Hand scrub at home. Simple scrub recipes for your hands

It is generally known that the skin of the hands ages before the skin of the face. This is due not only to the fact that the hands are exposed to a more aggressive environment (frost, natural ultraviolet light, household chemicals), but also to the fact that the face is more and more tenderly looked after. As a result, the skin of the hands flakes and coarsens.

To keep your hands from giving away your age, use DIY scrubs. They are the most reliable and effective, since you prepare them for yourself, your beloved, from fresh products, therefore there is more benefit from them.

Making a hand scrub at home is easy. It should be made up of two parts: the base and the abrasives.

  • Used as a basis: sour cream, honey, liquid soap, any hand cream.
  • The following abrasives are used: coffee grounds, sugar, cosmetic clay, beach sand, ground eggshells, etc.

Homemade hand scrub recipes

  • Sour cream sand scrub recipe

Stir clean sea sand with sour cream until a pasty mass is formed and drip a few drops of olive oil into it.

Scrub, apply to hands and massage gently. This removes dead skin particles, sour cream nourishes the skin, olive oil removes dryness and redness.

If you need to whiten the skin, then in the resulting mixture, add lemon juice, 5-6 drops will be enough, while there will still be a beneficial effect on the nail plate.

  • Soap and coffee grounds scrub recipe

After you make your coffee in the morning,. It can be used to make a simple hand scrub. Stir it in liquid soap.

and massage your hands with this mixture. It is best to wash off with warm water. As a result of these actions, the skin of the hands will become tender and soft. This scrub can be used daily.

As a result, you will protect your hands from aggressive external environments.

  • Sugar and honey hand scrub

Mix honey and sugar in equal proportions, add 1 ampoule of vitamin E. Mix thoroughly. Do not cook this scrub too much, as the sugar dissolves and loses its abrasive properties.

Slowly and carefully on the hands, not forgetting about the wrists, for 10 - 12 minutes. Then rinse everything off with water at a temperature of 20 ° C. A full complex of vitamins, antioxidants and microelements will be received by the skin of the hands with such a peeling.

  • Oatmeal scrub recipe

Grind (not flour) the oatmeal in a coffee grinder. Mix it with honey (1 coffee spoon) and olive oil (1 coffee spoon).

Apply the prepared gruel to your hands and massage them for 3-5 minutes. Dead skin particles are removed. After washing your hands with cool water, lubricate them with a nourishing cream. Within a week, the skin will be smooth and soft.

  • Apricot Kernel and Hand Cream Recipe

Grind the apricot pits. Take cream as a base. Combine them and mix carefully. Lubricate the skin of the hands and massage gently (bone fragments may be sharp). The top layer of dead skin is perfectly removed. The circulation of blood and lymph increases, youth returns.

  • Recipe for a sea salt and butter hand scrub

Stir in equal proportions sour cream and sea salt (fine), add 3-4 drops of peach oil. Exfoliate and wash your hands with glycerin soap. Your hands will look healthy and well-groomed.

Even if the scrub is made at home, and from quality products, you cannot use it every day. Since its mechanical action, with frequent use, can be harmful. The skin of the hands can become tender and thin, so much so that it will be impossible to do household chores, and for many women this is unrealistic.

It is enough to use a homemade hand scrub 2-3 times a week and your hands will look healthy, beautiful and well-groomed. The procedure will have to be done even less often if the skin on the hands is of the “sensitive” type.

So that only dead cells are removed. For this, the skin must be moisturized, and the movements must be massaged. The minimum massage time is 2-3 minutes, the maximum is 12-17 minutes.

It is clear that this procedure will not take much time, but the hands will become beautiful and well-groomed.

Peeling is one of the most important components of skin care. Most often, a variety of scrubs are used for this cosmetic procedure. And if you won’t surprise anyone with a face or body scrub, then hand scrub so far it is a rarity. Why do you need these scrubs?

Paying a lot of time and attention to facial and body skin care, many women completely neglect hand care limiting it to the use of a cream and periodic manicure. But the skin of the hands also suffers from the effects of negative environmental factors and undergoes age-related changes. Very often, it is the hands that give out the true age of a woman.

Rough skin of the hands is a fairly common problem, but not all women know how to deal with it. When faced with coarseness, they simply start using more moisturizers and wonder why they are not helping. And the thing is that the top layer of hardened skin is dead cells, on which moisturizing and softening components simply do not work. It is necessary to get rid of this layer of dead cells. This is where it comes into play.

Hand scrubs are fundamentally no different from face and body scrubs: they also consist of a cream or gel base containing exfoliating particles... The particles are responsible for exfoliation, and the base is responsible for softening, moisturizing and nourishing the skin. Why, with all this similarity, was it necessary to invent special scrubs for hand care? Why can't you peel your hands with a body or face scrub?

The fact is that different types of scrubs differ in the size of exfoliating particles. In body scrubs, these particles are larger; in face scrubs, they are smaller. Most body scrubs will be too harsh on your hands, while most facial scrubs will be too gentle and therefore ineffective. In a hand scrub, the particles are sized and shaped so that they effectively exfoliated the skin of the hands, but did not injure it.

The second difference between special hand scrubs is the composition of their base. Do you have any questions about the existence of separate creams for face, hands and body? With scrubs - exactly the same situation. The scrub base is essentially hand cream, the composition of which is selected with a scientist of the characteristics of the skin of this particular part of the body.

Since dryness is a common problem for hand skin, hand exfoliation scrubs include intensely moisturizing and nourishing ingredients, first of all, cosmetic vegetable oils: olive, peach, almond, avocado, shea, cocoa, jojoba - you can’t list everything.

Using a hand scrub is very easy... First you need to wash your hands and dry them, but not dry: the skin should remain slightly damp. Apply the scrub to your hands and massage for two to three minutes. By the way, this massage is useful not only for the skin of the hands, but also for the general condition of the body, because there are many biologically active points on the palms.

After the massage, the scrub can be washed off immediately, or you can leave it on your hands for some time to better nourish and moisturize the skin. Rinse off the scrub with warm water, do not forget apply a nourishing cream to your hands.

The hand scrub should not be used daily: optimal frequency of use - once or twice a week, and with very dry and sensitive skin of the hands, you can even limit yourself to once every two weeks. Regular use of the scrub will leave your hands flawlessly smooth and soft.

You can buy scrubs and other cosmetics for hand care in our online store "Organichna kramnitsya"... We offer a wide range of hand cosmetics based on natural vegetable oils from leading manufacturers of natural and organic cosmetics.

Hand cosmetics in our store

Planeta organica


Organic kitchen

A hand-made hand scrub is the best solution for saving on the purchase of popular expensive skin care products. They say that you simply cannot save on beauty and health. And this is quite true, and not only in our case.

Home-made care products are one hundred percent and quite effective natural product, which does not include various additives found on store shelves. In this regard, a homemade hand scrub made with your own hands from products that are in the arsenal of every housewife is a double and obvious benefit, not only for your wallet, but also for your health.

For this you will need:

  • a tablespoon of flaxseed oil;
  • vitamin E one capsule;
  • ? glasses of cereal.


The grits you have on hand need to be ground, but not very hard, to get a coarse grind. Add flaxseed oil and vitamin E to the flour and mix everything well.


Do it yourself hand scrub, apply it to the skin, after which it will be active for a few minutes hand massage at the same time, not forgetting to pay attention to all fingers. This will exfoliate dry epidermis and nourish your skin with beneficial substances. After the end of the procedure, wash your hands with soap and apply a nourishing cream.

Moisturizing hand scrub

In order to do it yourself, you will need:

  • ? glasses of brown sugar;
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil.


Pour sugar into a glass bowl and add butter, then mix all the ingredients until a viscous mass appears.


We rub the tips of our fingers with the composition and leave it on the skin for 5 minutes, so that it is saturated with moisturizing nutrients. After that, wash your fingertips with plain water and enjoy the result.

Softening hand scrub

In order to do it yourself you will need:

  • gram of low-fat mayonnaise;
  • ? cups of almond seeds.


Grind the almonds in a blender into very small pieces, then mix everything with mayonnaise.


Gently rub the skin with the resulting mixture and leave for 10 minutes. After the end of the procedure, rinse your fingertips with water and enjoy the delicate velvety skin. You can also apply a nourishing cream.

Anti-aging hand scrub

You need:

  • a tablespoon of mayonnaise;
  • a tablespoon of oats;
  • a teaspoon of honey.


First, the oats must be brewed and infused well until they swell completely. Then add honey and milk to it and mix everything thoroughly.


Before applying the cream, wash the skin with soap. After that, apply the composition with very light movements and leave it for 10 minutes. We wash off the hand scrub and apply a nourishing cream.

How to prepare a homemade hand scrub?

This cream will remove dead skin cells, and the skin will be pleasant and soft to the touch. Use it to keep your skin smelling good and always soft.

You will need:

  • olive oil;
  • sugar;
  • your favorite scent of your choice;
  • plain water;
  • Cup;
  • lotion;
  • cooking accessories.

Do-it-yourself hand scrub at home

  1. Mix a cup of sugar and 3 tablespoons of olive oil with 3 tablespoons of plain water in a cup or other container until a homogeneous mass is formed, without lumps.
  2. Add a few drops of any essential oil and mix everything thoroughly.


The prepared mixture with your own hands should be applied to the skin in a circular motion until you see that it has become soft and velvety, or until it is completely dissolved. You do not need to continue to rub in further if you feel a burning sensation or pain, but you should not worry, as this may be a simple allergic reaction to any component, and not irritation from sugar. After the end of the procedure, rinse the skin with plain water and pat dry with a towel. Lotion or cream can be applied if desired.

It is quite easy to work with vanilla extract, because almost everyone who loves to cook has it at home.

You can use brown sugar, salt, or sand instead of plain sugar.

Play your favorite music for complete relaxation.

Try mixing only half of the proportions shown in this recipe, and store the rest in a food container.

A hand scrub can be used on the elbows to soften them, then apply a cream or lotion.

Some precautions

  1. Do not rub in if the skin starts to burn or it hurts.
  2. Do not use hot water, as the sugar will completely dissolve and begin to stick, losing all its exfoliating properties.

Coffee and soap hand scrub

When cleaning the coffee maker, do not throw away the formed coffee grounds. Place a drop of liquid soap on the palm of your hand and mix it with the thickening, massage the skin and rinse with water. After using the coffee blend, the skin will become soft and tender.

Take care of the beauty of your skin and your hands will thank you in the future with their attractive appearance!

Regularly using face and body scrubs, many women ignore hand scrubs, believing that nourishing and moisturizing creams are enough for hand care. Is it correct? What is a hand scrub? Is it needed and how to apply it? Let's deal with these issues.

  • 1. Hand scrub, appointment
  • 2. Types of hand scrubs
  • 3. Rules for making homemade hand scrubs
  • 4. Rules for the scrubbing procedure
  • 5. Effective and simple recipes
  • 5.1. Scrub with lemon, sugar and salt
  • 5.2. Sea salt and sour cream remedy
  • 5.3. Coffee scrub
  • 5.4. Oat mixture
  • 5.5. Mix of sugar with sour cream
  • 5.6. Scrub with honey and linden infusion

Hand scrub, appointment

Scrub is a cosmetic product for body and face care, hands. It contains a creamy base and polishing particles designed to remove dead horny cells from the skin surface. Hands, as working organs of the human body, are most susceptible to the negative effects of the environment and more than other parts of the body need care. It is a woman's hands that give out her age, and if there is no appropriate care for them, the skin on them quickly ages, coarsens, becomes dry and wrinkles.

A hand scrub is necessary so that the surface of the skin on them, cleared of dead cells, is more receptive to caring cosmetics - nourishing and moisturizing creams. After scrubbing, their effect on the skin becomes much more effective.

Types of hand scrubs


Ready-made cosmetic scrubs for hand skin care are produced by the cosmetic industry in a huge range and by different manufacturers. You can buy them both in specialized cosmetic stores, and in pharmacies and through online stores. The advantages of finished products are that you can use them at any time, and that their shelf life is quite long.

An industrial hand scrub may contain not only a base base and abrasive particles, but also vitamins, essential oils, and perfumery fragrances. Hand scrubs use abrasive particles that are optimal for their skin. Their base also matches the features of the skin of the hands as much as possible. It contains natural vegetable oils: olive, almond, jojoba, cocoa, peach, etc. The ready-made hand scrub has another advantage - it is conveniently packaged - in a tube or jar, convenient to use.

A variety of ready-made products make it possible to choose exactly the option that is more suitable for both skin type and price. But, having undeniable advantages, ready-made hand scrubs have certain disadvantages. First of all, this is the risk of allergic reactions to the chemicals that make up them. These can be preservatives, dyes, flavors.

Home scrubs

For those who prefer to use environmentally friendly cosmetics, there is an option to make a hand scrub yourself, at home. This option makes it possible not only to use natural products, but also to save a decent amount without overpaying for branded cosmetics.

Rules for making homemade hand scrubs

Since any scrub consists of a base and abrasive particles, it is necessary to select products for them.

As an abrasive part, homemade hand scrubs can include: sea or edible salt, sugar, soda, coffee grounds or ground coffee, semolina, or any other ground grain.

As a basis, you can use vegetable oils, fruit or vegetable juice, sour cream, yogurt, liquid soap, hand gel, honey. Essential oils are used as fragrances. Vitamins A and E can be added to a homemade hand scrub.

The technique for making a homemade hand cleanser is very simple - you need to combine the products of the abrasive and the main part together, so that you get a mushy mixture. In recipes for making home remedies, there is no need for exact adherence to products in grams, the main thing is that abrasive particles do not disintegrate.

Procedure rules

The procedure should be carried out on hands that are cleanly washed and warmed up in warm water. You can add a little soda and liquid soap to the water. After this preparation, the corneous cells from the skin surface are quickly removed with the help of abrasive particles. The composition of the cleanser should be applied with massaging movements, kneading the fingers and palms of the hands. It enhances blood circulation in the hands, relieves fatigue and swelling. The composition of the mixture must be left on the hands for 5-7 minutes, after the elapsed time, rinse everything off with warm water, dry the skin and apply a suitable moisturizer or nourishing cream.

The procedure for cleansing the skin of the hands should not be carried out too often. Scrubs, even if they are oily or other greasy, can dry out the skin of the hands with frequent use. In order for the skin of the hands to have a well-groomed, healthy look, it is enough to cleanse once a week. Scrubbing must be alternated with other procedures - baths and masks.

Effective and simple recipes

Scrub with lemon, sugar and salt

It tones and nourishes the skin of the hands. You can replace sugar with candied honey.


  • 0.5 tbsp. l. salt;
  • 1 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 1 tbsp. l. olive oil;
  • juice and zest of half a lemon.

Sea salt and sour cream remedy

Nourishes and relieves skin inflammation.


  • 1 tsp coarse sea salt;
  • 2 tbsp. l. sour cream;
  • 2 drops of lavender or eucalyptus essential oil.

Coffee scrub

Stimulates blood circulation, tones up.


  • 1-2 tbsp. l. ground coffee;
  • liquid soap or hand gel.

Oat mixture

Nourishes and softens the skin.


  • 2-3 st. l. crushed oatmeal;
  • 2 tsp olive oil;
  • 2 drops of lemon essential oil.

Mix of sugar with sour cream

Such a scrub is always at hand. It nourishes and cleanses the skin.


  • 2-3 st. l. Sahara;
  • 3 tbsp. l. sour cream.

Scrub with honey and linden infusion

Relieves inflammation of the skin, nourishes and cleanses it.


  • 1 tbsp. l. coarse sea salt;
  • 1 tbsp. l. candied honey;
  • 2 tbsp. l. infusion of linden flowers.

The list of homemade recipes is endless. They are so good that their composition can be limited only by the presence of products in the kitchen. There are numerous rave reviews on homemade hand scrubs on women's websites.

Homemade hand scrub is a simple and effective way to renew your skin, make your hands young, well-groomed and attractive. This procedure is especially useful in the summer, when the hands are exposed to the sun, wind and water.