Slavic enchantresses. The ritual of kindling fires. Is this the holiday that we know

Hello, friends!

Would you like me to show you a photo that shows how one of the most ancient gods of Mexico descends to Earth? No? I'll show it anyway (found it on the National Geographic website). Here it is, on the left. See the snake crawling up the steps of the pyramid? Take a closer look - this is Kukulkan (Mayan solar deity).

Twice a year, Kukulkan descends from heaven, this happens on the days of the spring and autumn equinoxes. So it was thousands of years ago, and it is so to this day. You tell me - I deceived you and there is nothing but the play of light and shadow? That these are just the rays of the sun on an ancient pyramid?

Exactly. Rays. The sun. The topic of this article is the day of the vernal equinox, its symbolism, traditions and history. After all, not only the Maya highlighted the "behavior of the Sun" these days, but almost all nationalities.

And the traditions of celebrating the equinoxes (as well as the solstices) are still alive (however, I have already written about the Celtic holidays of the Wheel of the Year, which are tied to these astronomical phenomena). But why were these events so important to people?

What is the vernal equinox

I want to start with a definition. Well, probably everyone knows that the equinox (any) is such a period in the life of our planet when day and night become almost equal to each other (but the day, after all, is slightly longer). Have you ever wondered what, in general, is happening at this moment?

Yes, in everything, as always, the Sun is “to blame”. Without this star there would be NOTHING. Not only day and night, winter and summer, but, in general, nothing alive. Including a person. So here:

The sun, moving along the ecliptic, at this moment crosses the celestial equator and passes from the southern hemisphere of the celestial sphere to the northern one. From that time, an astronomical spring comes there, and autumn comes to the Southern Hemisphere.

And now it becomes clear why people were so serious about the day of the vernal equinox - this is the beginning of spring. Already the actual start. From this moment the snow melts, the buds swell, the animals wake up and the birds return. This day is considered the Day of Awakening of the Bear, symbolizing the forces of nature. The goddess Spring comes into the world, nature awakens. A new agricultural year and a new life cycle begins.

By the way, the days of equinoxes and solstices are still celebrated by many. For example, in Stonehenge and Chichen Itza, crowds gather to greet the sun.

Equinox dates (March)

Like solstices, equinoxes do not always occur on the same day. This is due to errors in the calendar. The numbers fluctuate from March 19 to March 22, however, the "official" day was conceived, after all, March 21 (literally "12 days before the April calendars"). But in practice, everything is different - the dates for each year have already been calculated, down to hours and minutes, we just have to look at these data.

Celebration traditions

In the traditions of ancient peoples, this is the brightest holiday of the year. Very often this day acted as the day of the coming of the New Year. However, in some countries this is still the case. For example, in:

  • Afghanistan,



    In almost all countries of the Silk Road, etc.

Since on this day everything is just being laid, then a person should try to arrange everything as he would like in the future. If this is literally impossible, then it is done at least symbolically. Then desire will strive for embodiment.

  1. It was necessary to get rid of dirt and debris so that nothing would interfere during the year.
  2. It was necessary to be generous and give out gifts and treats. Then material well-being will not disappear.
  3. But the most important thing that this day can give is love and joy. Therefore, our ancestors tried to have fun with this time:

      organized fairs or carnivals;

      sang, danced;

  4. And they also bewitched and made love wishes. It was believed that they must certainly be fulfilled.
  5. Well, and of course, they followed the signs.

In many places round-shaped food is the traditional dish of this holiday. Typically tortillas, pancakes, and eggs. In Japan, there are red rice balls. And the Slavs, of course, have pancakes. This emphasizes the special solar nature of this time. A egg is considered the birth of a new stage of life.

The world tree of this day is the birch, and the flower is the snowdrop.... People tried to bring birch branches and snowdrop flowers into the house, this would attract special luck for the whole year. And if they did not have time to do all the work on March 20, then the next week was just right for that.

Spring equinox among different peoples

Different peoples call this holiday differently, but it is always filled with the same meaning.

  • Ancient monuments

    The vernal equinox is one of the four days of the year when magic can come into our lives. It is no coincidence that all peoples throughout the world believed in this, as evidenced by the ancient monuments of megalithic culture and not only they.

    In fact, there are many of them. But I chose from the Wonders of the World (or almost wonders, both ancient and new). To emphasize the full scale of the worship of the Sun.

    1. The ancients temples of Osiris in Giza, indicate sunset at the equinox, temples of isis(ibid.) indicate the sunrise at the equinox.
    2. A Great sphinx, looks exactly at the point of sunrise that day.
    3. The Jerusalem temple is in some ways very similar to the temples in Giza, where the sunlight at the equinox freely fell down an open passage and eventually fell into the holy of holies.
    4. V St. Peter's Basilica in Rome at sunrise on the vernal equinox, the rays of the rising sun penetrated through all the doors and illuminated the high altar.
    5. "Hitching post of the sun" (a strange granite structure, presumably an ancient clock) in Machu Picchu also reflected the days of the equinox in a special way.
    6. Well, of course, pyramid at Chichen Itza, which I talked about at the very beginning of the article.

    A few more facts

    Before ending the article, I will tell you a few more facts about the Spring Equinox Day. And at the same time, I will note that we will talk separately about the Slavic and Celtic holidays. There will be articles, and in order not to miss them - subscribe to site updates.

      Easter (one of the main Christian holidays) is calculated from the date of the vernal equinox.

      Astrologers celebrate their professional holiday on the day of the vernal equinox.

      And the 20th of March is World Earth Day, which reminds us that our little planet is a common home that must be protected.

    That's all for today. Take care of yourself. And ... with the spring you, friends!

    P. S. For those interested in astronomy and its manifestations in ancient architecture, I highly recommend Joseph Norman Lockyer's book The Dawn of Astronomy. Planets and stars in the myths of ancient peoples ”. While I was writing the article, I read it.

This is the second article in a series on the meeting and rituals of spring.

Part 2 - [Are you here] Spring equinox festival in different countries and traditions

Since ancient times, people have lived according to the natural rhythm, therefore, the transition from winter to spring, that is, the day of the vernal equinox, has long been celebrated in many cultures and countries.

Before there were calendars, the coming of spring is simple and natural recognized by the position of the sun... It was believed that from the day when the sun is perpendicular to the Earth, nature begins to renew itself: birds flew in from warm regions, the first spring thunder roared, buds swelled on the trees, everything blossomed and turned green.

The celebration of the day of the vernal equinox was especially revered among the Slavic peoples. The Slavs were very attentive to the arrival of spring, to the change of seasons.

However, along with the Slavs, most of the ancient peoples also considered this day a significant and unusually joyful holiday.

Gift for readers:

At the end of the article you can download the booklet “Pancakes of the Slavic Peoples. Recipes ", which will help you plunge into the atmosphere of Slavic celebration day of the vernal equinox.

The sun passes from the southern part of the Earth to the northern one, and at this time in all countries the day of the vernal equinox is practically equal to night. On such a day, light and darkness are equally divided.

The vernal equinox is usually the astronomical start of spring. In 2017, the vernal equinox will occur on March 20.

The vernal equinox in different traditions

On the day of the vernal equinox for many peoples New Year begins... So almost all countries living according to the Persian calendar consider this natural phenomenon to be the beginning of the new year: Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Iran, Kyrgyzstan, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan.

In almost all these countries, the holiday is called Navruz, which means "new day". This is a celebration of the long-awaited meeting with spring, the arrival of which is considered a joyful event filled with prosperity, and heralds the beginning of a new life. Everything is blooming, nature is waking up, which means that life will flow more fun and brighter.

Navruz in Tajikistan

The holiday means not only the awakening of nature, but also spiritual renewal... Before this holiday, it is customary to ask each other for forgiveness and to forgive each other, to repay debts.

Fire is the main symbol on this day.

People burn bonfires, walk around the fire and purify themselves by fire. It is believed that such a ritual fire brings material wealth, peace of mind, health, etc. in the new year.

Traditional dishes: sambusa - puff pastries, sabsi vegetables and, of course, pilaf. And the green sprouts of wheat on the table symbolize the growth of new life in the new year... People believe that the longer the sprouted sprouts are on the holiday, the more favorable the next year will be.

Novruz Bayram in Azerbaijan

The vernal equinox is the country's official day off and one of the oldest and most revered holidays.

Azerbaijanis are preparing for Novruz in advance. A month before the holiday, every Tuesday is called a symbol of one of the natural elements: air, water, fire and earth. And on the holiday itself, these four elements combine to serve people, giving everyone peace of mind and material prosperity.

The main dishes of the holiday: shakarbura - a dough with a nut filling representing the moon, baklava, which represents the 4 cardinal directions, also green wheatgrass and colored eggs.

Nauryz in Kazakhstan

The holiday is celebrated on March 22. In this country, the day of the vernal equinox is just very similar in its rituals to the Slavic Maslenitsa. This is a day of numerous festivities and masquerades. People dress up as fairy-tale heroes, sing, dance, compete in folk games, sing and recite poetry.

In this country also it is customary to complete business before the holiday, pay back debts and clean up everything well. Clothes are washed especially carefully.

The main symbols of prosperity and sweet life are present on the table: traditional halva, wheat grains and milk.

Novruz in Iran

March 21 is the day of the beginning of the New Year according to the astronomical solar calendar, and the Iranians begin to prepare for it in advance. The outgoing year ends with the great hanetakani harvest. They clean and tidy up the houses, clean the streets, wash the dirt and darkness from everywhere, getting ready for.

On the eve of the last Tuesday of the outgoing year, people burn bonfires and arrange torchlight processions, which culminate in a celebration by the river with jumping over the bonfire. It is believed that whoever jumps over the fire on this day, prosperity awaits him and nature itself will protect this person from.

Traditional dishes on the table: sabzeh - lentil or wheat sprouts - a symbol of rebirth, adobe pudding made from sprouted adobe wheat, ground berries of the sumac plant, a symbol of dawn and other delicacies.

After the New Year, Iranians visit each other, give gifts, and try to spend the 13th day of the celebration in nature.

Holi in India

In India, the holiday of the vernal equinox is known in other countries as the festival of colors. Most often, this day falls on the March full moon.

Holi is a popular Indian holiday of the arrival of spring. This is a symbol of the expulsion of all evil and rebirth of life on earth after hibernation.

The bright festival of colors lasts for two days. On the first day, people make fires, sing, dance, rejoice, have fun. On the second day, all old people, men, women and children sprinkle each other with various colored powders, which are made from medicinal herbs. The paint gets on all parts of the body, clothes, and it is believed that the more colors on clothes and the body, the more kind words were sent to a person.

Shumbun no hi in Japan

Shumbun no Hi is a special day in Japan. Before the spring equinox comes, all Japanese people tidy their homes very carefully. At this time, special attention is paid to the home altar. People are especially attentive to the veneration and remembrance of the deceased ancestors, the memorial food is prepared and eaten.

On the very day of the celebration, the Japanese spend most of the day in prayer. It is believed that the festive table should only be filled with vegetarian food. The ritual dish of the spring equinox in Japan is the signature inari-sushi. This is the name of the bags of deep-fried tofu cheese, filled with rice with mushrooms, carrots or beans.

Spring equinox in Mexico

The Mexicans traditionally celebrate the vernal equinox in the ancient city of Chichen Itza, the capital of the Mayan civilization. On this day, an unusual light effect can be observed on the Kukulkan pyramid: the shadow of the stepped edges of the pyramid falls on one of the stairs located on it so that it seems as if a snake is crawling along the stairs and it connects with the image of the snake's head above.

At this time, people play various stylistic performances, perform ritual dances in colorful national costumes. All rejoice at the young spring sun, meet it with good hope.

Great day among the Slavs

The Slavs celebrate Maslenitsa a week before the vernal equinox. The main rite of the holiday is the burning of the stuffed goddess of winter Morena and the invocation of the goddess of Spring. It is believed that with the burning of a scarecrow, everything that has become obsolete, bad and unkind, leaves, and the arrival of spring brings.

Shrovetide fun is accompanied by games, dances, round dances and mass celebrations. All the people go to visit each other, everyone is having fun and rejoicing in the arrival of spring. The height of the celebration takes place on Great Day - on the very day of the vernal equinox.

The main dish of this holiday is pancakes, which symbolize the spring sun. Also, the Slavs bake cookies in the shape of a bird of a lark and toss them as high as possible, calling for spring-red.

Spend this day profitably

In almost all cultures, the vernal equinox symbolizes the rebirth and renewal of nature after winter and cold. Since the day becomes equal to the night in its duration, it is believed that on this day, at the end of the equinox itself, light necessarily triumphs over darkness.

The day of the vernal equinox is always a celebration of harmony and joy, a day when you can safely sow dreams, make wishes. This is a period of renewal and a new beginning of life in all its glory.

Make the most of this day. Greet spring joyfully. Celebrate the holiday with fun. Make the wildest wishes and your life will certainly be happy and joyful.

PS: Write in the comments how you celebrate the vernal equinox.


Want to plunge into the atmosphere of celebration day of the vernal equinox and bring good changes into your life?

The spring equinox is the day when the Gods descend to the earth, when the Spring Sun warms the earth with its rays and a merry holiday begins ... It is interesting to read about the celebration of the spring equinox in the old days, when people all over the world gathered for large, noisy festivities, when echoes were heard in every song ancient Slavic rituals, when we knew how to rejoice at the arrival of spring.

What to do today? How to celebrate the day of the vernal equinox in the city, when it is difficult to find like-minded people for big festivities? Let's talk about how to prepare for the holiday in a week and meet spring according to the Slavic rite. If you can arrange real Maslenitsa festivities these days, we are happy for you. Get even better with tips on how to prepare for the Spring Equinox!

How to celebrate the day of the vernal equinox according to Slavic customs?

The first day: decide what will mark the celebration of the vernal equinox for you

In the rituals of Shrovetide-Komoeditsa, there is the spirit of farewell to the old, the thin, and the wonderful expectation of something new, magical, light. Therefore, the celebration of the spring equinox among the Slavs stretched for a week, or even longer. You need to have time to say goodbye to Morna-Winter, and, together with her, spend the ailments and misfortunes of the past year. Only after that can you meet Lyolya-Vesna and ask for happiness, joy, new love and a rich harvest. Therefore, the first advice for those who want to know how to celebrate the day of the vernal equinox:

Determine what you want to get rid of and what you want to attract into your life.

Day two: get ready to see off the winter

Remember the brightest scene from the spring equinox festivities? Of course, this is the burning of the big Shrovetide doll! In the North, we do not always make and burn a doll depicting Morena, the Goddess of Winter. We live too close to her. But in the south, one cannot do without such a doll. Therefore, the second advice on how to celebrate the vernal equinox:

Get ready to see off the winter and burn everything bad with it.

It is not necessary to make a big doll. To celebrate the vernal equinox, it is enough to collect bunches of straw or some thin branches. You can even tie them like a human figure. You can also put your paper here with a record of what you say goodbye to this year. But wait to burn - the time has not come yet.

If you understand the background of this ritual, then it even becomes clear why the Maslenitsa holiday is called Komoeditsa. Not at all because "the first pancake is lumpy." Because the Great Veles, possessing the ability to shape-shifting, most often liked to come to the holidays in the form of a bear, that is, a "coma". The first pancake was given to the bear, and the proverb acquires a sacred meaning only in its original form: "the first pancake to whom (to the bear)." This is the name of the holiday Komoeditsa.

Instead of burning a doll for the celebration of the vernal equinox, you can make a fire from straw or thin branches.

Day three: get ready to welcome spring

When everything is ready for the farewell to winter, it's time to think about how you will meet the beautiful Lelya, the Goddess of Spring, and what a light spring breeze will bring you this year. For this, the Slavs conduct a beautiful ceremony of the Spring Calls. The first time the spring is called at the beginning of March, if you missed this day - get ready for the second Calls, which fall exactly on the celebration of the spring equinox:

Learn to bake ceremonial cookies and prepare for the Calls of Spring.

The ceremonial cookies for the second Spring Calls are called larks. It’s probably too early to bake it. But it's time to write down the recipe for traditional spring cookies:

You will need: 350 g of flour (you can add rye), 300 g of kefir, 1.5 tsp. salt, 11 g baking powder, 2 tsp. sugar, 1 tbsp. vegetable oil. The recipe can be slightly modified by increasing the amount of sugar if the buns are going to be sweet. You do not need to add eggs. Kefir and butter are mixed separately, and only then a mixture of flour, salt, sugar and baking powder is added.

Roll out on a floured surface and mold a figurine, marking the feathers, wings and tail. On the head you can stick 2 raisins - "eyes". Sprinkle the larks with sugar and bake on parchment paper for at least 15 minutes. at a temperature of 220 degrees.

You can also shape the symbolizing warmth - "the sun": roll the pieces of dough in the form of a circle, stick "rays", and make "eyes" and "mouth" from the raisins.

Lark ceremonial cookies for the celebration of the vernal equinox.

There is one more small Slavic rite for Spring Zaklichki: be sure to put a few coins in the pockets of your outerwear - then you will live in abundance throughout the year.

Day four: clean your house and yard

Before meeting spring, it is imperative to remove everything that is old and thin, to cleanse the house by looking into the farthest corners. Our grandmothers said that it was there, in the dark corners under a bench or behind a chest, that winter hid, along with sorrows and illnesses. So in a modern apartment it is better to move the sofa away and thoroughly wash it under it, and it is worth looking into the far shelves of the cabinets - there may be a lot of old, unnecessary things. The vernal equinox should be celebrated in clean housing! Therefore, the fourth advice:

Do not be lazy and clean the whole house and the yard, if you have one.

Pay attention not only to external cleanliness. Now we need to get rid of old things. If the thing is still good, but for you it is associated with bad memories, get rid of it too. Decide for yourself what to do here: donate things to those in need, throw them away or burn them during the ritual cleansing. What kind of cleansing is this before the celebration of the vernal equinox, read on.

Day five: get rid of all the thin

If the time to prepare for the day of the vernal equinox is less than a week, you can carry out cleansing rites along with regular cleaning. But the next day is better, because after cleaning, probably, there is no more energy left for other things. So on the fifth day of preparing for the holiday, the advice is:

Perform a ritual cleansing, even the simplest one.

Here you can carry out the northern rite of cleansing a dwelling or a person, and those rituals that you know. If you are not very familiar with Slavic magic, carry out the simplest rituals of driving the hooded out of the house: walk with a bowl of melt water and sprinkle all the corners with it, light a candle, sweep the already clean floor with a new broom to drive out winter, and say “There’s winter, and summer - into the house. "

Those old things that you have collected can be burned on this day. This advice is more likely for those who live in their own home. It is better to burn things outside the yard, for example, at the edge of the forest. At the same time, they say: "I will spend the winter until the forest, and I myself will return home."

Perform a cleansing rite before celebrating the vernal equinox.

Day six: prepare everything you need for the fun holiday of the spring equinox

Now that sickness and misfortune have been driven out of our homes, we can start to make pleasant preparations for the holiday. It's time to decorate the house, choose a beautiful outfit, check if all the food is there for tomorrow's feast:

Decorate your house, yard, get ready for a festive feast - show spring that you are waiting for it!

For the celebration of the vernal equinox, housing is decorated with thin twigs of birch, apple, alder, willow. You can cut birds out of paper or fabric and hang them at home and in the yard. Check if the farm has everything for cooking traditional dishes: pancakes, porridge, kutya, ceremonial lark biscuits.

Day seven: welcome spring

In 2018, the celebration of the vernal equinox falls on March 20... Today the sun wheel will turn, day will be equal to night and the Slavic Gods of Spring will descend to earth. However, it is incorrect to say that the celebration will end today, because in the old days it lasted for several days:

March 20 - we celebrate the turn of the sun wheel, on this day you can make a homemade Maslenitsa doll.

March 21 - we bake pancakes and commemorate the ancestors. We will certainly leave the first pancake to the coma, our grandfathers. You can also cook other ritual dishes: porridge, kutya, jelly.

March 22 - we bake larks and call spring. Fun, noisy festivities begin here. On this day, you can remember your desires, dreams and give ceremonial cookies to the birds, so that a miracle would soon come into your life.

March 27 - we end the celebration of the vernal equinox by burning the winter doll or simply lighting small bonfires made of straw or thin branches.

Celebrate the meeting of spring according to the Slavic rite and may life be happy!

Spring equinox - 2018: when they celebrate, traditions and signs, Navruz and Earth Day

Don't look out the window - no matter how hard winter is, spring has come. Coming Day of spring equinox, which marks the calendar arrival of spring. However, spring comes only in the Northern Hemisphere, and in the Southern - on the contrary, autumn comes into its own.

When the spring equinox hits in 2018

In the Northern Hemisphere, the Vernal Equinox Day in 2018 occurs on Tuesday, March 20, at 19.15 by Moscow time.

Equinox from an astronomical point of view

Equinox is an astronomical phenomenon corresponding to the moment when the Sun in its apparent motion crosses the celestial equator. In the Northern Hemisphere, the vernal equinox always occurs on March 20, although at different times, when the Sun passes from the Southern Hemisphere to the Northern; and the autumnal equinox occurs on September 22 or 23, at this moment the Sun passes from the Northern Hemisphere to the Southern Hemisphere. In the Southern Hemisphere, the opposite is true: the equinox on March 20 is in the autumn, and on September 22 or 23 - in the spring.

On the days of the equinox on the entire Earth (with the exception of the poles), the day is almost equal to the night (in fact, visually, during the equinox, the day is slightly larger than the night due to atmospheric refraction). These days the Sun rises almost exactly in the east and sets almost exactly in the west.

How different nations celebrate the vernal equinox day

The day of the vernal equinox has always been very important for all agricultural peoples - people have noticed since antiquity that at this moment the day becomes equal to night and spring comes - the time on which the future harvest depends.

For many peoples, the New Year began at this time. Such traditions have been preserved since pagan times, and to this day the traditional New Year is celebrated in the spring among the peoples who professed Zoroastrianism before the arrival of Islam. So, the New Year on the Day of the vernal equinox is celebrated in Azerbaijan, Afghanistan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and some other countries.

And the day after the vernal equinox - March 21 - they celebrate Navruz- New Year for the Iranian and Turkic peoples. Read more about the traditions of Navruz in the material Federal News Agency.

The day of the vernal equinox in Russia

In honor of the Day of the vernal equinox, the Slavs celebrated a pagan holiday Komoeditsa-Shrovetide... With the advent of Christianity to Russia, this holiday began to be associated with the Annunciation, although initially the Komoeditsa holiday was associated with the awakening of bears after hibernation.

Also at this time a holiday was celebrated in Russia Larks, or Magpies, the main rite of which is invocation of spring, "luring" birds and seeing off winter. At this time, migratory birds were already beginning to return to the northern lands, and their "lure", or, as they said, invocation, was considered a necessary rite so that spring hurried up and drove out the annoying winter.

On this day, in honor of the returning migratory birds, it was customary to bake lean buns in the shape of birds, which were called "larks". The buns were made lean because the vernal equinox, as a rule, falls on Lent.

Signs and ceremonies on the day of the vernal equinox, what not to do

According to the signs, on the day of the vernal equinox, one cannot quarrel, otherwise you will spend the whole year in scandals and strife.

Sadness and tears were also forbidden on this day. It was believed that in connection with the arrival of spring, everyone should have fun and rejoice. Those who grieved were promised the whole year in tears and sorrows.

On this day in Russia, it was customary to guess at the betrothed and the sex of the unborn child. Unmarried girls wondered on pancakes - if the first pancake was successful, and not lumpy, then the matchmakers are on their way.

Young married women used pancakes to guess the sex of their first child. The young mistress watched who was the first to take the pancake: if a man - a boy will be born, if a woman - a girl.

Also, dreams on the eve and after the vernal equinox are considered prophetic, so the girls looked very closely at night visions.

Earth Day

On the day of the vernal equinox on March 20, according to the decision of the UN, the whole world celebrates Earth Day (Earth Day)... This holiday is dedicated to the Earth, as the common home of all mankind.

"Earth Day is intended to draw people's attention to the realization that planet Earth is our common home," - says the UN appeal in connection with this holiday.

In this article, I would like to show the connection between many traditions and cultures that celebrate the holiday of the spring equinox. This holiday is beyond religions and cultures. This is a holiday of Nature.
This holiday is celebrated in many cultures because people used to live according to the rhythms of nature. And the vernal equinox is the astronomical beginning of spring.
In ancient times, the onset of spring was determined by the SUN, and the days of the vernal equinox were always a great holiday. Absolutely all ancient spiritual traditions consider this day unusual and especially suitable for various practices.

Ostara is a Celtic holiday of the return of the fertility goddess Ostara (Eostre) from the underworld. Spring Festival, the beginning of a new cycle, renewal and rebirth after the winter cold, when snow and ice give way to grass. They prepare small wheat buns and colored eggs, which were symbols of new life. Egg painting is also an ancient pagan tradition associated with Eostra. Eggs, as obvious symbols of fertility, were adorned with magical symbols and used in fertility rituals as offerings to the Goddess.

In ancient times, the Moon Rabbit was sacred to many moon goddesses. The hare, as a symbol of fertility, personifies rebirth and resurrection, it is a symbolic designation of the growing moon and cyclic reproduction. The ancient Germans had such a legend. The goddess Ostara found a wounded bird in the snow and, in order to save its life, turned it into a hare. However, the magic, as sometimes happens, turned out to be strange. The bird became a hare, but retained the ability to lay eggs. Since then, the hare has been decorating these eggs and giving them to the goddess Ostara on the day of spring.

Slavic paganism - Komoeditsa. Komoeditsa - a 2-week (week before and a week after the equinox) celebration of the Spring Equinox (the beginning of the astronomical spring), farewell to Winter and the burning of a stuffed Marena (Winter), solemn invocation and meeting of Spring and the beginning of the Old Slavic New Year.
In pre-Christian antiquity, the holiday consisted of a variety of ritual activities of a magical-religious nature, interspersed with fun games and feasts, which, gradually changing, then passed into later traditional folk customs and rituals (burning a straw effigy of Winter, baking sacrificial bread - pancakes, dressing and etc.). For many centuries, Komoeditsa retained the character of a wide folk festivities, accompanied by feasts, games, competitions in strength, and fast horseback riding. After the advent of Christianity, this holiday was replaced by Shrovetide - cheese week.

Christianity - Easter and Shrovetide. among Catholics, Easter falls on the first Sunday after the first spring (after the vernal equinox) full moon. For Orthodox Christians, due to the accumulated 13-day lag in the calendar, the "equinox" (also on March 22, but according to the "old style") falls on April 4, according to the "new style", and therefore, Easter usually slides to a later time. Therefore, all mobile holidays move out every year for a different number of days.

Navruz is a Zoroastrian holiday of spring. Nowruz in translation from Farsi means "new day" - the largest of all the holidays of the worship of the Sun and fire, celebrated three thousand years ago according to the solar calendar on March 21 - the day of the vernal equinox. Navruz is associated with the solar calendar, which appeared among the peoples of Central Asia and Iran seven thousand years ago. After some time, this holiday was converted to Islam, namely, to an offshoot of Shiite Islam called Nazaritism. In the CIS, it is celebrated as a national Tatars, Kazakhs, Bashkirs, Kyrgyz, Tajiks, Uzbeks and many other peoples. In a number of countries, Navruz is declared a public holiday and a day off.

Higan (budd.) - the holiday of the spring equinox among Japanese Buddhists. The Japanese name is Shumbun no hi. According to the "Law on National Holidays" of Japan, the corresponding "natural" meaning is embedded in the Spring Equinox Day: "To extol nature, cherish living beings." The Buddhist concept "higan" can be translated as "that shore" or "the world where our ancestors left, and where their souls settled." Spring Higan days begin on March 17th and include Vernal Equinox Day and three days after Vernal Equinox Day. Before the start of Higan, the Japanese clean the house with special care, especially the home altar with photographs and accessories of departed ancestors, refresh the flowers and put ritual food on the altar.
In the days of Higan, Japanese families go to venerate the graves of their ancestors. Having previously removed the family tomb, washed the stone slab and placed fresh flowers, the Japanese order prayers and perform other ritual honors. Much of the Buddhist concept of Higan acquired a special meaning in Japan, but the tradition of remembering ancestors has remained sacred for the Japanese for many centuries. Doesn't it sound like Christian Easter!
Only a vegetarian meal was prepared - a reminder of the Buddhist prohibition against killing a living creature and eating the meat of a dead person. The menu is made up of beans, vegetables, mushrooms, root vegetables, broths are also prepared on a plant basis. Festive "inari-sushi" stuffed with a mixture of boiled rice with carrots, mushrooms and beans are also on the table.

Holi is the Hindu Spring Festival, also known as the Festival of Colors. Holi on the calendar usually falls on the full moon in March. There are several legends associated with the origins of Holi. According to one of them, the name Holi comes from the name of the demoness Holiki. Prahlada, the son of an evil king, worshiped Vishnu, and nothing could dissuade him of this. Then the king's sister demoness Holika, who was believed not to burn in the fire, persuaded Prahlada to go to the fire in the name of God. To everyone's amazement, Holika was burned, and Prahlada, rescued by Vishnu, came out unharmed. In memory of these events, on the eve of Holi, an effigy of the evil Holiki is burned. The Slavs will be delighted to know the Maslenitsa festivities.
The first day of the festival, closer to the night, a fire is made to symbolize the burning of Holiki. Local celebrities sing and dance to entertain the audience. On the second day, before dusk, representatives of all castes and estates, men and women, old people and children, make a festive procession, sprinkling each other with colored powder and pouring tinted water over each other. It is believed that the more abundantly paint covers a person's clothes, the more good wishes are sent to him. The festival, as mentioned earlier, falls on the beginning of spring. The weather in spring, even in India, is changeable, so colds and various kinds of acute respiratory infections are common. Therefore, festive showering with medicinal herbal powders (nim, turmeric, haldi, bilva and others) is recommended by the sacred healers of Ayurveda. People of all ages are directly involved in the celebration.

Astrologically, this is the beginning of a new solar year. Because the Sun comes to the beginning of the zodiacal circle - the sign of Aries.
Some interesting facts:
In many languages ​​of the world, the name of Christian Easter very accurately coincides with the name of the pagan holiday of the vernal equinox - the beginning of spring or the New Year. For example, the English name for Easter, Easter, is the name of the Celtic-Germanic goddess of dawn and spring.
The Easter bunny or hare is a character in the mythology of the ancient northern European peoples.
The Easter egg is a universal symbol of the universe and life in almost all pre-Christian traditions. Have you ever wondered what the painted egg has to do with Jesus' resurrection? And the thing is that once there was a tradition to paint eggs and bring them to the temple of the goddess of spring - Eostra or Ostara.
Attributes and symbols - take with you.
The day of great balance is a holiday of SPRING, renewal and rebirth of nature after cold, gloomy, winter days. Day is equalized with night, light with darkness, masculine with feminine, and so on. Towards the end of the Equinox, light slowly begins to triumph over darkness.
The main ritual of the holiday is the invocation of the goddess of SPRING (remember the Shrovetide).
Symbols: spring, rabbits, colored eggs, hares, butterflies, birds, swallows.
The main symbols are birds, a rabbit (hare) and an egg.
The rabbit is a symbol of fertility.
The egg is the cosmic egg of creation. Hence the origin of Easter eggs and rabbits. The yolk of the egg symbolizes the Sun, and the white symbolizes the White Goddess. The whole egg is a symbol of rebirth.

Birds. Ancient people believed that when Spring sees the birds fluttering over their nests, it will come and bring steady warmth. This means that it will be possible to start sowing vegetables in the gardens without fear that the sudden cold will destroy the hatching seeds. In addition to birds and eggs, Spring is called songs and round dances are carried out. At this time, for the first time in a year, the shepherds bring a flute (or a horn) to their lips, even if there is no grass yet and the flock has not yet been driven out. Eggs, painted for this holiday with the symbols of life and fertility, retain the power of talismans until the time of harvest.

Plants: all spring flowers and seeds, crocus, lily, iris, jasmine, rose, violets, forget-me-nots, daisies, peony, clover, strawberry, primrose, pine, saffron, daffodil, dogwood, apple, honeysuckle, strawberry, alder, sorrel, Irish moss.
In northern latitudes, the grass is sprouted in boxes to be put on the windowsills on holiday. Long twigs are stuck into boxes with grass (or on the lawn in front of the house, if your snow has already melted and there is grass in the yard) long twigs are stuck, on the tops of which images of birds are planted, painted eggs are laid in the grass. Images of birds can decorate festive clothes, tables. It is good to bake bird-shaped cookies. Eggs and biscuits are presented to guests at home.

Smells and incense: violet, jasmine, rose, strawberry, lotus, magnolia, orange, honeysuckle, apple blossom, ginger, nutmeg, musk, incense, myrrh, cinnamon, sage.

Stones: rose quartz, aquamarine, amethyst, moonstone, red iron ore, bloodstone, jasper.

Colors: all pastel colors, pale green, red-purple, yellow, pink, blue, lemon shades.

Food: seeds, nuts, green vegetables, fruits, steamed eggs, honey, bread, fresh fruit, honey pies, muffins, dairy products, apples, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, pine nuts, fresh leafy vegetables, green and yellow jellies , egg salads, honey cakes, fish, wheat buns (cinnamon, iced), flower-shaped seed and seasoning cookies, cheese.

Drinks: juices, water ,.
Animals: rabbits, hares, butterflies, snakes, hedgehogs, bears.
Zodiac sign: Pisces.
Decorations: spring flowers, colored eggs, butterflies, birds, colored ribbons
Traditions: traditional painting of eggs, work with a magic garden. It is also customary to go out into the field and pick the first spring flowers.
Best Work: Working with Herbs and Magic Garden.

How to celebrate?

Of course, it is best to be outdoors with family or friends, to sit around the fire, cook different delicacies, if the weather permits, play outdoor games and enjoy Spring.
The Spring Equinox embodies the triumph of life. This day is a holiday of joy and harmony.
Practices, ceremonies, rituals Metaphysically, the vernal equinox is a time of renewal and new beginnings, a time to plant seeds and make plans for the future.

Spring cleaning

In the spring, gardeners clear the garden after winter of debris and old plants, thereby making room for new ones. So we, too, sort it out at home, throwing away everything old and cleaning our home from accumulated dirt and negativity. Then we have newer thoughts, fresh ideas and projects.
A few days before the spring equinox, you need to tidy up the house well, clean the corners, cleanse the house energetically to get rid of everything old, wash the floor with decoctions of herbs and oils to let the spring spirit into the house. It may not be easy, but some simple, physical work and mental effort will help you rid your life and home of negativity, remove problems from the past, and ensure a brighter future.
Renew your home, because all the arriving daylight hours will finally illuminate the dirt accumulated over the winter. Look into all the "hidden" places - under the sofa, behind the closet and behind the refrigerator, let the light in there, refresh and renew everything. Clean clothes that you won't be wearing anytime soon. But cleaning isn't just about cleaning the house. Get yourself in order, cleanse your body as well.

Ritual to wash away the negative:

To get rid of negative feelings, you can make an infusion of lemon, peppermint, pine, or tea tree oil. Take 12 drops of the decoction in a bucket of hot water. Or add two peppermint tea bags to a cup of boiling water and let sit for five minutes. With the resulting broth, wash and mop floors, yards, balconies, porches or patios.
Work, moving in a circle counterclockwise, saying: "Harmony, Purity, Love"
You can strain and spray on chilled peppermint tincture to bring the freshness of spring into your home.
Fumigate the house with incense, pass all corners and rooms.
To increase vitality, place a vase of spring flowers, pots of daffodils or bulbs of hyacinth, tulips, violets, or any herb (heather, lavender, herbs, etc.) on the table.
Bake some buns, lemon tarts, pancakes, chocolate muffins, or any other baked goods but no meat. You can hard-boil the eggs and paint them. You can make salads with fresh herbs and seeds, seasoning with lemon juice.

Egg coloring symbolism.

A set of symbols that are most often used when painting eggs:
The circle is protection, eternal life, completeness, the Wheel of the Year, the Sun.
Triangles are elements of the elements.
The sun is God, fire, warmth, spring, luck, prosperity. One of the most popular symbols.
Dots are stars.
Curls are protection.
Spirals are the mysteries of life and immortality.
Crosses - four directions, four periods of a person's life, four elements, rebirth and eternal life.
Leaves - spring, immortality, love, strength.
Flowers - beauty, wisdom, children, female power.
Stars - light, success, knowledge, beauty.
Birds - messages, messages.

Colors for coloring:

White - birth, innocence, childhood.
Yellow - youth, light, happiness, wisdom, sun.

Red - enthusiasm, passion, love, fire.
Orange - strength, power, sun.
Green - freshness, renewal, hope, victory, earth.
Brown is earth.
Blue - sky, health, air.
Purple - calmness, trust, strength, protection.

Blessing the Eggs:

Extend your arms over the eggs and say the following:
Great Feminine Principle, Light of Night,
Great Masculinity, Light of the Day,

In honor of the great spring festival.
Winds from all over the world
Winds of the North and South, West and East,
Forces of Earth and Fire, Water and Air,
I ask you to cleanse, light and bless these eggs
There is such a thing. Glory to the family!

Summing up and drawing up new plans.

It is good to remember the previous solar year, to sum up the results of the year, to remember your victories and defeats. Thank you for everything. And the day of equinox and after - we make plans for the future.


In some traditions, one week before the vernal equinox, you need to make a list of your grievances and injustices, caused by you and you to your friends and loved ones. These individual lists, compiled during the week, are aimed at restoring harmony in human relationships through sincere apologies, returning old debts, etc. During the holiday, you need to add to the list an indication of what you have done to correct injustice and purify your karma. During the ritual, the paper is burned, and this serves as a symbolic confirmation of spiritual cleansing. But you can do everything mentally. In general, we apologize and forgive.

Commemoration of the ancestors.

You can offer something cooked to your ancestors. You can light a candle and put food in the red corner and mentally offer to all departed relatives.
Important! After the offer to the deceased, food cannot be eaten. It needs to be taken out into the street and buried under a tree.

Other traditional pursuits of this time period are planting, other magical gardening work, and all kinds of herbal interactions, whether magical or in line with your medical, cosmetic, culinary and artistic interests and needs.

Scent of Spring
Lavender - 5 parts
Chamomile - 3 parts
Neroli - 2 drops.
Mix and add to the sea salt bath. This bath is relaxing and rejuvenating.

Glory to Rod! All Light and love! SVETOZAR.