Is it harmful to the ultrasound for the fetus during pregnancy? Does ultrasound lead to mechanical damage? Principles of Safe Study Ultrasound

It is a central diagnostic procedure applied in modern medicine, the issue is harmful to the ultrasound remains relevant to many people.

Ultrasound causes cancer?

Myth 1. Ultrasound can cause cancer cells.Supporters of this theory are confident that ultrasound causes special frequency vibrations, favorable for the development of cancer tumors.

Actually Official science has no evidence of the fact that the cancer tumor has a certain rhythm. In addition, ultrasound is one of the main methods for diagnosing cancer, including in the early stages.

Oscillations created ultrasound, dangerous for man

Myth 2. Ultrasound, especially with frequent use, destroys fabrics.

Actuallyif ultrasonic waves had a negative impact on the organs under study, first of all it would affect the state of the skin, the first in contact with the sensor. Nevertheless, in the entire history of the use of ultrasound diagnostics, not a single case of injury to the skin is not registered.

Is it harmful to do ultrasound often?

Myth 3. One-time passage of the procedure does not carry serious harm, but the frequent implementation of the ultrasound is contraindicated.

Actually The impact of ultrasonic waves on the body is carried out smoothly as much as the immediate examination lasts and does not have a storage effect. Thus, each subsequent ultrasound procedure affects the body in the same way as the previous one (in contrast to the x-ray study).

Does ultrasound be harmful during pregnancy

Especially hot spores arise regarding ultrasound during pregnancy. Here, as in the case of an ultrasound of the internal organs, insolvent theories play a big role: in particular, there is an opinion that an ultrasound in the early deadlines can cause mutation. This theory, like the previous one, has no scientific confirmation. At its essence, ultrasound is no more than a high-frequency sound located outside the sound range available to human ear. Ultrasonic waves do not affect the fruit, but allow us to diagnose such pathologies in a timely manner as:

  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • frozen pregnancy;
  • baby Development Vices;
  • pulling placenta.

Thus, not the name of any confirmation of the fact that ultrasound can negatively affect the development of pregnancy, however, having undeniable facts, indicating the importance of conducting this procedure, in no case should not be abandoned by the planned ultrasound during pregnancy, or ultrasound research appointed by the doctor with The purpose of the diagnosis of possible diseases of certain organs. It is very important that the diagnosis is carried out by an experienced doctor, and modern professional equipment was used for the study. With this approach, the risk of negative impact of ultrasound on the body is zero.

Each woman learning the joyful news, begins to worry about his future baby and this is normal. To be sure that the child develops well, the woman is recorded on the ultrasound. Recently there is an opinion that it is harmful to the fetus. Let's talk about where such conviction arose and will understand whether there are homes from an ultrasound during pregnancy.

Features of the procedure

Ultrasound examination is a way to determine the gender and physiological features of the kid. The principle of its work is as follows: the ultrasound frequency is so high, which is not perceived by the human ear.

In this case, ultrasound with the sensor gives a beep, which is reflected, lingering in the tissues. This reflection can be seen on the monitor during the study. At the same time, it makes it possible to explore the fruit, to identify everything you need to know the doctors and draw conclusions about the health of the future kid. But whether the ultrasound is harmful during pregnancy, we will try to figure out.


It is believed that it is impossible to do an ultrasound during pregnancy to the tenth week without particularly serious testimony. Even if the future mother really wants to figure out whether it is pregnant, there is no need to resort to ultrasound. If you do not trust the tests, you can always hand over the blood to hCG. Ultrasound examination is carried out only in cases where there are causes for this, namely: bleeding from the vagina; Muscle pain in the lower abdomen; Too big or small belly.

In total, three ultrasound diagnostics are important during the wearing of the fetus: on the tenth, twentieth and thirty-second weeks.

Their features are as follows:

  1. First diagnostics should be done to determine whether everything is good with the child, there is no deviations on the early term of the child's development, determine the age and size of the fetus.
  2. The second study is called screening (in conjunction with blood test) and is the most important. In the period after 20 weeks, the fruit is clearly visible under the sensors and can be determined how well it is. You can also find out if the fetus has congenital defects of the heart or disorders in the work of the central nervous system or other diseases. Usually on this time it is possible to find out the sex of the child. In addition, it is very important at this stage to investigate the placenta of the fetus and the accumulate waters. Together with the placenta, the kid receives all the vital vitamins and trace elements. It is very important to know whether there is no cyst on the tissues, scarring, to assess the size and understand whether the state of the placenta for the child and the future mother is not dangerous. The accumulation waters are investigated to determine their quantity, because the deviation from standard indicators can lead to a violation in the development of the child.
  3. The third ultrasound study is held at 32 weeks. During this period, the fruit, the correctness of the location of the placenta and blood supply to the uterus, is checked, and also look at what the child's position in the womb.

It is these three diagnostics that are informative, important and mandatory for a doctor and for the future mother.

When do you appoint additional ultrasound?

In addition to the three planned UDS at different terms, gynecologists can assign additional diagnostics in the following cases:

  • Suspicion of the "frossable" pregnancy, this is especially true for early pregnancy terms.
  • Hereditary diseases from parents.
  • Conflict Rh Factor.
  • Suspected placenta detachment.
  • The threat of miscarriage or premature birth.
  • Moved in the first trimester disease (rubella, influenza).
  • Adverse working conditions of a pregnant woman.

In such situations, research is carried out necessarily because it is very important to maintain the health of the mother and the future child.

Harm ultrasound

Unambiguously determine the harm of ultrasound during pregnancy is not yet possible. Nobody spent full experiments so far, so the evidence base is very small. There is a story that claims that one American doctor conducted this study for his pregnant wife every day for 8 months, and yet the child was born healthy.

Many supporters of Ultrasound believe that if he had harm or a negative impact, it was long banned not only in European, but also in other progressive countries. Ultrasound opponents believe that this study is capable of changing the DNA of the fetus, which, fortunately, is not confirmed by any scientific articles.

In addition, many appeal to the fact that the child often turns away during the WSDS. There is also no definite answer here, most likely, the baby simply does not like the pressure on the abdominal wall, so he seeks to choose a more comfortable position.

Conducting ultrasound diagnostics is a very important point during pregnancy, since it allows you to identify the abnormalities of the child's development and the need for surgical intervention.

How often can I carry an ultrasound?

Supporters of this type of diagnosis are confident that only in this way you can accurately make sure that the fruit is developing normally (especially in early pregnancy), and determine whether pregnancy is a threat to the life of the future mother. No one else could definitely prove to do ultrasound harmful.

Opponents of ultrasound turn to research, which prove that passing through the cells, the ultrasound changes them. Many cavities in the body are filled with gas bubbles that burst under the influence of ultrasound.

It is believed to do it dangerous, although there is no accurate confirmation. Of course, the experiments were not conducted on people, but there are studies that were based on the effects of ultrasound on animal cells. That is why it is impossible to accurately know whether the ultrasound is harmful during pregnancy for the fetus.

According to the experiment, the biologists were allocated DNA from cells, which was placed in a special solution to determine their sound. As a result, it turned out that the sound frequency of cells changed after ultrasound exposure, which may indicate the danger to produce an ultrasound in early terms, since it affects the fruit.

It is worth noting that this is just one study that cannot serve as a complete evidence-based basis for determining the definite damage to the WHP.

New TSD technologies

As for 3D and 4D studies, they definitely do not get carried away. Very often young parents are ready to make this procedure to get a clear photo or even video, as the fruit looks like in the womb. There is no need to subjected the organism to a large number of ultrasound (which is used in 3D ultrasound) more often than once in nine months, since it is dangerous.

In addition, frequent ultrasound during pregnancy can be harmful if held until the tenth week without relevant indications. It is these procedures that are associated with the fact that the fruit is subject to the possibility of developing oncological diseases. Again, research that can confirm or refute the harm of ultrasound on the early period of pregnancy, no.

Summing up, we can say that the influence of ultrasound on the fruit, especially on the early period of pregnancy, not quite studied. Of course, research should be done in order to observe how the fruit develops and how pregnancy proceeds. But since definitely his negative impact is not proven, it is not necessary to undergo a diagnosis too often without special testimony or prescriptions of the doctor.

Ultrasound diagnostics is a planned standard examination procedure during pregnancy. Ultrasound is considered one of the most reliable and secure procedures. It allows you to diagnose the malformations of the fetus during its intrauterine development, determine the condition of the child and the system of "the uterus - placenta - the fruit". Thanks to the Uz-diagnosis, an obstetrician-gynecologist, leading pregnancy, has the ability to intervene in the processes occurring in the mother's body, and thus preserve the life and health of her and the child.

However, the issue of the security of this type of research continues to disturb the minds of future parents. How much is the procedure safe for the kid? How often do you need to do? How much should Uzi procedures be carried out without health effects? About ultrasound examination is quite a lot of reliable information, but many and speculations. It's time to figure out that there is something.

Ultrasonic diagnosis of pregnancy, today, is the most informative study. It allows you to diagnose the development of the fetus, check all its systems and the readiness of the reproductive organs of the mother to the delivery

What is the basis of the Uz-research method?

The method is based on the analysis of the difference of signals of probing and reflected ultrasonic waves. With the help of a special Uz-sensor (transducer), an ultrasonic wave of 3.5 MHz is sent to the test. Reflecting from various environments and changing its frequency, the Uz-wave is returned and absorbed by the receiver of the Uz-sensor. The information enters the computer, which is an integral part of the ultrasound diagnostic apparatus, which processes the data obtained. The ultrasound operator can see on the monitor different on the echogenicity of the structure (spindle water, bone and fetal tissue, etc.) and interpret the result. The accuracy of the information depends on the accuracy of the ultrasound apparatus and the experience of its operator.

Frequency of Uzi procedures during pregnancy

How many times can the Uz-diagnostic procedure be assigned for the child to wear? According to the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 457 of 28.12.00, in the algorithm of examination of a pregnant woman, there are 3 planned screening ultrasound:

  • the first screening in the period from 12 to 14 week is carried out to refine the period of pregnancy, its fruit and checking the compliance of the size of the child and the TVP (the thickness of the collar space) standards;
  • the second screening in the period from 20 to 24 week is carried out for the diagnosis of possible pathological processes in the system of "the uterus - the fruit of the placenta", the place of attachment of the placenta is determined, the child's condition in the mother's womb and its sexuality;
  • the third screening from 32 to 34 weeks is carried out to clarify the prevention of the fetus, confirm the place of attachment of the placenta, as well as to confirm or relieve suspicion of pathology and the abnormalities of the child's development. A comparative analysis of the size of the child and regulatory data is carried out, and the quantitative characteristics of amniotic fluid are estimated.

The first screening is held on a period of 12-14 weeks. It makes it possible to clarify the exact time of conception, compare the characteristics of the development of an embryo with standards, eliminate genetic deviations

Grounds for appointing additional ultrasound procedures

In addition to screenings, additional diagnostic ultrasound studies can be appointed, the direction for confirmation / clarification of previously identified or other methods of pathology, to monitor the state of the mother and its baby and monitoring the treatment process, if it is carried out, up to the Uz-survey in early terms. The reasons for ultrasound are quite significant:

  • burdened heredity;
  • chronic mothers diseases that may affect the process of the development of the baby (diabetes, phenylketonuria, GB, etc.);
  • when exposed to the future mother of pathological and harmful factors of the outer environment (radiation radiation, poisonous substances, infections and intoxication);
  • as a monitoring procedure with previously identified deviations during pregnancy.

Most of the future mothers are asked as a question, how long does ul-procedure occupy, and how long will the fruit be exposed to ultrasound? The time required for the passage of the procedure depends on the type of research:

  • standard ultrasound - 10 minutes;
  • the duration of 3 and 4-dimensional ultrasound is from 30 to 50 minutes.

Ultrasound in the first weeks of pregnancy: benefit and harm

The reasons to assign an ultrasound in the early stages are:

  • the presence of bleeding;
  • the pain at the bottom of the belly is acute or pulling.

There are no reliable data on the harmful effects of ultrasound in early pregnancy on the formation or development of the embryo, or any distant consequences. However, it is worth remembering that ultrasound is a medical diagnostic procedure. And it is carried out strictly according to the testimony. In the process of ultrasound, the fruit (his body and brain) is subjected to ultrasound radiation, it is not necessary to do it once again.

How bad often hold ultrasound diagnostics?

Harm ultrasound during pregnancy is not proven. The consequences for the development of the child were not detected. Of course, a 100% guarantee no doctor or a scientist will give. Because it is difficult to put a pure experiment, i.e. Eliminate the influence of other factors (surveys, the treatment of the underlying disease, the influence of bad habits). It is also required to trace the consequence of the impact of the ultrasound factor on several generations.

That is why they are talking about relative safety or security in comparison with other methods. Any medical procedure, any interference needs to be carried out only if there is no other way out, especially in the early period of pregnancy. Of course, the embryo is influenced by the radiation aimed at it, and although the effect of such an impact is not detected, it is better not to experiment. In relation to any medical procedure, it is necessary to proceed from the following rule: when the benefits received from the procedure (with this case) benefit, exceeds theoretically possible harm, then it must be carried out.

A child in the mother's womb reacts to external factors, when conducting an ultrasound, it often shows activity, waving his handles. However, harm or pain symptoms from ultrasound have not been proven

If desired, it should be carried out additionally, the ultrasound should be remembered that none, including ultrasound research, does not provide 100% reliable information about the state of the child. The accuracy of the information is large enough, but still it is a probabilistic indicator. Conducting volumetric (3 and 4-dimensional) studies, the more needs to be carried out strictly according to the testimony, because The exposure time of ultrasound-waves on the fetus with these procedures is much larger than with standard ultrasound. The desire to capture your yet born child or clarify the gender of the baby is not a justification for an additional ultrasound procedure.

Myths about the diagnosis of ultrasound method

Ultrasound examination is a breakthrough in the technique of non-invasive, painless diagnosis. How many ultrasound need during pregnancy?

3 screenings are considered normal in Russia, but additional procedures may be appointed in some cases.

Do not give up a fairly accurate and informative study by listening to the following not proven reasons:

  1. Uz-diagnosis negatively affects the genome. Ultrasound allegedly deforms the DNA structure, causing mutations and anomalies of development in future generations. There are no data confirming this theory. Experiments on mice led to the denial of this hypothesis.
  2. It is believed that the kid is experiencing pain when exposed to ultrasound, because Some children actively react to research by waving limbs. It is not known what the fetus reacts: on ultrasound, the pressure of the sensor, the excitement of the mother or its discomfort caused by the complete urinary bubble. If you praise yourself in the stomach, most likely your baby will call and push back. This does not mean that your actions caused him suffering.

A specialist should appoint a survey, to diagnose - a master of his case with high-class equipment. This minimizes possible risks and maximizes undoubted benefits from the ultrasound. The answer to the question: "How often can I do an ultrasound during pregnancy?" - It comes down to simple recommendations: no more often than appoints an obstetrician-gynecologist leading pregnancy.

Ultrasound examination is one of the main methods for diagnosing the course of pregnancy and the state of the fetus.

It can be carried out in an early time to confirm the very fact of pregnancy and determining the correct localization of the fetal egg, in the future to control the development of the embryo, before childbirth to determine the readiness of the baby to the appearance of the light.

Some women are happy every opportunity to see the outlines of the future kid on the monitor screen, others try to avoid similar procedures, afraid that ultrasound waves are dangerous for the fetus.

How many times the ultrasound is provided by a calendar of pregnancy and is there any need for additional studies?

The term "ultrasound" himself suggests that we are dealing with waves, indistinguishable by the human ear. It is known that some animals (dolphins, bats, etc.) can distinguish the waves of this range, ultrasound serves them for communication and navigation.

The method of medical research is based on the change in the speed of ultrasound, depending on the tissue density. The sensor that the doctor applies to your body is both emitter and receiver.

It emits the wave of the desired length, which passes through soft tissues, is reflected and, returning, is registered by the receiver. Depending on the parameters of the returned beam, the tissue density is calculated, which he met on its path, and the image on the screen is reconstructed.

Thus, it should be understood that, unlike X-ray, ultrasound is not a "photo", but a graphical representation of the data obtained. During the study, weak waves are used, unable to change the quality of the tissues. Although there are also medical devices with high-intensity ultrasound, they are used in therapy and surgery.

Types of ultrasound research

Using ultrasound diagnoses various diseases. And for the study of each organ, their sensors have been developed, they differ in shape.

In gynecological practice, a long subtle vaginal sensor is used, which allows you to penetrate the internal genitals and get the most accurate result. This method is called transvaginal ultrasound.

At the first weeks of pregnancy, when the accurate embryo implantation is required, a transvaginal method can be used.

Sometimes it is used at later deadlines, for example, in the pathology of the placenta.

But in general, this method in pregnant women is used extremely carefully, preference is given to an external sensor, transabdominal ultrasound.

With a transabdominal ultrasound, the sensor is placed on the abdominal wall. In shape, it resembles a sensor to study the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

But for the small pelvis organs, a separate, slightly less size and having a convex (semicircular) edge. A small sensor easily fits between the pelvic bones and allows even outside, due to the elasticity of the skin, as close as possible to come to the studied authorities.

In addition to the study of the tissues themselves, ultrasound allows you to estimate the rate of blood flow (Doppler or).

To do this, the doctor is enough to translate the device into the appropriate mode of operation. The patient will hear the noise, hum or pulsation, characterizing the blood flow, and the graph of pulse waves will appear on the screen. The technique allows you to assess the heartset of the fetus, placental blood flow, diagnose cases of cordial cord.

Diagnostic value of ultrasound during pregnancy

The emergence of ultrasound research methods in obstetric practice made it possible to significantly expand the possibilities of diagnosis:

  1. Dangerous Mother's Cases:
  • intrauterine fetal death;
  • the failure of the seam after the cesarean section.
  1. Evaluation of the development of the fetus:
  • Compliance of the sizes of the embryo term of pregnancy.
  • And its location (including, or the appearance of a hematoma in the placenta).
  • Early intrauterine diagnosis of development pathologies.

Allows you to make a decision on interruption of pregnancy, or prepare future parents for the birth of a child with special needs. Some pathologies can be corrected before the birth of the baby.

  • Multiple pregnancy.

Depending on the arrangement of embryos, it was not always diagnosed with an obstetric examination and often turned out to be a "surprise" during childbirth.

  1. Postpartum period:
  • monitoring the state of the seam after cesarean section,
  • diagnosis of possible postpartum inflammatory processes.

In addition, in most cases, ultrasound allows you to find out the floor of the future child in advance and buy the necessary coming for the kid. And also make it the first "photo" or even to shoot the movements of the child on video - these are unique frames, so appreciated by all parents!

Does ultrasound be harmful: myths and truth

Ultrasound waves were known to physicists for a long time.

But they found their use in medicine not so long ago, and in obstetrics began to be applied only from the middle of the twentieth century. Therefore, the method was perceived with doubt, and over the years, turned the myths about the possible harmful effect on the fruit.

We will not forget that medical equipment is constantly improving, its quality and safety is paid to special attention.

Therefore, even if using ultrasound in the 70s of the last century, there were any risks in the 70s, then there are no longer in modern devices.

However, since the ultrasound of pregnant women are widely used for only a few decades, the statistics currently available does not allow to completely refute some myths. But knowledge of the physical processes and physiology of the body makes it possible to talk about the groundlessness of such concerns.

Myth first: ultrasound can cause harm to influence the perinatal development of the fetus

The embryo is most vulnerable to the first trimester of pregnancy. At this stage there is a laying of organs and systems. In addition, a small period of pregnancy does not make it possible to get a reliable picture using an abdominal sensor and vaginal is used in the early stroke.

That is why ultrasound in the early periods of pregnancy are prescribed only if necessary.

However, data on the negative impact on the development of the fetus is not even with the experience of using old equipment. At later dates, when the laying of the organs has already occurred, the risk for the baby is even less likely.

Myth two: ultrasound can be the cause of gene mutations

We do not hear and do not feel ultrasound waves, and therefore they seem incomprehensible and dangerous.

They attribute some properties characteristic of X-ray radiation, radiation, magnetic fields.

But if you deal with the physics of the process, we will see that this is just a method of echolocation, fixation of reflected sound oscillations. In addition, in the diagnostic equipment, waves of limited power are used, which do not affect the condition of tissues or the molecular composition.

Myth Three: With normally proceeding pregnancy ultrasound does not make sense, it only worries a child

Not all pathologies are characterized by acute manifestations. And only early diagnosis helps prevent serious problems in the future. On the contrary, the fetal position does not always make it possible to see some features (for example, a node on cord) and trouble occurs, despite the "good" descriptions on the ultrasound.

The passage of ultrasound is a voluntary procedure, a woman can refuse it.

But the ability to maximize yourself to protect yourself and the future kid - isn't the future mother take care of this?!

The question of whether the ultrasound is harmful for a person, interests a huge number of patients and their loved ones. It is especially important to deal with what influence has an ultrasound on a child and fruit (especially in early pregnancy).

To approach this question should be scientifically. The household species of ordinary citizens are overflowed by emotions, but essentially mean nothing.

In this article we will consider the question of the dangers of ultrasound for a person from a scientific point of view. We also tell me how often you can and how many times do ultrasound during pregnancy (including in early time).

The question of the effect of ultrasound per person was raised from the very beginning of the appearances of this medical diagnosis. Especially interested in patients the influence of ultrasound on the child and what will happen if the ultrasound is frequent.

The world was divided into two camps: some completely trusted the ultrasonic diagnostic technique, the other belongs to it skeptically, and sometimes hostile.

And this applies not only to ordinary citizens. So in some countries on the wave of conversations about the danger of ultrasound, ultrasound was fully prohibited. Is this act justified?

Probably not. And it is easy to explain. After all, the fact is that only an ultrasound study can confirm or refute the following diseases of pregnant and feminine:

  1. Multiple pregnancy (at the same time its confirmation is important to do in the early stages, as the likelihood of serious problems is high).
  2. Emascinal location of the child ().
  3. Pulling placenta.
  4. Hereditary diseases of the child.
  5. Disorders of the formation of the body (and its individual structures) of the child.

And, it would seem, this can already finish the transfer of diseases that can be avoided by completing the ultrasound. However, do not forget about non-unreparable pathologies:

This list can be continued for a long time. However, there is no need for this, as supporters of refusal from ultrasound believe that the minuses of Uzi still outweigh its diagnostic advantages.

Creates ultrasound dangerous oscillations?

One of the arguments of supporters of refusal from the ultrasound is the assertion of hazardous oscillations (resonance) created by the unit UZ. According to them, the fact that the sensor UZ operates at a frequency of 20 hertz, it can cause the launch of the mechanism of cancer development.

The mechanism according to their words is simple: cancer cells have a certain spectrum of oscillations, which specifies them with replication rhythm (reproduction). And this rhythm just coincides with the rhythm of the work of the ultrasound sensor.

And then a healthy cell, having its own "healthy rhythm", begins to work either in the case (chaotic rhythm), or synchronizing with the rhythm of the sensor ultrasound. That is, based on their linear logic, with the rhythm of the cancer tumor.

The failure of this assumption is no doubt. There is no evidence of existence of rhythm cells. Moreover, even if he existed, then at the expense of what mechanisms in essence autonomous (self-organization) cell should adapt to foreign rhythm?

This makes no sense from an evolutionary point of view, and from the point of view of human logic. In addition, no evidence, in the form of certain experiments, this statement has no.

Does ultrasound lead to mechanical damage?

Frequently often supporters of the danger of ultrasound refer to the fact that ultrasound creates a mechanical effect on soft tissues. And, in their opinion, this mechanical impact is destructive.

So these people also refer to the fact that nothing can take place without a trace. So, ultrasound waves are also reflected in the surveyed bodies.

Fortunately, physics for the seventh class completely refutes these fictional dangers. Ultrasound waves emitted by the UZ sensor are negligible in the strength of their impact, and they cannot damage anything.

And it is easy to check, since with destructive capabilities, they would first of all damaged the skin, which is the first barrier for the passage of ultrasound. Patients would have noticed at the venues of the ultrasound various options for disruption of pigmentation, eczema, dermatitis.

However, this does not happen. Yes, and ultrasound can be used to destroy the body, however, there are several other equipment for this. The usual ultrasound sensor is not capable of this "at all".

In addition, if the strength of the mechanical effects of the ultrasonic apparatus is so great, then why do not we observe the breaking of the eye capillaries when they are diagnosed? After all, the eye capillaries are very thin, they are extremely easy to damage.

Do not react to ultrasound and high-precision sensory systems of the body. The patient's surveyed simplicity does not feel the effects of ultrasound waves. Then what kind of destructive mechanical exposure is we talking about?

Are frequent research?

On the harmfulness of the frequent use of ultrasound heard, probably, each. And we usually go about the ultrasound of the child's ultrasound (including the fetus). Like, children are susceptible to negative exposure more than adults.

And the argument is based on the dangers of frequent ultrasound diagnostics on the fact that once single examinations are not harmful, then multiple by definition should be such. This logic has ancient roots: small doses of poison - medicine, and large - refive.

However, in the case of ultrasound, it is not applicable to indicate a "dose", because it is not x-ray. Ultrasound is oscillations and nothing more: they are not accumulated (accumulate) in the body as poison, and certainly do not poison it.

Medical practice shows that frequent execution of the ultrasound of the child (or adult is no matter) does not threaten nothing. At the same time, the child's age does not differ: it can be a baby, a teenager or a fruit at the later pregnancy.

All over the wines, the average confidence of ordinary people in the fact that frequent ultrasound is harmful. Therefore, the administration of many medical institutions went to meet them in order to satisfy their demands. No evidence harm Of frequent ultrasound and the child, and in an adult, the current medicine has no medicine.

Harm ultrasound for a child (video)

General conclusions

It is worth admitting that sometimes the arguments of supporters of refusal from ultrasound research can make it seem. However, if you go deep into the study, it becomes clear that these arguments are untenable.

Every day all over the world is carried out a huge amount of ultrasound diagnostics. The account is on hundreds of thousands of procedures every day. At the same time, the procedure itself is applied for many years, and during this time there was not a single case of complications from the ultrasound.

At the same time, we can even face the inverse situation, when people talking firm "no" to conduct an ultrasound afterwards they regret it (due to the slowdown in the diagnosis of diseases). Sometimes they are simply not sure that the ultrasound works, but more often they are afraid of this procedure.