Words dedicated to mom in prose. Congratulations thanks to mom. Good words for mom, from daughter, from son, the best words and confessions to mom. Congratulations and confessions to mom, sincere to tears

Mom is the first word in the life of any person. The first, the main word and the most beautiful word of a person. One aphorism says that mom is a synonym for love. Another quote states that the mother is the name of God on the lips and in the hearts of young children. And this word is understandable to absolutely all inhabitants of the Earth, no matter what language they speak. And, of course, there are many aphorisms, phrases and sayings about mothers.

Motherhood is hard work with no vacations, days off and the right to make mistakes. Being a mom is a responsibility, a mission, a duty and great love.

Many people know the phrase that there are no irreplaceable people. So in the case of motherhood, this phrase is absolutely inappropriate. Mother can never be replaced by anyone.

When it is difficult for a person, does he say the magic word mom out loud or mentally? Because from infancy he knows that the mother will always come to the rescue.

We have collected the kindest and most gentle quotes and sayings dedicated to the mother.

Best quotes about mom

Mother's hands are the embodiment of tenderness.
Victor Hugo

The first word of a person is mom, the last is mom. The world rests on the caress of mothers.
Mikhail Lezinsky

Having become a mother, a woman forever deprives herself of the right to be weak.
Diaz de Mirud

The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.
William Wallace

The fact that men are incapable of childbearing is the most convincing proof of the undeniable superiority of women.
Alexander Kozhevnikov

She is a mother and she is right.
Ivan Turgenev

Motherhood is a blessing.
Maria Shkapskaya

At certain moments, the brain of women completely refuses, and the instinct of motherhood comes into play.
Nina Alexandrova

The strongest bond in a woman's life is her child.
Katie Lett

The maternal capital is her children.
Konstantin Kushner

Motherhood is a lifelong position.
Karl Rainer

A rare man can understand how much strength a woman gives to the birth of a new being and entry into motherhood, even if there are many helpers around, often complicating the situation even more.
Vladimir Levy

If men had to give birth, none of them would have more than one child.
Princess Diana

The holiness of life begins with motherhood, and therefore it is sacred.
Gabriela Mistral

The mother's heart is a universal abyss of love, care and forgiveness.
Leonid Sukhorukov

When you have children, you live like a dog, but you die like a person. And when there are no children, you live like a person, but you die like a dog.
American proverb

No man, even the best, is able to understand what maternal experiences are.
Oleg Roy

The mother's heart beats more often.
Sergey Fedin

The only woman who will not allow her to be given her life is her mother.
Marat Zhumankulov

A father can grow a genius out of a child, but only a mother will grow out of him a good person, organically combining mental and physical abilities. This is why early parenting is so important.
Masaru Ibuka

No one is able to shout down a mother's heart.
Tatiana Lindberg

Motherhood ... above love.
Anatoly Aleksin

Nothing adorns a woman like motherhood.
Alexander Kazantsev

The gift of motherhood cannot be stolen from nature.
Tatiana Stepanova

All that is beautiful in a person is from the rays of the sun and from Mother's milk.
Maksim Gorky

Love and motherhood are almost mutually exclusive. Real motherhood is courageous.
Marina Tsvetaeva

Happiness is never as complete as during periods of love and motherhood.
Mark Lanskoy

What is the point of loving life if you cannot know the joy of motherhood?
Lyudmila Sitnikova

Mother's love is omnipotent, primitive, selfish and at the same time disinterested. It doesn't depend on anything.
Theodore Dreiser

The mother's heart is wide. There is a place for all children.
Mikhail Bakunin

A mother needs nothing to love her children except that she is a mother.
Semyon Ramishvili

Love between a man and a woman is a human feeling: it is born, lives and dies ... Mother's love is a divine feeling: it is immortal.
Tatiana Lindberg

No outside heart can replace the mother's heart for a child.
Nikolay Leskov

A mother's heart is an abyss, in the depths of which there is always forgiveness.
Honore de Balzac

Motherhood makes a woman completely different. She no longer cares about her surroundings.
Svetlana Klimova

Alas! You have to constantly fight with those you adore - both in love and in motherhood.

Everything is mortal. Eternal life is destined only for the mother. And when the mother is dead, she leaves behind a memory that no one has yet dared to desecrate. The memory of the mother feeds in us compassion, like the ocean, the immense ocean feeds the rivers that cut the universe ...
Isaac Babel

Fathers lie, claiming that they are making careers for their sons. They are ashamed to admit that they are doing it for their mothers.
Boleslav Pashkovsky

No matter how much you love your mother, you get used to her care, you will not guess and thank you, you forget that the mother herself needs both affection and care.
Lev Davydychev

A mother's heart is an inexhaustible source of miracles.
Pierre Beranger

The first gift a mother gives us is life, the second is love, and the third is understanding.
Dirk Brower

God speaks to us through the lips of our mothers.
Igor Krasnovsky

Mother is our closest and most dear person to the grave - whether hers or ours - from her we get life itself, and everything that follows - strength, love, self-confidence. Mother teaches us human rules, revives our minds, puts a kind word into our lips, and her memory overshadows with her unquestioning instructions about the most dear and humane that came before us.
Albert Likhanov

The one who has no longing for the past did not have a mother.
Ken Nunn

My mom was the most beautiful woman I have ever known. What I have become, I owe my mother. All my successes in this life, moral, intellectual and physical education, I credit my mother.
George Washington

Only when mom goes to God, we understand that we have lived life with the Divine!
Leonid Sukhorukov

When I realize to despair that I am a bad mother, I start in a hurry to make up for lost time, suck up and please. But in this profession you can't make up for the loss.
Lyudmila Gurchenko

The main thing for any mother is not to become a stepmother!
Vladimir Borisov

A bad mother cannot be a good wife.
Andrey Lavrukhin

I am sincerely sorry for those women who rob themselves, not wanting to have children. The child fills a woman's life with great content. From the first birthday of the child, the mother lives with his breath, his tears, his smile. Here is a child's first tooth erupted. It was the first time he said "mom". So he took the first step, went to school, became a pioneer, was accepted into the Komsomol ... Each stage in the development of a child is a new phase in the life of the mother.
Nina Nefedova

For some reason, many women think that giving birth to a child and becoming a mother are the same thing. You might as well say that it is the same thing to have a grand piano and to be a pianist.
Sam Harris

Mother's heart ... Well, where, where to get the words to sing a song to the mother's heart? ..
Artem Vesely

Children are like flowers - you need to bend over to them to recognize them ...
Friedrich Froebel

Children need to be loved unselfishly. It is difficult, but there is no other way.
Barbara Bush

Upbringing is an example and love, nothing else ...
Friedrich Froebel

Raising a child is not pleasant fun, but a job in which you need to invest the efforts of sleepless nights, the capital of difficult experiences and a lot of thought ...
Janusz Korczak

Caring is about thinking about others. Example: One woman shot her husband with a bow just not to wake up the children.
Yanina of Ipohorskaya

Every mother considers herself Shakespeare, that is, the creator of works of genius.
Alexey Ostrogorsky

If you already have a child, then until the end of your life you will have to answer the questions "What is his name?", "How old is he?" and "Is it a girl or a boy?"
Erma Bombek

Motherhood is a fact and fatherhood is an issue.
Evgeny Tyugashev, Tamara Popkova

A woman gives birth either from great love, or with deep amazement.
Valery Bruskov

It is probably easier to organize the evacuation of an entire city than it is for a working mother to raise and send her children to school.
Katie Lett

A mother with many children could easily replace several air traffic controllers.
Laurie Olter

A mother is the same job as his profession for a man.
Nina Rubshtein

I believe that I have done my job as a housewife, if by the time my husband comes home from work, our children are still alive.
Raymond Barr

If the first spoken word of the Devil was “Mama,” all is not lost.
Vitaly Vlasenko

Mom ... For each of us - the only one in the world, the most beloved person in the whole world. She gave us life and does everything to make us happy.
Mom ... The first word that the baby says, barely making timid steps.
Mom ... The first word that a fledgling first grader hesitantly and diligently puts in syllables. And, feeling his luck, he laughs, happy.
"Thank you, nurse-mother!" - says the grain grower gratefully, pressing a handful of dark earth to his lips, which has given birth to enough rye and wheat in time.
"Mama!" - the child will suddenly cry out, frightened of something.
"For the Motherland!" - a soldier will say in a whisper, having stumbled upon an oncoming splinter and with a weakening hand sent the last bullet to the enemy.
"All the most expensive shrines are named and illuminated by the name of the mother, because the very concept of life is connected with this name," said V. Korotayev.
Whom does the baby see and hear first? Mom! Whose voice - affectionate and gentle - lulls and hums a melodic lullaby? Mommy! Mom teaches her child the first words, from the mother the children learn for the first time what good and evil, truth and lie are. Mom is always with her child - when he wants to eat, when something bothers him, when there is no one to play with, when he is sad and wants to be pitied. You just sit next to me, put your head on your own shoulder and feel the warmth emanating from your mom ... It’s mom who doesn’t sleep at night when you have a temperature, applying a compress to your hot forehead. Together with your mother, you visited the circus for the first time, rode rides in the park and ate the most delicious ice cream in the world in a cafe.
I remember how my mother took me to school for the first time, holding my hand tightly. She was very worried about how my school life would turn out. Mom was there when I wrote the first letters and words in my life. She was with me when the first problem was solved correctly, the first book was read, the first essay in my life was written. Mom will help you with advice when you quarrel with a friend or it is difficult to make the right choice. She will always understand, comfort, hope. She will embrace, press to her chest, burn with you, and it is no longer so scary to continue living and walking towards the intended goal again.
Mom gives you the first lessons in life: about how important a real friend is and that he should not be left in trouble. From her you learn that first “we have to do the job”, and then “walk boldly”. From your mother, you receive the first lessons of kindness: you need to respect the elders and always help the younger ones.
All mothers are different - young, beautiful, gray-haired and tired, kind and strict. But until old age, they remain the same mothers for us. After all, an adult, just like a child, needs mother's advice. Only mom, no matter what, will support in any good endeavors, and sometimes help out in difficult times. Mom will forgive you for any mistake and failure, rude words and misunderstandings. He will only sigh softly, steal away a tear from sad eyes and ... forgive you.
After all, the mother's heart is bottomless. After all, a mother's heart is capable of forgiving you everything in the world. Suddenly I remembered Biryukov's poem about how his son, having torn out his mother's heart, carried it to his cruel beloved. His path was not easy, on a slippery threshold he stumbled and fell. And at that moment I heard my heart ask: "Aren't you hurt, son?" Mom was there, mom forgave her son's betrayal and his cruelty ... Because she cannot do otherwise ...
And your mother's hands ... Have you ever wondered how much your mother's hands do for you? How hard they are, how restless - kind, gentle, strong and caring mother's hands. They are the very first thing that we felt in life when we came to this new, unfamiliar and wonderful world. They pressed us to their chest, protecting us from adversity and anxiety. Mom's palm will touch your hair, pat it playfully, and now all the troubles and griefs are gone, as if mom took them away from you with her mother's hand.
The most precious treasure, the greatest value in our life - the hands of our mother! They took upon themselves all the pain and cold, all the wounds and blows of life, all the burdens and bad weather, everything that protects us from adversity and allows us to be happy.
Unfortunately, we so rarely think about how much time and effort, how much labor and health, how much affection and care mom spends on us. We grow up and, having left our home, we forget to call, write a couple of lines, sign a postcard for the holiday. And mom is waiting! And he finds any excuses for our callousness, our busyness, our inattention. Unfortunately, many people realize that they forgot to say a lot of good words to their mothers too late. To prevent this from happening, you need to give warmth to mothers every day and hour, because grateful children are the best gift for them.
No matter how much we talk about mom, this will not be enough. Each mother will disinterestedly do everything for her child. She will worry about your fate no matter how old you are. She will scold her grown-up child, and then she will be happy for him and will definitely note all the good changes that have happened to her always little dear person. Mom will give everything for you to become a real person.

Take care of mothers, because "we will remain children as long as our mothers live in the world ..."

Mom, on your holiday I will list who you are. You are beloved, dear, unique, sweet, golden, affectionate, beautiful, dear, impeccable, fair, bright, economic, sunny, wonderful, wonderful, kind, amazing, charming, tender, unique, magical, delightful ... But all these epithets are not and one hundredth of how good you are. Happy holiday, my very best mom!

Mommy, today I want to recall an old parable about travelers who walked for a long time in the desert and finally found a tree under which they sat down to rest. They began to argue about what brought them the desired peace. One said that it was dense foliage, the other claimed that it was strong branches, the third assured that it was a powerful trunk. And the fourth traveler was silent, and then asked the others if leaves, branches and a trunk could exist without the roots of the tree. And we, too, could not exist without you, the one who became our roots. Happy birthday!

Dear mom, today you can be sentimental. And remember how you patiently fed me semolina porridge from a spoon, how you carefully taught me to take the first steps, holding hands, how meekly sat over me at night during my colds, how you smeared my broken knees with green paint, how you helped me do my homework, and how she gently tied my tie before my first date. All this comes from the great mother's heart! Thank you for him and happy birthday!

Mom, I wish you a happy birthday and I want to tell you today that you are the most important person in my life. Only you know how to love without any conditions and accept me for who I am. Only you don't demand anything in return for your love. Only you support me in all my endeavors. Only you don't judge me when I make mistakes. I am immensely grateful to you for everything you do, and I wish you health for many years to come!

Mom, on your holiday I will tell you that we very much value your sincere great love. We understand that it is impossible to compare with her, but we promise to remember your wise lessons, your affection and care. We promise in the most difficult moments to be equal to your strength and try to be worthy of you. We promise to make you proud of your children, so that we will be your support all the days of your life. Happy birthday!

Beloved mom, how many kind words we have heard from you over the many years of our growing up! Today, from the very depths of our souls, we wish you strong health, mischievous unceasing youth, tender love from all your loved ones, radiant smiles and calm wisdom. May your heart bathe in the happiness you deserve, and may your future life be like a never-ending cheerful song!

Mom, probably, the words of all the poets of the sages of the world are not enough to describe the magnificent qualities that you are generously endowed with. But, if I were a sculptor, I would erect a monument to you right now. I would carve a huge heart out of red granite. Because only a mother's heart can, like a stone, withstand all the blows of fate and not break, because only it will continue to love with the strength of granite. Happy birsday, my dear!

Mom, on this day, to the existing ones, I would like to give you the craziest gifts. I would like to send you on a round-the-world cruise on a snow-white liner, lay out your name with flowers in the central square, bring you a huge cake in a hot air balloon, order you a walk through the streets on an elephant, bring you the personal hairdresser of the English queen to your house. Perhaps I will carry it out sometime, for now I promise to always be an exemplary son. Happy birthday!

Mama! Mommy! Mommy! Mom!

Sometimes we pronounce this word, and do not even think about what the word that is worth means. Whether it's the first baby, or the heartbreaking last; whether it be a frightened exclamation or a desperate cry, echoing somewhere between the rocks ... Delight and abuse. And thousands of emotions, memories of a mother, a woman, a man! It hurts me. Ashamed of us. Inside, the damned dog, like a bone, sucks me for our mothers, for my mother !!! For the fact that she did not find a place in our memory, and only when we are scared or hurt, or the ordinariness of our gray days presses on our heads - then only this great word sounds ...

And will we remember when a white strip of life spreads before us, a silk carpet, about Mother !? When our days a film strip flashes in color only frames, will the question “But what about Mom there?” Worry, will the thought that she is far away and must be bored !?

And does the Mother need much?

How much does a woman need, whose children have grown up from children's games, and have long been playing adult, more dangerous and evil games? Will he ask for a lot? NOT MORE THAN WE CAN GIVE HER !!! Attention! Words, the same, but more affectionate, gentle, caring. And just the opportunity to share our experiences with us, the joy of tears, the misfortunes of sobbing ...

And yet, do not say, we forget!

Or we simply don’t want to, fueled by the bold thought: "After all, we have already grown up"

We forget about the most necessary and simple things!

After all, what could be easier than taking the phone, dialing a number, and hearing a joyful "Hello" in response, say: "Happy birthday Mom", "Mom, happy new year to you", "Happy March 8 Mom, happy spring day to you Mom. "Or simply:" Good morning, dear. " And after asking about health, about business, say: "I love you Mom."

So long for us, and so important for her!

Mama! Mommy! Mommy! Mom!

What does the word what is worth !?

What coins are it not a pity to dig your lips again into the ears of the very one whose cold forehead you touched with trembling lips for the last time !? Ask for forgiveness. To say that there is no lovely light, more beautiful than your smiling look, the blush of your cheeks, the naivety of your phrases. M a lock of your hair, so not neatly, hastily braided - after all, you have so little time! Once again, angry at her abuse for minor offenses, whisper through his teeth: "I won't do this anymore, please forgive me." What kind of work would I do so that again in the cold (on the windows of which Grandfather Frost was so picturesquely spread out, in which thanks to her alone we so sacredly believed), the song of the cradle sounded, and tender hands touched our heads warmly. And in the morning, waking up from wonderful dreams, rubbing his sleepy little eyes, smilingly so, gently whisper to her: "Good morning Mommy."

What prayers, kneeling before the icon !?

What miracles to beg in front of the Lord, in order to observe her amusement around the house again: cleaning, always warmed up lunch, a stack of starched linen, knitting under the dim light of a candle ... And she still needs so much ...

So ...

Remember the MAN, remember -

Be drunk

Or with a sober thought;

Be poor you

Or fabulously rich;


Or with the royal harams -



And nn,

And you are poor

And bloodless

Without Mother -

The most delicate words and her hands!

And only when there is a Mother - there is everything!

And you think soberly and are rich,

As long as he lives in the world

Mama! Mommy! Mommy! Mom !!!

Here is a collection of texts with beautiful, warm, sincere and touching words of gratitude to mother from daughter to tears. The texts are written in prose (in their own words) and are intended both for public speaking (at an anniversary, wedding, birthday and other festive events) in front of guests, and for talking in private. Also, these words can be used to sign a gift, postcard or card to the bouquet.

Another page of the site will help you add to the texts.

Dear Mom! You deserve the greatest gratitude. I want to thank you sincerely for:

  • the fact that you, from the very beginning of my life until today, made difficult for me simple
  • for what you tried hard to make easy
  • for the fact that in the days of bad weather you contrived to get a piece of the sun for me
  • for the fact that you are amazingly talented out of me-sick, knew how to make me-healthy
  • for the fact that you managed to turn even unpleasant moments into fascinating moments
  • for the fact that you manage to make a faceless room a dear, warm and sweet home
  • for trying to turn banality into uncommon
  • for the talent to create a culinary masterpiece out of trivial and ordinary food
  • because you are unfamiliar with cold indifference and you always give me as much warmth as you can find
  • for the fact that you in an incomprehensible way get gifts from life, even when it seems that they do not exist

And most importantly: thank you for doing all these wonderful things not for yourself, but for me.

I am eternally grateful to you, mom. And I wish you never run out of energy to work as an Angel. And so that your miracles do not dry out. I will try to be such a daughter so that motherhood does not become a feat for you. May your life be long and easy, Mommy.

Precious mummy! I have so much to thank you for that I don’t know where to start. I will try not to cry and try too. Otherwise, the two of us will definitely drown everyone at once.

Mommy, you are the most precious thing I have. And I want you to accept from me sincere gratitude today for literally everything that you have done and continue to do for me. I notice everything and appreciate everything. And I will never forget that.

  • Thank you mom for creating such a wonderful family in which I felt comfortable, warm, happy to grow and develop. And for continuing to do this now.
  • Thank you for trying to please me whenever possible and for looking at the world with optimism. I endlessly learn this from you and optimism has helped me out more than once in difficult times.
  • Thank you for being always ready to lend me a helping hand - nothing is scary with such a friend.
  • Thank you for your warmth and kindness - they keep me warm every day.
  • Thank you for always being able to find the right words and give hope in difficult times.
  • Because you try to protect even an adult daughter and remember that I still need your love - it gives me wings.

Be happy mommy and don't leave me.

Dear mommy! First of all, I want to thank you for your life. And for everything that you generously endowed me with this gift:

  • for a warm and cozy childhood. Memories of him always warm my heart;
  • for care and affection. They make my life comfortable and happy;
  • for ongoing support. I need her even as an adult and I am grateful that you do not leave me without her;
  • for wise advice that you are always ready to share with me;
  • for your eternal concern, mom, also - thank you. It helps me not to lose my head and make deliberate decisions in life;
  • for keeping my secrets;
  • for swearing when you no longer have the strength to endure anxiety for me;
  • for denying yourself a lot for me;

Special thanks to you Mommy - for the love. And for the fact that you have it - it does not dry out. I really appreciate it, the shore and I want you to live forever. Be happy and healthy. Well, I promise I will do everything to make you proud of your daughter and less worried.

Today, on this holiday, I want to express my sincere gratitude to the best person on Earth - my mother!

Mommy, I love you very much and I know that you love me too. I am very grateful to you for this love, for the light with which it illuminates my life. Also, mom, I am grateful to you for the fact that by your example you teach me kindness, patience, wisdom, support, femininity and beauty. In general, all the best that a person can bring into this life. I have never met a brighter person in my life, and my intuition tells me that I will not meet, such no longer exist.

Thank you mom and be always as young, beautiful, stylish, healthy. Be happy mom.

Mom, thank you that every day and all your life you work as my Guardian Angel. I appreciate you very much and take care of you as much as I can. I love you very much, your pure heart, your smile, care, your friendship, wisdom, warmth and sensitivity. And even your comments and discontent - I also love, they always help me to avoid mistakes. You are the best mom in the world. I dream that you will never get upset, that peace of mind does not leave you, that good health will haunt you all your life and that you live forever.

I thank my mother almost every day in my thoughts. So, today, this is not the first time I say “thank you” to her ... I want to tell you Mommy that I know: it was often difficult for you with a daughter like me. And I thank you for giving me so much energy, so much daily work, to raise me and to make me a not too lost woman.

Thank you for your love, warmth and care. For tons of fairy tales read in childhood for the night - I remember them all and cherish in my heart. For sleepless nights when I was sick, also - thank you. For standing up for me even when I was wrong ... Thank you for being a true friend and always on my side. Mama! I am happy that I have you and that you are. I grew up a long time ago, but I continue to learn from you all the best that a human heart is capable of.

I hope Mommy I can thank you for all this. I will try.

Mom, there was a lot of joy in the life of our family, but sometimes difficult days also happened. Special thanks to you for the happiness. But today I would like to thank you for trying to get some sun for me even on cloudy days. And sometimes a star from the sky. And you manage to do it to this day. These pieces of joy and warmth always warm my heart, help and support. I wish that all your dreams come true and I hope that your daughter does not disappoint you. Be happy.

Mom, you have always fascinated me. There is no second such unique and wonderful woman. I am proud of you and dream of being like you. You are the most beautiful, intelligent, charming, feminine, gentle, sweet, charming, bright, sincere, kind, successful. You are a diamond. I am grateful to you for your love and friendship. I am grateful to God that he gave me such a mother. I also thank this fully developed life for the fact that it treats us warmly and we are alive, healthy and have the strength to enjoy it. Always be happy, mom.

Mommy! I have already thanked you many times for your love, care and life as a gift ... And today I also want to thank you for the steadfastness with which you endured my pranks. For the endless patience with which you treated my whims. For the wisdom that helped you not to punish me for my laziness in my studies. For ingenuity, without which it was impossible to feed me wholesome food. For willpower - thanks to her, I could be put to bed. For adequacy, when I introduced you to my inadequate chosen ones. For tact when I, without choosing expressions, told you my sorrows. For your compassion when I tormented you with my troubles at school. For sensitivity, without it you and I did not know a lot about each other.

You set a perfect example for me. Someday I will become a mother myself, and I hope that I will be able to be as wonderful a mother as you.

You know mom, I always sincerely thank you for everything. Gratitude to you has forever settled in my heart and will never leave it. All the best I have is created by your hands. Thank you for giving your life, your time and your warmth to me. This is an invaluable gift.

Thanks to you, there is no room left in my heart for cold, anger, envy, greed, hatred ... only warmth, light and kindness live there. Everything that you gave me. You're doing everything right, Mom. I'm proud of you.

Mom, I have already told you many times how grateful I am to you for everything that you gave me. And I will thank you many more times. But today I want to say thank you for something else.

I myself have already become a mother and now I know what it means to raise and educate a child ... So, now I am grateful to you for your punishments in childhood, for your persistence and even severity in certain issues, when I did not want to fulfill your requirements. Thank you mom that you had the strength to insist on your own and make me do something unpleasant for me. It is this persistence and severity of yours that has brought me the greatest benefit. Maybe even - much more than praise, gifts and encouragements.

I want you to know: in my heart there is no more resentment against you. And I understand why you did it. Thank you, dear. Be happy and may all your wishes come true.

Mamusik, I thank you for what you are, and for what I am!

And I am also very grateful to you for giving me such a rosy existence. Because we are not completely lost people. For the fact that I have an education and do not work as a janitor. Because my health is normal. For the fact that our house is warm, cozy and light, and not a gloomy and dull kennel. For the fact that I can enjoy everything good and not despair when faced with injustice. Because I can do so many things and because I can understand so many things.

In general, mom, I have always thanked you for life and love ... And now I want to thank you for raising me as a viable girl, and not an infantile chicken.

  • Don't speak for too long (if you're giving one of these thank you speeches in public)
  • do not read the text from a sheet of paper - try to learn the words (the texts are not difficult);
  • read the text from the sheet only if you have serious memory problems and everyone knows about it (therefore, they will understand you correctly). Or if you worry too much;
  • If the text you like turned out to be too long to remember (in case you need to make a speech from memory), you can delete several points from it so that the meaning is not lost (this is also not difficult) and tell about your gratitude in a somewhat shortened version.