Video: What are they - well-groomed and unclean women? Three obvious signs of narrowness of a woman who repel men

To be able to dress stylishly and professionally impose makeup is not enough to look a well-groomed woman. Independent small details are capable of doing the easiest way either unique, or to completely spoil it. We have compiled a list of basic signs outstanding a non-heavy woman so that you can check yourself and quickly correct the shortcomings.


Hair is the first sign of a well-groomed girl. They should have shine, be washed and always laid. Laying does not have to be complicated, it is enough to dry your hair with a hair dryer so that they are not sticking out in different directions.
Behind the painted hair should also be alessclosure, not allowing highly thorough roots. And do not forget to regularly cohere the grains of the tips.

Hands and manicure

Hands - the second face of the girl. Without a manicure, with a disgraced cuticle and bursavar, they look ugly. In addition, it should not be allowed to make the lacquer and the thrust gel varnish.

Mint clothes

"Row is that the first in the closet will fall on the eyes" - a well-kept girl never causing. Opening - the main rule.

Unclean shoes

Unclean and dirty shoes also testifies to a girl who is indifferent to what they think about her, she feels comfortable in the outstanding shoes. Take care of your appearance and wear a sponge for shoes in my handbag.

Excess Makeup

Naturally, without makeup can afford to look beautiful to look a few. And makeup is always good. But it must be dosed and the appropriate, to only emphasize the image, hide the shortcomings and emphasize the advantages. To beware of the excess of cosmetics and low-quality decorative means.

Ugly leather

Dry and oily skin, especially with eels, is also one of the items of a non-heavy girl. Of course, there are problems, and sometimes you need a lot of time to eliminate them, but it should strive for it. Make regular procedures, use decorative means and good cosmetics - and everything will be fine.
If such skin problems exist, and you fight with them, then use the secrets of makeup - apply a competently defined layer of a tonal cream.


Yellow teeth is always ugly. At least every six months attend the dentist to make hygienic cleaning and to need to treat teeth. Such a procedure should be a habit.

Cracked and dry lips

Many had a similar problem. In such cases it is even impossible to use lipstick. In addition, it looks like 16 years! Therefore, always follow the lips so that they are moistened and soft: use the oil or lip balsam.

No depilation

Never admit excess vegetation on the body, even if winter on the street. Depilation, as well as regular visits to the dentist, should be a constant habit. Your body should always be perfect, even though rain, at least knowing, at least.

Non-tempered eyebrows

In fashion now natural broad eyebrows. However, this does not say that you can not care for them. Even the models have extensive eyebrows expressive, and the line is ideal smooth. Eyebrows should regularly stick, giving a beautiful form. Once in the 3rd day, take tweezers and pull the excess hairs.

No pedicure

Of course, this is especially relevant in the summer when we carry outdoor sandals. Cutting leather legs and untidy nails can displease all appearance.

Surely you have ever seen the girls, to whom the look simply "sticks out." They may not have any special external data, but they want to look at them. As a rule, their secret is in well-kept appearance. In general, in the modern world, the girl's well-keeled playing a huge role. So, it affects the employment, in personal contacts and loving relationships. Agree to a person who is watching himself, just nice to watch. Not to mention that most often, in such girls there is a self-confidence and its appearance. To understand whether you are "to the caste" of well-groomed beauties, answer yourself honestly, are the following nuances in your appearance.

Digging roots and seams

Another sign of a non-heavy girl is the opened varnish or a thrust gel varnish. Be sure to read the manicure on time.

Ugly leather

Another important criterion of a well-groomed girl is a soft skin on the body. Regularly use scrubs and body creams so that it is soft and gentle to the touch.

Ugly woman is a stupid woman. Because beauty - the concept is abstract enough, and not only girls with the right features of the face, but also well-groomed, stylish specimens who know how to play on their merits and masterfully hide disadvantages. But neglecting to their appearance is fraught with the fact that even the most outstanding and attractive features will not be assessed.

The main signs of the unclean girl, from which you need to get rid of!


Lost on clothes

No one calls you every month to spend the whole salary on the update of the wardrobe, but there is nothing more sad than the licked coat or sweater in the rollers. Your things should be in good condition, and for this they should be carefully taking care of them.

Even old things may look nice, if they are properly exploited. Spots, hooks, holes and rollers on clothes - what will never be on things well-groomed, respecting himself a woman, even if she is not good.


Strong shirt

If the collar of your shirt, blouses or outerwear clearly indicates that the product requires cleaning, then this is a direct signal to action.

The girl should be associated with the purity, freshness and exclusively pleasant flavors, so in no case go out before wearing dirty things (and not only on the street, but also at home).


Non-dimensional shoes

The condition and quality of our shoes often says not only of our prosperity, but also how carefully we are attentive. The fact that to leave the house in a dirty shoe is a moving movement, we will not even mention. But minor scratches on the surface of the shoes can be masked with a special cream for shoes or varnish, laces can always be replaced with new, like a heel canoe.


Dirty head

We all have a different type of hair and scalp, so someone is lucky, and their hair remain clean for a few days, and someone has to wash their head and make styling every morning. Please accept the real state of affairs and do not let yourself appear anywhere else with the lack of chapels or cog-yes!


Lack of manicure and pedicure

The condition of the cuticle and coating on the nails should always be at the height. Do not neglect the cream for hands. Beautiful female hands always attract the attention of men, and neglected fingers, a lacquer and cracked hands can cause bewilderment and even disgust.


Spots from deodorant on clothes

Before leaving the house, always check the appearance of things in a well-lit room. Sometimes stains become visible only with natural light on the street.


Crumpled things

The steamer and iron were invented not in vain. Use! Mint clothes suggests that you went to her yesterday, slept in her at night at home, and now we are going home to change clothes.


Cheap bijouterie

Nothing gives out a bad taste in a woman like a love for ridiculous jewelry, in huge quantities of raised on her neck, ears and arms. Decorations must be elegant and high-quality. If these are some large rings or suspension, then they should not be a lot.


Inadequate Makeup

Too bright make-up, thick layer of tonal means, smoky-eyes in day make-up, uneven complexion, excess of powder painted eyebrows and lips - a list of rough mistakes in make-up can be continued and continuing! Your landmark: light makeup with an emphasis only on the eyes or only on the lips, light tinting agents, be sure to mask for eyelashes.


Non-tempered eyebrows

Even if you like naturalness, you still regularly adjust the eyebrows and slightly tinn the spaces. Beautiful eyebrows are capable not only to give a glance, but also to improve the general type of face.


Cracked lips

It doesn't matter, there are lipstick on them, or not if they are weathered, cracked and unpleasant to the touch, then use a balsam or coconut oil. Because it looks very unattractive - no one wants to kiss such lips!


Digging roots

If this is not a tribute to fashion, and the abstract roots appeared with you not thanks to the efforts of the hairdresser's masters, then it is most likely untidy roots of incomprehensible color (or even with gray), and they look bad. The centimeter of the resulting roots is a bell, which should notify you that it is time to sign up for a hairdresser.


No epilation

For a truly well-groomed and beautiful woman, there are no procedures for the winter and summer periods, she watches his appearance always. Therefore, do not think that the unshaven feet in the fall and no one sees in winter. This applies to all zones. There should be no extra vegetation on the body, even if you live alone, and no one will see her at home.


Body shine on the skin

If you have lost in the genetic lottery, and you got a problem or oily skin, which regularly appears unpleasant shine, then it is sad, but not deadly. So you just have to apply a little more effort when leaving your skin than other girls.

In your purse should always be cleansing napkins without alcohol and matting napkins who will save you during the day without spoiling makeup. And also pick up a good moisturizer, designed specifically for the care of oily and combined skin.


Old-fashioned hairstyle

Strange nobahs from childhood, huge bonds and kara, twisted on the outer side, look very strange in modern realities. Therefore, in order not to give yourself a view of the time traveler who arrived from the distant past and is not familiar with the modern fashion, choose the hairstyles that are universal and are always relevant, or experiment and try out some trend option.

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Classic genre, yes. The negleous head begins with the roots of the roots, whether they are bright or dark - it doesn't matter ... If you have decided to paint in color, which is very different from your natural, whether you are ready to monitor regularly update staining. Otherwise, it is better not to risk, but simply go back to your natural shade!

Checky hair ends

Believe, the length of the hair, even if you are trying to repel them for several years now, it is not worth walking with the fastened late-seed ends. It looks very narrowly - as if you were not a hundred years for a hairdresser. What is the problem?


Remember, better at all none manicure, just natural nails without varnish than this horror - encouraged nails! Especially this rule concerns bright colors - the radiating red or burgundy varnish is able to ruin any luxurious image. So be attentive and erase varnish on time!

Ground cuticle and burr

Hands most often give us out, and if with a lacquer, you can deal with two bills, to remove the rising cuticle and burrs, it will take a little more time. It would seem what a trifle! Well, who looks at it?

In fact, the common picture is the common picture - believe me, even such a detail, like an unprocessed cuticle, can spoil everything, no matter how wonderful you are dressed. Tracks are constantly followed by this: the growth of the cuticle can be suspended forever, if every day devote to your hands literally two minutes.

Problem skin

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Rash on the face and black dots, of course, not a sign of what you do not follow - it is sometimes very difficult to get rid of these problems. But, alas, it is impossible to lower your hands in the struggle for clean skin, because it is one of the main conditions of the well-groomed appearance. None, even the most professional makeup looks as good as just clean skin, so that you eat, how to care for the face, and exclude non-obvious causes of acne.

Yellow teeth

Sorry for the frankness. No, well, do something! A yellowish smile did not paint anyone. Coffee, tea and cigarettes are the main enemies of the whiteness of the teeth. And if there are no effort to refuse any effort, then regularly do whitening - the procedure is not so dangerous for the teeth, as some think.

Makeup, "Verified Types"

Yes, yes, we all understand, the day was long and difficult, but this does not mean that you need to walk with a shrouded in your eyes and smeared pencil. It is very easy to get rid of this sign - you need to use a pre-makeup primer and carry matting napkins with you so that in which it is possible to quickly correct the situation.

Dry and dehydrated leather

Our skin needs constant moisture, and not only because dry skin makes faster and prone to the appearance of wrinkles, but also for the simple reason that peeling and dryness look very untidy. This, by the way, concerns not only the skin of the face, but also the hands - what could be worse than when they dreamed? Therefore, do not forget to moisturize the skin in all the rules - all the same in the Mediterranean climate we do not live, so you will have to follow this!

Non-tempered eyebrows

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Now in fashion, natural broad eyebrows, but this does not mean that everything can be used on a samonek, they say, let them grow ... pay attention, even at models that are very broad expressive eyebrows, the line itself looks perfectly smooth. Eyebrows need to regularly stick, keeping the form, otherwise the "newly arrived" hairs spoil completely your appearance. Once every 2-3 days do not forget to take the tweezers and delete too much.

Cracked lips

Lip balm is a thing that should always be with you. Many of us face the problem of cracked and dry lips - with such a situation, even the use of lipstick seems impossible. And it looks like 16 and you have half an hour kissing in the cold! Cute, of course, but the departure here and does not smell. It is easy for the lips to be soft and moistened: exfoliate dead cells and use a balsam or butter.

What's in the article:

I know the situation when at the sight of some specimens, only one thought is spinning on the mind: "What a unclean woman!" How often in his stubborn desire to be closer to the concept of "Women's Beauty standard" Many of us forget banal little things.

But one small defects in the image and that's it! - Madame stamps on you with a lot of make-up or with a manicure that seemed views. Website composed its list of features that can easily spoil the entire image.

And what, in fact, is meant the concept of neglence?

This is a lot of small details, which gives the general image of a woman negligence, deprive femininity and attractiveness, and act repulsively. So, what gives a narrowed woman? These signs should know each of us if you want to look spectacular and attractive for others even in ordinary jeans. After all, you can spend half a day to look great, but it is worth skipping one trifle, relating to clothes or faces, and this little thing you can form about you a negative opinion.

Signs of non-heavy women

Signs of unclean women: negligent details in clothes and shoes

Signs of negrims can be noticed in many words and by how they dress.

  • Clothing. Excessively stretched sweatshirt, a ridiculous stain on the sleeve, an arrow on stockings, a careless blouse - all this can not only push out, but also create a steady negative opinion about you.
  • Footwear. Passing rhinestones, unleashed lace, scuff, dirt on shoes. And do not justify that it rain on the street and slush. Each woman in a handbag must be wet wipes, which can be cleaned with dust or dirt shoes at any time.

Signs of negleous and cheap women

How to automatically not fall into the category of cheap?.

  1. Too many perfume. Discard the habit of drowning in the cloud of spirits, especially those who boost you or have too sharp aroma. Remember, only a light hint of your fragrance must go for you so that the interlocutor wants to approach you closer.
  2. Throw makeup. It looks very untidy, uneven arrows looking at the mascara and rolling shadows. But this is still nothing compared to the bright lipstick and shadows of blue in the coupe with turquoise passenger. A well-groomed woman is different from unsembly ability to look beautiful and expensive even without any makeup.
  3. Blush on apples cheeks. If you do not have these cheeks, the blush will create an effect of even greater vulnerable under the cheekbones. As a result, instead of pinking beauty, you risk stopping in Madame with an unnatural face and vulgar look.
  4. Brown tan. It does not matter, under the sun you sunbathe or put on the whole body of the tanzagar - do not overdo it with a tint.

Signs of a non-heavy woman with the eyes of a man

Oh, how they are mistaken by those women who believe that men do not notice the little things in our image. Notice. And how!

What does it mean to be neglected according to men:

  • Dirty, not laid hair. A man should want to launch his fingers into your curls, and not urgently wash them or repaint them.
  • Excess cosmetics on the face. More naturalness when overlapping makeup - and the man will certainly pay attention to you.
  • Cracked lips. Use a balm to mitigate the skin on the lips, otherwise the man instead of soft and sensual lips will get out sandpaper.
  • Spoiled manicure and neglected hands. Most men attach great importance to the beauty of the female brush. What can they attract them? Soft gentle hands with a nonsense neat manicure and beautiful nail shape.
  • Lack of pedicure. The phrase "there is still nothing can be seen." It will not be relevant if you wear open shoes or a romantic date goes smoothly into the bedroom.
  • "Kucheryshka" on the legs and in other zones. Of course, in the fall and in winter, our legs are mostly hidden from the eyes of the public, but still there are ladies with a pig on their legs, noticeable even through very dense tights. Probably, it is not necessary to talk about intimate relationships: a hairy woman in bed can be excited ...

And the main thing, to be well-groomed at all does not mean to dress like with a needle or chase for fashionable trends. Be always clean, tidy, dressed in the things of your size, follow the health of the skin, hair and nails - this will be quite enough to always look attractive and feminine in the eyes of others.