Composition-story on the theme “Walking in the forest. Sample story about a child's shirt Write a story about a beautiful summer lawn

"Good in summer!" Short story about summer

Good summer! The golden rays of the sun are generously pouring onto the earth. The river runs like a blue ribbon into the distance. The forest is in festive, summer decoration. Flowers - purple, yellow, blue scattered across the clearings, edges.

All sorts of miracles happen in the summer. There is a forest in a green attire, underfoot - a green grass-ant, completely strewn with dew. But what is it? Yesterday there was nothing in this clearing, but today it is completely littered with small, red, as if precious, pebbles. This is a strawberry. Isn't it a miracle?

Puffs, rejoicing in delicious provisions, a hedgehog. Hedgehog - he is omnivorous. Therefore, glorious days have come for him. And for other animals too. All living things rejoice. Birds joyfully flood, they are now in their homeland, they don’t have to rush to distant, warm lands yet, they enjoy warm, sunny days.

Summer is loved by children and adults. For long, sunny days and short warm nights. For the rich harvest of the summer garden. For generous fields full of rye, wheat.

All living things sing and triumph in the summer.

"Summer morning". Short story about summer
Summer is the time when nature wakes up early. Summer mornings are amazing. Light clouds float high in the sky, the air is clean and fresh, it is filled with the aromas of herbs. The forest river throws off a haze of fog. A golden ray of the sun skillfully makes its way through the dense foliage, it illuminates the forest. A nimble dragonfly, moving from place to place, looks attentively, as if looking for something.

It's good to wander through the summer forest. Among the trees above all are pines. The spruces are also not small, but they do not know how to pull their top so high towards the sun. You gently step on the emerald moss. What is there in the forest: mushrooms-berries, mosquitoes-grasshoppers, mountains-slopes. The summer forest is a pantry of nature.

And here is the first meeting - a big, prickly hedgehog. Seeing people, he gets lost, stands on a forest path, probably wondering where he should go next?

"Summer evening". Short story about summer
The summer day is drawing to a close. The sky gradually darkens, the air becomes cooler. It looks like it might rain now, but inclement weather is a rarity in summer. It gets quieter in the forest, but the sounds do not disappear completely. Some animals hunt at night, the dark time of the day is the most favorable time for them. Their eyesight is poorly developed, but their sense of smell and hearing are excellent. Such animals include, for example, a hedgehog. Sometimes you can hear how the turtledove groans.

Nightingale sings at night. During the day, he also performs a solo part, but among the polyphony it is difficult to hear and make out it. Another thing at night. Someone sings, someone groans. But in general, the forest freezes. Nature rests in order to please everyone again in the morning.

1 part

Every summer, my parents and my older brother and I visit our grandfather in the village. There is a forest on the outskirts of the village. My brother and I love to wander through the summer forest. The brother is already almost an adult, so the parents let us go together.

This year, having arrived at my grandfather's early in the morning, we had breakfast and immediately went to the forest thicket. Spruces, pines, mighty oaks and other trees grow there.

part 2

The day turned out wonderful. It was cool under the pines, it smelled of resin and young birch leaves. Ants were running around the roots of the trees. Lilies of the valley grew here. Their white, pure, fragrant flowers looked like bells and captivated with their aroma.

We picked home a large bouquet of lilies of the valley and went on. Passing by, we saw a family of hedgehogs in the thick grass. As we approached, the hedgehog and the little hedgehogs prudently curled up into a ball. Against the background of grass, four balls looked almost imperceptible, and we decided not to disturb them.

The thicket was very thick, so we hardly got to the edge of the forest. There was a small stream there. We did not drink from it, but with pleasure we stood in the cool, shiny water. Passing by, the brother noticed a small snake on an old stump. We wanted to catch him, but we quickly crawled under a nearby stone. Apparently, there was a hole.

In the clearing, among the bushes, we saw thickets of wild strawberries. The fine smell and wonderful taste of wild strawberries can be envied by the best varieties of garden varieties of this plant. A lot of fragrant juicy berries of raspberries, blueberries, lingonberries disappear in the wilderness. And how many different mushrooms grow! Here are strong mushrooms hiding in the grass. Wet russula turn pink. Slippery milk mushrooms grow in the spruce forest. On low stumps, honey mushrooms huddle together. The forest generously treats with its gifts!

part 3

My brother and I did not pick mushrooms because we did not take suitable containers with us. Having collected a full basket of strawberries, we turned onto a narrow path.

The path led us to a beautiful lawn. The bright sun baked. The clear sky was blue. Grasshoppers chirped in the grass. A light breeze shook the stems of wild clover and daisies. A large bright butterfly flew past us in zigzags. With our appearance, we frightened the squirrel. She is a funny animal! Sensing danger, it flies up a tree with the speed of lightning. Here a motley robin swept over our heads. The bird sat on a curly birch and sang merrily. Enjoying the melodic singing of the robin, we sat down to rest on a stump. In the distance we saw a shy gray hare. Confusing the tracks, the scythe ran towards the thicket. A cuckoo chirped in the distance.

After resting, my brother and I went home in a great mood. The walk through the forest was a success, we had a great time. The next day we agreed to get out for mushrooms. Our grandfather is an experienced mushroom picker, so we will go with him.

Good in the forest in summer!

At the beginning of September, at school, we were asked to write an essay on the theme “Walking in the Forest”. My work turned out to be the most interesting. No wonder, because I spent all my summer holidays with my grandfather in the village! In addition, my mother checked the essay for grammatical errors.

Nomination "Prose" - 7-11 years

about the author

Diana is 9 years old, she is a student of the 3rd "A" class of the Municipal Educational Institution "Gymnasium No. 2" in the city of Chistopol, Republic of Tatarstan.

Diana is a passionate person. She loves to make art both in class and at home. He likes to make, sculpt various crafts from plasticine. And from the second grade she began to write poetry, short stories. She does it beautifully, I think.

Spring came!

After a long and cold winter comes the beautiful spring. Spring is my favorite time of the year. The sun warms, the snow melts quickly, and streams begin to run hastily along the ground. Snowdrops emerge from under the snow. Birds sing in the trees, rejoicing in spring.

Walking on the street, I want to inhale this fresh spring air more and more, enjoy the bright rays of the sun. In the spring, I like to look at the long, long icicles that hang from the roofs of houses. They sparkle in the sun like diamonds. Only a short time was left for them to decorate the roofs of houses. They will soon melt forever.

In spring, all nature comes to life. I walk along my street and am surprised: how beautiful it has become around!

There are yellow spots on the lawn, like little suns. These are coltsfoot flowers. Young grass breaks green-green. Here is the first bumblebee. A beautiful butterfly gently sat on my hand. She spread her wings and froze. She's not very comfortable yet. After all, she needs warmth, the sun. Now she will warm herself under its rays and fly again.

How nice in spring! I want to run barefoot through the puddles, dance, sing loudly, have fun. In the heart of a joyful, cheerful mood. Spring pleases me with its sounds and colors.

Spring is beautiful

Sings outside the windows.

And how we want

Lapatina Svetlana Vasilievna, teacher of the extended day group of the MOU Tumskaya secondary school No. 46 Branch "Oskinskaya basic comprehensive school".
Description: Your attention is given to the author's story for younger students "Summer Adventure". This story may be of interest to educators, class teachers when conducting classes, class hours around the world.
Target: The development of the basic moral qualities of the child's personality.
1. To introduce students to the story, to promote the development of interest in reading.
2. Education in schoolchildren of love for the motherland, native land, for animals.
3. Raising a sense of compassion, care, desire to help.

Summer adventure story.

The last day of school was over, and Dimka, a second-grader, cheerfully waving his briefcase, skipped home. Suddenly, the sound of a telephone was heard from the pocket of the briefcase. It was dad who called: “I wish you good health, comrade junior lieutenant, I hasten to tell you very good news - tomorrow we are going to the dacha. Therefore, listen to my command: have a quick lunch and pack your things. Mom and I will be home in an hour."
Dimka's dad was a military man, and his mom was a nurse, and they worked in the same military unit.
“Yes, comrade general, collect things! Hooray, we're going to the village! - the delighted boy shouted joyfully into the phone.
In less than half an hour, Dimka had a quick military dinner and began to collect things, while singing a cheerful song of his own composition.
"When the candies run out,
Everyone is very upset
And when the oranges run out
Everyone is upset too.

And the holidays begin
Nobody gets upset
The lessons are over,
Hooray, I'm going to the dacha,

There they are waiting for me
Things are interesting,
Cheerful friends»
By the time my parents came, the entrance hall of the apartment looked like a large warehouse of a store, where a lot of necessary things were collected: there was a soccer ball, a fishing rod, a bicycle pump, and a basket for mushrooms.

Finally, the long-awaited morning of the next day came, things were already sent to the trunk of the car, dad started the car, and the whole family went to the dacha for a summer vacation.
Here the car left the city, turned onto a country road, then a large field began, on which cornflowers and chamomiles bloomed.

Mom could not resist and exclaimed: "Oh, look how beautiful it is here, let's stop for a minute, I'll pick a bouquet of my favorite daisies."
Dad cheerfully replied: “Yes, comrade senior lieutenant, stop, and you feel what kind of air is here, real, rural.”
An hour later, the car drove up to the village, now the house is visible, and the neighbor Aunt Anya affably waves her hand.

“With the arrival of you, my dear neighbors, here you can taste fresh milk from the path,” the caring hostess says and gives dad a jug of village milk. Aunt Anya has a yard full of all kinds of cattle: a cow, a piglet, sheep, geese, chickens, and even a dog Chernysh.

Dad takes a jug with great pleasure, drinks milk and enthusiastically exclaims: “Thank you
you, Anna Kuzminichna, your milk is delicious - real, rustic!
In the afternoon, during lunch, Dimka says dreamily: “It would be nice if we got a cow, like Aunt Anya’s, or at least a small calf.” But dad said that keeping cattle is a very big responsibility, you need to take care of it: water, feed, walk, prepare food, and for this you need to live in the village all year round.
In the evening, Dimka sat down on a bench and began to watch the clouds floating high in the sky.
Here is one of them, the largest, looks like a huge hippopotamus, but this one, smaller, looks like a calf with horns ...

And suddenly, next to the house, on a green lawn, a cheerful and mischievous calf jumped up. He was all white, only brown spots were visible on his tummy and back, his muzzle was pink, and on his head there were small horns.

Dimka was very happy, came closer to the calf and said: “Hi, I’ll call you Milky, let’s play catch-up with you.” The calf looked merrily at the boy, waved his head and hopped along the path leading to the birch grove.

Suddenly, a cunning red fox appeared from the grove, she saw a boy and a calf and said: “Hello, friends, let's all be friends together, let's go visit me, I will treat you to ripe strawberries and delicious grass.”
The fox was very cunning and she conceived a bad deed: she decided to lure a stupid and gullible calf into the forest and eat it. She took out the phone and began to call the Wolf: “Hello, kumanyok, I invite you to visit me for dinner today, I have such a nice calf here.”
Dimka heard the words of the Fox and thought: “Oh, and we are stuck with you, Milky, in an unpleasant story. Now, if we had an invisibility hat, then we would leave the forest clearing quietly and unnoticed. And before the boy had time to think, he had in his hand not one, but two whole hats - invisible.

He put on one hat himself, and gave the other to his friend Milky.
And the friends went completely unnoticed along the road, and ahead of them the fox runs, in a hurry to meet the wolf as soon as possible.
A swamp appeared on the edge of the forest, the fox hurried, stumbled and fell into the swamp mud. “Oh, save me, oh, help me,” the red-haired cheat shouted. Friends had every right to go further and not pay attention to the cries of the insidious fox, because, as the proverb says:
"Don't dig a hole for another - you yourself will fall into it."

Only now Dimka and the calf fox felt sorry, they took off their invisible hats and began to help her get out of the swamp. Dimka broke thick oak branches and stretched them to the edge of the swamp, and the calf bowed its head, the fox grabbed the calf by the neck and climbed ashore.
“Thank you, friends, for your kind heart, for helping me in difficult times, I beg you very much: forgive me, from today I promise to do only good deeds.”
It’s good that everything ends well, tired but happy friends went home, only Milky’s calf lost his ringing bell somewhere.
The warm summer day ended, it got late, and dad brought out a warm sweater for his son, and Dimka, sitting on the bench, leaning his head against the fence of the front garden, slept soundly and undisturbed. “I was running away, junior lieutenant, that’s what real village air means, it’s time to go to the barracks,” said dad, carefully took Dimka in his strong hands and carried him into the house.
A wonderful summer morning came, the warm sun shone brightly, beautiful butterflies fluttered. Dimka woke up, stretched sweetly, looked out the open window and saw a miracle: a calf galloped briskly on a green meadow, and a bell rang merrily around its neck.

Summer was just beginning, and the boy was waiting for all sorts of wonderful summer adventures.