© Tatiana Larina Training Center. Template Rip - Universal Reception

Template rupture is an unexpected word, phrase, action performed suddenly and unexpectedly for others.

Girl, give me a hamburger.
- With myself?
- Without you.

Template Template Technique

From Allinfo100.narod.ru.

This technique cannot be attributed to pure puberty, since it can be used without words. What are templates that we will collect. - It is the sequence of any actions, using the sequence of any actions, will come to automatibus.

  • pyquim, especially for the manball, when you see the pyky pyky, you enter into stepted behavior, and punch your own, pour it out on the spot and you want as far as templates.
  • the call of your phone calls the corresponding behavior pattern;
  • call input two;
  • fPA "How are the case" pushing the template "noctile".

Watch the same way and you will understand that the templates will be embedded in our lives much more often than it could be called. Communication in the team, which simply passed together for several months, venibly, half the templates. What tyt arouses about Sypyigi, which they picked up together for about ten years: everything is full, everything is foresight, almost everything is done and saying "on the machine." Templates, like all in human behavior, have their value. They are not enough in order to perform consciousness from the Pyatin Paboty. But in the templates there are a disadvantage, which can be used to use dashing. After trying to run the template on your initiative, the Y DPYGO is confused. If a dynamy is a template, and you are not ready for this, do not doubt the confusion of happant you. Stop your pyky on the floor of the pyatogy and you are on the face of a dpygoy man, what a confusion looks like. Pour the use of movements of the sequence to give you coffee, but do not even come to your guests, even if they are ten, and you are all of them in confusion.

This is a real story that happened to me at the time when I worked as a sales manager. Making an outgoing cold call. According to the algorithm, I specify whether the moment is convenient for the conversation, but instead of the usual phrase, for some reason I said differently. Instead, you are conveniently talking now? ", I asked:" You can talk now? ". Instead of the usual: "Yes, I can", I received a very unexpected answer: "Yes, I can from three years." Non-standard response, template break. I, of course, was confused, did not know how to react and in a state of stress (which is present during cold calls) was not oriented. Since then, I have decided not to experiment with the phrase regarding the convenience of the moment for the conversation ...

The warmly is ready for what we need it. After all, we are intezzing the confusion is not in itself, but as a force of targeting TPans. So, if you take anyone template and insert a certain command or a penny, a person who is confused, just to get out of this, as noticeable, the position will make what you are. An important point in working with confusion is the surprise, for the pave, of your actions. And it is not yet excluded that someone knowing it in porch it is with you. Well, y you have the opportunity to show the highest class, a person who wants to introduce you to confusion may not be ready for Ty that you will not enter it. The poetomy is visible to realizing that he is trying to push with you, make a POVO who expects from you and from this he himself falls into confusion, not knowing how to post-minute.

Movement of the TPANs and Cleverness of the Template.

We will write, after the end of the moves, you say to the opponenty: "Goodbye" and pink your pyky. At the moment when trying to buy a dpygoy man also for a pyquita, you run it for the wrist with your left pyk, and the text of the subject: "I am Vychy, that you fully agree and are ready for a track of Sothaja. ..." and get a pyquisy.

This technique cannot be attributed to a purely speech strategy, since it can be used without words. What are the templates that we are going to break? The template is the usual and automatically spent the sequence of any actions, such as a handshake, especially for men.

When you see your hand rising for a handshake, you enter stereotypical behavior and stretch your own. Try to keep it in place and you will learn how strong patterns are. The call of your phone, the call of the front door call the appropriate behavior pattern, the phrase "how things" causes the template "normal".

Watch for yourself and other people and you will understand that the templates are found in our lives much more often than it could be assumed. Communication in the team, which worked together for several months, probably half, consists of templates. What is already talking about the spouses who lived together ten years: everything is familiar, everything is predictable, almost everything is done and saying "on the machine." Templates, like all in human behavior, have their value. They are needed in order to unload consciousness from routine work.

But in the templates there are a disadvantage that can be skillfully used when trance hovering. The break, the interruption of the template on your initiative causes confusion from the other. If another interrupt pattern, and you are not ready for this, do not doubt: confusion is guaranteed to you. Stop your hand halfway to the handshake and you will see on the face of another person, what a confusion looks like. Ask for negotiations the secretary to bring you coffee, but do not offer it to your guests. Even if they are ten, and you are alone, they all fall into confusion.

Now it's time to figure out why we need it. After all, we are interested in confusion not by itself, but as a means of guiding the trance. So, if you interrupt any template and insert a certain team or a program in his middle, a person in confusion, just to get out of this extremely unpleasant position, will make what you ask.

An important point when working with confusion is the surprise for the partner of your actions. And it is possible that someone, knowing the Erickson hypnosis, will try to turn it with you. Well, you have the opportunity to show the highest class: a person who wants to introduce you to confusion may not be ready for the fact that you will not enter it. Therefore, in time to realize that he is trying to do with you, make exactly the opposite of what is expected of you, and from this he himself falls into confusion, not knowing how to do next.

Let us give an example of transe and suggestion through the template break.

You, let's say, after the end of the negotiations, tell your opponent "goodbye" and stretch your right hand. At the moment when the right hand is a person's right hand stretches for a handshake, you take her for the wrist with your left hand I say the text of the suggestion: "I see that you fully agree and are ready for the next step of cooperation," and complete a handshake.

It is said that there are no hypnabelle people (inappropriate hypnosis and Suggesia / suggestion), and there are only people who have a different degree of resistance to hypnotic exposure.

It seems that this is true!

Trans (hypnosis) in the broad sense of the word is the usual matter.

Remember whether you have that:

You read the book. Did you read the page and catch yourself at the thought that I don't remember anything about anything. ... and start re-reading the page again.

You focused working for some time on the computer and when finished, leaning back on the back of the chair. Translated a view from the monitor to the window and ... "hung. Only when someone called you or rang the phone, you blinked and returned to reality again.

You stopped the route taxi. Got at the window. And from nothing to do you consider everything that happens outside the window. Initially, the details were considered (individual pedestrians, car models, shop windows, etc.). And then all this becomes some kind of vague background. Your thoughts take you somewhere far away. And only in a few minutes (or seconds) before your stop, you suddenly discovered that they arrived !!!

Amended state of consciousness

Transit or hypnotic states are needed in order to unload consciousness from accumulated conscious information or quickly adapt to the changed conditions in the context (unexpected squealing of the car brakes, the explosion of the Petarda is behind you ...)

At such moments, information from our consciousness moves to our unconscious (subconscious). And as soon as the information fell into the subconscious - she immediately became our reality!

The unconscious (subconscious) - we know negatively little, and it is 98% determines all our actions, internal thoughts, sympathy, health, our future and, ultimately, our fate ...

People fascinate (hypnotize) landscapes, sounds, smells, etc. As well as other people.

From this point of view, our whole life is an illusion or solid hypnotic sleep.

Stereotypical behavior

Not only because due to the changed state of consciousness (trans), we create in our head the illusion of reality. So we still have stereotypical thinking and behavior patterns.

These are familiar and exhaust to the automatism of a sequence of any action. Templates, like all in human behavior, have their value. Creating a template is a very useful brain property. Creating and acting according to the template, we release consciousness from analysis and decision making on many different routine actions. Templates There are both individual and society (in society) - universal.

For example, a handshake (especially in men). Dear men, if it is pretty thinking and analyzing, as we greet with men familiar to us, you can pay attention to that our handshakes with different people are different. That is, it is very similar, but everything is different!

On the other hand, when you see your hand-up for a handshake, you reproduce (completely unconsciously) stereotypical behavior, and stretch your own. Try to keep it on the spot, and you will learn how strong the unconscious strategies are.

The call of your phone (or input door) causes the corresponding behavior pattern, the phrase facing you: "How are you?" - Clause automatic (template): "Good!" Or "normal!"

Watch for yourself and other people, and you will understand that the templates are found in our lives much more often than it could be assumed.

In templates there are another side that can be skillfully used. The break (interrupt) of the template - causes confusion. In other words - trance! If stereotypical behavior is interrupted on your initiative, then confusion is caused by another person. If another interrupt pattern, and you are not ready for this, do not doubt - confusion is guaranteed to you.


It is said that there are no hypnabelle (inappreciation of hypnosis and Suggestion / suggestion), and there are only people who have a different degree of resistance to hypnotic exposure.

It seems that this is true!

Virtually any influence on a person can be considered as learning. Learning to behave in a certain way, learning to think, learning to choose a certain product or a candidate ...

A person is typical of learning. It is this feature that distinguishes us from animals.
We are reasonable people (Lat. Homo Sapiens)!

And this particular feature is used to influence people. The most effective impact is considered to be hypnosis.
At various times, various hypnotic schools were created and improved in different countries.

To date, there is a "direct hypnosis", "not classic", "neoclassical", "Erickson", "Gypsy" and many others ... There are many names, and, in general, the case is not in them. Business in the structure!

Absolutely in all hypnotic methods of human impact on a person - a changed state of consciousness is used (trance). And it is in this state that Suggestia arises in speech. That is, our speech becomes suggestion. In various hypnotic schools, a different persistent approach is used: somewhere short policymakers, somewhere indirect suggestion ...

In any case, in a trance (hypnotic) condition, a person appears an increased suggestibility.

Trans and "Template Rip"

Like everything in this world, trance states (hypnosis) and human behavior patterns can be used both in good and to harm.

Effectively combining with the consciousness and unconscious any person can actually manage it. And in this case, this is not a metaphor!

A good suggestion is perceived by man as his own thoughts. It does not meet conscious resistance and, leaving the unconscious (subconscious) to become an "objective" reality for a person.

It is impossible to resist what you do not know what it happens!

An important point when working with confusion is the surprise (for an opponent) of your actions.

If you break any template (stereotypical behavior) and insert a certain team or suggestion in its middle, then a person who is confused (trans) will take it as its own thoughts or as an instruction to action.

Often it is not recommended to use this technique, since a person may have suspicions that whenever he meets with you, there is something strange ... a person who constantly breaks the pattern, we usually call "inadequate."

Examples of trance guidance and suggestion through the template break


After the end of the conversation, you say the interlocutor: and stretch your right hand. He stretches his right hand for a handshake. You start making a handshake (template).

At the moment when the handshake had to end, you take his right hand for the wrist with your left hand and say the text of the suggestion:

"I see that you fully agree and are ready to fulfill my request."

A good suggestion is perceived by man as his own thoughts. It does not meet conscious resistance and, leaving the unconscious (subconscious) to become an "objective" reality for a person.

Let's release his wrist and complete a handshake.

You eat in the car with your familiar to visit to the girls. Your friend is experiencing increased excitement, since the experience of communicating with girls is not enough. During the next magnitude, the car "enters" a little and he goes for some time by the UZ.

Your friend is instantly strained and concentrates looks out the window. And at this time you, turning my head to him, say the following suggestion:

"You are bold and decisive!
You have everything you get !!! "

Do I need to say that the "drift" of the car did you do specially?

During a conversation with his friend (you need to know a person well), they quickly say to him such a phrase:

"You have more!"

And while he froze with big eyes and open mouth, you say the following suggestion:

"Smile !!!"

As soon as your friend gets around, he will certainly begin to tell you that he has ... And the normal ... Smiling to him explain that he didn't really hear you. After all, you told him:

"You have experience more!"

After he fell wild laughter, praise myself. After all, you made you !!!

How to master the "Template break"

Manipulations are one of the strongest leading methods on extreme negotiations. To counteract the manipulations there are many good methods, but one of my favorite is encodes.

Encode is an unexpected ambiguous statement based on the use of speech cliché. Encode always has a hidden content. The main goal of the Encode is to introduce your opponent into a state of discourability. In NLP, there is such a methodology called "template breaking" - when you break the script and literally enter the opponent in a stupor. Encodes are the same - the opponent does not understand what is happening now, and you need it. Because only after you broke the script, you can continue the constructive negotiations or get out of the negotiations.

Encodes are constructed in such a way that, on the one hand, reflect test torpedoes and manipulations, and on the other, it is beautiful, not going beyond the "war". Most often, encodes are reduced to humor.

The progenitor of encodes was the famous scientist Vadim Petrovsky. True, he did not consider encodes from the point of view of negotiations. When I met his works, I realized that this was the most powerful tool for the negotiators.

Let's check on specific examples. The situation in which we all get constantly: we come to negotiations, the opponent looks at us, and says: "You have 10 minutes, I have a hurry." This is nothing more than manipulation. Let's think about what he does? What does he want to get? The opponent understands that the conditions of temporary restriction, I begin to filter all the secondary information and will begin to issue only the most important thing. By and large, I will begin to merge all the trumps. And after 10 minutes will leave the right to choose. This is his script. This is extreme negotiations.

What epode can be broken by his script?

- You have 10 minutes, I am very hurry.

I still intend to hold out 30 minutes, even if my life will be silently ends on it.

Everyone, you brought on humor, you have two contexts in this encode and you said it clearly: "Not plunging."

Sometimes encodes are tough, but there are no situations when without hard henxoda cannot do.

One of my favorite encodes - "Could you draw such a picture: Lukomorye, green oak, you are sitting on it, and I spit on everyone from the height".

Or here is still from "tiny": "You never dreamed that you come half-lit, and everyone laughs over you?". What is the ENCode? He says: Buddy, you can make whatever you want, but you are funny.

I love ENCode very much: "Good joke, I will buy her for a dollar". I use it when I understand what is trying to manipulate me. Or I make honest eyes and say: "What you do now is really working, I myself use it".

A few more examples from my personal Handbook of Encodes:

"The future father should not have such thoughts!"

"Do you have a monopoly on the truth?"

"Any problem is disguised luck"

"Punch is a blow, you should not save power"

"And you call respect from half a turn"

"What are you playing?"

"Do you want from the very beginning to confirm my worst suspicions?"

This welcome is quite simple and works well, its actively practitioners. It is based on the basic principles of the human brain and therefore applies to all people. Today we'll talk about the template break.

What is a person's behavior pattern

The human behavior pattern is the unconscious actions of a person in certain life situations. Templates are formed throughout the human life, they are often characterized in biology as conditional reflexes. They are needed to unload consciousness for more nontrivial tasks. The main driving force of the formation of templates is the environment of a person. As a rule, a person takes society patterns in which it is located.

One of the simplest examples of various templates. In villages and small towns, people greet each other even if they are not familiar with the man. In cities, on the contrary, sometimes even seeing the person with whom you did not communicate for several years you will not say hello.

Here are some simple examples of templates: if you stretch your hand, you pull your own in response; To the question of how you are answering "normally"; If you helped you say "Thank you", if you scribbled, then you either answer the same one or leaving. All these actions are performed almost on full automation. You do not think to give a hand or not, you stretch it even if you do not know a person.

What is important to know about templates? First of all, the fact that they are absolutely in all people. Their formation is the inevitable result in the process of obtaining life experience. Patterns of most people are very similar and easily predicted. The template is formed and changing by society.

What is the rupture of the template

Template rupture is non-standard actions instead of template. Template break is when you do something completely unexpected. The absolute majority of people from such actions enters the stupor. The brain simply does not have time to switch, in his arsenal is not templates for this case, and it hangs. At this moment, the person is easy to manage and extremely defenseless before manipulation. All that is required, in the time of confusion to insert the command. The man in order to get out of this position will be ready to fulfill this team without thinking.

Template break in sales

The seller must know a very important thing about buyers and itself - both the seller and the client usually act pattern. Visit to the store is the vital necessity is almost the same as tying shoelaces. This process turns into a template. For instance. You go to the supermarket and go usually on a familiar route, you know where it lies and in general everything is well acquainted. Perhaps many of you were in a situation where you came to a familiar supermarket go through a familiar route, and suddenly discover that in place where the bread always lay, now sell sausage. Agree that you are confrontation, most likely you will not immediately understand that the department moved and you just need to find where it is now. At this moment, if a promoter is suitable for you and suggest sausage or bread, he will be able to take possession of your attention.