Wedding on December 9th. Wedding in December - is it worth getting married at the beginning of winter? December wedding - old omens and modern superstitions

All lovers are anxiously awaiting the onset of 2016 - after all, it will be a leap year, and the belief has long and firmly established among the people that it is impossible to marry in a leap year. It is believed that such a marriage will be unhappy. But if you don't have the strength and desire to wait until 2017, and love is burning in your hearts, can a leap year really destroy a really strong relationship?

According to the eastern calendar, 2016 will be the year of the Red Fire Monkey, and astrologers unanimously say that this year is ideal for creating a happy and strong family in which love and understanding will reign. After all, the Monkey is a family creature, a faithful friend and a caring mother. She simply cannot imagine herself without a warm and calm home, which is reliably guarded by the Monkey dad.

Should you celebrate a wedding in 2016?

It must be said right away that the ominous train of rumors and speculation about a leap year has no foundation whatsoever. No religion in the world singles out a leap year as particularly bad and unfortunate. Only in Russia Saint Kasyan was blamed for all the misfortunes - and his day falls exactly on February 29. But if you study the history of the events that happened that day, you can see that they were no different from any others.

It is important to choose not only the season, but also a good day for the wedding!

Therefore, the Kasyanov year was rather declared unlucky for ignorance, and not for real reasons. Today, a tribute to tradition is simply preserved, in failures in a leap year - this is the same superstition as "Friday the 13th" or like "a black cat crossing the road." But the patroness of the year - the Fire Monkey - will take care of those who decide to tie the knot. It remains only to find out which days are the most favorable for the conclusion of a marriage union.

Calendar of favorable dates for the wedding

Although astrologers advise taking into account not only the position of the stars, but also the compatibility of personal horoscopes of future spouses, you can use the general calendar of favorable and unfavorable wedding dates.

  1. January- not the best month for weddings. There are no days conducive to the creation of a family in January, but there are days on which it is categorically not recommended to play a wedding. This is 2, and also from 4 to 25, 28 and 30 January.
  2. February will give newlyweds four particularly successful wedding days - February 14, 18, 20 and 25. But there are periods when it is definitely not worth arranging a celebration: from 1 to 6, from 8 to 9, from 11 to 13, from 15 to 17, as well as 23, 27 and 29 February.
  3. March better skip right away. During the month, there will be two eclipses: March 9 - Solar, and March 23 - Lunar, which will make the month very unfavorable in all areas of our life.
  4. April will give a few successful days for the wedding. These are April 2, 3, 10, 13, 17, 24 and 27.
  5. May will pass under the negative influence of Mercury, so it is better to also skip it and not celebrate the wedding. Moreover, in Russia it has long been believed that the one who marries in May will “toil” all his life.
  6. June will give only one wonderful day for a wedding - the 25th.
  7. July will be marked by such "bad" days for a wedding: 1, from 4 to 8, from 12 to 16, 19, from 22 to 23, from 25 to 26, from 28 to 29.
  8. August good for weddings, especially if you celebrate them on 1, 7, 8, 14, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 23, 24.
  9. September will also be marked by eclipses of the Sun and the Moon, so astrologers advise against having a wedding this month.
  10. October will be supportive of future spouses on the 9th, 10th, 11th, 16th, 17th, 20th, 21st, 23rd, 24th, 25th.
  11. November will give excellent days for a wedding - November 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 13, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20 and 27.
  12. December recommends tying yourself in marriage on the 6th and 11th, December 4, 13, 17 and 18 are also suitable. Before the upcoming New Year 2017, it is strongly discouraged to get married.

When determining auspicious days for a wedding, astrologers take into account the position of the moon in the sky - it is she who affects the good (or bad) time for concluding a marriage union. The most successful periods come when the Moon is in the constellation Pisces, Capricorn, Libra or Gemini - at this time it provides a strong and long-lasting union.

If the Moon is in the constellation Aquarius, Aries, Cancer or Virgo, then a negative impact on future family life cannot be avoided. The rest of the zodiac signs are neutral for marriage. Of course, a wedding date can have both a positive and a negative impact on your future family life.

But believe me - couples break up not because of the wrong day chosen, but for other reasons. And even a correctly chosen date of celebration will not save you from divorce if there is no mutual love and respect in the family, the desire to understand and accept a loved one, without breaking him for himself. Hopefully our tips for the “correct” wedding date will minimize the chances of your marriage falling apart!

They say that the choice of the day of the wedding can have an impact on the entire future family life of the newlyweds. In order not to be mistaken and to choose a really successful day for this special event, the most correct and most accurate wedding horoscope will come to help future newlyweds. With its help, you can calculate the happiest day for starting a new life and, of course, choose the most beautiful and happiest outfit for a beautiful bride.

2016 - the year of the Red Fire Monkey

In Russia, since ancient times, a false notion has been entrenched that a leap year, and 2016 is precisely a leap year, not the most favorable for weddings and the beginning of a new life. In general, superstitions can scare gullible young people to a pulp. They say that marriages made in such a year are both short-lived, unhappy, and childless - in general, they say a lot. But in fact, 2016 will be the most ordinary year and it is no more and no less suitable for marriage. You just need to choose the right day out of all 366.

We select the date of the wedding by months

January- in general, this month is the worst and most unlucky for choosing a wedding date. Well, firstly, none of the days is successful for a wedding, but there are more unsuccessful days in January than necessary. The stars strongly advise against scheduling a wedding or wedding on 2, 4, 25, and on all three last days of January.

February- this month is more successful, there are as many as 4 days for a successful marriage. Feel free to plan not only a wedding, but also any other important event on the 14th, 18th, 20th, 25th of the month.

April- will give only seven successful auspicious days for a wedding - the 2nd, 3rd, 10th, 13th, 17th, 24th, 27th are ideal for starting a new life.

May- Days in May this year do not give a chance for a happy marriage, and therefore important dates should not be planned for May.

June- this month has spared on good days, the only chance will fall on the 25th.

July- a completely unlucky month for weddings, but there are more than enough really unlucky days in it. In no case, do not plan a wedding on the 1st, 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th, 19th, 22nd, 23rd, 25th, 26th, 28th and 29th.

August- the only month of the entire 2016, which is maximally rich in auspicious days for a wedding. Plan a holiday from 1 to 8, as well as 14, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 23, 24.

September- The first month of autumn in 2016 is also marked by two eclipses, so September is generally a bad month for weddings.

October- successful for a whole third of days. Ideally for a wedding, choose the 9th, 10th, 11th, 16th, 17th, 20th, 21st, 23rd, 24th or 25th.

November- also did not skimp on happy days, this month there are already 12 of them - 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 13, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20 and 27.

December- the end of the year is not very generous with good days. Plan your wedding on the 4th, 6th, 11th, 13th, 17th, 18th.

A wedding is one of the most important events in the life of every person. Therefore, it is carefully planned, trying to make the celebration memorable for both guests and its main participants. The calendar of auspicious days will help you to have a successful wedding in 2016 of the Monkey.

To choose a good day for a wedding ceremony, you just need to compare the recommendations of various horoscopes for 2016, and then, using popular wisdom and lucky omens, select the day that suits you among the favorable months and dates.

Auspicious numbers and dates

Numerologists recommend planning a wedding for odd day of month and also on an odd day of the week. Great for a happy wedding Friday, which is patronized by the goddess of love Venus. Even numbers, especially for a leap year, are best left for another pastime, for example, planning a bachelorette or bachelor party for this time.

Lucky days for a wedding according to the Eastern horoscope

The eastern horoscope identifies a number of suitable months for concluding a wedding union in 2016. It will be held under the auspices of the Red or Fire Monkey, and this circumstance will make its own adjustments to the calendar.

The warm-loving Monkey will treat the marriage planned more favorably for a warm period. She will approve not only summer, but also spring-autumn unions, provided that it will be not too early spring and not too late autumn.

The Fire Release affects the Monkey throughout 2016. This circumstance bestows good luck on the time periods subject to the control of the fire signs of the Zodiac. The Leo period enters the Monkey-favorable summer, and Aries and Sagittarius will add to this time end of March, most of April, last week of autumn and most of December.

Auspicious days according to the national calendar

Folk omens also contribute to our calendar of auspicious wedding days. Proceeding from them, May and October will be an unfortunate time for marriage - during these months it has long been not customary to marry and get married, and the saying "to get married in May is a century to suffer" is still widely known to many.

Our ancestors also considered January and March not the best time for a wedding. Marriage with varying success was promised in April and July, strengthening of love promised December, and financial stability - November. The end of summer and the beginning of autumn promised to make the spouses strong friends, and June was called the month of sweet honey weddings.

Considering all these circumstances, the most successful and promising a happy marriage are odd Fridays of the summer months and also September:

  • weddings in June: 5th and 19th;
  • weddings in July: 3rd, 17th and 31st;
  • weddings in August: 7th and 21st;
  • weddings in September: 11th and 25th.

If you are planning a celebration for a colder time, then reschedule the wedding for december, and planning to get married in the spring, during the period of the birth of love, give preference April:

  • weddings in April: 3rd and 17th;
  • weddings in December: 11th and 25th.

Regardless of the date on the calendar, be happy planning your wedding, tying the knot with your loved one, and after many years. Use calendars when planning your future life, love your loved ones, value each other. And don't forget to press the buttons and

05.11.2015 00:40

In the new year 2019, power goes to the Yellow Earth Pig. She will be supportive of many, ...

December is considered by many to be not the most successful month for a wedding. Not only are the weather conditions harsh - frost and wind greatly complicate the wedding walk, but also the people around are seized with pre-New Year's chores. But this does not mean that a wedding in December has no right to exist. Two hearts in love will overcome any obstacles! They will create a wonderful winter fairy tale in their own way. The month of December is able to give newlyweds an incomparable atmosphere, a beautiful and romantic celebration.

Wedding in December - signs

To the great joy of the newlyweds, the December wedding promises them a long, happy life together. An ancient popular omen promises that an excellent relationship will develop between the spouses, and things will go so well that the couple will not experience any hardships. If you don't care about the cold, and love warms you like intoxicating wine, even in the most severe frosts, feel free to choose the first winter month for your wedding. The signs of a December wedding are simple and clear to everyone:

  • During the wedding, it snows - to goodness and prosperity.
  • A severe frost hit - the first child of the young will be a boy.
  • The bride's stocking was torn - to the imminent birth of heirs. One arrow on the stocking - there will be a daughter, two arrows - a son.

Auspicious days for a wedding in December 2017

At first glance, only notorious daredevils will dare to play a wedding in the winter cold. But if you think about it, this month has a lot of advantages:

  • In winter, due to the absence of a huge number of people wishing to marry, the cost of the banquet hall, the services of musicians and the toastmaster is significantly reduced. You will be able to choose them according to your taste, and not from what is left unclaimed. The main thing is to plan the celebration for the first half of the month so that your wedding does not coincide with the New Year's events.
  • Enchanted by the sorceress in winter, nature will give you a lot of fabulous frames for a photo shoot. Pictures are especially good in December at night when it snows. Do not forget to warn the photographer of your intention so that he is ready to shoot in the dark.
  • The colorful New Year's Eve decoration of the city streets will play into your hands. Shops, restaurants, parks decorated with garlands, lanterns, Christmas trees will make your wedding stroll in December extremely exciting.

Frost will not allow the bride to wear an open wedding dress, and the guests will have to purchase warmer outfits. But from this, the December wedding will not lose its special charm. Couples wishing to get married should take into account that in December there are absolutely no days suitable for the ceremony. The Nativity Fast lasts the whole month. If you can't imagine a wedding without a wedding, it is better to hold a wedding ceremony and a banquet in December, and plan the wedding for the next month or postpone it for the summer.

Lucky days

  • December 1 - 21 lunar day, the most favorable for a wedding and in general for any new beginnings.
  • December 5 - the newlyweds will be satisfied with each other in all respects.
  • December 11 - a friendly family will be created, where the spouses will forgive mutual reproaches and grievances, try to improve relations.
  • December 15 - for the newlyweds everything will go according to plan, the wildest dreams will come true.
  • December 17 is a good day for a long-planned wedding. He seems to be shrouded in a halo of love and romance.
  • December 20 is a very kind and positive day. It is suitable for romantic relationships and marriage. The union will be harmonious and lasting.
  • December 31 - 21 lunar days. Astrologers recommend making new deals and getting married on such days. The newlyweds will create a happy union, they will have time to do a lot for the good of their family.

Don't plan your wedding on December 4th, 14th, 22nd and 29th. A marriage concluded on the indicated dates is unlikely to be happy. Relationships will quickly grow cold, which will inevitably lead to divorce. Follow the advice of astrologers to choose an auspicious day for your wedding in December. So you will build a family life, according to your places, preserve the family hearth for many years.

The best day for a wedding

Astrologers consider 21 lunar days to be the best for new beginnings, and especially for a wedding. It symbolizes forward movement, creative energy, self-sacrifice for a common goal. In December 2017, there are two such days - the 1st and 31st. The oaths of loyalty and promises made on these dates will certainly be fulfilled, because those people who dare to break the lunar oath will face cruel retribution. These days are good for socializing with friends, family and for fun. For newlyweds who have planned a celebration for December, astrologers recommend taking a closer look at the dates indicated.

December wedding ideas

In the middle of winter, it will be appropriate to make a wedding in the traditional Russian style. Newlyweds on a trio of white horses, snowdrifts around, costumed guests, accordion, a lot of laughter and fun, tables bursting with various delicacies. Choose warming alcoholic drinks - grog, mulled wine, cognac, rum. The dishes on the December wedding table should be high in calories, fresh and hot, because after a walk in the cold, guests will want to drink and have a good snack.

On New Year's Eve, have a wedding in the style of a winter story, based on the plot of popular children's fairy tales: The Nutcracker, The Snow Queen. If the celebration is scheduled for the second half of the month, feel free to use the New Year's style. The bride will not miss the opportunity to participate in the theatrical performance and marry Santa Claus. Weddings in color - blue, pink, burgundy - are popular in December. Choose wedding accessories, bridal bouquet associated with winter. Have icicles, cones, spruce branches, miniature snowmen, candles at your fingertips.

What to go to the wedding

In the month of December, when choosing outfits for yourself and your loved one, first of all, take care of insulation. You will have to spend a lot of time outdoors during your wedding walk and photo shoot. An open dress made of light airy fabric will not work here, no matter how much the bride likes it. You should opt for a warm outfit made of dense fabric that covers the body as much as possible. Decorated with brocade, satin, pebbles in the form of snowflakes and ice, wedding dresses will give the bride a truly royal look.

The bride's outfit does not have to be white. Lovers of extravagant looks can experiment with color in December. Against the background of snow-white snowdrifts, blue, pink, red, purple wedding dresses look bright and attractive. Just do not forget to choose a shirt of the same shade for the groom, then the couple will look perfect. A well-chosen fur coat, cape, muff will protect the bride from frost. And from shoes, so that your feet do not freeze, get warm white boots with fur trim.

The strong half of humanity also wants to feel comfortable at the celebration. The groom's wedding dress in the month of December is classic - an insulated dark suit, white shirt, tie. As outerwear, a black coat is recommended, which must be longer than the jacket. A stylish black hat will not only become part of your wardrobe, but will also help create an elegant look.

Photos of weddings in December

Taking into account the frosty and snowy weather in December, choose the route of the wedding walk and photo session near the registry office or the venue of the banquet. You may be suddenly caught in a strong wind or snowfall, be prepared for this. In winter, interesting photographs are sometimes obtained even in the most unexpected places - shopping centers, exhibitions. It all depends on the skill of the photographer and the ability of the newlyweds to express their feelings at the time of shooting.

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