A surprise for a loved one who is far away. What kind of surprise can you give a guy? Pleasant, romantic

A handmade gift is unusual and fun! A gift shaving set or cologne cannot evoke as much joy and delight as a personal unique gift that is not sold anywhere.

This is an opportunity to surprise your loved one and show him that you have a good sense of humor - they appreciate it in girls.

Today I have collected 6 unusual ideas for those who decided to congratulate the guy in a special way.

Idea # 1: A gift for a hot guy

To emphasize the high degree of relations between lovers, you can present the chosen one with a box in the shape of a heart, inside which he will find several small bottles with expensive brands of cognac.

On the inner lid of the box, write some touching message: congratulations, or comic instructions on how to dispose of its contents.

To make the gift look presentable, you can line the box with scraps of beautiful fabric, and scatter a few bright heart-shaped chocolates between the bottles.

These boxes are available in gift wrapping departments, or get a candy box.

Idea # 2: Sweet box

If your boyfriend fundamentally does not recognize alcohol, and you love and know how to cook deliciously, you can pamper him with homemade baked goods.

You can bake cookies for him, put everything in the same heart-shaped box and present, accompanied by the appropriate wishes. And be prepared for the fact that he will eat the treats you have prepared himself. The box can be made from under the shoes by pasting it with gift paper.

And if you don't have time to cook, fill the box with kinder surprises, Love Is gum or tangerines, mixed with notes about your feelings.

Idea number 3: 100 reasons for my love for you

If your relationship is still in that wonderful stage when your loved one does not have a single flaw, and all of it consists of solid merits, this idea of ​​a romantic gift will give him real pleasure.

You will need:

  • Nice box or glass jar.
  • 100 strips of paper.
  • Multi-colored ribbons or small bright elastic bands.
  • Beautiful sticker stickers.
  • Small chocolates or sweets.

And now you have to activate your imagination so much that on a hundred small leaves you explain to your chosen one the reasons for this very love. One leaf - one reason.

We roll up the confession notes into a tube, tie it with a ribbon or an elastic band, put it in a box, add a certain amount of sweets and chocolates there (to make the reading process even more enjoyable) and use stickers to decorate the lid beautifully, not forgetting to supply it with the inscription “100 reasons for my love to you".

Idea # 4: A checkbook of desires

This idea will help make your relationship more interesting. Perhaps this is the most original and unusual gift for your beloved man with your own hands, as he makes wishes come true! The essence of the gift lies in the fact that on each page of the check you write small amenities that you will do to your loved one upon presentation of the check. One check is designed to fulfill one desire. A book can have 15-20 pages.

Examples of desires for him:

  • Beer with friends
  • Shish kebab in nature
  • Relaxing massage
  • Play World Of Tanks all day
  • Execution of any whim, etc.

Idea number 5: Photo for memory

Do you have any favorite photos with him? Make a photo souvenir of them! This option is suitable if the guy has everything and you do not know what to buy - give him memories. There are many options:

  • Photo collage on the wall in the shape of a heart or the word LOVE from many of your little photos.
  • A pillow or blanket with a black and white print of the best moments of your life.
  • Wall clock with your smiles.
  • Wall picture on canvas.

This is a real work of art, this is an interior decoration. You can order a photo souvenir at any advertising agency. All you need is digital photos. It will take about a week to make a gift.

A modern woman lives at a very rapid pace, managing to do thousands of things in a day, and in this bustle she sometimes forgets about the most important thing - about her Beloved Man, or rather that it is time to ... no, not to feed, but pamper something romantic, exotic or extreme!

It's time to surprise your loved one for no reason at all, just to revive the daily routine, refresh the senses or thank your “workaholic” and earner for their efforts and care!

And if there is a real reason and there is a holiday ahead - Valentine's Day, February 23, his birthday, even more so, it's time to think about!

And then the question arises, how to do this and how can you please and surprise a man?

In this review, we tried to collect the most complete collection of ideas for organizing pleasant and interesting surprises for your beloved man.

Surprise idea for man # 1: "Rest day"

If you know for sure that your chosen one has worked hard and is physically and mentally exhausted, do not pull him on a romantic ski trip (of course, this is great, but not this time), it is better to bathe him in your care.

Let him sleep, bring coffee to bed, download his favorite movie, cook dinner according to his mother's recipe, in the evening - a warming bath and massage, and at night - sweet words in your ear.

Will definitely appreciate, but how exactly, try and find out!

Surprise idea for beloved # 2: "Extreme"

If, on the contrary, the husband has a sedentary job and a routine has firmly settled in his life, a shake-up is needed: paragliding, quad biking, collective access to paintball.

Together, the experienced thrill will bring joy to both!

Surprise idea # 3: "Meeting with friends!"

Knowing that in the evening a match with your favorite team is broadcast on TV, invite your husband's friends secretly from your husband, buy beer and snacks and go (!) To visit your friend. Or buy hard-to-find stadium or rock concert tickets! It's even cooler if you book a table for your beloved and a couple of friends in a strip club!

Such a "feat" will be remembered, the trust will pay off, and friends (and this is very important!) Will be "envious"!

Surprise idea # 4: "Pedigree"

This the idea of ​​a surprise for a loved one- especially good for married men. From time immemorial, men have been preoccupied with procreation and are anxious about their surname, now many connections have been lost, and the history and roots of many genera are forgotten or lost. Work hard, search, collect information, then decorate and present beautifully the history of the family of your betrothed.

Such an interest and a serious attitude towards his surname and family will evoke a response of gratitude in the heart of a loved one, moreover, it will be useful for your children!

Surprise Idea # 5: A Sign of Goodwill

Do not forget that the mother-in-law, which is unpleasant to us, is the beloved mother of our betrothed, and enmity with her "breaks" his heart. Take a step forward - invite your beloved's mother to visit, cook her favorite dish, be a kind and warm hostess and give them the opportunity to chat about their favorite topics.

It is difficult to take the first step, but it will help, peace in the family, gratitude and love for you spouse! Again, this is a good role model for children.

Surprise idea number 6: "The fulfillment of a cherished dream"

Every man has a favorite business or hobby: car, fishing, hunting, tourism, computer, TV, etc. - anyone associated with him will be appreciated. There is a danger of not guessing (with a gun, a spinning rod, etc.) - you can ask your friends for help or simply hand over a gift certificate to a specialized store.

It will sound like a dream come true, if you, usually resisting the hobby of your betrothed, suddenly organize yourself and with an open heart let you go on a long-awaited fishing trip!

If your sweetheart likes to sit near the TV - arrange an extended package of your favorite cable TV programs - each time, picking up the remote control, he will remember with a kind word! It will not go unnoticed if you make a photo book about his (!) Trip somewhere.

Respect for the hobby of the other half will make you closer and dearer!

Surprise Idea # 7: "Diamonds in the Sky"

If funds allow, then buy a piece of the Moon or another planet and supplement it with a super-powerful telescope so that your loved one can show his friends his “site”! If there are no such funds, then you can have a picnic on the roof under a natural starry sky or make a “Starry Sky” from glowing stickers or a compact projector (sold in holiday shops), and show him a “new constellation” with the name of your beloved on it. Or launch a note with a declaration of love for him into the starry sky on balloons!

It's touching and beautiful - enjoy yourself too!

Surprise Idea # 8: Treasure Hunt

Think over and organize a quest - the search for a gift: spread notes throughout the house (you can also in nature), which will step by step bring you closer to victory. Only here it is important that the “treasure” be adequate to the intrigue, and the prize he found was definitely pleasant to him (a long-awaited thing, a ticket to the stadium, a beloved, on which there is only a drop of perfume out of clothes, an ultrasound scan of the future son, whom he did not know about yet, etc.). NS.).

And then the boyish joy of a loved one from participating in an adventure is guaranteed!

Surprise idea # 9: "An evening for two only"

Every woman in her life had to hear something like this: "my best present is you." And this is really a very valuable gift, only it is important to decorate it beautifully. It's best to have a theme party. For example, in the Japanese style: a low table with sushi and sake, sakura branches, and next to it an obedient, wise geisha or in an oriental style: hookah, belly dance and a favorite concubine. You can arrange it on the basis of the "Jubilee Harem", just present it in such a way that you are ready to be different for him, so that he feels like the owner of the harem and give him a basket of fruits with different wishes.

Striptease, Thai massage, the arrival of the "nurse" will be especially impressive if well prepared.

Such surprises refresh relationships and flatter the pride of beloved men very much!

Surprise Idea # 10: "Solid Romance"

Strong and masculine halves are often much more romantics than ladies think, they just don't always show it. They will definitely be touched if they receive a gentle handwritten (!) Letter - unexpectedly, for no reason - with words of love, and most importantly, gratitude.

Be sure to write what you value him for: specific actions, character traits, daily worries! Or write a lot of little notes, and let him find them all day: on the bathroom mirror, in pockets, in the glove compartment of a car, in a wallet, in a folder for papers, etc.

Do not hesitate to show your love and get it in return for sure!

Surprise idea number 11: "Fireworks for a loved one"

Arrange fireworks for your loved one! Just do not be stingy - not fake, but real - these days you can choose with various special effects that reflect some individual feature of the chosen one. And it does not hurt to shout or whisper words of love in your ear through the noise of the fireworks.

Organize a bright, beautiful fireworks display in honor of your beloved one and a fireworks display of emotions is guaranteed!

Surprise idea # 12: "Share your smile!"

Why wait for some kind of holiday to give a guy something? In this article you will find many simple ideas on what little things you can choose for everyday life, accessories for a motorist, things for a hobby. You will learn which of the surprises can surprise a man and what you should know about his organization. We will also tell you what not to choose so as not to upset the guy. You can make the best gift for no reason!

Small gifts for no reason strengthen relationships, bring positive emotions on the busy weekdays of a beloved man. Practical young people like useful things:

  • picnic set;
  • tea or coffee mug;
  • hot stand;
  • personalized spoon with engraving;
  • bath accessories;
  • T-shirt with the logo of your favorite team.

Bath set

For auto


Listen carefully to the man's comments when watching programs and talking with friends. Surely there is some object or thing that he dreams of right now.

For the avid angler, a set of hooks or a special net for fish is suitable, for a hunter - a thermos, for a sports fan - a bag for accessories. A geek will need a high-speed flash drive with a large volume, a photographer will need a tripod he has long dreamed of, a music lover will need wireless headphones to enjoy the songs of his favorite band at full capacity and at the same time not to anger the neighbors.

Does the man buy you nothing? Try it with our tips. You can do this in such a way that you are not caught and you get yours.

Which ones? This article contains all the answers! You will also find out what it should be done on and how much money you need.

Surprise the guy. Here we answered the questions: what it can be, how much does it cost, what should be considered when choosing.

What a surprise to give a guy

Instead of a gift or in addition to it, you can arrange a surprise. Find out in advance when your loved one has a day off. Let everything be a complete surprise for him, but you should prepare in the most careful way.

We decided to arrange romantic dinner? Prepare a few meals ahead of time or order a meal at your favorite restaurant, clean up all unnecessary things from the room, light candles with a light scent, turn on the appropriate music and enjoy a wonderful evening.

Romantic dinner on the coast

You can give your husband a trip out of town or have a picnic in nature. Plan ahead. Include in the list of things you need:

  • thermos with hot tea;
  • sandwiches and snacks;
  • warm blanket;
  • plain, still water;
  • camera;
  • mosquito and tick spray;
  • wet wipes.

Warn the man about the dress code. Agree, it will be rather uncomfortable for him to sit in a clearing among fragrant herbs and flowers in a classic suit.

Do your hobbies coincide, does he also adore extreme types of recreation? Make an appointment in advance for tandem river trips, scooter rides or go-karting. Prepare the necessary accessories (helmet, paddles) and together you will have great fun and an adrenaline rush.

You can find it in our other article. We have prepared options for extreme lovers, romantics, unusual personalities, etc.

What cannot be given just like that

Most men don't like being presented with underwear, socks, shaving accessories and gift pens. They receive an abundance of business and official gifts at work. An exception may be cool or themed products.

You should not buy "cute things" so beloved by girls:

  • figurines;
  • napkin stands;
  • vases;
  • storage boxes;
  • Stuffed Toys.

Only a collector will be delighted with such gifts.

Hookahs, pipes, cigars are interesting, but the guys prefer to choose the flavor that suits them.

In this video, the guy suggests what is better to give, regardless of the holiday. You will also learn what not to choose:

You see, there are many options for what to give a guy just like that! You just need to decide what exactly will please him.

What do you think is more pleasant - to arrange surprises or to be the one for whom they are made? Of course, as anyone. But many girls, without denying that it is always good to receive pleasant surprises from their half, do not forget from time to time to arrange a surprise for their loved one themselves. However, the hundredth note in the bathroom on the mirror or the one hundred and first romantic dinner by candlelight can drive a loved one into melancholy, or even irritate. What to think of?

Special date

By February 23, Valentine's Day or some memorable date for two, you need to prepare in advance, surprises for the holidays are a very painstaking work. In addition to the main gift, which is better to give at the end of the evening, on this day the man needs to be surprised with something:

  1. Record a video or assemble an animated screensaver from shared photos by signing them and sending them by email.
  2. Arrange for him a paragliding flight, piloting a small plane (helicopter) or racing for two on an ATV or jet ski.
  3. Organize a quest around the city or district, having agreed in advance with those people who will have to give assignments.
  4. If a man cannot live without fishing, then a trip to a rented house by the lake so that he can safely fish will be a real surprise for his beloved.
  5. Car enthusiasts should enjoy extreme driving with special maneuvers on a special track.

When the tired and contented lover returns home, it is imperative to feed him what he loves most and give him a gift. Those who are not yet tired of entertainment are invited not only to receive a present, but to solve a crossword puzzle, where the key word will be the name of the gift.

At the behest of the soul

Sometimes you really want to surprise your half, but no holidays are foreseen. How to surprise your loved one without much preparation?


Technological progress, or rather the ability of a smartphone to transfer images, can be connected to the creation of surprises. During the day, you need to photograph all the hearts that meet on the way, and send them to your beloved, accompanied by appropriate words or just emoticons. Where to look for hearts?

  • in the form of puddles;
  • in the form of clouds;
  • in the form of leaves on a tree;
  • on shop windows;
  • in children's drawings on the asphalt;
  • in the color of dogs passing by, etc.

If nothing at all meets on the way, the heart can be drawn independently or folded from improvised objects.

A full jar of love

If you want to arrange a surprise for your beloved on a weekday, there may not be many ideas for him, because both are very busy. However, the girl will certainly be able to collect such a present during the day:

  1. In the morning, on the way to work, you need to buy a small beautiful can.
  2. All day write notes, which tells what exactly attracts her to her lover or what is especially dear to her from their shared past.
  3. All the notes must be put in a jar.
  4. In the evening after work, hand over to your beloved this jar with the words “how many times have thoughts of you visited me today” or “here”.

A man can read such notes before bedtime or leave this jar in order to periodically take out pieces of paper and read them.


How to surprise your loved one for his birthday, except for a good gift? It depends on what the man is fond of.

Football fan

Of course, a trip to the stadium for a match of his favorite team will be a wonderful surprise for a guy who is fond of football. But, unfortunately, this is not always possible. In this case, you need to make a video cut of the best moments with the participation of this team (or one player), burn it on a disc and watch it with him in the evening.

Music lover

Concert tickets are a great gift in and of themselves. But for this gift to be a surprise, you need to order a taxi and, without saying where exactly the couple is going, take him to this concert. For greater effect, you can blindfold your beloved.

If this does not work out, then you need to please the music lover at home - prepare a musical number, remaking your favorite song so that it looks like about him, and perform it, depicting the performer to whom the beloved is not indifferent.

Computer warrior

Many boys, guys and even adult men love computer games, but, as a rule, those who live with them do not like this kind of love. A surprise for them will be a disc with a game that they have long dreamed of, friends invited to play and a whole room prepared for this occasion (a comfortable sofa, a TV and a set-top box, and a table with their favorite drinks and snacks in front of the sofa).

A car enthusiast will love everything related to cars, and a joint hike is suitable for a tourist. One way or another, you need to know about the hobbies of your beloved in order to make him a truly pleasant surprise. If there are doubts or the girl does not understand anything about the hobby of her half, it is worth consulting with his friends. He, of course, will find out about it later, but he will appreciate such care even more.

Nice addition

If a girl realizes that it is difficult to surprise her man with something, you can try to cheer him up by making a surprise for your beloved with your own hands:

  1. Knitting: you can knit almost anything, as long as the girl has a good command of this technique. Crocheted house slippers and reminiscent of football boots look funny; a scarf where one of his "wise" sayings is knitted, etc.
  2. Bouquet: it is not customary for men to give flowers, but the bouquet may not be made of flowers, but from socks rolled in the form of roses or from small souvenir bottles with collectible drinks.
  3. Photobook: an originally designed album containing photographs from important events for a man (graduation, travel, childbirth, etc.) can touch even the most seemingly imperturbable and "impenetrable".
When there are no ideas at all, it remains to edit a video consisting of photographs where a girl (and possibly completely strangers) will hold signs with a declaration of love or with the positive qualities of a man written on them: kind, smart, courageous, etc. ... Such frames should be replaced by photographs of the beloved himself.

You can think of anything you want, the main thing is to take into account the interests of the person for whom it is being done. If a surprise is made from the heart, a man will definitely appreciate it!

Men love surprises! It's just that not every girl knows what to give them.

Stereotypes are the scariest things that can ruin everything. They stick to people, breaking all their views and previous beliefs.

Reverse the stereotypes!

Make your beloved man understand that women are also capable of incredibly - unexpected actions!

That's why he is a surprise to do it unexpectedly!

  • Arrange, for a start, some culinary surprise for him

Maybe this will be the surprise that the man loved as a child? Remember. It is quite possible that he has spoken about it more than once. Finding a recipe is easy, simple, not problematic. There are girlfriends, there are Internet and sites. And there is also a mommy, to whom you can always turn for help in this matter. Mom probably has a huge collection of cooking secrets!

  • Does he like red underwear on a woman? - Buy it!

What's the matter, honey? Buy, put on, surprise! You cannot imagine how he will be glad that he can contemplate him on you, and then shoot…. The second - will undoubtedly bring more pleasure. Choose shades and colors of lingerie that are rich and seductive. More fire!

  • I forgot to give my heart!

For real…. Alive that beats in you. Present it in poetry and rhyme, in creativity and fantasy. Present it with words, thoughts, touches, phrases, kisses, confessions…. Say: "keep it near yours." He will be touched and amazed.

  • Give him a kitten

Do you often call him kitten? And if you give it, you will understand what it is for. Can you guess why? Kittens are cute, affectionate and fluffy. He will find a compliment in your gift.

  • Your tattoo with his name!

Love and happiness to you! Remember that everything will be fine with you. But you also remember that you like tattoos. There is absolutely nothing stopping you from decorating your body with a tattoo with his name. My boyfriend made a similar surprise to me. I was in shock for a long time. Andrey is my first boyfriend. Therefore, I cannot forget this deed full of heroism. This black and white tattoo with my name…. How I did not expect such an act from him! His tattoo is a gift for my majority…. Do you have any date planned?

  • Bake him a cake or a pie with his picture!

If you yourself are not able to "cook" like that, contact the specialists. They will certainly do everything at the highest level! And the pleasure is not so expensive. By the way, about the image of a loved one. You can choose a cup, a T-shirt, a mug, a handbag, and any other little thing on which your beloved will "show off".

  • Arrange a parachute flight

Aren't you afraid to pair up with him? Do not be afraid: there is a safety net, there are special suits. Skydiving is very romantic.

  • Take a walk in the moonlight

On the roof. Under the stars! Your beloved would never have guessed that you would think of such a "gift". But walk carefully. You never know…. Nobody is trying to scare you. What has been said (written) is a warning.

  • Give a surprise in bed!

Do something so intimate that your loved one will be delighted. So that he does not expect your such "behavior". If you want - arrange everything in such a way that for you all this would be an unexpected surprise.

  • Save up some money and arrange a concert of his favorite band or his favorite performer under your very windows!

He won't just be shocked. He will like it, he will be insanely happy…. Well, further down the list. Sketch the list yourself. Its volume is in no way limited.

  • Get a hymenoplasty

Hymenoplasty is the restoration of virginity. Rest assured that you will like this surprise. Especially if your boyfriend is not the first boyfriend in terms of intimate relationships.

  • Make a rearrangement and general cleaning in his room

If he lives alone and separately, the task becomes a little more complicated, extending not to one room, but to an apartment. But you can handle it, because love is capable of anything.

  • Take your general photo on the whole wall

It is desirable…. On the wall next to the sofa where he sleeps. Imagine how his eyes will rejoice when he looks at this miracle.

  • Write a book! About you.

But don't write a lie. When you publish it, give it for any occasion. Or just give it to cheer up.

  • The guy loves football - give him an extraordinary soccer ball

The ball is a wonderful surprise if it is decorated with photos of famous (his favorite) football players. You can also "design" the ball in non-standard sizes so that more images can fit on it.

  • Give him the pregnancy news!

He will be happy. Truth! But tell this news beautifully. On a note, my dear: beautiful does not mean that you need to invent a rhyme and "give" it in poetic form. "Surprise" beauty can be not only in the form of rhyme.

  • Invite those relatives to visit you, whom he has not seen for a long time.

But clarify, for a start, how these or those relatives are pleasant to him. And then you will call…. And you will regret that they came. Surprise shouldn't instill negativity.

  • Let them write an article about him in a magazine!

Now, with the help of money, you can practically arrange everything. The article may be small, but it should describe all the good sides of your loved one. And write a couple of lines about yourself, if you want to "light up" as his half.

  • Give him a car

Toy, collectible. But she will be a surprise only if you follow her yourself. He will be very jealous, fantasizing, and all that. And then you come and say that you went especially for him. Loved ones should trust loved ones.

  • Do a lot of work on the image

There was a brunette - you should dye your hair blonde. But check with your hairdresser about whether this “change” will work for you, so that the surprise does not suddenly take on a shade of sadness and sadness.

Some options for original surprises for a man

In the photographs, gifts are surprises that can be presented to your beloved boyfriend, man. Look and decide what suits you specifically for him.