Sophia Loren: biography, personal life, family, husband, children - photo. Finest hour of the film star

Sophia Loren is a beautiful woman and a talented actress, whose creative and life path many call a fairy tale with a happy ending. She was born in Rome on September 20, 1934 and not so long ago she celebrated her 80th birthday.

Being the daughter of a poor pianist, she was able to become the embodiment of most women's dreams of beauty and grace, love and material well-being.

In the post-war period, the mother of the future actress, trying to earn money, opened a small tavern in the house, here the future star delivered orders to visitors. Too thin, too disproportionate, she did not arouse the admiration of her peers, who considered her an ugly girl.

One of the first photos of the actress. Sophia Loren's first communion with her mother. 1941

The transformation began at the age of fourteen, when from a thin and clumsy child she turned into a beautiful and graceful girl with beautiful features. Young Sophie received the first confirmation of her charm by becoming the owner of the title "Princess of the Sea" according to the results of a beauty contest. Willpower, assertiveness, striving to achieve her goals allowed young Sophie to acquire the well-deserved fame of a real beauty, and also pave the way to the world of cinema.

In 1950


Also 1950.


In 1954

Also 1954.

Also in 1955.


In 1957



In 1963

Sophia Loren now

It was the cinema that brought her worldwide fame. Throughout her life, she was repeatedly awarded the honorary title of the first beauty, heading the podium even at the age of 71, when she was recognized as the most beautiful woman on the planet, and at 72 she became the model of the famous Pirelli calendar:

A large number of rumors about the numerous plastic surgeries of the actress, which allowed her to look just great for many years, she does not confirm.

“I think that you need to give nature free rein, and I don’t resort to plastic surgery,” says Sophie. “But if your own reflection seems like a nightmare, you need to take action.”

Even now, at 83, she appears in public with a revealing cleavage...

And always attracts the attention of men

In 2012

No less rumors that Lauren went through rhinoplasty and hairline correction, in addition, she is credited with neck rejuvenation procedures, the use of a physiotherapy galvanization technique. However, according to Sophia Loren, all her beauty is of natural origin. With a dazzling appearance at a fairly old age, the actress confirms her words:

“If a girl is incredibly good in her youth, but absent-minded and does not bring anything to the end, beauty will quickly leave. If she has very modest external data, but a strong character, her charm will increase over the years.

She is currently a widow and has two sons.

79-year-old Sophia Loren with her son in 2012 at the New York Film Festival.

At the 67th Cannes Film Festival in 2014.

At the age of 81, Sophia Loren is pleased with her appearance and says that beauty was passed on to her with her mother's genes.

Italian actress Sophia Loren believes that at 81 she looks fantastic because she inherited her beauty from her mother.

The film star assured that she did not know what the secret of her career takeoff was, and she also admitted that she liked it.

Lauren said this in an interview with W magazine.

As Sophie admitted, she herself does not know how, starting with a beauty pageant at the age of 14, she turned into a megastar.

"I still think how. Because when you are her, although so many years have passed, you still wonder where in your life you did so right. You understand this only when people talk about you and about your career when they remind you of pleasant things," she shared.

“In fact, when I was 20, I didn’t think that I would ever live to be 80 years old ... You think:“ God, has it been so long? I don't believe it." Of course, the roles change - at my age I can't play the story of a woman in her 30s or 40s. It's impossible," Lauren said.

Lauren is ready to act in films again if she comes across a role that will be "hers" - according to her current one.

"I look very good, by the way. I look fantastic. I laugh, but everyone says it. Everyone says it! Sometimes I don't believe them anymore, but they are very convincing," the actress said.

Sophia Loren at 81

Lauren believes good genes are the secret to beautiful aging. According to the star, her mother was the spitting image of Greta Garbo, and she even had a contract with Metro Goldwyn Mayer, but her own mother did not let the beauty go to America.

"It's a pity. But maybe if she had gone, fate would have been different, and maybe I would not have been born," Sophie added.

Sophia Loren watched the current Oscar ceremony and rooted for Leonardo DiCaprio, and in those years when Meryl Streep was nominated, for her.

"I like Meryl Streep. I love her. Really. I like DiCaprio. I agree with everything that everyone who won the Oscar this year did. DiCaprio did a great job in the film, and Meryl Streep always (at the ceremony) and wins all the time because for me she is one of the best actresses I have ever seen,” Lauren said.

Young Sophia Loren

Sophia Loren in her youth conquered everyone with her beauty and temperament. The actress managed, as they say, to "grow old with dignity." And even now she remains an attractive woman. How did the public's favorite begin her ascent to the podium and what is the secret of her unfading beauty?

How old is Sophia Loren? Actress parameters

Sophie's real surname is Shicolone. The future actress was born in Rome in 1934. According to the sign of the zodiac, she is Virgo.

Sophia Loren in her youth had a perfect figure. She was always set as an example to other ladies, since the proportions of the artist resembled an ideal hourglass. According to some sources, Lauren's volumes in centimeters were expressed in the following numbers: 96-61-96. At the age of 50, only the parameters of the chest decreased, and the waist remained incredibly thin as before. In 2016, the artist turned 82 years old.

Sophia Loren in her youth

Sophie has conquered the world with her sultry Italian temperament. This is not surprising, because Lauren grew up near Naples. Her childhood was spent in an ordinary fishing village, where everyone called a tall and skinny girl a "perch". This offended the young lady a little. Apparently, in order to prove to everyone that she is not a “perch”, but a real beauty, Sophie went to a beauty contest and won it.

After some time, the future artist wins the Miss Italy contest. Sophia Loren in her youth already deserved the highest titles and knew how to achieve them. At one of the competitions, a nimble person seduced a film producer, despite the fact that he was 22 years older. So, Sophie began to receive the first prominent roles. And before that, she starred only in tiny episodes. For example, she appeared in the following films: "Voice", "Hearts over the Sea" with Marcello Mastroianni, "Toto Tarzan" or "The Six Wives of Bluebeard".

First films

Starting in 1953, Carlo Ponti began a serious promotion of Sophia Loren. Films with her participation at first were of an erotic nature, and the diva herself appeared in the frame half-naked. A vivid example of this is the painting "The White Slave Trade" directed by Luigi Comencini. Sophia Loren in this film for the first time received a strong supporting role. But this did not suit her, she wanted to be the first.

After playing Leonora in The Favourite, Lauren finally landed the lead role. In the film by Clemente Fracassi, she was entrusted with the role of the Ethiopian slave Aida. The title of the next film speaks for itself - "Two Nights with Cleopatra", where the rising star played the queen of Egypt.

In 1954, Lauren's career began to take off. In the historical film Attila, along with Anthony Quinn, she played a major role. In the film Poverty and Nobility, Lauren appeared in the image of the ballerina Gemma, with whom a noble gentleman falls in love. In the same year, the main roles were played in the tapes "It's a pity that you are a rascal" by Alessandro Blasetti and "The Woman from the River" by Mario Soldati. And then Lauren was cast in a role that practically elevated her to the very top of the film industry.

Finest hour of the film star

No one even thought about how old Sophia Loren was when he invited the actress to play mature ones. She was good at the role of people from the people: ordinary Neapolitan shopkeepers and fishermen's wives - that's who she watched all her childhood. Vittorio de Sica liked the lively Neapolitan performed by Lauren. And she became his favorite actress. It was in the films of de Sica that Sophie played her best roles.

In 1960, Lauren received her first Oscar for her work in the drama Chochara, where she appeared with Jean-Paul Belmondo. This was a precedent in the history of the film award, as Sophie became the first foreign actress to receive the award. Four years later, another film produced by Vittorio de Sica with the participation of Lauren received an Oscar. We are talking about the comedy "Yesterday, today, tomorrow." And the tape "Marriage in Italian" in the 64th year was nominated for an Oscar, won the Golden Globe and the main prize of the Moscow Film Festival.

Lauren's popularity grew every year. In 1970, she played in Vittorio de Sica's melodrama Sunflowers, which was filmed in the USSR. Marcello Mastroianni, Lyudmila Savelyeva ("The Headless Horseman") took part in the same tape, and by this time Sophie was a world-famous star who shone even in Hollywood.

Career in Hollywood

Back in 1957, Sophia Loren began her ascent in Hollywood. The figure (in her youth, Lauren had an attractiveness and style made the Italian very popular in the “dream factory”. Two film companies managed to sign a contract with the European sex symbol: Paramount Pictures and MGM.

The Hollywood debut of the diva was the painting "Pride and Passion" by Stanley Kramer. Sophie's partners on the set were the legendary Frank Sinatra and the charming Cary Grant. For the sake of participating in the comedy "Devil in Pink Tights" by George Cukor, Lauren even dyed her hair blonde. The film did not gain much popularity, but Lauren received a fee of a million dollars and a wonderful partner in the person of Anthony Quinn.

In 1967, the famous Italian actress got a very colorful role: Charlie Chaplin invited her to play a Russian prostitute in his comedy The Countess from Hong Kong. And Sophie agreed. How could she refuse when Chaplin himself offered her the role, and Marlon Brando was supposed to become a partner on the set? Indeed, Sophia Loren has something to remember, as she collaborated with all the leading actors of the "dream factory" of that time. The woman had an on-screen duet even with in the film It Started in Naples. The last time in Hollywood, Sophie starred in 2009 in Rob Marshall's Nine project. Celebrities such as Marion Cotillard, Daniel Day-Lewis, Nicole Kidman and others also took part in this tape.

Personal life

Actress Sophia Loren, despite meeting many worthy men, from the age of 15 was in love with only one person: her producer and future husband Carlo Ponti. They met when the young Shicolone rushed to Rome with a dream of a big movie. Ponti was then an aspiring producer. He gave the young extra some practical advice, and after a while he knocked out the main role for her.

It is not known how romantic the relationship between Sophie and Carlo was before 1956. He was married, moreover, a fierce Catholic, so he could not afford a divorce. But after Lauren began a tumultuous romance with Hollywood actor Grant, Carlo knew it was time for drastic action.

In 57, the couple finally legalized the relationship. Until 1969, Lauren unsuccessfully tried to get pregnant: she had a miscarriage four times. The actress still managed to make her dream come true: she gave birth to two sons. One of them became a conductor, the other - a director. Carlo and Sophie lived together for 50 years, and in 2007 the producer died.

The main achievements of the actress

In all corners of the world they know the name of the participation of the actress was repeatedly nominated for an Oscar and other awards. The actress herself became the owner of the Hollywood award twice. The roles of Sophia Loren were mostly bright and memorable: the film star played more than a hundred of them. The artist is a Knight Grand Cross. She received this order for her services to Italy.

Beauty secrets

Sophia Loren now lives in Switzerland. She is still as beautiful as twenty or thirty years ago. Journalists from the actress constantly elicit the secrets of her attractiveness. Sophie willingly communicates on this topic, claiming that she is against plastic surgery and has never resorted to surgery. She says that the secret to her great appearance is a positive attitude, long sleep, healthy eating, etc.

But it’s hard to believe in the “tales” of a respected film star. Sophia Loren now, at 80, has no second chin at all, cheekbones stand out clearly on her face, and wrinkles are barely noticeable. A woman with very good genetics at the age of 60 cannot boast of such data. And at 80, it is simply impossible to have an ideal appearance, thanks to proper nutrition and sleep. The explanation suggests itself: Sophia Loren still did multiple tightening procedures. But that's not important. Kinodiva retained youthful fuse and love of life - that's what's important!

The brilliant Sophia Loren is known to every person in the world. She is not only beautiful, but also a great singer and actress.

Sophie is rightfully recognized as the most charismatic and sensual person, whom all the women of the world constantly looked up to. She has repeatedly been awarded prestigious film awards, including exclusive ones.

A woman is the embodiment of the fact that from the very bottom of life, from poverty and hopeless poverty, it is possible to find a way out. However, having risen to a height, one should not forget about one's roots.

Height, weight, age. How old is Sophia Loren

At all times, fans have sought to know the physical parameters of a luxurious actress, including her height, weight, age. How old is Sophia Loren is also well-known information, which can be found by the date of her birth.

Many also try to find Sophia Loren now photo 2016-2017 without photoshop, in order to understand how much the actress has changed. Some are specifically trying to find these photos to clarify what Sophie looks like without makeup at her age. By the way, the photographs taken in 2016-2017 show that Lauren is a very young and beautiful woman.

Sophia Loren was born in 1934, so she is 82 years old. According to the sign of the Zodiac, Sophie received such character traits as observation, spiritual purity, intelligence, natural coquetry inherent in Virgos.

The eastern horoscope gave the sign of the Dog resourcefulness, devotion, loyalty and the ability to achieve the goal.

The growth of the famous actress and singer reaches a meter seventy-four centimeters, and the weight has long been established at the level of sixty-eight kilograms.

Sophia Loren in her youth, the photos are simply wonderful, on them the girl shines with a graceful figure. The parameters of the actress are ideal, they resemble an hourglass. All her volumes were expressed in figures such as 96-61-96, but these days only the breast parameters have decreased.

Biography of Sophia Loren

The biography of Sophia Loren was like a beautiful fairy tale about Cinderella. The girl was born in Rome, but spent all her early childhood in a squalid fishing village. At birth, the little angel was named Sofia Villani Shicolone.

In the dilapidated house, sometimes there was not even a piece of bread, so the neighbors felt sorry for the baby and asked God to take her to heaven as soon as possible.

Sophie did well in school, but was surprisingly tall and skinny, which earned her the nickname Perch. The girl has always been an ugly girl, however, at the age of 14 she literally blossomed. She even won a local beauty contest, which allowed her to move to the capital.

After this triumph, the girl became the winner of the Miss Italy contest, and also began to act in episodes in films. The debut of the future famous actress took place in 1950 in the film "Voice".

Filmography: films starring Sophia Loren

The filmography of the beauty, starting in 1951, was rapidly replenished with roles in the films “Millionaire from Milan”, “Dream of Zorro”, “Crowd of White People”, Two Nights with Cleopatra”, “Happiness to be a woman”, “Arabesque”, “Just between us”, “Ciochara”, “Old grumblers raged”, “Pasolini's Fury”.

The last work in which the brilliant Sophia Loren was invited was the film The Human Voice, which was released in 2013. Since 1980, a woman has been increasingly invited to films in order to play herself.

She sings beautifully and does not hesitate to appear for popular men's publications, even at a truly mature age. Lauren became famous as a writer, she wrote two autobiographical books, which were later made into movies.

Sophia Loren is not only an actress, singer and luxurious woman, but also a variety of fragrant roses.

Sophia Loren's personal life

Sophia Loren's personal life has always been stormy and unpredictable. Evil tongues claimed that Sophie burst into the world of cinema through the bed when, after a beauty contest, she was invited to act by Vittorio de Sicca.

The girl constantly said that she was crazy in love with him, and the result of their romance was a huge number of masterpiece films.

Sophie was always loved by men, she was constantly offered to meet and even get married, but the actress hesitated. She did not need such a relationship, although she was even credited with a stormy affair with Carrie Grant, who was her idol of her youth. It was rumored that the great Marcello Mastroianni offered her a hand and a heart.

Only her future husband, with whom she lived for almost half a century, could melt Lauren's cold heart.

Sophia Loren family

Sophia Loren's family was rather strange, because she either had a father, or did not have him at all. Little Sophie's mother, Romilda Villani, was a failed actress who gave birth to a child and sincerely hoped that her chosen one would make her his lawful wife.

She went for the father of the newborn baby, who was an actor in the same traveling theater. However, the man did not need Romilda and their daughter, so the small family, having wandered around Rome, went to an old hut on the seashore.

Sophie did not know her father and was forever grateful to her mother for taking the girl to the first beauty pageant.

Sophia Loren's children

Sophia Loren's children were born very hard. They were desired and very long-awaited. The fact is that for some unknown reason, all the previous four pregnancies of the great actress ended in tragedy - miscarriages in the later stages.

In order to give birth to her first child, Sophie sacrificed her career because she had to spend eight months in the hospital. Lauren endured hard bed rest to finally experience the joy of motherhood.

To give birth to her second son, Sophia Loren fought hard with the doctors who insisted on terminating the pregnancy.

In 2003, a scandal erupted in the press, as some young American woman made a sensational statement that she was the daughter of Sophia Loren and Marcello Mastroianni. Allegedly, the famous mother left her in the hospital, and then the girl was adopted. Sophie made no comment on this cruel gossip.

Son of Sophia Loren - Carlo Ponti

The son of Sophia Loren - Carlo Ponti - was born in 1969, when his mother was thirty-eight years old.

The boy was very handsome and talented. At the age of one, Carlo played his first and only role in the movie Sunflowers. He played the son of Sophia Loren and was not even listed in the credits.

The boy did not remember his acting fame at all, he went to school and studied music.

Carlo Ponti became a world famous conductor. His chosen one is connected with the music world, she is a cellist. Two children appeared in the marriage - Vittorio Leon and Beatriz Lara.

Sophia Loren's son - Edoardo Ponti

The son of Sophia Loren - Edoardo Ponti - was born in 1973 in Geneva. He graduated from college in Switzerland and entered the University of Southern California.

The guy received a Bachelor of Arts degree, he specialized in English literature. He later received a second education as a director and producer.

Edoardo is a director, producer, actor and screenwriter. He is married to actress Sasha Alexander and has two children, Lucia Sophia and Leonardo Fortunato.

Sophia Loren's husband - Carlo Ponti

Sophia Loren's husband - Carlo Ponti - was twenty-two years older than his chosen one. The future spouses met when the girl was fifteen, and she performed in a beauty contest.

It was Carlo who advised the young beauty to lose some weight and try herself in the world of cinema. The man really liked Sophie, but he was married and raised two children.

The romance lasted almost ten years, but Sophie and Carlo could not marry, because the husband could not get a divorce. When the woman decided to marry another, Carlo got scared, divorced in Mexico and married Lauren.

The marriage lasted until 2007 when Carlo Ponti died.

Instagram and Wikipedia Sophia Loren

Instagram and Wikipedia Sophia Loren are half official. On the page dedicated to the great actress, there is reliable information about her childhood and youth, mother and husband, personal life and becoming in the cinema. Quite a lot of information can be found about the filmography of Sophia Loren and the awards that she has ever received.

There is no Sophia Loren page on Instagram, however, there is an English-speaking community dedicated to the talented woman. More than 16,000 people subscribed to it, who got the opportunity to admire photographs of all periods of the actress's life. They are connected not only with personal life, but also with filming in films.

September 20, 2014 marks the 80th anniversary of the legend of world cinema - Italian actress Sophia Loren. According to a poll of readers of The Daily Mail in 2006, 71-year-old at that time Sophia Loren was recognized as the most beautiful woman in the world.

In Russian, the pronunciation of the name and surname of the actress in the French manner has been established. - Sophia Loren, however, the correct name and surname of the actress in Italian sound like Sophia Loren.

Sofia Loren (at birth - Sofia Villani Scicolone) was born in Rome on September 20, 1934. Sofia's mother was Romilda Villani, a piano teacher and aspiring actress. In 1932, she passed a screen test to be an understudy for Greta Garbo, but pregnancy interfered with her film career: Romilda Villani gave birth to a daughter from engineer Riccardo Shicolone, in the hope that he would marry her, but he did not want to legally marry her and her mother had to return to his native town of Pozzuoli near Naples (subsequently Sofia Loren said in an interview: "I'm not Italian, I'm a Neapolitan!"). The hope of Sophia's mother that her daughter's father would marry her did not fade away and they gave birth to his second daughter, Anna Maria, but Romilda Villani remained a single mother with two daughters. Sofia and her sister grew up in poverty.

In her youth, Sofia was called "Stekchetto", which means "Perch" - for her tall height (174 cm) and thinness. At the age of 15, Sofia took part in the Miss Italy 1950 beauty pageant, where she could not win, but won the title of Miss Elegance.

At the Miss Italy contest, the girl was noticed by the famous film producer Carlo Ponti, who at that time was 37 years old. Ponti offered Sofia a 7-year contract. The relationship of a couple with an age difference of 22 years outgrew a simple collaboration, but they could not officially get married in Italy: Ponti was married, and in Catholic Italy at that time it was almost impossible to get a divorce. Eventually, on September 17, 1957, Ponti and Sophia Loren (Sofia took the pseudonym "Loren" in 1953 at Ponti's insistence) secretly married in Mexico. Carlo Ponti and Sophia Loren annulled this marriage in 1962 to avoid being accused of bigamy by Ponti. Carlo Ponti managed to divorce his first wife in 1965, but not in Italy, but in France. Carlo Ponti and Sophia Loren officially married on April 9, 1966. For several years, Sophia Loren underwent infertility therapy and was able to recover. In marriage, Ponti and Lauren had two sons: Carlo Ponti Jr. (born December 29, 1968) and Eduardo Ponti (born January 6, 1973).

Sofia Loren and Carlo Ponti. Photo 1964

It was Carlo Ponti who made a world-class actress out of a provincial girl Sofia. At first, Ponti was not opposed to Sophia being filmed naked, but in the early 1960s, Carlo Ponti bought all the films of young Lauren, where she was naked, so as not to spoil the reputation of Sophia Loren, already known by that time.

Nude Sophia Loren (pictured in the center). 1951

Sophia Loren in Two Nights with Cleopatra (1953)

Sophia Loren's latest feature film is the American musical Nine (2009), based on Federico Fellini's famous film Eight and a Half.

Sophia Loren in Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow (1963)

Sofia Loren and Marcello Mastroianni in Marriage the Italian Way (1964).

Sophia Loren in Attila the Scourge of God (1955)

Sophia Loren in The Black Dahlia (1958)

Sophia Loren in The Fall of the Roman Empire (1964)

Sophia Loren in Boy on a Dolphin (1957)

Sophia Loren's figure parameters: 96.5-61-96.5 (at the age of 22), 91.5-61-96 (at the age of 50).