Social networks quickly destroy families. Curious statistics of marriages and divorces in Russia Due to which social network do families get divorced

In the past few decades, the number of divorces has steadily increased. This is a fait accompli that we will not discuss, and we will not discuss about it. Sociological research data, registry offices filled with applications and high piles of divorce cases in court speak more than eloquently about this. On the one hand, a divorce is just a documentary separation of the former family, on the other hand, a split, after which two people who once spoke words of love to each other will now go through life in different ways.
I don't know of any couple who would like to go through a divorce in the future when they get married, but still...
Social networks that have appeared and become popular have added the last fly in the ointment to a barrel of honey for a happy family life. These portals enable many to find new connections and rekindle old ones, to start new romantic relationships that can jeopardize existing ones. Can social media cause divorce? Let's look into this issue.

The relationship between social media and divorce

Permanent online. Social media has had a huge impact on romantic relationships, I think no one will deny that. In some cases, for the first time, a person receives in the virtual world the experience of a romantic relationship that is inaccessible to him in reality. Most social networks allow you to reconnect with old friends, find your "first love" or reconnect with ex-spouses. Since social networks allow you to be in constant contact, they make it possible to establish emotional connections with people of the opposite sex, virtually imperceptibly to the person himself. Most social "internet addicts" actually "live" on sites, plunging into someone else's life and letting others into their own to a depth that would be impossible in reality.

We speak words, but we write thoughts. Communication in a social network is built on correspondence and information exchange. Here it is very easy to show the range of your interests - films, music, paintings, which is very difficult to do in reality. In a real conversation, you can be ashamed to speak out, you can keep silent, snort ambiguously, interrupt, or even ignore your interlocutor. In social networks, speech is written, and it reflects thoughts, so there is no place for pauses and empty sounds. Communication through the keyboard allows you to be more concise and frank, to think about every word ...

When your spouse starts spending more time on social media than on you, this is the first signal that your emotional connection is starting to break down. Today, with the help of modern means of communication, access to social networks is possible right from your shared bed. This is both easy and fast. In addition, everything that happens there is completely hidden from public control, so communication on social networks can be completely safely made a purely personal matter, into which outsiders will be closed.

Ease of relationship. Easy to develop, because there you can introduce yourself as anyone. “To fashion” a new personality out of yourself, which will have nothing in common with a real person. Thus, it is very easy to get into the soul of someone you just met or some old acquaintance of yours. Communication in a social network makes it easy to escape from reality, which creates alienation in real relationships - they are much more complicated. The virtual life of your spouse remains hidden from reality and from you as well. All this does not add openness to your relationship, restraint and distrust appear.

Consequences of emotional deception. When your spouse starts cheating on you by developing a virtual relationship, he will try to put in the extra effort to be online. Usually, the development of virtual relationships into real ones is only a matter of time. If, seeing and noticing all this, you do not try to get closer to your spouse, then you will only aggravate the situation even more. The crack between you will grow into an abyss, and real betrayal, which will replace the virtual one, is just around the corner.

However, you must remember that cheating is not a one-way street. Tango cannot be danced alone. Perhaps you could not understand your partner, meet him halfway, try to achieve mutual understanding? And so your relationship is now crumbling.

An honest answer to the question "Can social media cause divorce?" - Not! The site, as such, cannot be a reason for divorce. Divorce is the result of a lack of common interests, loss of trust, destruction of emotional connection and physical attraction. Thus, it depends on you how actively your spouse will be engaged in the search for romance on social networks. And disagreements and misunderstandings in a relationship can always be corrected with the help of patience, desire and faith.

FROM THE AUTHOR: My responses in the comments are the opinion of a private individual, and not the recommendation of a specialist. I try to answer everyone without exception, but unfortunately I don’t physically have time to study long stories, analyze them, ask questions about them and then answer in detail, and I also don’t have the opportunity to accompany your situations, because this requires a huge amount of free time, and I have very little of it.

In this regard, I kindly ask you to ask specific questions on the topic of the article, do not expect that I will advise in the comments or accompany your situation.

Of course, you can ignore my request (which many do), but in this case, be prepared for the fact that I may not answer you. This is not a matter of principle, but exclusively of time and my physical capabilities. Don't be offended.

If you want to receive qualified assistance, please contact me for advice, and I will devote my time and knowledge to you with full dedication.

With respect and hope for understanding, Frederica

Unbelievable, but true - in our time it is better to be late somewhere (here everything can be attributed to traffic jams or urgent work), but there is absolutely no excuse for a message in the messenger that was not answered on time.

Slowly but surely appearing in our lives, in a few years, completely imperceptibly, social networks have become an integral part of communication. Now it’s hard to imagine how literally ten years ago we chatted on a landline phone, and instead of the ubiquitous Wi-Fi, we needed to have a router.

Few people understood how SMS were transmitted then, but now we are in touch around the clock, you just need to have time to charge your smartphone on time. So how did it happen that from a means of communication social networks have become a real stumbling block and you can often hear stories about how couples really broke off their relationship due to the fact that the other half was slow to respond to messages, which means that there was not enough manifestation respect? That's modern logic...

1. Likes are now the main indicator of how well your vacation is going, how you look today (if you like to post selfies) and whether a new dress suits you. Therefore, do not bring the fate of the unfortunate not to like you on an important photo for you! He will be punished by fate (in the form of you), and it doesn’t matter that young people a priori spend much less time on social networks and generally perceive the culture of likes in a different way (although, of course, there are always exceptions).

In order to attract his attention, you do not need to upload all the photos that you have online at once, and, hiding, wait for him to rate at least one of the hundred published ones. Maybe he'd better tell you when they meet that you look great today?

2. Often, in order to write some important message for us, we gather our strength for several hours (and sometimes days!), carefully thinking through not only every word, but even punctuation marks, and now, holding our breath , you are waiting for an answer ... but it is still not there. And he seems to be online, but for some reason there is still no response news. And here a real storm can again fall on the unfortunate person, because he was online, saw the message (and it certainly was!) and left.

Surprisingly, but will you really be sure that he is ready to deprive himself of social networks just to hide from your messages? Most often (of course, there are always exceptions) it turns out that it came out at the same moment or shortly before you sent the message, but you, being in the heat of the moment and in nervous tension, for some reason will be unconditionally sure that it was gone it's only after you've written something.

No, of course, everything happens, and he could really get out just because of what you wrote. In this case, the guy is a real coward, and here you should already think about whether you are ready to spend your time on him. In any case, you have only one way out - stop tormenting yourself with guesses, building theories about his behavior and waiting - do other things, get distracted! Most likely, this is just a coincidence, and you should not invent a detective film in your head, trying to understand how he dared to do this to you.

3. Worse than this can only be another situation when you wrote a message, he did not leave the network, he even read it ... but he did not answer! Here you begin to experience the whole palette of possible emotions - anger, pain, disappointment, you want to cry and scream at him with anger, you want to tell your friends about everything and at the same time remain alone and suffer.

Give him time - why don't you consider that he's just busy? (although it is clear that you are the most important thing and you will be angry with him anyway). Or maybe you stumped him with your message, and he absolutely does not know what to answer.

There is no need to write after him a dozen more messages that will completely disarm and discourage the unfortunate guy. In order to somehow avoid quarrels and showdowns, we advise you to discuss this issue with him at a meeting, find out why he does not answer, but in no case write in five minutes that everything is over between you and you in general, you don’t want to see him anymore since he doesn’t have time for you.

4. What could be worse? He liked your friend's photo. So what if she has a boyfriend and they don't talk at all? In virtual life, this like means a lot (much more than he would like), and then pictures begin to line up in his head where they are together, and he tells her how beautiful she is, and declares his love ...

Drive these thoughts away! Even if he wrote a comment, and she (oh, horror!) Replied to it. Think - if they had something to hide, then all correspondence would obviously take place in a personal. If you are sure that a friend is flirting with a guy you like, then you should talk to your friend. But do not arrange scenes and showdowns without making sure that their "virtual romance" is not just another figment of your fertile imagination.

In general, of course, it is difficult, but it is worth starting to learn how to live a real life. Make appointments, listen to music and read the news on social networks, and judge relationships between people by their actions.

And yes, as the song says, “our handsets get in the way of us doing things,” so maybe you should start saying whatever you want to face? Then there will be no such situations when he read, but did not answer.

Based on this, research scientists note that social networks such as Twitter, Facebook, Odnoklassniki and the WhatsApp messenger can both unite spouses and cause their divorce.

The number of users of social networks and instant messengers is growing in Kyrgyzstan. Psychologists note that along with this, the number of young married couples who turn to them because of problems associated with social networks is growing.

According to the National Statistical Committee, 70% of the population of Kyrgyzstan have access to the Internet, and the number of users of the World Wide Web has already exceeded 4 million. Most of them use the Internet to access social networks.

For example, to Facebook, which has become an open platform for representatives of all ages. Everyone - from schoolchildren and students to well-known politicians - talk about their personal lives on their pages, share photos. Psychologists fear that the abuse of social networks can nullify the skills of direct communication between people, the ability to build real, not virtual relationships.

Most of the clients of the British law firm Slater and Gordon Lawyers specifically cited social media as the reason for their divorces. A social survey conducted by this organization showed that one in seven respondents thought about divorce because they preferred to spend a lot of time on social networks. 25% of spouses answered that they quarrel at least once a week over social networks, and 60% of respondents noted that they know the passwords of their spouses and try to control who they communicate with in the virtual space. In the age of globalization, this problem has not bypassed Kyrgyzstan.

Psychologist at one of the private clinics in Bishkek Samat Aalkanov said that the number of young people addicted to the Internet and social networks is growing rapidly:

- If you look around, you can see that many people around us have profiles in several resources at once. These people are spending more and more time on social media.

For example, the cause of a quarrel Altynai with her husband began to communicate in the "M-Agent":

- My husband worked in a kindergarten. Once, when he was sleeping, I checked his phone and saw that he was talking on this network with a young girl, giving her compliments. Our first fight was over this. I then woke up my husband and scolded him for not saying such compliments to me, the mother of his three children, as he does to a girl I barely know. Our son was only 5 months old at the time. My husband got angry and beat me for digging through his phone.

M-Agent, which was popular in Kyrgyzstan even before Facebook and Twitter, brought discord into family life and Zhazgul:

- One day my husband saw that I was talking in«​ agent»​ with a classmate. I answered his questions, we spoke openly, there was nothing to hide. But my husband was jealous of my interlocutor, and our relationship deteriorated, we stopped talking. They gave each other time so as not to destroy the family because of the little things. Later, I saw on his phone a correspondence either with an ex-girlfriend, or with a classmate. I kept silent, deciding that he probably decided to take revenge on me in this way.

Psychologist Aalkanov notes that many couples visit social networks to avoid domestic problems or level them:

- Visitors to social networks seem to move into another reality. They can create a different image of themselves there by posting flowers, a happy family, a good job. They return to real life, and there are problems. People are forced to seek solace in an imaginary space. Therefore, social networks can be called a cure for real problems. But these are psychological pits, problems cannot be solved through social networks.

In my practice, I have encountered the problem of social networks in many families. Spouses try to control each other, check whether their half goes to the Internet, online resources or not, when was the last time they were visited. There is no trust between spouses. Therefore, we must learn to trust not only ourselves, but also our half. We need to think about why it is more interesting for a husband or wife to communicate with someone on the Internet and spend most of their time in the virtual world. We are approached by newlyweds, girls-boys who have not lived in marriage and 10 years of a couple. Among them, there are many who admit that they are jealous, feel bad because their half secretly communicates with someone on the social network. Sometimes they say that they decided together and deleted the accounts at once, but then their spouse restored them again. Several times, couples told me that they had a fight with their halves, went to different rooms, and there ... corresponded in social networks with others.

The examples given by the psychologist do not indicate that such phenomena are present in every family. The doctor notes that it all depends on the people themselves.

TV presenter, active user of Instagram Nurayim Ryskulova, who has 3.5 thousand friends on Facebook, more than 7 thousand readers on Twitter, says that she has never had a conflict with her husband because of social networks:

- He, too, can be said to be actively using Instagram and Facebook. At home, we have a rule - during joint events, meals, communication, we try not to use the phone. We enjoy live communication. I ask my husband for advice on the topic I am writing about.

I think it all depends on the people themselves. Of course, there are many interesting and not so interesting photos of other users in social networks. If people got married, loving each other, then it is not so important where your soul mate sits.

Despite this, some religious men forbid their wives and children from purchasing phones with Internet access, and from not using WhatsApp. Such agitation is openly carried out during various meetings.

Earlier, Azattyk published the story of a resident of the Murgab district of Tajikistan Gulkayyr about a young girl who met a man through Mail Agent. The couple communicated via messenger and agreed on a wedding, but the girl’s interlocutor turned out to be far from being who he pretended to be.

A lot of humorous videos and clips have been shot lately about those who are addicted to Internet communication and social networks. However, we must admit that social networks have become the most convenient way to learn and convey information.

Translation from the Kyrgyz language, original article

Again, Sasha began to receive links to those dating sites where I registered for a hundred years, I don’t remember how, I didn’t remember passwords from them for a hundred years. Well, in general, it was not pleasant too. Well Sasha is such that we sat down and deleted all the pages of such a plan.

I just do not understand who needs this, what kind of interest. pull out all the dirt, pull people. The two will figure it out themselves, and if there is something secret, it will still come to light.

More and more Russians are getting divorced because of social networks


“As you can see, a very specific betrayal has exactly the same chance of destroying a family as the active participation of one of the spouses in the life of social networks. And this despite the fact that only 5% of close virtual acquaintance ends with a real romance, experts say. “Note: just an affair, not a marriage.”

By the way, as Amitel news agency previously reported, most divorce decisions are made after the New Year celebrations.

How to swindle for money in social networks or let's talk a little about trojans

There is a banal redirection of requests to malicious sites that completely repeat the design and layout of well-known social networks. This is the classic Trojan.

I will explain quite simply. Having picked up a Trojan somewhere, you, without suspecting anything, go to your page (think that you go to your page), where you enter your name and password, thus safely informing the attacker. Next, you get a message about a temporary page freeze or something like that:

Account validation.

Husband divorced my girlfriend because of social media

ru, by sending materials, is thereby interested in their publication on the site and expresses its consent to their further use by the editors of the site.

All materials of the site, regardless of the form and date of placement on the site, can only be used with the consent of the site editors. Reprinting materials from the website is not possible without the written permission of the editors.

Communication in social networks leads to divorce.

Having immersed themselves in these sites, people not only resume old romances, but also start new ones.

Leading specialist of the committee Elena Shevtsova believes that she cannot judge the connection between the growing popularity of social networks and the increase in the number of divorces, simply because the causes of divorces are not studied by the department. “But still, it seems to me that the problems leading to divorce lie in a different plane,” she concluded.

Social media accounts for 45% of divorces

If in 2011 the divorce rate due to virtual relationships was 33%, by the end of 2012 this figure had grown to 45%. According to respondents, the main reason for the indignation of spouses about infidelity is light senseless flirting when communicating with the opposite sex.

At the same time, the vast majority of users do not expose true information about their marital status, which ultimately becomes a reason for flirting.

Family problems due to social media

The more popular the creation of Mark Zuckerberg becomes, the more Americans file for divorce.

There are five main reasons after which family life flies downhill. First, many men and women do not advertise that they are married. They put the status single instead of married, do not post photos with the engaged person, add friends unknown to their wife (husband) as friends, and join dating groups.

Divorce from social networks

Last week, the news released by the American College of Marriage Advocates became very interesting. According to research by this organization, over the past five years, 81% of its members have used evidence collected on social networks during divorce proceedings in one way or another. Of course, the indicator is not very good in terms of showing how high the probability of a divorce of one particular family is due to the behavior of spouses on a social network, but the figure still shows that the problem has long gone from the category of isolated cases.

Psychology Forum

Well, that's not the point. A year ago, I got into an accident, got a serious knee injury, and spent 4 months on sick leave. She went with me everywhere to clinics, helped morally in everything. For this, special thanks to her. While I was on sick leave, I had severe depression, I could not walk, etc. I started to sit down at the PC often, * got hooked * on the online game. It even got to the point that I did not hear the words of my wife when she stood in front of me and had a dialogue with me (although it rather resembled a monologue).

Social networks are gaining more and more power over modern relationships. And while some people laugh off the phrases “what happened on Facebook remains on Facebook”, others believe that the manifestation of sympathy, albeit through virtual “likes”, is a real sign of treason. Is it worth the increased attention to the communication of the second half in the network? What are the signs of an impending problem? **Friendship with the "former"** A couple of clicks, and once lost contacts can be resumed again. Curiosity has not been canceled, but is it worth returning to the once-passed relationship? Trying to find out what happened to an ex may not be understood by your current partner. Think about what is more important to you: the past or the present? **Domination of virtual life over real life** The desire to "check your mail" can take away a good half of a family evening. And when you try to quickly see how many likes your last photo got, the thread of the conversation will easily go away. This video perfectly demonstrates that sometimes family members have to make really big efforts in order to return the attention of the household. Watch for yourself - when do you most often seek to get your phone? Why do you open a browser page even if you don't need internet? Maybe the computer is an attempt to avoid conflicts? If so, it's worth closing the laptop lid and honestly facing the problems. Even if this problem is addiction to gadgets.

**Revealing statuses** Even though Facebook often asks "What are you thinking about?", it's not necessary to reveal your whole soul online. Google remembers everything. It is also worth remembering that messages may well become public, despite the “private” settings. So, if there is a desire to discuss the last home skirmish with friends on social networks, it is better to do this in private correspondence. **Public Opinion** Previously, parents could judge everything and everything. Time has passed, but the habit remains. Why involve third parties in family conflicts remains a mystery. Relationships are not always smooth, and you need to learn to live through problems on your own. After all, negative experiences also make us mature. **Care for non-existent pets** Think about what makes up your virtual life today? How much time do you spend in front of a monitor screen just because you play, chat, relax and entertain yourself using your computer? Write down the number of hours that you spend on your "virtual" life and think about what you can do for your family and your relationships today. Virtual life creates many substitutions for real relationships, but being behind the monitor screen only creates the illusion that there is none. **Flirting** Comments, "likes" under photos, random remarks in other people's conversations - over the past ten years, modern society has created many rules of virtual etiquette that are gradually being fixed. Is it worth it or not to add strangers to your social networks? How do you get a “like” from a cute work colleague? As a flirtation or as a courtesy? In trying to define the line between what is acceptable and what is not, common sense will win. After all, flirting is still flirting. **Facebook is not a substitute for communication** If you find yourself increasingly dealing with your day-to-day issues with your chat and social media partner, you should start worrying. If you live together and still don't find time to be together, then it's time to rethink your schedule. After all, you have made a lot of efforts in order to start your family. It's worth fighting for it.