Status about unrequited love. Unrequited love statuses. Margaret Mitchell. gone With the Wind

Unrequited love is useful for the poet's notebook: it fills the pages, emptying his soul.

He who does not love is loved ... and who loves, he himself is not loved ...

Irresponsibility in love elevates the feeling of love.

To sit down to roar, to miss, to suffer! I love you and you cannot understand it.

Forever left the notes of the tenderness of your love.

I can't sleep at night ... my heart constantly talks about you ...

Unrequited love is the longest.

Unrequited love is one person's game with emptiness.

There is nothing more unfair than missing someone without reciprocity ...

They say that it hurts, feeling love, to watch her leave ... but even more painful, holding her hand, to let go yourself.

The rain has died and the pain is gone ... it has dried up all the eyes ... the look is completely different ... the heart is looking for its peace ...

Now I will never cry, worry - I have become without sensual. All because of you ...

To love you even more ... it is simply impossible to love you more! Although, let me, perhaps it is possible, if you loved me.

The two strongest feelings live next door, if you love someone, then someone already hates you for that !!!

What a heavy thing "Unrequited love" !!! but sooner or later it ends.

If a person says that love does not exist, it means that he had love, but unrequited.

Loving someone who doesn't love you is like waiting for a train at the airport.

You love, wait, suffer ... but he seems to spit in your face ...

The worst crime is playing with a girl's heart when you know that she loves you.

Pain is when you see that the one you love is happy without you.

I'm tired of loving you unrequitedly. Let me go, please!

What do you want the most right now? - Something incredible ... - Like what? - His.

I am proud of those who are unrequitedly in love with me.

I love you ... -And I don't. -And I don't give a fuck, I still love you!

I go crazy and die, when I leave you, I feel very bad and sad, I love you, my dear boy

There are people in our life, like air. Nobody forces you to love them, but without them you cannot imagine your life.

And I drink to forget that they have forgotten about me.

The longer you wait, the more days you will lose forever.

If you love him for a long time. But not mutually. Then do not think about how to forget it. Just love. Perhaps if you love him so much, then it's not just that ... Fate will do everything for you.

You just have to get it out of your head. You just have to get it out of your head. His. Out of my head. It's easier to throw your head away, in my opinion ...

Unrequited feelings of love come unbidden.

- Honey, let's make each other a great weekend? - Ouch! Of course, darling. - Well then, until Monday.

I'm not crying !! Only my heart hurts! Only it is difficult to relieve the pain, this is because the one who was supposed to understand did not understand anything !!!

Do not love him, but be his beloved. Don't look for him, he will find you himself. Do not follow him, as others do ... If he needs you, he will come to you ...

I hope, even here, in my dream, we will be together ...

Statuses about unrequited feelings of love

I understand and sympathize with those who are unrequitedly in love.

Unrequited love is useful for the poet's notebook: it fills the pages, emptying his soul.

Now you and I are just good acquaintances, and the stars are no longer shining from the sky ...

- Lucky you, many guys like you! - And I only need one.

there you are ... you're online again ... but I look at your nickname and can't write ..

I am ready to give my life for you, but the terrible fact interferes ... you are there, and I am here ... it hurts to lose a loved one ...

Unrequited love is the longest.

Oh God, when will I finally wake up from the SMS: "Good morning, darling!"

This status is for all those who once stupidly lost their soul mate and, out of pride, missed the moment when they could return it.

Unrequited love is an emptiness inside ... You love him, you want to shout about it ... But nothing ... Silence in response ...

Are you dating him? - Yeah, in dreams ...

I dedicate this heart to those who love without reciprocity ...

You sit and miss, not knowing that somewhere there is someone who sits and thinks: "Well, when will you send me an SMS"

There is nothing more unfair than missing someone without reciprocity ...

The main fear is to get bored with those who are dear to you.

If a guy loves, he will always look for an extra reason to meet, and not an excuse why he cannot meet ...

It's hard to be friends with a girl when you want to kiss her ...

"Call me back in 289 minutes." In her language it meant "never", but he considered

He held my waist, and I held him for an idiot. We sat and chatted, he - about love, and I - with my foot.

When you fall in love unrequitedly, you want to apologize to all those who were unrequitedly in love with you ...

unrequited love is such a torment sometimes even the desire to die, only from the fact that he does not love you

Letting a woman go to the company of men is much safer than letting a man go to the company of women: the woman will seduce everyone and leave, but the man will be seduced and stay.

And you know everything
And you see everything
Maybe you just hate
And you believe in blind love,
That unrequited, stranger.

How painful it is to be a friend with someone you love.

I won't cry, I won't worry, I won't bang my head against the wall ... I've become an insensitive bitch, and because of you.

I do not care what you think of me. I do not think about you at all.

To love deeply means to forget about yourself.

-I love you. - It's okay, it will pass.

How I hate you! For what? Yes, because I love you!

Do you love, you do not love, do not,
You are not alone on Earth.
Time will pass, you will love
But I'll be with someone else.

Only active ...

Do not take me to heart, otherwise your heart will not stand it!

I live for weeks fiddling with
You are not there, you are not.
And every day is like a year
The clock went the other way round ...
Everything is so sad without you
That I have ceased to love myself
And even the sky is blue
Like stunted smoke from cigarettes.
And the May wind is mischievous
Like a robber behind
And a ray of the sun is a daring
Finely molten lead.
And the dawn of spring fireworks
Faded in the half-blind eyes.
And the May rainbows rocker
Like a log hung on my shoulders.
And the garden's white color shivered
As if it covered everything with snow ...
Once again I whisper in love
That I will wait, I will wait for you.

Statuses about unrequited love for a girl and a guy - Falling in love is not difficult, it is difficult to admit it.

I am begging you! Well, give me at least a little reciprocity. (

There is nothing more unfair than missing someone without reciprocity.

Help someone! I love, but this is not mutual ... Very sad, crying ... What to do?

It hurts, but it still knocks ...

For me, the most terrible thing is to love and to know that the person I love doesn't give a damn about me and my feelings ... And I don't care how many votes this status will have ... I just want everyone to know ...

"There is nothing more unfair than missing someone without reciprocity ..."

It feels like something has broken inside ... something that is impossible to live without ... a piece of a beloved man ...

They say that love is a rose and its hopes are good ... No, it's not true, love is tears, it is the cry of a sick soul ...

There is no non-mutual love! There are two people who don't fucking need each other, but one of them still doesn't understand this.

No, he doesn't like me, but from him only "hello!"

I will never forget your hot lips and cold heart.

This is my world and it is for you! ... Show me what to change in it ...

Smile!!! After all, someone loves you !!!

It is broken ... do not touch, or you will hurt yourself ...

I miss warm hands, glowing eyes, tender words, touches.

Every night I fall asleep repeating the same thought: you do not love me. so that it suddenly does not seem different.

Non-reciprocal love turns our blood into wine with a very strong poison, poisoning our entire soul.

No, mom, it’s not mutual love that smells like that ...

Dim life, colorless people, empty sky ... without it ...

One has only to make it clear to a person that he is needed, as he immediately leaves.

... Non-reciprocal love ... lonely game ...

Non-reciprocal love is the only thing that makes you suffer more than your morning hangover.

Non-reciprocal love is like a subway ... just on different lines ... I just go up the escalator, and you go down ... or maybe vice versa ... but the result is the same - just not together ..

If we can still love those who made us suffer, then our love only becomes stronger.

Love for music is the only non-reciprocal love that I agree to.

You may not love me ...

You may not love me
You can not remember me
Even curse and look away
And hate me too much.

And let it be indifferent to you
I will stay for many years
You won't look back when you pass by
I'll get tired of screaming at you.

I’ll ask you just one thing
Promise that you will be happy!
So that no rain outside the window
Didn't wash away the love that you get.

So that the one with whom you want to live,
I was betrayed with all my heart
May she appreciate you very much
And he loves with all his soul ...
As I once did you ...

About non-reciprocal love statuses

A person in this state wants to express his thoughts, tell others about what is happening in his soul, but at the same time there is always a fear of being incomprehensible and rejected.

That is why statuses about unrequited love come to the aid of a lover. Sometimes such quotes from famous people or just beautiful phrases can completely change a person's attitude towards non-mutual feelings, because even in them you can find something positive and light.

How to find ideal statuses about unrequited love, and how to choose them?

Of course, it is very difficult to independently come up with a status about such a strong feeling, because you need to put your own special meaning into the statement. That is why many sites collect interesting statements and quotes that can be used as a status. A rich choice helps each person to choose their ideal statement, because such feelings are unique, and everyone experiences the lack of reciprocity in their own way. How to choose the ideal status, and what should it be?

  • The status should, first of all, please the person himself, reflect his views on life and his emotional state.
  • Such a statement should not be too long, because then it will look organic on social networks.
  • The status should have a secret meaning, which will help in one phrase to tell about the emotions of a person to those around him.
  • If someone's quote is used as a status, then it is better to indicate the author, than the person will emphasize his knowledge of the topic.

Of course, such a statement has its own purpose. Sometimes the feeling of unrequited love is so strong and all-consuming that a person simply cannot explain what is happening in his heart in words. That is why, beautiful quotes will help to clarify the events tormenting the soul to the people around. If a person himself cannot confess to his beloved in the depths of his feelings, statuses will come to his aid, and in a few words they will explain all suffering and emotions.

Here you can pick up statuses about this wonderful feeling. Forward!

With the help of short and beautiful statuses on the page, you can tell about the love that lives in your heart. Original words with meaning will help you reveal your state to the world.

Thanks to the achievements of modern civilization, it is not necessary to write poems for a declaration of love. Now the ability to tell about your sympathy using beautiful and short phrases is appreciated. Thanks to this status, your message will hit the target.

  • Maybe love, I don't know for sure. I only lose my head.
  • Do you want to take revenge on the enemy? Fall in love with him and then drop him.
  • The absence of love in the soul, like the absence of sunlight during the day, is also life-threatening.
  • For lovers, no formulas for happiness are needed.
  • Fate gave me a second chance - I met you and fell in love with you.
  • You, my muse, my inspiration.
  • When sadness does not bother the soul, it means that love reigns in the heart.
  • Nothing stimulates the heartbeat like a collision of two loving bodies.
  • Thank you for wanting to enjoy every day you live!
  • Tell me who your friend is in love with, and I will tell you who he is.
  • Nothing helps to live like the opportunity to give mutual love.
  • Love for a person is like fuel for an engine.
  • Do you know what is my favorite letter? She stands at the head of your name.
  • All-consuming love waves over the heart of the mother, looking at the sleeping child.
  • I love it when you laugh. I melt when I'm near. No treasures are needed without you.
  • Little hands hug, and I soar with happiness. Pride fills my heart when I look at the baby.

You live peacefully, you don't bother anyone, and suddenly - "BAM", she is love and that's it, the end of calmness.

  • Your "love" for me is like the sun, air and water for a flower.

The statuses are gaining more and more popularity. that touch to the depths of the soul, will help not only to tell about your love to a certain person, but also to express the state of mind as a whole.

  • True love is vulnerable and powerful at the same time.
  • Thanks to your love, I feel like Hercules, ready for any deeds.
  • Love is like the wind. You do not see it, but you feel it.
  • True love does not pass in two weeks, it lasts forever.
  • How to tell love from a passing passion? The answer is simple: with sincere love, this question does not arise.

  • People in love are the most gullible creatures on the planet.
  • We don't choose who to love. It just happens and that's it.
  • That feeling when a loved one is far away ...
  • Do you want to know the frenzied power of love? Try to take the child away from the mother.
  • Gifts are not important to a heart in love, because this feeling in itself is already a huge gift.
  • Nothing adorns a woman like the morning kisses of a loving man.
  • True love of two hearts never fails, it continues in their children.
  • Thank you, love, for the good deeds done by your fans.
  • Want to see the most selfless love in the world? Look into your mother's eyes.

People who claim to have never loved are lying. They were small children, so they definitely loved.

  • Mutual love is the best medicine for any ailment.
  • Nothing strengthens the immune system like hot night kisses.

Tell the man about your sympathy using. You will see, he will rush to you on the wings of love.

  • You are my reward, I keep your kisses. I don’t need a heart without you. I give it to you.
  • Today I saw the perfect man - you.
  • Ready to look at you forever.
  • This is what love looks like.

  • I will be your guardian angel for the rest of your life.
  • Our love will shine like a star and illuminate our path.
  • Tell me "yes" and you will see what a heart in love is capable of.
  • You are mine, now and forever.
  • From now on, your happiness is the main priority in my life.
  • Don't ask anything, open your arms. Today we are only together and our love is near.
  • The earth spun before my eyes when I saw you and fell in love.
  • I will gently hug you and protect you from all adversity.
  • Dissolving in your smile, I forget about the sorrows of gray everyday life.
  • The shining of your eyes speaks of feelings more expressively than any words.
  • Your kisses inspire, help create masterpieces.
  • You are now the center of my universe.
  • Your love is my best decoration.
  • Our meeting is a huge gift of fate.

Probably, I did something very good, since fate gave your love.

Maybe I am writing this in vain and will not meet. One thing I know - I will never forget you.

  • You won my heart.
  • I'm ready to become your slave.
  • Or maybe these bans? Our love gives summer even in winter.

Remember, dear readers: it doesn't matter what statuses you have on the page, short or long. The main thing is to be meaningful. Only in this case, they will be able to tell the right person about your love.