Solemn speech witness at the wedding. Speech Moms of the bride. The best wedding toasts from a witness for newlyweds

Dear newlyweds! Today I fell a great honor to be a witness at your wedding. And I want to wish you from all my heart, so that the honeymoon will drag on for many years so that the groom become a real head of the family, and the bride is a wise and caring wife. Let your house will be heard in your house a son's son and sweethearts. Swim the fire of his love throughout life. Take care of each other, respect, support. Happiness to you. Bitterly!

I witness your native
Congratulations on your soul
Accept congratulations
With a young wedding
How your witness wish:
Always always be addressed to each other
Never be offended
Appreciate your own, only forever,
And do not forget ever
Weddings day,
He is impeccable for you,
Will always!

Today we celebrate an incredibly significant event, the wedding of a wonderful pair! As the witness of this wonderful event, I want to sincerely wish love - a huge, road - clean, loyalty - eternal! Reciprocity, care for each other, heat! Let your hearts are filled with trepidation, attention, understanding, tenderness, caress and support! You found each other! Let your joint life brings pleasure. Happiness your family!

I congratulate you on the wedding officially
After all, I witness, as in any way.
For you always let the happiness be relevant,
Let the sea surround the sea of \u200b\u200bdifferent goods.

I wish you to love each other,
Do not quarrel in life never.
So as not to find wonderful wife, spouse,
What your wonderful family.

In a wonderful day, we will witness the reunification of a couple of loving hearts. At the same time, maintain and rejoice at young people are our sacred and very pleasant debt, which will gladly fulfill each of us, witnesses on this wonderful and magical wedding.

From a witness, take
Wished for forces and benefits
I put my signature,
Fixed your marriage!

Be happy, native,
Your union will be strong
Wish you a lot of happiness
I'm not poured now.

Let Mendelssohn Marsh sound
First of the Wedding Day I will congratulate me!
Let your ship be sure,
Reefs and mongs bypassing.

I wish the family to be strong,
And your love flamed Kostroma,
Did not burn down, no one burned
And became a family hearth!

I testify to me, squinting the eyes,
That your union is beautiful as a diamond.
I as a witness to the question I give an answer,
And I say that there is no more beautiful pair!

I wish you happiness to you and long-to-years,
Let life go without fuss and trouble!
With the consent of life, keep the way,
And the kids will give birth to a lot!

Today I congratulate you:
You have become my husband and wife.
I wish to live in love with all my heart
Walk in life nearby, hand with hand.

Let your home be full of cheerful laughter,
You will live in golden wedding.
And nothing will be a hindrance.
And gifted by the love of Saint.

I have not seen anyone more beautiful than your pair
And I wish so that it was always.
Let them pursue you
And it will not come to your house trouble.

I want to congratulate you
In this sweetest hour
Wish love to the coffin
To happiness live both!

So that love has been kept,
So that always lived in sufficiency
To kids born,
Grandchildren together waited!

And also not walked,
Loyalty clearly observed
In this wedding day
Very bitter congratulations!

How long have you been the bride and groom?
Today in the morning! What now?
Already newlyweds. Out of space
Unbelief free. Opened you door

In the world of happiness of the family and for you new,
Behind her, the road is long in life,
One for two, let it be smooth,
But there will be bumps that only hold on!

But this is normal, always it happens
Gives tests to all of us fate
You do not forget the most important thing
That our life is also a struggle.

I wish you to be supporting for each other,
Love, respect and understand everything,
Together to solve without conflicts and disputes,
Attention, caressing, good to surround.

Witnesses at the wedding are the second most important people after the bride and groom. It is from their rear, the degree of liberty and a sparkling sense of humor depends on the general mood of the public. Therefore, it is so important that the toasts of witnesses for the wedding were full of good words and funny jokes. Then listen to even a long story or poem will be exciting for everyone.

Toasts for a wedding from friends, including a witness and witness, can be built in various shapes. The original versions can be:

- Theatrical sketch

For example, a toast evidence at a wedding can be playing any case from life. To do this, it is necessary to find a wise parable, recycle and adapt its text for a mini-scenario, and then play it perfectly for young and all those present. Moral Proverbs, spoken at the end of the scene, and will be a bright and enchanting toast, which for a long time will quote friends and relatives.

- Song

If the witness has a good musical hearing and voice, he can safely please the bride and the bride with his unforgettable melodic composition. Toasts for a wedding from a witness, performed in the form of a rhymed song, will be a bright and original event against the background of the monotonous speeches of most guests.

- clip on the projector, cooked and mounted in advance

The video order may consist of photos collected for all the time of friendship with a young family. Interlacing with signatures and wishes, the photo followed each other under the familiar musical composition. The clip will be not only an elegant expression of feelings, but also a memorable gift for many years.

If you do not have the opportunity or not enough time to prepare, you can always take advantage of the other authors of witnesses to the wedding.

Toast No. 1.

Let each of this oath do not break
What to remember the wedding two rings.
Single let your souls become
And in unison the hearts are heard!
All days, let yours be blessed,
So that his happiness was built, and alien not to steal,
And your thoughts are clean, recognizing frankly:
They agreed - forever, so love to move!
Do not pick up now weighing and shorter words
What generously wish: advice to you yes love!

Toast number 2.

It is said that metals rust if they do not care for them as it should. But some alloys are eternal. And to get them, connect the inexhaustible bowl of iron patience of the spouse with the golden character of his wife. So let's drink for precious newlyweds and their future well-being!

Toast number 3.

Divo wonderful, miracle wonderful,
Their feeling is strong and mutual.
Guests, parents, girlfriends, friends -
All gathered here to drink for:
Love endless, happiness careless,
The eyes sparkling, clear and for kids beautiful!
For young and their happiness for many years!

Toast number 4.

It is necessary to live fun and friendly
You can argue if necessary
And even if it's very tight -
Remember: You can not live without a friend!
It is impossible to be sad
So we all cry: "Gorky!"

Toast number 5.

He lived on the light of one wise old man who knew everything in the world about the universe. He was omniscient and knew how much water in the ocean, how many stars in the sky. And once a young couple of lovers decided to spend the sage, proving him that it is impossible to know everything about everything.

They caught a fluttering snow-white butterfly. And hid it in the palms. They thought to ask the sage, what exactly they hide in their hands. And, of course, knowing the answer, he will say: "Butterfly". Then they will ask him: she is living or dead? At that moment, when the elder responds - alive, they quickly squeeze their hands, and the butterfly will die. And if he says - dead, then young gently release it.

They came to the sage and asked him the question: "What about our hands?" The elder says: "Butterfly". - "And she is dead or live?" "What, thinking, wise old man said:" And this is already in your hands. "

I want to wish our newlyweds so that they do not forget that their happiness is in their hands. Take care of your love and be happy!

A good speech speech at the wedding should be with humor, brief and concise, not intrusive, but at the same time thought out to the smallest and details. What do you usually say witnesses at the wedding? Witnesses at the wedding helps young. Witnesses at the wedding are also required to say beautiful toasts and wishes, and most importantly, at any moment they should replace Tamada, if something goes wrong. So, the role of witnesses at the wedding is very responsible.

What should say witnesses at the wedding?

  1. Congratulations to young. Naturally, it is from the face of witnesses, like the best friends of young, should come from bright, beautiful, unforgettable greetings that can please all others. And therefore, congratulations should be thought out in advance so that at the most responsible moment you have no difficulty with the implementation of the intended goal;
  2. Naturally, you need to learn several toasts that will impress the solemnity of the moment. On the Internet, you can find a lot of interesting toasts, we suggest you choose similar toasts: "Happiness is not in happiness, but in the way of its achievement. I happily see that today you have risen another step on the stairs leading to happiness! Good luck on this life path! "

How to make a speech correctly?

Speech should be interesting, necessarily concise, but at the same time with the highlight of humor, etc. How to properly prepare it?
  1. You must understand that the most important thing is the beginning, you must intrigue, hit the peculiar, light humor. At the same time, consider that at the wedding there are people of different ages, therefore, humor should not be too confused, that is, the feature of the decency does not cost any way;
  2. The main and main idea of \u200b\u200byour speech is the comparability of the pair, a description of the special aspects of the love of young, you must indicate how beautiful young fit each other, that they are simply created by the highest forces to create a family. Love is the main force that can overcome all adversity;
  3. Try to improvise. The fact is that all speeches and toasts that you can find on the Internet are regularly used at wedding events, and not to repeat, but to surprise the young something unique, you will certainly need to work on your speech on your own. You can take some kind of basis, and modify it in such a way that it becomes unique.
Many people suggest that bright quotes and statements of famous authors can be used. It will be very impressive. But, do not forget that sincere and mental words are waiting for this delightful day. Therefore, it is best to say in your own words, and believe me, it will bring more joy than the brightest phrases, which are practically at all weddings.

Speech Plan Design

  1. At the beginning of the speech, it can be said that you are not a speaker, however, this great love awakens Muse Amur in you, and such feelings that cannot be expressed in your soul, but you will still try. Very spectacular beginning;
  2. Next, definitely tell about the bride and groom. Tell me about what they can not be impressed by each other, perhaps remember interesting facts from the history of their meetings. Immediately you can use light humor;
  3. The traditional ending of such a speech will raise a toast, and in this case you should contact directly to a pair, with warm words of wishes for further, successful and happy family life.
Such a performance plan will help you to create your congratulation, which will be said sincerely and from the soul, and which will certainly touch all those present at the wedding.

One of the most memorable congratulations for newlyweds at the wedding should be what the witness will say. After all, she will be paid at this celebration almost as much attention as the bride itself. Congratulate young girl can be several known ways.

Standard Congratulations in Prose

This option is considered classic. It can also be used in quality. When drawing up such speech it should be considered such a factor as the presence of a sense of humor in newlyweds. The witness must be confident that her jokes used in congratulations will also come to the culprits of the celebration, and their guests are like.

You can create a classic congratulatory speech. To do this, it should be aware that it should be from joining the main part that contains wishes, and a logically completed ending.

Here are some options for texts from the evidence of this type:

First option

Dear "name of the bride" and "the name of the groom"! Today is a very touching and exciting day. Day when you created a strong and reliable union! I, on the rights of the witness of this event, I want to join the congratulations that have already been sounded here today, and sincerely wish you to bring your love through all the adversity and difficulties. After all, it is no secret that there will be a lot of life on any life path. Love and take care of each other, do not get sort of trifles and, if possible, inferior to each other. Peace, Good and Love to you! Bitterly!

Second option

More recently, I, as now, remember that day when you just met. I really liked how you tremble and gently you began to treat each other from the very first days. About love then it was early; It seemed to me that mutual sympathy would be combined. Today I am a witness at your wedding. I am very glad that a strong and strong feeling was originated in my eyes. Keep your love and always be together: And in Mount, and in joy. Let your whole life be sweet, but for now - the bitterly young!

Third option

My friends, how glad I am attended at your wedding, especially as a witness! Today your family was born. I hope that this is not just a word for you, and you understand how important it is to take care and protect each other from all the troubles and adversity. Keep your family, which will eventually become at least a couple of small little men more, take care of each other, provide signs of attention and love! I sincerely wish you to live together a lot of happy years! Bitterly!

Congratulations to the best girlfriend of the bride in verse

Everyone knows that the poetic speech is perceived by hearing much better prosaic. It is soft, melodic and can pronounce Narasphev. Create poems for the newlyweds will independently be able not every witness. This task is forces only by the real master of the artistic word, which is fond of poetry. Upset about this is not worth it because you can take ready-made congratulations in verses and read it young at the wedding. Remember that such a text is better to learn by heart or write to a beautiful postcard to congratulate the bride and the bride clearly and clearly, and not coming down, trying to find a replacement for one or another. Here are some options for congratulations for newlyweds from the witness in verses:

There are my friends, in the light of wonders:

The family today created - thanks to the Heaven!

Do you love each other and do not hurt,

You are in joy and in the mountain native stay!

And faith do not lose in love wonderful power,

Let the groom be cute, well, and the bride is cute!

And I want to congratulate you with a wedding and only

And together with the rest of you, I "bitter!"

Beautiful, strong your union, friends, protect.

Anticipate gossip and adversities do not let each other.

Today, my husband and wife you finally became

And let them bypass the side of you different sorrow!

Being your evidence and honorable, and nice!

Look at the bride - good incredible!

She is not inferior to her

Won as muscles playing.

I congratulate you, relatives, and I wish from the soul,

To your kids, too, are so good!

Funny congratulations on the witness at the wedding

If the witness wants to stand out from the crowd of guests, which will certainly use for congratulations of young template toasts and poems from the postcards purchased on the eve of the day before, it can use cool ironic speech. What is important to consider when choosing or independent compilation:

Funny congratulations for newlyweds can be in prose. Here are some of their options:

Option 1

My dear friend! I have sincerely hurried to congratulate you and teach a few lessons of everyday wisdom. The husband did not want to watch the film with you and plays the computer. Go to the entrance and turn off the electricity - there will be a reason to spend a romantic evening with candlelight! Scatters socks around the apartment - pour them on top of a borsch. Doesn't you want to visit mom? Invite her together with sisters and grandmother - let it rate the scale of the real tragedy! And you, the groom, also keep up with your beloved! Wife does not allow football? Invite friends with whom I was going to go, to yourself - arrange a sports bar in the apartment. Can not be fishing? Do not let her go with girlfriends shopping. Complains about the lack of attention? All day go for her on the heels and shower compliments. Jokes jokes, and in fact I wish you so that such situations in your life never arose! Let peace and mutual understanding reign in your family! Bitterly!

Option 2.

Dear newlyweds, my friends, I sincerely want to wish to multiply your wealth! No, no, I'm not talking about material values \u200b\u200b- apartments, cars, a two-chamber refrigerator - it's all the little things. I'm talking about your offspring. It is desirable that the kids are at least three. And better - more. Please give grandparents and raise the state on maternal capital! Funny congratulations on the witness can be in verses:

The role of the witness is important

I'm at the wedding - oh need!

We will bring young

And I have a hurry to congratulate them:

I wish to flourish,

Never lose heart

And soul do not hurt -

Only love and not get old!

How beautiful is our groom,

And the bride is good!

I have a hurry to congratulate them -

Requests this soul.

I wish them wealth

And patience of course

Do not grow old and smile

And do not change outwardly!

Original congratulations on the witness at the wedding

You can congratulate newlyweds with other original ways. The witness as a gift for the bride and groom can use the song. Do it recommended only girls possessing good vocal data. You can write a song yourself, for example, to remake on the wedding manner of any famous hit. And you can use the options for ready-made wedding songs. Here are their list:

  • "Ah this wedding";
  • "Wedding flowers";
  • "Bitterly";
  • "Weddings";
  • "Wedding Stories";
  • "Together and forever".

However, it is not necessary to use wedding songs. You can choose as a wedding congratulation a song about love.

  • "I love you to tears";
  • "For me there is no more beautiful";
  • "If I did not have you".

Another original version of the congratulations of the young is the dance that they can give a witness. In this case, you can also connect a witness. Congratulations to the newlyweds with such an excellent event like marriage, the witness must use as much warm and kind words as possible. After all, the best greeting is that it comes from the depths of the soul. The witness can tell the bride and the bride about how she appreciates friendship with them and how glad she was invited to the wedding precisely in such quality. You can also thank the parents of the newlyweds for growing and brought up such beautiful children. Surely it will be nice to hear it. The main thing - do not fear publicly pronounceAnd then the speech will be thoughtful, clear and remember both the culprits of the celebration, and the guests gathered at the wedding for a long time. Well, if the witness asks for a witness's wedding, and many more friends, then all of them will be able to "create" such an original congratulation - watch the video:\u003dFXUQNTCXSXA

I, the best girlfriend of the bride and the witness at your wedding, I want to congratulate you, newlyweds, with your marriage. I swear to invite you to your wedding. I solemnly promise to catch a wedding bouquet and get married for one year. I promise to come to visit you every four weeks. To bother with your stories about my adventures. And be the godfather your firstborn.

I congratulate you on the Wedding Day and sincerely I wish you to create a happy family, a strong cell of society! Love each other, surround the love of your children and spend every day so as not to forget to say gentle words and show gentle care! Let them always be warm, comfort and peace!

Newlyweds! I want to give you some applications indispensable in the family life! First, the groom should always please their wife with all sorts of trifles. And, as you know, baubles with big-big diamonds are considered the best trifles. The wife should get upset more, but only about the fact that the husband could not see his favorite football. Newlyweds are obliged to scream as often as possible, but only in bed! Appreciate, respember and indulge in each other!

I was lucky to see the real miracle - your wedding, because on her day your love sparkles like fireworks of genuine stones and it seems, the whole world has become lighter! I want to wish you to live for many years also happily and carelessly like today, knowing only love and calm, peace and tenderness!

In beautiful fairy tales, there is always a happy end in which it is necessarily said about the wedding feast and a long and happy collaborative life. I want to wish you, newlyweds so that your tale is still wonderful and prosperous than all those they write about in the books! Let the day of the wedding be the beginning of a new fabulous chapter in your life that you will read together!

From all my heart, I wish you to live in love for your love so that the harmony and joy surrounded you every moment. Let there be no problems in your young family of problems and there will be a laughter to sound children, and there will be a century a century. In such a significant and filled day, I wish you to swim in joy, fun and smiles. Let all in the family there will be everything as in a good fairy tale - the hut is full of cakes, a touch-name-self-banner, a wife, like Elena Revinde, and her husband, like Ivan Tsarevich! Keep the swan loyalty and drive with a snake-jealousy threshold!

I want to wish your family pair of loyalty. After all, that person who adheres to the principle of "free love", can not know true love, he has only emptiness and loneliness in his soul. So be sure to each other, appreciate and protect your sincere feelings to each other!

On the day of the wedding, I wish you, first of all that you need for a strong, friendly family, in which no day is a holiday! I wish you loyalty, tenderness, mutual understanding, passion and endless love! Let each of your business be completed, and the house in any weather remains cozy and warm!

Today, on the day of your wedding, I want to congratulate you especially beautiful ... Probably it will be fair to compare your love with a fruit tree, for which it is spring, the time of flowering. Take care of your love, and very soon it will give you the fruits of eternal happiness, a durable family and truly fabulous life!