Gift school presentation. What to give school? Repair of a classroom room

In the life of each of us there are completely special events that are only once, in his youth this: first love and, of course, school graduation ball. And all participants of the ball: graduates, parents and teachers want everyone to be perfect. I would like the scenario of the evening and, entertainment program to "URA", the menu is to taste, outfits and hairstyles - you managed, you want everyone to leave the holiday touched and satisfied with the experienced impressions and gifts. How to make the holiday like? How to choose, for example,?

We are talking about real gifts, and not about formal, battered and patterns. Largely, choosing a gift to teachers for graduationis determined by the traditions of the school, the well-being of most parents (because the material load of the entire event falls on them), which have developed relations and the personality of the teacher himself.

1. Preliminary preparation for the choice of gifts to teachers.

Before sending an initiative group to the store, it is recommended to spend some preparatory work:

To arrange a survey among graduates, better anonymous (so the guys will be freer in statements), about what a gift and who they would like to give;

Conduct a "intelligence" work to determine the sphere of interests and tastes of each teacher;

From practical gifts - the most popular today:

1. Household appliances (chosen to taste a teacher) or a gift certificate for its purchase (so that the teacher itself choose the desired);

2. Gift certificates in a beauty salon, for a one-day resort, for the purchase of goods in a cosmetic, perfume or jewelry store;

3. For men teachers, the annual subscription to the bath is suitable (if the teacher is truly passionate about). Give a ticket to the match of the sport, which he is fond of. Fisherman, tourist or hunter is more appropriate to prevent anything from the corresponding equipment (or again a gift certificate for its acquisition;

4. A ticket for a weekly rest in a sanatorium or a holiday home or tickets for the entire teacher family for a day cruise on the ship.

AND from expensive gifts to the class teacher you can stay on the following:

1. Washing hours in the gold case and leather strap;

2. For men, a suitable gift can be a cufflink or clamp for a tie of semi-precious stones, gold or silver;

3. Lady teachers can choose a decent bracelet, brooch or a chain with a pendant of gold or silver or again a certificate with a certain amount so that the class leader itself chose something like that;

4. A full-worthy gift for a modern teacher is a good cell phone, mini-ipad or iPhone;

5. It is appropriate to present the teacher a diary in a leather binding and an expensive handle with a silong or even gilded case;

6. An excellent option is a desktop device for a letter or an office organizer from a semi-precious diverse stone.

When making a gift to all teachers should not be bought up on elegant baskets, boxes and bouquets, including fantasy - from balloons, photographs of graduates or chocolate chocolates. The little things solve everything. (Household appliances, books and wall clocks can be laid in a gift basket, decorated with flowers and fruits. Jewels - in the case "Hand Maid").

When choosing a gift to teachers for graduation, remember that the greatest value is the feed: sincere words of wishes and gratitude, said in the gift, originality of idea, attention and warmth, the total atmosphere of the holiday. A memorable gift of topics and differs from the usual, which causes pleasant memories and emotions!

School years the most unforgettable! The school gives us knowledge, teaches to communicate with the surrounding people, our first friends appear at school, sometimes they remain our friends for life. In short, the school gives a person a way to life.

And what a student can give school? To make a gift school there are many different reasons. Anniversary of the school, graduation, the first of September, the day of the teacher ...

The best gift is a gift made by your own hands. But you need to do such gifts so that it was not ashamed to give. We offer you a few ideas of school gifts with your own hands.

What do we have when we finish school? That's right - good memories. So why not give school, her students and memories teachers.

The most important thing is the correct supply of the material, so the memories need to choose with the mind. It is important to choose interesting moments from school life.

Give a school on the anniversary photo album made by your own hands.

Every day something interesting happens in school, and with time many bright and memorable moments accumulate, which I would like to save not only in memory, but also documented. You can make an album for school with your hands with memorable inscriptions.

A more painful gift will be video.

If you choose the right video passages and mounted - then it may be a very good mini video movie about pastime at school.

And if the video is placed on social networks, users will be able to appreciate how interesting and useful life in your school.

Art as a gift

If you speak any skill, you can try to make something beautiful and decent attention to the numerous audience.

If you decide to make such a gift with your own hands try to allocate enough time for this, because the hurry in this matter is for nothing. Everything should be done very carefully and efficiently.

Decoration of the school interior.There are many ideas, what a decoration to make for school walls.

It can be a beautiful panel of natural materials, a picture in a quilling technique, a funnutant of polymer clay, a huge red heart from a wire that demonstrates your love for school.

You can perform an interesting decor of flower pots in the technique of decoupage for recreation. Such a gift made by your own hands can be presented to the school director for the day of the teacher, on the graduation.

Picture. If you have the talent of the artist, present the school as a gift made by your own hands, my own picture. If there are no such talents, you can make an interesting photo collage.


To decorate the school, you can make beautiful crafts for school with your own hands. Pupils of high school can make panels of pencils or markers. This panel corresponds to school themes and in the manufacture it is not difficult!

A memorable souvenir school or on September 1 will be a decorative tree from small photos of students of your class, teachers and school leadership.

It is said that the school is for a person the second home, we can assume that it will become a kind of family tree. It is a beautiful, original and memorable gift of school, made by your own hands.

Decorative handmade vase is a wonderful school gift for any holiday.
They will decorate any cabinet at school, add beauty and comfort. And the most important thing, it will remain a pleasant memories of you!

An excellent memorable gift for the day of the teacher or for the first September will be toopiary.

Such an exercise always looks an unusual interior, no exception and school. Such a school gift can be made with your own hands from paper, from branches, satin ribbons, beads or coffee beats. Studies and work, and you will have a real beauty at the exit!

But this is not the entire list of gifts that you can give school.

Schoolchildren of senior classes can make the original gift of school, having made the small repair of certain school premises. This is a wonderful gift, because sometimes to fulfill ubiquitous school repair is simply not under power.

As a gift school impressions

Or maybe you have an acting, vocal or choreographic talent? If you have such nuggets in your class, why not give a school at a holiday any interesting event?

Naturally, this is not a material gift, but he will deliver no less impressions. Enjoy the support of the class teacher and at least the School Watch and Forward.

By the Day of the Teacher or and the school, you can organize a concert or a theatrical representation by the forces of your class, and if you have to have those who wish among their parents, then and their forces too.

Such an improvised event will be remembered for a long time, and students will receive invaluable experience in organizing such holidays.

Gifts to the teacher

But gifts can be given not only to school, but also to individual people who work in this institution.

The favorite teacher, in honor of the prom, can be presented as a gift photo album in the style of scrap of impressive sizes, which is filled with the best photographs with students.

And you can call it "Album memories from A to Z."

In such an album, it is advisable to place photos from the first to eleventh grades, while creating sections, recording memorable dates, wishes to your favorite teacher from grateful students.

Such a present will give the teacher of the sea of \u200b\u200bpositive and will remain in memory for many years!

A wonderful gift to the teacher - a Cup with personal engraving. This is perhaps the most decent reward for that great work, to overestimate which is simply impossible!

If you wish, a beautiful cup can be made with your own hands, you only need a little imagination and effort.

The class teacher for a long memory can be given a magnificent photo frame into which a photo of a class is placed. Such a photo frame can be made with your own hands.

If you really have a desire to make a good gift, spend your precious time, make efforts and be sure to work with the soul.

Then your gift will be truly unique and unique!

Gifts to students

But how to answer the teacher reciprocity - right, give back gifts.

The teacher is not under the power to purchase a large number of gifts in the store. But this is not a reason to give up the opportunity to make children pleasant.

Primary school students: First graders and graduates of the fourth grade, you can give beautiful medals made by your hands from cardboard and satin ribbon.

A photo folder can be a memorable gift for a high school schoolboy. Such a thing can be made self-made of decorative cardboard and colored paper. Do not forget to incur an interesting school photo into it!

For students of any age, a universal memorable gift will be a photo-cube.

Make such a gift is very simple. It is enough to highlight for this free evening, print the desired photos on the printer, make the desired number of cubes from dense cardboard and enclose their photos. Without a doubt, it will turn out very original!

High school students can give the original covers for the main document in the life of every person - passports.

The guys grow up, and the certificate of this fact becomes a passport. For them, this is a new stage in life.

Give them joy, making unusual gifts for them with your own hands in the form of a passport covers. Each student can get a unique and unique gift in the form of a cover with an individual design.

Viewed: 921.

Ended carefree childhood.

Grade 11, last call, graduation ball, laughter, smiles, and here she is an adult life. For teachers, every new issue is parting with children who have grown in their eyes.

There is a glorious tradition to make a gift to their native educational institution in honor of the graduation graduates.

We will tell you 13 ideas of gifts

1. Plasma TV for teacher

Most of the graduates finishes public schools, where the budget is usually limited.

Therefore, if you gather to give in honor of your release with your native institution, then believe me, the teachers will long remember you with a good word.

Buy a "plasma" with a diagonal of about 50 inches so that they are in those short minutes that fall out between the lessons, the teachers could have a cup of tea and watch TV.

2. Saplings of trees

This is repeated annually. Pupils, teachers are changing, the school and its surroundings are transformed.

Make your contribution - give your educational institution to the seedlings of trees for school alleys from your class.

Agree with your classmates and land them before graduation.

On all anniversary in honor of the graduation, you will watch how your gift is growing. It is possible that your children will run through this alley.

School is not only a new topic in class, homework, challenge parents or assessment in the diary. These are also holidays, school performances and concerts.

Without musical accompaniment, they are practically impossible.

Music center for school will not be superfluous. Just buy a high-quality apparatus with karaoke.

4. Licensed learning disks

School can not always have enough audio-video materials corresponding to the curriculum.

Talk to your teachers for each of the school items - they will tell you what is missing.

Give a set of licensed learning disks by their native educational institution. Do not forget about younger school. Thanks to you, the learning process will become more interesting, modern and


5. Classroom repair

Repair of the classroom is a wonderful gift from graduates to the end of the school. You will not even imagine how happy your former class teacher will be happy. In the end, and you put a hand to what the class is in what condition is.

Repairs can be done by himself. To do this, buy the necessary building materials in advance and plan the time of it.

Another simple version is to entrust this work to professionals. It turns out more expensive, but better.

You can include in your estimate the installation of plastic windows that are good and as a separate gift.

6. School board

"It will go to the board ..." - How many times have you heard this phrase for your school years!

Previously used wooden boards covered with paint. Today there are other - metal.

This allows not only to write with chalk, but also to have educational and auxiliary manuals on magnetic holders. The most popular options with a special lacquer coating.

One such board can be bought in your native class. Let the children who remain after you, the educational process gives joy.

7. Modern computer

Imagine today our life without computers is impossible. The school gives basic information literacy and it needs modern technical means of various configurations and capabilities.

Graduates, as a rule, know perfectly well, in which state is the school computer class. If there is a need for this, pick up a computer or separate the peripheral equipment for the computer science.

Even if you're reading electronic gadgets, then books in your school library still exist on paper media.

Please refill the school collection by the works of classics, books for extracurricular reading, dictionaries or other publications to schoolboards.

9. Memorial class album

In each school, as a rule, there is a museum. Make a big and beautiful album of your graduation class for him.

Collect all the necessary material (photos, texts, etc. etc.) and consult professionals. They will help accommodate your information on your album beautifully and compact.

10. Interactive board

This is a stunning modern and useful gift for school. It does not look like a classic board and is a touchscreen screen.

The kit also includes a computer and projector who are part of this system. The content and image of the "desktop" is projected onto the screen.

The class works with this information, makes adjustments and complements the new one. Changes are saved and can be used further.

But it is worth an interactive board that is expensive. Alternatively, you can make such a gift together with other graduation classes - one at all.

11. Class Lighting

If you equip a class in your native school with modern and energy-saving luminescent lamps - the school will tell you thanks.

12. Inventory for the gym

In a healthy body healthy mind. The school gym is a special place where you can spill the energy that beats the key at such a young age.

Today, the possibilities of choosing a huge sports equipment. In special stores you can choose a good gift for your favorite school: gymnastic mats, Swedish walls, horizontal skins, and athletics equipment and much more.

Do not forget about high-quality football and volleyball balls.

Authors: Stingerzak, Irishka.

Since the middle of the school year, graduate parents begin to raise the issue of graduation night and, of course, about gifts to teachers, administration and school. Since the parent team is large enough, then the discussion of this topic is delayed, considering everything "for" and "against".

Classification of school gifts

Before you choose something as a gift, you need to know what they happen. We give the main classification of gifts of graduates:
  • Traditional is a category of gifts that is supported from year to year. If there is no such gifts in your school, you can organize. For example, if you buy seedlings of ornamental trees and declare a graduation that today the alley begins to disembark, and each release must continue the right thing, then we can assume that the beginning is put. Instead of decorative shrubs, chestnuts are suitable - here is a taste.
  • General use are gifts that replenish the school funds, such as the Library Foundation. You can buy a collection of educational disks. A public gift can be both the main and addition to another gift.
  • Valuable gift.
  • Creative event. For everyone, the last call once rang and passed the prom. Memories that remained after these events depend on the preparation of the guys to the celebration. As a creative gift, you can cook and shoot a film about school life, school holidays or a film clip, the song of which is devoted to the native school.

On the main thing - a valuable gift

A valuable gift is usually awarded to the representative of the administration (often the school director). Graduates who studied not one year most often have an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat the school needs. Most often it is a scanner, a new quality printer or a copy machine. It is possible that parents will remember how much power they spent to organize a trip even within the city and will decide to give a minibus. Believe me, you will greatly thank you for such a gift and the director. Computerized gifts are currently relevant, such as interactive boards and multimedia projectors. We must not forget about the guys who are not yet available and remain to study at school, they will probably like new soccer balls, for example. The situation when the class teacher advises what a gift is needed is also common. A teacher, often existing in the office of the director and other cabinets, has a certain idea of \u200b\u200bwhat is needed by school, such as new linoleum or furniture.

What to give school from the entire stream of graduates of 11 classes?

By the end of the school year, parents of many graduates break their heads over the question: what to give school to memory from class. The difficulty of choosing a gift is that the probability of repeating in the gift is very large, since much may have already been presented earlier. If you decide to give a gift on behalf of all graduates of this year, you should choose a good and expensive gift. What exactly? For example, for the teacher, you can present a plasma TV, which will be simply indispensable during teaching "windows". You can also offer the installation of plastic windows at school (which is very often practiced now). Do not forget about the gym, for which you can purchase sports equipment (balls, "goats", mats, simulators), which will be simply indispensable in the new academic year. If thematic circles are open at school, you can present a special inventory. Theatrical circle - suits, elements of scenery; Musical - musical instruments and / or equipment. If the school has a winter garden, you can give new types of colors, bushes and decorative trees, which for many years will still remind graduates.

Reflecting on a school gift, you need to talk to the class teacher and listen to the opinions of graduates about this, and then take a collective decision, taking into account the state of the school for the day.

Spring has already entered into their rights, and the time of graduation evenings is invariably approaching school. According to the tradition, which established as a sign of appreciation, respect and love, teachers give gifts. How to originally congratulate children to "second mothers"?

  • in the fourth grade, when children finish primary school and move from one teacher to several subjects;
  • at the end of the ninth grade;
  • when parting with the school.

Presenting a gift to the teacher is a kind of expression of the relationship of students and parents to him, so it is not necessary to approach the choice of presents, but with a soul and creative.

Sweet classic that can accompany any gift

To determine the desired "subject", several opinions of both parents and children should be collected. In some cases, you can give 2 presents - and from students, and from their parents. You can bring references about the hobbies and preferences of teachers and choose something with this accounting.

Of course, one of the most important moments is the material side. Limitations in the means may become a serious obstacle when buying a present. But there is a way out of this deplorable situation - to show a mixture, attach skillful hands or do something creative and unusual.

Who said the gift to the teacher should be only material? It is much better to remember scenes, films, flash mobs dedicated to beloved teachers.

Gifts to teachers-subject

For teachers, leading lessons on certain subjects, gifts can be two types:

  • with "binding" to the subject to which they trained schoolchildren;
  • refluiabling, common.

If you do not create, you can simply "make it possible to" make "all teachers with the same gifts. There is its advantages in this - you do not need to run in search of different presents, teachers will not compare gifts, which will exclude possible resentment.

You can buy unlike souvenirs, but combine them with a single stylistic design. For example, use the same packaging bags or to each presentation to add the same small object - flower, handle, postcard, etc.

And how do you like this option - the same items (hours, vases, boxes, handles, etc.) with name engraving?

If you want not only to give a teacher with a gift, but also focus on the subject that he led, it will have to work hard to come up with something inadvertent and original.

What can you give in this case? Literary Teacher - Dictionary or Tomik favorite poems, mathematics - an unusual calculator or magnets in the form of numbers for an interactive board, geographer - a globe from sweets (sweet bouquet). The natural leather ball will certainly be delighted by a physical education teacher, and the technology teacher in girls will be fighting with a container for useful trifles. The historian will be interested in a unique document, with difficulty mined from archival sources, and for a biology teacher, you can find an exotic flower.

There is an exclusive option - to order unusual diplomas for each teacher on the Internet.

Diploma and medal for teacher-subject

Present for the class teacher

More frequent contacts with students and parents also suggest a more significant present for the class "mother".

The ideal solution to the issue with a gift is to combine two "offerings" at once (from students and from parents). Moms and dads of schoolchildren can prevent something expensive and meaningful if there is such desire and opportunities. It can be household appliances or a certificate for its acquisition, expensive cosmetics, a subscription to a massage salon, a trip for a day trip on the boat, tickets to the theater, etc.

From expensive presents, manual hours on expensive rim, bijouterie of famous brands or precious ornaments (suspension, cufflinks, rings, etc.). A manifestation of wealth and good taste will be an office organizer or desktop set for a letter in an exclusive design.

The cost of the gift is directly dependent on the wealth of parents and the allocated funds on this exhaust expenditure article. The value of the present is inseparable and with the individual characteristics of the teacher, with their attitude towards such manifestations of respect and love of graduates.

Schoolchildren graduates, regardless of the graduation class (4th, 9th or 11th), can most accurately guess what needs to be a class teacher, because they spent quite a lot of time together.

A memorable and unforgettable gift may become "art" by graduates themselves - specially intended dancing, poetic performances, wall newsgastes, slideshows, etc.

Many teachers love gifts made by their own hands. They are not like something else and will surely leave the trace in the soul of the teacher.

Candy bouquet in memory of graduates

Options for fourth graduates

Gifts to the teacher after graduating from elementary school, as a rule, are chosen by their parents. Children participate in the process of "approval" of gifts indirectly. Most often, parents decide that to give teachers, and with the help of children embody these ideas in life.

Children together with parents can master the creation of an exclusive "husky" album.

Paddow students for memory teacher

In the album, so many pages lad out as students in the classroom. Each student makes out its palm on its own, at its discretion, and then all pages are connected to a single whole. By the way, a good option is to add their parents with more adult wishes or poetic verses to children's handles.

It is not necessary to think that the wall newspaper is the last century ... It is very interesting and original can be portrayed all students in unusual angles, you can use and palms with photos of schoolchildren.

You can donate the man-made "tree" with the photo-photos of students.

"Tree" made with your own hands, with photos of schoolchildren

The first teacher is often called the mother of primary school students, and this is true. After all, the class teacher has not only to teach the kids, but also to care for them - to correct clothes, wipe the nose, feed. Perhaps, for such a caring teacher, a bouquet of toys will suit, because all her pupils for her - bunnies, kids, kittens guys.

Bouquet of bunny toys

Literary and musical compositions dedicated to the favorite teachers will not be able to not touch the strings of the soul of every teacher to which children will turn from the scene. Prepare such a surprise will help parents.

Congratulations in verse will decorate any prom

What can give nine-graders

Graduation in the ninth grade is a slightly matured guys, but more children. They can already make independent decisions, but not always confident in their correctness. Such seeking adulthood, children can confirm their "not long-haired" status, if they are detachment and will show the incendiary dance on the school line or organize school flash mob under the favorite musical composition of teachers. Some schoolchildren can very much to surprise their teachers and for a long time to remain the topic of discussion in the teacher.

At this age, very creative start of schoolchildren. An indispensable skillful hands to create a creative gift.

Such candy bouquets can be given to subject teachers.

Candy bouquet for music teacher

You can literally to make a teacher and the whole class, combining all in one picture (Salted Dough Technique).

"Photo" in memory of salty test

Graduation nine-graders - a wonderful reason to sit together together and discuss further plans for a cup of tea. The soulful conversation of students and teachers will be much more productive and more interesting, if "backing" her piece of creative cake, which, of course, will share a teacher who received him as a gift.

A coyative cake with graduates will be very by the way on graduation in grade 9

All the well-known expression "Children - Flowers of Life can be literally implemented and present to the class teacher or all teachers here such a pot with favorite flowers.

Albums with photocollages of students - an indispensable "chopper-corrupt" when choosing a creative gift.

What to stop the choice of future students

Farewell to the school is always a very touching and significant event in the life of every person. Schoolchildren, together with teachers, passed side by side so many long years! In this case, the manifestation of gratitude for labor and love given to children is a natural desire.

What could you hit the graduation teachers in the eleventh grade? Of course, as in previous years, gifts made by their own hands are relevant. Embroidered pads, knitted napkins, drunk teacher souvenirs stored as carefully as moms are the first drawings and poems of their children.

A man-made bouquet of sweets in school themes will suit both the class teachers, as well as for subject teachers. A box of sweets with photos of graduates will not be able to leave a single teacher indifferent.

Exclusive box of candy

The frequency of time can be reminded, giving a unique clock with early photographs of graduates.

Interesting hours with photos of schoolchildren will like

A non-standard photo album of all graduates can be handed over to the class teacher. And the background on the school chalkboard can portray the dreams of each student.

Cool photo on the background of her dreams

Recognition in love teachers should not necessarily be verbal. The dance shell of "Love Lyrics" is an excellent embodiment for those who are not very friendly with the language, but perfectly owns the body.

Dance Present for Teachers

For memory, each teacher, schoolchildren can give a plate with a photo of the teacher and the subject of his teaching or hobbies.

Named plates will be a real decoration for each teacher

Do not skimp on warm words to teachers' address, they need to confirm the demand for their work. Show fantasy and come up with something your own, unique that will make your teachers at least a little happier. For example, such a pencil bouquet!

Bouquet of flowers in the frame of color pencils - bright, positive, creatively!

"Forbidden" gifts

The manifestation of bad tone is to give alcoholic beverage teachers (even if very expensive), unless, of course, the teacher does not collect exclusive wines.

Do not just "get separate" and present an envelope with money. But again, there may be exceptions - if the teacher himself hinted on a cash gift.

No need to give gifts and not think over the process of their presentation. Careless attitude towards presenting a gift, ugly or untidy packaging can spoil the impression even from the most elegant present.

Do not think that all teachers are waiting only for expensive presents. Good words, mental songs, surprise moments, man-made gifts will definitely delight school teachers.