Cheerful jokes about kindergarten, children and educators. When the work is more important than the child: unpleasant truth from the experience of the teacher (story from life) jokes kindergarten

Amazing things on their "inadequate" sometimes occur from parents in kindergarten. Every parent applies to the child, many times resembles the teacher to wear scarves, three socks, additionally reduce the pot, etc.

The teacher usually tries to remember all requests even in trifles.

"It's just temperature"

And then the "hour of X" happens, the child climbs the temperature / begins diarrhea / sore ushko, tooth, neck. The educator appears a regular request - to pick it up from the group and make a doctor. Immediately we note that in kindergarten no one has the right to treat, diagnoses, give drugs. The pre-school institution is not a clinic and no hospital, even the antipyretic tablet has contraindications and side effects that can manifest themselves in preschool age. "Treat" the child before the arrival of parents is a dangerous practice, fraught with huge problems for the teacher and child. An experienced worker will never communicate with drugs, his function is to convey the child to the hands of legal representatives, informing the symptoms and other necessary information. By the way, the nurse in the preschool institution is also not always present in place due to the nature of the work and differences with the working schedule of the educator, the treatment of children is not included in her duties.

Strange, but this request so often remains untrined that they scare the scale of parental irresponsibility. At the child after sleep, the temperature 38, 5 - 39. Mother promises to come for an hour, the child is illuminated, he cries, the rest of the children are without proper attention - because the baby is really sorry, and the teacher is only one. Parent phones cease to answer the tutor's calls, after four hours, after the end of the working day, the mother, smiling, appears on the threshold. "It's just a temperature," "I could not ask for up," I got so long? " ... These are the arguments. To be honest, the educator has the right to call ambulance and send a kid to the nearest hospital ... But how to leave him one with others "aunts"? The child is sincerely sorry, because the tantrum will be added to the temperature. And the group of children in the midst of the working day does not always allow circumstances. If you add a risk of getting sick for other children in the group (and the insulator is far from every garden), then the situation becomes critical.

This is normal?

There is a tendency to drive children to a group to the peak of the disease. This is also an option of norms in many gardens. When the child is frankly sick, but there is no temperature, parents continue to bring it anything like nothing. And it is those who are the most caring, which are asked to wear 10 clothes and do not turn the spout from under the scarf. Care at the appearance is not always care. Yes, and love too.

Sometimes it happens

There are "superframe" specimens that have entered a fundamentally new level in parental relations. They water the child in the garden even with a temperature that "carefully" is knocked down before arrival in the garden. She is naturally returned to dinner, the child becomes sluggish, the teachers notice and cause the parent. The next day, the baby is back in the garden, he "Pretched" and emerge ever recovered. Again before lunch. Such milfs manage to prove that there is no temperature of the child, it is invented by teachers to reduce the number of children in the group. In such cases, the teacher records the fact of the presence of a temperature in the presence of anyone from the garden administration. Without a certificate that the child is healthy, it is no longer accepted in the group. It remains to hope for the humanity of pediatricians. The child's attitude towards the baby is shocking.

Well, it's just a holiday!

Much more fun can be a tutor, if the child leads with diarrhea. After all, it is always a surprise, which means "festive" mood is provided to everyone. Without failing that something is wrong with the child, the parent sends him to other children to the group "For good luck". "Good luck" usually happens in an hour or two after the arrival. In a good in the group, you need to declare quarantine. A digestible parent picks up a child (well, if immediately, more often, an assistant assistant suppressing vomit reflexes selflessly struggles with the consequence of the "surprise" or its output "on bis"). It's great if the parents do not begin to find out what "they fed here", what happened ... These cases will automatically fall into the "golden collection" of the educator, it is difficult to forget about them, very bright such moments. If this is a rank diarrhea, and not, for example, Rotovirus, then all children in the group and employees themselves can be considered lucky.

Children too people?

It is especially sorry for children who bring practically sleeping with the opening of a kindergarten and take away when the guard is closed.

Interesting and diverse behavioral motifs of some parents when they are on vacation. Vacation, as a rule, assumes the absence of a child's home. He does not need vacation and rest ... apparently not deserved.
The preschooler's child should rest in the summer at least a month, it is not enough, but most children do not have such an opportunity. Parents - rest, shopping, they frankly do not want to spend time with such a favorite and native baby. "He loves the garden so much," which automatically settles in it. Despite the five years of experience in the garden, it is impossible to get used to this phenomenon. I want to take for breasts and shake "miracle parent" so that he realize that son or daughter mischievously misses him, desperately sobs when the door closes; That soon the baby will grow and also turn away from him ... that the little handle will become big ... and the time will be missed.

I have been tormented by the question for so long ago, why do some people have children, if they do not need them completely or frankly interfere? For check?

Hi Piple! Emergency in kindergarten №52. There, the pupils of the middle group captured the educator, and for four hours mocked her. In particular: forced her to eat three dishes of manna porridge, sing a song about the Christmas tree for the accompaniment of upset piano, and then they forced to sleep during the day. In the evening, he served after bullying the educator, the children agreed to give only her parents. *** The teacher in kindergarten asks: - Children, name the home-made quadrup friend. Who can? Here you are, Sasha, tell me! - Bed! In kindergarten. - Zaur, did you come again shaved? *** The teacher of the kindergarten half an hour pulled the price records on a small girl. When she straightened relief with a sigh of relief, the girl said: "This is not my rates." Internally, the teacher fifteen minutes tied the ratings back. When she finished, the girl said: "These are the rackets of my brother, Mom sometimes puts them on me." *** In kindergarten, teacher: - Who described? Rise hands. "So ... five people ... who detected?" Rise hands. - So .. Four people ... who abstained? *** Three-year-old kids gathered in kindergarten. - Good day, children. My name is Jeanne Gennadevna. In the room there is no sound ... And then someone's voice whisper: - Golden beef? *** Little girl resorts to a kindergarten educator in tears. - What? Who hurt you?! - Vovka! - For what? - He said that he had to kill in childhood in childhood! *** Educator in kindergarten: - Children! Now we will play an interesting game. Who will speed up the most terrible face, the first will go home. Children begin to trust the faces. - Okay. Won today ... won today ... this girl! - And I do not play at all ... *** In the kindergarten, drawing classes. The teacher comes up to the girl who has been smelting something like that - what do you draw? - God. - But no one knows how he looks! - Right now learn. *** Educator: - Wow, who will you be when you grow up? -Helegenously alchitetol: I will launch my house without corners ... - Why without angles? - Very good! .. *** The teacher in kindergarten asks: - Children, name the home-made four-legged friend. Who can? Here you are, Sasha, tell me! - Bed! *** In the garden, three boys are engaged in every business: one airplane, another - car, the third carries out a photo of the mannequin. "I want to be a pilot," says one. "And I am a driver," says another. "And I," the third notes, "I want to become an adult." *** Seryozha stresses mom: - Dress me rather! - Where are you in a hurry? - in kindergarten. There are friends waiting for me. - And what are you doing with friends? - Walk! *** The boy tells the educator in kindergarten: - What are your nails long ... The teacher asks him: - What do they like you? The boy answers: - I like it. They are very comfortable for the trees to climb ... *** Father behind his son in a kindergarten comes. He is asked: - Which is yours? - Who cares? All the same tomorrow to lead. *** A little boy is watching the performance of a fashionable singer on TV and says so thoughtfully: "And we are in kindergarten when we are soaked, we scold us ..." *** A little boy comes from kindergarten all scratched. Dad asks: - What is the matter? - Yes dance around the tree drove. - So what? - The Christmas tree is big, and few children!

Lyudmila Kosenko
"Unreasonable stories from the life of children"


The boy can not remember the name of the educator and it torments him. And once in the morning I enter the group he joyful runs to the tutor. - I remembered your name. - Well, what is my name? Asks teacher. - Nutrient! - Boyko says the boy and escape to play himself.

"Case at the festival."

A holiday is held in kindergarten dedicated to the arrival of spring, children read poems singing songs. Beautiful music sounds, and spring appears in the hall, she reads poetry, and then referring to children asks: - Children, did you find out me? Who am I? After a small pause, the children's voice answers: - You, Baba Yaga. Spring was not confused: - no boy, I'm not Baba Yaga, I am a beautiful spring!


During the class, the teacher asks: - Children, name the birds that live next to us. Children are listed together: sparrow, cinema, crow, dove. - Children, what other birds do you know? The child raises his hand, and begins his story from afar: - This bird lives in the forest and treats trees, but I forgot what my name is. The teacher is trying to help remember: - Tell Nikita, and what color do she have a feathers? "I don't know, I just remember that she loudly knocking on the tree with a beak." And then the boy painted: - I remembered her name - Stukach!


Talk two girlfriends is 6 years old, one other complains: - You know, I have a third day with my belly, and why I do not know. The girlfriend is a little thought, makes such a conclusion: - It's long, then you are precisely pregnant. Girl in confusion: - True?.

"I know it for sure"

I wrote this story for future teachers, for those who decided to tie their fate with work in kindergarten. This work is not easy, but so many happy moments you will not get anywhere else.

My first day

Hooray! Finally, I first go to work in a kindergarten.

Yesterday the head introduced me to the children of the group. All children are small and charming.

In the morning, kindergarten met me silence, peace and delicious smell of the kitchen. My mood has improved, I wanted to quickly start a new work day.

In the group that was on the first floor I met a nurse with the words: "Where to run, you don't see that I am my floor. Remove shoes in the corridor! " I am even a bit of rudeness, removed shoes and went into the room.

Children have not yet led, I began to repeat all the words of greetings that prepared for kids.

Finally came the first child. Looking at me, he shouted loudly, grabbed mom for a dress and did not want to let him go for a long time, but his mother was in a hurry to work and, rudely pushing the baby, ran away. The kid shouted even louder. Fortunately, he quickly calmed down when he was offered a new machine.

The group gradually filled with children, some calmly went into the group, others had to calm down, take on hand.

During breakfast, some children refused to eat. Nynechka in force inserted porridge in them.

On my remark about the inadmissibility of perpetrated feeding, he answered that she had no time to wait when they would want to eat.

After breakfast, the children fled down the group, and I didn't have enough experience to collect them together to occupation. This lesson had to skip.

Children were small, from 2 to 3 years, so feces for a walk took a lot of time. Nanny did not help to wear children, she left "on affairs" and did not appear in the lunch.

During the walk, I ran from one child to another: one rushed with sand, the other of this sand ate. Some of the children quarreled, I had to myrch them.

I could not organize a planned moving game on this day.

During returning from a walk, we met the Zanezoz, she began to talk loudly for me to follow the children, did not allow the walls with his hands, explained that they were covered with expensive material, and because of dirty hands on the walls will appear dirty stains.

When we barely werehed your hands, visited the toilet, finally, our nanny appeared. Quickly touched in the toilet, she disappeared until lunch. I again remained alone with the group.

Tired children began to capricious, it was time to feed them.

Morning mood slowly changed. I no longer so wanted to work in kindergarten as before.

My first day was very difficult.

During lunch, SanEpids granted the garden. Children with appetite drose when they went into the group.

I fed the baby, they stopped near us and began to examine me on hygiene issues. While I answered, my baby fell asleep next to the soup plate. On the inspection, it did not make an impression, for them to "fall asleep" the educator was more important.

When I put a crying and screaming children to sleep (again without the help of a nanny), I told myself that the work of the teacher is very difficult and ungrateful.

None of the Personnel of the kindergarten did not look toward me to help, tell, just calm the crying children.

When I looked at the sleeping kids, on their shells, I decided that everything would be good that I would cope.

On this, my excitements did not end. In a quiet hour, the whole team invited the head of the head to report all the tests of the SanEpide check. Leaving the children of some, I had to go to the meeting.

An hour later I heard a loud Ryw from the bedroom. When he came running, he saw the following picture: Boy Vanya walked from the bed to bed and diligently bite for the brushes of all the children. In the footsteps of the bites it was clear that he went on the second round.

For me (and for parents in the evening) it was shock!

No one can imagine how much effort had to be attached to reassure the children, and then their parents.

Everything ever ends. This first working day ended in kindergarten.

All the events described were real, they really happened to me many years ago.

I did not know in vain one day of life young teacher. The novice teacher is experiencing a lot of difficulties, so I urge the methodologists who are interested in the difficulties, the success of young teachers, help them.

If a young educator or teacher will receive support, help and approval, he will forever remain at work in kindergarten or school.

This forum selection of cheerful stories has long been walking on the Internet. But every time I smile in mind when I bump on it again on some of the resources.

If you are not yet familiar with these children's jokes from life - do it now. Guarantee - you will not regret!

One mammy gives his child to kindergarten. The first time for her and for him.

Go, on the way there are various guidance on the subordination of the senior, with whom it is not swearing, everyone to obey everyone, etc. They come, she quickly runs away to love with the educator and, returning to the child, transfers it to the teacher ( Or nurse?) And herself moves to the side and looks, wiping a stingy tear. Nanny takes a child at hand and brings to rows of changing room lockers:

Well, "says," choose a locker who likes more.

The child on the face of the crisis, a slight insanity, then throws a dreary glance at the mother and stretches the handle to the cabinet "with a pear." Further all ofigels: He wals to the locker, she ships his door and says: "Goodbye, mom ..."

Nanny in shock, mom in horror, and the curtain slowly sinks ...

Antoshka was 3 years ago, scaping products went into some small shop, at which there was a beer, thoroughly grated grandmothers at the tables. I stand in considering cakes and sighs hard, the child is spinning among the tables. Suddenly one grandfather comes to me, hugging for my shoulders, asks - if I don't want a cake? .. Feeding drunk, I pick up the Antoshka and rather from the store. In the evening, at the table, the dad asks that we have for tea, and here the child is hectic: "And uncle, who hugged mom, I didn't buy a cake!"

Andryura gave home slippers in his life, he signed, and he says: "Mom, and where are the cockroaches?"

We have Masyany in 1.2 sang Chizhik-Pyzhek, "and it turned out specifically" Dedic-Pedic ". Svekr was a fearful for the rest of the rest - hates everyone so far, I am sure that we have learned ...

I have a nephew (4 years old) when I was left to sit with him, described in detail, about how they drank a grandmother, and when the braga ended, the great-grandmother began to beat him on the head, and this is the fact that they are decery people!

And yet: I told how my dad smokes and it gives him to delay (the dad does not smoke).

When I told my sister, she was in shock, and she said that he told the story about Bragu, they were so self-afforded!

Loves to help mom in everything. Praise: "A cat with a dog will not help, the son will only help."

Guests from the grandmother collects the designer. A grandfather passes by the grandfather and hears a gentle grumble: "... no dog will help ..." Grandfather in shock, grandmother in the pit. While they were not voiced by the "original" ...

I take a son from kindergarten, the teacher tells me: "Tomorrow bring so much money."

My child answers: "Yes, we do not have time to make money and wear in the garden! We have nothing in the refrigerator only oil and cheese."

Glory to the educator, she reinforcedly said "Well, have breakfast and the oil with cheese is enough, but you have dinner and dinner in kindergarten."

Horror! I did not know where to go from shame!

Somehow we went to the sister to the camp (I was 4-5 years old). They took it and went berries. Climbed onto the hill, quite cool and dismissed everything in different directions. Mom remained downstairs near the car. I scored my mother's berries and decided to attribute her. I look - there is no way at the bottom and there is no car (just because of the tree was not visible). I already see anyone around, run down and roar. Here I thought that if suddenly I hit my head about a tree (I ran through the forest with a steep slide), then my eyes can fall away from the blow. I had to run with closed eyes. From this it became even worse. Run and roar louder and louder. Then, of course, it was funny ...

We leave from the development team, dress. We entertain as dressing - see, next to the aunt also puts on a hat ... and Max loudly gives out: "out of the kitty." Accelerate, parallel to Border: "Well, why from the back of a mink". "No, of Kisa. From our?" - Child asks demanding (we have Siameka, and a light mink hat). "No" - I also accelerate to shock in the combo. "A," Max calms down, and enters the dialogue with aunt: "Kisa is warm ..." - he says to her ... Such a child under the mouse, carried to the exit. And already from under the arms, he concerned about the aunt on the entire dressing room: "did not scratch?" ...