - love to receive attention, including in cash equivalent, at the same time do not show the slightest generosity towards others. Female sign is somewhat generous male, and breaks up with money more free . Men's tales are ready to spend only on themselves, moreover, often among them can be found typical alphony;
  • Virgo - inborn "housekeeps". Where you can save - they will save, and even where it is impossible, they still will not throw money "on the wind". For ourselves, they still allow you to make expensive purchases, be sure to talk about them all others;
  • Capricorn - justify the misfortune practicality and thrift. However, a loving woman from this is not much easier. Since the situation in society plays a significant role in the Capricorn life, then infrequent gifts are presented with commensurate status being beloved. It is not surprising that his favorite can get a chocolate on his birthday, and the boss is an expensive gift.

According to most stellar predictors, Sagittariov, scales and aquarities are considered the most generous. Although in life, everyone came across all the zodiacs absolutely from all signs.

Not as critical when greed is detected in the early stages of communication, and the woman is easier to make a choice: to continue relations with such a person or not. And if a greedy husband, what to do? To combat greeding husband, you can try several methods, but before you proceed to correct the situation, it is useful to understand the reasons why he greadings, and what caused it.

We learn the causes of male greed

Any greedy man is not born so initially, but greed, as a characteristic feature, may arise in childhood. Often, the causes of misfortune and not the desire to share benefits with surrounding and close people, take their beginning in the past, when the nature of the child is only formed, and it absorbs information from all parties, primarily from those who raises it. Psychology in their research pays considerable attention to the issues of the past, family and childhood, which is quite explained, because considering the person through the prism of these aspects, the actions and human behavior become more understandable, explained. Including greed.

Possible causes of male greed:

  • unsecured childhood - if the child grew up in the family without proper material wealth, tested deprivation and received frequent failures of his parents in obtaining the desired one, it is likely that when he becomes adults, and greeding comes together with independence. Now, when he grew up and maybe, without asking anyone to get what I want, I still do not rush to do it, because I got used to the eternal "impossible";
  • the spoiled child is, no matter how paradoxically, but life is fully understood, without restrictions in the performance of desires, it may be another cause of greed. Such a child could constantly hear about family well-being, as a result of saving, that the family knows how to count money, and therefore they have everything. Either getting always all the most delicious and expensive, he used to perceive it as proper. Often, loving parents sentenced Chadam, something like: "Eat a candy, you have, and they have no, but they don't need to share with anyone, but only you have to eat it." As a result, such a child and being adults, does not consider it necessary to give someone anything, such greed passes hand in hand with egoism;
  • financial failures and difficulties - if a man happened to visit the bottom of the financial pit or he survived the material crisis, passing the turmoil, it is conscious or not, will postpone the money on the "black day". Fear of being once again in such a situation leads to systematic greed, when for the sake of savings for the future, he is ready to go on restrictions in the present;
  • stupidity - perhaps you have to live with a greedy man, because he has not matured enough and wondered. Not aware of your new social role, like a husband and defender, he is not able to properly arrange priorities, and in no hurry to spend money on you, because it does not see in this need. Caring for yourself on your part perceives as a position, and take care of you and does not come to mind;
  • self-affirmation - when a husband never achieved special success, he believes that possessing a fair amount of money, it will be able to establish himself in the eyes of others. The formalization form can serve as tyranny - infringe upon you in everything, listening to your permanent, humiliating requests for monetary help and content, it grows in his own eyes, every time it gives you any amounts.

Reasons for greed are not limited to this list, remembering the individuality of each of us, this feature is developing depending on the events and circumstances. The trait is harmful and eaten, it's not easy to fight her.

How to save a man from greed

Change the temper and the habits of an adult is very difficult. When the time after the acquaintance, you begin to believe that you have a meager, the best advice, immediately weigh everything in and against new relationships, and most likely, to be returned. Since it's not easy to live with greedy man. And is it worth spending time and strength to re-educate such an personality, it is better to solve in advance. And what about those who have already associated themselves with the bonds of marriage with the prototype of the crotte of an inches?

Tips to help women whose man is trees:

  • conversations - long, regular, with arguments, taking calm and patience. Yes, this is long and the result will not be happy soon, but the woman decided to re-educate the buyer exactly this is - once over and over again to her husband think about , that people who live in marriage not only take, but also have to give, including the money necessary for the successful and strong development of the family;
  • redistribution of responsibilities - When his wife has to be needed, even on the necessary purchases and payment of services, it will be a good access to enter the maintenance of economic accounts to her bumps. To the one who constantly grieves that his beloved spends too much money, it will be useful to learn all the costs in detail, perhaps after that, it will allocate larger amounts for life;
  • trust - despite the fact that you now live together, the husband still may not trust you. Try to convince him that you are not a transcription, and the requested money go into the good of the family . Find out for what purpose he postpones money, and take part in this. Prove him that he is dear to you as a person, not a source of income. Believes in it, a man will more easily part with money, not counting more, which limiting you in the means, tightly binds to himself;
  • review priorities - maybe it's time for the revaluation of values, and start making money? If you are fully provided by a man, and you are not enough money, try to earn them yourself. First, they will become more, and secondly, the husband will begin to treat you differently, when the beloved will cease to fully depend on his will.

If no exhortation and support from your side bring fruits, and there is not enough money to the family budget, and not due to the lack of income, but because of the scope, the last radical way remains. I love or do not like, depart to the background, when greed increases that, alas, inevitably comes with the age of the buyer. You should not hope that over the years everything will change, and you will heal a full life . if you do not be able to tame a greedy man at the very beginning, you will not be able to continue. And is it worth spending an invaluable time to life devoid of comfort, in constant money quarrels, a personal choice of each.

He does not want to treat you a cup of coffee

Let's figure it out. How much is a cup of coffee? Three kopecks. A cup of coffee is three tickets on the tram, two packs of milk or a pack of condoms. What is it expensive? Not. Thus, we have three options. The first: he is beggar. At all. But it is unlikely, because the times are not: today even a five-grader usually have a couple of cups of cups in your pocket. Second: He is insanely Zhadalad. It really is not safe to spend this insignificant amount. This is also hardly rare pathology. Finally, the third, most common option: he checks you. Cup of coffee - straight alpha and omega men's laminate. This is a test on the "Mercantile Babo", which they write about in all articles. He is right away, do not pack hands.

He suggests split by half the bill in the restaurant

And tells you that this is the most equality for which we fought. Fairy tales of women FISa is, not equality. We are all - and you, and it - they were brought up differently: the cavalier invites the lady and treats, and the lady tries to confine themselves to the very cup of coffee, so as not to put in the awkward position of the cavalor. We cannot instantly change the paradigm, these social games are understandable to us, and some others - not very much. However, if you want to give him a chance, ask him about children. Yes, this is a very good question. It sounds like this: "How long have you been going to be on a child care?" If the eyes releasing and let something about the "female destination" - clarify again, that he tagged about equality. I wonder how this jar will turn out.

He never leaves tip

How to recognize a greedy man? This manifestation of greed has nothing to do with you, but do not pay attention to such attention. Tips are just 10-15% of the amount of the account, nothing to talk about if you did not stroll half the salary, of course. What will save here? Nothing. So it's not about savings, but in the fact that it is stolen toad. He also knows that the tips are a solid part of the waiters earnings.

He comes to visit empty hands

We are not talking about colors and gifts, we are talking about food and drinks. Yes Yes exactly. If you invite a man for dinner, and he is without a bottle of wine and the box of cakes - let the house "Dashirak" shoves. Because you spent money and time to feed it delicious. Yes, but he should treat you in the restaurant, so everything is right, right? Not. Because in the restaurant you go a couple of times, and you will have to dinner. You know that it will be so.


Or give gifts not to you, and myself

Oh, these are the most wonderful gifts! "Dear, here's a five-liter bottle of" Johnny Walker "! Are you happy? That's fine, otherwise I have nothing to drink after work. " What do you say? Thank you for presented to fishing boots. But I could.

He divides the costs of "honest", and not in half

If you still contacted Zeadcom and you already live together - look at how he divides your joint costs. Recently, all social networks had a story about the boy, who offered the girl to live together and divide the cost of renting an apartment in half. The girl honestly gave her half until he learned that the apartment belongs to the boy. This greed in the inoperable stage, of course, is therefore rarely found. It is usually all easier: you pay bills in half, buying products together, and the remaining each spends on yourself - this is very convenient, right? But if you are preparing, then you buy the missing ingredients on your own. You are a woman, you know better than treat sick, run up in a pharmacy, eh? Voila, medicines you also buy on your own. Do you need cleanliness in the house? Cleaning products on you. Do you need any small utensils and technique facilitating life? Again your expenses. Finally, he wants to be beautiful woman next to him - and you spend on the outfits and cosmetics. And he is only on his own Wishlist. And it is called "to share the budget is honest." Oh well.

It saves using your resources

Female Labor - ordinary household work, which is noticed not to notice - have tried several times to evaluate from the point of view of market relations. It turned out that 90% of men on the planet in principle cannot afford to be his wife. There is no money to pay all its services: the work of the maid, the work of the cook, the work of the nanny, the work of a personal psychologist, stylist and a masseur. Dear pleasures, you know. But it seems not to somehow talk about money, because it is love and care. Yes of course. Love and care - in the event that you keep a household together. Or if he pays for the purchase of modern technology and the services of the housekeeper when it comes to really hard and dirty work. And if you still wash the dishes with your hands - what is there to talk about?

There are men who call themselves inherent and economical, but in fact it is characterized by banal greed. Such people scrupulously consider money and do everything in order to prevent unnecessary, in their opinion, expenses. Husband or guy, for whom heard is characteristic, will not make his chosen one's elected gift, as it believes that this is an unjustified waste of money. To build relationships with such people is not easy, but in psychology there are some secrets to do it.

It is important to be in relationships in money. See how to do it In the telegram channel! Watch \u003e\u003e

Psychology of greed

When a woman is very in love with such a man, the greed is perceived as a positive quality characterizing the chosen as an excellent owner and a responsible person. As soon as love is gradually passes, a woman understands that a greedy man is in front of her, so it begins to reflect on whether to continue relations with a partner or not.

Greed in men has signs that are easily recognized.

All men who combine greed, can be classified depending on the peculiarities of psychology:

  1. 1. People with congenital greed: these are the egoists who have inspired from childhood that all the best should be to get it. Such men are ready to spend money exclusively on loved ones, while friends and relatives do not have to wait for generosity from them. It is possible, but only if he truly loves the girl, thanks to which she will not refuse anything.
  2. 2. Surround: Recognize a miser person is easy. It is not only for others, but also on himself. If a person constantly walks in the same clothes, it does not allow himself to eat well, does not travel, having money for all material goods, then you can judge his misfortune. All finance earned such a man is postponing, but does not spend. It's hard to endure this person in family life, as a woman will have to report for each spent penny and limit themselves in everything. With a stingy guy, it makes no sense to continue the relationship, but if we are talking about my husband, then a woman remains only to independently provide its material needs.
  3. 3. Especially because of difficult childhood: people who have lived poorly from childhood, even with good material position try to save. The thing is that from the early years of life, they are accustomed to restrictions, so they are afraid to lose financial independence and again become poor. You can build relationships with such men if you understand their behavior and explain that in life you need to allow yourself pleasure, and this will not be considered in vain spent money.
  4. 4. Inadequate Garden: This guy has greed reaches the absurdity. A person can easily come for a birthday with a cheap gift, which will certainly insult the culprit of the celebration. Hike to a restaurant Such a guy replaces homemade cakes, the manufacture of which money was not spent. Actions of pathological tools often cause laughter from others because of their absurdity. It is useless to fight such a man, because together with pathological greed, he may have such disadvantages as a tendency to psychological violence, despotism, infantality, and so on. It is worth finding a more worthy candidate for husbands.
  5. 5. Practical: This man carefully treats money, but is aware of what he does. The desire to save is explained by the fact that a person seeks to collect money for high-quality vacation, a new car, opening its own business. In order for such a man to become more generous in relation to the elect, a woman behave tactfully. You can sincerely thank him for the gifts made, not stupid on praise to the loved one. Seeing the joy of his beloved, the guy or her husband would like to please her with pleasant surprises more often.

If a man looks into the eyes and does not take a look

False greed

Guys who wish to check the girl on the absence of mercencies are pretending to be greedy, but it does not go beyond the limits of decency frames. A wealthy man can at first intentionally invite the chief in the not so expensive restaurant, as she would like to give modest bouquets and ignore hints on requests to give dear gifts. This behavior allows the guy to avoid relationships with the lady, which is interested only money.

Greedy man. Probably not in the world of a woman who does not shudder from hostility, reading these two incompatible words! But those incompatible they are ideally, but in life ...?

Let's make the site together with the female site we will deal with what we have in life and how to deal with it. If it is possible of courseā€¦

Nature of male greed

Daaa ... Remember, in the kindergarten, maybe even even in school there were telesns "Jadda-beef" and other schoolgings? It was very unpleasant, and no one wanted to be on the site of someone teased. They gave the last thing that was, just not to hear this ...

It is a pity, but now everything is much more serious. Now the one who alone under the staircase ate candy or shoved the pie in his mouth, so as not to share with anyone, intentionally did not give us gifts. It is not invited to sit somewhere and eat something delicious. Saves on every little thing, driving us constantly in paint.

I don't even want to continue, I think everyone represents what it is about. Find and destroy - that's all that comes to mind. Let's do it now and do it.

Do you know that almost none of the women respondents could not find an intelligible answer to a simple question: "And why a greedy man is actually bad? .."

It would seem that it may be easier?. Why love is good, why it is impossible to kill why the sky is blue ... Questions from the series - "This is default." Blue and everything here - what is the discussion? To say that a greedy man is bad, because he does not give us anything - somehow it is ashamed, I don't like to feel like egoists ... not to say - too, it will somehow be wicked.

What is the actual thing? Why does such a simple question put us in a dead end?

Everything is simple. Long to understand in various religious teachings, philosophy, etc. we will not. Just believes smart people. Men's greed - reluctance to give / give - an unnatural and controversy phenomenon. Yes, that's the way, everything is serious!

Created God Adam, Adam essentially gave life Eve. Keyword - gave. And it all started. A man gives, a woman takes, converts and gives back - more! Woman gives a man's wings - the desire to go and seek - with the goal! And this is the eternal process! The process on which all relationships are built! If the man is greedy and gives nothing to a woman, the process stops, and without starting by and large. And it's not necessary to think about creating harmony here.

The universe (or as you call the highest strength, if you believe in them) gives a man in his life through a woman. It makes real food from the products, it makes comfort and comfort from the money, a new life appears from the seed - a child. This woman, of course.

In a word, a man should be able to give first, because we, girls, nature laid and give back. And let's not argue with it. The sky is blue.

How to recognize a greedy man?

It seems when a man's word "expensive" says more often than your name, if you pay yourself for yourself if he deliberately (!) Does not give you any gifts, then there is unlikely to have a greedy man or not.

But there are always such smallquarters that are imperceptible at first glance. But Potepy, knocking himself a fist on the forehead in indignation, we can not understand how, well, can Kaaak ?? How did we not pay this attention ??

So what are these little things:

  • a man never leaves tips in cafes / restaurants;
  • a man lives not by means. In another sense this time. That is, it earns like normally, but this is somehow special pleasure in life does not bring it, i.e. He does not go anywhere / rides, does not buy anything, etc. ;
  • getting surrender, carefully recalculates it and asks to dod a penny;
  • he always has everything on the shelves: he knows a thousand and one way, how to do without a new shirt, without a second knife at home, without a washing machine, without many other things in life;
  • he with visible regret and sorrow gives money;
  • a greedy man likes to say, and how much costs, even if it does not concern you in principle.

All this, of course, maybe well. But rarely. Everness, attentiveness to money - good qualities, but over time they make the most ordinary male men. Not without ours, by the way, help.

Looking at the cute habits of some men on the first dates very carefully treat money, we mistakenly accept this for the wonderful quality "all in the family", even though the family is even even thinking about the family. And then because of the tender love or fear of being lost, you do not allow a man to give us big bouquets of colors, dear gifts, led in good establishments. And then the man decides that we are in principle that it is not necessary. So what else questions?

One simple but very effective greed test

It works, I must say, a hundred percent of cases, the main thing is to correctly interpret what a man says.

It has long been known that the man is the same in a relationship with a woman as he belongs to the money. Easily gives, easily gets - wonderful. It works, it works, forever said - too, you know, the indicator - a man can only take.

So, test. Ask your man how he belongs to the money (then you can add a question to what would he, for example, spent a million if he earned it, or won). Suddenly ask. And do not let him think a lot of time. The faster the answer is, it is more or rather. A greedy man will immediately give himself his answer, as a rule, they answer all questions about money quickly.

"I want to have a lot of money," "Money is dust," "big money is dirt, so I will never have them," "I love money, they help me get in life what I want" - here Only some examples that you can hear in response.

And the more you hear in his answer words "to have, power, I want," the more likely that a man gives you something at all intend to. And we are not talking about money. A greedy man - greedy often not only for material things.

What caused men's greed?

  • Poverty / constant shortage of something in the past. Ask him, maybe in childhood he and his family always needed something, and now he, as a chapter, is forced to collect everything and save, so as not to repeat what he had in distant childhood.
  • Generic programs and karma. Very deep, of course, is not very often found, but it happens. The heritage of distant ancestors who died from hunger, or not distant, who know no place that there is a deficit, easily forms the unconscious behavior of a man. Greedy for this reason a man will take everything he is given like Plushkin, and nothing will discern with a thing, even if it crumbles in front of ...
  • Life is the future. That is, a man always collects and sacks "for the future", "for tomorrow", he is so passionate about this process that forgets to live today :)
  • He is not sure of you. Basically, it concerns the initial period of dating. In this case, a greedy man talks like this: "I don't know her, perhaps we will not work, until I won't spend some money on it." The approach, maybe quite reasonable. But some kind of nasty, right? It is a pity that the man does not understand that with this approach today, the joint tomorrow may not come.
  • The most favorite and most common - complexes! And fears, of course. "I want you to love me as I am," and what, legally. And if so: "I don't want you to love me for what I have" - \u200b\u200balready somehow differently. By the way, they do not want to love them for the fact that they have, most often those who, in general, nothing. Men who managed something worthwhile to create in their lives, less often suffer from similar complexes. Such an excuse. I do not want you to love me for the patter, so I can't buy it. About how. And about the fact that women fall in love with the results of a man's activities - so instituted by nature, they are also unknown. And what they only write on male sites ??

Or such a behavior of a greedy man is explained by fear of being commerished, humiliated. I'm on the tram of Cat, the cake trembled, and she threw me. If he did nothing, although it will be possible to say that, in general, and not much wanted ...

Insecurity, weakness, cowardice - these are the main features of a greedy man. And honestly, he doesn't feel very man myself. Therefore, I can not give. As if all these, for example, material things, latch some holes and emptiness in its character. Therefore, "buy" to you, say, a beautiful bouquet of flowers - it means to tear off the N-th sum from the heart, which covered, say, its weakness. Everything is simple.

What to do with a greedy man?

Everything, of course, depends on the cause. In general, all solutions are one thing - this is necessary and should speak, just not always it will help ...

  • Where there is a negative past experience of eternal shortage of something - the situation is not so complicated. If you plan to associate with such a man's life, then with the right approach, its greed (if it, of course, not hypertrophied) can only become a plus for your family. Plan with it all expenses, lay certain amounts on the situation "just wanted" so that he does not think that these unplanned costs can lead to something terrible. If such a man surrounds himself with sufficiency and will be confident in your love and devotion, "greed" he can have a little and gull up.
  • For the reason for the "life of the future", too, this option may be useful. Discuss with a man when "tomorrow" comes exactly in your life, and make money not to "rest", and on holiday in the Maldives in the summer two thousand of some year.
  • With fear and complexes are a bit harder. More precisely, much.

If you think that a man is simply not sure about you, and this is the reason for his greed for today, then you, of course, can affect the situation. Speak him, what he is good, manifest attention to him, prove in every way that you like and you are devoted to him. You can still take a white horse and go to seek the attention of a capricious queen, more precisely, the king. You decide.

But it is still thinking that if a man is not quite sure what you like, so it does not give gifts and does not invest in a relationship, then he must do something to correct the situation. A closed circle of some kind. But unfortunately, a greedy man will not understand this and it will hardly be capable of it.

To combat psychology, "I don't want you to love me for the patty" there are also several ways. For example, you can, just take it this very fast psychology and not demand anything from him, let everything goes. Maybe he will relax and see that he is the roads in itself. But, as a rule, it is not enough.

You can in addition to this invested in a relationship on your own, for example, to offer him to pay an account in a cafe separately, make him gifts.

The main thing is not to overdo it, and that is, the high probability that he will just be ashamed, and he will either be corrected or run away.

It is a pity that such men do not understand that it is often more important for us that the patty does not play at all, but the willingness of the man to buy it. Maybe you should say about it? Although the option "to behave with him as you would like him to behave with you" works always and in any respect. Just in a relationship with a man sometimes there is an unpleasant precipitate, that you are a relationship, and the princess is actually he.

All these ways, of course, can work only if a man is really greedy. Sometimes it happens that the man simply does not know how to care, or in his family the relationship between his mother and his father was quite different, and he simply does not know how to behave with you. In this case, it is not about greed at all about greed, and a simple conversation and joint work in this direction can all be perfectly solved.

Another thing, if it is still not about a greedy man, but about a greedy woman. A ticket for 2 weeks to Turkey 5 stars? Why not Maldives? Greedy, what? Such cases are also often found, and men love to talk about them. We, too, sometimes bend a stick. We say that if we want to get flowers, then it's not at all in the colors, but in the attention, and then they swore - the color of roses is not that, and 5 pieces are somehow little, etc. etc.

In general, you know, effective ways to deal with male greed is simply not. Too much depends on the man himself, often it is like to fight with the excess weight of another person - and the subscription to the gym can buy him, and inspire to lose weight, but still - if there is no desire, then this is hardly possible to do something .

A greedy man - without exaggeration - diagnosis. This is true, a serious psychological problem, in a man is violated the most natural from all the nature of the Reflex - to give a woman.

With such men, of course, you can communicate. But, unfortunately, greediness is not even a spoonful of tar in a barrel of honey - still not touched honey can be found and eat :) it's rather a drop of poison in water - a drop, and spoils all the water, all. It will manifest itself in how he solves the problem, in how he will lead a household, raise children.

Maybe our love will be able to change it - the approach of this Slavic woman, not always, by the way, triggering :) Maybe, and so. In any case, each makes a decision independently, tolerate or not tolerate this strange and unpleasant male feature. One is checked exactly - if at the very beginning of the relationship, there is something small and no rest, what you are very trying to forget-take-take-forgive, then sooner or later it will still pop up, having increased greatly in size.

A greedy man - a man, still capable of managing love, however, it is worth understanding whether he can do it in your language, language attention, care and gifts.

So think - whether it is worth buying a very tasty, but poisoned patty. Perhaps you have a strong immunity. Or maybe you have an antidote? Then share - the question is still open!

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