How much does a child weigh for a period of 30 weeks. Taking vitamin preparations. Nutrition for the expectant mother

30 obstetric week of pregnancy is 28 weeks from the date of fertilization.

What to expect for expectant mothers at the end of the seventh month, how the baby develops and how to understand that the pregnancy is going well.

30 weeks of pregnancy - fetal development, photos, how does the baby develop and feel?

The baby already weighs about 1300 g, its size is 38 cm... The body weight of different babies can vary greatly depending on the mother's equipment and how the pregnancy proceeds.

The fluff on the child's body begins to gradually disappear, but the hairs on the head become thicker and thicker. Some babies are still born with a light fluff on their bodies, which disappears without a trace after a few months.

What has formed, what is happening, what does it look like?

Together with the baby, his organs grow and improve:

  • The liver stores iron, which will be an excellent source of hemoglobin long after birth.
  • The lungs are constantly exercising. This can be seen on an ultrasound scan - the chest is constantly rising and falling.
  • It is during this period that the mass of the brain begins to increase. Although it will begin to function fully only after the birth of the baby.
  • Vision is not perfect yet, but the baby can distinguish bright light from dark. The process of staining the iris occurs gradually, so the color of the eye of all babies at this time is blue. Even black children are born with blue eyes.

It is believed that in women who are pregnant for the first time, the child should take the correct (cephalic) presentation by 30 weeks. In multiparous mothers, babies can be in different positions up to 34 weeks.

What is seen on an ultrasound scan?

Usually, a second ultrasound is prescribed closer to 32 weeks. But sometimes, in case of any doubts, it can be held for this period as well.

This week, doctors are examining the baby's growth rate, the state of the amniotic fluid, placenta and uterus. Possible fetal malformations are also identified.

Video: ultrasound of 30 weeks of pregnancy

Fetal heart rate at 30 weeks

Heart rate can tell a lot about a baby's condition. As in the beginning of pregnancy, in the third trimester, the frequency of strokes is slightly higher than the norm for an adult. This week, your baby's heart rate should fluctuate between 140-160 strokes in a minute.

It has been noticed that in boys, the heart beats slower and calmer than in girls.

What happens in a woman's body?

This week, pregnant women are increasingly feeling very tired and fatigued. This is natural for this period. But if fatigue does not go away even after a long rest, it is better to take an unscheduled blood test for hemoglobin. Iron deficiency always leads to a state of drowsiness, lethargy and apathy.

Thrush is the eternal companion of pregnancy. In recent months, she tends to progress. Treatment of this disease must be carried out by both partners. Otherwise, the infection will come back again and again.

Also, in the last stages, emotional instability returns to the mother, which manifests itself in the form of fear of the upcoming birth. Since hormones are the cause of such fears, it is almost impossible to influence this condition.

In the body of the expectant mother, relaxin begins to be intensively produced. It relaxes the pelvic joints so that they become plastic and the baby can easily pass through the birth canal.

Expectant mothers need to be careful about pain in the pubic bone. This may be a symptom of symphysitis (divergence of the bones of the pubic articulation).

Changes in a woman's body at 30 obstetric week of pregnancy

Breast and belly of a woman in the 30th week of pregnancy

In the third trimester, the breast swells, the nipples increase in size and darken. Some mothers are already beginning to produce colostrum - the first milk. However, this phenomenon should not be taken as a sure sign that lactation will be more complete. No connection was found between these phenomena.

If the appearance of milk is uncomfortable, you can use the sanitary breast pads.

During this period, the belly begins to grow so quickly that women who are pregnant for the first time are perplexed. After all, there are still two months ahead. Do not panic - after the eighth month, the tummy will begin to go down and will not grow so quickly.

Stirring during pregnancy

What can a sharp increase in the activity of a baby talk about? Perhaps he lacks oxygen. It happens that the number of perturbations increases after mom has eaten something high in calories. Or experienced strong emotions.

Video: 30 weeks pregnant

What can and should not be for a woman during pregnancy?

Usually at this time the woman goes on maternity leave. The rest of the time before childbirth is best spent resting. Moreover, soon the accumulated forces will be useful for caring for the baby.

But you shouldn't neglect your usual household duties. Small physical activity is perfectly acceptable and even useful.

In late pregnancy, it is very important to maintain your posture. A straight back leads to the fact that there is more space in the uterus, and this automatically eliminates many problems: heartburn, back pain and lower back pain.

30 weeks of pregnancy - how to know that everything is good?

Because of increased anxiety, mothers often start thinking about various troubles. But often such fears are completely unfounded. However, if a woman is greatly tormented by doubts, she can undergo an ultrasound scan to make sure that the baby lives his own life and feels great inside.

You also need to carefully monitor for swelling and sudden jumps in weight gain. These signs may be the first bells of preeclampsia - a dangerous pathology that threatens pregnancy.

Popular questions about pregnancy - the specialist answers

Obstetric and embryonic terms - how are they different?

Obstetric term is called a period slightly different from the exact embryonic one. Its beginning is the first day of the last menstruation. This is two weeks earlier than embryonic term.

Is discharge at 30 weeks pregnant - the norm or the threat of miscarriage?

In the third trimester, a pregnant woman may have an aggravated thrush. Its presence is indicated by curdled, or mucous, white discharge that causes itching. Thrush must be treated to prevent complications. Moreover, during this period, many drugs are not dangerous.

Dangerous bleeding is considered, in combination with pain in the perineum and lower back. Also, a pregnant woman should be alerted by too watery transparent or yellowish discharge. It is possible that this is amniotic fluid.

If at 30 weeks of gestation you cannot hear the fetal heartbeat?

Ideally, the heartbeat should be heard well with either method. But it happens that the sound of the heart is very dull and indistinct. This happens with polyhydramnios or if the placenta is located on the anterior wall of the uterus.

If the sound of the heart is not heard at all, this can mean only one thing - the death of the fetus.

If at 30 weeks of pregnancy pulls the lower abdomen?

A growing tummy causes a lot of inconvenience to mom, including the appearance of pulling pains. There is nothing dangerous in this if such a state lasts no longer than two minutes and no more than once an hour.

However, if the pain gets worse, the lower abdomen hardens and strains for a long time (more than 30 minutes), you need to urgently call a doctor. This may be the beginning of labor.

Are the ovaries stabbing or hurting at 30 weeks - the reasons?

During pregnancy, the ovaries rise higher and temporarily stop functioning. The pain that pregnant women feel is associated with the stretching of the muscles and ligaments that support the growing uterus.

Is it normal if toxicosis suddenly disappeared at the 30th week of pregnancy, stopped vomiting, I do not feel pregnancy; bleeding?

With a normal pregnancy, there should be no blood in principle. Even if the expectant mother is not worried about anything, the appearance of such discharge is a reason to immediately consult a doctor.

30 weeks pregnant with IVF - what do doctors do?

Women who become pregnant with IVF need constant medical supervision. At this time, most likely, ultrasound, CT (cardiotocography) and Doppler examination will be prescribed.

How to understand that amniotic fluid is leaking?

If there is a sudden increase in the amount of discharge, it is imperative to inform your doctor about it. Even if it seems that this discharge is insignificant. This is important for the reason that even a small rupture of the membranes can provoke premature labor.

You can independently determine the nature of the discharge using special test strips.

Is it possible to determine a frozen pregnancy at 30 weeks or does it rarely freeze during this period?

Frozen pregnancy in most cases occurs in the early stages of pregnancy. But the likelihood of intrauterine fetal death exists at any time.

What can signal that the pregnancy has stopped developing:

  • The discrepancy between the size of the abdomen and the timing.
  • Lack of fetal movement.
  • Lack of palpitations.
  • Unmotivated malaise of a pregnant woman.

Are ARVI, flu and other diseases dangerous at 30 weeks of gestation?

By this time, the baby has already formed its own immune system. It is not perfect yet, but it can already protect him from many diseases. Therefore, the expectant mother is not afraid of a cold. But only until the moment when the bacterial one joins the viral infection.

In order to reduce the likelihood of various diseases, the expectant mother should be in a frequently ventilated area, and regularly carry out wet cleaning.

At the 30th week of pregnancy, toxicosis disappeared and I feel good ...

Well-being at this time is possible only if the woman follows all the recommendations. This deserves respect, because mom can show love for her unborn baby only by taking care of his correct development.

30 week of pregnancy development- an important stage in the development of pregnancy. The child is already a practically formed man. You need to issue a decree. Get ready for the birth that is just around the corner.

On the ultrasound images, you can already clearly see what your baby is like, how he breathes and performs his first movements.

Fetal development in the thirtieth week of pregnancy.

Your baby already knows a lot: stretch, wrinkle, shrug, clench his fists, react to whatever he likes and dislikes. Also, the child already understands you well. He reacts in response to positive and negative circumstances.

At 30 weeks gestation with normal eye development your little one is wide open, they react to light. The child moves them in the cavity of the orbit. His lungs are formed, hairs grow, a mode of sleep and wakefulness is developed. This is the period when the mass of the baby's brain increases and, accordingly, the number and depth of grooves and convolutions. The development of brain functions will occur after the birth of the baby.

Baby size at 30 weeks gestation.

The weight of the paunch is already 1.4-1.5 kg, and the height is 37-38 cm. At the thirtieth week of pregnancy, the baby still freely changes its location in the tummy. After two weeks, he will take a certain position - either head down (cephalic presentation), or booty (breech presentation).

Your little one is like a winter melon in size.

Stirring at the 30th week of pregnancy.

At the thirtieth week of pregnancy, be attentive to the movements inside the abdomen, to how often and how actively your baby moves. In order to determine whether the development of the fetus is normal, it is necessary to measure the intervals between movements: at least 6 movements per hour (active period of movements), 10 movements in a six-hour interval and 24 movements in a twenty-hour interval.

Fluffy hairs on the body at 30 weeks of gestation.

At this stage of the development of pregnancy, there are fewer and fewer vellus hairs on the baby's body - lanugo. But it so happens that some of them remain after the birth of the baby.

Each has its own characteristics of the hairline, so some babies are born bald, and others with long hair. Both are within the normal range.

Mom's well-being at 30 weeks of gestation.

Pregnant women begin to feel some discomfort in the thirtieth week of pregnancy, since the baby has grown significantly recently. The uterus begins to press on the internal organs. You can no longer move quickly, but walk, waddling from foot to foot, the so-called "duck" gait.

Even though the center of gravity moves, remember to maintain correct posture. Due to the accelerated metabolism, you can feel hot even in cool weather. As a result, there is increased sweating.

Many women in the third trimester may have anemia, and oblong red spots may appear on the abdomen.

The uterus rises very high in the thirtieth week of pregnancy: 7.5-10.2 cm above the pubis and 29-30 cm above the pubic symphysis. This causes the diaphragm to press on the heart so much that it changes position and lies on its side. As a result, you may have difficulty breathing. Shortness of breath may also appear.

Possible oligohydramnios at 30 weeks of gestation.

At 30 weeks of pregnancy do not disdain your body. Be attentive to yourself, listen to your body. Be sure to follow all the recommendations of your gynecologist: get tested, do an ultrasound when necessary. This way you can make your pregnancy easy and trouble-free.

At this stage, you may be diagnosed with lack of water... It is diagnosed if the amount of amniotic fluid is less than the norm by 500 ml. The formation of amniotic fluid can be affected by excessive absorption or insufficient formation. Also, lack of water can be a signal that there are disturbances in the work of the pregnant woman's body. Only a complete examination can be the basis for this diagnosis. In case of lack of water, the woman will be prescribed special treatment.

Step march on maternity leave!

Prenatal leave begins at the thirtieth week of pregnancy, which is provided to all working women, in accordance with applicable law. You have a whopping 126 vacation days! Relax, walk in the fresh air, get some sleep, gain the strength you need during childbirth.

As it was noted long ago, our women cannot find a middle ground, they rush from one extreme to another: either they are too active during prenatal leave (they try to finish all unfinished business), or they go into hibernation.

But it should be remembered that both one and the other will not benefit the baby. Do not forget that you cannot redo all the work anyway, especially in your position. And remember that lying on the couch constantly does not mean full rest.

Be active but don't overdo it, rest but don't lie too long. Your baby needs a moderately active, vigorous, healthy mother. After all, your condition directly affects the condition of your baby.

Fetal weight by weeks of pregnancy is a very important diagnostic indicator, which is assessed using ultrasound. Lack or excess weight indicates the development of a pathological process.

Normal intrauterine development is determined by many indicators. One of these parameters is the weight of the child. The weight of the fetus by weeks of pregnancy with deviations up or down indicates insufficient nutrition or the formation of hypoxia.

What determines the weight of the fetus during pregnancy?

The baby's weight depends on the functioning of the placenta and the supplied nutrients with oxygen. Starting from the second trimester, the fetus grows to 80 grams. In the later stages, the seven-day intake reaches 200 grams, but before labor, the pace slows down significantly, due to the withering away of the placenta.

The indicator also depends on the following factors:

  • unbalanced nutrition of the mother;
  • stressful situations during gestation;
  • chronic diseases;
  • toxicosis;
  • smoking and alcohol abuse;
  • genetic predisposition.
The weight of the baby, during intrauterine development, also depends on gender. Boys are born larger than girls.

Fetal weight norm by week of pregnancy

In the first seven days after conception, the fertilized egg begins to divide, forming the placenta and fetus. Until 7 weeks, all vital organs are laid and formed. The outlines of a person appear - legs, arms, head, heart muscle. Already at the 5th week, the baby can be measured.

From the second trimester, the intensive growth of the baby begins. The rate of increase is about 80 g / week. Further, the weight of the fetus grows even more rapidly, reaching up to 300 g / week. During a 9-month period of intrauterine development, the uterus increases 500 times.

Doctors, when assessing the parameters for ultrasound, are guided by the general indicators of sizes and circumferences. The main component is the positive dynamics of the intrauterine formation of the baby and its full development.

The approximate weight of a baby at 30 weeks is up to 1.4 kg. Any minor deviation can be perceived as a pathology or a normal condition, depending on the individual parameters of the expectant mother and the baby himself. By the beginning of labor, the baby reaches at least 3 kg 100 gr.

Fetal weight table by week of pregnancy

The estimated weight of the early fetus is calculated using ultrasound. At a later stage, the doctor, thanks to measurements of the abdominal circumference and the height of the uterus, can calculate this indicator.

The norms for the weight of the child by weeks of pregnancy are calculated, presented in the table:

Weeks Length,cm Weight, gr
11 week 4,1 7
12 week 5,4 14
13 week 7,4 23
14 week 8,7 43
15 week 10,1 70
16 week 11,5 100
17 week 13 140
18 week 14,2 190
19 week 15,3 240
20 week 25,8 300
21 week 26,7 360
22 week 27,8 430
23 week 28,9 500
24 week 30 600
25 week 34,6 670
26 week 35,6 760
27 week 36,6 875
28 week 37,6 1000
Week 29 38,6 1150
30 week 39,9 1320
31 week 41,1 1500
32 week 42,4 1700
33 week 43,8 1900
34 week 45 2150
35 week 46,2 2380
36 week 47,4 2500
37 week 48,6 2800
38 week 49,8 3000
39 week 50,7 3300
40 week 51,2 3400

Calculate baby weight during pregnancy by weeks - calculator

The most informative method for calculating during pregnancy is ultrasound. The technician measures the length of the hip, the size and circumference of the head, and the diameter of the chest. After that, he gets the ratio, which is checked against the table of norms.

On examination, the doctor is able to calculate the baby's body weight using a special formula that takes into account the height of the bottom of the uterus, the circumference of the abdomen and the thickness of the woman's bone. The method is applied in the third trimester. In case of significant deviations, a specific diet and drug therapy is prescribed.

For the full development of the baby, both an overabundance and reduced indicators are equally dangerous. It is worth adhering to reasonable dietary norms and not neglecting walks in the fresh air, and a child's weight and height calculator during pregnancy will help to calculate the acceptable limits.

30 weeks pregnant is the seventh obstetric month. If you look at the pregnancy calendar ->, then 204-210 days have passed since conception. There are only a couple of months left before the long-awaited birth of the baby, which you can simply enjoy while on maternity leave. The baby has almost completely developed all organs, and his movements are clearly felt and bring the expectant mother a pleasure.

At 30 weeks pregnant, mom needs to think about maternity leave. The vacation is 140 days, of which the first half of the term is before the birth of the baby, and the second is after childbirth. If you have multiple pregnancies, the number of days increases.

Harbingers of childbirth at 30 weeks of gestation

After 30 weeks of pregnancy, some harbingers of childbirth begin to appear, which prepare the expectant mother for their approach. Of course, this does not mean that the process of the birth of a baby can begin immediately after their manifestation. However, labor may begin at 30 weeks of gestation.

  1. Braxton Hicks contractions (false). With such contractions, a painless rare and irregular contraction of the muscles of the uterus occurs. In this case, the stomach hardens for a few seconds. Basically, this process is activated in the supine position. If unpleasant sensations have arisen, they can be minimized by taking a warm bath, preferably with the addition of sea salt. Or try to breathe with your stomach, putting your hands on it.
  2. Lowering the abdomen. About a couple of weeks before the baby is born, the belly drops noticeably down. This is due to the entry of the child's head into the small pelvis. Breathing becomes easier, the pressure on the diaphragm decreases. But the bladder, on the contrary, increases. It is worth noting that lowering in women who give birth again occurs before childbirth.
  3. Pelvic bones. When the 30th week of pregnancy comes, the preparation of the ligaments and pelvic bones for childbirth begins. Begins and it becomes more and more difficult to walk. To stretch the ligaments, you need to do special exercises to help prepare for the appearance of the baby, take a warm bath and stroke the stomach.
  4. Allocations. At this time, changes occur in the hormonal background, accompanied by strong secretions. This can occur along with a loss of up to one kilogram of body weight. It is even possible that the mucous plug comes off a couple of weeks before delivery. The plug is a blood-streaked mucus.
  5. Change of mood. The 30th week of pregnancy is the time when a woman's mood can change every minute, which is associated with changes in the functioning of the endocrine and nervous systems. The pregnant woman becomes forgetful and inhibited. This is the so-called "generic dominant", in which there is a concentration on the imminent process of childbirth.
  6. "Nesting". The instinctive state of a woman, in which she begins to wash, clean, wash and clean up, preparing her "nest" for the appearance of the long-awaited baby.
  7. Stirring fetus. In most cases, the activity of the baby's movements decreases, which is associated with the tightness in the womb.
  8. Discharge of water. If only 30 weeks of pregnancy have passed, and the water suddenly began to recede, this means that the birth of a baby must necessarily occur within a day. Delaying with this is dangerous for the health of the baby.

You need to be ready for childbirth, knowing in time about their likelihood by the appearance of possible precursors, especially if this is the first birth. Sometimes they may not exist at all, in any case they are worth studying in order to be able to take care of yourself and your baby.

30 weeks pregnant. Development and size of the fetus

The 30th week of pregnancy is a period during which there is a strong growth of the fetal head, which can reach almost half the size of an adult's head. The mass fraction of the brain of the head is increasing, although it will be able to function fully only after birth.

All expectant mothers are interested to know what happens to the baby at 30 weeks of pregnancy, what the baby looks like, the size and development of the fetus. The growth of the fetus at 30 weeks of gestation is approximately 37.5 cm, and the average weight is 1400 grams. On his skin there are often fluffy hairs (lanugo), which in most babies soon disappear, but it also happens that a child is born with them. And this is not considered an anomaly, but is also the norm.

The vision of the fetus is improving, but, naturally, he still cannot see well, and will not be able to even immediately after birth. The eye muscles are developing, he is already able to move his eyes.

Photo of the tummy. What does the belly look like at 30 weeks of gestation

The 30th week of pregnancy is a period when the fetal movement becomes not so sharp and frequent, and if the position of the mother's body does not suit him, he will push, beat with his legs and arms, protesting and prompting her to change position. If your baby moves too much at 30 weeks of gestation, it could be a bad sign. One of the reasons is that he is uncomfortable with a loud sound, noise or too bright light.

At the 30th week of pregnancy, you can feel how the baby is systematically flinching. In fact, it is the hiccuping process in which the baby's lungs develop.

At the 30th week of pregnancy, the child is extremely sensitive to the manifestation of affection from his mother. Stroke your stomach and say gentle and kind words, he will perceive them with great joy, shrugging his shoulders, making a pleasant sound and clenching his fists.

Having gone for an ultrasound scan, you can see even the smallest details, for example, baby's breathing, heartbeat and its sensations, reaction to pleasant or negative influences.

At 30 weeks of gestation, the baby is already in active preparation for birth.

30 weeks pregnant. Ultrasound

The development of a child in the womb can be observed by a sonologist who performs ultrasound diagnostics. In addition to studying all organs and systems of vital activity in a child, he considers how the placenta develops and in what condition the cervix is.

When conducting an ultrasound, a specialist evaluates the studied indicators in order to understand whether any therapeutic measures are needed for the expectant mother. At 30 weeks, you can determine whether compulsory hospitalization in a special gynecological department is necessary or not.

To undergo ultrasound diagnostics at the 30th week of pregnancy, you do not need any preliminary preparations. As in the previous periods, the sonologist conducts the diagnosis from the outside of the abdomen (transabdominal). This procedure is safe and painless for both the baby and the mother.

An ultrasound scan lasts no more than fifteen minutes. The transabdominal method allows you to take biometric measurements of the child, check the work of organs, each internal system, and also listen to the heartbeat. In addition, the child's uterine artery and umbilical cord are examined. Also, an echography of the baby's brain and heart is performed.

In a child at 30 weeks of gestation, the respiratory system continues to develop intensively, the number of subcutaneous fat cells increases, and iron accumulates in the liver, which will be extremely necessary for the production of hemoglobin. The fruit is very active at this time.

Ultrasound examines the parameters of the placenta, cervical canal and uterus, as well as the state of the amniotic fluid.

Normal indicators at 30 weeks of gestation are:

  • presentation of the fetus - head;
  • the indicator of maturity of the placenta should be 1;
  • the exit from the uterus and the bottom of the placenta should be at a distance of 7 cm or more;
  • there should be no calcifications and heart attacks in the placenta;
  • amniotic fluid should contain a suspension of epithelial and lanugo cells;
  • inner and outer pharynx when closed;
  • the cervix is ​​at least 30 cm long.

30 weeks pregnant. Photo of ultrasound

30 weeks pregnant. Feelings of a future mother

What happens to mom at 30 weeks pregnant? Most mums begin to feel more short of breath. At the 30th week of pregnancy, the uterus is actively growing and presses down the adjacent organs, lifting them. In this regard, the volume of inhaled air decreases markedly.

To cope with shortness of breath, you need to perform special breathing exercises. Sign up for preparatory courses for the expectant mother: in such classes you can get acquainted with a special breathing technique that is guaranteed to help you during childbirth.

The third trimester is the final period of pregnancy. At about 30-31 weeks, women are assigned a final ultrasound scan (prenatal echography). This diagnostic method is necessary despite the fact that the fetus is already fully formed and behind 2 passed ultrasounds.

At 30 weeks, the fetus is already well developed. If he was born at this time, he could well have survived. The odds would be 95%. The length of the fetus from crown to feet is about 42 cm, and from crown to buttocks - about 29 cm. The average weight is 1800 g. The body is still thin. Despite this, the head and body already look more proportional to each other than in previous months.

At 30-31 weeks of pregnancy, the free space in the uterine cavity decreases. The fetus cannot move freely. He only pushes, as he is in a position with crossed arms and legs. At the same time, the upper and lower limbs are pressed against the body. At this time, in most cases, the fetal heartbeat is heard. The frequency of contractions ranges from 120 to 160 beats per minute. This is 2 times higher than the norm for an adult.

At 31 weeks, the fetus grows slightly. Its length from the crown to the feet and from the crown to the buttocks increases by 1 cm. The normal weight is about 2000 g (this is 2/3 of the body weight of a full-term baby). Despite the weight gain, the face looks thin. The eyelids, which may already be closing and opening, are puffy.

Prenatal ultrasound imaging

Ultrasound is a necessary diagnostic method during childbearing... From the 30th week, the period begins when every woman should visit a specialist for the third time during pregnancy to undergo prenatal echography. The goals of ultrasound at this time are:

  • assessment of the anatomical structure of the fetus and the identification or exclusion of malformations;
  • assessment of his physical activity;
  • assessment of the placenta, umbilical cord, amniotic fluid;
  • identification of structural features and pathologies of the cervix, body of the uterus and appendages.

The purposes of prenatal echography, carried out at week 30, also include the measurement and calculation of the necessary parameters of the fetus in order to determine whether its size corresponds to the gestational age.

When performing an ultrasound scan, the mandatory minimum volume of fetometry is first determined. If one or more parameters are found to be inconsistent with the norm, or any anomaly is found, then specialists perform extended fetometry.

What does an ultrasound examination show at week 30?

When prenatal ultrasound is performed, an image of the fetus is displayed on the monitor of the device. According to it, experts evaluate the anatomy:

  • the brain, the structure of this internal organ;
  • face (eye sockets, jaws, nasolabial triangle);
  • spinal column;
  • organs of the chest;
  • the integrity of the anterior abdominal wall, abdominal organs;
  • the structure and completeness of movements of the arms and legs of the fetus.

Thanks to ultrasound, the placenta is visualized. During the study, doctors will find out its thickness and location. They also study the umbilical cord, detect the presence or absence of entanglement around the fetus's neck, and evaluate the amniotic fluid according to echography.

Indicators and their decoding

During ultrasound diagnostics at the 30th week of pregnancy, the minimum volume of fetometry is determined, which includes the following indicators:

Extended fetometry, performed if necessary, includes:

  • ratios of some measured parameters;
  • LZR - the size called the frontal-occipital;
  • parameters of long tubular bones.

Norms and deviations

In the first part of the screening examination protocol, fetometric indicators of ultrasound are entered. Values ​​that go beyond the limits specified in the table of norms may indicate the presence of intrauterine growth retardation. To confirm this, doctors give pregnant women an additional ultrasound scan.

Table. Standard values ​​of fetometric parameters at 30 weeks

The second part of the screening ultrasound protocol assesses the fetal anatomy. Here, doctors note whether certain structures correspond to the norm. Numerical values ​​can be specified. The small size of organs and structures (the lag in the size of the internal organs of the abdominal cavity) also indicates a delay in the development of the fetus, the presence of pathologies.

The most common abnormalities are heart defects... For example, at 30 weeks, hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLOS) is sometimes found. This term denotes a list of pathologies characterized by underdevelopment of the left ventricle and arresia or severe hypoplasia of the aortic and / or mitral valves.

GSLOS is a common anomaly detected during pregnancy. 7-9% of children from the total number of babies with congenital heart defects are born with it.

Hemolytic disease

One of the important parameters indicated in the protocol for screening prenatal echography is the thickness of the placenta. At the 30th week of pregnancy, according to ultrasound, the dimensions are normally 30.48 mm (23.9-39.5 mm). With a thickening of the placenta, the course of infectious processes can be suspected. Non-compliance with the norm is also a sign of hemolytic disease. This is a disease in which the erythrocytes of the fetus are destroyed due to the incompatibility of its blood with that of the mother. Echographic signs appear by 28-33 weeks of pregnancy. In the fetus, not only edema of the placenta is found, but also an increase in the spleen, liver, fluid accumulated in the abdominal cavity.

The prenatal ultrasound screening protocol includes amniotic fluid data. These are the waters that surround the fetus and ensure its normal life. When conducting an ultrasound examination, the amniotic fluid index (AFI) is calculated:

  • the uterus is conventionally divided into 4 cavities (2 perpendicular lines are drawn through the navel);
  • in each of the cavities, the depth of the largest pocket of amniotic fluid, which does not contain parts of the fetus, is measured;
  • the resulting numbers are added;
  • the final result is an index.

Table. IAI indicators are normal

Numerical values ​​of IAI, exceeding more than 97.5 percentile, are a sign of polyhydramnios (excess volume of amniotic fluid). This obstetric pathology can be acute or chronic. The first type is rare. Chronic polyhydramnios is most often diagnosed. As a rule, it is detected during prenatal echography in the third trimester of pregnancy.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that (or at week 30) is a mandatory diagnostic procedure. This informative method allows you to carry out fetometry, learn about fetal growth retardation, and timely identify signs of congenital and hereditary diseases.