What is the power of a happy family? Or how to build a strong marriage? How to create a nice family

Happy family Contrary to all tests.

For the first couple of years after marriage, the spouses are experiencing passion, love, desire to each other. However, after some time, especially after the birth of long-awaited children, these feelings are cooled. Some couples simply close their eyes and try to sail downstream, others do not like such a prospect of relationships. And if some are trying to return family happiness and harmony into their home, others simply lower their arms and bred. But is it worth going to such cardinal measures? Is it no easier to take a little prudence, and instead of finding a new partner, try to save the marriage, returning idyll in your, such a native, family?

What or who interferes with family happiness?

Such questions are interested not only by married couples, but also researchers, psychologists. According to the second, family happiness bother not only life, work or postpartum depression of women, but those surrounding, and often close and native people. So, consider the main factors that can affect the family happiness of the pairs.

Life, work, children

Permanent employment, routine, monotony is able to destroy even the strongest relationships. And it actually acts on both men and women. Thus, the head of the family day disappears at work, in order to ensure their family with everything necessary. Sooner or later, such a workload exhausts psychologically. Hence the breakdown, bad mood, reluctance to do anything, apathy, depression due to constant stress. And imagine the situation if the husband comes home after a difficult labor day, and his wife begins to "cut", they say, he returned late, did not carry a garbage, did not fix the crane, etc. It is worth remembering that for men the house is a fortress where he should feel necessary, beloved. After all, men are like children: they also need attention and love, understanding and care. Without this, happy relationships do not build.

As for women, the picture does not look easier here: everything is being kept on their fragile shoulders - a house, children, and sometimes the material well-being of the family. It is believed that women are stronger than men psychologically. However, and they over time they sit "batteries", and then this mad hurricane stop very difficult. Imagine for a moment: a woman is breaking daily between screaming children, requiring attention, food, drinking, games, etc., washing, ironing, cleaning, cooking, and other "female" duties. By evening, when there is no strength at all, she has one desire - to relax peacefully, sleep. But the sullen tired husband comes home and starts to criticize: then the soup did not sleep like that, then the shirt is not divided, then the toys are not collected. And many and generally reproach that the spouse is sitting at home, and does nothing. And if someone was thinking about, where did the cooked lunch or dinner on the stove? Who strokes and rovely folds underwear on the cabinet shelves? Why dirty utensil does not support the hussak of the crane, and beautifully placed in its place? And how many times a day you need to walk with a vacuum cleaner, removing the consequences of the kids games? But on all this is a mass of time and strength, not so much physical as moral.

Of all the above, the only conclusion follows: both spouses are tired equally (of course, provided that everyone is busy fully). Therefore, to reproach someone in the idleness stupid. Show an understanding, try to help each other, interest your halves. Be careful and perhaps less demanding, because we sometimes wish from our beloved (beloved) difficult or impossible or not at all, which leads to conflict situations, offended. Resting together: walk the whole family, having fun, stay alone, sending children to grandparents, arrange romantic evenings, make small surprises. It is quite simple, but such actions will help to preserve family relationships at the romantic stage they were before marriage or immediately after it. It is equally important to believe and trust your partner. Respect him / her. It is these feelings that are the basis of a happy marriage.

Parents of spouses

On the relationship of spouses with their parents can be said forever. One is lucky with them, not very different. What does "luck" or not? In the first case, mother-in-law and mother-in-law (respectively, tested and swelling) in the relationship of the newlyweds do not climb - and this is the correct position according to many married couples. Yes, they can sometimes give a good advice, and young will definitely take into account him. But it happens infrequently and, most importantly, unobtrusively.

In the second case, "not lucky" is total control by parents for young. No step of spouses remain unnoticed. All actions that relate to life, raising children, cooking food and even relationships between young people are carefully monitored and adjusted to their own legs of the mother-in-law and mother-in-law (as a rule, fathers in such intrigues are not involved). What happens in a young family? Full break, scandals, tears, divorce. None of the spouses withstand such an onslaught is not able. When the family collapses the fault of the parents, young people convince that they simply did not fit each other, although in fact it was the parents who had made efforts to rupture once a happy family.

Is it possible to get rid of total parental control? It is possible, but you need to show a hardness of character, stock patience. Try to explain the mother-in-law / mother-in-law that you are adults and independent people that your family is your family, and you are responsible for it, and you know how to act in one situation or another. Of course, the help of parents should not be refused if you really need it. To limit the communication of their children with parents, too, it is also not worth it - it will aggravate the situation, a new conflict will appear, and much more serious. And remember, if you decide to declare your own independence, then for each your action you are now responsible for yourself.

Sisters and spouse brothers

We may not even suspect that our younger brothers or sisters can be destroyed by our marriage. It would seem that the usual guardianship does not bring any harm over them. But when these related relationships are becoming in tightness, measures should be taken, otherwise the ideal family relationships burst like a soap bubble.

What to do? Come up with a brother / sister's occupation, which will distract him / her from your relationship. Is he / she constantly asks for money? Help find a decent and interesting job. Are you staying at home late, having preventing you with each other alone? Give a dog or another animal - now he / her will do something in his free time. Another option is to give birth to a child, then the problem with an obsessive relative will decide by itself.

Friends and comrades

Rest and discharge are needed by both spouses. And friends in this matter are the main assistants. But not always the spouse or spouse take friends of their half. Her husbands are not satisfied with too frank or frank girlfriends wives, and wives are rude or too unleashed her husband's friends. Often friends and comrades take a lot of time from married couples: the wife with her friend disappears in cafes or shops, then the husband leaves for all weekends to hunt or fishing. But ideally, the spouses should be held together, in order to keep the invisible connection, which reunited them once.

Of course, you need to relax spouses even from each other. But this should not be done as often as it usually happens. Yet family, children and beloved people should remain in priority.

Hobbies and hobbies

Today, many men (and some women too) are fond of computer games. Sometimes such a passion turns into a real game dependence. Such a person is nothing more interesting: neither family nor work or communication in reality. Virtual world for him everything: and wife, and children, and parents.

If a dependent person cannot overcome his passion for games or other classes to which he belongs with great fanaticism, marriage is doomed to failure. What can be done? The very first thing is to talk with him pursuit, looking into the eyes, without reproaches, shouts, insults. Let me understand that he is dear to you, like a relationship with him. Help to overcome this dependence, because together to fight easier than to cope with problems alone. Give a chance and you will be able to save happiness in your family, let it be very difficult to do it.

If the passion disappeared ...

Many factors affect the relationship of spouses. And if earlier than the touches of the second half caused delight, the storm of emotions, and now you only feel irritation, we can say that the passion left your relationship. Is it possible to return it? Psychologists are sure that you can. But why passion leaves relationships? There are several reasons for this:

  1. Lack of romance. Often, the spouses become boring, forget to pamper each other with gifts, do surprises, and a cheerful rest or walk in the park prefer to watch TV or gathering at a computer.
  2. The accumulation of offense and claims to each other. Often, in a gust of anger, the spouse talk to each other nasty, which are difficult to forget. Is it better to solve conflict on calm colors, coming to a common consensus that will satisfy both?
  3. Banal habit. When the feeling of novelty disappears, the relationship becomes ordinary, boring. Non-spouses begin to annoy each other, and soon hate. It is almost impossible to correct this situation.

In order not to destroy family relationships, it is finally necessary to adhere to certain rules that psychologists advise. But be prepared for the fact that you will need a lot of effort and patience.

Using these tips in the complex, you can achieve in relationships with your partner of harmony, brightness and reciprocity.

Secrets of happy family life

Even contrary to the sad statistics of divorces, you can save your own family, but it will be necessary to make a lot of effort. The main thing is to follow the advice of psychologists, and then the long-happing family life is provided to you.

  1. Be emotionally responsive and available. Always spoke to the requests of your partner, do not blame, do not close, do not rine. Be helper, like-minded, support, adviser. Emotional responsiveness and accessibility in the marital pair should be mutual.
  2. Take the differences in the partner and see it real. Many love is associated with a similarity. There is a feeling that partners think the same, feel the same thing, they say similar things, but it creates only the illusion of unity, proximity and safety. In such respects, any disagreement or dissimilarity perceived painfully. Any distinction partners must accept and respect how proper. Consider these differences, and learn to take a person as it is. Only then will harmony come in relations.
  3. Detect to cooperate and come to the consent. Help each other, respond to requests positively, discuss plans for the future together, look for compromises. If controversial moments arise, do not be afraid to discuss them and express their own opinion - this will help in the end to come to a general decision. And if you agreed on something, observe these arrangements.
  4. Do not interfere, but facilitate the self-development of your partner. Interaction is the success of marriage. Happy spouses are those partners who were generally able to achieve certain success, which would not succeed alone.
  5. Believe to many things easily and with humor. Life is short, and you should not spend it on quarrels, ridiculous clarification of relationships, inconsideration, stupid accusations. If some kind of frivolous confusion happened - put everything in a joke, dare, distracted. After all, pleasant emotions and laughter quickly discharge the situation, destroy the negative, set up on a positive wave.
  6. Properly organize life. Home duties can be divided into all family members, and how you will do it - your business. The main thing is that in the future everyone answered for his zone without turning his duties to another. Of course, you can help close, and even need, but do not consider your merits before everyone, take it as a voluntary contribution to family comfort and comfort.

How to make a happy family - this question becomes in front of many spouses in the process of finding family harmony. Family is a cell of social society. People who marry must be aware of the seriousness of their intentions. What is life in a happy family? Find answers to these questions we will try in this article.

Happy family - purpose in the life of many people

Family is the warmth and comfort of the hearth, which heats in everyday life. You can become truly happy if you find people with whom it is nice to divide positive emotions.

People meet, fall in love and decide to live together. But you need to treat relationships seriously, so as not to destroy everything in a moment. In a happy family, people understand each other with a half-clow, and also do not refuse a joint pastime.

What is a strong happy family

In fact, the attitude that is considered happy, everyone understands in different ways. For someone, this is love, for someone money, and for someone - many children. Unfortunately, some spouses see happiness in free relationships.

Family comfort, good and love - what could be more expensive

It is impossible to say unequivocally, which is happiness. But the strong family should stand for each other. All her members are cooled and friendly. There is no quarrels and conflicts in a strong family. People try to spend all their free time together, which makes their relationship with warm and friendly.

Rules of happy families

If you do not know how to create a happy family, take into account some important rules. Thanks to ordinary tips, you can enjoy harmony and comfort in the house:

  • chat more - it is impossible to make a relation to strong without constant communication. Going in the evenings at the table to drink tea and discuss how your day went. Integet to the affairs of your children, ask your spouse how a working day went, share your experiences;
  • the law of compliance - you must carefully take the choice of your second half. Love will not order, but your interests and life looks should coincide. If you find that your characters do not coincide, learn how to humble. Only in this case, conflicts and quarrels can be avoided;
  • development - If you think how to build a happy family, do not forget to constantly develop. Do not sit at home after the birth of a child or clogged in yourself against a strong stress. Remember that a person must be self-improvement. You can find new faces for entertainment, as well as talk about serious topics, understanding each other.

It should be understood that relations are the work and work of its participants.

Secrets of happy family

There are certain secrets that will allow you to make your family happy. They are so simple and affordable that you will not come across problems:

  1. show your love without hiding your true feelings;
  2. sit down to lunch or dinner with the whole family, if there is such an opportunity;
  3. create your own family traditions that will allow you to become friendly and cohesive;
  4. take guests to expand the circle of communication and your interests;
  5. domestic things together to feel the support and help of loved ones;
  6. tell children about the history of creating your family;
  7. get a pet that will develop responsibility and care in all family members;
  8. respect your loved ones, because they are personalities;
  9. be punctual to be close to feel their significance;
  10. always take care of those who surround you, because this is the first sign of happiness.

Only a complete understanding of the feelings and desires of partners will create harmony

These are the main secrets of a happy family that will help you achieve the desired result. You can enjoy harmony, which gives the feeling of comfort.

How to create a happy marriage

Understanding is a strong base of happy relationships.

If you are looking for an answer to the question of how to create a happy marriage, then it is worth remembering that everything comes with time. A truly happy family becomes after a while.

So that everyone felt comfortable and cozy, learn to show your care. Show members to all relatives, how much you love them. In any situation, support them so that they feel necessary.

It should be taken into account that the concept of happiness in women and men is different

Spend your free time together. On the weekend, choose the city or enjoy your favorite games at home. It strengthens relationships, allowing each person to feel beloved.

How to make a husband happy in marriage

If you do not know how to make a husband happy in marriage, take into account some tips. They will help to enjoy the good mood of the spouse:

  • the woman should be devoteed and faithful, because the treason can forever turn a good attitude towards you;
  • learn to be a good mistress, because homemade comfort creates a woman;
  • surprise the spouse with delicious dishes, even if they are cooked from simple ingredients;
  • maintain order in the house, because Bardak can ruin even the most wonderful mood;
  • if the spouse came tired or upset from work, listen to it and support what you can;
  • try to get up in the morning early to make a delicious breakfast for her husband;
  • follow your appearance even at home, because to appear in front of the spouse in a lean dressing robe and shabby slippers unacceptable;
  • try to keep track of your weight, because life after marriage is relaxing many women;
  • never scold and do not discuss your husband for eyes, even with your best friends;
  • try to get rid of bad habits, because a man wants to see a real woman next to him.

To follow these advice is extremely simple, in which you can make sure. As a result, your feelings will be strong, so the spouse will never go to the side. "

How to make a woman happy in marriage

In fact, the answer to the question of how to make a woman happy in marriage is quite simple. Here is the key to the happiness of your spouse:

  1. constantly tell her how you love her;
  2. a man must prove love by making a pleasant surprise for a woman;
  3. learn not only to speak, but also listen, because it is very important for a woman;
  4. take into account the psychology of a weak floor representative, because it is very worried when you leave. Try to inform where and how much you go;
  5. do not decide for a woman absolutely all problems, because sometimes she wants to be independent;
  6. become a worthy man for her, fencing from uncertainty in tomorrow;
  7. speak a woman compliments to make sure that he is the only and unique for you.

These are the rules of happy families where everyone respect and appreciate each other. It all depends on how attentive you will be to your second half.

What prevents how to create a strong and friendly family

Some people are very trying, but they cannot reach harmony in relationships. This is affected by many mistakes that do not give to achieve the desired result.

Never limit the freedom of your second half. You should not check mail, read messages in the phone and prohibit meet friends. Sooner or later, such restrictions will derive themselves, which will lead to serious sweeps.

Do not ignore the interests of your loved one. This is the main secret of strong relationships. If the spouse on TV is an important football match, do not insist that he switches to your favorite TV series. This is a sign that you do not respect his hobbies. So why should he go towards you in the future?

No need to discuss your spouse or spouse in the company of your friends. Remember that with this person you live under the same roof, so you must have respect for it. Also do not forget that even the best friends may turn out to be traitors. All you talked about your beloved man can reach the ears of the second half.

Permanent jealousy also prevents the creation of a strong family. Paranoia will sooner or later lead to deposits. Do not bring your loved one with unreasonable suspicions that will drive anyone!

These are the basic rules that will help to understand how to make marriage happy and long without unnecessary problems. You can save your relationship with the second half for a long time. Enjoy family harmony and warm communication, since every new day will bring you a maximum of pleasant emotions!

Delicate sphere - Cardiac and family matters. The authors of such issues do not always call themselves, but the topic worries many. We asked the Chairman of the Patriarchal Commission on Family, the Protection of Motherhood and Childhood Archpriest Dimitri Smirnov.

About cohabitation and wedding

- Father Dimitri, frequent question: why registration in the registry is required for the wedding?

- Because the registry office gives a testimony that you are husband and wife. Previously, when the church was state, the priest himself registed the marriage. And today the functions are divided: the state puts a stamp to the passport, and the church is crowned.

- And without registration to live - sin? Even in love and harmony?

- Why not go to the registry office then? Usually the reason is one: so that it is easier if something to part is. Marriage means a joint property, common property rights. This is responsibility. If people avoid it, then it's not a family, but temporary cohabitation. "It's convenient for me today - I live with you, and tomorrow will be visible."

- You refuse the communion to those who live in such a union?

"Strictly speaking, such a person should leave the temple when the" doors, doors! ". By canons, he has no right to be present on the most important part of the liturgy. Because it makes a prodigal sin and thus puts yourself out of the church. But now it's not from the temple, let him stand. And to confession, it is impossible to admit it. Want to become a member of the Church - follow the rules. And to be at the same time a clodnik and a Christian will not work.

- And if a person hits, what makes it cohabit?

- It is absolutely meaningless. You come to the temple not by the pointer, but for the sake of my soul, to God, and not to the priest. God will not deceive. If your union is durable - marry and marry. If not - stop being blocked. And then you have a way to church.

That before the wedding you can and then it is impossible

- The girl asks: What can be allowed to groom before marriage?

"Very much: to conduct sincere conversations, write poems, give flowers, compose songs, stand under the window, take care, love.

- And kiss?

- Better not. Let him suffer a little.

"And if he asks, pulls to the sofa, offended and threatens to leave?"

- It is necessary to explain to him: "Cute, I'm from another system. If you love me and make me an offer, I consider it. And if I agree, we will appoint a wedding day. But I'm not sure that I will say "yes," because since you start with the sofa, it is unlikely to come to me. "

- And he says: the wedding is not ready yet, but crazy about you ...

- Then goodbye. And if he leaves - thank God.

- But the girl loves him. And inferior, hoping later to make a relationship.

- in vain hopes. What a fool marries the one that belongs to him? He will fool his head for years. Will say that you need to scat on a chic wedding, get rich, buy a house ... Because why does he need problems? Near the young, beautiful, I love her, she live together. Everything is fine! And so it will be, while I do not meet in the subway another, which I love even more ...

About intimate

- Can believing spouses use contraception?

- According to church rules, contraception is an attempt to murder. And if it effectively worked, this is a committed murder. Exactly.

- But there are situations where people are not able to raise many children - neither forces, no means ...

- If the Orthodox spouses categorically do not want to have more children, they have one reliable and non-sin-related way - abstinence.

Is it necessary to prepare for family life

- How not to make mistakes, choosing a couple?

- We need a long time, at least a year, find out the person with whom you are going to live. Ask him questions. For example: "We will have icons at home?", "We will raise children in the Orthodox faith?" Or: "What kind of temple go?" And if the answer is "in any" - there is a reason to think about whether to develop acquaintance.

- It happens that the husband makes decent and wants to see at home the hostess, mother, and the woman herself seeks to make a career ...

- We must look in advance to the parents of your bride: what are their relationships, what kind of way. People often reproduce the parent model of behavior. If the young man has one project in his head, and the girl has another, then problems will arise with family construction. But the main thing - they should have a common goal.

- What? Everyone wants happiness ...

- Happiness is a state that arises in a good family. And the goal of the Orthodox family is to build a home church, where the husband is a priest, a wife - Deacon, that is his assistant, and the children are the people of God, they must be brought to Christ.

- Newlyweds usually think about a friend.

- Therefore, three marriage in Russia accounts for two divorces. The overall goal disappeared, individual desires remained. Sometimes completely simple: the attraction arose - married, got out - divorce. Married, so that it was "who wash." Or get married, so that in the house "man smelled". And then suffer.

- Family life should be preceded by some kind of preparation?

Looking for happy family couples, many do not even suspect that such an idyll is achieved by a significant difficulty attached by both spouses. An annually increasing number of divorces can confirm the fact that maintaining strong family relations today is a rather difficult task.

Therefore, before changing yourself with the bonds of marriage, it is necessary to determine the readiness to many difficulties that will undoubtedly arise after the end of the wedding march. But with the help of some simple tips, it will be possible to significantly establish family relationships.

Leading psychologists, daily colliding with the solution of a variety of family problems, with which the desperate patients are addressed to them, several secrets of a happy marriage are allocated:

  • Partners must necessarily trust each other. Trust is the base without which it is almost impossible to build a strong family relationship. In the modern world, it is extremely difficult to trust anyone, but if you decide to marry a certain person and are ready to live with him until the end of your days, all doubts should be driven away. It will take a psychological installation that cannot be violated at the moments of the emergence of even a mumbling doubt. If you trust a person, it should always be that way, regardless of the situation.
  • Loading! Unfortunately, today, family life in many men is associated precisely with constant reproaches and soldiers from the spouse. It is not surprising that the number of registered marriages is reduced annually. Treeds take their origins from a common female desire to correct their soul mate. This is a huge mistake that can only lead to the development of hatred from the spouse. The marriage implies the connection of two people who are ready to be with each other, despite the negative qualities of each (and believe me, they will find everyone!).
  • Do not skimp on the praise of your second halves. The negative side of the long relationship is that over time, all actions begin to be perceived as due. At each stage of relations, it is extremely important to maintain respect for the work, efforts and efforts of each other, which can be exercised by common thanks or praise. It is recommended to praise ordinary things, for example, a delicious prepared dinner, rendering attention signs. Believe me, a few words per day are capable of changing a lot in relationships.

  • You must forever forget about an important mission to change the second half. As psychological practice shows, it is precisely such actions that are often reasons of marriage termination. Each person deserves on personal happiness, while remaining himself. Do not deprive each other this pleasant feature.
  • The importance of small signs of attention. It is noted that it is the regular provision of attention signs that does not give relationships to fade. In this case, we are not talking about daily gifts, because pleasant emotions can be provided with a simpler manifestation of attention (coffee in bed, arrangement of a small family holiday).
  • It is necessary to initially tune into a permanent job on yourself. A happy marriage is possible only in the context of the equal participation of both parties, which are ready to work on themselves, study mistakes and make concessions. Therefore, if you wish to create a really happy family, do not stop at minor obstacles.

Many will agree with the opinion that family happiness begins, therefore, a lot in marriage depends directly from the relationship and role of his wife. Psychology practitioners recommend all women aimed at a happy marriage:

  • Never lose faith in my husband. From the very beginning, it is necessary to do not doubt that your choice fell on the most wonderful man. The loss of this faith necessarily leads to the loss of respect and interest in her husband. In order to avoid it, you should drive away from myself thoughts about the possibilities of creating happier family relationships with another person who may arise against the background of protracted troubles in the family.
  • Do not deviate from proper behavior. Not only physical treason is capable of destroying family relationships, but also the most ordinary flirt. If a woman allows himself a similar behavior, which at first glance may seem absolutely innocuous, it means that it continues to search for men at the subconscious level in order to create more successful family relationships.
  • Need to understand your family and follow her. It should be completed with the fact that most of the male happiness lies in affairs that do not belong to the categories of family. Men initially aims to be a family miner. A woman will have to fulfill a somewhat different role in the arrangement of the family hearth and the maintenance of the family. Only in the conditions of natural distribution of roles will be happy all family members.

Love each other and be happy!

Many people dream of family happiness and seek to build harmonious relationships with a loved one.

However, the beloved often quarrel, and the spouses are divorced in the first year of living together, because relations instead of happiness bring in pairs just disappointment.

Adequate and judicial identities who dream of ever love, in relations turn into terrible monsters, insulting and degrading each other, who prevent each other exorbitant requirements.

Why is this happening? Why, on the way to a dream about family happiness, many "turn off not there"? What should I do and what should be to create a truly happy family? How to build harmonious relationships? We will talk on this topic in this article.

Why do not add relationships?

The main cause of the discord between people under construction, is one extremely harmful conviction: "Someone else has to make me happy." Unfortunately, most adult personalities in fact remain with infantile children, and in the worst sense of the word.

The best children's features such people lose. They no longer know how to laugh and enjoy life, enjoy simple things and action, be spontaneous and open, greedy to new knowledge and skills.

Instead, the belief that someone has to make me happy, remains with them for life. Therefore, they do not make up relations.

What is growing?

Each child as adults should gradually gain a sense of responsibility for their lives and actions. At first, the baby learns to control his natural urge to no longer watered the pellery, then - to move independently, after - to express my emotions with words, to understand where you can climb without consequences, and where you should not climb.

This eventually helps to realize that not all of his "want" should be immediately satisfied, including the dream of family happiness. Many of our contemporaries are stuck at the stage of development, when each of their desire should be immediately fulfilled by someone or something from the outside.

And if it is not executed, people are offended, shout, grumble and every way manages their discontent. Such people by definition cannot create a happy family, and then we will consider in detail why the relationships do not fold.

Infantile people

The fact is that infantile personalities do not want to answer for themselves and their lives. Moreover, they do not want to even admit what they should do. All their relationships with the outside world are required to be required: "Give!" And if the world does not want to give a capricious child what he demands, the child blows the sponge and begins to scold everything around according to the principle: "Mom did not give chocolate - a bad mother!"

Such people are immediately visible: they often condemn the government, officials, friends, relatives, weather and the location of the stars in the sky, accusing everyone in their endless adversities.

In all the people around them and even phenomena, infantile identities see their parents who a priori must them all that child will require, of course, absolutely free and without any effort.

Tell me, do such people can create a happy family? Imagine, there are two such capricious children who do not know how to build harmonious relationships and begin to poke each other: "Give! Give! Give!".

Both require being sincerely confident that they "must", and no one wants to give anything. Absurd, right?

Secret of happy relationship

To enter into a relationship and find family happiness, you should stop being a infantile person. And for this you need to understand that each of us with age should be "myself a parent."

After all, we all understand what it was that to eat, you need to make money, buy products and cook food. We do not sit like chicks, with revealed mouths, and we are not waiting for us on top of the top. Manna Heavenly sprinkled. Before you get something, you need to do something, to give something, somehow to invest.

And if we are all more or less clear to us, then why can't we postpone this principle in other areas of our activities, including to solve the issue, how to establish relationships?

However, most people cannot even arrange their own life, satisfy at least their requests, live unfortunately and for some reason they believe that relations and family life (read - another person, most likely, the same infantile) will solve this problem.

"A man should, a woman should"

Many girls believe that their husbands should fully solve their material problems, as well as provide them with gifts and entertainment. And the men are waiting that their wives will be engaged in the economy, prepare food, wash-clean, and also admire husbands and constantly praise them.

As a result, instead of mastering some profession and go to work to provide themselves with finances, as well as find yourself hobby and friends, girls all forces are looking for the search for the bridegroom, which should make them happy, preferably rich and successful.

And men, instead of learn to effectively conduct the economy on their own, as well as achieve success in the career, sports and other activities in order to stabilize self-esteem, which would not need to feed from the outside, see his dream of family happiness in women, ready-made all this They give "for free, because supposedly should".

Capped relationships and what are their danger?

The only way out, which was able to find representatives of the wallpapers - is "Exchange": the man earns and entertains, and the woman hoses and admires. I am you, and you - to me.

This is a co-dependent model of relationships, and she cannot bring family happiness. For a while, such a "scheme" in the family will work, but then "failures" will invariably begin, which are most often expressed in sprues, whose contribution to the relationship is more important and valuable.

The husband will be sure that he carries the main burden of responsibility - material support and protection, and the wife gives him very little in response. She is not cleaned not perfect, and it cooks not too tasty, and it has become worse, although it should always shine and shine for him. Hence discontent ,.

The wife will argue, shouting that she, working on the housework and with children, is not resting almost never, the salary does not receive for it, it serves her husband, and he gives her little money, it does not want to pay attention, and it is impossible to wait attention from it.

Everyone will strive to "sell more expensive" their services: do less and less, and it is more and more, in the end, the spouses will not indulge in finally and are not divorced. Why? Because both are infantal personalities who believe that they have to do happy, because they should, and the point.

How to create a happy family?

Only those people who can provide themselves to themselves and money, and comfort and entertainment, and relaxing can create a happy family. Harmonious relationships are possible only between two initially happy and - independent of external circumstances, from the "Will of Fate", from other people.

Such personalities come into relations and family life only to be near the beloved person, and not to receive as much benefits as possible, because everyone needs themselves.

One who is not happy with himself will not be happy next to another. Usually independent not infantile people are invested in family relationships equally: money, attention, management of the economy. In principle, they can and share their contributions on the principle "The wife is responsible for the farm, the husband is for material support," but it will look in principle differently than in the family of infantile spouses.

After all, the wife will understand that making money - the matter is not easy, because once herself earned his life, and her husband will also realize that the management of the economy is a big job, since he himself had to provide himself with comfort in everyday life. This is their secret.

Such people will respect the activities and contributions of each other, and they will not come to mind to devalue the work of a loved one. How to build harmonious relationships? Simply. Fit, finally, from the infantile age, take responsibility for your life, make yourself a happy and secured all the necessary benefits, and only then decide how to establish relationships and family happiness.

Then you will definitely work out, and the award will be a harmonious and happy family, which we wish you!