Conspiracy for successful trading: We read in the workplace

These simple rituals will help you feel happy, change your life for the better, to get joy from every last time and always seek the desired.

To bring joy every day, and the desire to act and seek success never left you, it is necessary to feel happy. Probably, every person at least once happened to the idea that something follows something in life. Of course, it is impossible to do this without certain efforts, and many people in an attempt to change something in their fate faced with barriers and failures. Effective rituals will help you to overcome any obstacles to the dream, thanks to which you will achieve significant positive changes in life.

Ritual to get rid of life difficulties

The troubles that sometimes occur in the life of every person are a serious obstacle to achieve happiness. Effective ritual will help you get rid of boring problems and everyday difficulties.

Take a faceted glass and pour water into it. Night go out into the street and find a deserted place, then say:

"Lock all the misfortunes in my life. Let each failure, every disappointment, every trouble life will leave and never go to it anymore. "

After that, the water must be pulled out, the glass is able to smash if possible, and the fragments go away from his home. It is possible to bury it entirely, but then the ritual will be less effective.

Ritual to get rid of loneliness

Lonely people are much more difficult to see something good in their lives, but to change it for the better in this case becomes almost impossible task. An effective ritual will help you find love, find friends or establish relationships with your loved ones.

Purchase holy water and break it into a bowl or a glass. Light a candle, you sweat a little wax into the container, while say:

"I, the slave (a) of God (I) (Name), I wish from loneling and sorrow to get rid of life. Break, candle, and burn all my sorrows. Let people go to Manya and cannot live with me without communicating. "

After that, the wax that stayed at the bottom of a glass or bowls, dreold and thoroughly overtake it to get a powder. The next day go out to the street and break it. Soon you will notice attention from others, and perhaps you will soon increase your personal life.

Ritual to correct a difficult situation

Material problems, disadvantages in life, relatives' disease - all this incomplete list of those situations in which people fall throughout life. If the attached efforts do not help cope with them, you can help a proven ritual that should be carried out strictly on Wednesday.

Wednesday - energetically strong day, so any manipulations carried out at this time bring a quick and positive result. Try to get up before all households, before the onset of dawn, and prior to morning wash:

"With water, I liberate your life from the nutrition, I clean my soul. See all troubles and failures with me. Let the life of my happiness come. "

After these words, I will be worried and in the morning do not talk to anyone. During the day, also try to communicate with people to a minimum. Such a measure is needed, because a large energy accumulation occurs on Wednesday, and the negative energy of a person can affect the strength and effectiveness of your ritual.

Ritual to get rid of material problems

The lack of money or an unstable financial situation is able to significantly affect your life. A person becomes more aggressive, envious, and the negative emotions arisen have a negative impact on its physical condition and energy.

To make rid of money difficulties forever, go to church and buy 40 candles there after morning worship. Everyday burn them, pronouncing:

"Forty candles burn, as many saints help me in life. Let me in your life, I will not face poverty. Poverty, go around me, wealth is from you locked up. "

For forty days, not missing, repeat the ritual. On the last day, burning the last candle, collect the remaining wax and wrap it into any bill. Keep the banknote where no one will find it.

Ritual for success in work

To stabilize your financial situation, and also realize in life, you need to work and build a career. In order for your activity to bring fruit, and colleagues and the boss treated you to respect, spend this ritual in the workplace. Before going to work, take two coins and say:

"I wish you for the threshold to go out, not stuffing, so that my day has passed without errors. I want the things to be my result to bring my efforts to have been noticed to be appreciated and respected me. May it be so".

Take both coins to work, and at the end of the working day, leave one in the office, and take another way home. Try not to lose any of them, otherwise the result of your manipulation will be reverse. I sincerely believe in virtue of the conspiracy money, and the ritual made soon helps you prove yourself as a good worker.

In the life of each person sometimes the black strip comes. The most important thing is to never be upset and not to lower your hands. Try to fight life difficulties, and rituals will help you with this. Site team website wishes you good luck, and do not forget to click on the buttons and

This article contains: prayer to establish life - information is taken from the side of the world, electronic network and spiritual people.

Prayer so that everything is good is a popular text that is often used for various purposes.

Moreover, they take place both general prayers about the prosperous outcome of a particular case and prayers so that everything is good in a specific, narrow sense.

Prayer is a great strength, changing the most unfavorable estimated outcome often in the opposite side expectations. Each sincerely praying person may affect a particular situation in order to change it.

How does prayer help?

Prayer - communication with the Lord himself and Holy Holy. God sees the heart of every person, he has been led by the secret aspirations of man.

He can predict, like this or that person will respond to other people and, most importantly, how it will respond in the soul of the most praying.

If God knows that success is useful, he grants His sincerely prayer and wanting to change life for the better (both his own and life of other people).

If successful only hurts - do not persist and do not go to the fortune tellers, you may have not yet been ready to accept the benefits prepared by the Lord. It takes time - it sometimes happens, not everything can be obtained instantly and easily.

Absolutely normal and natural is the desire for the fate of our and loved ones, expensive people to be successful. It is necessary not only to apply all efforts to this in ordinary life, but also to strengthen confidence prayer to the Lord.

Sometimes it is difficult to overcome embarrassment and constraints - ask for help from God, as they would ask for help from your father or mother: God, and there is our Heavenly Father. Do not grieve it, do not go to the fortune tellers and lead, do not sore for the sake of achieving your goal.

A separate, private case of prayer that everything was fine is a prayer for success in doing business is very complex and responsible. Given the negative factors and defects of the system that you have to overcome, it is difficult to preserve common reason and confidence - if you do not reinforce spiritual strength prayer.

Ask the Lord about getting rid of all kinds of problems - any situation can be changed for the better.

Pray every day about the outcome of a particular event, and just about the prosperity and success of the case. Do not forget to thank God, doing a rich alms, sharing a large income with a lot of needy people - and success will be provided to you.

Recently, Russian entrepreneurs have received their special patron - Reverend Joseph Volotsky. He can and need to pray every day about prosperity and business success - regardless of its scale and other factors.

If you are pursued by failures, the reason for which people are - ask for the help and intercession of St. Nicholas, the Mirlijan Wonderworker. This wonderful saint became famous for many miracles, perfect by the Lord on His Holy Prayers, and especially - protecting and protecting deprived.

All those who suffered an undesuned offense from people, have their defender and the concept before the throne of God's saint Nicholas - he never leaves the need and insulted true Chad of Christ.

How to pray right?

To change life for the better - you need to change myself. Each hour, every day is a little better, do not allow the despondency and the malice to roll into us back, try not to be angry, do not be angry and do not envy.

Be sure to pray not only about your success, but to ask God and His holy wings also about the well-being of their relatives, loved ones, friends, not only friends, but even (more than others) enemies need to forgive and pray for them! So the Lord commanded us, and we, to the best of our modest forces, should try to match.

Do not use magic and witchcraft to achieve success and positive changes in life.

It insults the Lord and entails the most unsalted consequences for you and your loved ones who are involved in this.

Prayers to all be good: comments

Comments - 9,

Really praying need as much as possible. Only, as stated in the article, you need to be patient. God knows better when and in what amount we need it and whether it is necessary in principle. After all, very often it happens that we want something very much, and it does not work. It seems sometimes that the fate itself is against it. But we still hardly achieve and, as a result, when our desire comes true, we see that nothing good has brought it.

i am bad soul is the smart debt

Matronushka help me in a difficult moment and ask the Lord God that I would have forgiven for all my sins free and not free. Thank you.

Thank you for writing prayers to all the prayers.

Glory to you Lord! For all. Slava Father and Son and the Holy Spirit Amen!

Matronushka help me in a difficult moment and ask the Lord to forgive me for all my sins

He touched upon the help of our family. Help so that we have had their own housing

Matorenushka, help so that everything is fine, all my loved ones. And I had everything in life well. Amen. Thank you

Matreushka, help so that everything is fine with me and my loved ones. I ask you. Thank you

Prayers for well-being in life

"Above me, and I am in you ....

If you are in me and my words will be in you,

what you wish, ask, and will be you. "

Good luck is when the events of life are in the best way, this is the state of the soul, when everything works and it seems that there is nothing impossible.

At all times, people tried to catch good luck for the tail, put it off her and even make it work for themselves. To do this, there are many rituals, conspiracies and chants from time immemorial centuries. "From whom or from which it depends on - is it lucky or not?" - This old question is, as the world, but there is no accurate answer. The Internet and book counters die with all sorts of textbooks to attract good luck, thick books with black magic to manipulate luck and set mantras for success. You can, of course, go and these ways, but will it work and what is the price of this imaginary luck!?

For me, the answer to this question is obvious: it all depends first of all from the will of the person himself, his actions, the mood and the main faith - faith in themselves, faith in God and the good forces and from the Will of the Vyshnya himself, who in any case wishes us only the best But also has "their plans" for each of us. Just this item I want to deploy in this post, but rather lay out those prayers that are the bridge between the person and the highest forces, according to which the world and well-being will come to your life.

Daily prayers that each Orthodox should read to let your well-being in the house

Our father, izh, at Heaven!

Yes, your name is holy; Yes, your kingdom will come; Yes, there will be the will of yours, Yako in the sky, and on the earth; Bread our urgent grandfather to us; And we leave us our debts, and we leave our debtor to our; And do not enter us in temptation, but you save us from Lucavago. Yako is your kingdom, and power, and glory forever.

Virgin Delo, rejoice.

The Virgin Delo, Rejoice, the fertile mariye, the Lord with you, blessed you are in my wives and blessed the fruit of your womb, Yako Savior gave birth to our souls.

Prayer Guardian Angel

Angela of God, the keeper my holy, on compliance with me from the Lord with heaven, diligently pray to you, you will be enlightened to enlighten and from any evil to save, to the good deceit of the Nastya and on the path of salvation. Amen.

The prayer of the holy whose name is

The moths of God about me, the holy waters of God (name), Yako Az diligently, resort to you, quick assistant and prayer about my soul.

Prayers for the guardian angel for good luck and well-being

The guardian angel is the closest of our assistant supplied by God in order to enjoy us, try to save us from the troubles, to correct us in the right direction, if we are not discrepancies deviate from the right path.

Guardian Angel is a hot prayerman for us before God. "Guardian Angel will remove you" - this is exactly what they say if the trouble miraculously went around you by side. In order for us, everything is fine - you need to talk to him every day through a prayer, ask the angel to enjoy and pray for us sinners.

Thanks Prayer Angel Keeper

Pouring the Lord, you pay tribute, my guardian angel. Sladen Be Esi in the Lord! Amen.

Prayer angel keeper at moments of failures, from despondency and trouble.

My patron, my petition before the face of the God of a single Christian!

Holy angel, I appeal to you with a prayer to save your soul. From the Lord, I was tested by faith, the Okayannoye, for loved the hell of my God. Help, holy, transfer the test from the Lord, for the weakness Az Esm and I am afraid not to endure your sufferings. The angel is light, low to me, left my great wisdom to hean a very sensible Word of God. Protect faith My, angel, so that there was no temptation before me and the test of our Az would have passed.

As a blind man goes on the mud, without knowing that Az will go with you the medium of vices and the abominations of the earth, without raising the eyes on them, but in vain only to the Lord. Amen.

Protective prayer to the guardian angel from misfortunes and diseases.

Holy Angela of Christ, the defender from all fishing of the deer, patron and benefactor!

As you care about every in need of your help in a moment of accidental misfortune, take care of me, sinful. Do not leave me, hung my prayer and protect me from the wound, from ulcers, from any accident. Imagine your life your own, as I entrust the soul. And how do you pray for the soul of my Lord of our god, the souls about my life, wanings of the body mine from damage to any. Amen.

Prayer for the Guardian Angel in Disease

Holy Anenekel, Warrior of Christ, I call you about help, because my body is in a serious atnta.

Crawled from me illness, fill my teles, my hands, my legs. Call my head. Az I pray you, benefactor and the defender of your own, o sees, for weakly extremely, I was weak. And there are big suffering from your illness. And I know that from my little stern from my sins of my grave contains me a disease in the punishment by the Lord of our. And there is a test for me.

Possibilities, God's angel, reversing me, protecting my body, so that I put the test and would not make my nimalo faith. And the forest, the holy guardian of my, moths for my soul to our teacher, so that the Most High saw the repentance of my and took off the disease with me. Amen.

Prayer for the guardian angel for prosperity

Lord have mercy! Lord have mercy! Lord have mercy!

Autumn man in the Holy Cross sign, I am a servant of God, I will pay praise to the Lord and pray for His His Angel about help. Holy angel, upset me at the bottom of the day and in the future day! Buddes me a helper in my affairs. Yes, none in the coct of Gres I do not want God! But I will glorify it! Yes, it's worthy of me showing the goodness of our Lord!

Give me angel, your help in my case, so I worked for the good of the man and the glory of the Lord! Help me, be the most strongly against the enemy of my and the enemy of the human race. Help me, angel, to fulfill the will of the Lord and be in Lada with servants of God. Help me, angel, put my business for the benefit of the man of the Lord and in the glory of the Lord. Help me, angel, stand up my case for the benefit of the man of the Lord and in the glory of the Lord. Help me, angel, to flourish my cause for the benefit of the man of the Lord and in the glory of the Lord! Amen.

Prayer for the guardian angel from poverty and on the abundance of your abundance on your desk.

Having granted the Lord to God, Jesus Christ, for the disassembly on the table, in which the sign of His Higher Love His Sign, now I appeal to you, the Holy Warrior of the Lord, Angela of Christ.

The will of God was to be for the small righteousness of his, I, the appearances, I drink myself and my family, my wife and Chad unthable. I pray you, holy, wanted me from an empty table, will fulfill the will of the Lord and give me for the acts of my modest dinner, so that I could quench my famine myself and getting my children, who are sinless in the face of the Most High. The castover than having sacked against the word of God and fell into disfavor, then not for evil intent. She sees God, that I did not think about bad, but I always followed the commandments of him.

Therefore, I repent, I pray for forgiveness for the pregrocheses, which is, and please give a binding table in moderation to not die with hunger. Amen.

Prayers for the Mother of God for success, well-being, from troubles and misfortunes

The Mother of God is our most important intercession and confusion before God for our sinners. The Virgin Mary still in the earthly life was a model of bottomless love - both maternal and love for God. It is in Russia that Rus to the Virgin Treaten with special love and pray to her from all the troubles and for well-being in life.

Prayer to the Virgin in the request of the cover and for well-being in life

Lords of the predicted, take my family with my seven. Vedi in the hearts of my wife and Chad of our world, love and repairs to all kind of good; Do not accept anyone from my family to separation and waste parting, to premature and sudden death without repentance. And our house and all of us living in it, save from the flames of mentaling, the thieves of the attack, all the zlago, the circumstances, the insured and diavalism of the indentation.

Yes, and we purchase and separately, obviously and secretly we will glorify your sacred name always, now and is dreaming, and forever. Most Holy Virgin, save us! Amen.

Prayer Prev Icon of the Mother of God "Pokrov Most Holy Virgin" from all the troubles and for well-being

About the Most Holy Virgin, Mati Lord Vull Forces, Heaven and Land Tsarice, Hoodies and countries Our all-powerful intercession!

We receive a labore-thank-thank you, who is unworthy of your slave, and worship our prayers to the throne of God's son, and gracious will be untolds to our and try to grace your most common name yours and with faith and loved by your who gives your own miraculous image. Minds because it is worthwhile to pardon themselves, whether you are not a delight of him about us, Vladychitsa, I can be all possible from him.

Something for you to feed you, IKO to undoubtedly and soon the intercession of our: hear us, praying to you, the autumn of us with all-powered cover and we succeed in the god of your son's pastry to our jealousy and vigil about souls, urban-pointer wisdom and strength , Mentor Mind and Smithnantry, Spouse Love and Consent, Chad Observation, Incidental Patience, having a fear of God, grieving grace, rejoice in abstinence: All of the spirit of mind and piety, the spirit of mercy and meekness, the spirit of purity and truth. To her, Ms. Presidaya, soothing to the weak people; Once-seedly collect, bold on the path right Nasta, the old age will support, Yuniya Leiscomedom, infants raise and win on all of us the charity of the mercy-Vago interception; Erend us from the depths of sinful and enlighten the heart of our eyes to the sight of salvation; Milostiv We are Budi Zede and Tamo, in the country of Economhods an alignment and on the Scary Court of your son; Pretty the same in faith and repentance from the lives of this fathers and the brotherhood of our in the everlasting life from Angels and with all the Holy Life.

You for me, Mrs., the glory of Heaven and the hope of terrestrial, are our hope and the intercession of all those who run to you with faith. We will pray to you and you, Ioko almighty assistant, our own and each other and our whole stomach, we betrayed, now and are constantly and in the eyelids. Amen.

Prayer from troubles, poverty and for well-being in front of the icon of the Mother of God "Kazan"

About the Most Holy Mrs., Vladychitsa Virgin Mary!

With fear, faithful and love and loving and the miraculous icon of your fallen, Molima: Do not turn your face from those who resort to you: the mind, merciful mother, your son and our God, gentlemen Jesus Christ, will save our country, the church is their own The holy unshakable can be observed from disbelief, heresy and split away. Do not imama for your help, not imaming hope, isn't you, prechilant Virgo: you are an all-dry Christian assistant and intercession: you save everyone, with faithful you are praying, from falling sinful, from the naval of evil people, from all sorrowing, sorrow, diseases, troubles and from sudden death: Give us the spirit of the crushing, humility of the heart, the purity of the thoughts, the correction of the sinful life and leaving the gentlemen, and everything is grateful to the commemorativeness and mercy of yours, which is here we are here on earth, will advise and the celestial kingdoms, and Tamo All saints we glorify the precessive and magnificent name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, forever.

The prayers of the Saint Nicholas the rates from the troubles, misfortunes and for success in the affairs of the righteous

Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker pray and honor him many: Orthodox, Catholics and even Muslims and Budists. Truly amazing holy, which always and instantly helps on the hot prayer of the aspecting. Pray to the saint with almost any problems - everyday, spiritual, and in sorrows and in joy.

Oh allblagia Nicholas! Shepherd and teacher of all faithfully flowing towards your intercession, and the heat of the prayer you call you!

Soon and deliver Christ's a herd from wolves, whipping, and all the country of Christian fences and save the holy prayers from the worldly rebellion, a coward, invasions of the interemphetics and internecine brass, from the glad, flooding, fire, sword and in vain death.

And I pardoned the Treek men in the dungeon of the sitting, and delivered them to the Tsareva Anger and the labeling, taco, nice and me, the mind, the word and the darkness of the sins of the sins, and save me the wrath of God and the eternal execution; Yako Yes, your petition and help, with its own mercy and the grace of Christ, God quiet and sinless lives will give me an excuse to Either Sez, and save me to make sure the Sandago with all the saints. Amen.

Prayer to St. Spiridon Trimifuntsky - as powerful protection and help from Nishchensky existence

I was always surprised by the wonders associated with this great Wonderworker. This is one of the small saints, which is considered to be walking along the ground and helping people. Saint pray for all sorts and diseases, especially with material and housing difficulties.

About the All-Breaky Holy Spiridon, the Great Hands of Christ and the Pressenger Miracle!

Pred-stand in the sky of God from the face of the Angel, a proud of a gracious approach on the upcoming people, people (names) and the sistering of a strong breath of help. The mind of the vitality of the human manolyuba of God, so it will not condemn us according to our lawlessness, but will create with us in the grace of yours! We ask to us from Christ and God of our peaceful and serene love, health spiritual and bodily, lands, and in all of all abundance and prosperity, and not in evil, we turn the benefit, giving us from the generous of God, but in the glory of him and in the glorification Your intercession! Ravering everyone, faithfully incommary to God coming, from all sorts of so-sowing and bodies, from all languages \u200b\u200band diabolian navaloves!

Buddes sad comforter, an affected doctor, in the assistant assistant, nagimat the patron, to widowes, siema defender, baby feeder, old strengthening, weird aperture, floating feeding, and work out to be all, the hardest helping you requiring it, all, is helpful! Yako, yes, let your prayers and abdes and observe, will achieve in the eternal peace and buy you to glorify God, in the Trinity of Slavimago, the Father and Son and the Committee of the Spirit, now and in the eyelids. Amen.

Prayer 12 apostles from the troubles and for good luck in life

Consecration of the apostles of Christ: Peter and Andrei, Jacob and John, Philippe and Bartholoma, Fomo and Matthey, Jacob and Judo, Simon and Mattie!

Hear our prayers and rehabits, the hearts of the currently brought and climb to us, the servants of God (names), your powerful before the Lord, get rid of all the evil and getting a flattery, firmly committed to the Orthodox faith, in the same way, by the wounds, nor a visitor, nor by the sea, but we will live in the creator of our silence, but the peaceful area will live in life and will be able to videos of videos of the alive, the Slav of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, one in the Trinity of Slavimago and the PokladyAgo of God, now and dream and forever and ever. Amen.

Faith saves and helps, and love is creating wonders. I wish you all, my readers!

  • Categories: With God
  • Keywords: prayers

Oleg Plett 10:07 PP

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One day, drooling gray in the evening, once again, lover of tears and drinking a brandy wineglass of Valerian, you decide that it can't continue to continue. And you want establish your life. Remembering the old grandmother's recipe for the fight against everyday troubles, you take a sheet of paper and write at the top: problems, after which you start pouring a soul into a sorrowful column:

Love: no and not foresee
Health: Once it was, now there is no
Work: while there is, but it seems soon there will be no
Appearance: On the garbage
Perspectives: nic
Nerves: neither to hell
Relaxation: Forgot what it is
Friends: disappeared in blue Dali

In this way, a disappointing result, you go to seek a coin to solve it: hang or walked ... Although it is necessary to find a way to establish your life.

There is a "black strip" in your life. It seems that problems fell on your head as a snowy avalanche, stunning, blinding and fighting hands and legs. But, unlike avalanche that kills his victims quickly and painlessly, trouble seems to have decided to take you to Izmor, slowly, but right. It's time to set one of the main questions of the Russian intelligentsia: "What to do?" How to keep yourself in a continuous, long-term stream of troubles and failures and how, taking yourself in hand, after all establish your life?

It is known that the salvation of drowning - the work of the hands of the drowning. This also applies to those who are sinking in the waves of everyday storms. Therefore, without postponing for a minute, start the rescue operation. Ten anti-crying events should not only keep you afloat, but also help to get safely to a quiet harbor. And you will understand them: establish your life - it's simple!

1. Problems - in line!

One of the main signs of the "black strip" is an acute lack of time syndrome. Typically, problems alternate with the periods of calm and carelessness, but now they are thrown on you with all the scope, not giving sigh. It seems that their countless quantity, and you never cope with them. It's time to remember the old Russian proverb: the eyes are afraid, and their hands do. And so that the eyes are not afraid, do this. All cases of cutting in a column in chronological order: what to do for. Do not forget to specify the deadline for execution. Then take a sheet of clean paper and fasten it over the list using two stationery clips so that only the first line can be seen from under the white sheet. Having a list on the wall. Now, making a case, you strike it out of the list and shift a white sheet down. Thus, you will not forget anything, the upcoming affairs will not scare you, and in your eyes there will be a list of victories, giving optimism and confirming that things are going, despite anything. Already one of this list will undoubtedly help adjust life.

2. Sleep - Magic Leak

Insomnia is a frequent satellite "Black Stripe". We go to bed, but anxiety does not give you to fall asleep, restless thoughts climb into the head, and now for the third hour of the night, and you will all be told without sleep on hot sheets, and in the morning you get up with a sore head, completely broken. The darkness is thickened around you and thicker than from the evening ... Remember: nothing inhibits and does not weaken the organism as a lack of sleep. Weakness, irritability, the depressed mood may not be symptoms of the impending depression, and the result of regular lack of sleep. Do not let insomnia weaken you from the rear! Cool bedroom, warm blanket, low pillow and full silence - simple recipe for good sleep. If necessary, the use of soft sleeping pills. Remember: the more you sleep - the faster the time goes, the sooner the "black strip" will end, the more painless you will survive it, and possibly life will work out itself.

3. Do not give up!

Do not give up a panic and affected spirits! When everything is not laid, there is a huge temptation to smell on your hand, say: "Everything disappeared! I can not do anything!" - and swim downstream, with humility expecting the final catastrophe. The most interesting thing is that catastrophistic predictions, as a rule, come true: Holding the hands and ceasing to take at least something for his salvation, you, of course, will go to the bottom with a pleasant feeling of our right. But why do you need such a right thing? .. Bring to the end, do everything possible and impossible to establish your lifePersening will bring you a victory. It is easy to die - it's hard to stay alive.

4. Protect defense

Feel yourself precipitated fortress. Be careful and prudent, forget the usual carelessness, do not be afraid to reinforce it. Find out the "Phone of Trust" in his city. If you never even use their services, you will at least know that you have in stock and this option is in the most extreme case. Show high attention to your health: the body is in a state of stress are subject to infections, chronic diseases can be aggravated. Do not percade, follow the power mode, walk more on foot, take vitamins, carefully follow the teeth. The stress weakens attention, accidents happen from inattentive; Going out of the house, check whether the electrical appliances are turned off, be careful on the roadway when you move the street and when you lead the car.

5. Take their own

Solna enjoy the minutes of the clutch. When another trouble is behind, and all the painful care of this day is completed, sit comfortably, and better Lagge, relax, close your eyes and tell yourself: "At that moment I'm calm and happy, I'm warm, I'm fed, I have nothing hurts, around me Silence, and now I can not worry about anything. What will happen next - I do not know. But this instant is entirely belonging to me. And life will begin to adjust. Now I have everything in order, and nothing can shake my bliss at this moment. "

6. Humor - severe weapons of weak

Look at the situation with humor, and for this, look at yourself from the side. Think: After all, any humor in some way is built on other people's troubles. Remember the classic examples: what is good in getting a cake to a physiognomy - however, everyone laughs ... And a drunk hippolyte in the winter coat and in the hat under the shower ("Oh! Warring went! ..") - Well he was in TU unforgettable New Year's Eve? .. How much did the seeds of Gorbunkkov seed for your laughter suffered ("stumbled, fell. I woke up - gypsum"), and the brave General Ivolgin uttered his famous "Well, you, damn, give!" Not at all from joy ... Try to look at your life from the side as a comedy of morals, retell the unpleasant events of the day as if we compose Faketon. Bitter mixer is better than bitter tears.

7. Live present

Do not remember the past. Do not think about the future. Live in a narrow horizon of today. Past troubles are powerless, they can only hit you with your own hands. Why pour water to the mills of your enemies? Forget the insults and lesions - and you will become invulnerable. Do not harm the Russian Academy of Sciences, showing the will, do not remember what no longer return. You should not scare yourself the phantoms of the coming troubles - the future is only one thing, and you have a whole hundred of misfortunes, most of which will not happen. Solve problems as they are received to life has improved. Deciding - Forget.

8. Go towards danger

Unpleasant, but necessary do not delay. If the decision is made, long fluctuations only exterge your soul. If scary - you need to meet danger, then not so scary. Delay only worsen the situation. An unpleasant conversation, surgery, care from work or from the family - all this needs to be done without hesitation. Think of all options. Choose the one that seems right to you. Acceptance of responsibility. And make a decisive step.

9. Helping others, help yourself

The only way to escape yourself is to save others. Find those who are worse than you: Believe me, such will always be! This does not have to be people - all wildlife needs compassion and effective help. Helping those who are weaker, firstly, you save from the false and demoralizing feeling that you are the most unhappy creature in the world, and secondly - you are convinced of our strength and the ability to do something positive, because you always solve any problems Lighter than your own! Do not be thickened with small good deeds, let it be completely tiny. Avenger the evil of all over the world who gets up to you: Help your neighbor, helping the distant. Their gratitude will be an unexpected joy, a ray of light in a thickening around the darkness.

10. Everything will be held

Remember: everything passes. It will take place and this "black strip" in your life. This thought should not leave you for a minute. Everything passes, everything will pass, the morning will come, the sun looks like. When it comes to the worst - it begins to change for the better. And in order to satisfy the strict theory of probabilities, life will give you, for balancing the "black stripes", wide, complete happiness and good luck, "light band". You can do it establish your life. You just need to wait!

Total Read: 35594

Today I, Mag. Sergey Artgrom, will tell about independent magical conspiracies for successful trading in the store, and not just about them. Within the framework of this article, I will offer you shopping rites that make practitioners magicians. Crowdish rituals are effective, workers, really helping to establish their affairs in the store. I will give a couple of valid examples: simple, widespread plots for successful trade and cash success. We continue the conversation on how to raise sales in the store, applying rituals of Russian monetary magic.

White conspiracy for successful trading on a coin - a simple whisper for money

For free attracting money on the growing moon, make yourself a cash beam. Read the white conspiracy on the coin, and wear it with you:

"As a chicken, Earth is underwent under himself, cute beloved hugs, the pigeon dove calls, so I would, (name), attracted money to myself, I would hold them hard, I would have told them. Do not turn them out of me either walking or equestrian, nor rich bottomless, Amen, Amen, Amen. "

It is impossible to give a conspiracy coin, in other people's hands it is also not desirable. On each growing moon repeat the ritual. You can take any coin, but I, Magician Sergei Artgrom, I advise you to speak Pyatk. In monetary magic, the success in commerce 5 carries the meaning of improving cash, wealth growth, stabilization. This simple conspiracy on a monetary beacon can be attributed to the discharge of people will take for successful trading. Many businessmen have their own ways that attract the energy of money, amulets and talismans to good luck. Check for yourself this white plot. The income increases significantly and, which is important, keeps steadily.

Effective sugar conspiracy for brisk trade

All that is needed is a pinch of sugar. Do after sunset, on the growing moon, naturally. Conspiring sugar scatter need where you traded. Right hand take a chip of sugar, and read a plot of trade on sugar three times:

"As sweet sugar, so my sweet life will become. Where the sugar broke, there the merchants come on the trail, the money will bring me. Cash to the money in my fate, and in life my gold-silver for good dot. Amen, Amen, Amen.

Spare sugar where you lead trading, in the market, in the store, in your department. To secure and improve the effect, make each growing moon.

Strong conspiracy on honey trade - read on the growing moon

And here is another sweet witchcraft conspiracy on profit and good luck in cash. To increase the influx of profitable buyers in the store, take a teaspoon of honey, and read a conspiracy on the honey three times:

"As bees flies on honey, people agree on my threshold. Do not zooaki loafers, and merchants are rich, cash. Bee to the bee - swarm. Every buyer is mine. So be it".

Honey tooint the opening of the entrance door and threshold. Make, of course, on the growing moon. Now, from simple (but effective), we turn to more powerful rituals for profitable trading.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, Magician Sergey Artgrom, I recommend to wear a proven mascot for attracting the energy of money and luck. This powerful amulet attracts good luck and wealth. The cash amulet is made strictly individually, under the name of a particular person and his date of birth. The main thing is right to immediately configure it in accordance with the sent instructions, is equally well suited for people of any religion.

Free spell of money for successful trade and protection against ruin

This rite protects against ruin, from which businessmen suffer often. In addition, help will be in conservation of capital into a crisis.

That's what you need for this strong attitude for good trading:

  • new Shawl of White Wool
  • wheat bucket
  • 4 Golden coins
  • big flap of natural fabric

Make on Wednesday after sunset. Distil on the floor. Sit on the floor, spread the coins with a wide range: on the right, then on the left, rear and in front. Cut the shawl. Next place a bucket with grain.

Read 9 times a strong conspiracy to establish trading in the store:

"I sit, the merchant, covered with cover ,. Around the sea, plague, fiery disease and poverty. I am Pan and King, covered with cover, closed closed. As a grain, I will share, so beaten by a lot of Nishchensky. Wasya grain with gold and silver. Word my. Key. Lock. Language. Alatyr. "

Immediately after the last home reading of the conspiracy on a good trade in the store, pour the grain from the bucket and sit without a movement for some time. And how much to sit, the intuition will tell you. It is important to feel important. Then stand up, collect all the grain into the matter, put the coins there, the fabric into the knot, and the node to bite the shawl. Hide from prying eyes. Later, the grain can be given to birds with a plot (bird lures on finances work very well), and you can germinate, again, making cash rites on wheat. The ceremony of the rite is saved by the year, then it is necessary to fit with the same coins and topics. The witch rite for successful trade is strong, efficient.

Black ritual for successful trading - for good luck in the affairs of demons ask

That the trade was favorable, shaped sacrifice to bring. But about what to ask will be, think carefully. I saw a lot, Magician Sergey Artgrom, poor fellow, praised for his desires. Careful about it. The witchcraft rite is very difficult, the turn of fate is done when the situation is really critical. A strong conspiracy on profitable trade, and cash is read on a decreasing moon. And it is better to do at all to the new moon.

Take you need a young chicken. The color of the plumage is unimportant this time. The chicken is sacrificed in the bag, the bag behind the back is throwing, but at the same time read an independent conspiracy for good luck in the trade affairs:

"The church is Popran, yes I am a nehristov darling (name), by going and walk in circles, and nine versts, on the ninth demon, I am a guest to him. Amen".

Go to the place deserted. Better deep into the forest, so it was not for a single living soul nearby there was no nearby. Having come to the place, do this. Collect stones, if you have nearby, do the slide on them to the half-elbow or the elbow of the embroidery. If there are no stones, do out of the ground.

When done, read the text of a strong attitude of good trading, like this:

"We are worked out, so I will create, and not Belo, but a black, and not God's definition of the fastener, and I dreamedly. Tako Darznik to rents, the demonic power to call. Amen".

On the elevation of the branch of dry fold, but fare. When the fire turns around, the call of forces is doing, 3 times read the witchcraft conspiracy so that it is profitable today trade went:

"With a blatant verb, yes demon of gray, yes Huda black, I'll come, yes from the hellish, hoeful goromine, and the progress of you, Besin, go, and the cross is not correced, and the thoughtless messengers themselves. Tako go with the chain black, and the blasphemy is strong, and the church is swirling, that the fire fell, so by the identity of the icon, that the bad swallowed is soaked, the blood of electricity tall martyrs, a chain is strong, so running curves. I'm screaming, I am calling the demon itself that white on black throws. Yes, you will manage to the mirror, yes in it of life, the aquies of the fate of all people are knew. Yes, in a mirroring stroit there, it is written there, to whom the belly of the long, whom the forthcoming in the sky, who comes to go, to whom to walk on demons. Taco in your, Besin, Mirror, there is the whole truth, yes Krivda is retold, there are wicked merchant cases, there is a Babskoy Okhap, there are devices there, the kids pick up. Tako does not go to the versts, and the crosses do not throw, then the strength in that stroit is hidden, if the word secretly spent, the whole life is moved, and there is a breakdown, the lightning will come around, and everything from left to right, yes from above. That is the word I am confusing and not a louder, but a silence. What is not said, then the demons is heard, so everything is scattered, refined. You, Besin, and the Golden Mirror. I am a secret speech. Yes, heard. Founded. Ordered. Amonie Covano. Amen".

There is a chicken. How blood is shed.

You need to read the words spell spells in trade:

"Besu sacrifice, yes Krovinda Red, a pinion of the miles, and one expensive, and the little man's darkness, and my fate. Taco is all Crywditsa, and Pravita, and it will come around with fire, and the victim will be built. So you, the demon, are creating that I was ordered, yes in my words this is said (we need to say, for example, a spell on successful trading to create). Tako, my words were bung in thunder, yes over the sky, and under the earthy. Head of them to come together, yes lightning arrow. Taco everything is spent, the fatefulness is labeled, but the demon himself is cooled. Taco to wear me king. Amen".

Chicken over fire to keep blood in the flame dripping, read the text of the conspiracy for profitable trading:

"Bloody in the fire, yes demon force, yes to my good dat. Amen". Then throw a chicken into the fire, say: "Tako an ancient covenant between Luda Sinai and between God is bonded, the so-in-line with a black, unpretentious, between me, a pebble donor, and between Besnowien Silenik. Other, all that the requested go, it will be performed. The victim is verbal, so the flame is fired, Besu is given. Amen".

Immediately leave without regard.

Warfish plot for good trade in the store - on dust from three intersections

In order to independently make a cash rite for successful trading, you need to take dust at three crossings, and market dust. An effective ritual, a worker, is suitable for those who have their own trade, engaged in some business, worries. This witch rite is not from the category of execution of desires and not for money to come in any way, albeit through the tragedy, say the inheritance of a deceased relative.

There is no appeal to any dark or light, therefore, he is neutral, and this suggests that this monetary conspiracy will attract buyers and revive trade in the store, if you use your own power of the magician. However, before the rite you can make a call for forces. And in this case, there will be a spill.

What to understand under crosst dust? It is ordinary sand from the intersection that you will cast up in a handful, how much will it work. In the rain, such magic rituals for successful trade do not. In the rain at all work in places of force do not. Of course, it concerns strong conspiracies to establish trade in the store. Do not, because the water is flushed everything. If the land is raw, but there is no rain, you can create rite. So, after the preface, this rite.

Independent love spell for good trading

You can do on our own on Tuesday, Wednesday and Sunday. Only these days. More precisely, one of these days; On one day everything is done. From the first intersection to take the sand, say:

"Yako people walk to walk, yes not one, and a cross township, so I pick up that Kidy sniffs off, then with silver killets, and it is crowned with me. Amen".

From the second intersection, take a handful of sand and dust, read these words:

From the third intersection, throw the land of the Earth, yes with the words:

"Two roads, yes, that rear, then in a quarter, and the cross is the extension, so my wedding. Amen".

That's what, except for dust from intersections, you will need:

  • 3 small sand bag from 3 crossroads
  • 1 Sand Pouch from Bazaar
  • 1 bag of white natural fabric
  • 1 Deep bowl

Dust, which is taken from each intersection, to pour into separate bags. From the third intersection immediately go to the bazaar. There, take a handful of dust, and read the words of the conspiracy on the cash trading:

"The Bazaar Zilanitsa, Yako, from all Vyazhin, and the human flower, such as a boot, called, then for merchants drank goodies. Amen".

Complete witchcraft for money at home. Sand from the bazaar pour it into a deep cup, then dust from the first, third and second intersection. In this order. Left-handed all this in a cup mix, and at the same time read a strong conspiracy to establish trade in the store:

"The Zilanitsa went to the move, but not a circular, and the cross, but on three crusons, it was about three crusons, and the evening, matinee, and the night light and the diary, so the move was created, and everyday, yes, the people were walking, and Luda's equestrian fate. Yes, he is the money of Golden, and Silver, a crown, yes on the crossed road. Taco, Zilanitsa, you are the move of the sim gonna, so the move is this kind, and through the Cross, and three crossings of a road, yes money, and a zlata owner, and a silver fate, a bazairnitsy. It is also a denyuzhka human move yes through the roads, yes through the Bazarna Luda is verbal. Tako Koshelya my, merchant, with no good crossing, to overflow. Taco there Money Ludova, that the Cross Road walking, and the Morning, and Evening, Tako, there is money for the Glaglagen bazaar, Burglary Bargaining holiness is worn. Taco, the whole of the day of the handraque by the move of the Crusades, and the evening, morning, daytime, yes in a night, then the grains of the sword, dust cross-stove, and the dust of the bazaar, the cat goes away, but to ride the world whit. Taco me, merchant, gold barns will be pasted, Taxo with the cross money overflow. Taco me, bazaar deeds to the authorities, kilves, silver to get along, to keep a bill to keep the account, such a bill, the money is uncountable, Yako of the flow of three crusons, Yako of the flow of all bazaar flashes. Taco Zlatnitsa Sie the verbation, merchant kettling, yes money to fully fulfill, overflow, to object to the silver, to throw back, taco with three crusades, and Baza Market. It is also a silence of Motsov in those roads that the dust was unexpected, so far in front of my merchant move. Taco Zlatnitsa is rooted. Taco created. Amen".

When dust is thoroughly mixed, it is necessary to pouch it in a white bag.

Yes, to independently read these words of free love spell on successful trading:

"Three roads of the Zusta move going to go, three crosses divert, yes to my (name) the fate of the bazaar money, that the merchant is predetermined, the money to me will ride from Luda. It is also a way to go along the roads for the bargain, the Baza Market, Taco Zlatnitsa datased. My mobility is a path, my money, yes silver, yes Zlatova. Amen".

No one should see this pouch. Hide it where you trade, do cash. He will attract people and money. Work will work year. A year later, repeat. From black magic Let's go to Magic Belaya. Let's see what can be done for money through Christian Egregor.

White Magic - Independent Conspiracy on Successful Trade

This white rite of richness increases is made on the cemetery on the growing moon. The cross is not necessary to remove themselves. Grave Choose the one that the owner will indicate, or the one to which pulls. Not necessarily. Pre-host the purchasing cemetery is necessary to give. Bringing gifts, say so:

"The stronghold of the earth is rejected by the mouth of Yako disdinned, the eyes of a rejection of Yako the borea is an abode, the pier of gratings of the reserve. Taco of this gift is required, Tako will fulfill what is the laptop (in your own words to present a request). Amen".

But, it is possible and somehow otherwise, other words speak, depending on how you are used to working. After bringing the purchase, the owner independently make a rite of financial success.

I, Mag. Sergey Artgrom, I repeat, read a conspiracy on the trade not on a decreasing moon, but on the growing.

On the chosen grave make a ritual for money profit. Pour the stack of vodka, cover cover it with a piece of rye bread. Next to put memorial. But do not leave money. Read the conspiracy of white magic to successful 3 times. Then go away right away without looking around. Do not talk to the house, you can turn the job.

"In the grave, the dead man does not drink does not eat, he does not hear, does not look, words does not say, he will not stand out of the coffin, no one will remember him. I went to the slave of God (name) Mother Nestlodelo Maria Taken, dead for remembering, and I am a slave of God (name) on. In the eyelids. Amen".

Repeat the magic ritual for profits in its trade is necessary, but not often. Just once a year, but so that the grave was the same. Witchcraft conspiracy for money efficient, worker, trade in the store really begins to go uphill. Split, like any cemetery ritual - from 40 days, perhaps a little longer.

In the life of each person there are times when it is necessary for the implementation of current needs or simply to carry out current needs, which currently do not have, or there, but in insufficient quantity. It is in such situations that helps strong prayer for money. We have selected the most effective and efficient prayers for money. We are sure they will help you to achieve conceived, and will allow you to achieve what you have planned.

Prayer to St. John the merciful.

Saint God's John, the gracious defender of sirah and destroying in the nastouch!

I'm resorting to you and you pray for you, I can be a quick patronage of all seeking comfort from God the troubles and sorrows: do not stop, pray to the Lord about everyone with faithful to you!

You are filled to be Christ love and goodness, I appeared to Yako Winned Wonderful Damage of Virtue of Mercy and soared the name of my name merciful:

you were a jaco river, incessantly the current generous milles and all thirsting richly sulking.

I believe, Yako, on resettlement from the ground to the sky, aggravated in you the gift of graceing Say and Yako was taken by an inexhaustible vessel every blessing.

Satisfaction with your petition and intercession in front of God all sorts of joy, and the people coming to you acquire peace and serene:

give them consolation in the sadness of temporary and allowance in the needs of everyday, all the hope of perpetual rest in the kingdom of heaven.

In the life of yours on the Earth, you were the refuge to all essentially in any trouble and need,

insuditable and affected, and the one from those who who who who who who asked you, deceased to be deprived of you, be deprived of you:

tower and now, kingdom, with Christ, God in the sky, Javi to all the one who pays a fair icon and praying for help and interpreting.

Do not sharpen themselves by the mercy of the badness, but also the hearts of others erected the consumption of weakness and the charity of the poor:

the foggy and now the heart of the hearts faithful to the siery intercession, to the consolation of the mournful and calmness of the poor, but do not indulge in them the gifts of mercy, and there is a lot of worship in them and in the house of ses around the suffering, the world and the joy of the soul of the soul, in the glory of the Lord and Saves of our Jesus Christ, forever. Amen.

This prayer to St. John is mercifully helps to attract well-being in your life and establish cash. Read more every day. Better in the morning dawn or evening.

Prayer Spiridon trimifuntsky about money

Holy Spiridon was still known at Life as a great wonderworker. There are a lot of cases when he helped the poor solve money problems, helped to achieve well-being and solving all the problems associated with the house and household. It is known a few prayers to this saint. Led here prayer Spiridon trimifuntsky about money, it is considered one of the most effective. For many people, she helped solve pressing problems.

ABOUT SPLATE SPIRIDON! The misconceptions of God's thoroughly, and they will not condemn us on our lawlessness, but will create with us for their grace. We succeed in us, the servants of God (names), Christ and God our peaceful serene lives, the health is spiritual and physical. Get rid of us from all sorts of mental and bodies, from all languages \u200b\u200band the diatoles. Remember us at the throne of the almighty and the mind of the Lord, and I will give many of our sins forgiveness, selfless and peaceful life yes gives us the death of the abdomen of a physical
And the peaceful and bliss ever in the future, Either will prompted us, but incessantly releasing the glory and thanks to the Father and the Son and the Spirit of the Holy, now and are confused, and in the eyelids.

This prayer for speardon money is read daily, at dawn or evening, until your money question decides. Try to read the prayer always at the same time, for example, if you started reading it in the evenings, then in the next days, also try to read evenings.

Orthodox money prayer

This option prayers for money Use well together with the first prayer we led on this page. It is a trophar and kondak, which help to attract welfare and prosperity into your life. It is also read at the same time as the first prayer for money.

Tropar, voice 8th:

In your patience, you turned your MZD, Father Reverend, in prayers incessantly tolerant, indigestion Love and Official, but pray to God, John Melosive, Blessed, to escape our souls.

Kondak, voice 2nd:

Your wealth wrecked the scoop and the heavenly wealth now I was perceived by Esi, John Madradra, this for the sake of WSI, read your memory, making your memory, alms about Tezoimenit!

Prayer to attract money

To attract material well-being and wealth, also pray for the Virgin Mary. There are two options. The first prayer for attracting money is read in front of the icon, which is called the "Library Source". It is easy to purchase in the church or church shop. Hang it where they spend more time, at home or (if the situation allows) at work. And read the next minute prayer to attract money.

About the Most Holy Devo, united Mrs. Vladychitsa The Mother of God, a lively source of yours., Healing gifts on the health of souls and our televisions and to save the world's appearance; I applied to us, the same thanks to the diligence of the Molim, the queen of our son, the moths of our son and the god of our date to us leaving the genthesis and every soul of grieving and angry mercy and consolation, and from the troubles, sorrow and disease liberation. Guess, Mrs., Temple Some and Sim people Revelation (and History Residents of this compliance), Grada Preservation, country
Our salary gets rid of and fencing, and there is a peaceful area with life, and in the future I will advise you to see the intercession of our son, in the glory of our kingdom and our God. He is glory and the Power with the Father and the Most Holy Spirit forever. Amen.

Another prayer to attract money.

Everything is carried out in the same way as in the first version of the prayer for the Virgin on attracting money. Only another icon is used. It is called "Bridge-Breads". You can also purchase such an icon in the church. When reading the prayer, focus on what you say. Try to mentally ask for help, but not focus only on yourself. Try to cause such a state of gratitude and generosity in order to completely sincerely distribute this grace at all who
Needs this time in something. This is a very important point. Focusing not only on its shortened need, and on well-being as such, you bring the part of the good to the world, which means that you ask for something will surely come true. Prayer itself for money sounds like this:

About the Most Holy Devot of the Mother of God, premium-free Vladychitsa, Queen Heaven and Earth, every home and family of Christian landscaping, who are communicated by the blessing, in need of inexhaustible wealth, siery and widows and all people with a cord! Our fever, having talked the feeder universe, and the sporian of our breads, you, Vladychitsa, send your little boy blessing to our country, villages and the Nivam and Komujdoto home, on the hope of the immaculation. Towels with a reverent thrill and crushed heart humbly
Molima: Budy and us, sinful and unworthy slave, wise house-building dealer, our good-raising life. Anyone community, every house and family in piety of the I. Rlavoslavia, Odylby, obedience and contentment. Nishchi and the poor is impregnated, the old age is supported, infants are rapidly, everyone has been involved in the Lord: "The bread is our urgent gone to us." Save, Major Mati, Your people from all kinds of need, illness, glad, curses, hail, fire, from all the benefit of the state
and any tribulation. The abode of our (weight), houses and families and every soul of the Christian, and the whole country of our exit peace and knowledge of mercy. For Slavs, the preching writer and the feeder is our, now and are also confused and forever. Amen.

Prayer for good luck and money

We led the most popular and efficient prayers for good luck in the next article. Here we will tell about another very strong and effective prayer for money. You can read it every day while the situation in your life will not develop the most favorable manner for you.

I ask the Lord great help to give heavenly. For a person, there is no place in the world without the power of the Lord. The bowl with water of painful sufferings will bring to a bright face of the sky, and I will ask for the three forces of the Lord to give good luck to me and the light to give my way.

Touch my life, the Lord, Lenu, and spend the line of light from me to yourself. Give the power to live until the end of my days in mind and bodily natural state, and the tragedies do not give serious close my. I will approach you for the suffering of relief, and gratitude to you for you there is no limit. Amen.

Prayer Nikolai Wonderworker about money

This short and simple prayer can bring to your life long-awaited well-being and prosperity. Appeal to this holy, who, during his lifetime, helped everyone who appealed to him for help, can add to your house harmony and good, solve material problems and contribute to the appearance of new opportunities in your life that will allow you to achieve the desired.

Oh all-walled, great miracle, St. Nichrae, St. Nicholas! Molims you, the hope of all Christians, the faithful defender, accurate feeder, crying cheerleh, sick, by the sea of \u200b\u200bfloating ruler, poor and siery feeder and all the fast assistant and patron, and peaceful zea will live in life and will be able to see the glory of the elected God's chosen And with them incessantly singing together in the Trinity of the expressed God forever. Amen.

Prayer to make money

In order to be found, money is often used by an old prayer, which is known as the Psalm twenty-second. The history of this text has not one thousand years old and the one who knows what force they possess can change their lives for the better, bringing prosperity and well-being in it.

Lord - My Shepherd; I will not need anything: he will create me on golden suits and leads me to the waters quiet, reinforces my soul, directs me on the path of the truth for his name. If I go and the valley of the mortal shadow, do not care evil, because you are with me; Your rod and your staff - they calm me. You prepared me back to me in mind my enemies; Ummarily my head my head; My bowl is filled. So, the goodness and mercy of yours and accompany me in all the days of my life, and I will be in the house of the Lord
Many days.

This is read prayer when you need money To implement the conceived or on current needs. Read, like asking prayers given here it is better in the morning dawn or in the evenings.