Wedding menu for 100 people. Timely delivery of food. Summer buffet table

An important part of the wedding is the feast. The success of the event directly depends on the quality and taste of the food. There are a lot of things to consider when planning a wedding menu at home. You need to know the exact number of invitees, how many of them are women, men and children, as well as the time allotted for the celebration.

The right approach

Choosing a wedding at home instead of a restaurant wedding, the newlyweds significantly save the budget. They can look forward to a pleasant, family environment where everyone will feel comfortable. But there are also disadvantages in holding such a celebration - a waste of time and great effort to ensure that the holiday goes well.

The main rule that young people should take into account before compiling a menu for a wedding at home is that food should be tasty and in the right amount. Portions must be calculated so that everyone has enough and there is not much left in the house.

When serving dishes, you must follow the correct order. First come meat and fish cold appetizers, then hot. Salads, vegetable cuts and mushrooms are on the table all the time. At the very end of the evening, desserts and a wedding cake are served.

The festive menu at home must include the main hot dishes. For greater effect, you can put a whole turkey or a pig stuffed with fish on the table. They will please the eye from the beginning of the evening, and at the time of serving they are heated and cut into portions.

We compose the menu

For 10 people. A modest, small wedding at home, consisting only of the closest relatives. The wedding menu for 10 people can include 2-3 salads with different ingredients. For example, one meat, the other - with seafood or vegetables. There must be 2 main hot dishes. The best solution is to serve chicken. Inexpensive and tasty. Sliced ​​vegetables, sausages and cheeses can be chosen as snacks. Sandwiches with various ingredients, tartlets, canapes are welcome. For dessert, guests can be offered a wedding cake, ice cream, jelly. The main thing is not to forget about alcohol and take into account the individual preferences of each guest.

For 15 people. Guests present at a wedding at home can count on 3-4 types of salads, periodically repeated on the table. Also, the wedding menu for 15 people includes several main dishes - meat and fish. There should be cuts, cold appetizers. Guests will appreciate fresh and pickled vegetables. You can offer stuffed mushrooms or julienne. If the young people have their own yard at the house, then you can fry a barbecue. It would be a good idea to come up with an original design and serve it with grilled vegetables directly on skewers. Don't forget dessert, alcoholic drinks and juices.

For 20 people. The menu for a wedding at home for 20 people is easy to compose. After all, the taste preferences of loved ones have long been known. You can cook 3 types of salad and two main dishes. Beautifully arrange and serve appetizers that should be on the table all evening. Seasonal vegetables and fruits are welcome. Dessert and drinks are required.

For 30 people. When calculating a wedding menu at home for 30 people, it is necessary to choose a simple execution and design of various dishes as an economy. Serve hot chicken. Use more snacks and cuts. You can cook several side dishes: baked potatoes and stewed vegetables. The spring rolls are great. They are tasty and look presentable. It is better to order a large cake so that everyone has enough.

For 40 people. If the young people counted 40 guests, then it will no longer be possible to celebrate a small wedding at home. You will have to fork out or save on something. You can place more snacks on the table: fish, meat, vegetables. From salads, choose recipes with inexpensive ingredients. The main dish can be baked pike perch or chicken. Focus on a beautiful presentation and guests will not notice the simplicity of the products. For dessert, serve ice cream or pastries and save on cake.

For 60 people. It is not easy to celebrate such a celebration at home. If the bride or groom has a spacious living space where they could accommodate a large number of guests, then this is just fine. When compiling a menu for a wedding for 60 people, you need to consider the number of servings. Snacks and salads are put on the table at the rate of 1 salad bowl for 7 people. This means that every 7 places the dish must be repeated. You will need several types of hot, 4-5 salads and various hearty snacks.

So that you can easily create a wedding menu for your number of guests, we recommend using the calculation of food per person. So, for each guest should be on average: 300 g of barbecue (you can make half chicken and half pork), 200 g potatoes, 1/4 baked fish, 300 g salad, 1 portion of aspic and 100 g cabbage rolls. Plus, you need to take into account sausage and cheese cuts, as well as pickles, mushrooms and canapes. All these dishes are calculated not less than 1 plate for 4 persons. Do not forget also about cold drinks and alcohol, here you already need to focus on the preferences of guests (cognac, vodka, champagne or wine).

  1. If children are present at the wedding taking place at home, then a separate menu will need to be thought out for them. Meals should be light, non-greasy. Suitable boiled meat or fish. Be sure to add vegetables, fruits and desserts. For convenience, it is better to put a separate table for children at home.
  2. If the newlyweds cannot compose the wedding menu themselves, then it is worth consulting with professional chefs who specialize in banquet celebrations. They can offer a ready-made solution with specific dishes and portion calculations. All these ideas can be implemented at home.
  3. The menu for the second day of the wedding is characterized by a smaller variety of dishes served. You can cook at home hot soup, a few appetizers and a salad. There should be cuts from fresh vegetables and fruits, pickled delicacies and alcohol.
  4. When the wedding is played in the summer, you can find more fresh vegetables, herbs and fruits on the table. Among the first courses, okroshka is very popular.
  5. The wedding menu in winter is nutritious. In the cold season, the body needs calories. You can safely serve hot main dishes and snacks. At home, it will be appropriate to prepare jellied meat. This can be the highlight of the feast.
  6. When compiling an approximate menu, it is advisable to make notes on the list of necessary products and their prices right there in the list. So you can roughly calculate the budget.
  7. For guests who cannot accompany the newlyweds to the registry office and to the photo session, you can arrange a buffet at home. So they will not have time to get bored and hungry before the onset of the main feast. And some couples even stop at the economy option for holding a celebration at home, which consists in organizing a buffet table. Such a bold idea can be evaluated ambiguously. Suitable for a small youth wedding.

The wedding table is the second element, after the bride's dress, that attracts the most attention of others. He testifies to the quality of the wedding, because the guests feast on him until the morning. Choosing a menu for your wedding is not easy.

Sometimes, sitting in a restaurant, people cannot decide what they themselves would like to eat, but here you need to make a decision for many people. Of course, you can count on tips from the restaurant or the chef who prepares the dishes.

However, it is important that before such a conversation there are already certain ideas, so that an opinion is formed on what to cook for the wedding table. A wedding table ready for a celebration should be remembered.

What should be on the wedding table: types, number of dishes and serving features

The wedding menu, along with the bride's dress, music and overall atmosphere, is one of the most commented elements of any wedding. This is a big challenge, especially when a celebration is planned for several dozen people. The more guests, the harder it is to please everyone. With all the desire, there is no way to cope with the culinary expectations of each of them individually.

But there are several ways to leave a very good overall impression. Gone are the days when menus were judged in terms of how many items were on the table. Now the success of the banquet determines the quality of the dishes served. Of course, the quantity has not completely lost its relevance.

After all, guests cannot be allowed to leave hungry, but there is no need for tables bursting under heaps of food that no one will be able to eat, and most of it will simply go bad. At a standard wedding, which lasts approximately 12 hours, usually 4 to 5 hot dishes, appetizers, pastries, dessert and fruit are served.

Diversity plays a significant role in the wedding menu. Let there be several types of meat and fish on the tables of the guests. Don't forget about vegetarians. They will most likely be among those invited to the wedding, so you should make sure that there are enough dishes on the menu for them, for example, from soy or tofu.

The classic sequence of serving dishes is as follows: salad, hot appetizer, fish dish, main meat dish, dessert.

First, appetizers are served on the table. As a rule, these include cutting meat prepared in various ways, salted and smoked fish, and seafood. There should be enough chopped vegetables on the table.

Small, brightly decorated canapés, for example, with red caviar, will add color to the table. Snacks - the beginning of the banquet. served immediately after appetizers or at the same time with them. It is desirable that they be presented in various versions: vegetable, meat, fish and seafood.

Hot appetizers are served after about an hour. It can be meat or chicken julienne, small savory pies, pancakes. It may seem that hot appetizers to some extent repeat the main course, but this is not so. Lightness and small portions represent hot appetizers as a kind of “snack” before the main course.

Between meals, guests should be able to get a snack. This is very important, in particular, for people who consume alcohol.

In this case, it is advisable to serve them, in the form of Swedish or. In order to enrich the menu for vegetarians and those who care about the figure, you can set up a separate table with salads.

After the hot appetizers, it's time for the main course. In this case, the following order is traditionally observed: first fish, then meat. In addition to taste, great attention should be paid to the design of the main dishes. Of course, a wedding dish can be served in portions, but the whole dish will become a real decoration of the wedding table.

So, for example, it can be stuffed sturgeon, baked pig, goose with apples. Roasted vegetables or potatoes can be served as a side dish. It is advisable to entrust the serving of the main course, cooked whole, to a professional.

On the table there should be dishes with fruits, juices, preferably in transparent jugs, carbonated and non-carbonated mineral water (there may be bottles here so that guests are not mistaken).

In this video you will be told how to choose the right wedding menu:

After the guests cope with the main course, it's the turn of the sweet.

Wedding cakes are a vast field for imagination, they come in a wide variety of shapes and different decor: from minimalist cakes to luxurious cream castles.

It all depends on the wishes of customers and the skill of the confectioner. A cake is prepared at the rate of 1.5-2 kg for ten people. You should also take care of serving coffee or tea. A wedding cake can be a real decoration at a wedding.

The easiest way to get into statistical tastes is to choose semi-dry wine. Many do not like the astringency of dry wine, and sweet alcoholic drinks are usually served with desserts. The color of the wine is today a matter of individual taste, but traditionally alcohol from the banquet menu should match the dishes served:

  • white wine is usually associated with poultry and fish;
  • red wine with game and meat;
  • liqueurs are served for dessert;
  • a glass of champagne is raised, proclaiming a toast.

The amount varies, as a rule, for five people they suggest 3-4 bottles of strong alcohol, 2-3 bottles of wine and a bottle of champagne.

In order for the dirty dishes to be removed in a timely manner and the banquet to pass without fuss, the dishes were served on time, there must be at least one waiter for every ten people.

What is cooked on the wedding table in the summer: a sample menu

The time of year in which the wedding is planned also plays a significant role. Summer is the most preferred time for a wedding, but it is not without some cons.

Not all dishes tolerate heat well: salads quickly lose their freshness, and high-calorie dishes with various sauces, for all their appetizingness, are not very inspiring.

In summer, you should limit the number of salads in combination with mayonnaise or snacks in jelly. Seasonal and vegetables deserve special attention, however, as well as their exotic relatives. Bright fruits will decorate any table.

there should be a lot and in a wide range; sweet carbonated water does not quench thirst well. Various lemonades, iced tea, crashes (berries mixed in a blender with ice), frozen juices are good in the heat.

To keep drinks cold, you can stock up on a significant amount of ice - it is appropriate for both strong drinks and non-alcoholic ones. Lemonade perfectly quenches thirst in the heat.

At wedding receptions organized from spring to autumn, you can surprise guests with culinary delights prepared in the garden or on the patio. It can be meat or fish, grilled or baked on a spit.

This option is quite expensive and time-consuming, but the impressions received are worth it. An outdoor wedding has a magical atmosphere.

For newlyweds, a wedding is associated with joyful excitement and with great emotional stress. They accept congratulations, get nervous from the abundance of attention and hardly look at the table at which they sit. The menu for the newlyweds is slightly different from the general one, their wedding table is set separately, the selection of dishes for the newlyweds is done by parents or friends.

The bride and groom need to maintain a cheerful state of health throughout the evening, so the dishes on their table should be light. Vegetables and fruits, a sufficient amount of seafood and fish, white poultry meat must be present without fail.

It would be appropriate to add aphrodisiacs to the menu (various nuts, avocados, caviar). Drinking alcohol is an individual matter, but it is better for young people to refrain from strong drinks on this day.

It is wiser to limit yourself to champagne, then it will be easy enough to withstand the pace of the celebration and keep the memories of the wedding night.

Happy newlyweds have a hard time on their big day. As an example, you can take a couple of simple dishes:

  1. Red fish salad. Sprinkle fish fillet with spices, grill, cool, cut into pieces, mix with sweet corn. Add cherry tomatoes, cut bell peppers, drizzle with olive oil, salt and season with lime juice.
  2. Shrimp salad fried with garlic and chili. Defrost frozen shrimp (at room temperature or under running cold water). Rinse and clean, dry. Grate or crush one clove of garlic in a garlic press, cut the second into thin slices. Cut the chili pepper diagonally into thin slices. Put large lettuce leaves on plates, add arugula, put cherry tomatoes cut into halves or quarters on top. Heat olive oil in a frying pan, add chopped garlic, shrimp and chili peppers, salt. Fry over medium heat for about a minute on each side. Then add the grated garlic, mix and fry for half a minute, stirring occasionally. Pour in white wine, lemon juice, mix and set aside from heat. Spread on lettuce leaves. Drizzle with olive oil.

Shrimp salad is a light and nutritious dish.

In this video you will learn the most popular wedding table recipes:

A wedding without good food will not be very successful, so when preparing a wedding menu, it is worth focusing and carefully choosing the dishes. If someone recommends unfamiliar foods, they can be included in the menu, but first it is advisable to prepare a small portion for testing. This will avoid embarrassing misunderstandings. After all, this holiday happens once in a lifetime.

The most expensive and longest part of the wedding celebration is undoubtedly the banquet. The choice of a place for a banquet directly depends on the number of guests, the time of the celebration and the individual wishes of the young people. However, the principle by which tables are filled is approximately the same everywhere. The banquet table should include cold appetizers, salads, fish dishes, hot meat dishes, possibly soup, alcoholic drinks, soft drinks, cake, coffee, tea and fruit.

For one person, on average, the calculation of drinks and food is approximately as follows: cold appetizers, vegetable cuts, fish dishes and salads - 350 gr, a hot dish (meat and side dishes) - 350 gr. Alcoholic drinks must be bought at the rate of: champagne - 0.5 l / 1 person, wine - 1 bottle / 1 person, vodka - 0.5 l / 1 person. Buy non-alcoholic refreshing drinks at the rate of approximately: juice - 0.5 l / 1 person, mineral water - 0.5 l / 1 person.
The best menu option for a wedding banquet per person.

Cold appetizers:

Cold smoked fish (sturgeon, halibut, beluga, etc.) - 50-60 gr
- red salted fish (trout, salmon) - 50-60 gr
- sandwiches with red caviar - 1-2 pieces
- salted herring - 50-60 gr
- cheese slices from smooth cheeses ("Gouda", "Dutch", etc.) - 20-30 gr
- cutting of raw smoked sausage, boiled sausage, boiled pork - 20-30 gr
- jellied tongue - 40-50 gr
- canape with cheese ("Roquefort") - 4-5 pcs
- salad with sausage or meat, baked shrimp or shrimp salad, liver cake, Greek salad - 50 g each
- fresh herbs - 20-30 gr
- fresh sliced ​​tomatoes and cucumbers - 40-50 gr each
- pickled and salted mushrooms - 30 gr each
- tomatoes, pickled or pickled cucumbers - 40-50 gr each
- pies with mushrooms, meat - 2 pcs
- sauerkraut - 40-50 gr
- wild garlic, capers, pickled ginger and pickled garlic - 20 gr each
- olives, olives - 10-20 gr.
- butter - 15 gr.

What dishes, how much and how to serve?

Salads can be arranged in tartlets.

Butter is served chilled and cut into 0.5 cm cubes. Butter bread in advance
no need to smear.

Appetizers do not need to be served all at once. They need to be divided into several parts, and served on the table as they are required. Most snacks are consumed at the beginning of the banquet, when hot dishes have not yet been served.

Soups: mixed meat hodgepodge, meat broth with herbs and crackers, fish soup - 200-250 ml / 1 person.
Soups, as a rule, are served if at least two hours have passed between registration at the registry office and the start of the banquet, and only after cold appetizers. First courses are usually in demand at winter weddings and should be served hot.

Hot fish dishes: sturgeon baked with vegetables - 150-200 gr.

Hot fish dishes should be ordered for a wedding banquet only when the wedding takes place during the season of good river fishing. Then the fish will be really good. A hot fish dish is not mandatory for a banquet, but it can help out well if there are people among the guests who do not eat meat.

Hot meat dishes: baked poultry - 200-250 gr, roast beef baked with vegetables 100/150 gr, pig fried with mushrooms - 200-250 gr.

At a wedding feast, there are usually two hot meat dishes, one of them is served in the first half of the feast, the other in the second. You can order one meat dish, but it should also be served twice. Let the hot be served in small portions, but 2-3 times, than once and large.

If we talk about the choice between expensive hot dishes and a variety of snacks on the table, then snacks are a priority. Everyone will like a variety of snacks, and hot can be the most ordinary.


Chocolates - 40-50 gr;
- cake - 100-150 gr;
- dessert with fruit and whipped cream or cream - 40-50 gr;
- sugar - 10-20 gr.

Fruits (from 300 gr per person):

Sliced ​​bananas - 0.5 pcs;
- apples - 1 pc;
- pears - 1 pc;
- tangerines - 2 pcs;
- oranges - 1 pc;
- peeled kiwi - 0.5 pcs;
- peeled pomelo - 1 slice;
- strawberries - 50 gr;
- peeled fresh pineapple - 1 slice;
- chopped lemon - 2-3 slices;
- grapes - 40-50 gr.

Fruits should be laid out in a peeled and chopped form in a vase. Do not cut all the fruits at once, they can wind up and wither. Let part of the fruit in sliced ​​form be served at the beginning of the feast, and the second part as a whole and in wide vases at the end of the banquet.


White loaf - 1-2 pieces;
- rye bread - 2 pieces;
- wheat bread - 1-2 pieces;
- black "Borodinsky" - 2 pieces.

Seasonings and sauces:

Tatar sauce;
- adjika;
- mushroom sauce;
- cheese sauce;
- Russian table mustard;
- white, black and red pepper;
- salt.

The whole set of sauces should be served for every six people.

Soft drinks:

Carbonated sweet water - 0.5 l;
- mineral water - 0.5 l;
- fruit juice - 0.5 l;
- carbonated water like "Schweppes" - 0.3 l;
- coffee - 2 cups (200 ml);
- tea - 2 cups (300 ml);
- milkshake - 200 ml;
- hot chocolate - 200 ml.

If there are children at the banquet, the number of non-alcoholic refreshing drinks should be more.

As for alcoholic drinks, count on the fact that men usually drink strong spirits (vodka, cognac, martini, whiskey), and women prefer light cocktails, red and white wine. The average calculation of alcoholic beverages is approximately 0.5 liters of each per person. Champagne should be served at the beginning of the feast at the rate of 100 ml per person. Good luck!

On such an exciting day as a wedding, you want everything to be perfect. All the details of the celebration are carefully thought out, from prizes for competitions to wedding menu dishes. In order for the wedding to leave an unforgettable mark on the memory of the invited guests, it is necessary to take a creative approach to organizing the celebration. For example, vivid impressions will remain from the wedding if there are original dishes on the festive table. How to make a wedding menu? Using our tips, you can please your guests with delicious, varied dishes.

What is the best wedding menu?

Thinking through the options for dishes on the wedding table, you need to take into account the taste preferences of the guests. In order not to get into trouble, it is better to find out in advance about the possible food preferences of the guests. Tastes are different. Someone does not consume animal products because they are fasting or are a vegetarian, someone is allergic to certain products. Therefore, when compiling a festive menu, dishes should be interchangeable.

By organizing a wedding in a restaurant or cafe, you will greatly facilitate your work when compiling a wedding menu. Usually in such establishments there are ready-made variations of dishes. Take advantage of the services of experienced chefs who will create your wedding menu according to your wishes. The owner of a restaurant or cafe will certainly not refuse either and will help with advice.

Any hostess on the eve of the wedding puzzles over how to deliciously feed the guests. In order for the festive table to be varied, but without frills, it is necessary to correctly compose the menu. When compiling a wedding list of dishes, take a piece of paper, a pen, and write a list of guests invited to the celebration. Opposite each, make notes, his taste preferences or other features.

Then make a list of the ingredients you will be using for your wedding meals. Considering the tastes of the guests, you will decide on treats that will appeal to family and friends. There is a wide variety of wedding recipes, but you need to choose unusual, not everyday dishes. Surprise your guests! Let there be something on your table that you have never cooked or tried before. Then your loved ones will forever remember this event.

Appetizers and salads

Before people sit down at the wedding table, there should be cold appetizers on it. These dishes are served in portions, i.е. for each person - a separate plate with refreshments. There are such appetizers:

  • Cold cuts: boiled pork, several types of sausage, ham, salmon.
  • Salted fish: herring, salmon.
  • Cheese slices: hard cheeses, white cheese.
  • Vegetables. They are served sliced ​​or as salads. Cucumbers, bell peppers, tomatoes are suitable for assorted vegetables.

Prepare a delicious eggplant appetizer for the wedding table. For this dish you will need eggplant, tomatoes, cheese and herbs. Eggplant cut into strips 1 cm thick, fry in vegetable oil. Lay the chopped tomato in strips on a strip of eggplant, grated cheese on top, a little homemade mayonnaise and twist it into a roll. Sprinkle with herbs, insert skewers. The original wedding appetizer is ready.

Another great wedding dish is green cheese balls. To prepare, grate the cheese on a fine grater, add mayonnaise, garlic. Roll the resulting mass into balls, into which you will need to insert a pitted olive stuffed with almonds. Cut the dill greens finely, roll the balls. Put in the refrigerator for half an hour. Complete the dish with colorful skewers.

For wedding snacks, you can cook sandwiches with kiwi and cheese. Fry the loaf slices with a toaster, spread with mayonnaise. Top with thinly sliced ​​cheese. Rinse kiwi fruit thoroughly under running water without peeling, cut across into slices 0.5 cm thick, put on top of the cheese. This dish is not only very tasty, but also looks original on the wedding table.

Main dishes

After the first feast at the wedding, guests usually have a smoke break, dance, and chat. Tamada invites everyone to participate in competitions. Events last thirty to forty minutes. During this time, the remnants of snacks are removed, and the moment of serving the dishes of the second table approaches. After active participation in the wedding process, dancing and getting hungry, the guests are ready to work with forks.

The main dishes of the menu should be hearty and tasty. Be sure to have meat on the wedding table. It can be meat fingers, meatballs, chops, meatballs, grilled meat sticks. Dishes should be moderately fatty so as not to burden the stomachs of guests. In addition, sauces are usually served in beautiful dishes, these are soy, tomato, mustard.

Garnishes are served with meat. It can be potatoes cooked in different variations: mashed with butter, stewed with tomatoes, baked in pots with vegetables, deep-fried french fries, potatoes stuffed with minced meat. Rice is also a good addition to wedding meat dishes. Having an unobtrusive, neutral taste, many guests will like it. To make the rice crumbly and not stick together in a lump when cooling, use high-quality cereals.

The groats are boiled in salted water, washed with plenty of running water. After that, onions and carrots fried in vegetable or ghee are added to the rice. If you put turmeric in this side dish, then it will have a bright yellow color, which looks unusual and elegant on the wedding table. You need to supplement the dish with finely chopped dill and parsley.

Alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks

During the wedding feast, guests constantly make toasts, drink for the newlyweds. Therefore, there should be a lot of drinking. Experienced wedding organizers say that for three people there is one bottle of vodka or cognac with a volume of 1 liter, wine 1.5 liters, a bottle of champagne. But before buying alcohol, divide the guests into gender and age categories. A company of men and women gathers at the wedding, but the main consumers of vodka are men. And women prefer to drink wine or champagne.

Children and non-drinkers are also present at the wedding. You need to worry about this category of guests too. They are suitable for non-alcoholic drinks. Everyone, without exception, loves compote, cooked at home, from berries (raspberries, cherries, strawberries,) and fruits (apples, pears, plums), dried fruits (dried apricots, apples, pears, cherries, rose hips). Soft drinks should be on the wedding table and drinking men and women.

Many prefer bottled sugary drinks. Here the choice is very large. Coca-Cola, Fanta, Sprite are tasty and not expensive, but they have a harmful composition in which chemical elements predominate. Such drinks are especially harmful to children. Therefore, we advise, as an alternative, to prepare homemade lemonade for the wedding table. To do this, squeeze the juice of one lime into the water, add any sweetener. Such a drink with several slices of lemon looks beautiful in a decanter.

wedding cake and loaf

The sweet table is one of the more anticipated events at a wedding. All children and adults love sweets. A wedding cake is an invariable attribute of any celebration, a symbol of the holiday, the main highlight on the sweet table. His choice should be approached very reverently. Confectioners recommend ordering a wedding cake with thin layers smeared with light cream, custard or condensed, but not oily.

Get creative when decorating your wedding cake. After all, this is not just a treat, but a reflection of the event for which everyone gathered. This culinary delight is especially good if it is two or three-tiered and poured with white icing. From above and on the sides, such a treat is decorated with flowers and figurines made of mastic or cream. The size of the dessert should be proportional to the number of guests. The cake is the final part of the wedding feast and is served at the end of the evening.

The loaf also takes pride of place on the wedding table. They meet the newlyweds from the registry office, bless the path of family life. In ancient times, a wedding loaf was instructed to bake a happy woman in marriage. So the cake was endowed with beneficial energy. The tradition of baking a loaf before the wedding has remained in our times. Such pastries are a kind of symbolism of a happy family life. Confectioners offer a large selection of decorations for a wedding loaf - each figure made from dough has its own meaning:

  • Spikelets symbolize fertility, prosperity.
  • A pair of kissing doves speaks of marital fidelity.
  • The braid is a symbol of readiness for marriage.
  • A bunch of grapes is a rich offspring.
  • Flowers - beauty, wealth.

Calculation of the banquet menu for one person

How to make a wedding menu correctly so that everyone has enough food and does not have to throw away excess food? Experienced chefs and organizers of celebrations say that at a wedding banquet, each guest can eat one kilogram 300 grams of food. For convenience, we present an approximate calculation in the form of a table:

If you decide to invite guests and celebrate your wedding day in a restaurant or cafe, then you will make your work easier in the pre-holiday turmoil. A whole team of chefs, waiters, decorators, DJs will work for you. You will only need to specify your preferences with the staff of the institution in advance. An important point in the conversation will be the wedding menu for your table. You will compose it together with the chief pastry chef of the restaurant.

You will be offered a catalog of wedding dishes, from which you have the right to choose the ones you like best. A wedding menu in a restaurant is not much different from a homemade one. The first thing that should be on the table when guests enter the restaurant is cold appetizers. Here the choice is great: from cold cuts to assorted vegetables. The second is the main course. This includes meat, fish with a side dish.

The third table is the final stage of the banquet, sweets. The pastry chef in the restaurant will offer you a huge selection of different goodies, from bagels to a wedding cake. Since there are always a lot of children at the wedding, there should be a decent amount of baking on the festive table. Particular attention should be paid to fruits. They will not only complement and diversify the feast, but also decorate the banquet hall with their appearance. Fruits (apples, bananas, oranges, pineapples) are suitable for a snack between the main courses of a wedding feast. They are also good to serve with alcoholic drinks.

Every bride knows that 90% of success with guests is a good table. At the ceremony, they will appreciate the beautiful bride, the groom's suit and decorations, but at the banquet they will evaluate the dishes: their quantity, quality and serving. Therefore, after choosing a dress, rings and a banquet hall, the young people have another question - how to feed the guests so that everyone likes it, and at the same time not cost a pretty penny. According to Russian tradition, it is not customary to arrange light receptions, guests should leave the holiday full and satisfied, only then it is believed that the Russian wedding was a success.

Wedding table: menu, recipes

There are no specific rules on what exactly to serve on the table on the day of the celebration. However, there are unspoken rules that are generally followed, unless it is a completely informal celebration. So, for example, beer should not be among drinks. Perhaps wine, champagne, vodka, cognac, martinis or cocktails, but not beer.

All restaurants have their own menu, and in a variety of options and for any amount. The administrator and the chefs will tell you what is better to choose and how to please the guests. It includes several cold starters and two hot ones, as well as tea and cake. This is the minimum that is usually present everywhere. Consider the most popular dishes at Russian weddings.

  • Among the appetizers, seafood (fish, shrimp, mussels), sausage, cheese, meat, cuts of fresh vegetables are usually served.
  • The wedding table menu should include several salads. Let it be better a little, but a lot, than one large bowl with one salad. Olivier, herring under a fur coat, Caesar with chicken, salads with mushrooms, vegetable variations are popular in Russia. You can mix just 2 ingredients, for example, green beans with chicken, tomatoes with cheese.
  • Tartlets with various fillings are also popular. It's always filling and delicious. You can put almost anything inside.
  • Stuffed vegetables and eggs will also please guests.
  • Meat is served hot. It can be a fish, pork or beef steak with a side dish of rice or vegetables, chicken julienne. Despite the beautiful name, julienne is prepared simply. To do this, you only need chicken fillet, milk, cheese, butter and seasonings. It turns out very tasty, satisfying and inexpensive.
  • Do not forget that in addition to alcohol, there should be soft drinks such as fruit juice, mineral water, sparkling water.
  • Cake is usually served for dessert. You can also make a sweet table, to which guests will come up and take sweets. Sweets, muffins, cakes, cookies are suitable for treats. Tea or coffee is required.

Calculation of the wedding menu for 1 person

The basic rule of a successful holiday is that everything should be tasty and everyone should have enough. But at the same time, it is undesirable for a large amount of untouched food to remain, because young people spent money on this that they could spend on something else.

When calculating food and drinks, consider not only the number of guests, but also the duration of the holiday. The longer the banquet lasts, the more they eat and drink. The average wedding lasts 5 hours. In this case, the best option would be 1.5 kg of food per guest. Cold appetizers, salads and meat with a side dish should be approximately equal, you can make more hot, but fewer salads. On average, 250-300 g of food should come out for each of the items per person, that is, 250 g of salad, 300 g of snacks, 400 g of hot food, etc.

Fruit and cake should also be 200 g per guest. If you have small children, you can reduce the volume.

Drinks should be plentiful. This is something that does not spoil for a very long time, and if unopened alcohol remains, it can be left for another celebration. Strong drinks (vodka, cognac, whiskey) are taken in half a bottle per person, weak drinks are taken in a bottle per person, of course, children are not taken into account. You don’t need much champagne, they drink it only at the very beginning, so take 1 bottle for three. Soft drinks should be more, especially in the heat, about 1.5-2 liters per person.

Wedding menu: how to compose

When choosing dishes, be sure to take into account your budget, season, number of guests, and the duration of the feast. If yours, and a lot of guests were invited, there are a few tricks that will help everyone feed and save money at the same time.

Be sure to specify which foods the invitees do not eat, whether they have food allergies, whether there are vegetarians. An allergy in one of the guests can seriously spoil the event and scare the young. Vegetarians, on the other hand, are not troublesome people. Dishes from vegetables will cost inexpensively, besides, they are quite tasty, meat-eaters will also taste them with pleasure.

Don't forget age. Children do not want a lot of spices, and the older generation will not appreciate newfangled dishes such as rolls, Chinese salads and carpaccio.

  • Wedding menu for 15 people. This is a modest wedding, where only relatives and close people are present. Such banquets can be quite arranged at home, cooked by yourself. You can cook 5 different salads or 2-3 salads, but in several dishes, so that it is convenient for everyone to take. Salads should have different ingredients. You don’t need to put just chicken or mushrooms everywhere in case someone doesn’t like something. Be sure to 2 hot ones, for the sake of economy, you can take a chicken. For snacks, any sandwiches, cheese and meat cuts are suitable. For dessert, you can offer a traditional cake, pastries, chocolate, ice cream, fruit jelly, muffins or any other sweets. Guests will enjoy fresh coffee brewed in a coffee maker.

  • Wedding menu for 20 people. It is already more difficult to accommodate 20 people at home if you do not have a cottage. Most often, modern newlyweds still prefer to rent cafes and restaurants. No need to cook, wash dishes, serve food on the table. To make it convenient for everyone to take food, divide each dish into 3 plates. It turns out that for every 6-7 guests you will have a salad, cold cuts, etc. Then you will not need to run to the other end of the table for the desired snack. Consider the gender of the guests. If there are more men than women, increase the amount of food. There must be 3 salads, several plates with various snacks: vegetables, cheese, meat, fish sausage, as well as 2 hot dishes (preferably meat and fish) and desserts. For such a large number of guests, it is better to have at least 10 bottles of wine and the same number of stronger drinks, as well as at least 5 liters of juice, not counting soda and mineral water.

  • Wedding menu for 30 people. This is still a small wedding, but already requiring the rental of a banquet hall. If you want to save money, then choose more budgetary products, and do not reduce portions. So, for example, you can replace pork chop with chicken, instead of red fish, choose cheaper varieties, pancakes will be inexpensive if you choose a simpler filling, canapes and various snacks will also help save money. Chicken can be cooked as you like - grilled legs, stuffed, baked, fried, stewed. Hot can be both portioned and shared, on a platter. The cake should be big enough for all the guests. Total weight - not less than 7.5 kg. In summer, instead of a cake, you can present ice cream with fruit.

  • Wedding menu for 40 people. Dinner for 40 people is not cheap. It is advisable to lay out snacks on small plates so that everyone can try everything and not reach far for food. Snacks include eggplant, fish and meat platter, pickled vegetables, olives, mushrooms. Among the inexpensive salads is "Capital" with chicken breast, potatoes, cucumber and green onions. For hot, you can serve pancakes with meat filling, chicken julienne, tobacco chicken, baked pike perch. Instead of a cake, you can make a pyramid of muffins, which show the initials of the newlyweds.

  • Wedding menu for 50 people in a cafe. It is not possible to organize a holiday of this magnitude at home, so it is better to entrust serving and cooking to professionals. You can make more snacks, put different types on the tables: liver with onions, breaded fish, sausage, meat, cheese, olives, beef tongue, stuffed prunes, aspic, sandwiches, stuffed eggs, salted fish. It is recommended to do hot portions for convenience. In the role of second courses, cabbage rolls, duck stuffed with apples, roast with mushrooms, and potatoes baked on coals will look great. The cake will have to be made large and multi-tiered, or offer cakes for every taste.

  • Wedding menu for 60 people in the restaurant. To save on a banquet, make chicken and fish hot. This is the most budget option, and everyone loves chicken and fish, which cannot be said, for example, lamb. For salads, Caesar with chicken, Meyerhold with tongue, apples and cheese, herring under a fur coat, vegetable salads are perfect. Among inexpensive snacks, one can single out pickled mushrooms with onions, a cheese plate, olives, chicken roll, sausage. The cake can be made in portions in the form of cupcakes or cakes.

  • Wedding menu for 80 people in summer. Summer is a fertile time for weddings. At this time, a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables. If you have your own garden, then you can save a lot of money. Feeding so many guests is not easy. Salads should be at least 4 with various dressings and ingredients. You can make 1 or 2 vegetarian salads, such as Greek. This is a great option for summer. For hot, poultry and roast beef with a side dish of vegetables or rice, roast goose with stewed cabbage are suitable. There should be enough cake for everyone, so it will be big. It is also desirable to have a dessert table with all sorts of sweets, if suddenly someone considers a piece of cake too small.

  • Wedding menu in summer for 100 people. This is already a big wedding, where the banquet will take most of the entire holiday budget. If your guests are waiting for the arrival of the young, there should be a small buffet table with fruits, light snacks and champagne, then no one will get bored. The more you bring with you to the restaurant, the more you save. So, for example, you can make some snacks yourself, and instead of a cream cake, serve a light fruit dessert or ice cream in the summer. When calculating per 100 people, the savings will be tangible. Pies, sandwiches with caviar, meat rolls are suitable as snacks.

Wedding menu in nature

A summer wedding in nature has its pros and cons. It will not be easy to take waiters into nature, set up tables and get rid of insects. But what a beauty all around, birds sing, fresh air. Usually, outdoor banquets involve a small number of people, barbecues and a relaxing holiday. It will be difficult to think over a wedding menu for 60 people in nature, especially considering the complexity of food delivery.

The first rule of such a banquet is that snacks should be fresh and drinks should be cold. You are on a street where there is no air conditioning, so take care of a sufficient amount of ice or portable refrigerators in advance. It is better to refuse powdered juices, replacing them with natural lemonade or just water with ice and lemon slices.

There should be a lot of greens, fresh fruits, vegetables, berries on the table. For salads and snacks, it is advisable to choose lean fish, chicken, so as not to overload the body with fatty foods in the heat. Tarts, fresh vegetable canapés and olives are also welcome. For hot dishes, shish kebab from any meat, barbecue ribs, steaks, fish is perfect. Prepare sauces in advance for such a treat.

Cream cake for nature is not the best choice, preferably ice cream or fruit. For dessert, you can also serve shortbread baskets with jam or fruit mousse, soufflé and, of course, tea.

To prevent guests from feeling too tired in the heat after strong drinks, serve refreshing cocktails with ice and mint. You can even replace them with strong alcohol. Chilled sangria with fruit is the best way to go. The less alcohol there is, the easier and more fun the wedding will be. As you know, heat and strong drinks do not mix well.

Try to put more cold snacks on the table, they are often eaten with alcohol.